he j| ill !i ei m Jour na I. THURSDAY, SEPT. 8., 'Bl. •nnmni & BUMILLGK, Editors and Proprietors. Local DcparOaciit. —Tioga county has a heavy wheat crop thisyeAr. —A malignant type of diphtheria prevails in Sunbury. —A laborer in Russia gets eight cents a day and "tiiuls himself. —lt is said that lea made of black berry leaves is a sure cure for cholera morbus. —The foui dation walls of Snook's new mansion on i\.nn street are going ui> rapidly. —Jacob Gephart's men have ' ng their tobacco. The crop is a goo one for the Season. —The Middleburg"Evangelical Sun day School recently netted SBB ova festival. —Disgraceful and rather serious fighting took place at Piue Caiup Meeting the other Sunday night. A new counterfeit quarter is out. Keep your eyes open, poor men—the i ich'don't deal iu quarters much. —Tlie low water, lias stopped boat ing between Williamsport and Lock Haven. —Fiank Kuarr bought the Philips' lot near Millheim at executors' sale last Saturday, at SBO per acre. Cheap enough. —A splendid, stronr 2 horse spring! wagon for sale. None bettei in the 1 valley. Price moderate. Inquire at , the Journal oftice. tf J —Henry Fryer got rather an easy sentence last week—a trie of SSO, one j month iaiprisoniueat and costs of; prosecution. WANTED. —About 3500 first class 1$ inch yellow pine flooring in the rough. "Need not be fully dry. Inquire at the Journal office. tf. —The Miliheim B. & L. Association meets next Monday evening. Money has been selling pretty low of late. If you need any come aloag. —The other Monday Master Harvey Drumheller, a young lad of Sunbuiy, saved two girls from drowning at that place. --Marble door steps of the best Sutherland Falls marble, made at the Miliheim Marble Works at a moderate 'price. D —The Penn's Creek Lutheran and j Salem's Reformed Sunday soli >ols ol j Gregg township had a fine picnic last j Saturday. We did not learn the par ticulars. —J. A. Limbert, our mail contract or, now sports a fine span of mules in his mail coach. The carrying business route has increased very much of late. —Hon. Victor F,. Pioiett, of the Penna. State Grange, and C. S. Mc- C'ormic, Esq., ot Lock Haven, will be among the speakers at Granger picnic, next Thursday, the 15th. —Hereabouts potatoes will yield a bout a third of a crop; corn may be rated at about half a crop, "ftheit was pretty good, and hay and oats ex cellent. —lt is said that the Susquehanna has less water than during the great drought of I£OL Tne current is not strong enough to carry eff the sewer age at Ilarrisburg. —J. A. LIMBERT, the new mail con tractor, has procured a fine new wagon and is prepared to carry express pack ages and other good 3 from Coburn to Woodward and all intermediate points at reasonable charges. tf —On Sunday the roof of the old San- ; key tannery fell together with a great j racket. People who did not have good, ; sound consciences were considerable j scared over the strange noise, but as | soon as they discovered that the world was not tumbling down their pious resolutions vanished. —Our friend Mr. J. R. VanOriner has taken a position in tho store of Guggenlieimer & Co., Eellefonte. Reese is one of the handiest chaps out. He ; can teach school, post books, run a paper, sell sewing machines, handle the yard stick, and do a variety of oth er useful chores too numerous to men tion. A GOOD RULE.—Gen. Beaver, of Bellefoute, lias a rule to give at least $lO to every church that is built in Centre county. If he is not asked by any particular building committee he sends the X without the formality of being solicited, it he finds out the au thorized person or committee to re ceive it. Such a rule is worthy of im mitation. VETERAN PICNIC.