jj !| tj| i 111| cim|ou r n at. THURSDAY. JULY 28., 'Bl THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL l-i published every Thursday. 111 Minaer*B Build ing. corner of Main and Penn stiwts at SI.OO PEP ANNUM. IN ADVANCE Or *1 25 If not paid in advance. ADV'ERTISLYG RATES. 1 week. 1 mo. 8 mo. r mo. 1 year. 1 square,... I siooi $2 50 | stent * no | $7 00 q column,', .| soo | 4 o"> i 000 | io oo | i."> oo ?£column... I 500 I 750 I 10 00 I 15 00 I 85 00 1 column,..] SOO I 12 00 | 2ooo| Ml 00 [ 00 00 . r. M., and on the fourth Sa turday of each month at IL. p. M. D. L.ZKKBY, Sec. A. O. Deintnger, Master., The Millheim 11. & L. Association meets in tiie Penu street school house on the evening ol the second Monday of each month. A. WALTER, Sec, B. O. DEININGKR, Prest. The Millheim Comet Rand meets in the Town llall on Monday and Thursday evenings. F. P. OTTO. SEC.. J . F. IURTSK. Pres't. Announcement.* of Candidates. The following is our scale of charges for the announcement of candidates for nomination by the ensuing Detnocra > c county comenfion— strictly cn-li in advance: Sheriff, Prothono -7 irv an.t Treasurer-—ss each; Associate Judge and Register—W eacn: Commissioner and Recorder—fl each: Auditor—sl. Candidates must pi dee themselves to support the ticket nominate L TREASURER. We arc authorized to announce that 8. H. HOLT, of SnawShoe town-hip, is a can didate for the office of Treasurer, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce th-.t ,T G. M EVER, of Haines township, is a can didate for the office of Treasurer, subject to 1 lemocratie rules. We are authorized to announce that "GEO. W. SPANGLER,of Potter township is a candidate for the office of Treasurer, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that D C. KELLER, of Potter township, is a can didate for Hie office of Treasurer, subject to Democratic rules. SHERIFF. "*T_ authorized to announce that rtGE HOFFEK. of College township, is a • andidace for the officeof Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. . 'We are authorized to announce that ✓John B. LEATHERS, of Howard township, is a candidate for the ofl'ice of Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that TIIOM AS .J. DUNK EL. of Rush township, is a c uididftte forthe office of Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that JOHN COLDREN, of Gregg township, is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that s. K. FAUST, of Miles townstrip. is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to Democratic i ules. We are authorized to announce that MICH AEL K EKSTETT ER, of Spring town ship. is a candidate for the office of Slieriff S'jhj 'ct to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that DANIEL T. WIKLAND, ot" Harris township, is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that JOSEPH L. NEFF. of Boggs township, is a candidate for the office of Sheriff,. subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that 1,. T. MUNSON. of Bellefonte, is a candidate f-r the office of Slieriff. subject to Democratic rules. PROTHONOTART. We are authorized to announce that J. r. HARPER, is a candidate for the office of Prothouotary, subjects® Democratic rules. ASSOCIATE JUTKjK. We are authorized to announce that JOHN KISHEL, of Potter township, is a ean didate for the office of Associate Judge, sub ject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that JOHN K. ItUNKLE. of Potter township, is a candidate for the office of Associate Judge, sub ject to Deinocrat.c rules. COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce that JOHN WOLF,of Miles townihip, is a •candi date for the office of -Commissioner, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that 11. E. DUCK, of Penn township, is a candidate for the officeof Commissioner, subject to Dem ocratic rules. We are autlonized to announce that JOHN HOY, Jr.. of Marion township, is a can didate for the office of County Commissioner, subjeet