AGRICULTURAL. SCAB IN SWEEP. —Scab in sheep is a dis ease caused by an insect burrowing under the skin, and is perfectly curable by the following methods; Get a lot of tobacco stems, or, if these are not to be had, get one pouud of plug tobacco; steep this in one and a half gallons of water until the strength is well extracted and the quantity is reduced to one gallon : to this add one fouith ounce of crude carbolic acid. If the sheep have the disease only in patches, remove the weol from the diseased spots and well around, so a* to expose the surface beyond any infection; use a stiff soft brush —a large stencil brush is best—and, applying the decoction, brush as well into all sort s, being sure to break up all Bcabs or pustules so as to work plenty of tne remedy into all diseased places. Having flour ot sulphur in a dredging- ox, dust it into and over the sore aud brush it in lightly. One treatment, if thoroughly made, will usually cure the worst case, but it is well to look them over agaiu in two weeks. If it is shearing tune, aud the sheep have been shorn when you wish to treat them, then make a large quantity, but not so strong, aud having broken up all scabs and sores on the sheep, take them by the legs aud dip them tojily into the medicine. After treatment it is oest to remove to new pastures or new pens for a time, for this reason: the scab insect is ver" liable to remain attached to any object against which the sheep have rubbed, and thus be again taken by the sheep. [Sparta (Wis.) Lierald.] As an exhibition ot the intrinsic worth of St. Jacob's Oil, we think the case re ferred to, that of Mrs. O. W. Hubbard, of this towu, cured of Sciatic Rheumatism of long standing by the Oil, is certainly strik ing, and, bcyoud all doubt, conclusive as ♦o its emcacy. The remedy has our in dorsement. GARGET . —Cows that are fat at the time of calving are more subject to congestion ot the udder than those in a poorer state. .Neglecting to give proper attention to the milking is another cause. Inflammation seldom ever attacks the whole of the udder, but it is confined to one or two quarters, and is indicated by swelling, increased heat, pain and redness, aud by alteration in the milk, which is curdied, whey-like and sometimes mixed with blood. The general treatment is to give a moderate purge -say Epsom Salts 1 lb.; powdered Jamaica ginger oz. ; water 1 pint; mix tor one dose. Drinking water should be limited and dry food given, so as not to encourage the milK supply. The milk should be fre qient'y drawn sway with the hand or a teat syphou, The inflamed udder should be well fo mented with hops and water for at least one hour night and morning, and after each fomentation some of the following liniment should be freely applied over the bag: Camphorated oil 8 ozs. ; fluid ext. Bella.lonna 4 ozs.; mix. To REGULATE THE BEARING OF APPLE TREES. —Tins is a perennial subject of d'S cussion, but no suggestion in regard to it has ever been made practical except the one which dictates careful attendance and the moderate annual pruning of tne trees, with high fertilization o f the soil. All the famously productive apple trees on record have stood in a rich soil, moist, but not wet. Careful piuning, manuring and mulching will, as nearly as possible, secure good annual crops from apple trees of any variety worthy of cultivation. UDder this system a small orchard of W illiaru's Favo rite near Boston is the chief support of a family. Thirty-eight trees of Faiueuse in a city lot of about half an acre in Montreal, produced, in 1579, fruit that stld for SSOO, aDd the crop ia rarely much leas. Th*e facts point to the remedy for the sby or in termittent bearing when the variety is Naturally productive. [St. Louis Chromc.e.] Trial by Jury. Some believe tnat even this form of trial is not perfectly free from prejudice. But in our section. St. Jacob's Oil has been tried by that great jury —the public—and been jodged the infallible cure for Rheum atism and all painful diseases. DUCKS.— LeS is known about the diseases of c ucis than of fowls. They are, in our experience, best batched by hens and kepi in a dry pen lcr several weeks. Give pleDly of grass, frequently renewed, keep wattr always belore them in shallow ves sels, and feed often. A pen of boards a foot hich, covered with laths nailed across the top. with one corner or one end covered, to exclude rain, is all that is required. This pen should be frequently shifted upon dry, grassy ground. If one is noticed 1110- piDg, swelled up, or out of sorts in any way, give soaked bread and milk, red with cayenpe pepper. The best are Roueos, Aylesburya, Pekics and Black Cayugas. Points of excellence for common purposes are the size and number of eggs. TEE farmers of the country, if they would act individually or organize them selves into forestry clubs, could, in a very little while, awaken a widespread interest in tree planting. The advantage of such clubs are highly appreciated in the treeless regions of the West and JNortnwest. Many of them have been organized, and through their efforts millions of trees have been set out, with an already manifest effect upon the water courses and the humidity of the atmosphere. ONE of the best farmers of Worcester, Masa, saves all liquid manure in a cistern so made that no gases can escape to pol lute the atmosphere of the stables. The amount of fertility that is annually wasted in the form of liquid manure is enormous, and a means to prevent this great waste should be generally adopted by farmers. A