—The eighth an nual picnic of the veteran club of Cen tre county will be held at Spring Mills, pn Saturday, Sept. 10th, 1881. Exer cises begin at 10:30 A. m. No post ponement on account of the weather. The community is cordially inyited to attend. JAMES A. BEAVER, D. S. KELLER, President. Secretary. —For Boors and Siioks of every de scription go to Stani'a store. He laid \ in the finest stock that lias yet been in town. —Wanted, at the Journal ollice, ou subscription or other accounts, 10 ousbels of potatoes, 25 bushels of corn, several gallons of good apple butter. If you have any of these articles to Spare and owe us, bring them along. Picnic,—The Patrons of Husband ry will hold their Sth Annual County Picnic on the summit of Xittany Mountain, above Centre llall, on Thursday Sept. 15th, 1881. All are cordially invited to attend —Habit, ff not necessity, makes a Hair Dressing such as l)r. Ayer's laboratory issues, indispensable to many. Ayer's Hair Vigor is one of the mist delightful we have ever used, it restores not only the color, but gloss and luxuriance, to faded and gray hair. —Beftvertown, in Snyder county, was recently shaken up bv a spook st uy. The spo k had his head.pi liters in tl e barn of A. 2d. Carpenter. About 300 of B.avertown's bravo people of both sexes and all age? turned out ful ly aimed to capture the spook. A man whose name is given as Ner C., braver than the rest, entero I the barn, and after a long and exhaustive search found the spook in the shape of an old cow. The cow was a cribber or wind-sucker and the noise the result of the force with which she brought her under jaw against the trough. —1 have suffered with sick headache all my life, until six mouths ago. i). K. V. ti. Dyspepsia Remedy cured me. D. Bookstaver, ex-Mayor, Syracuse, N. Y. —-lutheU.lL Mutual Aid Journal we find the following casts reported from Snvder county as samples of spec ulative insurance witli the speculation left out: Goo. Shotzberger carried a SO,OOO policy or. Lho life of llenry Heiuibach in the Ilanover .Mutual Aid Association an 1 received SOH. Andrew Kerstctler luui a poliey on his mother in the Agmen of SclinsgrovQ for $lO,- 000 and received 00. Fercival Lenigand a Mr. Shotzberger had a policy for $3,000 on Joseph Lynig in the Prudential of JI irrisburg and re ceived SOO. Wm. Winner carried a SI,OOO policy on his own life iu the Middletown Beneficent, and alter he died his wife got the ''beneficent" >um of $3S.$7. — Sclinsjrov-: Times. —Myself and wife having been af flicted t -r years with Dyspepsia, and during the time continued dosing with bitters and other nostrums, with no benefit. Four bottles of D. R. V. G. has cured ns oof li. Dr. J. W.C. Gould, Syracuse, N. Y. Guaranteed by all druggists. ILLITERACY ANT) CRIME. —The late j Superintendent of public schools of this State, Horn J. P. Wickersham, has been exr.iuiniiig into the relations of education to cri ae, and r.s a result of h's investigat it*: - lias conic to tiro conclusion thai one-sixth of all the ( crime m tho'co.mtry Ms committed by persons wholly illiterate, and one-third by persons pneti uUv illiterate, and that the proportion of tiio criminals among the illiterate is about ten times greater than among those who have L on instructed iu the elements of a common school educ it ion or beyond. THE BIGGEST HOTEL IN THE WOULD. —The Digest hotel in the , world, the Grand Union, is at Sara toga. Its delightful grounds, large and airy apartments, spacious drawing room, pretty parlors, and long piazzas, justify the enthusiasm with which its guests speak of the house. The vast dining room has a seating capacity of twelve hundred. Two hundred and forty waiters, active and alert, are there to see that the wants of all are supplied. Tue culinary appai tment is a model m its departments. The ful lowing quantities ot" the principal ar ticles are used e icii dny in supplying the tallies: Fresh meats, 3,500 pounds; salt meats, 500 pounds; poultry, 1,500 pounds; Gsli, 600 pounds; butter, 500 pounds; tee,, JOO pound*; coffee, 250 pounds? sugar, 800 pounds; eggs, 500 dozen; miik, 1,200 quarts; cream, 200 quarts; potatoes, ten barrels, other vegetables eight barrels. Fifteen hun ; dred guests are now in the house. 