Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 21, 1881, Image 4

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good farmer will allow his fields to become
exhausted by excessive cropping but will
adopt timely measures for keeping up their
fertility ; but should they become reduced
under bad management, the question of re
novating is one of the very first importance.
If the farmer has an abundauce of good
dressing, the question is easy of solution;
but where large areas are to be restored the
manure heap is likely to fail, and some
otner plan must be adopted. The choice,
in such a case, lies between green manur
ing and sheep. Land whose fertility has
become quite low will prodnce a decent
crop of clover by the aid of a liberal appli
cation of plaster, and this clover, when
ploughed under,acts wonderfully iu restor
ing the tost fertility of the soil. Buck
wheat will flourish upou soil too poor for
corn or wheat, and, next to clover, is per
haps the best crop for green manuring.
Both should be turned under when in full
bloom. The value of sheep for restoring
run-out grass lands is too * well kuowu to
require anything more tliau simple
mention. It has been successfully prac
tised for generations, and yet there are
many farmers who complain of run-out
lane's, who keep no sheep at all. Aside
from their value in restoring worn out
lands to fertility, there is no stock the
farmer can keep that pays so well, ami
that so many farmers do not keep them is
a wonder. We asked one farmer the ques
tion the other day, and his reply was that
his fences were too poor. In other words,
it would require a little labor to repair his
THINKING FRUlT. —Skilful fruit growers
have long been in the practice of thiumng
the young fruit on overbearing trees, both
lor the good of the fruit that remains, and
to prevent exhaustion of the trees, and we
have often had occasion to urge the impor
tance of the practice, which in addition to
the advantages already mentioned, saves
much labor in hand-picking afterwards
numerous imperfect spectmeus, and much
time in assorting alter they are gathered.
Before, or by the time they are an inch in
diameter, the riuest specimens may be seen
for leaving, as the smaller and poorer ones
are taken out. Some valuable hints on
this subject were giveu at the last winter
meeting of the Western New York Horti
cultural Society. W. C. Barry said they
could not get good exhibition pears without
thinning the clusters. They used a pole
with a uotch in one end, which enabled
the operator to twist them off rapidly. E.
Moody, in speaking of the Northern Spy.
which is so otleu defective on crowded
tnes, said it would yet Income very profit
able when we make up our minus to thin
it thoroughly, and that if we would take
off in time from three-fourths to
eights, we would get nearly as much in
measure, and twice the price of any other
apple we grow. Maj. Brooks thought the
Spy could be best thmued by culling out
crowded branches. Mr. Vick said no one
had any business to.grow apples who
would uot thiu them.
HUNGARIAN grass or millet can be grown
on sod land about as well as anywhere else.
After taking off a crop of hay, turn the soil
over flat, spread on and harrow in some
special fertilizer. Put iu the seed at the rate
of one bushel to the aero, bushing it in and
rolling the land. Jf the ground is seeded
by the middle of July, a fair crop can be
cut by the middle of September. There
are many wide awake farmers who adopt
the above practice every year.
TUE three following processes may be
laid down as the foundation of all good
farming : First, by draining, to get rid of
all the superfluous water. Second. to re
turn to the land through the medium of
manure made upon the place, if possible,
the fertility of the soil which has been
taken away by cropping. Third, to destroy
all weeds, that they may not feed upon
that fertility of the soil which the plants
SULPHUR FOR ROUP. — Roup will some
times yield to the following treatment:
Open the affected fowl's beak and with a
tube, which may be formed of paper, blow
half a teaspoonful of sulphur down the
throat. Three applications have been
known to cure.
AN Ohio wool grower, noticing that
another flock master complained that he
could not rid his sheep of ticks, says he
was troubled that way once, and advises
wetting salt with turpentine when salting
sheep. He finds this effectual, without
A Boss Time.
A boy entered the Fremont Police Sta
tion on a run Sunday right and requested
the presence of an officer to quell a disturb
ance in a house on the upper end of Beau
bien street. When the officer reached the
house he found about twenty people as
sembled to witness a marriage, but a form
er lover of the bride had refused to let tne
ceremony proceed. The father took the
officer through into the kitchen and ex
"The objector and obje tions -have
happily been removed and the marriage
ceremony performed. Sorry to have trou
bled you, but you shall partake of thirteen
different kinds of refreshment."
"What was the trouble?"