FARMER of Milton, Ya., cut eight tons of good hay this year from three acres of land that in 1879 was a bog meadow too wet to go upon. The means used were drainage, pulverized surface and seeding. There are numerous other bog meadows which by a similar treatment might be made to yield profitable crops where now they are but a nuisance. TOADS are reco r nized by many leading farmers and gardners as important helps which they render in destroying insect pests which prey upon growing crops du ring the summer months. In Paris there is a weekly sale of toads, which are brought in casks filled with damp moss. One hundred good toads are worth from sls to sl7. They are bought for gardens. AN English gardener recommends the white clover {Trifolium repena) as a hanging basket plant for winter, claiming that it is easy of culture, quickly makes large plants and looks well from Christmas on yards. MANURE snould be forked over occasion ally to make it fine. If it is heating, muck or loam should be mixed with it to absorb the ammonia which is formed during the process of decomposition. At the northern end of the Bay of Plen ty, ftew Zealami, there was lately seen every indication of an active submarine volcano. VEGETINE KIDNEY COMPLAINT DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS The symptoms of an acute muck of tnflara maMou ot ihe are as follows: Fever, D la in th small or the hack, and thence shoot ing downward- numbness of tie? thlgb. vomit ing u.u.lh at first a >ie -p red cotoror the ur ne, which becomes pale and colorless sth disease increases, an i ts dtschircel v ry often with pain and dtfflcnlt\; co>t.vencss, a d some de gree of c 'be. In chronic ls<-as sof thektdnevs the symptoms a e pain n the back and limbs drvnes-. of (he skin, nequa t urinat on (especi ally at night) general dropsy, headache, oi/ai ness of sight, 1 .dtges 1 n, ml pa pliart >n of iho heart, grad .al loss -t tivngih. paleness and Sumner of the face, cough aud shortness of re a th in diseases of the kldn ys the Vegertne g ves Immediate re let. It lias never tailed to • ure when It 1 taken regularly and directions lot lowed. In many cases u may take several bo - ties, espec ally cases ot 1 ng standing, it acts dlrec l.v upon iha secretions, cleansing and siren.theuuvg, removing all obstiuction* and Impurmes. A greai man> can t■•sthy to ea-es ot long standi g having be n penscily cu ed by the Veget ne, ev n rier t ytng many of the known tvine lea whlou are b* a to be expressly for tills dlseas.-. Kidney Complaint. CINCINNATI, U„ March l, 18T7. H. R. STSVKNS : Dfar .Mr— l have used your VKOKTINK for some time, and can truthfully say It has been A gre it benefit to mo; and to those s .ffertug from dls eas. a ot ttie kiuncys I chee- tiliy recommend lu Respect full O. ft SMITH. Attested to by K. B. Ashtleld, Druggist, cor. Eighth and Central avenues. r INCtNNATI, 0., April 19,1971. Ma. H. Tt. STttvßva: 1 have suffered several years with the Kidney Complaint, and was L-idm ed to try VKOSTINI. I have iaven several bottles of your preparation, and sm convinced it is a valuable remedy It has done tne more good than any other uiedtelite. I can heart! y veoomineud It to all suffering from Kidney Com plain • a Yours Kespect fully. J. S. McMII.LBN, First bookkeeper for N whall, Gale A Co.. flour merchants, No. s West Fro.t street, Cincin nati, O. Vegetiue has restored thousands to health who had been long and painful sufferers. Vegetine. PREPARED KY H. K NTKVKXS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. DrBULL'S COUGH - ■ SYRUP , —————————— IRS. LYCIA L PiNKHAta. OF LYNN, MASS „ . Sent by mail In the form of pil.s, also In the form of lozenges, on receipt of price. $i per box for either. Mrs. Pink ham /r*sjly answers oil letters of Inquiry. Send for painph Ist Address as above. Mention this Payer. Xo family should be without LYDIA E. FiyKIIAJCi LIVER PELLS, fney cure constipation, biliouana A and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box. V- "- - * -- -—s THE GREAT CURE f —— Foa \ RHEUMATISM ) ► < As It la for all diseases of the KIDNEYS. , ,< LIVER AND BOWELS. ► t It cleanses the system of the acrid poison > ' that causes the dreadful suffering which only the victims of Rheumatism can realise. , THOUSANDS OF CASES ) of the worst forms of this terrible disease < have been quiokly relieved, in a short time ,< PERFECTLY CURED. ,< has had wonderful success, and an immense I < sale in every part of the Country. In hnn- I dreds of cases It has cured whero all else had ' .1 failed. It is mild, but efficient, PERTAIN ► i IN ITS ACTION, but harmless in all cases. * cleanses. Btrewsthetis and gives New Life to all the important organs of tlie body. > The natural action of the Kidneys is restored. The Liver Is cleansed of all disease, and the < Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this t way the worst diseaaea are eradicated from ' the system. < > As it has been proved by thousands that 1, < is the most effectual remedy for cleansing the ►. system of all morbid secretions. It should be i used in every household as a I < SPRING MEDICINE. > \ Alwayß cures BILIOUSNESS, cONSTTPA- < > TION, PLL IS and all FEMALE Diseases. \ * Is put up in ">ry Vegetable Form, in tin cans, ► one package r f which makes Cquarts mediefne. ' , Also In Liquid Forin. very Concentrntedfor < * the convenience of tlioso who cannot readily pre- > \ pare it. It acts with equal efficiency in eitiierform. < , GET IT OF YOCR DRUGGIST. PRICE. *I.OO , ' WELLS, RICIIARDSOX A Co.. Prop's, > I (Will sead