Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 22, 1881, Image 3

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    | he Ijilihqim Journal.
Editors and Proprietors.
Loral Department.
—The new Presnyterian church in
Miffiinburg is nearly completed.
—llarrisburg has twenty mutual as
sessment insurance companies. That
town ought to be happy.
—Marble door steps of the best
Sutherland Falls marble, made at the
Millheim Marble Works at a moderate
price. H
—A splendid, strong 2 horse spring
wagon for sale. None better in theS
valley. Price moderate. Inquire at
the Journal office. tf
—The farm of Jonathan Philips, de
ceased, near Millheim, is now offered
at private sale by the executois. Bead
the advertisement. at
WANTED. —About 3">00 first class 1,1
inch yellow pine flooring in the rough.
Need not be fully dry. Inquire at the
Journal office.
The encampments of the Pennsyl
vania militia cost the state half a mil
lion dollars this year. The question
arises, of what benefit have they been?
—Two Bucks county farmers ship
ped 5,526 bushels of plums to Philadel
phia the other week. That beats Pine *]
Grove all hollow, £
—Speculators are burin; no all thfjj
corn they can get in different sections |
of the state, in anticipation of a rise in |
price. Hope they will get severely |
—Ayers Pills contain no crotou oil, g
calomel or mineral. They are com-1
pounded of pure vegetable extracts.?
which have positive virtues and always g
cure, where cures are possible.
—Mr. Law, the superintendent of 5
liellefonte Car Works, last week dis-l
charged Frank Mark j, one of the work- B
men, for leaving his work to attend 8
his mother-in-law's funeral. That man 2
should be attended to at once.
—J. A. LIMBEIU, the new mail con®
tractor, has procured a fine new wagon H
and is prepared to carry express pack- 8j
ages and other goods from Coburn to E
"Woodward and all intermediate points H
at reasonable charges. tf p
—lf you have any legal business the gg
new law firm of Peale & McKee can g
attend to it to your utter satisfaction. S
Mr. Peale is an old experienced lawyer, 9
while Mr. McKee is a young, active g
and promising disci. le of Blaekstoue. g
—C.tpfc. Breese, of the U. S. Navy.ra
and a son-in-law to Gov. Curtin, dieu
at Newport oa Tass ity the 13th inst. |
lie was an officer <>f hig'i standing.
respected and beloved by all who knew <;
him, and his early death is universally gj
mourned. £
—Vennor, the weather prophet is 9
played out. ile don't know a bit 9
more about the coming weather than a H
common country editor. The other B
week he had predicted cold and rain, 9
and it was hotter and drier than ever. 3
Guess the almanac man can still make 9
as good weather as anybody.
—Oa Thursday (morning while Mr. §
Miles Williams; and bis brother were £
hauling tobacco from Mr. Jacob Gep-S
hart's patch, the ladder of the wagon g
broke while Miles was oil it. He fell to#
the ground backwards, bruising him-g
.self severely, though we are glad tog
hear, not dangerously.
—Rev. Barnitz, of Miffiinburg, don't |
like it a bit more than other people to \
have his chickens stolen. But it would j
not suit his standing and dignity a j
preacher to sit watching with gun in |
hand for the thieves; and so his son 8
takes that job in han 1 and gives no-1
tice in the Teleqraph that he is ready g
for them.
corner stone for the new Evangelical
Lutheran Church at Millheim will be
laid, D. Y., on Sunday October lGlh,
proximo. Divine services begin on
•Saturday evening previous. Several
visiting ministers will be present. The
usual collections *cill be taken up. The
christian public is cordially invited to
4t Pastor.
(Ceutreand Clinton county papers please copy.)
