Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 01, 1881, Image 3

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    |lit j|ittheim Journal.
Editors and Proprietors.
Local Dcpartincnt.
—Our town council wilt hold its
regular monthly meeting next Monday
—Our townsman, F. P. Musser,
Esq., played foreman to the grand
jury last week.
—The Lutheran Synod of Central
Pennsylvania met at Newport, Ferry
county, yesteidav.
—T. R. Slam lias started a full-sized
Boot & Shoe 3tore in convection with
his general store.
—To day the hunting season com
mences, and you arc allowed to shoot
at any kind of game axd hit it too, if
you can. Blaze away!
—A splendid, strong 2 horse spring
wagou for sale.. None better in the
valley. P.riee moderate. Inquire at
the Journal office. tf
—The Grangers of Centre county
will hold their annual picnic at the old
"ground on the top of Nittany moun
tain, September 15tl.
WANTED.— About 3 >OO first class 1£
hrch yellow piue flooring in the rough.
Need not be fully dry. Inquire at th e
* Journal office. * tf.
—The delicious cakes that were in
tended for "Ye editor" at the big pic
, nic on Saturday have gone. "where the
woodbine twinetlr."
. —Marble door steps of Urn best
Sutherland Falls marble, made at the
Alillheim Marble Works at a moderate
price. tf
—Richmond suffers extremely by a
water famine. Some ot the people are
obliged to go a mile for a bucket full
for which they are compelled to pay
five cents.
—Sheriff Dunkle called to see us last
week. Sorry that we were unavoid
ably absent —glad to learn however
that ho had no warrant for us. Call
again, Sheriff. i
—Post Masters now have the right
to correct misdirected letters. This is
a just aud sensible improvement on the
old way of sending all such letteis to
the dead letter othce at Washington.
—Selinsgrove has six life iusnrance
associations, one marriage insurance
society, twojnore of the latter apply
ing for charters, and two more talked
—Ayer's S.irsaparilla. Be wise in
time. All baneful infections are
promptly removed by this unequalled
alterative. It is the most potent blood
purifier, and a fountain of health and
—Dry and clean coal Is what the
people wish to get in winter. To meet !
that want our enterprising coal deal-;
ers, Gephart & Musser are construct- j
ing a large coal shed at Coburn, and i
after this the coal will bo in a nice 1
condition in any kind of weather. •
—J. A. LIMEERT, the new mail con !
tractor, has procured a fine new wagou
and is prepared to carry express pack
ages and other goods from Coburn to
Woodward and all intermediate points
at reasonable charges. tf j
—Pery 11. Stover is erecting a new
residence at Coburn, which will make
a splendid appearaucq when done. That
boss carpenter, Mr. Bierly of Rebel s
burg is superintending the work and
is building the house in a neat aud
modern style.
—I have taken D. R. V. G. with
great benefit for general debility, and
recommend it to all.
Rev. D. W. Beadle,
Chaplain Penitentiary,
Syracuse, N. Y.
Guaranteed by all Druggists.
— 44 A dollar saved, a dollar made,"
is the old saying. By paying your
school taxes in good time you can
save the 5 per cent, abatement and
make something by it. See the school
tax notices posted up in the stores for
further particulars.
ture will be delivered in the Lutheran
church, Rebersburg, Saturday evening,
Sept. 10th, by Rev. A. D. Rowe, lately
returned from India, on the social
manners, home-life, customs, dress,
superstitions and general character of
the Hindus, together with some ac
count of European life in India.
The lecturer will also exhibit objects
of worship, fancy embroidery work,
Hindu women's dresses, specimens of
the grains of India. &<n, which he has
brought with him to this country.
, Admission 10 cents, 15 cents, family
tickets, 60 cents. #
Tickets for sale at Frank's store in
Rebersburg, at Ocker's and Shafer'a
stores in Madisonburg, and at the
Journal book store.
—A colored camp meeting, i. e. a
camp meeting of colored people will
commence at Swengle to-morrow.
"White people will also be permitted to
attend on the very reasonable condi
tion that they behave themselves prop
erly. Now if you thiuk you can do so
you may go.
—We regret to learn that our worthy
County Superintendent, Prof. Wolf,
is sick. He could not hold his exam
inations this week as announced, but
holies to be able to commence next
—II. G. Itothrock is the lucky chap
who secured the free scholarship for
this senatorial district, recently offered
by the faculty of State College. Adam
Hoy, Henry Wetzel and 1). M. Lieb
were the examining committee and un
animously reported in favor of Mr.