the drv r)ost-r>oid.i lIt'IH.IXGTOX. TT. , PENSIONS. For Soldiers, for Fathers, Mothers, Widows, Children, etc. Thousands yet entitled. Pensions for any wound or disease. Bounty yet due to thousands. Pensioners entitled to increase of Pensions. New laws and decisions. Time limited. Apply at once. Enclose two stamps for laws, blanks, and instructions. E. H. GELSTON & CO., U. S. Claim Attorneys, Washington, D. C. VnTTNTI "M'T'TVr If you would learn Tele XV U JJL \I JXLJCJJLV graphy in four months, and be certain of a situation, address VALENTINE BROS., Janosville. Wisconsin. SriK knew him: "Do you reside in this city?" asked a masked man of a masked lady at a masked party the other evening. He felt sick when she said to him, in a low voice: "Don't lie a fx>l, John; I knew you by the wart on your thumb." It was his wife. NOT much of a curiosity: They speak of capturing a wild man iu Asia Minor with "notbihg but a skin over bis head." Pos sibly they art) not accustomed to bald headed men over there Not Uovorngf. "They are not a beverage, but a medi cine, with curative properties o. the highest degree, containing no poor whiskey or poisonous drugs. Thy do not tear down an already debilita'od system, but build it up. Ono bottle coutains more hops, that is, more real hop strength, than a barrtl of ordinary beer. Every drugg st iu Roches ter sells them, and the physicians prescribe thein."— Evening Express on Hop Hit ters. SUE swallowed the caiatnel: "I declare,' said Jdlia, "you take words right out of uiy mouth." "No wonder, they are sweet," said Henry. The day was set that evening. "MR. SMITU," said a lady at a fair, "won't you please buy this bouquet to present to the lady you love!" "Twouldn't be right," said Mr. Smith, "I'm a married man." Complicated Dleaac. A prommeut gentlemen iu Cerro Gordo County, lowa, writes us that he finds Kid ney-Wort to bo the best remedy ho ever knew for a complication of diseases. It is the specific action which it has on the liver, kidneys and bowels, which gives it such curative power, ami ll is the thousands of cures which it is performing which gives it its great celebrity. Liquid (very concen trated), or dry, both act cflleieutly.— JV. 11. Journal and Courier. A GROCER had a pound of sugar returned with a note sayiug: "Too uiucn sand for table use, and not enough for building pur poses! " Two critics agree: "Oh, I think it lovely," said Medusa, speaking of a late novel. "You are right," said Fogg; "it is a love lie." Ilia Last Dose. Said a sufferer from kidney troubles, when asked to try Kidney-Wort: "I'll try it. but it will be my last dose." The man got well, and is now recommending the remedy to all. CONJUGAL affection: "1 love my wife," gushed Fenderson "Next to your wife's husband,'' added Fogg. When derangement of the stomach acls upon the kidneys and liver, bringing dis ease and pain. Kidney-Wort is the true remedy. it removes the cause and cures the disease. Liqu'd (very concentrated) or dry act equally efficiently. — Am. Cul tivator. A FACETIOUS young man calls a ceitain female institute a "Veunor weather pre diction"—because it contains so many Misses. YKGKTINE. —For eradicating all impuri ties of the blood from the system, it has no equal. It has never failed to effect a cure, giving tone and strength to ihe sys ten: cebilitated by disease. MARKET item: "That butter is too fresh, ' is the man remarked when the goat lifted him over the fence. I.TDIA E. FINKHAM'S Vegetable Com pound has done thousands of women more good than the medicines of many doctors. It is a positive cure for all female com plaints. Send to Mrs. Lyclia E. Pmkhaui. WHEN a man says he makes his living by keeping a country tavern isu't it a sort of declaration of inn dependence. A VAGRANT who had been fined regu larly every week for liecging requested the magistrate to fine hiui by the year at a reduced rate. A Cough is nature s enort to rid the sys tem of waste matter. Assist nature, then, bv using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents a bottle. "THEY quarrel like a church choir,' said Mrs. Slobson, as she saw two boot blacks fighting. WHAT is more nasty than running sores, ulcers, pimples, boils, scrofula, erysipelas, etc.? Now "Lindsey's Blood Searcfier" cures them all. THE objection to horses with white feet, though mostly considered a mere caprice, is reasonable enough, for white hoofs are more brittle than black ones, and are much more liable to break and contract than those of a dark color. A. M. Doyle, of Columbus, Ga., says: "From my own experience, I know 'tel lers' Liver Pills to he the best in use." They cure malaria, etc. A BEI.F-CI.KAXINO stable or stall for cows can be made by standing them on wooden gratings over a cellar, the bars to be V shaped and the space between them narrow enough so that a cow cau stand easily upon them. SURF bathing this season is a good deal like tumbling about in a snowbank with out over-shoes or ulster. MESSRS. MUKUAN & HKADLT, Mutual Life Building, Tentli and Chestnut streets, have on hand a superb stock ot extra tine quality Dia monds, which they offer at as low prices as stones or the llrst qual-ty, perfeot alike In color and shape, can he sold for. Film and IHoaqultoeft. 