Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, October 06, 1881, Image 3

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    jfhf || i11 lieilit Journal.
Editors and Proprietors.
locnl Department
—A very fine and complete line of
monuments and bead stones c: 11 now be
cen at the Millheiin Marble works.
—Mr, Jerome Spigeluiver is in the
-city buying goods. He is determined
to sell cheaper than the cheapest.
—Thanks, FtHy for your kind gift.
Such things come very handy and are
well appreciated.
—Mrs. Elias Lose and Miss Mary
Straw are off on a trip to llnrrisburg.
Hope they may have much pleasure.
—Mrs. C. B. Wagner is here on a
visit to her aged mother, Mrs. Bees
man, who is sick.
—Mrs. Cantner, of Milrov, arrived
here on Monday. She is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. S. D. Musser.
—Take Ayer"a Cherry Pectoral to
* top your Colds, Coughs and Bronchial
Affections before they run into Con
sumption that you can not stop.
—The Millheiin B. & L. Association
-will meet next Monday evening. All
whom it may concern, take notice of
—Marble door steps of the best
Butheiland Falls marble, made at the
MO.lheitf. Marble Works at a moderate
price. *'
—A splendid, strong 2 horse spring
wagon for sale. None better in ilie
valley. Price moderate. Inquire at
the Journal office. tf
—The soldiers of Perry county will
hold their seventh annual ieumo:i, Oct.
12th, at Millerstown. Gen. Beaver is
to make the speech.
—The farm of Jonathan Philips, de
ceased, near Millheim, is now offered
at private sale by the executois. Bead
the udvertiserueut.
"WANTED. —About 3)00 Past class
inch yellow pine flooring in the rough.
Need not be fully dry. Inquire at tie
Journal office. H-
—Mrs. II.K. Lose left town last
week cn a prolonged visit to Iter par
ents in New Berlin and other friends
iu York.
—Wise men will afl ready begin to
gather up a fresh stock of patience
and grace in order to have if available
when stoves must be moved and pipes
"fixed J*
—Our lady readers will be interested
to know that Mrs. W. K. Alexander is
in the city to buy a fall stodk <>f bon
nets and hats. Oh, the beautiful, love
ly hats 1
—Rev. C. Iluber, of Limestone
vffie, Montour county. Pa., filled
Foster Tomlinson's pulpits on Sat
urday evening and Sunday. He
preached most excellent sermons.
—Pour children in Washington
township, York county, were poisoned
with JiiLSon weed one day last week,
and Bertha Deardorf, aged five years,
died after several days of suffering.
—We bad quite refreshing rains on
Monday and Tuesday mornings, e
nough to help the sowed grain sprout
and come up. Hope the bountiful
Giver of all good will SOJII send us
— WANTED, at the Journal office, ou
subscription or other accounts, 10
oushels of potatoes, 25 bushels of corn,
several gallons of good apple butter.
If you have any of these art icles to
spare and owe us, bring them along.
—J. A.XIMBEUT, the new mail con
tractor, has procured a fine ncv wagon
and is prepared to carry express pack
ages and other goods from Coburii to
Woodward and all intermediate points
at reasonable charges. tf
T. R. Stam has just received a
large stock of Boots and Shoes, and
has them on the counters for inspec
tion. Look out for bargains and fine
styles. Piiose in want of Boots and
fehoes are invited to call at his store
and see his new stock. .
—Deininger & Musser have just re
ceived another car load of marble di
rect from the celebrated Sutherland
Falls quarries. This is a prettier,
finer grained and more durable mar
ble than any imported marble that is
brought to the country.
—This is fair week both at Lewis
burg and Bellefonte. feorao go to the
one place and some to the other, but
the majority of our people have neith
er time nor money to spare. to go to
-either. Of course we go (rather stay)
with the majority.
corner stone for the new Evangelical
Lutheran Church at Millbeim will be
laid, D. V., on Sunday October 16th,
proximo. Divine services begin on
Saturday evening previous. Several
visiting ministers will be present. The
usual collections will be taken up. The
christian public is cordially invited to
it Paste:.
—Bev. A. lv. L. Zimmerman, of
Watsontown, L'a., preached visting
| sermons throughout ltebeisburg
(Lutheran) charge, last Sunday and
was elected pastor hy a nearly unani
! rnous vote. It is hoped that he will
—The legal vacation for those beau
tiful animals, the deer, is over, and
you can see somebody equipped with
rifle and knapsack, ready to make
war upon them almost every day.