1 The expenses of it are now about three thousand dollars a day. —D. It. V. G. cured me of the worst kind of Eruption of the Skin, blotches like boils from head to foot. J). R. V. G. I think the best blood purifyer in world. John G. Blodgett, Baker, Syracuse, "NT V xl . A • Guaranteed by all dealers in Drugs. Our Grain Production. The crop reports from Europe indi cate a fair Harvest. There is likely to be only an average yield of wheat, while of the other grains the promise is better. There i 3 accordingly every reason to expect that Europe will con tinue to be a greater purchaser of grain in the United States, ap,d that our ex ports will not materially decline next autumn, if, indeed, the) show any falling off. It seems to bo generally acknowledg ed now that our wheat harvest will be less than that of 1830, and very likely below that of 1379. But the crops of these years were of extraordinary mag nitude, and though the Harvest may be considerably smaller in 1831, tho yield will be as compared with that previous to 1879." Our production of grain was 2,431,- 383,811 bnsheli in ISB >, and in ISTO it was 2,421,." 10,303 busheb. Tim crop, therefore, may be less this year by one or two hundred million bushels, and yet the percentage of decrease, so enormous are those totals, will be small. A greater falling oIT is not probable. Very likely, taking all the graii.s together, there will bo no de crease in the production. Even if the yield is 2(X),000,0 )0 bushels leas, how ever, we chull still have a crop move than equal to that of I£7S, when we expected 251,841,715 bushels, about 00,03 ,0 H) bushel? leas than last year, it is true, but more than double the quantity sent abroad in ISTS. Moreover, there is nothing in the crop reports from Europe to indicate that the grain supply there will bo so much greater than that during the last thiec years sis to lesson the de mand far our surplus at .ill alarmingly. The English harvest is nos gnd, and our heaviest c ntomer, therefore, will need to purchase as much foreign grain as usual. Neither does the grain yield in France promise to be a bovo the average. 'Xmo of the crops will be very ha 1, and none veiv good." in the summing up of M. E:i nue, the Parisian statistician, regarding agii culll!ral production. The outlook for our f irrners, ac eoulingly, is favorable; and, so far as concerns the railroads, the proportion of decline in the ywld is likely to be em ill, even if any occurs, that trars poration will feel it slightly. -A. iS'in. XhceJSniiy. A pauper in Juniata county, named Nicholas Bitner. recently deetusid, 7 J had $100,030 insurance on his life, A woman of Lobm m, age.l $1 yea s, is insured for $!0-l,00l on the rvtculn tive plan. Colonel Frank Huffman, of New manslown, Lebanon county, drew ar rears ol pension last week amounting to $-1,000. Water is sold foi 25 cents a barrel at Fraokville, Schuylkill county. The prolonged drought has dried up all the wells and streams. A stone 130 feet long, 10 feet wide and 8 feet thick, was lately taken out in one piece from a granite quarry in Westeily, It. I. It is worth §30,000 as it lies in the quarry. Excessive smoking is thought to have caused the mental aberatiou of Strander, of West Pittson, Luzerne county which led to his suicide on T ues-Jay. A most ucviiish fiend recorded in the news' apers for many a day has turned up in !llin is. He titd a boy j to a railroad track and stood by to see his victim crushed to death. The boy, by a lucky twist escaped mortal injuries. A more cold-blooded criminal than this is not unhung. That Funny Pistol. Last Saturday afternoon a youth named 'mi nev Ilopper, at Sun lurry, ] was carelessly handling a loaded re volver. when it was accidentally dis charged, the ball entering the head of Albert Kettier, aged ten years, about two inches to the left of the right ear. The hall penetrated the brain and there is little hope c-f the boy's recovery. The Bloomsburg says that in Snyder county, where tho spec ulative craze first took posession of the minds of the people in Central Pennsyl vania, we begin to hear the outcrop ping of dissatisfaction. Assessments are becoming so frequent that many policy-liokhvs are unable to pay them. The officers and agents are receiving the curses of tho insured for their de ceptions, and the retribution which we predicted as the lot of all who arc en gaged in the dishonest practice is be ing visited upon the guilty. Many who fancied themselves to be million aires in the near future are despised by the people of the community in which they reside, and lament that they oyer sat. deed their manlicud to their greed tor wealth. NEARLY 200 LIVES LOST. A Steamer Wrecked and Only ; Twenty-Seven Passengers Saved. CAPE TOWN, August 31.