Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, October 20, 1881, Image 3

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    |fi< jJjiUtnim journal.
THURSDAY, OCT. 20., 'Bl.
Editors and rroprieiors.
Local Department.
T- STA.M has just open
ed the la rgest stock of goods
that ever earn c to this town-
He will positively sell goods
cheaper than any other store
in this town- Cat I there be
fore you buy elsewhere. He
can suit you in prices
and goodS' Ladies' Suit
ing Go cents per yard, all
wool; Calicoes o and 6 cts.
He will sell anything you
need at rock bottom prices.
—From the PhUipsburg Journal we
learn that Ex-Gov. Curtin is suffering
from a serious affection of the eyes.
—J. F.Cook, Esq., Gen. Agent of
sevqj-al large marble companies, paid us
a flying business visit hist week.
—Rev. John Tomlinson, after an ab
sence "of some weeks spent in Somerset
county, has returned to serve liis pas
—Marble door steps of the best
Sutherland Falls marble, made at the
Millheim Marble Works at a moderate
price. tr
—One of the best assortments of
Silk Handkerchiefs, Canvasses, Notions
and Novelties can be found at the
Journal store. Prices the very lowest.
—A splendid, strong 2 horse spring
wagon for sale. None better in the
valley. Price moderate. Inquire at
the Journal office. tf
Brilliant colors in Gervnantown
Wool, Zephyr, Saxony Wool, Silk
Floss you will find at the Journal store,
next door to the post office on Main
—lt affords us pleasure to state that
our neighbor, Mr. J. W. Snook who
hid been confined to the sickbed for
over a week, is convalescing. Hope
to see him strong and vigorous again
in a few days.
—Mr. J. F. Tjrbert and lady who
had been absent from town for some
time visiting their folks in Schuylkill
county, have returned and are making
their abode with mine host W. S.
Musser, a3 before.
—A full line of School Books, Copy
Books, Slates, Pencils, Pens, &c., al
ways on hand at the Journal Book and
Stationery store on Main Street, next
door to the post office.
—The ladies of Ib*bersburg and
vicinity would better not purchase
their fall hats until Mrs. E. J. Carlin
returns from New York city, where
she is at present buying her stock of
m llinery goods.
—J. A. LIMBERT, the new mail eon
tractor, has procured a fine new wagon
and is prepared to carry express pack
ages and other goods from Coburn to
"Woodward and all intermediate points
at reasonable charges. tf
—Our readers will be gratified to
learn that the business of the popular
Bee Hive dry goods store, Lock Haven,
will be continued at the old place just
the same as before the recent death of
the late propiietor, Mr. J. J. Everett.
—Your children ought to be clothed
in warm garments as the weather is
very changeable and good protection of
the body is necessary. For that pur
pose come to the Journal stoie, where
the best Children's Merino Vests are
kept for sale at low prices.
—Mrs. Annie M. Weaver lias left for
New York to lay in her fall and winter
stock of hats, bonnets, and other
millinery goods. Mrs. Weaver is an
enterprising business woman, keeps
the best stock the market affords and
sells really cheap.
—S. 1\ Kerstetter's in Lewisburg, is
just a splendid place to buy queens
ware, lamps, and groceries generally.
If you go there you will find a full and
complete line of goods, low prices and
a first rate, clever man to deal with.
Just try it and see for yourself.
—Jas. A. McClain and J. C. Harper,
cadidatesn for Register and Prothono
tary respectively, paid us a short visit
last week. They looked pleased, hap
py, confident, talked cheerfully, shook
liand3 gracefully, and went their way
—Mr. Cyrus G. Bright has opened a
new boot and shoo store in Aarons
burg. Cyrus is a skillful and ex
perienced shoemaker himself and fully
understands the wants and tastes of
our people. He sells as cheap as the
cheapest and should be liberally pat
—On.Thursday of last week a little
son of Benj. Stover, residing at Pine
Creek, Haines township, while hunt
ing fish worms in company with his
brother, met with a serious accident.
Forest was just lifting the pick to dig
into the ground when Clarence bent
forward to take up a worm. The
sharp point of the pick went straight
into his light eye, completely empty
ing the optic cavity. Drs. Deshler are
the attending physicians and report
the child doing a3 well as can be ex
WANTED.— About 3500 first class
inch yellow pine flooring in the rough.
Need not be fully dry. Inquire at the
Journal ofiice. if.
