AGRICULTURE. STOCK FEED FOR FALL AND WINTER..-In view of the etriaiuiy ot iliu scarcity o corn, and of high prices for all sorts of food for live B.eck dutiug the corniug f.ll and winter, farmers cannot be too careful of the supply on hand. Straw and corn fodder are suic to be much more largely used as supplementary feed than heretofore, especially at the West, where siraw and even corn stalks have hitherto been lightly esteeh-ed for leeuiug put poses in many places. During the terrible drouih on ver, or only partly cover the frame with old sasn ; it you have no sah you cau make enough.— While the weather is warm the asn should b- eutireiy off, ami almost at all times it should be uncovered from ten to to two O'CICH k ; at,d it the weather should be vtrv cold ced materia', and, whn practica ble, should be saved for tb'.s purpose. They do not beat so rapidly as stable ma nuie. and in ibis have an advantage; as tempering the violence makes tbe manure last ionter and maintain a more regu ar beat. 1 bey ere excellent material to put around cold lramea to protect half-hardv plants. A boart is put up to tbe height of the frame boards, and about a foot or more from them, aud ihe leaves in between. If the plants are somewhat tender,the.botom of tbe fiames n. ay be filled a few feet with the leaves. These haves after having been two or three years decaying make admira ble siujff for plantß ana iio -vers generally. WITH corn, the best way to rid the field cf sn.ut is to pass through it and gather and LUID all ine fcfftfteo tars pud stalks. In this way the njbny miliums of spores are kept from being spread and continuing the p< st. With the smaller grains, as wheat and cats, this nnthod, though it is the nr. est tficctive, would pro!ably be im practicable. 1 Lough the remedy is uoi ea-y of application, it is a step forward ID the work, to kLOw the txaci nature ol the trouble, tad alcut this there is no doubt, bn.ut is a small parasitic plant preying upon those of a hiuher order. PLOWII.G for sprrng crops may be done now, and the soil left rough to be subject ed to tbe fullest possible action of the weather, bbould weeds come up in any quantity after the plowing, the ground may be harrowed, or if very bad, plowed again. Stiff clay land is greatly benefitted by ridge plowing. This is done by turning two furrows agaiDSt two others. Such lands mutt be plowed rgain in the spring, splitting these furrows, which wili bring the soil into a much improved condition. t BONE DUST F.>P. MELONS. — An Indiana farmer tried four different fertilizers lor melons--poultry dr< ppiDgs,well rotted cow manure, barnyard manure and old bones (gathered upon the farm and reduced by placing tbem in alternate layers with ahes the previous year), mixing all liberally in the different hills, which were eight feet apart each way, and he says:—''Such a c-op of me ODB as came from the hiUs thai had the bone dust 1 never saw before." SUGut BEETS. —In France it is generally recogi.izea a*aiule that tbe sugar beet should uever be cultivated upon a fresh maLiire or larnyard manure, because this system of culture gives a large yield in weight, but loots so rich in foreign matters thai they can Dot be worked with profit. The best, should always form the second rotation when the manure is strong. ROOT ( B PS —The tanks to be avoided in the rising of beets and maDgels are- • fiist, plauiiug the seed too deep, and next, allowing the weeds to get the upper hand. The seeos start slowly at best, aud if plajt ed too deeply it will be a month before tbey are well up, by which time the will have a gooo PB FE 8 B R LEY EAYI mat kerosene oil is sure death to insects iu ail stages and the only substauce with which we have hope to deftroy their egtrs. TBEBE are 18,0uu uuO cows in the United States Tlvs is more than are kept by anv nation of Europe, Germany having the highest, or 8,&02 221. THSL digestibility of fodder plants is largely determined by r age. All the constitui nts of a young plant are more digestible than is the same plant of greater age. AN aggregate fl tvor in cattle food stimu lates appetite and probably promotes diges tion. Aporx.TiCE of iresh tea leaves, moistened with water, will cure a stye on the eyelid. rcwoajro inter wean.) Peril* of the I>wep. fhe world-renowned swimmer, Gapt. Paul