—Mr. Jacob Kamp, the boot and
shoe man of Lock tlavhu, accom
panied by his sou, gave us a pleasant
call hist week. Jle had been on an Ad
vertising trip, atid hadn't much time
to spare as live business men seldom
have. Shall be glad to have him come
again and make a longer stay.
—The folks at homo desire to return
thanks to the firui of Musser Biothers
& Co., for that excellent dinner on
picnic day. The firm prepared the
splendid repast, the "folks" helped to
do away with it, and we do the
Obliging, and thus a fair and equitable
division of the whole busiuessis nude.
Hon. S. R. Peale, of Lock Haven
and 11. A. McKee, Esq., of Bellefoute,
have associated together as a law firm,
in Bellefonte. Mr. Peale is an able
and experienced lawyer and has been
engaged in many important suits in
the courts of Centre county, while Mr.
McKee is a young man of fine attain
ments and much promise. They make
a strong combination.
—Your D. R. Y. G. has cured me of
Chronic Diarrhea, Urinal dilficuliies
and Chron'c Dyspedsia of 15 years
James Coakley, Bullisle, N. Y.
Guaranteed by all Druggists.
-All persons, both clerical and lay,
that intend being present at the in
auguration of the Professors of the
Missionary Institute at Selimrgrove, on
Friday, Sept. loth, 1831, will bo fur
nished with free entortainment—by
giving timely notice to either of the
undersigned of their coming.
The inaugural exercises will take
place on the campus ground where a
free luncheon will be served.
—Do yon want to buy a farm in
Xittany valley or in Penn township, or
a small piece of land near Millheim?
If so read the notice and sale bills of
the executors of Jonathan Philips, de
ceased, and i e ou hand on the days of
sale, Sept. 3rd and Sept. 10th next.
day one of those bold, fiendish acts so
frequently perpetrated by tramps, hap
pened ii>;ht in our midst. Daniel
Breon, a lid of about ten years, son of
Henry Breon, the miller at Campbell's
mill, went out to a potato patch, on
Wetzel's bill to call the folks to din
ner. The boy detained himself a little
while pursuing bumble bees after the
others had left. Nearing a cluster of
brudi in his chasa a tramp suddenly
sprang, forth from his hiding place,
pounced upon the b>y and tore his
clothes into eh red s. lie then dragged
him into a near woods, and with a big
Tsulfs in hand and heavy threats made
him state that his father had money.
Then lie gagg d him and left liicn un
der threats not to stir, to cut a whip
or club. D.iniel still bad presence of
mind and pluck enough to attempt an
escape and succeeded to getaway from
the brute and ran hom\ He was so
frightened aud exhausted that he
could scarceTy give nu account of the
matter. Mr. Breon m company with
John 11. Swartz atopce made pursuit
for the villain but be bad made good
his escape. £To doubt ho had been hid
in the . brush all morning ready to
pounce upon innocent prey.
—WANTED, at the Journal office, on
subscription or other accounts, 10
oushels of potatoes, 25 bushels of corn,
i several gallons of good apple butter.
If you have any of these articles to
spare and owe us, bring them along.
—Tool MORTON, the well-known,
good-natured tramp, died in the Dan
ville Assylum, Aug, 14th.
'•Poor Tom Morton," a3 he was
called, led a roving life from town to
town, living off of the liberality of the
people, although he had a gocd home,
and his parents were auxious to keep him
there. Altlough not endowed with a well
balanced mind. Torn was kind heart
ed, polite and obliging; he was extreme
ly fond of children and would play
with them for hours together. In ap
pearance he was long, gaunt and un
gainly. He had a double row of teeth,
which did not add to his personal ap
pearance. He was endowed with a
most wonderful memory. Faces and
names once seen or heard were never
forgotten. He knew every one from
Sunbury to Lock Haven by name, and
could f tell every engine on the road by
its bell or whistle, whose baud wes
on the throttle and who was firing.
About eight years ago it was supposed
Tom set fire to the stables of JoLn
Markle and the City Hotel. He was
takeu to Danville to the Assylum, aud
has been an inmate of it ever since.
He grew to like it there very much.
His death was caused by consumption.
He was 35 years of age.— Fx.