—Tlie other Siturday morning
Thompson's Mill, at Potter's Bank,
with all its contents was burned to the
ground. Mr. Win. J. Thompson, the
owner, estimates his loss over SBOOO,
and that of Mr. W. It. From, the
Miller, at about $125. Wo learn that
Mr. Thompson had carried an .insur
ance on his mill for many years, but
failed to renew his policy last spring
•when it had expired. It is suspected
that the fire was the work of an in
—Dear, christian reader, do you
wish to see a pleased woman, namely
that particular woman whom above all!
others it is your privilege and duty to
pease? Then do as we did. Go to
Alexander & Co's Implement Store,
Bellefonte, and buy her a Walker Wash
er. Why, our wife, just after using
the institution a single time, is ready
to recommend it very highly to all the
ladies in Christendom, without regard
to [their politics or church relation.
She calls Col. Shortlidge blessed, "a
gehtleman and a scholar" for having
persuaded us to buy the machine. That's
what she does, -t
I —Miliheim Lodge. LO. O. P., will)
| hold its semi-annual election of otllcovs \
t next Saturday evening. Good attend- <
I ance c r the members is expected.
jjj —Neighbor Sturgis and lady are on L
£ a visit to the old folas at Lancaster
| Hope they will enjoy themselves. Mr. fc
P. 11. Mhmer runs the Jewelry Store |
during their absence.
—WANTED, at the Journal otlico, on £
subscription or other accounts, 10a
bushels of potatoes, 25 bushels of corn, |
several gallons of good apple butter. £
!If you have any of these articles to f5
spare and owe us, bring theui along. |
—Mr. Jacob Wolf loft here on Tues- s
day morning for Kansas and otherg
parts of the west, lie expects to stay £
some months, mostly with his sonsS
Alfred and Foster, in Kansas. Weg
wish him good health, much cnj>y-l
ment and a safe return.
—lt is indeed a rare happening in£
the history of a country pastor tog
preach three funeral sermons in ones
day, as pastor Tomlinsou did on Tiies-&
day. The subjects were Mother Stover,
in Ilaines township. Miss Kama Alter,?
in Millheim, and our murdered Fresi-E
dent Garfield. g
—Fall house cleaning will so n be!|
upon us, and with it the time that ft
people get their supplies of winters
carpet. J. B. Smith & Co., of Milton fi
make a speciality in cirp ts and there
is hardly a place in the state thit h is a 3
i' fuller supply or lower prices. Those £
of our readers who need carpets would a
, do well to give them a e ill.
—At last we have the long-desired jj]
raic. It commenced coming d wn in
soft, gentle spray ou Thursday
and rained considerably during their;
night as well as oa Friday. Although xj
not as copious ys desirable it was 9
enough to settle the awful dust, m-5
fresh the parched earth and break the 9
burning heat. Thank Providence for 9
the rain.
—Last week we had occasion to :'i
visit the Recorder's otlico in Bellefonte js
, and there found our candidate for Re- cj
fcorder already at work assisting J
'•Toby.'' We examined Mr. Bible's Ej
work and found to our pleasure that
he is a most excellent pensman. HejSj
will keep the records of bis office in
fit sc class style, when elected, as of a
course ho will be.
—T!ie Millheim Potterv is now com- jgj
plete and it is expected that in aboutfi
ten clays the first kiln of ware will bee
burned and ready for 8 do. The pro-s
prietora have succeeded' in securing an |
excellent article of cl tv and it is their jj
purpose to make nono than first, clussj
ware. They h ve erected an establish-1
ment that reflects credit on their en p
terprise and we hope tliey will be|
abundantly patronized. K
—On Tuesdiv vning memorial n
services on the death of President Gar-H
field were held in the U iite-1 Brethren®
chutch at this pl.ev. The church was |
well tilled. R-v. T-'mlinsoti, Wtido-S
myer, Dick and G.>phavt. were present.!