Bovton in an interview with A newg pnper correspondent at the soashore, related the following Incidents 'n his experience : Reporter. "Capt. B >v f on, yon must hav seen a large part of the world T ' Cant. B>v f on. —"Yog sir. by the aid of mv Rubber Life having Dress, I have traveled over If, 000 miles on the rivers of America and Europe; have also been pr •- sen ted to the crowned heads of England, France, Ger' anv. Austria. Belgium, Italv, Holland. Spain and Portugal, and have in mv possession forty*two medals and deco rations ; I have three lines received the order of knighthood, and been elected honorary member of committees, clubs, orders and societies." Reporter.—" Were your various trips accompanied bv much danger?" Cat. Bovton —'That depends upon what you mav ca'l r angerom. During my trip down the river Taurus in Spain, i had to "shoot" one hundred and two water falls, the highest being about eighty-five feet, snd innumerable rapid a. Cr >ssng the Straits of Messina, 1 had three ribs broken in a fight with sharks; and coming down the Somane, a river in France, 1 received a charge of shot from an excited and startled huntsman. Although all this was not very pleasent, and might be termed dangerous, I fear nothing more on my trip than intense cold; for, as long as my limbs are free and easy, and not cramped or be numbed, lam all right. Of late I carry a stuck of St. Jacob's Oil in mv little bot,— (the Captain ea'ls it •• Baby Mine," and has ifored therein signal rockets, thermometer, compass provisions, etc.) —and 1 have hail but litle trouble. Before starting out I rub mvself thoroughly with the article, and its ac'ion on the muscle is wonderful. From constant exposure 1 am somewhat subject to rheumatic pains aud nothing would ever Ixmeflt me, until I got hold of 'this Great German Remedy. Why, on my travels I have met people who have been Buffering with Rheumatism for years; by mv a Iv ce tb'V tried the Oil, and it cured them. I would sooner do without f.xid tor days than be without this remedy for oue hour, lu fact, 1 would not attempt atr without it." The Captain became very enthusiastic on the subjimt of St. Jacob's Oil, and we left him citing instances of the curative quali ties of the Great German Remedy to a artv around him. A VERY dilamdated-looking tramp en tered the counting-room of one of Jersey Ci'y's weatldest storekeepers, and, coming up to the ssked, "Am't your folks from Posey County, Indisnv?" "Yes." "And vnur name John Smith?" "*es." * Shake! You have at last found your brotuer Bill. 1 am in need of money " ' Here i a quarter take it aud go." The long-lost brother turned over the quarter a time or so. and then said. "Is a quare r all tou can spare your lotg-lo<-t brothct?" "That's all. Go now or I'll call a po liceman," said the merchant. "I'll acceo' the quarter on account of our relationship. That's a family matter; but, b sides bung your brother. I'm a tramp and a dead beat. Now I apply to vou professionally. Give me another quarter." [Chicago Tribune.] Mr. Tra Brown, tbe enterprising rel e& tate mat states that he could and would say a wCxX.' word for St. Jacob's Oil, which had our**: him of a severe attack of Inflam matory rheumatsm that all other treat ments l;nd tai e l even to allay. Hs was a g-ave and reverend college professor, aud was enjoying the air of one of the wharves. "Do you catch many mackeiel this vear he asked of a hardy fisherman. "Well," the son of N-'ptum* replied, "we s.we some." "Pardon, young mau,' - exclaimed the ni9u of letters, "you mean you saw some." "Mot bv a bornful," replied the fisherman. "Who ever heard of sawin" flah? We split 'ein, sir, we suiit 'em, but we never saw 'em." The man from college seemed mystified. He turned awav and sighed at the igno rauce of the times. "WHAT is your age?" asked a friend of Mine. (Je C the other evening. "Thirty one," promptly replied the fair Sapphita. Ob, w here do you expect to go when you die?" gasps another lady. "I am thirty four, and vou told me with your own hps, that you were just my age, my love." "I know I did, c tar est, but it was only to console you." Another Candidate. By a large majority the people of '.he Fnired States have*declared their faith in Kidney-Wort as a remedy for all the dis eases of the kidneys and liver, some, how ever, havedidiked the trouble of preparing it from the dry form. For such a new can didate appears in the shape of Kidney- Wort in Liquid Form. It is very concen ira'ed, is easily taken and is equady efficient as the dry. Try it.