15c. box * 'hough ou Rata" keeps a bouse free from flies, bed-bugs, reaches, rats, mice, SM,PM A YEAR AND EXPENSES T* / / Airi'iits. Outfit free. Address, I*. O < VICKEHY. Aagnda. .We. IT I j j |||| ; SELLERS 8k CO. —PITTSBURGH. PA,— Perhaps the Scientific American is right in narrowing down the controversy whether the employment of ateam dredges or sailboats is most expedient in working the natural oyster grounds of ljong Island Sound to the simple question whether pro gressive or nou progressive methods are to prevail. It would be madness for in stance, to prevent the construction and op eration of acottou factory because to pro duce the same qualtity of gmals it could turn out would give employment to a vast number of independent hand loom weavers. Much of the same sort of rwasoumg under lies the oojeotion to steam dredges. Yet the fact must not be overlooked that the nioie efficient !ne appliances for appropri ating to the uses ot man the natural pro ductions of the land or sea the greater the uo<'easily foe the strict enforcement of IUWB preventing wanton harrying. Large pres ent gains have 100 often tempted men to uegliui the maintenance ol the source of profit .'or the luture, and like the tioy in the fable, they have under like purblind notions killed the g<>osc tuat la.d the gol don Our torests have almost dlasppeared through reekiessuess and greed aud unless, natural oyster beds are carefu|ty protected, they, too, will very soon yield no return whatever. Tux discovery of Carbuliue,a deodorized extract of petroleum, has pericctcd an im provement which will he hailed with de light by thousands. The dense oily prop erties of the petroleum have been eliminated by a novel process while its tonic, curative vivityiug aud reproductive elements are all retained m increased activity, iiesides be ing the only real cure lor baldness and scalp diseases, as now unproved an i en tirely deoderized it is the most delicate and deligbltul tonic hair dressing ever known, it will not siaiii a lady's hat. This highly concen'rated extract of petroleum contains no minerals or other artificial coloring matter, ft restores the hair by imparting new life and vigor to the nxils. It is claimed by l'rof. Kaoul Pictet, of Geneva, that a discovery ol his applied to the construction of lake, river, or ocean going vessels is likely to cause a revoluti n in naval architecture. The detai.s are gives only in the most geueral terms. A model, embodying the new principles is in courte of construction at Geueva, and when it is tried on the lake it will be seen whether the professor has not been too sanguine. He expects that it will attain a high rate of speed and glide over the water without cutting it, and so diminisniug resistance. Profitable Patient*. The most wonderful aud marvellous suc cess, in cases where persons tre stck or wastiug away lruui a condition ot iniser ableness. that no one knows what ails them, (profitable pauents for doctors,) is obtained by the use of Hop Bitters. They begin to cure from the first dose aud keep it up until jierfect health and strength is restored. Whoever is afflicted in this way need not sutler, when they cau get Hop Hitters, see another column. In IS7O the total coal production of the world was 193,970,683 tons; in 1880 WHS 29-4,408,000, an increase of 100,497,317 tons, or fifty-two percent. Taking ttie growth of the coal industry as a measure of a nation's genet a! industrial progress, Russia makes a very good showing, the percentage of coal output there having in creased 275 per cent., aud Bpa:u makes a poor appearance, thu percentage of increase being nly tlnrty-six per cent J.A.3518 THE THE CREAT BUIiLIXGTOX JiOl TE. tWXo other line runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Daily between Chicago, l)es Moines, Council ItlufT-*, Omaha. Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka and Kansas City. Direct connections for all points In Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado. Wyoming. Montana, Ne vada. New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Route via HannibtJ to Fort Scott. Denison, Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galves ton and all points in Texas. The uneunaled inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows: The celebrated Pullman (ltVwheel) Palace Sleeping Cars, run onlv on this Line, C.. U. & 0- Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Morton's Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats in Reclining Chairs. The famous C.. B. & Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant High-Backed Rattan Re volving Chairs for the exclusive use of first class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment,makes this, above allothers, thefavorite Route to the South, South-West, aud the Far West. Try it, and vou will find traveling a luxury instoad of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Line for sale at all olllees in the United States and Cunada. All information about Rates of Fare, Sleep ing Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &c.. will t>e cheerfully given, and will send Frrr to any address an elegant (Jaunty Map of United States, in colors, by applying to J. Q. A. BEAN, Gen's Eastern Agent, 5.000 Agents Wntl for f.lfo or GARFIELD It contain* the fun history of his noble and eventful Bfe and dastardly assassination. Million* of people are waiting for this book. The best chance of your life to make money. Beware of "catohiHmnjC Imitation*. This Is the only authentic and fully illustrated life of our martyred Fresh tent. Bend for circulars and extr* terui* to Agent*, tfddress . , NATIONAL. PUBLISHING CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. Reliable, Durable and Economical, will fur ilth a hone pouter with U ion fuel and water than xny other built not fitted with an Automatic