|ljc J[Ulhcim 1 oitrititl. * J J THURSDAY. SEDT. J., 'SI THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL Is i libmhedevery Thursday. in Musser'Rßuild ing. corner of Main ami Penn streets at fi.oo PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or no 1 column... 800 12 00 | 20(H)! So oi)| 6 00 One inch makes a square. Administrators ur.d Executors' Notices *>. so. Transient ad vertiseinetits and locals 10 cents per line for first insertion a#d 5 cents per line for each aa tlitional insertion. Job Work done on short potior. DEIMVGER & BESIEGER. Editors and Proprietors. Olnrclft Sunday ScM Directory. Evangelical. P. C. Weidemvcr and J. M. Plvl\ vreaehen,. Rev. F.C. Wetdemyor, preaches next Sunday evening. Sunday School, 2r. M.— M. I. Jamison, supt. Mofchodist. Jlex.J. BcHsar. Akers, Preachcr-in charec. Sunday School nt 1 '.J F. k D. A. Mussor, *r.pt Reformed. Rev. c W. K. Slepel, Pastor. ' "'Harvest llouee" sermon in Aarodsburg next Sunday morning*—Germau. • United Brethren. "Rov. Tallhei'n, Pirachsr-ir.charpe. Tic v. J. F. Tallhcbn will preach next Sunday morning. Lutheran. Rev. John IXtmliMon , Anfor P.l>tor Tomlinson !s attending HK session of sym dof Central Pennsylvania at Newport. Perry county. United Sunday School. Meets at 9a. M.— H. K. Duck,supt. Lailoe & Society Cirectary. Milllieim Lodge, No. 955. i. O. O. F. meets in hvir hall. lVnn -street, every Saturday evening. Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. ('. W.HAKTMAN, See. It.U. HAKTXAN, N. G- Frovidence Grange. No. 217 P. of H.. meets In Alexander s block on the second Saturday of e icli month at l l v. M., and on the fourth Sa turday of eaeh mouth at IS r. M. l>. \..tzK&r. See. T. G. Etta aim, Master. The Millheini B. j; 1.. Association meets in the Fenti >treet school house on the evening ot the second Monday of each month. A. W ALTER. Sec. " B. O. DEIMXGKK, Prest. The Millheini Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. J. B. 11 annua. See. John K reamer. Pre> i. DES. Benner —Knox' School Ilouse, Wednesday, Set. 7. Fatton—Waddle's School House, Thursday, Sept. 7. Ilalfniooa—Stormstown. Friday, Sept. 6. College—Lent out. Saturday, sept. ill. Halm s—Aaronsburg. Monday, sept. 12. Milllieim and Penn— Millheini. Sept. Id. Miles—Kebersbure, Wednesday. Sept. 14. Gregg— Penn Hail, Thursday. Sep? 15. Potter—Centre Hall, Friday. St pi. Jo. Harris—Boalsburg, Tuesday. Sept. 2b. Ferguson—l'ine Grove, Wednesday, S qif. 26. A speelal examination will b' held at the Su perintendent's oftl v, Belle fonte, Friday. Sept. 30; applicants must come reconVft'ende . by at least four directors ot' Ihe district in which they intend to teach and give a satisfactory reason for non-attendance at the public ex asm nations. Examinations begin at 9o'clock a. m. Ap plicants are expected to le in time. Some of the directors also should be present to make obt a list of applicants. It. M. WOLF, Cu. Supt. rriRESKPANS NOTICEAII persons are A hereby potifled not to tresspass on the lauds r the subscribers in sil"s township, for the purpose or shooting squirrels or other game. Tho law will be eiifoicetl against all persona who disregard this notice. H. It. FTNPT Kit, I>. I. FIKDI.EK. Miles twp., Sept. Ist 1881. 3t \Dfl IMSTIt ATOU S RALK.-ThP un derfilled, administrator of ' |o estate nl Philip Krtle, late, of Gregg township, deeeusc k Haven. .11 25a, in. •• Williamsport 12 25 p. nr. " arr.at Harrhburg.. 340 p.m. " " Philadelphia 6 4ft p.ur. •' " Lrie 1135 a. nr. ERIE MAIL leaves Iteirovo 900p.ni Lock Haven 10 lo p. nr. " " wUlkwusiHJit 1130 p.m. " arr.atj'anisburc 8 00 a.m. " " Philadelphia 7 3fta.m. FAST LINE leaves Williauispoit 12 15 a. nr. " arr. at Harrlsburg 3 15 a. in. •' *' Philadelphia 735 a. nr. Erie Mall and Fast Line and Pacific Express East make close connections at Northumber land witli L. & B. It. R. trains tor Wilkesbarre and Ncranion. Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West and Fast IJpo West make close connection at Wil liam sport with N.C. R. W. trains north. Niagara Fxfess West and Day Express Hast make close rCctlon at Lock Haven with 11. E. V. R. K.train*. Ei ie Mail Fas* and West co-iue,.-t at Erie w it h trains ou L. s. A M.S. 1L R.; at Corry with B. P. & W. R. 1\ : at Emporium with B N. Y. & P. R. 11.. ami at Driftwood with A. A' R. It. parlor ears will -un between Philadelphia and Williamsport u Niagara Sxpress West and Day Express Ei. t. Meeping cars on alt night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN. General Sun t. CENTRE HALL j Jfurnitnre store. WM. R. GAMP, PROPRIETOR. Walnut & Fancy Chamber Suits, Lounges. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Sinks, WASIiSTAXDS, Parlor Tables, Breakfast Tables, Extension Tables, Wood and Cane Seat Chairs, Mat tresses, Spring Beds, and every thing else in the Furniture line at the lowest prices. I hope to merit the patronage of the public by good work and moderate prices. Please call and see my stock be fore you go out of your own valley for ycfili* furniture. You can do fully as well at home as you can anywhere else. TRY IMIE !_ PEWSYLYAMA COLLEGE Gettysburg, Pa. The first term of the next Collegiate year will Sept. Bth IS3I. Tire Faculty and Instructors are tiro otlowing: Milton Valentine, D. IK, President and Professor of Intellectual and Moral Science. Luther nenry troll, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. Key. Adam Martin, A. M. f Professor of the German language aud Litera ture, and of Greek. Rev. llcnry Eystd? Jacobs, I). D., Franklin Professor of the Ancient Languages Joftn A. llimes, A. M., GraefE Pfofessor of the English Language and Literature, and of History. Rev. Philip M. Bikle, A. M., Ockershausen Professor of Phisics aud of Lat in. And others. THIS PAPER E.?S :; S Ncweprer Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Street, whero adver. If Afltf NEW YORK. • FARMERS' Supply Store. OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS. The most complete plow made Light run ning and durable. Price reduced Three.* ha< es share for ordinary plowing;' Is. a,'* .share for dry ground, and "S " shure for hard 1 nked soil or stony land, chilled und polished: pric fill cents each. It is the best plow tn the world for blowing dry baked or gravely soil. We challenge any other plow to compete with it. Grain Drill. Tire very b**Ht; cum spring, r ar shifter, fer tilizer attachment, with other improvements. Lowest prices. Fodder Cutter. Cuts and* crushes fodder. Warranted to do more satisfactory crushing than any other fod dor cutter made. Will aho cut Hay and Str aw. 'Farmer's Chop Mills, Cider Mills with Presses, hand Vr horse pow er, Washing Machines, easily operated : a boy or girl of 14 years qhii do twice as much washing with half the labor that an adult can do. Boet Clothes Washer warranted for 5 years, and satisfaction gniran teed tr money refunded. The best, most efficient and most durable washer in the '.world, it has no rival and is the only mashine that will wash perfectly clean without rubbing. It can l> used In any size or shifted front one tub to an other In amo went. Is so simple and easy oper ated that the most delicate lady, or child 10 years old can do the work. 11 is made of Cltd vanized Iron and is the only washer that has the HuMxr JiuiuU on the Jlrtlers which ptevent the breaking of buttons and injury to clothes. Price \er> low. No FaruKv cen afford to Uo without it. Threßhora and Separators. The 0 F.ISKIt Thresher 'r.nd separator for 4 to lb horses. The HKIBNKK Power and Separator for 1 and 2 horses. Bella. Farm. School and Church Bel, of tho mos mproved make at very low prices. 1 Sowing MatJhlnep. We sell a $lO machine for $:. We sell a sls machine for ft 23. We sell a ♦SO machine for $25. We sell a $55 machine for $27.50, Wc sell a ton machine for S3O. Warranted to lie new. ft ret class machines in every respect. It pays farmers and "others to come to our 9tore to buy their supplies. Oonklin Wagons. F>ugglea, Carriages, and Platform Spring Wagons. Two-horse Cultivators. For cultivating fallows, at very low prices. Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters. Spring-Toothed Harrows, And a full line of Farm Implements always on hand. Call and see the GIANT CEOSS-CUT in operation. Store opposite Bush House, BelhTonte, Fa. ALEXANDER I CO. r " H THE NEW VICTOB. SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! - BvSnL improve merits September," 1870* MgSfW Notwithstanding the VldTOk has long been tl ' ILKXgK II peer of any Sewing Machine in the market—a fact .rl 'supported bv a host of volunteer witnesses— we DOW If \VSnQISIJL confidently claim for it greater simplicity; • B -m a wonderful reduction of friction and a rare II combination of desirable qualities. Its shut y tie is a beautiful specimen of mechanism, -"W|MI and takes rank with the highest achievements Hrffl/rJm ;>^-ogi^KS : .i®Sifcof inventive genius. Note. —We do not leasa consign