— Louisville Post. THEODORE Hrxx once called upon an old lady, who pressed him so urgently to st iy aud dine with her; that as he had no engagement he could not refuse. On sit ting down, the servant uncovered a dish which contained two mutton chops; and the hostess said, "Mr. Hook, you see your dinner," "Thank ym. ma'am;" said he; "but where is yours?" LITTLE Phil, a bright flve-year old, is afraid of thunder. During the recent hot *pell his mother would remark: "Oh, I prav for rain." One day whn she said it. Phil thu< addressed her; ' Oil, minnifl, I can tell vow why it don't rain. When I say my players I d? s say: 'Please dou't pay any 'tention to what mamma says, cos i am '(raid of thundei.' " KALAMAZOO, Mich., Feb. 2, 1880. I know Hop liitters will bear recom mendation honestly. All who use thorn confer upon tbem the highest enoomlums, end give them c r edit for making cures— all the propri"ters claim for th in. I have kept them since they were first offerd to the public. They took high rauk from the first, and maintained it, and are more called for thaD bit others combined. So long as they keep up their reputtiion for purity and usefulness. I shall continue to recom mend them— omethmg I have never beiore done wAU auy other patent medic me L L BABOOUK. You can always tell when an editor is on a vacation. He walks about, the streets as i; he bad Jot a thread of thought or some thing, and noth ng will bring him back to himself so quick as to have some one call "copy" in his ear. SINCE hoops again came into fashion they are alluded to as domestic circles. It is not known who perpetrated the pun, but he is no doubt some renegade journal ist who should be exiled from the bustle of life f o the very outskirts of civilization. The rations on which a poet's brains are fad—iuapiratiaus. THE electric light, as adapted to theatres and the ball room, is said to be death to blonde's, and one consequence is to be the revival of brunettes. This makes it bad for families who already have two or three blonde's OD hand, unless they can exchange them for brunettes. As nothing is paid about the damaging effects of the electric light in churches, blondes can still venture in such places, and this is sotuo consola tion. llurrtili For Out* Side! Many people have lost their interest in politics and in amusements IKJOHIISO they are so out of soils and run down that they cannot enjoy anything. If such (rersous would only be wise enough to try that Celebrated remedy lv dney-Wort and ex perience its tonic aud renovating they would soon be hurrahing wuh the loudest. In either dry or liq lid form it is a perfect remedy for torpid liver, kidneys or bowels. Rrc.fuwnr IT was related of a certain clergyman, who was noted for his long sermons, with many divisions, that one day, when ho was advancing among the teens, he reached at length a kiud of resting place in his dis course, when, pausing to take breath and asking the question, "And what shall I say more?" a voice from the congregation ear nestly responded, "Bay •allien.'" UNHEALTHY or inactive ktdnevs cause gravel, Brlght's disease, rheumatism, aud a hordeo' other serious aud fa'al diseases, which can be prevented with lion Bitters, if taken in time. A PRETTY girl out West told her beau that she was a mind-reader. "You don't say so," he esc aimed. "Yes," said she. "You have it in your mind to ask uie to be your wile, but you are just a little scared at the idea." Their wedding carda are out. STRANGE but true—The tired man who lies u-bed in the mormug is not ai.ired man, Youxo man; in commencing lite, imi tate the little fish. They always begin ou a snwll scale. Vegetine Purifies the Blood aud Gives Strength. Do QCOIN, 111, Jan. *l, 1979. MK H. R. NTXVKNS: Pear Sir,—Your "Vegetine*' has been doing won ders for mo. Have been having the Chills and Freer, contracted in the swuinps of the South, nothing giving me rultef until I iiegau the use of your t egciiuc, it giving me immediate relief, ui> mv system, purifying my blood, giving strength; whereas all orner med ciue.s weakened me, and