Interesting and instructive addresses!?
were delivered by It vs IT mlinsonandg
Weidemyer. The audience seemed tou
be deeply impressed with the import-5
ance and solemnity of the sad occision. B
—Will some of our farmer patrons
just try the folic wing vid let u* know g
the result next The Scientific 9
| American gives the f!lowing recipe for w
I getting rid of stumps: "In thep;
autumn or early winter bore a bole oi e |
or two inches in diameter, according |
to the girth of the stump, and about a
eighteen inches deep. Pat into it one *S
or two ounces of saltpetre, till the hole c
with water, and ping it close. In theE
ensuing spring take out the plug and |
ignite it. Tie stump will moulder!
away, without blazing, to the very I
extremity of thy roots, leaving notli- -j
ing but the ashes.''
inTON'S enterprising firm, J. R.\
Smith & Co., have made a delivery of R
furniture here amounting to over $lOO,l
consisting of fi ie parlor suits, chamber I
suits, spring Lee's, chairs &c., and 5
they are just beqinninq to build up a I
trade in our valleys. The firm is iny
every way reliable and purchasers can!
1 feel assured that they get full value |
for their money. Much of the large I
and progressive success of this firm is \
due to liberal and judicious advertis
ing. Tliev understand the business,
and "that's what's the matter."
—Can not something bo done here in
Millheim fur the poor sufferers in
Michigan? Read the heart-rending ac
counts of the great disaster—think of
the fifteen thousand poor, destitute,
homeless and penniless fellow mortals,
many of whom are still in great agony,
half blind and half roasted—and then
look at your own comfortable and
plentiful surroundings. Then ask
yourself the question, "What is my
duty towards these suffering people?"
The answer is so plain that "he who
runneth may read." It is our duty to
help and give; and if we fail to do so
we neglect and evade one of the
primary obligations of our professed
religion or of a common humanity.
No; let us not do ourselves tho great
injustice and injury to stand idly by,
surrounded with plenty, and see our
poor fellow beings starve almost be
fore our very eyes. Let our Chief
Burgess, or Town Council, or a com
mittee of citizens, call a public meet
ing and make an effort to give prac
lical form to our suggestions. Who
! will take the initative?
|| News Miscellany.
fcj There are about 00 lawyers in
Willinmsport. Ten rf them aro well
• ;oIT ami lay up something:; another ten
manage to make a liying. The. rest of
the crowd simply hang on ami wish to
gracious they lmil learned to run a saw
mill. — fianm r s
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has stopped the sale of refreshments,
literature and newspapers on the trains
<f the road.
In an effort to enforce in St. Louis
a law against carrying concealed
| weapons lines as high as SIOO for a
pistol ami S2OO for a sling-shot are be
ing imposed. This movement is made
f. been use, out of twenty-live homieides
lin the St. Louis jail all but three he
came criminals through the habit of
going armed.
Tin: CoiliNO BONNET.—The now
fall bonnet is just too sweet for any
thing. It is inadti out of some Kind of
stuff, sort of delicate in texture and o*'
a rather lightish color, kind of cut a
way on the sides and shoved hack on
the top, and scooped out underneath,
and trinnned with a sort of ribbon stall'
that looks nice, and some kind of oili
er sort of material that is quite be
9coming and it is all lived on it in that
| kind of away which looks so much
like something we cannot remember,
and tho whole effect is just exquisite,
reminding us of a most lieautiful some
thing or other whose name wo cannot
call to mind. — Fx.
3 A report of the condition of the wheat
x crop in Russia has been scut to the
3 State department bv Minister Poster.
IHe says that from correspondents in
* .
various parts of the Empire ho h is re
ceived reports which show that the
\ iekl of this cereal for the present year
will be immense. The yield in the
couutiy tributary to Odessa on the
Black Sea, it is estimated, will be so
large t.iat the people,will need no more!
for four years. There is the best crop
along the river Don that has been
harvested since IsTJ. Reports from
Moscow also show that in .southern
Russia the crop is very large. It is
Hot so heavy in central Russia, but
the yield will still be abundant, and
through all the districts tributary to
Moscow the wheat products will be
larger than for twenty years before.
Piie minister believes that the great
crop this year will have a l enefieient
influence upon the political agitation
of tlie c Juutry, because well fed men
are less quarelsome than hungry ones.