—I have had the liver 'complaint
twenty-five years and my blood became
poisoned, and abcesses formed on my
limbs, ten of them at one time, and
discharged like ulcers. Was given up
to die by sixteen different doctors.
Twelve bottles I). R. Y. G. lias caused
all sores to fill with new flesh and heal;
lam thirty pounds heavier in flesh
than I over was, and sound and well;
age 47. D. R. Y. G. saved my life.
Mis. A. C. Wakefield, Agan Block,
> Syracuse, N. Y.
! —The other Sunday a man named
i Lowery was run over and killed ly a
train at Millcrsburg, Juniata county.
On his person were tound two re
volvers,a butcher knife, a dock of cards
and a bottle of whiskey. What an
outtit for a journey to eternity.
—T. R. Statu has the largest stock of
Boots and Shoes in town and sells them
at 20 per cent, less than any other store
in the valley. Metis Boots $2.25, $2.-
50, $2.70 auds3.oo u it. Boys' Boots at
$1.25 to $1.75. They are going with a
rush, Corao and get soma before they
are all gone.
'Ftnec board advertisements,'
observed an old fanner, "are well
enough as land scape ornaments, but
if"vou are desirous of purchasing an
article it is easier and more con
venient to look through the columns
cf a newspaper to see who has it for
sale than it is to hook up a team and
drive around tiie country reading
—While John Stewart was hunting
squirrel, in Westmoreland Co., recent
ly, he heard and saw something mov
ing in tlie leaves cf a fallen tree.
Thinking it was a squirrel, and not
seeing distinctly, he shot at the mov
ing leaves and immediately heard a
heavy fall. Supposing ho had shot a
coon, he hurried to the tree and found
that he had shot a boy,' alwut 14 years
old who was also hunting. Stewart
was not acquainted with the boy, and
did not know he was in the woods. He
was recognized as Frank M'Fall. lie
died the same day, several shots hay
ing entered his skull.
— SAM USSEU, our nice, finelooking
Post Master, School Director and
clever fellow generally, is not in the
habit of doing things by halves, and so
when by some means he found out
that we stood in need of a pocket knife
he generously concluded to present us
with a good one, and forthwith car
ried out his resolutions. The knife is
one of the celebrated "Centennial"
brand, has four bright, sharp blades,
cuts keenly as a razor, is well finished
and altogether a nice, useful article for
a country editor to have. Whenever
we shall have occasion to scrape our
pencil, suits apples, cut kindling, or
put our grand now knife to any one of
the numerous uses for which a first
class pocket kr.ife i 3 intccded, we will
gratefully remember our kind friend
Sam, but his greatest reward will be in
The Haines township Sunday
school picnic, which was held in Wink
elblech'a grove last Saturday was one
of the largest we ever attended. It is
estimated that 2000 people were on the
ground. The six Sunday schools of
said township combined themselves for
this picnic, and the people turned out
cn masse. The Farmtr's Store Band
furnished the music during the day.
The weather was just what could be
desired aod so everybody was in good
xYfter the schools were seated in the
morning the exercises were opened by
prayer, followed by able addresses by
Rev. J. Tomlinson, Rev. J. A. Bright,
of Jersey Shore, Rev. P. C. Weidemyer
and Rev. C. W. E. Siegel. The peo
ple then dispersed for their dinners,
which were composed as usual at such
occasions of the choicest and best
things in large quantities.
The grove presented a lively picture
in the afternoon, when everybody was
moving and talking pleasantly until
nearly evening, when the crowd went
to their homes well satisfied with the
enjoyments of the day.
In the whole History of Medicine.
No preperation ha* ever performed sue*!
ma r velous cures, or maintained so wide a repu
tation, as AYKH'aOHwmY I'BCTORAL. wbieh is re
cognized as the world's remedy for all diseases
of the throat and lungs. Its ljug contained
series of wonderful cures in all climates lias
m ule it universally known as a safe and relia
ble agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, are the forerunners of more serious dis
orders, it acts speedily and surely, always re
lieving suffering. and often saving life. The
protection it affords, by its timely use in throat
and chest disorders, makes it an- invaluable
remedy tJ be kept always on hand in every
home. No person can afford to lie without it,
and those who have once used it never will
From their knowledge of its composition and
effects, physicians use the CHERUY I'ECTOKAL
extensively in their practice, and clergymen
recommend it. it is absolutely certain in its
remedial effects, and will always cure where
cures are possible.