tilled my system with poison; audi aw satisfied that if families that live in the ague d.sir ois of the South mid Waul would take Vegetuie two or three times a week, they would not t>e troubled with ttie "Chills," or the malignant "Fevers," that prevail at certain times of the year, save doctors'bills, aud iive to a good old age. Respectfully yours, J. K. MITCHELL, Agent Henderson's Ixxjnis, St. Louis, Mo. A 1.1. Piss ASKS OK TUT? BT.OOD. If VEOKTTNK will relieve pant, cleanse, purify and cure such d season, restoring the paticul to perfect health, after trying •U/tcrenc physicians, many remedies, softer ng for rears, is it not conclusive proof, if you are a suf ferer, you can be cured? Why Is this wed.clue performing such great oures? It works in the blood, in the circulating fluid. It cau truly be railed the Great DUxxl Purifier. The great source it disease or glnates in the blood; on Ino medic.ue .hat dtKis not act d rvctly upon It. to ptir.fy and vuovuie, boa any just olauu upon public atieutiou Vegetine Humor in the Blood Cured. Baltimore, Md., Apr. 25,1579. Mr. IT. It. stkvknb: Dear Sir.—l have been afflicted with Humor In the fttood for some tiuie. which gave uie consider able annoyance, and after trying several Wood remedies, recommended for similar affections, I was induced to try two bottles of Veyetine. which benefitted me so much that I concluded to continue taking It, and after six bottles were taken, I found the annoyance had ceased, and up to this date I am not in the troubled by it, and am enjoying the best of health. I can cheerfully recommend it to all persons suffering from any humor in the blood. Respectfully, MART E. LAMB DIN. Veyetine thoroughly eradicates every kind of hn mor, and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. Vegctinc Pre pared by H.- H. STEVENS, BOSTON. Mass. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. Df BULL'S • - ' * c* T"> ¥ T 13 Iz> ¥ K U i PLATS! PLATS! PLATS! PLAYS For Reading Clubs, tor Amateur Theatricals. Tem perance Plays, Drawing-Room Flays, l'alry Flays, Eth iopian Flaw, Guide Book*. Speaker*. Pantomiue*. Tab leaux Lights. Magnesium Llights, Coloren, Jarley's Wax Works, Wlgn, Moustaches, Coetumes, Charades, aud Paper Scenery. New Catalogue* sent free cim taming full description and prices. *AMI' K I. EnE.XTIASOX.3HE 14lli M., New York. Pr a liPgnl IMvorre consult E. KPti.H'KU. ■A Counselor at Law, UCALA. FLORIDA. THE SAFEST IXYESTMEXTS IN* THE WORLD.- Water Works Loans, a'n, ij's, and i'h. School Di-tnct Bond*. 's, V and 8V A. WILKINS," 4pi US. pays for the Star Spangled Banner * 1 U moa. Nothing like it. 20th year. 8 pages, Illustrated. Specimens FREE. Address STAR SPANGLED BANNER, Hinsdale, N. H. The Russian Remedies for ASTHMA. CONSUMPTION, DYSPEPSIA, MA LABIA and NERVOUS PROSTRATION aro miracu lous in tlieir effects. Aduruea DR. BODISCO, 60UTH STREET, N. Y. vnrn\rn \rrv if you would leam Tei* lUUiMVJ HlJiiil graphv In four month* and be certain of a lt nation, adaruaa VALENTINI BROS.. Janeevllle. Wtaoonam. Agent* Wanted for Life of n A It contain" the full hhterv of hta noble nnd eventful life and dflfcterdlj nastHclnatioji Suimc.U timUuenL leatli, funeral obsi-rjuicH, ate. 'rbc boet chance of youi life to make money. P-ewarv of "catchpenny" imita tioiia. This id tire ,ynlv authentic and fully illustrated life of our Martyred Fine steel portraits Extra terms to Circulars free. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Pluladelphia, Pa P| I nTliri I I) Agents H-MW for Life of Prcxl lv fl t! H I H 1 II dent Garflcid. A complete, faith 'TM ! I I I 111 111 history from cradie to grave, ' 1 'iiiJUlJ by the eminent biograpuer, CoL uonwelL Bopka all ready for delivery. An elegantly illustmted voiume. Endorsed edition. Liberal torma. Axentu take orders for from 20 to fit) copies daily. Out "Hiils any other book ten to one. Agents never made money so fast. Th book sells itselfi Experience not Failure unknown. All make Immense profits. Private terms free. Geohue Sxinbon Jt Co., Portland, Maine. Wutcfioc Carak)gne free. Address Standard If aibllCO American Watch Co., Pittsburgh,]'* .CHEAP GUI'S for THE PEOPLIi.^ n rcTo f riLOfIUES fRfE. j P.UOA, Hhrtl OUDS, RcroJvfr, Beine*. / AMhiug TMkl, H a*ai 0. 