Judge Junkin, at the Peiry county
court, recently gave caution, to hotel
keepers about the practice of selling
liquor by the bottle. He said the land
lord was bound to know who was to
use the liquor, and that no man had a
right to sell a little of liquor to a
sober man who transferred it to those
who were in the habit of becoming in
toxicated, or to minors. It was al
ways suspicious when a sober man
bought a bottle of whisky; he generally
was employed to buy it for those to
whom innkeepers would not or dare
| not sell it. Proof of its transfer and
' use by drunkards or minors was suf
ficient cause for revoking the innkeep
ers' license.
Hurried Into Eternity.
At Pitoka, 111., a horrible and fatal
accident occurred Frid ly oil the farm
of Mr. Mames. The owner of the prop
erty had, among a numb r of other
new inventions and lib >r saving ma
chines, r st tra threshing machine;
while this was in operation Friday
morning and surrounded by a large
number of farm hands the boiler ex
ploded. The pieces of the boiler flew
in all directions and the steam poured
forili in dense volumes. Six men and
one woman were hurled into eternity.
Several of them were horribly mangled.
Several otters were seriously injured,
being sc dded by the escaping stcßn.
If five thousand Americans died
every month of starvation, the entire p
nation would work energetically to £
stop the famine, although thrs u five -*
thousand starved cues would he far 3
better off than if they had died drunk-1
ards. And yet, thou 'i there are five 3
thousand rum murders in our Country p
eyery month, and these five thousand >
j Inst ones Oil drunkards graves, yet our*
people are not only willing that this#
brigade shall continue to tramp, tramp, jj
tramp, to a drunkard's eternity, buc $
thev actually legalize the business £
which causes this terrible loss, and <
take a revenue from it.— Lock Haven
Killed by a Bull.
CEDAR RAPIDS, lowa, September 3. {
—The mutilated body of a Bohemian i
farmer in Putnam township was found;
in a field this morning, lie had been'
attacked by a Jersey bull, which al
most literally tore'his body into shreds, j
llis head was entirely severed from
the body. IPs entrails were strewn
about the field, and one of bis legs was!
hanging to the brute's horns. The j
animal had to be shot six times before
he fell.
is a scientific combination of some of the most
powerful restorative agents in the vegetable,
kingdom It restores gray hair to its original i
color. It makes the scalp white and clean. It '
cures dandruff and humors, and falling-out of
the hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle l
by which the hair is nourished and supported. '
It makes the hair moist, soit and glossy, and
is unsurpassed as a hair dressing. It is the:
most economical preparation ever offered to !
the public, as its effects remain a long time, j
making only au occasional application neces->
sary. It is recommended and used by eminent i
medical men, and officially endorsed by the
State Assayer of Massachusetts. The pop
ularity of Hall's Hair ltenewer lias increased
with the test of many years, both in this coun
ry and iu foreign lands, and it is now known ,
and used in all the civilized countries of the \
! world.
pßTMvsrtx'a Maoaztnk for Oet 'Per is unusu
ally good, even lor tliat Ineomp.irablo ludv's
book, The .steal engraving, "Pan t Ho Seared,"
'is one of tins exceptional beauty, ftnd so is the
J colored, steel fashion plate, with lis live charm
j lug-!ooklrg, t v x|u!sito ly-tliosoI ladies. There
j tiro t wo colored patterns, with designs for fans,
a linn of decoration that Is now all tlm rage.
The historical n vHot, "The News Krou York
town, '* wiilch has attracted so much attention,
is appropriately concluded to this number, In
time for the "Yorktown Centennial." All the
stories and novelets, however, nro good; in
fact, In "Peterson," only the very host are
given. We cannot too often refer to this nmga
zinc as altogether the cheapest and host of lis
kind. Where only one is taken, "lvtersou"
should Ixi the one. for it fills more wants than
any other. The terms are but two dollars a
year, Great deductions are made to clubs. |
an i huji'lsome premiums are given to person#
/or i/ettlnff up club#, among them a beautifully
bound photograph album ; In short, the Induce
ments of every kind are unprecedentea. Speel
mens will be smit. gratis, to persons; wish In Rto
gel up clubs. Address, for this purpose, or lor
subscribing. CM AS. ,1. PKIEKSOX, .".irj Client
nm Street, Philadelphia. Pa.