"Well not much. My daughter was en
gaged to a teamster, but they got into a
quarrel and declared it off. Then she was
engaged to a bricklayer, but he lied to her,
and they broke it up. Theu she was en
gaged to a milkman,and they were expect
ing to be married, when along came this
young man. He is a cooper, and so am I. 1
saw how nice it would be for us to coop
together, he ueing my shop and 1 using his
tools, and so 1 persuaded Mary to have
"And the milkman kicked."
"Yes. He raised a great row about it,
but we finally subjugated him."
"Come this way?"
The father led the officer into the back
yard, and the old lover, was then discover
ed, tied neck aud heals, and pushed into an
empty hogshead, with the big family dog
standing guard over him. The prisoner was
terribly maignated, threatening to clean
out the crowd, aud he rested a moment on
the high back fence to observe,
"As for you, old peg-leg, I'll lay for you!
If I ever catch you, I'll masb every bone
in your body!"
"Dear me I but how unreasonable!"
sighed the father as he rubbed his hands.
' The young man does not seem to realize
the benefits of a cooper copartnership. The
capacity of my shop will now be doubled,
business will be rushed, and I shall board
the bridal couple for $8 per week, cash
every Saturaday. Reuben must get over
this unreasonableness or I shall refuse to
take milk of him. But come in and kiss
the bride and help us festivate over the
auspicious occasion."
The officer found opportunity to ask
Mary if it was a happy match for her, and
she answered:
"Well, dad's boss here. He said I might
as well marry a cooper as a milkman, and
1 dida't want to flunk on the old man. Sort
0* boss time isn't it?"
HOME MADE BREAD. —Two distinct
methods produce good results; both are
given below, with personal preference for
the quickest: To make the yeast —boil
two ounces of hops in four quarts ot water
for a half-hour, strain, cool the liquid until
lukewarm, add half a pound of brown su
gar, two teaspoonfuls of salt, and gradu
ally stir iu one pound of flour; let this
leaven ferment tour days in a temperature
of about 98 deg. Fahrenheit, stirring it
wheuever it rises to a foam. On the third
day add to it three pounds of potatoes
boiled and mashed, on the fourth day
strain ami bottle it and keep it in a civil
place. To make bread : Put seven p muds
of flour in a deep bowl, make a hollow in
the center and put into ii one quart of luke
warm water, and use as much of it as is
necessary to make a rather soft dough,
mixing it well with the hands until it is
smooth and shining then strew a little flour
under and over it, cover the bowl with a
thick folded towel, and set to rise five
hours in a temperature of US deg. when it
has risen knead it for 15 minutes, divide it
into four loaves, place them in separate
pans, and let the loaves stand where the
dough has been until they have swollen to
double their first size ; piick each one three
times with a fork, ami bake them one hour
in a moderate oven, takiug care not to
burn them. In winter be sure to keep the
bread dough well covered so '.hat it un.y
rise properly.
diphliietia, then, ami so finally exterminate
it, eveiy man, woman and child through
out our land ami the world should be
bmugtil to obey the the iaws of life and
health. Parents should regularly feed,
properly bathe and duly restrain nil chil
dren before they couie to the years of
understanding and accountability. This
aione would do much. A late prominent
physician of Paris catenated that 3,000
children had died in that eity during the
thirty years of his practice there from short
sleeves, snort pants and or her kindred
imprudences in the dressing of children.
And lam fully convinced that as large a
proportion are sacrificed, in towns at least,
iu this country from the same cause—all
lor a wicked fashion. Ami, from a care
ful observation iu this country and abroad,
i am confident that at least as mauy more
are carried off by improper fo<kl and irreg
ularity in taking it, together with poison
ous candies and other unwholesome ami
indigestible trash that no child or other
person should eat.
ance called the Detective Camera was late
ly brought out in Loudon. Its purpose is
to e aable a person to take photographs o!
any desired subject, without anybody but
himself being cognizant of the operation.
In outward appearance it resembles a
square case, and can tie disguised as a
portmanteau, a shoe-black's box, or even
a book. The operator places it upoii the
ground, or holds it under his arm, the
pressure of a pneumatic ball opeuing or
closing the hidded leus at the required
moment. Several scenes have been thus
secured, which bear evidence that the mod
els had no idea that their images were be
ing so stolen.
of fact the electric current is as well fitted
to produce heat as it is to produce light,
aud just as electricity will, IU all proba
bility, be made to yield the priucipal arti
ficial light of the future,so will it doubtless
be applied to household heatiug. The
same machines which light the house by
night will beat and cook by day, besides
performing other duties, such as driving a
coffee mill or a sewing machine.