Our Strasburg Nimrods, Dan and
Pkrcc already brought a fine dee home
o l Saturday.
—Far nor Springer is furnishing his
barber shop in first class style, and if
he keeps on a while yet at the same
rate lie will knock the spots oil any
similar establishment on Chestnut
street or Broadway. Well, .lake can
do it, for he makes more money than
any other man in town.
—Mrs. Joseph Cantner sent us a red
beet exactly twenty-two inches leg,
and Ol course thick in proportion. We
liavc nom in our cellar for at least
2(H) utore like it. If we were a "Stal
wau" wa waul 1 call this an Arthur
bent. But wv a Democrat and will
therefore luptiz it Il tnrock brat, as
this name will please Mis. ( antner
much better.
—Dr. J. Jordan Deshlor has not yet
returned from his wedding Dip. Of
course, when a man of the doctor's
means gets married it is entirely prop
er that he should take ample time and
make a good, solid job of it. We
have not learned the lucky bride's
name—some sav ("aatpell, some
hive it something else—but that makes
no*: iai difference as her real name
hereafter will to "Mrs. Doctor J.
Jordan Peskier."
NOTICE. — The subscriptions to the
Lutheran church at Minhone are now
due. No doubt some of the contribu
tors are ready to pay and it would 1H
an accommodation it' they would do so,
as our buildi'i' com nittee will soon
have to make heavy payments.
B. (.). L)EINI.NQF.It,
Finance Committee.
IS one of the most flourishing ine
chanicai establishments in Penn's
Valley, For thirty-eight years it has
enjoyed the confidence ami patronage
of the public and to-day stands as well
in the estimation of our people as at
any former period. The proprietor
have uniformly adhered to one line ot
policy, namely to deal fairly and can
didly with all customers. They keep
the bi-st stock of the several kinds of
marble and never misrepresent quality
or kind. Their work is always satis
factory and they have no quarrel > with
their patrons ab >ut accounts. In thirty
eight years thev liave colkctod but
one single acc unit by pro AS i of law.
The Milihcim M irb'e works is a good
place to deal. You can do no better by
getting monuments or head-stones for
your departed friends anywhere else. tf
Oun BOYS. —O but wo lov-1 proud of
t!ie Millhciin bo\s. Or course they are
not as smalt i:i som-* things :>3 other
boys, but in other iirections lliey excel
much. For example they don't know
much about History, Geography or
Grammar—and i i h'B I what's tlie use
bothering about sua things—but they
can run the.streets later in the evening,
make more noise, louder, exhibit
ruder manners, st;uid around the-cc n
ers on Sundaj morning earlier than
of boys .ve know. And on ex
tra occasions, such as a calatUumpia-i
serenade for a wt ddingthey are simply
grand. An hour's notice is sufiieieot
to bring fifty of them together, with
horns, bells, h use li idle, and every
other imaginable thing to make an
earthly pandemonium, and then—well
we cannot d J the boys full justice, and
forbear. Of course saeli a high state
of proficiency in these branches could
not be acquired without careful and
persistant parental training. That's
what does it.
Toe foil oving which we clip from
the Fi.ilipsburg Journal is about as
good a short sermon on the particular
point as we la\e seen tlr.s long time.
Hope if mav do same good:
Youit HOYS, PARENTS.— A few
nights ago one of the merchant piin
ce 41 of Chicago, htisv with hii money
maki< g, which k-pt at his office
uriiil a late I our, was astounded to see
his Sun, the pride (f his palatial home
staggering from a saloon with a cor. -
pany of roysterir.g companions. 11 is
mind had been so continuously occupi
ed with business that this accident
was a revelation which spoke volumes
of his neglectf bis family. Ho could
only lift this hands and exclaim: "On,
my boy, where have you been to
night V" There ae a multitude of
parents in Philips burg who might well
repeat this question. The dens of
vice aro very alluring, and unless you
throw around the boys and girls your
strong arms of love, before you are
aware they may pass beyond your
reach and be overwhelmed in that
vortex which snatches as eagerly and
otteu a3 successfully, the brightest
and best of the most luxurious homes
as from more humble abodes. Par
ents should know their children and
seek to gain their confidence. They
should know where and how they
spend their evenings and leisure hours.
