|l|c J[iUt|chu | ournat. J J J THURSDAY. NOV. 24., >Bl. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL la published every Thursday. In Mnswr'B Build ing, corner of Main and Penn streets at SI.OO PElt ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or $1 25 if not paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 week. 1 mo. S mo. 6 mo. 1 year. snunre I $lOOl s>Oo| $3 00 I * O0 #SOO column,., I 300 400 | f>oo |lO 00 15 00 eolunm... | 5 00i 8 00! 12 00! 20 00 85 00 1 column,.. I 800 | 12 (HI | 20 00 I 35 00 60 (Hi One iiu-h makes a square. Administrators and Executors' Notices *2.50. Transient ad vertisements and locals 10 cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents per line tor each ad ditional insertion. Jolt Work done on short notice. DEIMXGER & BIIXILLES, Editors and Proprietors. *.• ■■ ■■ . tiraroi! & Stiniay School Directory. Evangelical. P. C. Weidemycr and J. if. Hick, preachers. Rev. P.O. We idem oyer will preach next Sim day evening. Sunday School, 2P. M,—M. I. Jamison, supt. Methodist. Rev. J. Benson Akcrs, Preachcr-in-charpc. Quarterly meeting in Millheim next Sunday. T.oye feast at 9 o'clock. Preaching at 10, Com munion services after preaehine. Children's meeting itt the afternoon. Thanksgiving ser vices on Thursday evening. Preaching also on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Sunday School at Iv., Patent Solici tors. Pub's, of ScIKVTIKIO American, 37 Parle ROW, New York. Hand b>vk about Patents free. L C. t S. C. BAIL KQAP. TRAINS I.EAVE WESTWARD. 13 5 7 A. M. A. M. r. M. r. M. Montamlon 7.00 9.45 2.20 t'>.4,' Lewi-burg ar7.15 10.00 2.35 T.Mj 1-ewlsburg T.lv 7.25 Fair Ground 7.30 10.06 2.40 Itjohl 7.41 10.21 2.51 Vicksburg 7.47 10,30 2.57 Mi til lit burg 8.93 10.51 3.13 Mil linen t .*. 8.25 11.20 3.35 J-aurelton 5.35av11.35 3.46 Wicker Kun 9.09 4.11 Cherry Kun 9.17 4,30 Fowler 9.37 4.50 Cobuin .. 9.4$ 5.02 Spring Mills 10.15 nr 5.30 TRAINS LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 6 8 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Montamlon nr 6.50 ar9.3oatT.2fl are.3o Lewisburg 6.35 9.15 1.05 6.15 Fair Ground 9.10 1,00 6,10 Biehl. 9.01 12.48 6.00 Vicksbnrg 8.56 12.42 5..55 Ml 111 ill burg - 8.43 12.25 5.40 Millmont .. 8.25 12.02 5.20 Laurelton 815 11 50 5.10 Wiker Kun 7.18 4.47 Cherry Kun .. 7.31 4.30 Fowler 7.10 4.10 Coburn c.SS 4.00 Spring Mills 6.30 3.30 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail west for Williamsport, Lock Haven. Kane, Corry and Frie, and buffalo and Niagara Fulls yta Emporium, also Klmira. Wat. kins, Buffaloand Niagara Falls via (Jauandui guiu Nos. 3 and 4 connect with Pacific Ezpioss east for Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and New York. Nos. 5 and 6 connect with Day Exnress east for Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington. Phil ndelphia and New York, and Niagara Express west for Williamsport, Lock Haven and Ron ovo, Tyrone, Altooua and Pittsburg via Loek .Haven, also Klmira. Waikins and buffalo, and Niagara Falls vi.t. Can&ndaigua. Nos. 7 and 8 connect with Fast Line west for Williamsport and Lock Haven. No. 8 also connects with Erie Mail east for Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadel phia and New York. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Div. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and arter SUNDAY, .lime 121h, ISHI, the trains on the Philndelnhia & Erie Railroad Dt vision will run as follows : WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p. m. 44 Harrisburg 425 a . 111 *' Kitnbury 6 30am " Williamsport f> 4a. 111 " Loek Haven- 940 a. m " Renovo 11 05 a .in " 44 Kane 3 50 p.lll 44 arr. at Erie 7 45 p. 111 NIAGARA EXP. leaves Philadelphia 8 00 a. m " " Harrisburg. 12 15 p. m M " snnbnry 1 sp.m " Williamsport 3 15 p. 111 41 44 Lock Haven. 