ALMOND cookies are very nice. This
rule will make a large quantity, and may
of course be varied to suit your need : Two
pounds of butter, three pounds of sugar,
one poun i of almonds blanched and chop
ped, cut in halves or pounded, two tea
spoon! uls of cinnamon, one teaspoonful of
saleratus, one cup of boiling water, one
lemon, one dozen eggs, knead in flour
enough t> make the dough as stiff as cooky
dough should be, roll and cut in fancy
shapes, and after they are in the tins
sprinkle the almonds thickly over them.
CHOCOLATE PUDDING. —ScaId together a
quart of irnik and three ounces of grated
chocolate. Set it away until cold and then
add the beaten yolks of five eggs and cup
of sugar. Bske about twenty-five minutes.
Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth,
spread over the top of the pudding and
brown thein slightly in the oven. This
pudding should be served very cold.
ephone Company have made arrangements
so that any of the subscribers leaving word
any evening may be awakened at any hour
the next morning by mesus of a power
ful alarm.
AIR CLOCKS. —There is an effort making
in England, to test the system of compress
ed air clocks, which have been introduced
into Paris, and of which long descriptions
with pictorial illustrations have appeared
in scientific aud mechanical journals. Ten
stations are proposed for the British me
WHIPPED POTATOES. —Whip boiled pota
toes to creamy lightness with a fork ; beat
in butter, milk, pepper and salt; at last
the frothed white of an egg; toss irregul
arly upon a dish, set in the oven two min
utes to reheat but do not let it color.
BEAN SALAD. —Put some lima beans,
potatoes and beets (all boiled tender) on
iee, and a short time before serving cut
the potatoes and beets into rather thin
s.ices, add the beans and dress with oil,
pepper, salt and vinegar. Garnish with a
few watercresses.
HOUSEKEEPERS will find that zincs may
be scoured with great economy of time and
strength by using either glycerine or cre
osote mixed with a little diluted sulphric
GLUE frequently cracks because of the
dryness of the air in rooms warmed by
stoves. Au Austrian paper recommends
the addition of a little chloride of calcium
to glue to prevent this.
CHAPPING of the hands, which is oue of
the most disagreeable inconveniences of
cold weather, can be easily prevented by
rubbing the hands with powdered starch.
BAR soap, when bought, should be cut
in square pieces and put in a dry place. It
lasts better after shrinking.
ALL fish skin should he washed, dried
thoroughly, cut in small bits and put in a
box or paper hag to use in settling coffee.
WHENEVER the sauce boils from the
sides of the pan you may kuow the flour
or corn starch is done.
MANY do not know that eggs readily ac
quire the flavor of the substances in which
they are preserved.
IN icing cakes, dip the knife frequently
into cold water.
A MAN read a newspaper article upon
the duty and necessity of making wills. It
told of the evils and embarrassments which
frequently follow a neglect of this import
ant though disagreeable duty, ami impress
ed it upon the readwr that will-making was
something that should not be postponed.
The article produced a deep effect upon
this man at once. The thought of making
a will had never entered his head before,
and he was on the down hill side of life,too.
lie turned it over and over in his mind.
True, he was in good health then, but lie
did not know what might happen. Men
in perfect health, apparently, had been
known to drop down dead. Set lie shrank
from making a will. It looked too much
like winding up one's worldly affairs for
the final jump into eternity. But 'lie
thought haunted him. He couldn't sleep
at nights on account of it. lie was sorry
that he knew anything about wills and re
gretted ihat he had ever read the article.
After growing nervous and thin and pah?
over the matter, lie finally screwed him
self up to the determination tint lie would
make his will, when he discovered that he
hadn't anything to will and never had. lie
fell better.
ll'tttslmrtih C'atliohe.l
Tli'ir Statement* lmloreti.
A strong statement unqualifiedly in
dorsed must induce confidence. Iu this
connection we note the following from Dr.
Louis Bock A' Son, Sheboygan, Wis. : We
have been handling St. Jacob's Oil and are
pleased with the l uge demand. Hardly a
day goes by without hearing from some
one orar.other of our patrons having used
it with entire satisfaction, saying ii is the
best thing they ever tried, und wo join
them in so sa> ing
feeble, and carrying a pint bottle full of
something, halted a pedestrian in the street
the other day, and said "I found this bot
tle in the corner there, and I wish you'd
tell me what's in it." The other took it,
removed the cork, ami snuffed in a full
breath. The next instant he staggered
against the wall, clawing the air and chok
ing and gasping, and it was a lull minute
before he blurted out, "Why, you idiot;
ttiat's hartshorn !" "Well, I'm perfectly
willing to take your word for it without
extra insults," observed the invalid, in an
injured voice. lie took his bottle and
walked off, like a man who had been
abused without the least excuse.
