Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 29, 1881, Image 2

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    |tjt Jjitlljfim journal.
THURSDAY, SI?T. 29., 'Bl.
published every Thursday, in MIISSPT'S Build
ing, corner of Mrtin (Ul IV nn streets :it.
Or #1 23 it not paid in advance.
■ AB T 73 RTJSJ.\ '< ■ 1
1 week. 1 mo. 3 mo. d mo. 1 year.
1 square....! $HH>| s2lO| S3OO 1 SIOO 1 s*uO
column,..| 300 I 400 I 600 | 10 00 I is 00
', column.. .1 500 I 800 12 oo I 20(Hi :r> oo
I'column... | 800 | 12 00 | 20 00 \ 23 (Hi | 00 00
One inch makfs a square. Administrators
and Executors' Notices $2.30. Transient ad
vertisements s.nd locals 10 cents per line for
first insertion and3cents per line tor each ad
ditional insertion.
Job Work done on short rot ice.
Editors and Proprietors.
CM & May Sclool Dirsetory.
•P. C. Wchlcmtrer and J. Af. Dick, preachers.
Rev. P. O. Weldemyur will preacli next Sun
day evening—English.
SUNDAY School, 2 r. M,—>l.l. Jamison, supt.
jßer. J. Benson AJcera, Breather :n charge.
Sunday School at lLj r. M.—D. A. Mns>er, sui>t.
lie p. C, IP. K. Sieijel, Potior.
English preaching in Aaronsburg next Sun
day afternoon.
United Brethren.
iiVr. TidUietui, Prcaehcr-in-charg*.
Her. John Tomlinson; Pastor.—
United Sunday School.
Meets at ?A. M.—ll. K. Duck, supt.
Loiie & Society Directory.
Millheim Lodge. No. 033, I. o. O. F. meets in
heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening.
Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on
or before (lie full moon of each month.
Providence Granite. No. 217 P. of H.. meets in
Alexander s block on the second Saturday of
each month at ILL r. M.. and on the fourth Sa
turday of each month at l 1 •l\ M.
I>. L.ZEKBY. See. T.G. KKH VKO, Master.
The Milllnim B. & L. Association meets l
fiie l'enn street school house on the evening of
the second Monday of each month.
The Millheim Cornet Band meets in the
Town Jlall on Monday and Thursday evenings.
J. B. ilartman, See. John Kreuuter. Pres't.
JOHN K. RUXKLE, of Totter,
J. G. LA KIM EK. of Spring.
J.C- HARPER, of Beliefonte.
THOM AS J. DI NK LE, of Rush.
JAMES A. MeCLAIN, of Boggs,
FItANK E. BIBLE, O[.Spring.
D. C- KELLER, of Potter.
A. J. tK EI ST, of Union vi He.
JuHN WOLF, of -Miies.
P. r. MUSSER, of Millheim.
J. S. PBOUDFOOT, of Milesburg.
Presi dent Garfield's Funeral,
ELBERON, X. J., September 21.
For an hour the remains lay in state
at Francklyn Cottage before the funer
al. The President is laid out in the
fcu't of clotlies tvhich he wore on
inauguration day. Kis left hand is laid
across his breast, after the manner he
had in life. This was dene in order to
make his resemblance as near to life as
possible. The casket lay in the hallway
on the lower floor, with a soldier at the
head aud foot of it. The casket is
Mack with silver handles, and upon
the top is a silver plate with the in
Died President of the United .States,
September 1?, 18S1.
The religious services were conduc
ted by Rev. Charles Young, of Long
Branch. After the conclusion of the
servives at the Pranckiyn cottage Mrs.
GarGtfld accompanied by her son
Ilarrry, Colonel Swaim, Colonel and
Mrs. Itockwe 11 and Dr. Boynton and
O. D. Rockwell came from the Franck
lyn cottage and entered the first coach.