Machines, therefore, have no old ones to patch up and re-varaiah for our * EjgS&v- 'we Sell New Machines Every Tims. Send for Illustrated Circular and prices. Liberal terms to the trade. Don't buy until you have seen the ' Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, . Western Branch Office, 235 Siaxi St., CHICAGO, Ilu MIDDLETOWN, CONRt IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT J. R, Smith & Co/s MAMMOTH SUPPLY DEPOT, NO.S. HO, 113 & 114 FRONT STREET, DVEIIVTQIsr, IF-iA. J *4 \\ e are now offcrinpjtl.e largest stock and greatest vaiiety of Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, &0., 11l the State at TItICES BEYOND tOMPETITIOBf, cobHlatiuf in part of Rich and Plain Furniture All the latent Designs, in Walnut, Oak, Cherry, Mahogany and Ebony. Wc make a Specialty in Parlor Suits, # • . and will sell them lower than aWy Party in the state. Prices run iriiii; FitO® SS) TO #5*W If youc mtdm.ihtte buying a PIANO, ORGAN OR SEWING MACHINE, it will oay you to wilte u* for price*. We also carry al l rge Hue of extra Super, Body and Tap est} Brussels Carpets. A uood Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. per yard. Our stock of Plain, Out and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain and Decorated French China, Silver Plated-ware, Lafeaps and Chandeliers. &c. is well worth your Inspectlon. Our sale* cieced thoje'of a*y Uru< In our li.te in *.h state. LOW PRICES DO IT. We extend an imitation to you to vhitus and will take pleasure in s'miuj you through oar ! vaiious Departments. ■ , , | —; i FOR Boots Shoes, and Slippers GO TO KAMP'S BOOT & SHOT 'STORE nhen visiting lot Haven, and look at the Largest and Cheapest Stock Of BOOTS & SHOES In Central Pennsylvania. My Motto Is 'Large Sales and Small Profits.' JACOB RAMP, THE BOOT & SBOC JtAN OF LOCK HAVEN. EXCELSIOR STEAM DYE WORKS LEWISBURG, PA. W. Davis, Proprietor. My Factory has all the machinery and faciii ties of a first class establishment of its kind. My experience in the business extends over many years. both in this countrvand in Europe* and am therefore enabled to do strictly first class work at moderade prices. THE JOURNAL STORE, Miilheiiu, Pa., has accepted an agency from me. All goods brought there for dying will be returned free of extra charge. jg F. KISTER, FASHIONABLE BOOT & SHOEMAKER, MILLHEIM, PA. Shop next door to Foot^sstore, Main St. BOOTS, SUOES and GAITERS made to cider, and satisfactory work guaranteed. Repairing done prompt ly and cheaply, and in a neat style. j I Tho Model Grocery. S. P. KEIiSTETTER, t f Proprietor. MARKET STREET. LEWISBURG, PA. I ' ' Dealer in first class Groceries of alf kinds. Flour and Feed, Wood and \VI owWaie. Queonsware a Speciality. sell a While Qranite Tea Belt, 46 pieces, for ;'3OO. All oth*r Queensware in proportion. Just received the finest lot of China Wareever brought to this place. If you come to Lewisburg dont fail to give inn a call and get the best bargains you ever bad. Farmers' Supplies. SEEDS, Math moth and Small Clover Seed. Choice Timothy Seed. White clover Seed. Alsykc, or Swedish Clover Seed. Orchard Grass Seed' Kentucky Blue Grass Seed. lied Top Grass Seed. Lawn Seed. . Meadow Fu.xtaC Grass Seed. Meadow Fescue Gross Seed. Sweet-scented Vernal Grass Seed. Kuugh-stoea Meadow Grass Seed. Hard Fescue Grass seed. Tall Oat Grass Seed. Crested Dogstail Grass Seed Perrenial Tve Grass Seed. Italian Rye Grass Seed Fiorin, aud otner grass seed, Farmers and owners of pasture lots can arrow grow instead of weeds, by sowing a mixture of the above seeds. It has been demonstrated by practical experiment that a variety of grass will keep up a continuous pasture aud prevent the growth of weeds. FERTILIZERS'; We can deliver to Coburn and Spring Mills Stations, the very best fertilizers made. Bakers High (irate Amraoniated Bone Phosphate in Gar load lots, only $35.00 per ton, m cars at Station. South Carolina Rone Thosphate only $29.00 per ton, in carload lots, at Station. Farmers Supply Store opposite Bush House. Bellefonte, Pa. ALEXANDER & 80. |MD.R.y.G.' l__ "Vfirirni-. *fr 3 tH j' * I ■■ J i ifUL&Mu I •' ) fs.jcr. a £ trei ah t -V . \\> jii* <* ■ 1 IK i'! ne % 'So.; j Liver •. JwW ■■ ti". -00 l Pi!,. < i - E.-.; TOd ii&.: j It is til" l>cst flfc •**>- *•- .jjJ.. . j the WorH. Gtt:u\in-§fe" . 0 give fe. t yatis fnr, '" n °* woo-y Wt J r * ujmed. , Try it. Our Vital- T lz Ins lonic —the lH a peti/cr in the World. UiilL; '. m. { 0. R v G. Mfr Co., Ws. B