0. V.ltr tiuulunua. p MRS. ILYOIA L PINKHAM, OF LYNN, HASS* LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. In h Positive ( lira fur all tho" ' I'alnOi, <'om|>lnlnta uml Wfulinmiw •< ,( I'l mull population. It will rum eu'irely tho worst form of Fomato Conv pliilntrt, all ovarian trcub >vy Inflammation and Ulcerw tlon, Fulling and bD;iluc*n>ent* t and tho conaw'ant Cj.lnal Weakness, and Is partlcuUvly ulapU*l t> tha Oiac~s of Lifo. It will dlssnlra and **!*■' tumors from tho uturualn an ear j of devuln; mrnt. The tendency to can cerous humors thcro Is chocked r pocdUyhy Its use. It remove* i'alntneen, flatulency, .out royaaU craving for stimulant*, and n i!cva tvcnkTi-ins >f the ntoiuaoh. It cures Illoat'.njr, Qeiulnchea, Ncrr.Mis Frustration. Oeneral DuhllUy, Slix'plssaui-as, Depression and ludl gastlon. That feeling o. tMutrlng down, causing pain, weigh# aitd backarlic, Is ivl-nrs permanently cured be its use It will at all timet* and under a!', clmumstaiio** act In nivrmony with the lav s that povern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints o£ either sax this Compound ii uusurpars it. LYDIA L. ULNCHAM'S VKCETABLE COM POUND Is prepared at S;J and tii Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $L Six bottles for $6. Sent by mail !u the form of pills, also In the form of luseuges, on receipt of price, #1 per box forelOe- Mrs. lTukham f rowly answers xl' of Inquiry. Send fjr paiuph -Ist. Address as abiva, Mention tM* /Mner. No family shomd bo without L ZD? • JC. PINKHAMf IJVEK IMLLS. They cure constipation, bii,oo>ns| <nc. c It uuy hB sav hundreds. $530 wlllbe paid foracnw* they will not cur* or bcin. Do not sutTer%or lot your n bvid. H uilcr,bur use and unre thom^t 1 10 Hop B | lAnmrnner, Hep Ktters Is onndusn uo.tnun, but the n J It rtl Medkdne over made i Cm "ISTiLTDs and tiora" nnd n |> iscm or shouLl be without thun. tnwuunA p. I.e. H sn abecluto and !rtvtC>le curel MR roriininVaw-'-sU'-eof op;um, toluooo and m fPH riarvoUca Ad scld bv dnnfj-l Aa Send A/C. d for Circular. Ftp R:ttrr ar. Cs., JJw BMK Koclwwtcr.N. r awl Toronto, Ont. v Ac-. R E.SELLERS aCO.^ PITTSBURGH. FA. — dosi^s a. ®ITTEB S Oue of tlio Ko'tßoiiHble Plenntirce Of life, a properly cooked meal, affords little or no present enjoyment, an 1 much subsequent torture to a confirmed dyspept c. But tvher. chronic ln d.gestion is com hatred with Hosteller's Stomach B tiers, the food is eaten with rolish, and most im- IKirtaut of all, Is assimilated by and nourishes the system. Use this grand touic ami corrective also to remedy constipation, biliOHsnoas, rheumatism, fever and ague. For sale by all Drupsrlsta and Dealers geueraily. AINITIHiEIM BIOIOIKIS. Anthem Harp. (SI.W). W. O. Perkins. Emerson's books of Anthems. (fl.iifi.) American Anthem Book. ••> Johnson, Tenney and Abl>ey. Gem Gleaner. ($l,OOl J. M. Chadwtck. Perkins' Anthem Book. (si.#o.) At this season, choirs are much In need of new Anthems, in the above five books will be found ail that possibly can be needed, and of the very best Quality. Excellent A nt I terns and easy Choruses will also be found in Emerson's new UKRALP OF PHAISK ($1.00); in J. P. Cobb's FESTIVAL CHORUS BOOK, (sl.^6) ; in Zerrahn's INDEX, ($1.00): in Tourjee's Cuoucs Cnoiu ($1.50) ; in Perkins' TEMPLE ($1.00); and tn Emersou's VOICE OF WORSHIP, ($1.00). MUSICAL SOCfETIES should begin to practice some good Cantata, as Josei h s Biind.< go, ($1.00) ChadWlcK. < P ris mas, (30 cents) Ontterson. There are many otUflr*. SEND FOR LISTS! DO NOT FORGET that the IDEAL (75 cents), by Emerson, Is the book of the season for Singing Classes. Any book mailed for ltetuil Liberal re duction for quantities. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston, J. E. DITSON & CO., 12-2S Che.stn*t Street. 