to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that A. J. GItIEST, of Unionville, is a candidate for the office of Commissioner, subject to Demo cratic rules. We are authorized to announce that B. H. ARNEY. of Potter township, is a candi date for the office of Commissioner, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that SAMUEL DECKER, of Walker township is a candi ate for Commissioner, subject to Demo cratic rules. We are authorized to announce that C. ALEXANDER, of Penn township, is a can didate for Commissioner, subject to Democrat ic rules. REGISTER. We are authorized to announce that JOE W. FURY, of Bellefonte, is a candidate for the office ot Register, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that T. B. J AMtSON, of Gregg township, is a can didate for the office oi Register, subject to De mocratic rules. We are authorized to announce that J AMES A, McCLAIN, of Boggs township, is a candidate for the office ol Register, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that HENRY BECK, of Spring township, is a can didate for the office of Register, subject to Democratic rule 3. RECORDER. We are authorized to announce that FRANK E. BIBLE, of boring township, is a candidate for the office of Recorder, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that .TOJIN MYERS, of Harris township, is a can didate for the office of Recorder, subject to Democratic lules. Democratic County Committee. 1 flic following persons have been named as ' members of the Democratic County Committee : for 18S1. Bellefonte. W. W Bellefonte, N. W Bellefonte, S..W Miles burg .... Mil helm Unionville Ho ward ITdiipslmrg Beiiner Boggs ; Burnside Curtin .... t'ol.ege Ferguson, old Ferguson", new. Gregg, south Gregg, north Halnr.oon Haines Harris Itnwavd - Huston Liberty Mar.on Miles Button Penn..... Potter, north Potter, south Rush Show' Shoe Spring... Taylor Union Walker Worth Bellefonte, Pa., Feb 1. JURY LIST FOR AUGUST TERM. GRAND JURY. Dav Deiirick. Walker H A Moore, Howard Win Wike, Half Moon Mtrh Pleteher, Liberty b Williams, Huston Henry Heaton, Bogus John Callahan. Rush John Riddle. Pat ton G W Swart/, Millheim L C Reariek. Spring s A Marshall. Rentier j Win Young, Worth I TRAVERSE JURORS—FIRST WEEK. John Love, Ferguson W R Camp. Pot'er O M Sheets, Ferguson Km'l Peter. College Lew is Mench Haines N J McCloskey, Curtin L it -tones. Worth J E \N ard, Ferguson •John Weaver. Harris E B llosterman. Potter Geo W Fleck, Boggs Jos Gill Hand, Potter Dan K Miller, Marion W Zimmerman,B'nside Thomas Lingie. Potter Dan Gloss nor. Liberty C M Sellers, PattoM W Bartholomew.G regg DW Holt. Phllipsburg Uriah Stover, Haines T Walker, Snow shoe B F Human, Ferguson W K Mattern. Huston George Bower, llaines TRAVERSE JUROItS-SECOND WEEK. C Dale, Benner John R;p4ilr. Millheim J li Holt, Snow shoe A Cheney, Worth L T Muiru, Bellerte G W it heads, Benner Geo W Wilson, Union G RSpigelmyer.Haines Jus p. Lane, Bellefonte Win Beekwlt'o. Worth (J M Swartz, Bellefonte DII Parker. Phillpsb'g tl F Enierick. Benner F MeFarlane, Harris David Evans, Potter J Duiubleton, hu-h G D Johnston, Howard Jas Irviu. Bellefonte Democratic Delegate Election and County Convention. Tin 5 Democratic voters of Centiecounry >vill meet at the regular place of a >ld:ng the gener al election for t heir districts, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 2,1881, to elect delegates to the Democratic County Convention. The election will open at two o'clock p- 111., and close at six p. m. The delegates chosen at the above time will meet in the Court House, at Belletonte on Tuesday, the 9th day Union 1 north 2 j Walker - ft Halfinoou 1 ! Worth 1 al 92 P. GRAY MF.KK, Chairman Co. Com. Tha Nation's Patient. The President took a sudden relapse on Saturday last, caused by the cessa tion of the discharge of pus from the wound, which made a surgical opera tion necessary to relieve the patient. The operation was performed and the president 'afterward rested