—That good, kind soul, Mrs. Jacob
Keen brought us a monstrous big
lien's egg last week. Wo don't care
to give the exact size and weight in
figures, lest our friends would accuse
us of stretching—as if an editor could
even stretch an egg—but it is fully as
large as a "gooth egg" anyhow,
—Ayer's Hair Vigor restores the
color and stimulates the growth of
the hair, prevents it from falling oIT,
and greatly increases its beauty. It
lias a delicate and lasting perfume, its
ingredients are harmless, and for the
toilet it is unequalled.
—Last woek for the first time we had
the pleasure of making the acquaint
ance of Mr. Win. C. Ward, ,Gen.
Freight Agent of the P. & E. It. 11.,
and Mr. J. Lewis Hough, Chief Clerk
to Supt. Neilson. Wo called at their
headquarters in Willinmsport on a
little business, and left them with the
impression that they are full sized
gentlemen in every souse of the word.
—ln reading the Journal this week
don't skip the cauls of A. Simon's
Sons, Grocers, and Simon Brothers,
Clothiers, Lock Haven. The brothers
and sons, or sons and brothel's— it
reads well either way—are active, en
terprising business men, keep the best
the market affords and sell at bottom
prices. No better places anywhere to
get full value tor your money ll and
don't you forget it. ,}
—lt is admitted on all hands that a
visit to Lock Haven would be very un
satisfactory, and incomplete without
going to Whitcomb's Mammoth Cloth
ing Store. Mr. Whitcomo keeps every
thing that goes into the make lip of
men's clothing. Ilis stock is as com
plete as "his prices are low, and his
many customers always leave with
glad hearts and cheerful countenances,
knowing that they have received as
much for their cash as any man can
possibly give.
—The winter term of our public
schools in the borough and township
will commence next Monday, October
24th. Parents take a note of this and
have your children fully equipped and
ready to start to school that day. It is
of no small importance that you should
enable and urge them to put in their
full time. Every schoolhour lost, de
creases the knowledge they ought to
acquire as childien and which they
will sadly miss in their older days. A
word to the wise is sufficient.
—One day last week two Aarons
burg boys, the one a son of Mr. Sum
mers, the other of Mr. Fred Limbert,
engaged in a hand to hand fight iD
that place, and in a tit of uncontrolla
ble passion young Summers made use
of a knife and stabbed Limbert in the
thigh, severing one of the arteries.
The boys, we are told, had an old spite
at each other that finally resulted in
this passionate fight.
—The corner-stone for the new St.
John's Lutheran Church at this place
was laid with religious services
and ceremonies on Sunday last. The
day was a fair one from about nine
o'clock until evening, and a great
many people had assembled to witness
the solemn rite. Unusually able and
instructive sermons werepreached on
Saturday and Sunday evenings, by Rev.
W. 11. Diven, of Saloona, and 011
Sunday morning by Rev. S. E. Furst,
of Bellefonte. The collection mounted
to about fifty dollars, which swells
the total contributions to date
to the clever sum of $34 )0. The peo
ple of Millheim as well as the visiting
ministers and other strangers present
were all well pleased and doubtless
much benefitted by the preaching and
exercises of the day.
Tlie Gallowes in Snyder County.
Jonathan Moyer, Emanuel Ettinger
and Israel E:b, convicted of the mur
der of John and Gretchen Kintzler in
the court of 03'er and treminer for
Snyder county, are to be executed at
Middleburg on Friday, December IG.
The trial of the condemned excited
much interest and was reviewed by
the suprpme court on an appeal by the
defendants, hut the higher tribunal
sustained the rulings of Judge I3ucber.
Messrs. 'Potter. Iloner ancl Grimm
were of counsel for the commonwealth
and Messrs. Diil, Smith and Linn for
Re-union of the Fifty-Third Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers.
The second re-union of the old 53d Kcg't r.
V. will be held at Milton, Northumberland Co.
Pa., on Tuesday December 13th ISSI. It is ex
pected that a large proportion 'of the surviving
members of the regiment will be prclent. Geo.
C. Anderson of Latrobe, Westmoreland Co., is
president of the association. P. 11. Schreyer
of Milton, Vice President, JllO, M. Caldwell,
Milton, Treasurer, and A. 11. Mann, of Couders
port, ;Sec'y. The Executive Committee con
sists of Geo. I) Pifer, 514 Market St. Phil
adelphia, Eli Chambers, Latrobe John Mc-
Laughlin Huntington, P. 11. Schreyer, Milton
and A. B. Mann, Couder-! port.