MAN is a noble creature. He will came
down town and expend a quarter at a bar
ber shop for f having and perfumery. I lt
will spend as much, or more, on a game of
billiards, get his boots blackened, buy , a
quarter's worth of cigars,a plug of tobacco,
aud a glass of beer. He carries home a lit
tle paper bucket of icecream, aud helps to
eat it. The cream shows that he is ready
to deny himself, and that he never forgets
his darling little wife.
[Boston, (Mass.) Cultivator).
Mr. M. F. Morse, Westtioro', Muss.,
meutions to us the gratifying information,
that St, Jacob's Oil relieved him of a very
severe attack of sciatic Rheumatism and is
an excellent thing.
MADAME X. asks her husband for a new
dress. "But, bless my soul, dear, this is
the fourth new dress you've wanted in two
months." "Very well, very well; you
heartlessness will kill me, and then you'll
see if the new dress I'll want then—plain
white with satin facings to match the lin
ing of the coftlu—won't cost a deal mote '
"It may, my love, but it will lie cheaper
in the long run— you'll never w ant an
"CAN a man see without eyes?" asked
the Professor. "Yes, sir," was the prompt
answer. "Pray, sir, h> v do you make
that out ?" cried me astonished Professor.
"Hecan see with one, sir," replied the
ready witted youth, and the whole class
shouted with delight at his triumph over
The (Ireatest ltlc**iii£
A simple, pure, harmless remedy, that
cures every time, aud prevents disease by
keeping the blood pure, stomach regular,
kidneys ami liver active, is the greatest
blessing ever conferred upon man. Hop
Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors
are being blessed by thousands who have
been saved and cured by it. Will you try
"DOCTOR, what can 1 do to get rid of my
biliousness?" asked a Camuen inebriate of
a plain-spoken doctor,
"Quit driuking beer ami whiskey."
"But if 1 buit I 11 collapse right off,
won't 1 ?"
"It don't seem to me that it makes much
difference then. If I keep on I'll be bilious
as longas I live and if I quit I'll be bilious
until 1 die."
"PETER, what are you saying to the
boy?" said a schoolmaster. "He wanted
to know if you take ten from seventeen
how many will remain ; so I took ten of
his apples to show him and now he wants
that I should give them back." "Well,
why don't you do it then ?" "Coz, sir, be
would then forget how many is left."
"How ar You, My Old Frlonrt ?"
Ak d a bright looking man. "Oh! 1 feel
m Herable; I'm b.l om, and can't eat, and my
back JH HO latna i can't wra." '-Why lu the
wurJd don't you taKe Kidney-Woit ? 'J hat's 1 take when I'm out of HOl tn, and it al
wa>H keepv mo in perfect tune. My doctor
ri c mmirinlH it for all HUCII troubles." Kid
ney-Wort is the bure cure for biliouauess and
ooiiatipitioD. Lon't fail to try it. — Loxu
A GENTLEMAN calling on a farmer, ob
served, "Mr. Jones vo ir clock is quite
right, is it?" "Well, you see, sir," said
Mr. Jones "nobody don't understand much
about that olock but ine. When the hands
of the clock stand at twelve then it
strikes two, and then 1 Knows it's twenty
minutes to seven.
A POLITICAL economist found a poor fel
low who has been arraigned for stealing
sheep, and looking at him with pitiful
glance said philosophically. "You ought
to have known that to deliberately steal a
sheep is a great crime, which there is no
earthly necessity to perpetrate. Why didn't
you just buy the sheep and not pay for it ?
That would have simplified matters and
saved you from prison.''
THERE is but one real cure for baldness
—CAKB JLINE, a deodorized extract of pe
troeum. a natural Hair Restorer. As re
cently improved, CARB JLINE is free f om
any objection. The best hair dressing
"WE gain by others' failures," said the
lecturer. And the little man in the snuff
colored suit, whosat in the back row, rose
right up to remark, "Perhaps >ou do, but
blamed if I gain anything by 'em. No less
than a dozen's failed this week, and they
stuck me bad, every one." As the police
man earned him out, he was beard to re
mark about being allowed to pick a fellow
up when he was lying that way.
'rostrated From Weakness.