I They should know the literature thev
pursue, and the character of their as
sociates; not spyingly hut by the kind
considerate means which every parent
should study who has the care and
guidance of children an 1 young peo
ple. Study the happiness of home
and the wants of the family more and
money-making and fashion less, would
be a good motto for a multitude of
fathers and mothers.
I The Pennsylvania Rail Road Compa
! Ny does more business now and makes
more money than ever.
Various ( aus
Advaitclnp years,core, slekneso, disappoint
i merit. ami hereditary |rt**llsi>*i<iiloit ull oper
ate to turn liie hair uray, an t either of them
Inclines it to shed prom iturely. .writ's ll.viu
: ViuOKWill restore fa<|e ( | or pi ty. liplit tit' red
| hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may lie
desired, it soil ns and clean es the acalp,
giving P healthy action, it removes mid en res
dandruff and Immors. Hy Its u->e railing hair
is cheeked. anl a new prowlh will lie produc
ed in all cases where the follelca are not <!e
stroyed or the jilands decayed, lis effects are
beatitilullv shuwn on brashv, weak, or sickly
hair, ti wliieli a few application w ll produce
a gloss nnii freshness ot loulli. llarro'e-n and
lira in its operation, it is IncompamWe M a
resxiiiK. and i . i"-|v.-i:ilh \alued tor the *.elt
ustrc and ilcline-s .u tone it imparls. it eon
tains neither oil nor dye, and will niN toll o
color whitecambric: yeili lasts long on UM
hair, and keeps it iVes'.i and Mn'omus.
Snts liiisccliany.
SKrrr.ATIVK life insurance put to a
, practical test will bo a failure, as every -
! thing based on a eo-operalivt plan i-\
| must be. Tiiat parties in high public
| and social standing set fort It its claims
; li public confidence. tuakes il tin-fold
unire dangerous. What interest I'.as
any man ira subject t '.nitty years old,
unless it is an interest t< have hiiti
die? Whore old agt should inspire re
sptet and love, th vibsli cupidity awaits
its end; whole lo\ iug hands ought to
nni.isiMr to declining years and loving
eves flash affectionate greeting in the
last moments, there waits at the bed
side of death, the hungry speculator,
to whom tl e death hi ell < f the aged as
it clangs out its tale of years is so much
gain. The whole thing is a cold blood
ed matter of business, From specula
ting upon the 1c igtli of a man's life to
wishing his death, from wishing to
hasten ir, are only steps in the down
waid career which men are liable to
have. Xo civilization can stand this
strain, and sooner or later there must
be some legislation to stop it soring
ueisous unless ouo has an insurable,
not a speculative interest in their
11 v es. A.j.
C nigressiuan Cox writes of the Nor
wegians: "Wo see no beggary, no
poorhouses or jails; we hear ol 110
crimes or violence. No locks are need
ed upon doors. Druukenntss is rare.
They love music and dowers, and are
devoted to their faith and their
families. They are never idle. liven
the girls are knitting [while attending
sheep and cows.''
Brutal Fun.
(Ala ) 1 >i>; alch to< liuinnatlCum
Business at Birmingham to-day was
materially suspended in consequence ol'
a proposed fight to be had .at the p:uk I
bet we .MI two bull-dogs and a wildcat,
weighing forly-seveu and a half pounds,
caught near here ou Saturday. By 5
o'clock, the time announced for the ,
tight to coiut* oil, 3,0c0 people had as
i i .
seinblcd and auxiou.-ly awaited the
coming of the thrilling combat. The
Mayor, however turned the dogs and
cats loose promptly on time. The
most desperate and savage tight occur
red, listing twenty minutes, when
the cat hud won the victory, having
put out the eyes of both the dogs, and
the excitement was o\\ r. The light
w.isofunosl intense character, cveiy
one rising to his feet and bursting out
in a prolonged shout at the close. The
owner has challenged a fight between
the cat and any two dogs in the South
for SI,O'JJ a side.
London covers 700 square miles and
has a population of 4,000,000, of whom
1,000,000 arc foreigners. It is stated
as a curious fact that it c nitains more
Human Catholics than Rome, more
Jews than Palestine, more Irish than
Dublin, mo;e s.'otchui n than Kdin
ourgh, more Welshmen than Cardiff.
On tii" fFih alt., n* tlio rcailetii"' of Mr.