4 20 p. 111 4 4 44 Renovo 530 p. in • 4 arr.at Kane 10.05 a. m FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia .12 10 p. in. 44 Harrisburg 400 p. in. 44 sutbury 910 p.m. 44 Williamsport 805 p. m. 44 arr. at Lock Haven 910 p. m. EASTWARD. Lock Haven EX. leaves Lock Haven.. 7 50 a. m 44 Williamsport. 905 a. 111. 44 44 Sunbury 10 50 a ni arr.at Harrisburg...l2ssp. in 4 4 44 Philadelphia. 515 p. in FAST LINE leaves Cananpaigua 7f'sd. m * 4 44 Watkin 8 40 p. in 44 44 Elmira 9 30 p. in 44 44 Wiilmasport 1215 a. m 44 44 Sunbury 132a.m 14 arr. at Harrisburg 3 15 a. 111 * 4 4 4 Philadelphia 700 a, lit DAY EXPRESS leaves Kane 6 00 a. m 44 44 Renovo 10 05 a. in 44 44 Loek Haven 1115 a. m 4< 44 Williamsport 12 15 p. m 44 arr. at Harrisburg .. 3 30 p. m 44 ,4 Philadelphia 705 p. in ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11 35 p. m 4i 44 Kane 410 a. ni. " 44 Renovo 9 00 a. m. 41 14 Lock Haven loiop. m. 4 4 4 4 williamsport 1130 p.m. 44 44 Sunbury 105a. m 44 arr. at Harrisburg 3 00 a. 111 Philadelphia 7 00 a. ni Eric Mail and Fast Line and Pacific Express East make close connections at Northumber land with L. & B. It. It. trains for Wilkesbarre and Scranton. Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West and Fast Line West make close connection at Wil liamsport with N.C. It. W. trains north. Niagara hxF~ess West and Day Express East make close connection at Lock "Haven with B. E. V. R. K. trains. Erie Mail East and West connect at Erie with trains 011 L. P. & M. S. R. R.; atCorrywith B. P. & W. It- It : at Emporium with B. N. Y. &P. It. R., and at' triftwood with A. V. It. It. Parlor cars will r un between Philadelphia and Williamsport n Niagara Express West and Day Express East. Sleeping cars on all night trains. WM, A. BALDWIN, General Sup't. I THE HEE HIVE gTORE J A.C3-A.ITT FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT / the fall fIBBI Which consfcts of the Largest and Finest Lot of Dry Good* ever brought to this city. Our l>me*tle Department has never been better slocked than now: in Calicoes ive have'them from the lowest to ttie best goods. A QoodPast Color Calico Standard print, 4\ and 6\c In IJlenchcand Brown Mu'l'.n we lead in Prices. Wo will guarantee to sell you the best Muslins loiless money than any other lit use lr. the city. In Ginghams, Cotton Flannels, Shirtings, 'ickings, &<•., we will c ill particular attention too, as we liought these goods in oaseTotsnnd we will be able to sell them 10 j*r cent, lower than any other house. All we ask is ;n examination of our stock and we w ill convince you we mean what wo say. COATING DEPARTMENT! This lias iH'cr been so well stocked as now. We have the handsomest line of Light Coatings eer exhibited, with Plush Trimmings to match in all colors. We have in con nection to his a tine line of ( lotlc-s foi Ladies' Listers in medium weight goods, and a fine line ofl'inc Fancy Suitings for Men and Boys War. COAT DEPARTMENT ! We would ell particular attention lo this. We have taken great care in selecting these good* and n have now in stock 75 styles to teleot from. From the lowest to the Finest Heal kin. We have arranged With a Coat Manufacturer in Philadelphia, w hen we have none i'stoek to lit. to have your measure taken here and have them made—guar anteed to fi, and you can have any style you want. DEPARTMENT. In this Departnent we are prepared to show you from the Lowest to the Best Grades in Fine Dress Ggds. The Bee Hive has always had the reputation, of keeping the Finest Line and ourfctatitlon is to keep up the reputation, consequently we have selected the Finest and Be* Goods we could find in New York City, with all the Fine Fancy Trim mings to match with an endless variety of Fancy Balls, Tassels, Girdles, and Fancy But tons tw are w lt tfcem. We would call yoir special attention to a Plain Colored Dress silk at 95 cents, worth $1.20. We have dso purchasicl a nice line of the Celebrated J. C. Bounet & Bcllon Black Silks the best in he world. Warranted not to cut. Notions 5 Hosiery Department In Notions and hosiery, we are prepared to show you anything you ask for, cheaper than any othei place ii the city. Woaderful Bargains ! In our Carpet Rom we have some Wonderful Bargains consisting of White and Bro Blankets. White aid Colored Marselles Ouilts,Bhawls, single and Double, including a fl line of Black Thihts, Oil Cloths, Floor and Tabic; Mattings, Window Shading, Wiudo Fixtures and an ctlless variety of goods that we have no space to enumerate. Last but not least w> wish to say something about our lnrge line of Ladies', Men's and Children's UNDERWEAR We bought thes* cools bv the case and will guarantee to sell vou them at, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other llouse. Pa rticular attention is called to Ladies \\ Idle \ ests at f>u ceuts. Now wc have giver, you an outline of what we have, but space will not allow us to go any further enumerating tne large line of Goods we carry, but we will say again all we ask is an exauiinattm of our Goods and we will convince you that this is without a doubt the plaeeto bay your Dry Goods. We will use you well and guaramee our prices to be the lowest. Country Merchants supplied at City Wholesale Prices. Thanking our patrons for past favors, we solicit the continuance of tlie same. J. F. Everett & Co. Successors to J.J. Everett. Scott's Bazar, Main St., Lock Haven, Pa. Installment Ho 2. OP SEASONABLE GOODS. Wc have inst returned from our Second Trip to Eastern Cities this Season and have now in Stock a Complete Line of Hats and Bonnets, INCLUDING ALL THE New Shades in Silks , Veh vets, Plushes and Kibbon. ALSO. JUST RECEIVED, Ladies' Coats & Dolmans, ALL MADE UP IN THE BEST & LATEST STYLE. OUR STOCK OF NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS Will always be full and complete in every de partment. PRICES always THE LOWEST, 230 MARKET ST., LEWISBURG, PA. IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT J. R Smith & Co's MAMMOTH SUPPLY DEPOT, XOS. 113 A 114 FRON7 STREET, 3VCIXjTO3nT, PA. Wc arc now otfcriogjthe largest stock and greatest variety of Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, &c. in the State, t PRICE H RETOLD COMPETITION, consisting in part of Rich an Furniture All the latest Designs in Walnut, Oak, Cherry. Mahogany and Ebony. We make a Specialty in Parlor Suits, and will sell tlicni lower than any Party in the state. Prices ranging FRO* s3} TO #SOO. If you contemplate buying a PIANO, ORGAN OR SEWING MACHINE, It will pay ycu to write us for prices. We also carry ala rge line of extra Super, Body and Tap esty Brussels Carpets. A Good Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. per yard. Our stock of Plain, Cut and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain and Decorated French China. Silver Plated-ware, Lamps and Chandeliers. &c. is w ell worth your Inspection. Our sales exceed those of any House in our line in the state. . LOW PRICES DO IT. We extend an invitation to you to visit us and will take pleasure in showing you through ' our various Departments. OF FALL & WINTFR MILLINERY GOODS AT Anna til. Weaver's m an Just returned from New York and have now in Stock a Complete Liue Of Felt, Plush and Beaver Hats and Bonnets, Also Just received and always on hand, the latest Styles of Laces, Cords and Tassels, Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats FRXCES THE LOWEST ANNA M. WEAVER, Perm Street, opposite Hartman's Foundry, MILLHEIM, PENNA. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 145 MAIN STREET, LOCK .HAVEN. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL BKOCERS, keep the largest stock to the city. 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN.