Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 10, 1881, Image 3

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    ihc jjjillhcint J ourn aI.
THURSDAY, NOV. 10., 'Bl.
Editors and Proprietors.
Local Depart men}.
—Had a little snow on Friday last
—the first of the season in this lat
—Fine Slipper Patterns for sale at
reasonable figuies at the Journal Peek
—Have you visited the schools to s e
how your children are learning and de
porting themselves ?
—Campbell's mill on North street is
receiving a new coat of paint, which
improves its appearance a great deal.
—John Gray,ti e colored barber, who
used to keep a shop in this { lac is
carrying on the shaving bu.siii s at
North umboHand now.
—Marble door steps of the best
Sutherland Falls marble, made at th.e
Millheim Marble Works at a moderate
price. tf
—WANTED 150 to 200 pounds of
good nice dried apples or 'v-nW for
which a goo i p: ice will be paid cash at
the Journal store.
—A splendid, strong 2 horse spring
wagon for sale. Xouu butter in the
valley. Price moderate. Inquire at
the Journal office. tf
—David Ertie, administrator o
Philip Eitie's estate, will again offer
the farm in Haines township 1 long
ing to said estate at public sale, Satur
day, Nov. 12th, 18$ 1. "3t
—Mr. Jacob Sankey las built a
very tine verandah and rebuilt th 1 side
walk in front of his residence. That's
just what about two dozen otln-r cit
izens of the town should do.
—J. A. LIVIBGIU , the new mail con j
tractor, has procured ; 4 , fine n w wage a
and is prepared to carry express pack- I
age 3 and other goads from Coburn to'
Woodward and all intermediate ; nuts :
at reasonable charges. tf j
—Pent forget that the Journal Book
'Si ore. has a splendid 1< t of Germautown
Wool, Zephyr, Silk Piers, Hick Kick
Braid, Cuuvas3, Crocket Hooks, Knitt
ing Cotton, and everything :ucecsary
for fo.ncy work always o:t hand.
—Wo are still s'on of ap dos and
potatoes—but if some twenty of < 'ir
patrons would each bring i.s a lm>hel
of each, we could manage t- shift
through tlie winter. Do take the Matter
seriously to heart au I don't i'org :i the
golden rule.
—The Millbeim Banking Company
procured a new lock in their sale. We
understand it i 3 a time lock, to be
opened only at certain hours. This
apparatus is so constructed as to b.fHe
any sharper in his attempt to open th
safe, and they will have to think of the
sour grapes after this.
—We call the special attention of
our readers to the char ged advertise
ment of WIIITCOMB, the popular
clothier of.Lock Haven. By readuing
over it you will see tnat he can rig you
out fiom head to foot in a first class
style, and dont intend to charge you
much for it either. Better go add and
try him.
—Pretty soon turkeys will be looked
after with some interest. Thanks
giving is near sad they are a necessary
article at that particular time. If any
body would think of the poor printer
by donating on- of those precious birds
to him on that day we should feel so
much more forgiving thanks.
—People will take caie now as to
how they detach their postage stamps,
for the post office department lu.s just
ruled that postage stamps with any
fraction of the-m tore c.ff v. ill no long-: 1
be accepted as prepayment of postage
on the matter to which th y aie at
—Head our Beliefont.e letter. It is
written by a young* gentleman wII
known in this community, but we
dare not give tho name. Write again,
Samuel, your letters are good, fresh,
spicy and pointed—altogether first
class for one so very young. They
are thrice welcome to us and our
—llavAc heaid whether there is a
regular Log committee on duty this
year or not. From the appearance of
things we infer that every fellow will
be obliged to "judge" his own hog* t
But whether that system will lesson
the strife and contention as to who
lias the bigg33t porter, time must
—Mr. John Sankey, at Mifflinbcrg,
manufactures ail article for the preser
vation of leather which has genuine
merit, saw its equal to keep
boots soft, pliable and water proof.
Are glad to note that John is doing a
slashing business with his "Life of
—The tall form of Mr. Joseph C.
Nesbit, Architect, of East Lewisburg
wa3 seen in and around the new
church last Friday, measure in hand,
inspecting, directing, adjusting and
appioving. The building as far as, passed muster very well. Mr
esbit is pleased with the wcrk.
WANTED. — About 3* A FIRST class 1*
inch yellow pine flooring in the rough
Xecd not be fully dry. Inquire at the
Jour nal cilice. If.
—One of Iho best places to sbp "nil
along the line'" is the I:via House,
Lock Haven. Everything in and a
rouud tho establishment is right, good,
ordt rly.and substantial. A social homo
ieolii g pervad s tho entire house, and
a more genuine friendly and obliging
man than the proprietor, Hon. S.
Woods Caldwell, you ear not meet
anywhere, nr.loos it te his genteel and
< lLvient eh rk Mr. G. V.*. Enhe.
Yes, we are in love with the Irvin
House, and advise our readers to mop
Hieie while at Lock Haven.
Lew in*s Philadelphia Branch
CI 'thing House is as gvd a place to
buy as can be found any where. Whet It r
you want an overcoat, a suit for your
self or your boy, or only a 'in .' ea*
meat of any kind, Lewi a is la,' ana
for you. llis large store is chock full
of every kind, gr ide and 'prices of
el tiling, and you can s"<7 yours It
fully, whether you want a wedding
out 11'. or whether you ne d clothing in
whi. htoeh >p w od or eurry horses.
Trv Lea in.
—DOLL & MINGLE the enterprising
Boot vv s h n> dealers in BelVfonte keep
a full N.u k of ov la thing in I'lvirline.
Any JV '>ibie style or kind rf i.o.qs,
s'v. >, slippers and overs!io • are iho;v,
and tin 4 r prices are as low ...s j.,- s -
tst. Give them a celt and you will
find that you can fully suit yourself
both us regards quality and price.
"Cap," the i . iiging junior of the firm,
will treat and Serve you in best stvle.
—For some timr our faith has be a
! tried te ilsuimtvb tonui-m as to wdu th
: we would b.ave our usual tpa >ta of
appieu. p itatoes, aval turnips >■ par.
But we have been most agio ably sur
prisi I one day 1 . week when a good
friend informed us that he had reserv
ed a sufficiency of fine apples for our
special use. ILov grateful we feel to
kind IVoidence and our eonsidvrate
friend.' And new if other good fiieni'q
iudividualy or collectively, \r. uSU help
us out ill ait el- bus i.-Is of pota
toes and s.i) three basliels of turnips,
we would to trdirdy I: •; p-y on tha'
, score. Bat lei th- re be no misunder
standing about the in liter. We have
j neither gold ner silver, bit lots of
j Jowrn i ls wherewith to pay such filings.
—Oa Sun Ipv c-vr-i.i.. j mi accident
happened Imre which c .me very near
provn.g fabil toon -of our most
,x\ .e ye.ui.g I t lies. Mr. and M,\
Jtm aA. K an, Miss Salina Gephart
an. i Mi-s Ada E • nbi'ii ha 1 beta to
WtKdw*a I attending a ruligious meet
ing—all on ono soring wagon. Thvy
came b.ome at a late h uir and h id slop- ;
pel iu front of ID i lire Eisenliut ra to I
let diss Eisenhut!i u7. Mr Keen offeicd J
to dismo nit ; e. h ', 1 .i he
protested, proposdij to jump off the
wage l , m duo; whi< u her d: ?s
caught in the lock of taj wtg >!i and
sV fell Ii 1 i'li')g on th" Del pa* -
lie-lit. At da d. St w.s tie eight she was
fat dyiej ;d.u.i ir tim - she iqv i
peart'ltob- lil hss, but after a free
line of restoratives she r. covered and is
now d mg rigid w* il. although consid
erably brui l:i tie face and chest.
Hope sh. any s > >u ru'i. recover.
—Tin: BEE LIVE 8 RUN:-: in Lock!
Haven, is now u id -r to • m poagimoa l
of J. lh E'er* it .u Ci). Under the
new arm it loses nothing ot ilia high
standing and < xlensive l'ep'Da'tion it so •
long enjoyed under the late lamented ,
proprietor, Mr. J. J. Eyerett, The
present Mr. Everett has been engaged ,
in the Bee ILv- ;n •t! sarin for some
years and is ir.h'y competent- :.t to
manage its i xtens\o and iiouri hing
business. lie is f - .miliar with all the
department d-ici's of the Urge e
.stahlisbi-v id and tully understands t! e
wants and wishes of the people. Our
readers can feci assured that they will
receive*t!w best possible treatment at
ti.e B- ILvc, that ti.e goods there are
of the best quality and the prices the
very lowest. L is simply one of the
best stores in the state, ltead their
advertistiient in another column.