Win. I/nivv, Lyke H, I*i . liy lit v. W. K. la-li
ri.l'i. Mr. s-. nitiei K. S.UIK.Y. i f Millhi-im. 1 i.,
to Miss Miuerva V. Sbaler, uf Clint oudale, I'.i.
On the cveainj? of the i;'ih the h.ipjiv couple
had tiieh* weOJing reception at the residence
of the groom's p nvnts, Mil!hi*;in. Ti:e Invited
guest*. l'c- d's the i arents. Mr. and Mrs. ae !>
sankey, were Mr. W. L. Ma-ser & lady, Mr. s.
G. Gatefitn ft lady, Mr S. I>. MU-MT it lady.
Mr. I>. 1,. Zerhv & lady, of Miilhelni, Mr. A. N
Heel; man A lady, of Clinton county. Mr.
.Ja'-ol) Crotz' r lady, of Kaplevillc, Mrs. 1.. I>.
Kurtz and Mrs. I>. I! . I.enker, of Aarousburg,
and MissSu ■ K dahard, of Mlßlinliuig.
Tiu* Cornet discoursed its lines? nusic,
the b auiiful brld • and happy groom were in
their rosiest humor, the guests all in pood cheer
and hilarity. All present were in the happiest
At s o'clock the miosis tvero seated to a
sumptuous dinner, to which they did full jus
tice. Then followed th" members of tlie hand,
and the hoys all save full proof that they un
derhand the absolute necessity of refreshint
the inner man. after their professional work is
over. Their frail bodies as w 11 as their weak
treasury were amply strengt Ironed. Even the
hundr d and fifty hi# and little toys o:i the
and streets were n 1 forgotten, hut
were mad • happy h>* a profit ion of clears and
other luxuries. Ti c> had really done all they
coul l to make the happy event meat irable.
At a late hour the guests and band departed
with their best wishes tor the happiness of the
newly married couple. * *
On the evening of tlv* . c ah fmt.. at Urn resi
dence "| tlie bride's pa a'v. Mil! .>'ini. by hey.
P. C Weldeinyer. nr. James Keen to Miss
Joanna ii., ell< >t daughter of A. o. DHninger.
So goes the world, liut "jut as we evpetted"*
for some time past. Hut how delicate a job for
us to write tin the wedding, because, y u know,
we are so nearly in the "Fresmdsliaft."
Well, then, to get a proper start, we wish the
happy couple all possible bliss—lndeed we do.
May liieir journey over life's tenipestotis sea
have few storms and much sunshine. May they
together enjoy the Idghest measure of iiajtpl
ness a sinful world air ud— together bear the
sorrows and afflictions that Rie tiie common lot
of us ail. Especially do we charge our new
nephew and cousin to take good care of Joan
na, for she is worthy of tlie best and kindest
treatment a wife can have. For several years
she lias Deen in our service In the Journal of
fice and otherwise, and we cheerfully and
squarely endorse her unblemished character,
her industry and excellent domestic and social
i trails.
The wedding was a very enjoyable family
festival, and we specially commend the absence
of that rmld formality that >o often destroys all
real enjojincut on such occasions. "Gust," the
new father-in-law, was in ids best limnor and
felt even thicker than usual. For once we hope
nil our readers will believe us when wo state
that we appropriated our full share of the ele
gant dinner. The baud did their level best—
and when the boys do that their beautiful strains
will charm and enchant even the prosiest soul
The bride was remembered with a few sub
sUuiiitd presents.
Lottsr from Kanono.
Girard City, Oct. Ist, 18S1.
Mu. Ebirort:
No dotibt many of my
old ft lends in I'enu's and Brush val-
Itns would lik.' to hear something of
my 11 i|> to Kansas. 1 arrived horn
last Wednesday. S pt. 2th % at ir. M.,
somewhat, with the lonic
journey, huvitii? been two days and t wo
nights en tl-e wV from Pittsburg.
Girard is 12"> ml'et frora Kan m ■'>*, n
tie* Iv. c., I'l. Scot I & (lull 11. It. 1
can say hut littlo of Kansas yet. We
had a tfootl deal of rain since 1 came to
this p'l.ieo and I did not out to see
much. In the corn crop there is hut
little diffeionce all along the route 1
traveled in IC ins.n. I think <l.l IVnii's
valley has tn-ttei corn thin any 1 have
seen sine I left horn '. Old ru s lis
here at sixty cents per bushel and
seatco at that. My I est legards to
Ulllbelni tint-Aid.