Sews Miscellany.
Ex Governor Dingley of Maine,
claims that, as a result of the prohibit
ary law in that State, every brewery
and distillery has been closed; that the
bar rooms have been greatly reduced in
number, there being at present 700, and
these 44 Maine—ly secret;" that the liq
uor sold in these places does not exceed
$1,250,000 in annual r value, or $2 per
inhabitant, against sls in the other
Captain Cook, the Ohio hero who
slapped some .other person in the mouth
for expressing joy at the shooting of
the President, says that he will not ac
cept office of any kind. The odd part
of it is that lie is an Ohio man.
A family of German . immigrants
passed through Ilarrisburg this week
consisting of father, mother, nine
children, forty grand children and
eleven great-grand children. Enough
of them were married to make the en
tire party number ninety-tiye. They
were bound for Northern lowa.
Johnny Skae, of San Francisco, was
once worth $10,000,000. Oue night
last week he was committed to jail in
San Francisco in default of the pay
ment of $5 fine for drunkennefe'^.
The Telegraph says that a now ami
vigorous temperance crusade is being
organized far the entire State, and will
be begun in llarrisburg early in Sep
tember. It is simply a light against
liquor and has no political atliliatkm.
Mrs. John L. Ilenry, of York*, after
long quarreling with her husband, pur
chased live cents' worth of red jKipper
and on Wednesday attornopn threw it
in his face. lie will onq or both
eyes and his sufferings worn so intense
that lie called 011 bis friends to kill
A New York coroner's jury at last
has been found that condemns the use
of the toy pistol ami recommends its
suppression by property authority.
Within tlje tyat six months probably
fifty young lives have been sacrificed
by this diabolical invention. In its
way it is as bad as a ltuanan bomb.
The speculative insurance men have
placed $150,000 on the life of Mrs.
Eliza Holder, of Amity township, Berks
county, who is S3 years of age.
The sales of the Moody and Sankey
hvmi: books, which are called by the
name of "Gospel Hymns," amount to
0,337,(XK) copies.
A single grape vino at Cujon, Cal.,
bears live tons of fruit, the weight of
which has broken down the sturdy
oak tree on which the vine climbs.
In President township, Venango
county, on TJiuiflaay, two children
were bitteq by a rattlesnake and died
soon afterward. The mother ran to
their assistance as soon as they were
bitten, and while absent from the house
another child upset a pot of boiling
water and was scalded to death.
J). 11. Trexler, of Williainsport, who
had [for some time been despondent
from financial weveises, hung himself
on his lve.l room door Saturday eve
ning. Ho was a respected citizen,
forty-eight years of age.
The Philadelphia Record says that no
man engaged in the speculative life in
surance business should again get into
the Legislature. Upon which the
Ilarrisburg Independent remarks:
"Neither should they bo allowed mem
bership in tho church or fellowship in
society, 'ihey are pariahs, whose very
orcatli smell of graveyards."'
On the '.3rd Instat Centre Hall, Christiana j
wife of Isaac oift. aged 42 years, 11 .months ami |
10 days.
On the3oth nit., at Potters Mills, Kate K.
M'l'oy, aged 5 years. 0 months and 5 days.
On the 35th ult., in Sugar Valley, Mrs. Salome
Slier, wire of Peter Slier, aged 27 years autlS
Mflltieim Market.
Corrected every Weil nee.lay by C.cphurt j
ft Musuer.
Wheat No 1-32
Wheat No. 2
oats White 40
Oats. Bhtck
Flour *'-40
Bran &Short,pei ton 20 00
Salt. ier Url l.t*
Plaster, ground...-. 10.00
Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50
Tymothyseed i.w...