The other Sunday Mr. I. L
i Greuobl * was a'o ut to start for church
in a bugyy. T.e horse started on a
full ran, bit Mr. G. got him
checked, when he threw himself spilling
out Israel. Tim-Iy assistance saved a
general wreck.
Mr. D uih'l Rankle c ime yc-ry near
losing a valuable h rse the other Tues
day. Tiie horse backed down over the
embankment of the turnpike with a
cart loaded with stone hitched to him,
near David iiarrce's. It is a wonder
that the animal was not instantly kill
Oa Wednesday night at about 12 o'-
clock the cry of fire was heard in town
and it was soon ascertained to be the
fine dwelling house of Mr. J. G.
Eva*i3. In a very short time some
fifty of tho neighbors were on hand
and every exertion was made to save
the building, but in vain. The wash
house was built up against the main
buildiug, and the fire originated in the
fine of the furnace of the former.
Nearly all the household goods were
saved, except what was in the attic
and cellar. The people did nobly and
very little of what vva.s saved was in
jured, as is often the case at fires.
CARD. —Frof. Wolf and Mr. J. G.
Evans and family hereby return their
sincere thanks to their neighbors and
friends for their kind assistance render
ed during the fire.
—The new Evangelical church at
Aaronslmrg will be dedicated to the
: rvice of Almighty God, no prevent
ing providence, on Sunday Nov. 2Ul!i
next. Pdshop T Bowman will of
ficiate. The public is heartily invited
to attend.
p. C. WKIDEMY i::,
Loral LUNESII .ES ii. ii. impi OKWHK
;y. v t . t . A. tbn's bram h - Sjwc
ulatlv • Insurance.
BKLI.KKONTE, L'.i., Nov. IN I.
Persons visiting IScllcfonte never tail
! to speak of the unmistakable < vi-h tues
•of m iterial prosperity surrounding us.
; (due institution, the Car Works, is
| doing mu h tow ads advancing the iu
t •( ts of many of <ur i itiz 'i;s, and th •
demand for skilled workmen has
i r aght among ita many desirable,
s u'i d acq ti- it'. >ns, wliil-the necessary
' cxi-en -oa of these families leave appre
... !v (IY. etc 1 the dill rent branches id
bindv ss, for th y have the disposing
'of three thousand doll as twice
leach m mlb. The ah lit ion of the
md T ay Mom is a gigantic stiide in the
light direction and fully demonstrates
the practicability of the theory that
1 v. o.kmen can purchase their own goods
| as iply as can their employers.
The unavoidable delay in the inaHor
of the new It. 11. is a disappointment
to all, but t at the mad will tie built,,
despite the (T >rts of those who by a
futile attempt to withhold the lai d
rights a:o apparently throwing wet
:bl nit ets (n tho Scheme, is assuied, 1
: inc 4 the ge. tl awn v. ho pvopore to do
ii are s.-ldom, if ever, completely do
fcated in any <■ f tlieir undertakings.
Their v nservative business pi iiiciph s
are a posit.ivo assurance that they mean
/,;• We ca i look fur the com
pletion of this road m-xt summer. Its
importance consists in the fact
the ilclust deposit of iron ore in Penn
••ylvm.ii will be developed. One
now si in-? over one hundred tons
daily. As to the manufacture <f tLis
ore into e ••aiuvr iioa at home we
shell h ivo in .re to say again.
Perhaps the grandest woik ever un
dertake iby any s vie y hi Bill font" ;
is n '.v being or iseche 1 by th 4 V. M.
(h A. in its 11: uts to gat Ik r the 1 ys
•f the town, i; to a n.boidinate or
ganization strie lv th ir ovn an I call- I
ed the Bays' B arch; the ages r.-nge
from Pto lo years, and the boys of
ee.c!: a: • eoi a distinct class ;
or i ;;upu: v in charge of; etent \
per:- e, I: . >wn a; e iptain. The obj ct j
of t!m Movement is to luing the boys j
h: tly '.Md. r mor d, iduc ilional and
s ' d inil cne • that ni ly ten ! t > im- !
prove Hi m. Tocv aio expected to re- J
p it . > at tin ir r oins on Monday '
night of each week, and can be there;
at e.l" tiai- >ft.n i 'or. M , this IK-" j
in; optional with th; boys or th ir
parents. Popular Ptorature, ins Ksoot
gi;w>\ F; ' udi.l rooms and attentive
rnai igei'3 are soro • of iho indue incuts
livid oat to attract those whom the
am iety wishes to benefit. The pi in—
cipvl supporters of tho Boys' Branch
arc or busine.-:s men, who alre.idj
iuivc " .ntriimti d '.i to its support.