hit-off. Send for Illustrated Catalogue J." for Information and Pricee. B. W. PAYNE k 80NS. Box 860, Corning, N. X, If nzzle and Breerh-Loadlng Onna, Rifle* and Pistols of moil approved English and Amertcan make* ill kind* of Hportina Implements and article! squired by Sportainen and Gunmakqra. Colt'a New end T (-amp JOT Priee-LUt. Philadelphia, Pa Those answering an Advertisement ml confer a iavor ayon the Advertiser and the Publisher by eta ting that they saw the advei - tUamanl in this tonrna lfnamlpg the paper! A'GRANI) STEEPLE CHASE. As if there were not sufficient excitement at the usual horse-race, these meetings on the turf nearly always close with a grand steeplechase. This kind of nice combines all the excitement of the regular race, with the super-added clement of danger which seems to give further zest to he sport. Horses, and good ones at that,often receive severe injuries, which render them practi cally useless for long periods. At least this" was the state of affairs until owners and breeders of fine stork began to freely use ST. Jacobs Oil, the Great German Remedy for man and beast. This invalu able article to horsemen has so grown Into favor on account of its phenomenal efficacy in diseases of domestic animals, especially the horse, that it would be difficult indeed to discover a horsemen unacquainted with Its magical potency. The Philadelphia FAWJ llmr, in a recent issue says: " But one of the most important development* concerning St. Jacobs < )il is the discovery that it has properties which are beneficial to the animal us well as to the human species. It has, of late, been in active de mand among livery and others for use on horses suffering from sprains or abra sions. The most prominent instance known of in tlii's connection, is that related by Mr. David Walton, a well-known Friend, who keeps a livery stable at 1245 North Twelfth street. Mr. Walton states that he was boarding a valuable horse belonging to Benjamin MeClurg, also a resident of North Twelfth street. A few weeks ago the animal slipped and badly sprained his leg, making him very lame. Mr. Walton used two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil on the animal and found within less than one week, that there was no need for any more, tor the auimal was as well as ever. ec-S AcoZiaWiitttion of Hops, Buohu, Man-- I drakleand Dandelion, with MI utebcaffcnd iruxt c% urativu properties of *ll other bltWr*, ii. .*t.i\the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Ro - u |\ator, aud Lifo And lioaiin Uestortag Ag> i>l earth. No dlmw possibly loud exist where Hop B"tera are usVfd,o vartod uad perfect are their j ii|M-ralloiU\J|H^ Thoy give szi vigor to itllaina. To nil whose e Mupkiyruoutaeauaa IrregTilarl* ty of the bowi boi\ urinary organ*. or who rv quire an Ap])etUei^.T < > alo and U|lM HtUnuUat i Hop Bitten. are without Intox icating. I No matter what your rumpling* or symptom* on- hut the dUtoa-w or oJiMnueut In use Hop Bit tern. Don't wait until you ami* *le!c but If you only feel tiad or r" —rahttß"**' them at one**. It may nave your haDB" ** ed hundred*, fSOO *lll be paid for a onl* they will no, ■ cure or help. Do not roffi-rl®' ''* your friend* j auffer.but use and urge a*" Hop B Hememher, flop Bitter* 1* iiq^ t '. * SifrlßS ™ Diminished Vigor , Is reimburse.l In great measure, to those troubled with weak kidneys, by a Judicious use of Hostetter's Stomach Hitlers, which invigorates and stimulates Without exciting the urinary organs. In conjunc tion with its influence upon iheiu, it corrects acidity, Improves apatite, ami is in every way conducive to health and nerve repose. Another marked quality is its control over fever and ague, ami its power of preventing iL For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. THE NORWAY MUSICAL ALBUM. By FORESTIER A ANDERSON. A collection of weird, strange, .and yet strangely captivating Songs and Melodies from the laud of oir Hull; just the music that Inspired his imagina tion. Norse and English words. A musical novelty that will delight lovers of what is wild, rich ami romantic in legend and song. Price 93.50. Garfield's Funeral March. Fine portrait. 40c. ROBERT FRANZ' ALBUM OF SONG. Old and new. Approved by the master himself. A book iu which every note is a gem. German aud English words. A hundred exquisite songs. $3.00 boards; $3.50 cloth. Hekald of Praise. For choirs and conventions. sl. TIIC irtCAl GScts.) By'L O. F.merson. I fill IKJCALi Is the tiest Singing School Book of the distinguished author. Admirable col lection of interesting, wide-awake, effective music, combined in a practical ami thorough course. Ideal success in an ideal singing class will result from using the (took. sonu Be us. For common schools. Ktnerson. 