On the'-STh insl .by U v. W. It. Wieand, Mr.
John M. St ray or to Mrs Cordelia K. ilevnor,
both ol l.i vk ila von.
At the same tinto I)v the saute, Mr Pitas P.
Musser, ol Look Haven, to Miss del tie L. Stray
er of Kobe rsburg.
Oil the 7th Inst., near I.aurollon, Mrs. Sarah
Howersox, aged sS years, 7 m nths and „7 days.
gr on the 81 h Instln Potter township. John A.
Sweetwooil, agoil 23 years, 11 months and 13
; On the It th Inst., in Miflllnhurg, Miss Sarah
£ Louisa Orwlg. agod 3S years. 'J months and 10
B days.
© On the Kith Inst ,in Haines township. Mrs.
ff Margaret Clover, wife of Mlchad Stover, aged
■B 02 years, P mouths and 10 day*,
jrj On the 18th Inst., In Hartley township, rnlou
ig eounty, Mrs. Catharine Mover, formerly of
n Haines township, aged .1! years, 1 month and
y II da\s
t On t! • 18th imt , in bo k Haven, Mary
fc KtnUy. daughter of Jae ib and Kilzab 'th Alter,
n aged 1* years and 11 days.
,Vfllltieim UarKet.
| Corrected every Wednesday by Gophart
cj .V: Musser.
W Wheat No I gO
UCorn <>"}
£ i Kits White 30
fig luek wheat
r, Flour 3.4 >
F, 11 rail A Shorts,pet ton 2-3 00
Bj s.iit.per Brl '• 1 r>
4 Plaster, proutul .. 10.00,
& ( etiieiit, per Uushel to 6o ,
5 Parley
o T\ mothyseed
X Flaxseed
y ('loverseed
g Putter
8 Hams
S Fi(ies
J: , .
!;k'- s
1 (it a toe-
laird 11
Soap 0 j
K 1 tried Apples 1
3 Dried Peaches
K Dried Cherries
5 Pgg Coal $3.00
S stove " 6.20
B Chestnut" -L*)
|:v.t " s.oo
3 "by the Citr load 3.20
3 KHty cents per ton additional when delivered
a in Milili 'im.
r. eiriiiif 0. A. Miitwst P
Hour. &
Coa', * j
Plaster a
& Salt
Highest market price paid for all kind* of w
(3-E,A.TAT j!
Delivered either at the BRICK MILL or at. the 8
Always on hand and -sold at prices that defy 8
competition. j
A share of the public patronage respectfully p
solicited. SM;
S. It. Peale. 11. A. McKec
Office opposite Court House.
TtiiJiholiii, Centre Co., I'enua.
would most respectfully inform the public that
theyure now prepared to manufacture every
thing in their line of llrsl class quality. Tbcy
have found a superior kind of clay and will
constantly keep on hand a full line of
Hoping to merit the confidence of the public
bv furnishing the best grade of ware they would
respectfully solicit a share of its patronage, ly
| /.n advertiser irho spend* vpmardsof (STOW a
pear, and who invested less t/mn of it in
this List, irrites: " Vanr Select Local Lid paid
inc. hotter last t/ear Til AX ALL I'IIL OTIIKK
The catalogue states exactly what the papers
are. When tlie name of a paper is printed in
FULL FACE TV Plltt is iu every instance tho
i t EST. When printed in CAPITALS it is the
ONLY paper inthe place. The list gives the
, population of every town and the circulation ot.
every paper. ,
The vatescharged for advertising are barely
one-fifth the publishers' schedule. The price
for single statesrangesfrom (j*-toSn. The price
for one inch one mouth intheentire list is ty'Ji-
The regular rates of the papers for tlie same
space and time are $2,980.14. The list includes
902 nowspabers of which 187 are issued DAILY
and 705 WEEKLY. They are located in 788
diiferent cities and towns, of which 2d are State
Capitals, 363 plaees of over 5,000 population, and
488 County Seats. Korcopy of List and other
information address GE< >. P. ROWKLL&CO.,
10 Spruce St., New York.
1881. MIDSUMMER 1881.
I zoos: F.&..