The members of the Cabinet and their
wives followed and took seats in the
second coach. Mrs. Garfield was
heavily vailed, and in passing to the
train exhibited the same fortitude,
which had characterized her manner
throughout. Y ery soon President
Arthur, Gen eral Grant and Secretary
Blaine entered the train and it moved
off promptly at ten o'clock amid thous
ands of mourning hearts.
WASHINGTON, September 21.—The
specfal train bearing the remains of
President Garfield, which left Elberon
at 1C a. m., reached Washington at
4.35 p. m. the passage from Elberon to
Washington was one continued man
ifestation-of sympathy and sorrow. In
the populous cities, in the smaller
villages and even in the country
through which the train passed, demon
strations of sympathy and sorrow were
everywhere seen. At the larger cities
multitudes cf people assembled and
stood absolutely silent with heads un
covered as the train passed by, while
the toiling of bells, flags flying at half
mast and the funeral drapery wtich
covered many buildings, all added to
the solemnity of the scene. At numer
ous points along the route beautiful
floral offerings were observed, and at
several places tho track was literally
covered for a distance of more than a
hundred yards with ferns and lbwers.
A vast throng of people were as
sembled about the depot to do honor to
the illustrious dead, e very avenue and
approach being densely packed with
jostling, but in every instance qUiet
and orderly citizens.
As the train rolled slowly into the
depot every bead upon the platform
was uncovered, and a stillness as of
the crave pervaded the vast throng,
which for more than an hour had been
patiently waiting upon the outside.
Soon Mrs. Garfield, assisted by Secre
tary Blaine, deset n lest from the car
and taking his aim upon her light
and that of her son Harry upon her
left she walked directly to the carriage
in waiting, .she entered the state
carriage and was followed by her
daughter Mollie, her son Harry, Mrs.
Bock well and Miss Rockwell.
As the casket was U-iug borne by
eight soldiers to the hearse the Marine
band played "Nearer my (tod to Thee,"
■while every head was bowed and many
eyes were dimmed. After the casket
had been placed in the hearse the re
mainderof the party euteied their
carriages and took ttieir place in the
procession. President Arthur's car
riage followed immediately after the
hearse, and in it were President
Arthur, Secretary Maine, Chief Jus
tice "Waite and Secretary Wind m. The
carriage containing Mrs. Garfiell and
daughter were driven down Pennsyl
vania avenue to Four-and-a-half street,
and thence t > the residence of Attorney
General MacVeagh, whose guests they
will be during their stay in tlio city.
The jllieers of the army and navy
drew up m parallel lines 011 either side
of the hearse, at.d the Marine band
played with much sentiment, "Neater
my God to Thee." With solemn tread
the remains of President Garfield were
borne into-the rotunda arid placed up
on the catafalque.
At 5.30 p. m., the lid of the casket
was opened and the face of the late
President was exposed to vLw. Noise
lessly Piesident Arthur and Secretary
Blaine approached and gaz?d upon the
face of the dead and then slowly and
sadly passed out of the hall. A line
was formed by Sergeant-at-Arms
Bright and one by one those present ad
vanced and glanced at the emaciated
and discolored face of the dead Presi
The public at largo was then admit
ted, and hundreds of persons testified
by their reverential conduct and
mournful countenances the sorrow
which they experienced in lioking up
on the features of their murdered
President. The body will lie in state
day and night until Friday evening.
Mrs. Garfield to-day expressed her
sincere desiro not agar: to see the
White House, but will remain at the
residence of General MacVeagh.
At least 5,00) people have viewed
the remains of President Garfield up
to this hour, 11 p. m. A great many
people are still in line. The members
of the Cabinet met this evening at the
residence of Secretary Blaine to ar
range the details of the journey to
Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock the fu
neral train carrying the mortal remains
of President Garfield left Washington
for Cleveland. The train passed over
the Northern Central to Bridgeport,
opposite Harrisburg, thence via Penn
sylvania Railroad to Cleveland. No
stoppages were made along the route
and no ceremonies had. Mrs. Garfield
j was altogether averse to these demon
i strations. But thousands of people had
j gathered at the different stations to see
I the passing train. The casket con
; taining the remains could be distinctly
seen through the large glass windows
by those who were fortunate enough to
get near the train.