—The Union Mail steamer Teuton, with two hundred souls on board, including pas sengers and crew, his been wrecked near Quoin Point. Only twenty-seven persons were saved in the steamer's boats. The British corvette Dido has proceeded to the scene of the wreck. The Teuton arrived at Cape Town from England on Monday, and land ed some and embarked other passen gers and proceeded 011 her voyage to Algoa Bay and other ports. Quoin Point is near Algoa Bay, and is the scene of a previous wreck of a Union Mail steamer. Something for Farmers, Henry J). Kinlzle, a farmer living a bout one-half mile cast of Myerstown, has started a new industry which, if it should prove successful, will lessen the burning and using of lime for fertiliz ing purposes. lie lias procured a ma chine to crush lime stone as line as Hour. This, it is claimed, if sowed on land will enrich the soil to a greater ex tent than phosphate or lime. Quite a number of farmers have given orders for SOU to 1,000 pounds, which they will use on the land prepared for sowing wheat this fall. Mr. Kintzle claims that where his powdered lime-stone has been used thirty-five bushels of . wheat haye been grown to the acre. Disastrous Forest Fires in Erie. EIUB. September 2.—M< Kcan, Oanesville, Franklin ami adjacent townships in lliis county are in im minent danger 01 total (lest rue I ion. Embers from forcet fires raping in the vicinity have ignited tho un cleared portions of Franklin town ship, and while acres werein fames, barns, hay and wheat stacks and dwelling bouses were swept away like chaiT. Church bells were rung and drums beat to call out people and at this writing over a thousand people are at work with axes and plows lighting the ilauics. AtCrnnes ville and McKoan the same work is going on. The damage to timber ami crops will be great. Should a wind spring up nothing can save the houses and farm buildings. Welcome Kali: la (lie West—-A jjeav} !•>!! 1!: Socio localities. CIUCAOO, S. NTEMBER I.— Dispatches received here show thut rain fell hut night all over the Northwest and in Southern Illinois, greatly benefiting corn wherever the crop was not yet wholly destroyed by the drought. Sent NO FIELD, 111., September I. Over three inches of rain foil here last night in less than ona hour. PES MOINES, la., September J.— There was a heavy stor.n of wind and ram here last night, accompanied by much lightning. Two and fifteen bundredt haunches of rain fdi in three huurs. The Bust Side Opera House was struck by lightning. if) Inivcrsnl Accord. AT::U'S C'ATII tuna PILLS :i r* th ' lest of .-ill ! purgatives for family u-v. They :uc the pro- i •la 'I n, cud their en tensive use. 1 v I pl.y-! hi*n 11 th ir j raelice, ami by -all civilize ! ••I nations, proves thorn the hi i and most f- | factual pm ait ve Pill tlsut media:.l science ; oh a d vi-o. Being purely teg table m, harm 1 ein i iron I IM* •• ua. 11 n'l.aa ■ VA-ue and curative power? ia> other i* i . e.u be eonil an-i w jth ;ia'M.: nil t*v i.v pers-n. know ing their virtues, will etnj hy. them, when nee dial. Ti.ey keep the s\-tern In perfect ord r til l maintain in licdtliy ;.a ion tin* whole ma • lliner\ ni nfe. Wild, search.ng and t llurttl.il the) ..!<• es; teially ad i;r w liieh th -y prevent an 1 aura. .1 timely taken iv are tire bed ami -nfest piiy dc to en ploy for ehildre . :id w iheuod couslUu o ris, w lieie Hiniid but cifeetu il cutha. tie is retfulr el. I'OR SALE PY AI.I. DEALKKS DIED. (hi the .list ult.. .it I oeV Haven. Mrs. Marga ret liarnhart, mother of Win. I'. Beck, of that place, in tiei si>i year. On the .7tli til!., in Lcwi.-hurg. Thomas Harp er, formerly of Woodward, aged 78 years. On t) e *lh Inst., e.t Coburn. Jacob Willie, son ofDiiiioland Susan Kisenlmth, aged 5 months, 3 days. SZitttieim XfnrXet. Corrected every Wednesday by Gephait & M lister. Wlieat No. * 1-32 Corn H\e 73 nats White 40 It nek lieAt F10ur..... 1.40 Bran A Sru.tm.pei ton ~ J 00 Suit,per Brl 1 • • Fluster, ground to.ixi Cement, per Bus hoi 43 to 50 Bailey Tvrtiot livseod Flax si-eel Cloverseed Butter 25 ifanis 13 Sides.... 