well and showed signs of improvement. Since then he is getting along as well as could possibly be expected, but it is useless to conceal the fact that he is in a critical -condit ion notwithstanding the high hopes that had been enter tained of his speedy recovery. His case is not hopeless, although he is subject to sudden and dangerous changes. Under Providence and the most skillful medical treatment his life may be spared, but this ho|>e must be based more on faith than on sight. The latest official wews as to the Presi dent's precise condition is given in the following telegram by Secretary Blaine: WASHINGTON, July 26.— Secretary Blaine sent the follow ing telegram at 11 o,clock p. m., "Lowel], Minister, London: At 11 o'clock p. m., the president's physicians report the temperature and respiration normal and pulse 96, liest report at the same hour for five nights. The entire day has been most encouraging and a feeling of confidence is rapidly returning." ■ His Name is Lapham. The long and disgracefml struggle at Albany has at last ended in the e lection of Judge Lapham for U. S. Senator in place of Roscoe Conkling, resigned. The final ballot was takerf last Thursday at 4 o'clock, p. M., and stood for Lapham, 92, Potter, 40. Like Miller, his colleague, Mr. Lap ham hardly comes up to the medium size, intellectually. Both are notorious ly unfit to represent the great state of New York iu the Senate of the United States. Lapham has served three terms in congress but has not made himself conspicuous in any way. It really seems that the Republican party cares very little these later years wheth er theii senators have talent, ability, culture or integrity, if they only pos sess lots of money and are good polit ical bosses. "Sdwene Zeita i." Nicholas Redding. ( ti.vVles -rhrader. I'Mwxr I Brown, Jr. () P Kreamer. D LZerbv. A Toner 1 .eat hers. George Wl*tar. A J Graham. Jerry Roan. James \ McClaln. Oscar Holt. John McClosky. Jacob Bottorf. Joliu T. M eUormick. Allies Walker. Henry Krumrlno. Sr. .Utiles D(i, k. John Waul. Solomon Ettlinger. John A Rupn. John A Dnnkle. Henry Hale. W II Gardner. lAivry Ccndo. Samuel'k Faust. John lteed. ,ohr st Alexander, .iolin Shannon. James Me' Untie. John Doniau. Abel Campbell. John Noll. William Ualderwood. SK meriek. Ambrose McMullen. Marshall Lewis. P. fir AY MKI K. Chairman. - I J MussetVJr, Ferguson J \> itnier Wolf, Potter Jac K stover, Haines 1> B Malpne, Boggs John B Bi titer, Potter Peter ltobh, Curtin F P Rlusser, Millheim J Gunsuulus.Snnwsltoe T Brumgard, Miles i Y' McCormick.Jr.J'o'r j J i> Roekev, Benner 1 Conrad Singer, Curtin J Cronister, Halt Moon J A ('rider, Boggs J S Boal, Harris Constans Curtin,Boggs S Mattern, Halt' Moon Henry Wolf. Miles John Gingrich, Worth Win Stiver, Potter John F Miller. Potter K Poorman,Snow Shoe Wm A Kerr, Potter Geo Kauffnum. Spvtitg AaronUlricli, Penn Geo Martz, College DLZerby, Penn Iziwrey Snope, Boggs W Cleveustme.Waiker Wm Bradford, Harris Ed Krumrine. Gregg Hiram Blowers, Taylor Fergus Potter, Harris .1 Confer. Jr., Harriss Daniel Roush, Miles \V C banner, Potter lien Emeriek. Gregg ! Jacob II Wile, Haines i j B Mitchell, Ferguson j John Ruth, Miles I E Zimmerman, Boggs ! D Dunkle, Sr., Walker ; IIL Harvey, Boggs ; .1 tl Jones, Wort . j Dan Beanes. Taylor D 7. Kline. Bellefonte I A1 Jones, l'hillpsburg WII Wilkinson.Belief > Chas Holt, snow Shoe Sain'l Bat hurst, Boggs C Eckeuroth, Spring A J Shivery. Benner John Luth, Spring Dau A G rove, College A ChancJlor a Free Scholar ship in the State College. STATE COLLEGE, CENTRE CO., PA., ) July H, 1881. } To HON. CYRUS T ALEXANDER, Bellefonte, P;. Dear sir: The Exrcutive Commit tee of the Board of Trustees of t tie Pennsylvania Stat* College have de termined to establish lifty (:">0) free scholarships in the institution—one for each senatorial district in the State. All tuition, in the College is already free. These scholarships, in addition to the tuition, will entitle the holders