Exactly at 10:30 c>n Monday the fu
neral services began in the presence of
a vast multitude of people. The burial
service of the Episcopal Church was
| read by Rt. Key. Bishop Bedell, after
which the Itcv. Boss C. Huugfrtehx of
the first M. E. Church of Cleveland,
delivered a solemn and impressive
prayer. Rev. Isaac Errett, of Cincin
nati delivered an eloquent address from
the following text: "And the archers
shot King Joshia, Riid the king said to
his servants, have me away, for I am
sorely wounded." He spoke for forty
minutes, and when he closed a hush for
a moment hung over the audience. Bev.
Jabax Ilall then read General Garfield's
favorite hymn, which was beautifully
sung by the vocal society. The liymn
"Oil reapers oflifc's harvest,
Why stand with rusted blade
Until the night draws'round thee,
And day begins to fade."
At 11.45 o'clock Dr. Charles Pomeroy
delivered the funeral prayer and bene
diction. There were then a few
moments of commotion and of prepara
tion. The Washington Marine band
played "Nearer my Good to Thee."
As the military escort lifted the coffin
trom the car and carried it into the
local committee of reception,
Secretary lilaine, Marshall, Ilenry and
one or two personal friends standing
at each side of the entrance. None of
the president's family, except two of
the boys, left the carriage during the
exercises, which occupied less than
half an hour. Dr. J. P. Robinson, as
president of the day, opened the ex
ercises by introducing Bev. J. 11. Jones,
chaplain of the Forty-second regiment,
Ohio volunteers, infantry, which Gen
eral Gai field commanded. Chaplain
Jones spoke at considerable length of
his old comrade in arms.
Thus was the second martyr Presi
dent laid to his last resting place in
Lake View Cemetery, ou.e of ilie love
liest burial grounds of the country,
while at the same moment thousands
of true christians all over the land were
assembled in solemn worship, implor
ing the Great God tv) take into His
tender care a)id keeping the bereaved
family, and to have mercy on tlio en
tire nation.
WASHINGTON, Sept. '2o. It is
stated that President (iarfield left
no will, and that during his sick
ness he said lie did not wish to make
one; that, he was willing to trust to
the courts of the country to make an
equitable division of his property a—
nior.g the members ol liis family.
The value of his prop mty is about
$25,000. including his property in
this city, which is mortgaged.
The agent of the Equitable Life
Insurance Co. of New York says
President Garfield was -insured for
$25,000 in that*company, lie was
also insured in other companies, but
to what amount is not known.
Chester A. Arthur was publicly
inaugurated President of the United
States at the enpitol in Washing-,
ton on Friday, although he had
taken the oath of ofiice in Now
York, before. Chief Justice Waite
administered the oath in the pres
ence of some forty persons, notably
among whom were Generals Grant
and Sherman, somo semUors and
members of congress. The follow
ing is the inaugural address:
For the fourth time in the hi-tory of the re
public its chief has been removed
by death. All hearts arc tilled with grief and
horror at the hideous crime which has darken
ed our land, and the memory of the murdered
president, his protracted sufferings, his un
yiclded fortitude, the example and achieve
ment of his life and the pathos of his death will
forever illumine the pages of our history. For
the fourth time the officer elected by the peo
ple and ordained by the constitution to till a va
cancy so cieated is called to assume the ex
ecutive chair. The wisdom of our fathers for
seeing the most dire possibilities made sure
that the government should never le imperil
led because of the uncertainty of human life.