In the whole History ol Medicine.
No prep oration lias ever performed such
marvelous cures, or maintained so wide a repu
tation, as AVKH'SCHKITITY PECTORAL, which is re
cognized as the world's remedy for all diseases
,Vf w ? n, i lungs* Its long contained
seues of \\onderfui cures in all climates has
made .t universally known as a safe and relia
ble agent to employ. Against ordinary colds,
wicii are the forerunners of more serious dis
orders, it acts speedily and surely, always re
newing suffering, and often saving life. The
protection it affords, by its timely use in throat
and chest disorders, makes it an invaluable
remedy to be kept always on hand in every
home. No person can afford to be without it,
and those who have once used it never will
From their knowledge of its composition and
effects, physicians use the CHEKKY PECTORAL
extensively in their practice, and clergymen
recommend it. It is absolutely certain in its
x-cmedial effects, and will always cure where
cures are possible.
News Miscellany.
will be placed on the live-cent foreign
postage stamp.
The Warren county jail at present is
without a single occupant.
The Cornwall ore mines, near Leba
non, produced last year 280,000 tons of
iron ore, a larger product than any oth
er mine in the United states.
A Johnstown mule, owned by
Gallagher Brothers, committed suicide
on Sunday night by hanging itself
with a halter. The ani
[Tnal was endeavoring to knock a "fly off
the left ear with his right hind foot,
and the hoof got caught in the halter,
drawing it so tight around its neck as
to cause strangulation.
Born 1766—Diod 1881.
DANVILLE, 111., October 11.—Mrs.
Margaret Noughton, the oldest citizen
of the State of Illinois, diet! here to-day
aged nearly one hundred and sixteen.
She was born in County Mayo, Ireland,
Tennesseo's Sleeping Beauty.
KNOXVILLE, October 11. —Lizzie
Moran, a beautiful young girl, has been
sleeping eight days, awakening only
a few moments for food. The case
nuzzles the doctors.
It will pay the head of every house
hold to devote considerable attention
to his children. It will especially pay
to become interested in the school-life
of the children, and, as much as pos
sible, to know just what they are
studying and how they are doing it.
It is too common a custom for parents
to trust all to the teacher, on the prin
ciple that it is their business to edu
cate the young people. But even if
the teacher's duty is well performed,
the supervision of the father will stim
ulate the child to renewed exertions,
and largely aid tlio teacher. The child
whose father goes over his lessons
with him is never at the foot of his
class.— Philipsbury Journal.
A TIMELY TOPIC.—The most suc
cessful men in business are thoso who
advertise freely. Our greatest dry
good and grocery merchants spend
hundreds of dollars yearly in this way,
and they all say that it pays. The mer
chants who do little or no business are
the ones who do not use printer's ink.
Look around and observe the truth
fulness of what we say. There is a
nother thing true of the man who ad
vertises: his stock is the largest, best
and cheapest, for the reason that it is
converted into money every few days.
From Patriot, Oct. 13.. 1531.'
A Furnace Hand Strikes Down
a Man and Death Results.
The Cbambersburg JlcraUl says: On
Monday night of last week Jacob
Swank, of Carrick, was on his way
home from a meeting and as lie pass
ed the furnace casting house, he was
hailed by John iieeter who was sitting
in the door. Heeler'called to him to
come over and tried to provoke a light,
but Swank said he had no desire to
wrangle, that lie was too old a man,
and passed on. lieeter called him a
second time and as Swank turned,
lieeter hurled a piece of cinder "at. him
which struck liini in the forehead,
felling him to the ground. The das
taid then ran and jumping on his un
conscious victim tramped him terribly.
The furnace keeper finally pulled him
off and tha poor fell ow was carried
home. lie laid in an unconscious
state until Friday J ast when he died.
Monday District Attorney Sueserott
and the coroner took the matter in
hand. Dr. Ramsey, assisted by Dr.
Jones, of Mercersburg, had the corpse
exhumed, and held a post mortem, at
which a large clot of blood in the front
part of the brain aad a fractured skull
were revealed. The murderer escaped
and has not been arrested. A reward
of $.lO i 3 offered for his arrest, by the
commissioners. It ought to be SSOO.