3 Veal Fork Ih-eJ Eggs 22 Potatoes 73 fat rd 10 Tallow Soap 6 Dried A nples 6 Dried Peaches Dried Cherries COAL MA UK EI / Egg Coal $3.50 Stove " 3.73 Chestnut" i 5.30 Pea ' 5\ UEl'aiUT I?. A. MISBRK GEPH 4ET & MUSSER DEAr.I'KS IN liovrr Flour. & Feed. • Co.'.', Plaster & Salt ; MILLHEIM PA., j Highest market price paid for all kinds of G-IZJ^XN Delivered either at the BRICK MILL or at the old MUSS Lit MILL, in MILLHEIM. COAL, PLASTER & SALT Always on hand ami ■•'.old at prices that defy competition. A Miare of the public patronage respectfully solicited. 3'J-ly TO ADVERTISERS. GEO. P. ROW ELL it Co S SELECT J. IST OP LOCAL NEWSPAPERS. An advertiser who spcrvts iipw irdsof sl,ooo a ye ir, and who invested less than ♦330 of it in this List, writes: "Your ticlcct Local List paid me better last year Til A VAI L THE OTHER A O VKUT/tilXO J DID:' IT IS NOT a€o OPERATIVE LI IT IS NOT A CHEAP LIST. IT IS AN HONEST LIST The catalogue states exactly what the papers are. NViuui the name of a paper Is printed in .FU LLFACE TV PK it Is in every instance the REST. When printed in CAPITALS it is ilie ONLY paper inthe place. The list gives the population of every town and the circulation ot every paper. The rates charged for advertising are barely one-lift,h the publishers' schedule. The price for single states ranges Iron) $-'tosSo. The price foroneineh one motiili inthe entire list is pii-Y The regular rates of (lie papers for the same space ami time are $2,980.14. The list includes 0.2 nowspahers of which 187 are issued DAILY and 705 WEEKLY. They are located inTs.B different cities and towns, of which 26 are State Capitals, 363 places of over O,WW population, and 468 County Seats. For copy of List and other information address OBG. P. ROWELL&CO.. 10spruce St.,? Dry Goods House of Lock Haven for SPRING § SUMMER OIF -p "L : : .Never since the establishment of this grc it Dry Gr-ods House have w<- done such an extensive business as ire have done rn:s spring. IFc will in a few days open our fourth immense sitck for the Spring and Summer oj 18S1. The people of Lock I liven, Clinton and Centre counties ar e showing their great appreciation of the wonderful bargains ire are ffer - ing in our entire stock. First class goods, only honest dealing, no misrc present alias and low prices always win. This is Ihe motto on which wc have built up our enormous trade and will here soy that wc fully appreck ale ihe liberal patronage oj the Peoplt in sustaining a first class Dry Goods Store in I.cok Haven, which it his been our humble effort for some yearsto -establish. DEPARTMENT especially attractive and excels any effort tee ever made in Fineness of Stock, rich ness <>f Patterns and in its a.-cat variety. ;><)() YARD'S BEAUTIFUL at 40, -Id and 5G ets per yard. Beautiful Black Dress Silks at 75 cts a yard. Heavy Bros ttrain at 1.25 tc tr ranted not to crack or icar glossy. Beautiful Bro cades in Black and ah Colors. All colros of Satins and. Dress Silks. 1000 yards Best Lawns in remnants from 3 to 15 yards. 0 cts. worth 1" cts. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Black and Colored Cashmeres ever shown in Lock Haven at astonishingly low prices, and all the new Styles of Dress Goods to be found, in any city sU rc. 500 yards of the Iwst Bantings for JV/en and Boys* iccO.r, ever shown tc f his eiiy. lOOCU yds Beached and Brown Jfuslins to be sold at wholesale juices. GUOO yds. best Call o warranted tft colors at 4* cts. Great bargains in Table Linen, Tickings and Towlings, etc. 2do Parasols 25 per cent less than usual price. 1000 Pairs Ladies Lisle Thread and Kid Gloves at prices that icill astonish every one icho is a judge oj their value. An immense siockoj St/ickin-is, Luces, /gibbons, tbe. CARPETS, GARPETS, CARPETS, Never tens there shown til Lock Haven such a stock of Body Brussels Tapestry Brussel , 3 ply and Ing rein Carpet, as we show this season and our trade is really mmense on them. Beautiful Capets from 20 cts. a yard upwards. Come. See and bo Convinced that the Bee Hive Store offers decided advantage over every store in Central Pennsylvania in every thing- in the dry goods line. Everybody welcome to the BEE HIVE, 65 MAIN STREET LOCK HAYEK, PA. J. J. EVERETT, Proprietor. i? I isoLIGHTS . A Child f;! Bnn It. ' 'WI W LISO SIMPLE! 