Miles b
Eggs 20
Cart) 10
Soap $
Dried Apples
Dried Peaches
Dried Cherries..* *
Egg Coal $5.50
Stove " 6.75
Chestnut" 5.30
Pea '
Flour. &
& Salt
• I
Highest market price paid for all kinds of
Delivered either at the BltlCß MILL or at the
•> ' '
Always on hand and sold at prices that defy
A share of the public patronage respectfully
sclicited. 30-Jy
An advertiser who spends vpw&rrfs of ft,ooo a
year, and who invested less than $350 or It in
this List, writes: " Your Select Local Lin paid
me belter last year HI AA'A LL THE OTHER
The catalogue states exactly what the papers
are. When the name of a paper is printed in
FU LL FACE TV PE it is in every instance the
BEST. When printed in CAPITALS it is the
ONLY paper inthe place. The list gives the
population of every town and the circulation ot
every paper
The rates charged for advertising are barely
one-fifth the publishers' schedule. The price
for single States raugesfrom $2 tosßo. The price
for one Inch one month inthe entire list is $025-
The regular rates of the papers for the same
space and time are $2,980.11, the list includes
902 uwspaberß of which 187 arc issuea DAILY
and 765 WEEKLY. They are loeatea in 7SB
different cities and towns, ot which 26 are State
Capitals, 363 places of overs,ooo population, and
1 468 County Seats. For copy of List and other
information address GEO. I*. ROWELL&CO..
w 10spruce St.. New York,
1881. MIDSUMMER 1881.
LOOK: ipjy
Takes this method to announce to the people of Penus, Hrush andSng--
gar Valleys that altera highly successful season he still has,
_ ,
to select from, and in order to reduce this largo stock quickly he has re
duced his prices from 10 to 50' per cent.
We have revolutionized the Clothing business in Lock Haven. You
can get as good a suit lrom us as any tailor can make, and at less than
half the price ; and fpr style and fit they ore often superior. Hoys like
stylish suits as Well a3 men, and we have them in all grades.
Boys Clothing is a Specialty With Us.
No use looking for lietter goods for hoys than wo have—you can't Had them.
No living man shall be allowed to give their cuatomeis better value for their
money than can always be found at my store. And where is the mother that
likes to make children's clothes ? Can't make them tit. "Never look well",
is the complaint of every one. We've got all grades and they are just cute and
nobby ms they can be. A change of weather m *ans a change of clothes ; a
change of clothes requires a change of patterns and styles of materials. The
house that, has the choicest and newest changes in styles and patterne is likely
to secure the greatest number of new customers and best please and retain its
old patrons. In these days it is not everything that looks like clothing that
will sell, but in the keen competition between different houses it will bo the
survival of the fittest.
Unequalled in Quality,
Unexcelled in Style,
Unexceptional in Fit. 1
And the people have, by a large majority, decided to patrouizo
We have a much larger stock of new style Hats than all the other:
stores in Lock Haven together, and onr prices are always the lowest.
Full stock of i unks. Hags, Ac. Gents' Furnishings, a large line of
sold at from 10 to 25 per cent, cheaper than anywhere else in this section,
call and see us. Speial prices to parties from a distance.
Dry Goods House of Lock Haven for
■ ——__ - —• m ——____
Never since the establishment of this great pry Goods House hav* ioe
done such an extensive business as ire hove dene mis spring. We will in
a few days opm our fourth immense stick for the Spring and Summer of
ISBI. The people of Lock Ifuvcn. Clinton and Centre counties arc
showing their great appreciation of the wonderful bargains we are offer
ing in our entire stock. First class goods, only honest dealing, no misre
prescntatins and low prices always win. This is the motto on tchich w e
have built up our enormous trade an I will here, say that we fully appreci
ate the liberal patronage of the People in sustaining a first class Dry
Goods §tore in Ixok Haven, which it has been our humble effort for som €
yearsto establish. :•>
Our Dress Heeds
especially attractive and excels any effort tee ccer made in Fineness of Stock, rich
ness of Patterns and in its arjat variety.
at 40, 45 and 5G cts per yard. Beautiful Black Dress Silks at 75 cts a yard.
Heavy Gros Grain at 1.2 ") warranted not to crack or wear glosscy. Beautifu: Bro
cades in Black and all Odors. All alms of Satins and Dress Silks. 1000 yards
Best Lawns in remnants from 3 to 15 yards. 0 cts: worth 15 cts.
Black and Colored Cashmeres
ever shown in Lock Haven at astonishingly low prices, and all the new Styles■ of
Dress Goods to he found in any city store. 500 yards of the best Pantings for Men
and Boys' wear, ever shown in this city. 10000 yds Bleached and Brown Muslirs
to be soil at wholesale prices. 6000 yds, best Calico warranted fast colors at 41 cts.
Great bargains in Table Line*., Tickings and Towiings, &c. 2.00 Parasols 25 per
cent les< than i sual price. 1000 Pairs Ladies Lisle Thread and Kid Gloves at
prices thai will astonish everyone who is a judge of their value. An immense stock of
Stocking, Luces, riibbons, tfce. . *"•'*
Never was there shown in Lock Haven such a stock of Body Brussels Tapestry
Brussci, S jily and Ingrain Carpet, as we show this season and our trade is really
immense on them. Beautiful Capets from 20 cts. a yard upwards.