The following is an accurate descrip
tion of the murderer: John lieeter,
aged nineteen, five feet six inches tall,
weight about 140 pounds, heavy set
with short neck, no beard, red faced
with thick lips, nose with depressed
bridge, fiat nostrils and turned up, ears
lay forward, heavy under jaw, hair
sandy and curly, low forehead, a scar
on upper part of nose, downcast look
and repulsive counten ancn. Fifty dol
lars reward. Ex changes please copy
and aid justice.
One of the very worst murders was
committed in Lancaster city on the
night of the sth inst. Mrs. Seymour
was down stair 3 about 11 o'clock and
was in the act of administering medi
cine to Mrs. ltobinson, a sick woman
in the house, when there was a knock
at the window. She knew it wa3 Ed
ward Sanders by the voice, a hard
case of a young mail about 25 year 3 of
ago. She refused him admission; bat
after he told her he had something
very particular t > tell her she opened
the door. 110 entered and immediate
ly assaulted her and ravished her. Af
ter a severe: struggle she escaped and
ran into the street and cried for help.
A neighbor woman who was up yet
let her in; but when she was on the
street Sanders followed her and knocked
her down. Mrs. Seymour "took con
vulsions and died before a doctor
could be called in. When the physi
cian came she was dead. Mrs. Kobin
son, the sick woman, was sent to the
Alms House and tfce three children to
the Home for Friendless Children.
Thus, in a few moments was a moth
er inurdored tind the family brokon up
attd scattered at the hour of midnight.
Any juryman who would refuse to
hang such a fellow ought to be hung
himself, While the woman was dying
Sanders stood by and taunted her,
LANCASTER, Fa, October 10.—
Samuel 11. Miller, hotetkeeper and
merchant of Union Station, on the
Heading atul Columbia railroad,
put two bullets in William Genseiner
at midnight last night, because Gense
tuer and his friends demanded admis*
sion to tho Hotel. One ball entered
tiis neck and another tho temple.
Gensemer died at 1 'J.3O to-day. Miller
was arrested and lodged in prison in
this city late this afternoon.
.11 ill tin in llnrHoi.
Corrected every Wednesday by Gephtot
& Musser.
Wheat No 1.30
Corn 75
Rye 7.'
outs White 50
Flour 0.60
Bran A.Shorts,pci too 2.5 00
Salt,per Brl ..... 1.75
Plaster, ground 10.00
Cement, jier Bushel 46 lu 60
Tymothysced -
Flaxseed ..
Cioverseed ..
Butter 33
Hums 10
Sides lo
Kggs 24
Potatoes j. <*)
Lard,.... U
Soap f>
Dried Apples 5
Dried Peaches
Dried Cherries
Kgff Coal $5.00
stove " 5.'20
Chestnut " 4.80
Pt'ii 3.50
•' the car load 3.20
Fifty cents per tou acdttioual when delivered
n Milllieiin.
Flout. &
Con 1 ,
& Salt
Highest market prize paid for all kinds of
Delivered either at tht BRICK MILL or at the
Always on haid and sold at prices that defy
com petition.
A share of tfe public patronago respectfully
solicited. 3d-ly
P ottebY
Millheiin, Ventre Co., Peiuia.
would most respectfully talon* (ho public that
they are now preparm to uuigfaeture every
thing in their line of frsl class quality. They
have found a superior kind of ,i av iuu j W ifl
constantly keep on liand a full line of
Hoping to merit the confidence of the public
by furnishing the best grade f ware they would
respectfully solicit a sliaie ofita patronage, lj
W. Davis,
My Factory has all the machinery and faciii
ties of a first class establishment of its kind.
Mv exi>erience In the business extends over
many years, both in this country and in Europe,
and am therefore enabled to do htrlctly first
class work at moderade prices.
Millheiin, l'a„
has accepted an agency lrom me. All goods
Irought there for dying will be returned free
ol extra charge.
Gettysburg, Pa.
The fltt term of the next Collegiate year will
bOfcin Sept. Bth 1881
The Faculty and Instructors are the ox/owlng:' 0. 7
President and Professor ofPttelleetual and
Mosal pdetige.
Luther Ilenty Croll, A. M.,
Professor ofMatheuaths and Astronomy.
Rev. Adam Martin, A. 31
Professor of the Uernan Laiguage autl Litera
ture, aid of Gveek.
Rev. Henry EyUer Jacobs, I). D.,
Franklin Professor duie Ansieut Langitiges
John A. (limes, A. M.,
Graefl Professor of the English Language and
Literatuie, and of History.