The firut of .1 series of entertainments
wc.s hcl I in tiic C uirt House on Tm s. |
dc.y bh Udph Bingham, tlie b-;y ora
tor, of Kiehmond Va., la id his large
audience sped houjid for more than an
hour. Smith's orchestra furnished the
Lv.isi •. Our venerable friend Hon. S.
T. Shop it ! marked "This will do
the bay-j sou:- g- ul. and I am sure
they are l ing amused." I congrat
ulate both the Y. M. C. A. and tire
'•Boys" wish them many years of
UcCfuhu ss, and trust the favorable ap
pearance n IVY noticed may ever remain.
Why could not Millheim arouse e
nough of iut- ivY an 1 be able to boast
h ivmg in its midst one of these most
sidul.iry organization;:? You hive the
material in abundance and much good
would result from its bting utilized.
Who w ill move? [Ye3— icho? Ed. j
Speculative Insurance seems to be
booming and is enjoying a season of
prosperity that it certainly does not
merit—the time lias arrived for some
active measures to be taken t. stem
Live flood i f wholcsa'e speculation. I
have before mo now the prospectus of a
j company located in Union Co. that us
' an inducement,says "any cue can be
: coino a member without regard to age
i or health, no medical examination be
ing required." Comment is worse
i than useless. Li t a confiding public
: beware!
Kcws Miscellany.
Diphtheria is worse than ever in
Cambria county.
Judge Cummin, of Wiliiamsport, in
sentencing a prisoner for carrying con
cealed weapons, said there arc only two
classes, gui'ty of that offense, "one
class is composed of co wards, the oili
er of villains."
A bogus Odd Fellow is victimizing
members of the order in neighboring
counties. Look out for him men and
On the 12th instant; at Douglass
yille, Berks county, the policy holders
in the various graveyard insurance
companies, who have grown weary cf
the frequent assessments, will assem
ble, form in procession and make a boil
lire of the worthless but expensive
A fourteen year old J daughter of Da
vid narinan, of Latimore,
' Adams county, ran i\ splinter in lier
foot. A we k after lockjaw set in and
s!ie died from th. effects last week.
About f hun !rd milkmen were re-
e 4 uire It ) stand in lino on Saturday
morning in front of the lo railway
depot at Jersey City while the state iu
' speetvir of milk ami a detective t nee
: examined their cms. Aluut two
thoueaud gallons of uiilk were dumped
. into the Stre- ts and live milkmen, nil
of New York, were nasi and lined
fifty-live dollars each.
There are twenty-two pi Loners in
t!ie Lackawanna county i lit at piesent.
"I'inkkyk. the new horse dise.i e,
is killing off a gieat many horses ui
The citizens of Lewisburg have now
1 laiseii jdO.O'Ki f>r the I diversity at
l.ewishurg. This secures to the in
stitution an additional endowment of J
rld'JjiiM, of which William lluekiudh
of IhiiladelphiH, gives $00,1)0.).
Xewspvith sharks -'liat is, that'
class who take a piper for a number
of years and then .'kip without paying
for it —are reminded by aeoutemperary
that "the new postal law now mukvs
I tho taking ifa no.vsp ipea and there
final t > pay for the same, theft ; any
1 person guilty of such an action is liable
to proceedings, tho same as if he hud i
i stolen goods to the amount < f sub
, setiption." A New York paper has
already commenced suit against seven!
subscribers for such an off ae.
rhore \ut< llvo death-; from mining
aeeidcuts in Sehtiyl'kill canity bot
Out'.a JT; 3. n't.. in 111 <• • MlUs, Mr".
Jl'i-c A. Atispadl. aged s'• year*, 5 months a 1
] .'ay.
On the . Ih ult., tii I'. i-iMnii/. Mr. !>;•-vl!
Young,i •il y, i re, 1 rn <<u '> ■ ".< .1 11 0- y..
On the ."l ult. in Gem-jit':' Valley- Mr. Aui"3
lit t ler, aged . r l years, 'J Moil M ami 3 da> .
Ou /lie :'rd lust, at Cuhurn, after a lon - si<! -
lie - tif consumption, Mr. Daiilel Ki'W Iter'
aged 12 . i urs.
Hillhornt ttarfeci.
C -rre -I'd every Wctlnr 'tin' by Geplu-vt
A Mus.Mtr.