thereof to exemption for the payment of other college charges, for incidentals, room, rent, fuel, and use of furnituie. It is believed that this can be done without adding materially to the ex penses of the Institution, whilst its benefits will be enlarged to the extent of these scholarships. The conditions are, that the scholar, after a competitive examination of the studies required for admission, receive the appointment from the Senator of his distiict, and that said scholar be at least fifteen (Ift) yeais of age, of good character, and fully prepared tor admission to the Freshman class. The student so appointed shall be entitled to the benefits of his scholarship for the four years of his college course, provided that his conduct and class standing be satisfactory to the Faculty. So soon as a vacancy occurs, from any cause, the Senator of the district shall have authority to fill the scholarship by a new appointment, under similar conditions. In view of these facts, you will ar range for an examination for the year 1881-S- are, for all applicants, ti o Com mon English branches, Physical Geography, Higher Algebra to ((Quad ratics), Geometry (4 books), and U. S. History. The social requirements of applicants for admission to the Scien tific course will be the elements of Natural Philosophy; the special re quirements made of Classical students are Ciesar (3 hooks), Cicero's Orations (3], and Xeuophon's Anabasis. A student whose qualifications fall, in some respects, below the standard, bu* are in others so much above that stand ard as to give a reasonable hope that he will make up his deficiencies, may be admitted on probation . Should no one present himself who is entitled to enter as a Freshman, a well qualified applicant for higher class standing may be admitted. As soon as the appointment shall have been made in your district, you will please notify the college, authori ties of the fact, giving the name and address of the appointee. Although our standard of admission to the college classes will be higher af ter the coming session, and special course in Civil Engineering, Chemistry and Pnysic, a r.d Natural Science have beea added to the courses recognized in the present catalogue, I forward a copy of that catalogue as giving, on pages 18 and SO, a correct idea of the preparation required cf those who would now enter as Fieshmen. We shall be glad to furnish any further information concerning th : s or other matters relating to the College. Requesting your early and hearty co operation in securing, fur your "scholarship," the best student availa ble, I remain, yours respectfully, JAS. A. MCKEK, Acting Preset. In compliance with the request con tained in above letter I give notice that I have selected an impartial com mittee of examiners, which commit tee will meet in the Court llonso at Bellefonte, on Friday, 19th of August next, to examine all such applicants as may appear before them. The person whom the committee recommends will receive the appointment. Applicants will please notify mo of their intention to be present before the day of examin ation. Respectfully, C. T. ALEXANDER. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, I). C\. July 23rd, 1881. The quarrel among New York Republicans, so far as the cholse of a Sejiator in place of 19r. Conkling could end it, is ended and most of us, of all parties, are ready to say as the President did, "Thank God." No political contest of onr times lias developed so much corruption among rival politicians, and the exposures of the sev eral rival factions, were finally stopped only by the imperious necessity of st-lfpreservation. It is impossible to tell just how much damage has been done to Mr. Conkling by his defeat, but the State has been disgraced and the Republi can party so demoralized that there is no rea sonable hope of harmony hereafter. The". Dem ocrats ougqt to carry the State this fall by a good majority. In fact, In the three great States