Men may die, but the fabrics of our freed* - -
sti tut ions reuiaiu unshaken. No higher or more
assuring proof could exist of the strength and
permanence of |>opular government than the
fact that, tlie chosen one of the people bo struck
down, his constitutional successor is peacefully
installed without shock or strain except the
sorrow,'which mourns the bereave me ill All
the noble aspiiations of my lamented predeces
sor, which found expression in his life, the
measures devised und suggested during his.
brief administration to correct abuses land en
force economy. to advance prosperity and pro
mote tlu general welfare, to ensure domestic
security and maintain friendly and honorable
relations with the n itions of theeerth, will IH>
garnered in the hearts of the people, and it
will be my earnest endeavor to profit and to see
that the nation shall profit by his c\ ufcplfe and
experience. Prosperity blesses our country.
Our fiscal policy as fixed by law, Is well ground
ed aiul generally approved. No threatening
issue mars our foreign interests and the wis
dom, integrity and thrift of our people maybe
trusted to continue undisturbed the present as
sured career of peace,.tranquility and welfare.
The gloam and anxiety which have enshrouded
the country must make repose especially wel
come now. No demand for speedy legislation
has been heard; uo adequate occasion is ap
parent for an unusual session of congress. The
constitution defines the functions and powers
of the executive as clearly as those bf either of
the other two departments of the government,
and he must answer for the just exercise of the
discretion it permits and the performance of
the duties it imposes. Summoned to these high
duties and responsibilities and profoundly con
scious cf their magnitude and gravity, I as
sume the trust imposed by the constitution, re
lying for aid OR Divine guidance and the virtue,
patriotism and intelligence of the American
The Cabinet to Remain.
A cabinet meeting was held immedi
ately after the ceremony of administer
ing the oath. A proclamation was
then signed by the president designa
ting Monday next, that being the day
on which the funeral is to take place,
as a day of fasting, humiliation and
prayer throughout the country. No
other business was transacted. The
members of the present cabinet were
requested to retain their respective
positions, to which they individually
assented. It is authoritatively learned
as well as indicated by the president's
inaugural, that there will be no session
of congress until the regular session in
Decgnber next.
He Requests His Brother-in-Law to
Defend Him at the Trial.
WASHINGTON, September 2G.—
District Attorney Corkhill to-day
called at the jail, and being admit
ted to Guitcau's cell informed him
that the grand jury would be in ses
sion next week and that his case
would then be called up, and that
an indictment would probably fol
low. Colonel Corkhill offered to
telegraph to ai\y counsel Guitcau
might desire, intimating that it was
the intention to give him an early
trial. The offer was accepted, and
later in the day Colonel Corkhill
sent a telegram for the prisoner to
Cuiteau's brother-in-law, George M.
Scoville. of Chicago, in which lie re
quested that gentleman to come
here and defend his case. Guiteau
also requested Scoville to obtain
the assistance of sonic able lawyer,
and suggested the name of Emory
Storrs, of Chicago, as SUUIJ person.
President Arthur called an extra
session t>f the U. S. Senate, to meet
October 10th proximo.
Looks Liko Business.
lias retained the Hen. Benj. 11.
Brewster, of Pennsylvania, and
CcorgQ Bliss, of New York, It) con
duet the star route prosecutions.
-♦• -
It looks like the beginning of a re
volt destined to purify, elevate and
cleanse the party politics of the State
soma tirao in the future. It is im
possible to predict how largo it segment
of tho party Wolfe will carry with him
in the present campaign. If he takes
'2s,co') or 50,000 votes, or one Republi
can in lifteen, the Democratic candi
date for Treasurer is elected.— Sorth
There is no mistaking the fact that
Mr. Wolfe has a very respect able fol
lowing in tho matter and he seems de
termined to test the full strength of
the Independent power in the State.
The Democracy will possibly profit by
this clashing of tho clans, and should
they nominate a popular candid ite may
carry oil tho prize.— Shanwkin Times
J kiii.
The strength of both parties will be
developed as the campaign proceeds.
Wolfe is an able man, and as he has
given out that he will stump the State
he may do some harm—at least many
Republicans are of this opinion.—
Delaware County Republican.
A Good Year for Independents.
From the Bloomsburg Columbian, Dem.