50c. Oliver Dltson & Co,, Boston. J F riTSON A DO.lWfthentnnt St.. PWU IT a > TT A I TT I I The lHtest an(> J ollieflt H A ' H A I Un I humorous Ixwk out. I n . Mfi. In. t,uil ° f the moßt "firth prpVOkitlg aud lailgll- Onlv 15 rents: 8 copies for IAI. AGENTS WANTKI) EVERYWIIKHK. Address THE GK>I PUBLISHING CO., 13 Cannon Street, New York, or ask your newsdealer to get It for you. Illustrated Catalogue of Desir able Books will be ri I I TT 4 I TT 4 I sent free on receipt Un I 1-1 A I UA I of one cent stanio. JJ J\ iIQ. Uli, SEND FOR A LLEA'S Kirn In Food cure* N-rvoua Da J\. l> , lit> Hut V\ • aknes of (Jeneraliv* Organ*, 91 - all druggists. Send for circular to Allen'* Pus macy.3l3 First Avenue. N V HSS 5,000 AGENTS WANTED TO~SELL THE ~ LIFE OF GARFIELD! His early life and career as soldier and statesman ; hi* election and administration ; his assassination - hi* heroic struggle for life : wonderful medical treat ment; blood-i>oiHoiiinr ; removal toElberon ; death, etc. Profusely illuet'ated. Splendid portrait 01 Garfield, Lin wife and mother ; swne of the shooting ; the sick-dhamber ; Gnlteau in hiH cell ; the Burgeons, and tile Cabinet. Tie only eomplete and authentic work. There ie a fortune for agente fir ft in the held with this book. Outfit ftOc. Steak quick. Address HI IB HA RD BROS. 733 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. irV"T~ AROMATIC MILK. H PC P, re D, ior PHeS I I One package—four doses —will cure in every case. Price One Dollar. Sold by Druggists or sent by malL DR. L. H. HARRLS. Pittsburgh, Pa. \A/4U, Catalogue free. Address Standard W ate lies American Watch Co., Pittsburgh, Pa ,i3i££AP GUNS for THE PEOPLE.^ | ■ Ke that I can benefit you by giving a statement of her case for publication, and this 1 have concluded to do, as I know it will be of great use to others who are similarly afflicted. In 1875 my daughter, who was then eight years of age, contracted a heavy cold, which soon settled on her lungs. The doctor whom I employed at that time told me that her lungs were affected. She had severe pain in her side and night sweats ; and, as she had no appetite, she soou wasted away to almost a skeleton. Every une could see at this time that she was fast going with consumption. Both my husband aud myself were very much pre judiced against all patent medicines, and although we had heard of many cures performed by your remedies, we delayed using them or getting your advice until she had tieen given up by ail the doc tors we had cousulted. We were living in Reading, Pa., at this time, and when we Informed our friends that we had con cluded to go to Philadelphia with our little daugh ter to get your advice, they all said that we were foolish to do so, as they did not think she could live to get there. She was indeed very low. W'e carried her all the way on pillows, and when we arrived at jour office, it really seemed to us that it would be like raising one from the dead if you cured her. After an examination you said it vw possible to cure her. W'e commenced to give your medicines that day, and In a few days after her appetite began to improve rapidly. Some weeks after this a swel ling came on her side which grew very large and finally broke, discharging large quantities of matter. This continued for a long time, but as her appetite was continually improving, and she was apparently gaining strength, we continued the use of the medicines as you directed. Her night sweats and pain soon left her. Although she gained very slow, she finally entirely recovered ; in fact she has had tratter health since her recovery than ever before. No one can doubt who saw her when so low, that It was your medicines and kind attention that saved her life. Yours truly, MRS. LIZZIE EVENS, No. 757 N. 25TH St., Philadelphia CURED, Philadelphia, Marvh 28fh, 1881. DR. J. 11. SCHKNCK ; DEAR SIR: —About two years ago I caught a heavy cold, from exposure after violent exercise at my trade, iblacksniithing) and soon after was attacked with severe bleeding from my lungs. Sometimes 1 would raise as much as a pint of clear blood at a time, and I have had as ninny as four hemorrhages in one night. I had night sweats for many mouths, was reduced in weight from 152 to 128 pounds. I tried many cough remedies, but they only gave me temporary relief. v\ hile at the worst, I con cluded to call on you. You examined my lungs and said they were tadly affected, but that if I would follow your directions I could be cured. 1 began to use "your medicines last February, and have continued their use to the preseut time. 1 now find mvseU well, having gained 15 pounds of flesh in the iast six weeks. I have no more night sweats, hemorrhages or oough. In fact, lam feeling lietter than I have for years. I know that 1 can never repay you for all your kind personal ai tent ion to mv case, but I shall tie glad to do what I can by informing those similarly afflicted what yonr medi cines have done for me. IF any one wishes to call on me, they are welcome to Jo so. Y ours respectfully, FRANCIS J. ASH, No. 1902 Farrell St., Philadelphia. Discharged from the Army in the Last Stages of Consumption. Cured by Dr. Schenck's Medicines. Statement of MR. JULIUS BOYDEN, of Provi dence, K. L I was discharged from the U. 9. Army In June, 1864, as an Incurable Consumptive. My discharge reading thus : "Advanced Stage of Consumption Of the Lungs." I WAS advised by the army sur geon to live out doors as much ss possible. He informed my friends that I was incurable, but that with care I might e made comfortable for a time. My cough was almost without cessation. 