Wheat No L-V
ti .ts White ' J
r.Mft, te it
Flour 7 iVI
Hrait A' d'oi te,pei tou 2 u
v alt,per ikt
I'ia ter, ground
''eiuent. |*(*t Ifa slid 45 to o
1 \ nudhvseed
11l is "1
l 'lo vorseed,
Uutli 3,1
fides l'
\ i- il
it *et :.
Kggs 24
I\n aloes
I.a-I . H
1 allow
* ' i| V
Dried Apple •>
ill i* tl I'l iflf-s
Dried Cherri".s
flgg Coal #'."h
.s i\e " ■■■-<>
!:• sti.ut • A 1
I'e i 3
'• t> \ the etr Sua 1
l'ifty;et ills per ton additional when deliver 1
in MililieUil.
Flour. &
t A'* *
lo i* • i
& Salt
Highest market price paid f> r all kinds of
—taj .-wax IMEM
C_sc Jri'-Z-A. .L _L\!
Delivered either at the TSUICK MIT.Lcr at the
old MfbSElt .MILL, in MILLIIKIM.
Always on hand and sold at prices that defy
A share #f the public patronage respectfully
solicited. StMy
llHllielm, Centre Co., Penan.
would most respectfully inform tie- public that
they are now prepai■•■•f to manufacture every
thing in tHeir line of lirst class quality. They
have found u superior kind of day and will
constantly keep on hand a full line of
Hoping to merit the confidence of tho public
by furnishing the best grade i f ware they would
respectfully solicit a .share of its patronage, ly
for your Clothing.
Hills ircliifliciiaii Lawn Mower Co.
CT Hartford, Conn.,
YtV, ARl'lllMllHAY
and fH UiTLU
Lawn Mowers,
1 Tho*.* Mow it; havo Ik-comic celebrated
lhiou; hi:i't i•• Wort 1, where lawn* *tr<'cullhn
j O'd, a < tl.o mo t pcrf'vt and !■ it Ji!
I.;tv\ n Mowers ever*. Tuey *l*wd at the
! he;ul ol the lint of lawn Mowers in the t'.S.
and lotrop . £ '■ • y mat-• in all tho im;r<•-
j meitts that exji I'ioiM'o in their luaaafactnro
i can *,. yiwt ;am tn .nit ItilUy lluisho I. t' Oj-Oiiali
i ly ini'.lo and do si,< iHtlil woi n on \i ry variety
I of I l\v 11.
Hind Mower sitoi, tron toll Imsliot. pony
.'llid lloi Sizes, 'JI, J all 1 J U.r e->. S il l tor
SOL I) i! V Gill Ah I.XTS I \ t-. V WIIKii K
W. Darts,
Pvf rVI
A. I Oj/I ivoji ,
My Factory I. o a!t Hie ia U a: 1;e !U
tios" of an.'st rla s i da'aHsiun oil of its kind.
My oxpcrlone • ill th • lu*lue-s extends >\<*r
nnn) jeara. >• >1 b in this country and In Europe,
and aki therefore enabled t do strictly Hon
elit work u? in •dorado price •.
MiHlii'iit), 1',!.,
has ace- pte I an aceticy train me. All c and*
hrotiitat tli'-i-o for dxiu , will be returned five
of extra ,o.
i-ey&- r*' WU*:Zi VT7" '< ' T'\""
■ - - "i * ■ . . * *•?
C•' .1 . * ■' \ ' } v *V
ti a. t- . - u VI 13
t? i t ► i*' ' : •:a. mpllllit
;i • .. vr Li. ",:p Lr past*
• * I F J'l
y. .11 t'j/!- I! • .... D. C
020 1 Stive 4 , Y■/ashing' on, D. C.
• . ♦ ■ -■
Mnk>* (v!ii-ctioi •' • Loans ami nt
t 'tidtoa i l)'. in ss . oafid d to tiii'm. Land
Tun' So'.ilfr s Addiii 'iial Hum :• ! Lv lit
ai d L v W a.;kan i- 'or t : and >; dd.
Tho ITodcl Grocery,
I>aler in fir?t ches fJrweries of all
kinds, Flour and Feed, XVood and
W low \V.i- >.
Oupcnstvare a Hpivialily.
sell a H7i!fe Grmite Tci Sdt, 4u
i>if. for C J Ik AH other Queenswaio
in proporti:.
Just nceiTed the fioMt let of Chios
Waro vcr brought to this place.