Come. See and be Convinced
that the Bee Hive Store offers decided advantage
over every store in Central Pennsylvania in every
thing in the dry goods line. Everybody welcome
I Proprietor.
A Child can Ran 11. -v iHBi .mm
!so SIMPLE! 1
It Requires No Care.
I it Never H ears Out. *■
( * *■ *-■
They are eapeclally designed to meet
the requirements of those who desire
to dress well. They are unsurpassed
In Style, perfect in Fit, end_so_simpfc>
' * ha * they are readily understood by thii
most inexperienced. Send So. for oat"
alogue. Address, _
Domestic " Fashion" Co.,
Cnpidly superceding; all others
wherever introduced.
Pronounced by an army of
purchasers to bo thq ; pE&T.
The NEW HOME Is positively , ,
The Simplest, Easiest Running*
Most Reliable, and
Most Durable Sewing Machine;
* It operates Quickly, Quietly, and
without fatigue to the operator.
Full information, Descriptive Cat
; aiogues, Ac., free on application.
SO Union Square, N.Y,
* And Orange, Mass.
Hills Lrchrtan Lawn Mower CP.
Of Hartford, Conn ,
Lawn Mow erf.
These ! Mowers IK-COICP celebrated
throughout t:.e World, where lawns ivc culina
ted. as being the most perfect unrt desirable
Lawn Mowers ev >r made. They etand at tha
head of the list of Lawn Mowers iu the U. P.
and Europe, They contain all the improve
ments that experience iu their manufacture
cansucgest: are beautifully finished, ti ©"ought
ly nmde and Jo splendid work on every variety
of lawn.
Hand Mower Size*, from 8 folß Incites. Pony
and Horse sizes, 21, 28 and J32 inches. Send for
Circular*, t
Bronchitis. Asthquv Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Da
fci Ity and All Chronic Diseases. 20 years of
jr cat exporieuce. 2.000 hopeless cases cured.
/ stonishing discovery ot new treatment to
uuiely fatten, make blood and build up the svs-
Ettem. Invalid* caused to eat and 1 digest enor
pmously and gain 3 to 5 pounds per week.
& Vital ; tntf healing force is rabid y and power
r fully increased. Mew life ana vigor imparted
the first few days. Severest oases of Con-gl
sumption; bed fast and given up to die, curedH
in 2to 3 months. Tndainutlon in the Jungsja
removed. Hectic Fever and Night Sweats, aiYdfa
Coiteh made loose, and easy, or checked in 3b
hofirs. The treatment exonerates, exalts, a
rouses nil organs into healthy vigorous opera
tion. It is also the greatest cure ou earth for
Liver, Kiduey, Heart, Head, Blood Skin Fe
male and Nr. von* Diseases, Seminal Weak
ness, all diseases of children, and the Opium
Habit. We are honest-in our offer, and earn
estly invite you to write or come befoie it 1s
too late, no matter what your disease, even if
abandoned bv the ablpMt physicians. Describe
your case. Trial free "to all who come here. X
trial package of our medicines worths 2 t0%4
sent by mail to all who send us the names and
addresses of all afflicted In their vicinity ami
5 cents to nostage. 15. S. DISPENSARY.
orrien Springs, Mich.
MANHOOD? A Cure Guaranteed. Sufferers
from the above disease (Nervous Debility) will find
fermanent relief from the use of EGAN'S COMPOUND
LIXIR and ORGANIC PILLS. Not a quack nostrum
but the genuine prescription U6edin my regular prac
tice for the past seven years. Elixir, $2 per package
| or 3 for *4; Pills $i per box, or 3 for $2. Severe
1 cases require 3to 5 bottles of the Elixir, with two or
j three boxes of the pills. Goods sent to any address
i on receipt of price. J. Y. EGAN,
Ogdenaburg, N. Y,
' 029 F Street, Washing- on, U. C.
-* m m
Maketiolleclions, Negotiate Leans sn **
teud to all business confided to them, iA" u
. MiiU', scldi< I' 4 Additional ifotuestpa'l hir.'t
ul.Cl L- V i V, Al'.i'AM - and <oid.