of New York, Virginia and Ohio, in which events important in their bearing on the next election have oecured, the Democratic prospects are excellent. A private despatch from a member of Justice Nathan Clifford's family says the honored jurist cannot possibly live more than a few* days. He it the last of the Democratic appoint ments to the Supreme bench, having Iwn ap pointed by President Buclia nan in 18-"8. Of the Justices selected by Republican many have subsequently acted with the Dem ocrats, notably Chief Justice Chase, David Davis, and Stephen J. Field. Justice Clifford is most highly respected In all walks of life. There has beeu prepared at the Treasury Department a history of Civil Ser vices reform under the act of 1871. All will remember the gorgeous promises and the shriveled perform ance of our Republican friends on this subject. The very Committee appointed to prepare a scheme of reform drew pay for services never rendered- From 1872, the year reform was born, to the present time, the country has seen all sorts of corruption in its civil service. Each political campaign has turned the em ployes of the 'government into workers for party instead of for the United States, and the whisky rings and other countless frauds have gone unpunished. An accurate history of all this would be accurate reading, but I suppose the Treasury will glye us ouly a statement of the formal action taken by the committee of 1871, with notices of such fragmentary efforts as have been made by a few officials to benefit the service, by compliance with rules then laid down. The President is slowly, but, the physicians say, surely recovering. His extreme prostra tion is shown by the fact that a very little con versation increases his fever greatly. The physicians have in contemplation a trip down the Potomac, but aro so far unable to fix a day for it to commence. CASKOLL. La.UIIILROAD. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. 13 5 7 A. M. A. M, P. M. I'. M. Moutatnlon 7.00 9.43 2.20 0.45 Lcw iwhui gar 7.13 10.00 2.35 7.00 Lcwisbui'ir Iv 7.2.) Pair Ground 7.30 10.0G 2.40 Weill 7.41 10.21 2.51 Viokslnng 7.47 10,30 2.57 Mitlhuburg S.OB 10.51 3.13 Milimont 0,25 11.20 3.35 Luurelton. H,35ar11.35 3.40 Wicker Run 9.00 4.11 Cherry Run 9,17 4.30 Fowler 9.37 4.50 Coburn 9.48 5.02 'Spring Mlils 10.J{4 ■, ur 5.30 TRAINS LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 0 8 A. M. A. M. I*. M. P. M. Montnndon 0,50 ur9.30iu*1.20 u rtlHO Lcwisbuig 0.33 9.15 1.03 0.15 Fair Ground 9.10 1,00 6,10 Blehl 9.01 12.4H 6.00 Yickshurg 8.56 12.42 5.55 M illliuluirg 8.43 12.25 5.40 Milimont 8.25 12.02 6.20 Laurelton 8.15 11 50 5.10 Wikor Run 7.48 4.47 ( berry Run 7.31 4.30 Fowler 7.10 4.10 Ccburn ....... - 0.58 -i.oo Spring Mills 0.30 3.H0 Trains Nos. 1 and i connect at Montandoii with Erie Mail west for Williamsport, lawk Haven, Kane, Corr.v and Erie, and Buffalo and Niagara Falls yni Emporium, also Kim Ira. Wat kins. Buffalo and Niagara Falls via Canandal gua. Nos. 3 and 4 connect with Pacific Rzpicss cast for Harrishurg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and New York. Nos. 5 and 6 connect with Day Exoress east for Hairlsbuig. Baltimore, Washington, Phil, luiclpliia and New York, uud Niagara Express west fort and Lock Haven. No. 8 also connects with Erie Mail east for llurrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, l'lilladel phla and New York. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia U cents each. It IB the best plow In the world for plowing dry baked or gravely soil. \VV challenge auy other pl-jw to compete with It. Grain Drill. The very best; gum spring, rear shifter, fer tilizer attachment, with other Improvements. Lowest prices. "Focder Oat tor. Cuts and crushes fodder. Warranted to do more satisfactory crushing than any oilier fod dep-jottcr made. Will also cut Hay and Straw. * 4 Farmor's Chop Mills, Cider Mills with Presses,*" hand or horse pow er. Washing Machines, easily operated; h boy or girl of 14 years can do twice as much washing with half the labor that an adult cau do. The Boet Clothes Washer, warranted for 6 vcars, ami satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. The beet. ru<>*t efficient and most durable washer in (he world, "it has no rival and is the only inasldne that will vnush r/erfectly clean without rubt>in(/. It can be used In any size tub, or shifted from one tub to an other In a moment. Is so simple and easv oper ated that the most delicate lady, or child 10 years old can do the work. It is made of Gal. vanized Iron and is the only washer that has the HuN>er Band s on the Holler* which prevent the breaking of buttons and injury to clothes. Price very low. No Family can afford t-o do without it. Throshors and Separators. The G EISER Thresher and Separator, fori to 10 horses. The HEKBXKR Level-tread Power and separator for 1 and 2 horses. BeilS. Farm, school and Church Bel's, of the mos,* niproved make at very low prices. Sewing- Machines. Wc sell a *4O machine for *2O. We sell a *4-5 machine for *23. We sell a *SO machine for *25. We sell a *53 machine for $27.50, Wc sell a*> 9 machine for $lO. Warranted to lie new. first class machines in every respect. It pays farmers and others to come to our store to buy their supplies. Conklin Wagons. Buggies, Carriages, and Platform Spring Wagons. Two-horse Cultivators. For cultivating fallows, at very low prices. Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Spring-Toothed Harrows, And a full line of Farm Implements always on hand. Call and see the GIANT CROSS-CUT in operation. Store opposite Bush House, Bellefontc, Pa. ALEXANDER & CO. k THE NEW VICTOR. SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED!; Improvements September/1878. | Notwithstanding tho VICTOR has long boen tho IfliAfKiP MM P eor ftn y Sewing Machine in the market—a fact •Br fI supported by a host of volunteer witnesses —we now if IwW™ confidently claim for it greater simplicity,' 11 11 a wonderful redaction of friction ana a rara H jHnfflHHB combination of desirable qualities. Its shut- If tie is a beautiful specimen of mechanism, takes rank with the highestat&ievemetrt® j ' J *3'' WSft H| nf Inventive gonitis. Note. —Wedonotleasa I if ,*> x* r consirn Machines, therefore, imY©_ no old \BLsones to patch up and re-varnish for on* We Sell New Machines Every Tim; Rend for Illustrated Circular and prices. Liberal terms to tho trade. 2>on*t M|p nntil you have seen the Most Elegant, Simple and Easy' Running Machine Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, ' Western Branch Office, 236 STATX ST., CHICAOO, Luu MIDDLETOWN, CONNS FOR Boots Shoes, and Sliders GO TO KAMFS BOOT & SHOT STOKE when visiting Ixn-k Haven, and look at the Largest and Cheapest Stork OF HOOTS & SHOES in Central Pennsylvania. My Motto is 'lairge Sales and Small Profits.' JACOB KAMP, TITR BOOT a HfcOß MAN Or LOCK HAVEN. JOHN F. HARTER, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Office on 2cil story of Tonr!inson , s Groceiy Store, on Main Street, C MILLHEIM, PA. JL> F.KTSTER, FASHIONABLE BOOT & SHOEMAKER, MILLHEIM, PA. Shop next iloor to Foote'sstore, Main St. BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS made to order, and satisfactory work guaranteed. Repairing done prompt ly and cheaply, and in a neat style. J FC. SPRINGER, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Next door to Journal Store, MILLHEIM, PA. JGROCKERHOFF HOUSE, (Opposite Court House.) 11. BROCK ERHOFF* WM. NCKKKYER, Proprietor. Manager. Good sample rooms on first floor. Free Bus to and from all trains. Special rates to Jurors and Wltnesses. STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. TRVIN HOUSE, JL (Most Central Hotel in the City,) COR. MAIN AND JAY ST., Lock Haven, Pa., S.WOODS UAL WE LL, FROPRIETO R Oodßampte Rooms for Commercial Traveler on first fioor. W FREE BY MAIL. ONDERFUL CURES IIOL'EJ.ESS CASES OF CONSUMPTION Bronchitis. Asthma. Catarrh, Dyspepsia, De bility and All Chronic Diseases. 