10 Fancy Written CARDS for 26c.; 60 for 90c.; 10 for 41.76, by mall. C. K BERG. Cresco. lowa. 286 DENOMINATIONAL. The little daughter of H clergyman, hearing her father talking of John the Baptist inquired what a .Baptist might be, and then aaid "are you a Baptist, papa?" '"No. 1 am a Congregationalism" "What am 1?" "You are|a Congregation' aliat, too," The child paused a moment, and then with great earnestness asked: "Well, what is Godf" A NORTH CAROLINA man welcomed his fourth pair of twins with the remark: "Now this is two utterly d—d two two!" Pio fauity and testbetic culture won't mix worth a cent, but the poor man couldn't help it. A TcMnment kovlinr*! Opinion. The eminent author, Prof. A. C. Ken drick, D. I)., who is professor of Hebrew, Latin and Greek in the University of Rochester, and was one of the revisers of the New Testament, in general conver sation with a number of gentlemen, a short time siuce, said: "I have received from the use of Warner's Sate Kidney and Liver Cure very marked benefit and I cau most cordially recommeud it to others." "I AM very glad to have met you, sir," said Brown, politely. "Are youf" replied Fogg, "hore's a note you may be glad to meet, also." Brown wasn't so powerfully glad to meet it, hut he had to. SAID Miss A. to one of her of her little girls at Sunday-school, "What's the mean ing of good tidings?" "They're the things hung on the hacks of rocking chairs, ma'am," replied the four year-old. VKOKTINK. —"The life of all flesh is the blood thereof." And no one can possibly IK* healthy when the blood is diseased. VKOKTINK is composed of substances iden tical with healthy blLINK is free from any objection. The best hair dressing known. SAID the lecturer: "The roads up thes mountains are to steep and rockv for even a a donkey to climb; I therefore did not at tempt the ascent." A YOUNG man in this citv, w-ho prac ticed in the gvmuasium one afternoon only," was able to jump his board bill the very next day. THOSE who prove anything by expe nence speak intelligently; and the unani mous testimony of all who use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is that it more than fulfils all that It promises. Pnec 25 cQts. SARATOGA has a six foot waiter. He is tall enough to see through transoms, with out using a half-breed's step-ladder. IF a dime with a hole in it is worth five cents, a dime with two holes ought to be worth ten cents. THOUSANDS of ladies to-day cherish grate ful remembrances of the help derived from the use of Lydi* E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It po-itivoly cures all female conipl ints. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Pink ham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. THE marriage tie should be a simple beau knot. It never works well when it is a double l>eau knot. A GAMECOCK ought to be good eating. t Docs not t lie poet say: "the bravest are the tendereit." Important to Traveler*. Special Inducements are offered you by tne Burlington Route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this SOMR children are like stair carpets, they can't be kept in order without the rod. WHAT function does a muzzle over a dog's mouth perform? It acts as a suspen der to Ms pants. IT is said that notwithstanding the frosts of the past season, Florida will send 50,- 000,000 oranges to market this year. THK Itest remedy for a man who is "spell bound"— A dictionary. "DR. LINDSKY'S Blood fc>carcber'curep my sou of erysipelas." Mrs. E. Smeltzer, Larimer, Pa. It cures all blood diseases. 8M *LL corner tables with fancy covers are useful for live o'clock tea, and, where this is not indulged in, for a great many other purposes, besides being pretty and "helping to furnish." Very cheap ones can be bought made of walnut, or ebon ized wood. These with tops covered and fringed, are quite unexceptionable. Felt, velveteen, savin and canvass are all used, and embroidered as fancy dictates. "SELLERS' Liver Pills" act directly on ihe kidneys, liver, aud bowels, restoring them at once to healthy action They never fail. ALL THE YEAR ROUND PUDDING, —Line a pie-dish with puste, spread on three ounces of any kind of jam (raspberry is the bcsi), then beat well in a basin the follow ing: ihre ounces of bread crcmbs, the same of sugar aud butter, the rind and juice of half a large lemon; add this to the pastry and jam, and bake half an hour. To EBONIZE OLD FRAMES. —Scrap® the defaced gilding off the frame, and rub care fully witii sand paper and paint tbem over with black Japan varnish or Brunswick black, used by painters aod saddlers. Two coat 8 may be ncessary. Lot the first dry thoroughly before putting on the second. "Roush on Rts." Ask Druggists for it. It clears out rate, mice, roiohes, bed-bugs, flies, vermin, in sects 16c. MESSRS. MORGAN a HKADLT Mutual Life Buiiii.iig, Tentu un< As it la for all diaeaaes of the KIDNEYS, 7 - LIVER AND