If the Independents have the cou
rage to maintain their convictions the
year ISM will see the overthrew of
Cameron and the enfranchising of
thousands of voters who have blindly
followed the directions of the machine
The Issue Between Wolfe and Bailey.
From the Tltusville Petroletun Worhl. Kep.
General Bailey represents the princi
ple that might makes right in party
action, while Mr. Wolfe represents the
idea of the absolute supremacy of the
popular wil' and tho integrity of in
dividual independence. The candida
cy of Bailey advocates a perpetuatkn
of machine rule and the wrongs it has
fostered in party management, while
that of Wol fe upholds the doctrine
which teaches that a party incapable
of correcting 'its own abuses has no
claim to the support and conOdenco of
the people.
Serious Trouble in the Ranks.
From the Northern Tier Reporter, Pem.
"Without doubt this trouble in ttie
Republican ranks will be more serious
than tho Stalwarts of the party are
willing to acknowledge.
- Give Wolfe a Fair noarfng.
From tlsc Easton Free Press, lud. ltcp.
Mr. Wolfe has promised to appeal to
sound common sense on or about
, October 1. We shall give him a fair
hearing and, in common with thous
ands of other Republic ins who can
not favor Cameron dictation and ar
bitrary machine rule, julge him by
his arguments.
TRUSTEE SSA I.E.— win be sola at pub
lic sale Ht the lat* residence of Elizabeth
Holloway, deceased, Aaronslnng, I'm, on Sat
urday. October IMb, 18S1, the following de
scribed real estate In sain town, bounded oh
the cast by lot of John J. Frank, on the south
bv Strawberry alley, on the west bv land of .J.
It.Wyleand on the north by Plum street.
Thereon erected a two story dwelling house,
stable and other outbuildings.
TEF.MJJ: one half of purchase money on day
of bale and the balance in one year with inter
est. to be secured by bond and mortgage.
Sale to begin at ode o'clock, mid if not sold
the property will be publicly rented for one
1J seribers, executors of the "eMate of Jona
than Philips, late of Millheim, deceased, offer
at private sale until October 15th, 1881
situate two miles west of Millheim on the
turnpike, and about four miles from Coburn
station, on the Lewisburg & Tyrone rail road,
now occupied by llenrv Frankenborger, con
taining t>4 acres. and 11(5 perches, about 55 of
which are cleared and in a good state of cultiva
tion. The balance is well timbered. The im
provements are a good brick dwelling house,
bank barn and all other necessary out
buildings. A tint yoirfig apple orchard in good
louring condition, and variety of other fruit
trees, as well as never failing water, also on the
premises. It is altogether one of the most de
s ruble small farms in Fenn's Valley. For par
ticulars apply to
Centre Hill,
I). O. Pehiineer,
5t £kccutors.
XpXEOUTOH'S NOTlCE.—Letters testamcn
. lil tary on the estate of Catharine Held, late
of Millheim, deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned, all "persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate are hereby notifi
ed to make immediate payment, and .those
having claims against the same to present them
duly authenticated for payment.
Millheim, Sept. Bth, 1881- lit
administration on the estate ot Wm. C.
lfostcrman, deceased, late of Walker township.
Centre County, Pa., having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted to said es
tate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and all having claims against the same to
present them, duly authenticated by law for
Ilublersburg, Pa. 6t
dersigned, administrator of the estate of
Philip Ertle, late of Gregg township, deceased,
will offer at public sale on the premises in
Haines township, about three miles east of
Anronsbwrg, Pu., on SATURDAY, OCTOBER
IST. ls.Bi, a valuable farm, bounded on the west
by lands of John W. Stover, Benj. B. Stover and
others; north by lands of Benj. B. Stover,
Michael Weaver's estate, Philip Stover and
others; east by lands of David Krapo and Aa
ron Dutweiler's estate; and south by lands of
Jacob W. stover, containing 113 acres, about7s
acres of which are cleared and in a good state
of cultivation, and the balance is of
line growing young timber.