I Takes this method to nnnounce to the people of Ponns, Brush andStre
ga r Valleys that altera highly successful season lie still has,
to select from, and in order to reduce this large stock quickly lie lias re
duced liis ju ices from 10 to f>o per rent.
We have revolutionized the Clothing business in Lock Haven. Yon
can pet as good a sail Irom us as any tailor can make, and at less than
half the price ; and for style and fit lliey are often sujierior. Boys like
stylish suits as well as men, and we have them in all grades.
Boys Clothing is a Specialty With Us.
INo use looking for better goods for boys than we have- you can't find them.
|No living man shall be allowed to give their customers better value for their
5 money than can always be found at my store. And where is the mother that '
5 likes to make children's clothes ? Ceii't mako tliem flt. ''Never look well",
-is the complaint of every one. We've got all grades and they are just cute and
I nobby as they can be. A change of weather mans a charge of clothes; a
■ change of clothes requires a change of patterns and styles of materials. The
house that has the choicest and newest changes in styles and patterns is likely
j. to secure the greatest number of new customers and best please and retain its
i old patrons. In these days it is not everything that looks like clothing that
y will sell, but in the keen competition between different houses it Will be the
3 survival of the fr test.
Unequalled in duality,
Unexcelled in Style,
i Unexceptional in Fit.
And the reojile nave, by a large majority, decided to patronize |
We have a much larger stock of new style Hats than all the other
stores in Lock Haven together, and our prices are always the lowest.
1" ul! stock oi trunks. Hags. Ac. (ents' .Furnishings, a large line of
sold at from 10 to 25 per cent, cheaper than anywhere else in this section,
call and see us. Speial prices to parties from a distance.
3BBB3BS3SZBa iuuimlmlm
Dry Goods House of Lock Haven for
■ c:F
A ever since the establishment of th's great Dry Goods House kax c iv f
done such an extensive business as we have done rais spring. We wilt in
a Jew days op-n our fourth immense stock for the Spring and Summer oj
j 1881, The people of Lock Haven, QTnton and Centre counties are
i showing their great appreciation of the wonderful bargains we are fer~
j ing in our entire stock. First class goods, only honest dealing, no misre
! presentat ins and low prices always win. This is the motto on which w
have built up our enormous fade and will here say that wc fully appreci
ate the liberal patronage of the Peoph in sustaining a first class Dry
Goods Slore in Lcok Haven, which it has been our humble effort for som
yearsto establish.
especially attractive and excels an y effort wc ever made in fineness of Stock, ric
ncss of Patterns and in its areat rat iri:/.
SUM!lift SM,KS
at 40, 45 and 50 ets per yard, Beautiful Black: Dress Silks at 75 cts a yard.
Heavy Gros Grain at 1.21 warranted not to crack: or wear ijlosscy. Beautiful Bro
cades in Black and all Colors. All colros of Satins and D cess Silks. 1000 yards
Best -Lawns in remnants from 3 to 15 yards. 0 cts. worth 15 cts.
\ Black and Colored Cashmeres
never shown in Ijock llavcn at astonishingly low prices, and all the new Styles of
& Dress Goods to be found in any city store. 500 yards of the best Pantingsfor Men
8 and 800s 1 wear, ever shown in this city. 100 (1) yds Beached and Brown 3luslins
§to be sold "t wholesale prices. 0000 yds. best Calico warranted fast colors at cts.
Great bargains in Tablz JAnca, Lick ings and Towlings, Ac. 200 Parasols 25 per
B cent less than usual price. 1000 fairs Ladies Lisle Thread and Kid Gloves at
■ price* that will astonish every one who is a judge of their value. An immense stock: of
m Stockin is, Laces, Gibbons, Ac.
4 Merer was there shown in Lock Haven such a stock of Body Brussels Tapestry
3 Brussel, 3 ply and Ingrain Carpet, as we show this season, and our trade is really
3 vnmense on them. Beautiful Capets from 20 ets. a yard upwards.