Rev. riilllp 3f. Bikie, A. M.,
Ockershansen Professir of Piiisics anc i 0 f j a {.
in. And otlurs.
Hills Archimedean Lawn Mower Co.
Of Hartford, Conn.,
Lawn Mowers,
These Mowers have become celebrated
throughout tin' World, where lawns are cultiva
ted, as being the most jmrfeot and desirable
liwn Mowers oyer made. They stand at the
liead of tlm list of Lawn Mowers In the IT. S.
and Europe. They contain all the Improve
inents that experience In their manufacture
can Huugest: are beautifully finished, thorough
ly made and do s|ilondid work on every \ariety
of lawn.
Ilaml Mower, from Sto IS inches. Vony
and Morse Sizes, 21, 2S ami |32 inches. Send for
Circulars. t
21-3 m
Bronchitis. Asthma, Catarrh. Dyspepsia, De
bility and All Chronie Diseases, "ill years of
itroit experience. 2.unrt hopeless cases cured.
Astonishing discovery of new treatment to
Itlely fatten, make blood and build up the sys
tem. Invalids caused to eat and digest enor
mously Rial gain 3 to 5 pounds per week.
V ital and healing force is rapid V and power
fully increased. New life and vigor impar.ed
e first few days. Severest cases of Con D
sumption, bed fast ami given up to die, curedn
In 2to 3 months, lntlauiatiou ia the latngsß
removed, lloctic Fever and Night .Sweats, uu<!Ef
Couch made loose, and easy, or checked lu So
hours. The t-eatincut exonerates, exalts,a
rouses all orguns into healthy vigorous opera
tion. It is also the greatest cure on earth for
Liver. Kidney, Heart, Head, lllood Skin Fe
male and Nervous Diseases, Seminal Weak
ness, all diseases of children, ami the Opium
llahit. We are honest in our offer, and earn
estly invite you to write or cttiue liefore it is
too late, no mutter what your disease, even if
abaudoued hv th ablest physicians. Describe
your case. Trial free to all who come here. A
trial package of our medicines worth $2 toil
sent by mail to all who send us the names and
addresses of alt atltictcd in their vicinity and
5 cents to onstage, B. 8. DISPENSARY.
errien Springs, Mich.
MANHOOD? A Curt Gutiramtetd. Sufferers
from the above disease (Nervous Debility) wifl find
teimaucnt relief from the use of ECAN'S COMPOUND
-LIXIK and OUGANIC PILLS. Not a quack nostrum
but the genuine prescription used in my regular prac
tice for the past seven years. EHxir, f. per package
or 3 for $4. PHb )i per box, or 3 for Severe
cases require 3 to 5 bottles of the Elixir, with two or
three boxes of the pills. Goods sent to any address
00 receipt of price. J. Y. EGAN,
Ofdentburg, N. Y,
620 F Street, Washing: 011, D. C.
Mako Collections, Negotiate Loans and at
tend to all business couiidcd to them. LAND
souir, Soldier's Additional Homestead Right
and LAM W AKKANT* bought and sold.
Tho Model Grocery.
Dealer in first class Groceries of all
kinds. Flour and Feed, Wood and
W1) .v Wate.
Queenswarc a Speciality.
sell a JF7ufe Granite Tea Sett, 46
pieces, for i- 3-X). All other Queens ware
in proportion.
Just received the finest lot of China
Ware ver brought to this place.
If you ccme to Lewisburg dont
fail to give me a call and get the best
bargains you oyer had.
Farmers' Supplies.
Mammoth and Small Clover Seed.
Choice Timothy s-ed.
"White Clover Seed.
Alsyke, or Swedish Clover Seed.
Orchard Crass Seed*
Kentucky Blue Grass Seed.
Bed Top Grass Seed.
Lawn Gra c s Seed.
Meadow Foxtail Grass Seed .
Meadow Fescue Gross Seed.
Sweet-scented Vernal Grass Seed.
Uough-stocK Meadow Grass Seed.
Hard Fescue Grass seed.
Tall Oat Grass Seed.
Crested Dogatuil Grass Seed.
Perrenial Kve Grass Seed.
Italian Bye Grass Seed
Fiona, and otner grass seed.
Farmers and owners of pasture lots can ero \
instead of weeds, by sowing a mixture of
the alKve seeds. It ha* been demonstrated bv
practical experiment that a variety of grass
will keep up a continuous pasture and prevent
the growth or weeds.