The improvements are, a two-story dwelling
house, bank barn and other necessary outbuild
ings. A never-failing spring of good water is
near the house. An apple orchard of about
three acres is on tire premises.
TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of one third
of the purchase money on day of sale. The
balance of one third on confirmation of sale.
One third in one year, with interest and the
balance in two years with interest. The last
two payments to be secured by bond aiul
mortgage on the premises.
bale to commence at 1 o'clock of said day.
Supply Store.
The most complete plow made. Light run
1111Mint durable. Price reduced Threeshares
—share for ordinary plow lug;' lb S.'' aliare
for dry ground, and "S " slmre lor hard buk d
soil or stony land, chilled and polished; price
Mice ii ts each. It la I lie best plow In the world
for plow lug dry baked or gravely soil. We
challenge any other plow to compete with It.
The very best ; gum soring, rear sliifter, fer
tili/.er attachment, with other improvements.
'Lowest prices.
C itter.
Cuts and crushes fodder. Warranted to'do
more sat ishu-lot y crushing than any other fiat
tier cutler made, will also cut Hay and Straw.
Farmers Chop Mills,
Cider Mills with Presses, band or horse pow
Beat Clothog Washer
warranted for."years. ami sal isf act ion guaran
teed or money refunded. The best, most efficient
ami most durable leather in the world, "it has
no rival and is the only mashitie that will wash
iierJtcUy-tleon without rubbiny. It can be used
in any size tub, or shifted from one tub to an
other in a moment. Is so simple and eusv oper
ated that the most delicate lady, or child 10
years old can do the work. It is made of (Jul
vanized Iron and is the only washer that has
Hie Kutter Hands on the Hollers which prevent
the breaking of buttons and injury to clothes.
Price very low.
No Family can afford to do without it.
Ihroshors and Soparators.
TSic GKISEIt Thresher and Separator, for 4
to 10 horses. The lIKhBXKIt lavel-tread
l'ower and separator for l and 2 horscs.
Farm, school and Church Bel s. of the moe
mproved make at very low prices.
Sowing Machines.
Wc sell a *lO machine for S2O.
We sell a *l3 machine for #23.
We sell a #"<o machine for $2 r >.
We sell a $55 machine for $27.50,
Wc sell a S3O machine for S3O.
Warranted to be new. "first class machines in
every rvspect. It pays farmers and "others to
come to our store to buy their supplies.
Conkliß Wagons.
Cortland Buggies, Carriages, and 11 at form
Spring Wagons.
Two-horse Cultivators.
For cultivating fallows, at very low prices.
Corn Shellers, Straw
Cutters, Spring-Toothed
And a full line of Farm Implements always
on hand. Call and see the GIANT CROSS-CUT
in operation.
Store opposite Bush House, Bcllcfonte, Ta.
dftttjqfflL Improvements September,'lß7B.
"lISfSSI jypni Notwithstanding the VICTOR has long been the
W§mjLn 11/ OKI Ma peer of any Sewing Machine in the market—a fact
Wrti supported by a host of volunteer witnesses—we now
II If Wm\VAUT:& confidently claim for it greater •imnhcity,
.H IE jr a wonderful rednctiob of frlAiAn and a rar®
i! combination of desirable qualities. Itashut-
U Ij|W3kUs'jO tie is a beautiful specimen of mechanism*
and takes rank with the highest achievement#
/ jwO>- , r ||fiSSMßof inventive genius. Note. —We do not lease
( ft consign Machinos, therefore, have no old
ones to patch np and re-vamish for our
• ' We Sell He# Machines Every Time;
Send for Tllastrated Circular and prices. Liberal terms to the trade. Don t buy
until you havo seen the _
Most Elegant, Simplo and Easy Running Machine
Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR.
Western branch Office, 235 State St., Cuicaoo, Inn. MIDDLETOWN, CONK.