Come. See and be Convinced
I that the Bee Hive Store offers decided advantage
every store in Central Pennsylvania in every
thing in the dry goods line. Everybody welcome
so light!
A Child ran RUB It. M
so simpleP
It Requires No Care.
It Never H ears Oat.
They are especially designed to meet
the requirements of Ihoee Who deelro
to dre?a welt, they are unsurpassed
in Style, perfect 111 Fit, end o timplo
that they aro readily understood by tha
most inexperienced. Send 50. for cat
alogue. Address,
Domestic " Fashion Co,
Rapidly superceding ail others
wherever introduced.
Pronounced by an army of ha|py
purchasers to be the BEST.
The NEW HOME Is positively
The Simplest, Easiest RunnJng,
Most Reliable, and
Most Durable Sewing Machine}
ever invented.
* It operates Quickly, Quietly, and
without fatigue to the operator.
Full information, Descriptive Cat
alogues, Sc. c., free on application.
30 Union Square, N.Y.
And Orange, Maes.
Hills trcliiiei an Lawn Bower Co.
Ct Hartford, Conn.,
Lawn Mowers,
These Mowers have become celebrated
throughout me World, where law us are eultiw
t<-d, HS !>elig the most perfect ami desirable
Lawn Mowers ever made. They stand at the
head of the list of Liwh Mowers in the U.S.
and Europe. They contain all the improve
ments that experience in their manufacture
can suggest t are beautifully ftnlslied, thorough
ly made and do splendid work on every variety
of lawn.
Hand Mower Sizes, from *to IS inches. Pony
and Horse Sizes, 24, 28 ami |32 inches. Send for
Circulars. 5
21-3 m
Bronchitis. Asthma. Catarrh. Dyspepsia, De
bility ami All Chronic Diseases.* 20 years of
great experience. 2.000 hopeless cases cured.
Astonishing discovery of new treatment to
Quicly fatten, make bloodand build up the sys-
m. Invalids caused to eat and digest enor
-2 Qmously and gain 3 to 5 pounds per week.
5 jSVital and healing force is rapid y and poWer
-3 fcs'ully increased. New life ana vigor impar.ed
B the first few days. Severest cases of Con-11
S sumption, bed fast and given up to die, cured®
kin 2 to 3 months. Infiaination in the LungsEa
5 removed, Hectic Fever and Night Sweats, audf3
Cough made loose, and easy, or checked in 36
B hours. The t eatment exhilerateSi exalts, a
% rouses all organs into healthy vigorous opera
rjtion. It is also the greatest cure 011 earth for
9 Liver, Kidney, Heart. Head, Blood Skin Fe
ll male and Nervous Diseases, Seminal Weak
i ness, all diseases of children, and the Opium
H Habit. We are honest in our offer, and earn
estly invite you to write or come befoie it is
1 too late, no matter what your disease, even if
ji abandoned by the ablest physicians. Describe
g your case, Trial free to all who coiuc here. A
a trial package of our medicines worth $2 to £4
S sdnV, <>y mail to all who send us the names and
J addresses of all afflicted in their vicinitv and
I 5 cents to ocstage, B. S. DISPENSARY,
errien Springs, Mich.
• VV MANHOOD? A Cure Guaranteed. Sufferers
from the above disease (Nervous Debility) will find
permanent relief from the use of EGAN'S COMPOUND
ELIXIR and ORGANIC PILLS. Not a quack nostrum
but the genuine prescription used in my regular prac
tice for the past seven years. Elixir, $2 per package
or 3 for *4: Pills $1 per box, or for $2. Severe
cases require 3 to 5 bottles of the Elixir, with two or
three boxes of the pills. Goods sent to any address
' on receipt of price. J. Y. EGAN,
Ogdensburg, N. Y,
629 F Street, Washing on, D. C.
ljj Make Collections, Negotiate Loans and at
-5 tend to ail business couftded to them. I AMI
fcCRJP, Soldier's Additional Homestead
;thd LA?i WAUKASXS bought and vdd.