20 years of great experience. 2.000 hopeless cases cured. Astonishing discovery of new treatment to lulcly fatten, make blood and build up the sys- Item. Invalids caused to eat and digest enor mously and gain 3 to 5 pounds per week. lYital and healing force is rapidly and power fully increased. New life ana vigor imparled ie first few (lavs. Severest cases of Con-B sumption, bed hist and given up to die, curedß In 2to 3 months. Inflamation in the LungsH removed, Hectic Fever and Night Sweats, an< Cough made loose, and easy, or checked in 3o hours. The t eatmeut exonerates, exalts, a rouses all organs into healthy vigorous opera tion. It is also tho greatest cure on earth for Liver, Kidney, Heart, Head, Blood Skin Fe male and Nervous Diseases, Seminal Weak ness, all diseases of children, and the Opium Habit. We are honest in our offer, and earn estly invite you to write or come before it is too late, no matter what your disease, even if abandoned bv the ablest physicians. Describe your case. Trial free to all who come here. A trial back age of our medicihes worth $2 tofrl sent by mail to all who send us the names and addresses of all afflicted in their vicinity and 5 cents to nostage, B. S. DISPENSARY, errieu Springs, Mich. WOULD YOU BE RESTORED TO SOUND MANHOOD? A Cure Guaranteed. Sufferers from the above disease (Nervous Debility) will find E:rmanent relief from the use of EGAN'S COMPOUND LXXIR and ORGANIC PILLS. Not a quack nostrum but the genuine prescription used in my regular prac tice for the past seven years. Elixir, $2 per package or 3 for $4. Pills $1 per box, or 3.f? r v - Severe cases require 3 to 5 bottles of the Elixir, with two or three boxes of the pills. Goods sent to s.ny address pn receipt of pticc. J. Y. EG AN, Y, hais JUST RECEIVED AND UNPACKED HATS KA.IS My New Spring' Stock of HAM HATS JVITT ,T .msr -EIR,y GOOIDS, niTS Which Embraces all the new styles and colors, including the very fashionable fIATS LEGHORN, FRENCH CHIP, AMERICAN CHIP, STRAW, PORCUPINE, TUSCAN JUT* S BRAID, AC., which I have tu great my_;;tore IIATS PENN SETEET, MILLHEIM, PA. j HATS • IIATS ; HATS II ITS I can su it all purses as I sell both cheap and costly goods. j Tiimmed Hats and Bonnets. Untriimncd Goods. Silk rimmings, ! HATS Artificial Flowers, and everything desirable in :ny line. Your trade re- WATS HATS spectfully solicited. MBS. ANNA M. WEAVU. IIATS | EXCELSIOR STEAM DYE WCFKS LEWISBURG, PA. W. Davis, Proprietor. My Factory lias all the machinery and facili ties of a first class establishment of its kind. My experience in the business extends over many years, both 111 this country and in Europe, and am therefore enabled to do strictly first class work at moderadc prices. THE JOURNAL STORE, MiUheim, Pa., has accepted an agency from me. All goods brought there for dying will be returned free of extra charge. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE Gettysburg, Pa. The Faculty and Instructors are the following: Milton Valentine, D. D., President and Professor of Intellectual and Moral Science. Luther Henry Croll, A. M., Professor ofMathematics and Astronomy. Rev. Adam Martin, A. M., Professor of the German Language and Litera ture, and of Greek. Rev. Henry Eystcr Jacobs, D. D., Franklin Professor of the Ancient Languages John A. Hlmcs, A. M., Gracff Professor of the English Language and Literature, and of History. | Rev. Philip M. Blkle, A. M., Ockershausen Professor of Phisics and of Lat in. And others. The Model Grocery. S. P. KERSTETTER, Proprietor. MARKET STREET, LEWISBDRG, PA. \ Dealer in first class Groceries of ait 1 kinds, Flour and Feed, Wood and [ Will w Waie. ' Queenswarc a Speciality. sell a White Granite Tea Sett, 46 pieces, for I*3oo. All other Queens ware in proportion. Just received the finest lot of Chini Ware ever brought to this place. If you come to Lewisburg dont fail to give me a call and get the best bargains you eyer had.