1 raised matter from my lungs In large quantities, and I had all the other" well-known symptoms of the dis ease. I took many remedies without benefit. In September I went to see Dr. Schenck, and soon after Legan to use his full course of medicines. I soon felt their beneficial effects, my cough growing leas and less, and my strength coming back to me very fast. In the following April 1 was entirely well and came to Providence and went to work. From that time to this, I have been entirely well, not spending one dollar for doctors or medicines for myself. I therefore know that Dr, Schenck'S medicines are good and reliable in lung diseasea My cure was considered almost a miracle bv those who knew IN* when I was discharged from the arm v. JULIUS BOYDEN, Of Boyden A Whelden, Grocers, 574 N. Main St.. Providence, R, 1., July 4th, ISSI. Formerly of South VValpole, Masa No Medicines Have Ever Been Intro duced to the Public that can Show Such an Array of Evi dence In their Favor. For other Certificates of Cures send for Dr. Schenck's Book on Consumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia It gives a full description of these diseases In their various forms, also, valuable in formation in regard to the diet and clothing of the sick ; how and when exercise should Ie taken, Ac. This book Is the result of many years of experience In the treatment of Long Diseases, and should be read, not only by the afflicted, but by those who, from hereditary taint or other cause, suppose them selves liable to any affection of the throat or luugs. IT IS SENT FREE, Post-paid to all Applicants. Address, Dr. J. H. SCHENCK A SON, Corner of SIXTH and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. WHY I HAVE THE UTMOST CONFIDENCE IN DR. J. H. SCHENCK AND HIS MEDICINES. Dnring the past two years, my mother and brother have died of Consumption. I was myself quite unwell most of this lime, and when; shortly after their death, I was attacked with cough and severe hemorrhages, I naturally concluded that I was des tined to go with the same disease. I immediately consulted a physician, who made a specialty of lung diseases. After examining mo, he said that he thought my lungs were sound, and that I would soon recovet In less than a week after this, I had another severe hemorrhage. Thinking that my physician had made a mistake in my case. I con sulted another doctor. He thought my lungs af fected, and prescribed for me for a long time. I got no better under his treatment, but generally worn. My cough was very bad, my appetite en tirely gone, I had severe pain in my right aide, and for months I did not sleep more than iwo or three hoars in a night. My tongue was heavily coated and I had a bad taste in my mouth. I'had the headache almost all the time. Feeling that something must be done, I at last concluded to consult with Dr. Schenck, the physi cian who, I think, I have good reason to believe to be the best in the treutment of lung disease. I went to his office in Hoston, and was examined. He found ray left lung quite badly diseased, and my bver seriously affected. He told me that 1 could be cured If j would follow his directions. Of course, 1 consented to do so, and I very soon was satisfied that my confidence In his ability was well placed. I took the Mandrake Pills, Sea-Weed Tonic and Pulmonic, Syrup all at one time, as directed by him, and within one month my worst symptoms were gone. I went to see the Doctor on his next visit to Boston, which was one month after the drat time I saw him, and he said, 44 Only continue with the medicine and you will surely get weH." I did so, and kept on gaining in every way until I was per fectly well, and aide to work as usual. Since my recovery I have not lost a day's time, except when 1 have made friendly visits to the Doctor at his Boston office. My cough Is gone, my appetite Is good, I have no headache or pain In my side, I sleep better than I ever did In my life, iuid my lungs are apparently healed, as I have no hemor rhages These are the reasons why I believe In and re commend Dr. J. H. Scheuck and his medicines. He did just what he said he would do for rne, and I believe that I owe my life to his medicines and care. FRKD. F. TRULL, Hudson, Mass., May 86,1881. Chronic Irritation of the Throat Cured. Philadelphia, August 18fft, 1880. DK. J. N. SCHKNCK: Dear Mir:—For several years I was troubled with a chronic Irritation in my "throat, so that every time 1 took a little cold I commenced to cough, and as I took cold very easily, I was coughing more or less every day from November to May. In Feb ruary, 1562, 1 saw one of your pamphlets, which told what the Pulmonic Syrup would do. I bought a bottle of it. although 1 hail not much faith in It. and in three days my cough entirely left me; but I kept a bottle of the Syrup In my house for two or three years, so that whenever I took cold, or had a little tickling In inv throat, 1 would take a small swallow of it wnen I went to bed, and that was the last of it. My throat now is. and has been for several years, as well as It ever was, and I now seldom take cold, or If I do. It only lasts some twenty-four hours. Thanks to the Pulmonic Syrup. 1 have recommended it to a great many persons in the last eighteen years, and it has given general satisfaction. Very respectfully Yonrs, E. HAVEN No. 1636 North 21st St., Philadelphia, Pa. From MR. JOHN HERTZI.ER, Residence, 1302 Master St., Philadelphia. DR. J. H. SCHRNCE : Dear Sirl am anxious t hat others should know of the great curative properties of your medicines. For three years 1 was afflicted with a constant cough, accompanied by an expectoration of ropy phlegut. My cough was so bad that I could sleep very little, day or night. I lost my appetite, aud was very much reduced in flesh, and was so weak that It was as much as I could do to walk a square. 