1 g N'-q It Requires ho Osre* m is so STRONG! ''; ! ' t ; SIuSLISUXESS I j?A m. B 1-kP 'Domestic" MM*# sHP flHvr~ t * "! nn/v LA PIES' DOLMAN. fiu*. hv O.H Ifi HO ib.o § CiullHJllu _ They era especially designed to meet the requirements of those who detlre *° drt9 well. They are unsurpasssd in Style, perfect in Fit, end so simpla that they are readiiy understood by thr most inexperienced. Send sc. for cat alogue. Address, ."Domestic" Fashion Co., . HEW YORK. THE OMI.Y PERFECT' SEWIKG MACHINE; i THE LIGHT-BUSHING' - NEW HOME nunm -+jXLjKmsm* ■ in" i —umjmwg———l Rapidly superceding all otficra wherever Introduced. Pronounced by an army of happy purchasers to be the BEST. The KZW HOME Is positively •,% The Simplest, Easiest Running, Most Reiiablo, and Most Durable Sewing Machine j ever invented. > It cporates Quickly, Quietly, and without fatigue to the operator. Full Information, Descriptive Cat alogues, &c., free on application. joHNsoN/cEm & ca SO Union Squaro, N. Y. # " "".And Orange, Mass. Hills ircirM en Lawn Bower Go. Of Hartford, Conn,, . MANU FA CT UIIE US Or TIIE \F,W ARCHIMEDEAN . , lid CHARTER OAK Lawn Mowers, These *Mwers have become celebrated throughout the World, where lawns tre cultiva ted, lis heliifi tie most perfect and desirable Lawn Mow ers over m;ule. They stand at the h : -1 of the list f LatVfi Mowers in the U.S. and Curcpe. They contain all the improvo -mei.M that c? p.u icn-o in their manufacture e . ' hcyst: are beautifully finished, thorough lv made and do splendid work on every variety of lawn. Hand Vowr Sizes, from Sto 18 inches. Pony and Horse sizes, 21. it? and J32 inches . Scud for Xircn.ais.r SOLD BY 01 R VCtMS IYEBYWBERK 21-5 m - 7 FBEB BY H&E'. "► WONDERFUL CURES HOPELESS CASES OF CONSUMPTION Prouchirls. Asthma. Catarrh. Dyspepsia,. De bility and All Chronic Diseases/ 2i> years of g;vat exp' rienco. 2.C(0 hopeless eases eared: Astonishing discovery of new treatment - • to quicly fatten, make Wood and build up the sys rj';rio. Invalids can ;ed local aud digest enor- Eoioi.sly ami pain 3 to 5 pounds per week. nsVital and healing force is niMd.y and powcr r/iuily increased. New life ana vigor imparled the first few days. Severest eases of Con-B sumption, bod fast and given tip to dio, cured El in 2to 3 months. Intlamatloh iu the LungsH removed, Hectic Feyer and Night Sweats, aiidH (>. unh made, loose, and easy, or checked In 36 hours. The treatment exhilarates, exalts,a --r I'ise.-: al! osgnus .uto heahby vigorous opera tion. If is also the greatest cure on earth for J-iver, Kidney, Heart. Head, Blood hkln Fe male and Net eras Discus: s. Seminal Weak ne:-s, all disease■ of children, and the Opium ffal.il. We are honest iu oar offer, and earn, csiiv invite you to write or come before it is the late, no matter what your disease, even If abandoned by the ablest physicians. Describe your case. Trial free to all who come bere. A Dial package of uur medicines worth 12 to $4 s°nt by maiito all who send us the names and addresses of all afflicted in their vicinity and 5 cents to wastage. B. s. DISPENSARY,. orrien Springs, Mich. WOULD YOU BE RESTORED TO SOUND Manhood? A Cure Guaranteed . Sufferers from the above disease (Nervous Debility) will find permanent relief from the use of Egan's Compound Elixir and Organic Pills. Not a quack nostrum but the genuine prescription used hi my regular prao tice for the past seven years. Elixir, $2 per package or 3 for $4. Pills $1 per box, or 3 for $2. Severe cases require 3 to 5 bottfts of the Elixir, with two or three boxes of the pills. Goods sent to any address on receipt of pr;t c . J. Y. EGAN, Ogdensburg, N. Y, GILMORE & CO. LAW & COLLECTION HIOSE, 629 F Street, Washing on, D. C, Make Collection*, Negotiate Loans met- -at tend to all business confided to their) . I A>r> Scbtp, Holdier's Additional Homest-ad B'gLt acd Lay* WAitkANTa bought and aold.