Corrected oV ry Wednesday by Gephart
& dut-ef.
Wheat No. 1
Cm 1'
P. • '
i iaf s W idle • d
Itnekw lieut
Flour •' A 1
Hran A -bol ts,pet ton 25 d>
-all, per till LT "■
!'!.*.ster. .■ 1011 ml _ ID.OI
.'Uient, per llm hoi A,', to .1
If.ll lev .
T>mot liy seed
t 'lot e 1 seed
Hams i ,;
f ides !•
\ eal
Pel li
l'elati *■'
Lard 11
*<>: iP
Dried Apjiles b
Dried Peaches
Dried Gin rides
i'2K Coal
Mev "
ChestllUt "
1 1.1 " . . • '
" by ti.e lar lot*! ... 32u
l'i tv c per ton ntidiUotial when deliver !
u Milihelm.
S. 11. Ib'iile. 11. A. McKee.
j"3EALE & McKEE,
OSlee opposite Court House.
iiour. &
A Salt
liigLc it market price paid for all kinds of
Delivered eitlo rat the Bitl'Jlf MII.T or at lire
Always 0:1 hand and sold at prices that defy
V -h ire of the public patronage respectfully
Mdteited. 2C.—ly
Fmillheim m#
EHiSu-itn, Centre Co., Peima.
would most repec?fullv inform the public that
limy i*e now pr. ji.iL'' I to 111 innlaeture < v< y
t ,iho in tnoil- iiii" of first ej i quality. They
have found -ujitrior kind of clay and Will
constantly keep on hand 1 lull line of
Hoping tn merit the con fid? nee of the public
by fumishfnxthc best grade of ware they would
respectfully solicit a share of its patronage, ly
r n'V.-inm
VsT. Bmm,
My Factory has all the nviel.incry ar.d far!l!
ties of n tl Isi class establishment of its kind.
My experience in the business extends over
many jeurs, botk in t i;D cout try and In Europe,
and am therofnrc eiuibletl to do strictly lirrt
cia-s work nt moderade prices.
Ins acecpte I an avency from ne. All goods
brought there for dying will be returned free
of extra charge.
Gettysburg. P.i.
Tlic first torm of the next Colloglatc vc sr will
be n iii Sept. Bth ISM.
The Faculty and Instruciora are the uitowiug:
Yiatici, !*. W.,
l'resident and Frofcvsir of I vteileetual and
Moral Science,
luthrr Hptirj Crjll, T I.,
I'rufesF.or ofMatheniatics and Astronomy.
Itev. Adam Yiailid, A. aS.,
l'rofersor of the German Language and Litera
ture, and of Greek.
Ecv. Henry Eystep Jic
Franklin Professor of Uic An uent Languages
Joftn A. inaiea, A. M.,
Gracff Professor of the Engii.ih Language and
Literature, and of History.
H?v Philip M. Bilile, A. ?J.,
Qekershausen Professor of Phisics and of Lat
- .jn. And others.
Hills Arciiiaclaii ton Mower Co.
Ot Hartford, Conn.,
\e\v auchimedeaa
Lawn 'Mowers,
Tlic-o Mmvi'rs have become celebrated
throughout t;,e World, where lawns 'lie cullba
to.l. us being tlio most pt'i'fwt and desirable
l.a ah Mowers i-vi't' made. They stand at the
h ad of t!ie list of l.awu Mowers In the t'.S.
and iiirope. They contain all the improve
meiits that e*|)cr|('M'' ' In tlo ir manufacture
ea ii uuuji.e d; are beautifully linished, thorough
ly mnde a mi do spieiurid work oa every variety
oi lawn.
Hand Mower sift's, from 8(013 Inches. IV,nv
and Ihnse Sizes, 21, 23 uud |32 inches. Send lor
21-3 in
llii prbebymajl.
ILoichith, Astiitna, ' atiiih. Dyspepsia, Pe
-1*• 11 \ and All Chronic l'i eases. 2" yoitrs el
ere it esperte.iee. 2.'-"I 1.0p.-less easett eared.