1 used all the remedies that were recommended by friends, and many that 1 saw advertised In the papers, but received no relief from their use. At last, 1 was taken with a severe hemorrhage, which reduced me still more. Soon after this my wife procured one of your books, aud reading the de scription of my disease in it, she insisted on my giving your remedies a trial. My daughter, who resides in Albany, N. Y., also wrote about this time, that she had heard of several cures tuere by their use; and so 1 was induced to use them. I began by using all three of your medicines at one tune, as you direct: that is. the Mandrake Pills, Seaweed Tonic aud Pulmonic Syrup. I could see that they were doing me good from the first—uiy appetite improved, 1 became gradually stronger, and my cough was so much better that I could rest quite comfortably all night, a thing I have not done before in many month*. Now, after using the medicines tor "about six weeks, lam welL I con sider your remedies as magical in their effects, and I write yuu this letter that others inay know of their great curative qualities in diseases of the throat and lungs. 1 shall tie pleased u> have any one who is afflicted, call on or address me. JOHN UERTZLER, Phlla. Feb. 14,1881. 13.W Master St. FROM AKRON, OHIO. CONSUMPTION CURED. A troii, Ohio, Feb. lTt/i, 18SL DR. J. H. SCHKNCK : Dear Sir Having been asked by many In regard to your medicines, and the benent I had received from them, 1 have concluded to give you an account of my case. In the Winter of is.3 1 was pro nounced an Incurable Consumptive by every phy sician of this place, as well as several in Cleveland. I had all the symptoms—cough, night-sweats, great lebillty and loss of flesh. J was reduced m weight from one hundred and fifty pounds to eighty r rands. I had given up all hope of reoovery, when was told by Mr. James Scanlan that he hail used vour medicines with good effect, and he advised me to give them a trial, although I do not think he believed they would care me. for I was so sick at this time that no one thought that I would ever get welL I thought however, that they might give me temporary relief, and with this object I commenced to use your Pulmonic Syrup. I had not taken It two day's before I felt great relief, especially in the severity of my cough. I then took the Mandrake Pills and Seaweed Tonic, and In two weeks iny ap petite came hack, and 1 tx-gan to gain strength. I took your medicines for about three months. I was too sick to do any kind of work for two years. Vour medicines made a perfect cure, and I have been in good health ever since. Ido not know that I can say more than this, unless it lie that 1 believe your medicines to be good, and that they will do ail that you say they will do. Yours verv Truly, J. A KEILLY. TWO LETTERS FROM OHIO—DO NOT FAIL IT) READ THEM. Hanesrille, Meigs Co., Ohio, July sth , 1880. DR. SCHKNCK : Dear Sirl write this to give you an account of my case, and to ask If your medicines will do me any good. / aui forty-flve years of age, and before this sick ness I was a strong, healthy man. I am six feet two Inches high, and broad shouldered, my usual weight before my sickness beuig about one hun dred and elghty-mx pounds. The lirst indication I had of any disease was a slight tickling in my throat, which in a week or so developed into a .Hacking cough. This has continued for a long tune aud troubles me so much that I cannot sleep at night. I have lost my appetite, and from lack of nourishment have grown so weak that I can walk but a short distanoe before I aui completely exhausted and obliged to lie down. I have a great deal of roaring and wheezing in my breast, which leads me to llnuk that the bronchial tubes are all stopped up. My bowels are usually costive, and I have lost thirty or forty pounds of flesh. Please let me hear from you soou. Yonr medi cines are not sold in this neighborhood, but if you advise me to use thein I will send to Uallipolis'for the in. Yours Truly. LEVI JACKS. Hanesrille, Meigs Co., 0., Feb. -21 st, ISSI. DR. SCHKNCK ; Dear Sir:—Please excuse me for not writing to you before this. You will remember that when I wrote to you last July, I was very low with Con sumption. As soon as I received your letter I sen* for the medicines you told me to get, that is, your Man irake Pills, Seaweed Tonic and Pulmonic Syrup, and began to use them as directed. I soon saw a marked improvement in all my symptoms, and after using them for some time, I was entirely cured. lam now free from all pain and trouble with my lungs, and weigh more than I ever did in my life. lam very thankful to you for your atten tion to my case, aiid I do not believe that I should lie alive to-day out for the timely use of your medi cines. Consumption Is in my family, my father having died of it at the age of forty; as well as several other members of my family. I advise all who have Consumption or any Lung trouble to use your remedies, as I believe them to be the best medicines in the world. Since my recovery, I have been told by a doctor that he did not know what was in your medicines, but that they had cured me of Consumption. Yours Truly, LEVI JACKS. DR. SCHENCK'S MEDICINES. PULMONIC SYKUP, SEA WEED TONIC and MiNDRAKE PILLS, are for sale by all Druggists, and full directions for their use are printed on the wrappers of every package. DR. SCHENCK can be consulted, free of charge at his principal office, corner SIXTH and ARCH, Streets, Philadelphia, every Mondy. Office hours from a. m. to S r. u. One Dollar A YEAH. The Best Story Papier In the West 48 columns of original and choicely-selected reading matter,printed upon large, plain type. Issued weekly, and mailedtr any address in the United States, postage wiid, or One Dollar s Year. Every new subscriber r> ts a premium. Send for sample copy. Address CHICAGO LEIHIEK. Chisago. 11l 19 Fancy Wrtten CARDS for 25c.; 60 tor 9uc. luu 1a for |l7s i by mail. 0. K. BERG, Creeco, lowa.