Jf you erne to Lewi shrug dor.t
fail to give me a c *ll and g< t the best
b it gains yuti eycr had.
Farmers' Supplies.
C ~D j-: l S3
Mammath and Smalt < Viv t Si ■ t.
i hoicc Timothy d.
White Clover Seed.
Alsyko, or Swedish Clover seed.
Orchard (Irass Si'nl -
Kentucky B!u 'Grass Seed.
Ked Top Grass s. l.
Lawn (ir;r s Snef.
.Mratio \ Foxtail Grass Seed.
Meadow Fescue Gross Seed.
et-sccnted Vernal Gtsisa Seed.
Kouifli-stocit Mi'uilov. (> Seed.
Hard I'i >cte Grass s^ed.
Tali Oat Gras s -d.
Crested Ihigbtail Grass Seed.
rerrenial live Grass Seed.
Italian live Grass See i
-1 : and ctner grass seed,
I" .i in t< .-n 11>\vi ers m r pasture lots can en* *
. | it a; of weeds, bynovinga mixture ol
the Hi*ove scrds. I* 'i ts ln-eu'demonstrated I<>
j' a' experiment that a variety ;>f t:ra
v, ill keep tipn continuous pasture and prevent
t iIC ' l'n\\ til ni Hi Oils.
Weean deliver to Col>urr. and Spring Mi' s
Station*, th ' v- ry best fcrttli/iers made, i ak< r*
llinh Grate Anunoniated Ilone l'iiospliat • in
car load lots, only SUxCi per ton, in ears at
Soutti Carolina I'.one I'hnsphate only
per ton,in carload i ts, at S.atlon,
Farmers vp dy ■ -re opp #-*te Bush
House, Ilellefonie. l*a.
'vVTien in want of
a pair of Boots, Shoes
or Eubbers send to
K mp's Lock Haven
and you can get
them as low as in
Philadelphia or Flew
York. If they don't
suit you, yen can
return them and get
your money back.
First class goods at
low prices is my
To Country dealers, I
will sell at wholesale pri
ces, freight Podded.
£ v'.vJ. \ ; "■ \ v - u {-J S ♦ i ( ■ ,v .-••■ \ . :' -,\'\ •:-, . > v ; • r:
i U 4f w. ¥ CJ si S3 & x&u/ 12 i! *2 LtiiJ ::-':sa % *;>'-!& *£y fraga |j
"B 3 FS F 3 Pi. pi
HfHWIH ffffWWF '
■\S uX i Wmm
"...::. J LA WS
M&MWwmQvmM v iiPPfiT
L. Imuk* a* w 3 811 %w vB S San ik h So 3U 1g
110. 113 & lUFUON7 STREET,
We axe now ofToriuuJlhc largest stock and greatest variety of
Fnmitiii'o, House Furnishing Goods, &c.,
in the St , I'niCZS BETOXD COMPETITION, iu part of Rich an
All the latest Designs
ia Walnut, Oak, Cherry, Mnhoyy.ny and Ehony. We laakca
Specialty in Parlor Suits,
tB.l v.|!i s them lower tlian toy P. *?y in t], * stat\ IV •■-r.ia ins T&OX s3l TO
if you oontsmoiate buylu.; a
it v, ill pay iiu .\\ 'tof.-r prices. W • ai ; carry ala rjcc liae of extra Super, Body and Tap
esiy lin.s eh> Cai'iK A'.
A C:od Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. par yard.
Our stock of Plain, Cut and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain
and Decorated French China, Silver Flated-waro, Lamps and
Chan' eliers, &o.
is well wot'th your Inspection. Oar sales oxseed those of any liouss In our line in the plate.
We extend n invitation to j n to visit us and wultako plavutrc in vju through cur
various iv juii'iutonls.
m opmiaw?wt mt*
td 95® \ ' .. \A V;-,.W fcri £J i •o ! i±.s " h t.yii <>"s HWj E'eg
ill® AU S¥Bf p S
Just returned from N \v York anil haven \v in . r eh ; Couv! de l ine of
Folfc, Flush a,ncl Beaver Fats and Bonnets.
Also just received and always on hand, the latest styles of
Laces, Cords and Tassels, Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats
"P f<pa ■p r 1 mC7 $. ffp
ELj C&\LJP| &£§ JL iAas Vt/ B&
Pccn Street, opposite HartnmuV Foundry, MILLJII.IM.'PEXXA.