AS'. ciMilii,; ni'c .vat v of new tlealiimiit to
• ptiely tattea, make blood and build ut> the sytt
■ tent. I aval Ids caused to eat and digest enoi
t.ousiy and gain s to ~ pouin s per k.
it tl and healiuj: force :s ra id y ami power
p3lti!!y im'iea-ed. New lite anil vigr hltpar e.t
the Jlr-t lew days, s.-veiest cams of I'OIIIV
sii'iij t on, |>ed lit and given up to die, >-uiedK
In 2to 3 months, LiMam iti >n tn the I itiir-Jl
i moved. lleetie Fever ami Night Sweats, nndyj
Con 1. in nle loose, ami eu v. or cheeked la 3d
hours. The t'eatmcni exUlleratev, eutti,a
rousi's all into heatlliy vigorous opcia
tion. It is a;.o the i:rea T st etir< - on earth for
l iver, Kidaey. Heait. Head, Blood Skin le
male and Netvous |ii.-"ases, Seminal Weak
ness, all diseases ots-ldldiea, ami the Opium
Hahit. We are Imuest in our ofiwr, and earn
estlv invite ton to write or e one befoie it is
to late, in-inatU'r w dat your disease, even tf
abandoned lv t'i< . blest phy-ieian*. Describe
your ease, Trial fi •to all whoeonus here. A
Dial package ot our ineon- nes wonliij t<> yj
sent liynia'i? rl! who -end us (h • liniiies and of all a.i:.e:ed in tie Ir v'e|uit\ and
o cents to *U)staj:e, 1. s. DIt*PLNSAKY,
i rrien Hprinj;-. Mich.
YV MANHOOD? A Cure Guarantied. Suflerers
from the above disease (Nervous Debility! will find
permanent r* lief from the use of EGAN'S COMPOUND
ELIXIR and OKC.ANI PILLS. Not a quack nostrum
but the cenuiiiL prescription used in my regular prac
tice f i the past seven years, fclixir, sajcr package
or i for $ i Pills J.i per bo*, or ' for Severe
cases require , to 5 bottles of the Elixir, with two or
three boxes of the pills. Goods sent to aiy address
on receipt of price. J. Y. EGAN,
Ogdentburg, N. Y.
020 F Strcot, Washing 1 on, I). C.
Make C dlecthm*. NorntluW* Loan* and at
tend to a I bujiiio ss coutll>'d to tln'iii. I and
><. Kti\ soldo i - Additional Ihiinesbad
aid LAM' W Al>l'.\N I • l>< uuht ami suld.
I The Model Grocery.
Dealer in that class Groceries of all
kinds, Flour and Feed, Wood and
\VI) *v Wat a.
Quecnsware a Speciality. ;i WlixUGrcmite T<a , 4G
pieces, for '8 0. All Queens ware
| in propci li >n.
Just received the finest lot of China
War<j ver brought to this place.
If you come t<> Lewlsburg dont
fail to g ve me a e *ll aud get t!io best
bit gains you ever had.
Farmers' Supplies.
Mammoth and Smalt Clover Seed.
Choice Tnaothv seed.
White Clover 3ced.
Alsyke, or Swedish Clov n r Seed.
Orchard Grass Seed*
Kentucky Blue Gr/ws Seed.
; Red Top G ra:w Seed.
Luwti Gra s Seed.
Meadow Foxtail Grass Seed.
Meadow Fes,-no Gross Seed.
Sweet-so* wtcd Vernal Grass Seed.
K m-rh-sto.'K Meadow Gja.s* Seed.
Ilurd Fescue Gra.** Need.
Tali Oat Gras Seed.
( tested l'o&stail Feed.
Per rental Bye Grass Seed.
Ita'a u Rj e Grass Seed
i'ioiiu, and otner pra's feed,
Farmers mid trtvrrrs of pasture lots can crow
pram insl d ! weeds, b\ sowinc a mixture n|
ttie atiove seeds. It has been demonstrated y
praetical oxpcrimcut Uuit i variety'of grass
: will keep up a emit muoui pasture and prevent
the growth of weeds.
\\>can deliver io Coburn and Spring Mill*
Station*. the very bed feriili/.ers made. Bakers
llicll Grate At Mil.minted Bone l'hosphatc i.i
C..r load lots, only Sdo.eJ per ton, la cars at
Stat nun
South Carolina Bone Thopphate only S2O. Xi
per ton. in ear load lots, at flat I'm.
Farmers Supply store opposite Bush
ll' use, Bel font". I'<J.