J. R Smith & Co.'s
AOS. 110, 113 ,t 111 FRONTSTREET,
We arc now olTeriu: I'.he largest stock and create*: variety of
Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, &c.,
ill the State, at lKll*Ef* BEYOXD iOMIETITIOX, conslring In part of Kith and Plain
Fu culture
All the latent Designs,
in Walnut, Oak, Cherry. Maliogany and Ebony. We nukea
Specialty in Farlor Suits,
and will sell Hum lower than any Party in the state. Prices ranging I HoM $3) TO i*r>.
if you contemplate buying a
it will pay yen to wfite us for prices. We also carry ala ree llue ol extra Super, Body and T*ap
esty Brussels Carpets.
A Good Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. per yard.
Our stock of Plain. Cut and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain
and Decorated French China, Silver Plated-Vrare, Lamps and
Chandeliers, &c.
Is well worth your insj>ection. Our sales exceed those of aav Ilousc in our l' n c la the state.
We extend an invitation to you to visit us and will take j>leisure iu showing you through 'ffttr
various Departments. '
m. R. GAMP,
Wi'-lnut & Fancy Chamber
Suits, Lounges,
Bureaus, Bedsteads, Sinks,
Parlor Table?, Breakfast
Tables, Extension
Tables, Wood and Cane
Seat Chairs, Mat
tresses, Spring Beds, and
everything else jn the Furniture
line at the lowest prices. I
hope to merit the patronage of
the public by good work and
moderate prices. Flense
call and see my stock be
fore you go out of your
own valley for your
furniture. You can
do fully as well at
home as you can
anywhere else.
When in want of
a pair of Boots, Shoes
or Rubbers send to
Kamp's Lock Haven
and you can get
them as low as in
Philadelphia or New
York. If they don't
suit you, yon can
return them and get
your money back.
First class goods at
low prices is my
To Country dealers, I
will sell at wholesale pri
ces, freight added.
The Model
Dealer in fust class Groceries of all
kinds, Flour and Feed, Wood and
I Wl).v W'aie.
bueenswarcS Speciality.
sell a TlT nte Granite Tea Sett, 46
| I'ieccs, for bO. All oth*r Queens ware
' in proportion.
Just received the finest lot of China
Ware ver brought to this place.
If you come to Lewisburg dort
| fail to give inn a c 11 and get the best
b u gains you ever had.
Farmers' Supplies.
Mammoth and Small Clover Seed.
Choice Timothy Seed.
White clover See*.
Alsyke, or Swedish Clover Seed.
Orchard Grass Setf V
Kentucky blue Grass Seed.
lied Top Grass Seed. ,
Lawn Griv's f^ed.
Meadow Foxtail Grass Seed.
Meadow Fescue Gross Seed.
Sweet-scented Vernal Grass Seed.
bough-sloe* Meadow Grass Seed.
Hard Fescue Grass seed.
Tall Oat Grass Seed. , ,
Crested Dogs tail Crass Seed.
Perrcnial bye Grass Seed.
rtall-iu bye Gtass Sged- .
Fiorln, aud other grass seed,
Farmers and owi-.ers of pasture lots can grow
irrass instead of weeds, by sowing a mixture of
the above seeds. It has been demonstrated by
practical experiment that a variety of grass
will keep up a continuous pasture and prevent
the growth of weeds.
We can deliver to Coburn and Spring Mills
Stations, the very best fertilized fuade. Bakers
High Unite Amraoniuted Bone Phosphate in
Car load lots, only $35.00 per ton, m cars at
South Carolina Bono Phosphate only $29.00
per ton,in carload lots, at Station.
Farmers Supply Store opposite Bush
House, Bellefonte, Pa.
W. Davis,
My Factory has all the machinery an d faciii
ties of a first class establishments its kind.
My experience in the business extends over
many years, both in this country and in Europe;
and am therefore enabled to do strictly first
work at moderade prices.
Millheim, Pa.,
has accepted an asrency from me. All goods
brought there for dying will be returned free
of extra charge.