BOWELS. ► < Zt elsoosea tho aystem of tha acrid poison ► , that eauaea tha dreadful luffertng which * > only the victima of BhcumaUsm can realise. , THOUSANOS OF CASES [< I 4 of the wont forma of thia terrible disease < y( have been quiakly relieved, in a abort, tune * PERFECTLY CURED. > im.izwavhhHi 1 has had wonderful lurrnu, and an immense >J < aale in every part of tha Country. In bun- f * dredaofcasjait Kaaoured where an else had , >< failed. Itla mild, but efficient, CFUTAIN . ( IN ITS ACTION, but hannlesa in all oases. { 1 t'Vlteleanaea, Atrenythena and (Ives New < Life toall the iuiportaut organs of the body. > < The natural action of the la restored ' } The Liver >a e.sanaedof alldlaeaae,and the < >' Bowels more freely and healthfully. In thia > , way the worst diseases are eradicated from ( ' theayatem. i Am it has been proved by thousands that i ( < is tha moat effeotual remedy tor cleansing the y system of all morbid secretions. It should be < used in every household as a ► < SPRING MEDICINE. > Always cures BILIOUSNESS, t ONBTIPA- ' y TION, FILES and all FEMALE Diseases. \ * Is put up in Dry T eye table Feraa, in tin cans, > \ ons package of I i task is 6quarts medicine. If y Also in Liquid Form, very Concentrated for ( * the convenient *ef t tinea whocauiiotreaaUypre- > i, p*.re it. It acts in th equal rf.ciencytnetlhfrform.. < y GET itofyocr diicggist. * WKLI.S. RICHARDSON A Co.. Prop's, > \ (Will srnd tb~ (*rw Tv>t-mu Br*l.ltTO!l. IT. , EOT -JZL H THE GREAT BUBLIXGTON BOUTE. OF~No other line runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha. Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka and Kansas City. Direct connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado. Wyoming. Montana, Ne vada. New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Route via Hannibal to Fort Scott. Denison, Dallas. Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Gaivos ton and all points in Texas. The unequaled inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows: The celebrated Pullman 116-wheel) Palace Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line, C., B. & Q. Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Horton's Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats in Reclining Chairs. The famous C., B. & Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant High-Backed Rattan Re volving Chairs for the exclusive use of first class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment. makes this, above all others, the favorite Route to the South, Soutb-West, and the Far West. Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Line for sale at all offices in the United States and Canada. All information about Rates of Fare, Sleep ing Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &c.. wu| be cheerfully given, and will send hrt* to any address an elegant County Map of U uited ft-qto* in armlviog to PkKCIVAL LOWELLAGen. Pass. Agent,' Chicago. T. J. POTTER, General Manager, Chicago. It pay* AgcntJ t hell tha Standard Agricultural book Farming for Profit New. Accurate. Comprehensive. A Complete Farm Library in itself. A sure guide to successful farming. TCI I Q UhUV TPrt Cultivate all Farm Crops. ■ tLLO nun I II Breed A Care for Livestock. Un|/Q Mnnov 111 Growfruit. Manage business, make money | v# Aad Secure Happiness. Saves many time* Its coat every Season. 860 paces, 140 Illas'rauons Send for Circulars and terms to J. C. McCDBDY & CO.. Philadelphia. Pa. I>r. METTAUR'S HKADAC'tLE PILLS euro most wonderftilly In a Teiy short time both SICK and NERVOUS HEADACHE; and while acting on the nervous system, cleanse the stomach of excess of bile* producing a regular h&allliy action of the bowels. A M slse box of these valuable PILLS, with full directions for a com plete cure, mailed to any address on receipt of nine three-cent postage stamps. For sale by all druggists at 25c. Bole Proprietors, „ V BROWN CHEMICAL. COMPANY, Baltimore. Md. • & * PIUS i ■■ —————— I II , ———MS—s—wl HEALTH IS WEALTH, HEALTH of BODY to WEALTH of IfflD. Railway's SMIHiII HIM Part Mood askM ooand flesh, strong bone end s alear ski a. If yea would hare your flesh firm, your boots sound without carles, sod your oompiexlon f itr, tat Kndwnjr't tsrsapsrtl* Uss Bssslveat A remedy composed of ingredients of extra ordinary