When in want of
I a pair of Boots, Shoes
:cr Rubbers sand to
Kamn's Lock Haven;
| and you can gat
them as low as in
; Philadelphia or Hew
York. If they don't
suit you, you can
return them and get
your money back, j
First class goods at
| low prices is my
To Country dealers, I
will sell at wholesale pri
ces, freight added.
1881. MIDSUMMER 1881.
Taken this method to announce to tho people of Penns. Rnush andSii£-
gar Valleys that altera highly successful sou ton he Mill has.
to select from, and in order to reduce this large stock quickly he hus re
duced his prices from 10 to 50 per cent.
We have revolutionized the Clothing haziness in Lock Haven,
can ret as good a suit from us as any tailor can lank", and at loss than
half the price ; and for style umPfit they are of ten j superior. Hoys like
stylish suitsjas well as men, and we have ti on in all grades.
Boys Clothing is a Specialty With Us.
No use leaking for better goods for boys than we havo- yim can't fi'<! thein.
No living man sh iK bo all >.ve.l to givo, theli cusfcnu iti Ulit r vtthiH for iheir
m tiey than can always be fouul at my store. Aud where 1.1 tt*j mother
likes to make chi'dreuhs clothes ? Can't make tin m lit. ' NVvor look weli",
is the con plaint of every one. We've got all get 1 s and they are just cote and
nobby as they can be. A change of weather ui an a co nge of tl f.hes ; a
change of clothes requires a change of patterns and stales of ra iteiials, Tho
house that has the choices! and newest changes in styles nnd pal terns is likely
to secure the greatest number of new custom?rs and best please and retain its
old patrons. In these days it is not everything that 1 >oks like cl -tiling that
will s 11, but in the keen om petition between d U neat homes n will ba the
survival of the fittest.
Unequalled in Quality,
Unexcelled in Style,
! Unexceptional in Fit.
And the people have, by a targe rn: j rity, decided to p tronlze
We have a mack larger stock of new stylo Hals than*all the other
stores in Lock Haven together, and our prices are always the lowest.
Full stock of Trunks. Lags, Ac. Gents' Furnishings, a large line of
sold at from'lo to 2o percent cheaper than anywhere else in this section,
call and sec us. Fpcial prices to parties from a distance.
LOOK mm, PA.
s Jmi4 L&? 4#@i S
NOF. 110, 113 A ill FRO\ T TSTREET,
We arc row offerinjdtbe largest stock and greatest variety of
Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, &e.,
IV t'.-state, at riIICEJI BETOXD COW PETITION, con.h>B i part of Hich aud Plain
1 Ui i-Harc
All the latest Designs
la W.ilnut, Oak. Cherry, Malioganj and Khony. TVc i. alcca
Specialty in Parlor Suits,
rh,l v. ill sell them lower than any Firt.v In th* snt\ Prices ran pig F.TOt £2) TOSVO).
If you contemplate buying a
U V. ill pay you to vrite u* fur prices. We %Uo carry v large line of e*tr'. S iiur. Hotly and Tap BilisscS C.. |- is.
A Casd Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. per yard.
Our c-tockof Plaia Gat and Engraved Table 0-l-dS3-"ware, Plain
and Decorated French China, Silver Plated-ware, Lamps and
Chandeliers, &c.
! Is well worth your i:isj'Vlinn. Our sales exceed tho <v o. auj II oar I! a in fit slat*.
Wc an lnviKf.on to yea l*> ai X If; * ii.ire i s'u jji V irr.ij'i our
V;i4lus DeyarUucuts.
iSHM llmprovomonts September, >B7B*
Notwithstanding the VICTOR lias long been tbo
imiufSyy. y8 peer of any Sewing Machine in the market —a fact
iW If II supported by a host of volunteer witnesses—we now
11 If confidently claim for it greater simplicity,
IB li a wonderful reduction of friction and a rare
11 ~:W combination of desirable qualities. Its shut-
M mlm tie l a beautiful specimen of mechanism,
and lakes rank with the highest achievements
mmSS&ak ol * inventive genius. ITofe. —W edo not lease
tN ~ ' or consign Machines, therefore, have no old
~ ones to patch up and re-varnish for our
We Sell New Machines Every Time.
Send for Illustrated Circular and prices. Liberal terms to the trade. Don t buy
until you have seen tho
Most Elegant, Simple and - Easy Running Machine inthe
Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR.
Western Branch Office, 235 Siaxa St., Csicaoo, I _ - - MIDBLETOWN, CONN #