We can deliver to Coburn and Spring Mi! is
Stations, the very best fertilizers made. Bakers
High Grate Ammouiutcd Bone Phosphate in
Car load lots, ouly $35.00 per ton, in cars at
South Carolina Rone Phosphate only 12P.0D
per ton, in car loud lots, at Station.
Farmers Supply store opposite Bush
House, Bcllefoutc, Pa.
When in want of
apair of Boots, Shoes
or Rubbers send to
Kamp's Lock Haven
and you can get
them as low as in
Philadelphia or He w
York. If they don't
suit you, you can
return them and get
your money back.
First class goods at
low prices is my
To Country dealers, I
will sell at wholesale pri
ces, freight added.
1881. MIDSUMMER 1881
TiikcH this method to announce to the people of Perms. Brush andSu#--
gar \ alleys that after a highly successful season he still has,
to select from, and in ordcrj'lo reduce thiaminrgo stock quickly ho has re
duced his prices from 10 to 50 per cent.
We havo revolutionized the Clothing business in Lock Hirer,
can pet as good a suit Irom us as any tailor can make, and at less th \
half the price; and lor style ancJ*fit they are often su|>crior. Bovg liko
stylish suits as well as men, have tl.era in all grades.
Boys Clothing is a Specialty With Us.
No use looking for better goods for boys than we have- you can't ft id them.
No living raau shalfbe allowed to give) tbeir customers better value for their
money than can always be found at my store. And where is the mother that
likes to make children's clothes ? Can't make them tit. '"Nevor look well"
is the complaint of every one. We've got all grades and they are just cute and
nobby as they can bo. A change of weather means a change of cblhos ; a
chance of clothes requires a change of patterns and styles of materials. Tbe
house that has the choicest and newest changes in styles and patterns is likely
to secure the greatest number of new customers and best please and retain its
old patrons. In these days it is not everything that looks like clothing that
will sell, but in the keen competition between different houses it will bo tbo
survival of the fittest.
Unequalled in* Quality,
Unexcelled in Style,
Unexceptional in Fi
And the,, people have, majority, decided to patronize
We have a much larger'stock of new stylo Hats tlianjall the other
stores ,n Lock Haven together, and our prices arc always the lowest.
t ul! stock of 7runks, Bags, &c. Gents' Furnishings, a large line of
sold at lrom 10 to 25 per cent, cheaper than anywhere else in this section,
call and see us. Speial prices to parties from a distance.
J. R, Smith & Go's
NOS. 110, 113 & 114 FRONT STREET,
We are now offeringjthe largest stock and greatest variety of
Furniture, House Furnishing Groods/&c.,
in Slate, at PRICES BEYOND COMPETITION, consisting In part of Kich and riain
r urniture
All the latest Designs
iu Walnut. Oak, Cherry. Mahogany and Ebony. We makea
Specialty in Parlor Suits,
kn.i will sell tliem lower than any Party in the state. Prices ranging FHOX $3) TO #3o*.
If you contemplate buyiug a
It will pay you to write us for price*. We also carry all rge line ol extra Super, Body and Tap
esty Brussels Carpets.
A uood Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. per yard.
Our stock of Plain Cut and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain
and Decorated French China, Silver Plated-ware, Lamps and
Chandeliers, &c.
is well worth your inspection. Our sales excee.l those or a*> House in our line in the state.
We extend an invitation to you to visit ns and will take ple;uure iu sliowiu* you through our
various Deuartiucuts.
m Improvements September, 1878.
KM Notwithstanding the VICTOR has long been tha
P eer °f fln y Sewing Machine in the market—a fact
Uf M supported by a host of volunteer witnesses—we now
n If | confidently claim for it greater simplicity,
II a wonderful reduction of friction and a rare
w combination of desirable Qualities. Its shut
__ Jp * s a beautiful specimen of- mechanism,
takes rank with the highest achievements
I inventive genius. Note. —We do not lease
f. || * consign Machines, therefore, have no old
ones to patch up and re-varnish for our
We Sell New Machines Every Time.
Send for Illustrated Circular and prices. Liberal terms to the trade. Don't buy
until you have seen the
Most Elegant, Simple and Easy" Running Machine
Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR.
Western Branch Office, 235 STATIC ST., CHICAGO, 111. MIDDLETOWN, CQNHa