medical properties essential to purify, heal, repair and invigorate the broken-down and wasted BODY—QUICK. PLEASANT, BAPS and PERMANENT uTlte treatment and cure. Ho matter by what name the oorapialnt may be designated, whether It be Bcroiula, Obn sumption. Syphilis, Ulcers, Bores, Tumors, Bolls. Bryaipelaa. or B*l£-)theum. diseases of the Lungs. Kidneys, Bladder, Womb, Bala, Liver, Stomach or Bowels. either chronic or constitu tional, the virus of the disease is in the BLOOD which supplies the waste, and builds and re pa ra these organs and wasted tissues of the system. If the blood in unhealthy, the prooeen of repair must bo unsound The ■srMpsrllllan BeeelTent not only in s compensating remedy, Due secures the har monious action of each of the organs It estab lishes throughout the entire system functional harmony, and supplies the biood-veanels with h pure and healthy current of new life. The skLt after a few days use of the Bare apart 111 an, blph ilter la. (siarrli. Inßaaaaa. ileadaehe, Too) karhe, Xrsrnlf ta. KhrnmaUus. Cold Chills, igsc Chills. Chi lb. alas, and Frost Bues. Mml-es. aannrr Cons pialnts. Nerwoasnens. Wloeplessaesa, t'ongbs Colds, Mnratns, Fatws In the Chest. Maeh or l lmhs are instantly re lieved. Fever and Ague. FEVER and AGUE cured for M cents. There Is net a remedial agent In this world that win cure Fever and Ague, and ot her M&larloua. Blil ou, Ncarlet. Tyo .old. Yellow and other fevers (aided by Radway s Pills) so quickly as Kcn- WATT KXADT UKUKP. It will in s few moments, when taken accord ing to directions, cure Cramps, spasms. Sour Stomach Heartourn. Sick Headache, Diarrhoea. UvVH. mery, code, vsind In the Bowels, ana all Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Bad way's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in wa er will prevent slckut-ss or pains trom change of wat r. It is better than French brandy or bitters ns a stimulant. Miners and Lumbermen should always be provided with u. CAUTION. All remedial agents capable or destroying !fh by an overdose should be avoided. Morphine, opium, str chnlnc, arnica, hyoerlamus, and other powerful remedies, doe-, at certain times, in very small doe-s. relieve the patient during their action in the system. Put primps the second dose, If repented, may aggravate a d in crease the suffering, and another dose cause death There is no necessity for usi ig these uncertain agents whrn a positive remedy like Radw .y'a R- ady Relet will stop the most ex cruciating pain quicker, without entailing the least difficulty in either infant or adult. THE TRUE RELIEF. RABWATT RXADT RJCLTXV is the only remedial agent in vogue that will instantly' stop pain. Fifty Cents Per Settle. RADWAY'S Regulating Pills. i'eriect Purgatives, Soothing Aperu ents, Act Without Pain, Always Reliable, and Natural iu their Operation. A VEGETABLE SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOV3KL Perfetly tasteless, elegantly ooated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purtfy, cleanse and strengthen. RADWATT PILLS, for the cure of all Disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder. Nervous Diseases, H adtcne. constiDition. Cos tiveness, !nd gestlon, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Fever, Inflamaiton of the Bowels, Plies, and all derangements of the Internal Viscera. War ranted to effect a periect cure. Purely vege table, containing no mercury, minerals or dele terious drugs. kw-obsetve the following symptoms resulting from Diseases of the I)lge live Organs: Consti pation. Inward Plies, Fullneaa of the Bio d in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn. M gust of Food, Fairness or Weight In the stomsch. Sour Kructions, Slnkl ig or Fluttering at the Uear f , Ch king or Suffering Sensations when .'n a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Wehs Before the sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Per- S (ration, Yellowness or the Skin and Eye*. In in the Sde. Che t, L mba, and Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Fl-sh. A few doses of UADWAT'S PILLS will free the system from ail the above-named Disorders. Price, 25 Cents Per Box. We repeat that the reader must consult our books and papers on the subject of dls ases and their cure, among may be named: "False and True," "Radway on lrr