It AI.TIMOKK, Mil., Juflo 5, 1879.
MR. STEVENS—Dear Mir: I <■" testify to the
good effects of your medicine. For several years
1 was afflicted with a severe rough and weakness,
and was perfectly prostrated; but after taking
three bottles of your Vegetlne, made from the
Powder, 1 was entirely relieved.
Very respectfully, Mrs. M. K. STREET,
61 Ulliuore Street
lUI.TIMOHK, Ml., .Tune, -1,1879.
Pear Sir: About six months ugo 1 found my face
and body covered with pimples. Vecettne was
strongly recommended to me by a friend, and I
procured some at a neighboring drug store. After
using two bottles I must say I was entirely cured,
and I can .cheerfully recommend It as a lilood
Irf. LOW KN ST KIN, 103 S. Caroline St,
ST. LOUIS, MO., March 8,1879. \
lifejo warren Street )
i have been suffering from chronic I'lcerations
of the leg for the hod five years. About three
months ago 1 was recommended to use Vcgetme,
and since using it, lam cured. I am never with
out Vegetlne tu the house.
Mr. Wagner Is one of our old German cltlzena
ot Sl. I.NUIS, and 1 have sold him Vegctme.
11. 11. VOGT.
To Purify the Blood
BAI.TIMOKK, Md., May 5,1879.
Slit STEVENS—Sir: 1 have used your Vegetlne,
and believe it is the best medicine out for driving
away all Impurities of the blood, removing bolls,
pimples ami uil other eruptions of the Hkiu. 1 can
recommend it to all my friends as a good thing t<
purify the blood. Yours respectlully,
Old Town Hotel.
Vegetlne is Sold by all Prugglsts.
Is a Positive Cure
for all (hoar l'llnflii Complaints and Weakness®#
no common |oourb*t finule population.
It will cure eiiMrrly the worst form of Female Com
plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and dec ra
tion, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent
Cpinal Weakness, and is ;>arlicularly adapted to '.ha
Change of Life.
It will dissolve and expe* tumors from the uterus In
an early stage of development. The tendency to can
cerous humors there Is checked ver* speedily by Its use.
It removes faintneas, flatulency, deatroysall craving
for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stom&ch.
It eurca llloatlng, Headaches, Nervous Prostration,
General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi
That feeling o'.' hearing down, causing pain, weight
and backache, is always |ennanently cured by its uss.
It will at all times and under all circumstance# act In
harmony with the laws that govern the female system.
For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this
Compound la unsurpassed.
POUND is prepared at 233 and £g> Western Avenue,
Lynn, Mass. I Vice ft. Six botth-sfor f.V Sent by mail
in tbe form of pills, also In the form of lowuges, on
receipt of price, fl per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham
freely answers all Vtters of iuqulry. Send for jsunpb
let. Address us above. Jjrnfmn Ihit
No family should bo without LTD! A F, PIXKHiXf
LIVEK l'l IJ-S. They cure coustipation, bliiouanse|
and torpidity of th Hv r. 2S cents jwr nor.
ggr Sold hv rTI DriisgiwTi. -fcg
The Traveler who WUely Provldea
Against the contingency of Illness by tak hg
with him Iloste.tter's Btotna?h Bitters, has oc
casion to congratulate himself on his fortnight,
when he sees others who have neglected t<>do
8 < suffering from someone ot the maladi 'S for
whlcn It Is a rem -dy an 1 p even vo. Am >ng
these are fever and ague, biliousness, constipa
tion and rheumatism, dl-eases often attendant
upon a change of climate or unwonted diet.
For sale by all drugg.sts and dealers geueraily.
1( vouAn'ammiHßlf you are a wtX
■w ofuOsiQe|Wntk jfjf man of let- -wiaHi
W enod by the strain of KW tors toiling over nu;
■ your duties avoid H night work, to ies-
SI stimulants and use §¥ tore brain nerve anu
I Hop Bitters. Ig ,lse Hop B.
IP If vou are young and ■ <nitroring from any in
fi discretion or dissipa ■ tion ; it you ire mar
ried or single, okl or ■young, suffering: from
ixxir health or languish ■ nig an a hod of sick
ness, rely on HopH Bitters.
Whoever you are, -housands lie an
wlieuover you feel i]l nuiUly fr oin souio
t lint your syMiun form of Kid n.ey
needs cleansing, to. v vSPrj'disease that might
ing or stimulating, ■] have been prevented
without intoxiciUiuQy Jfi 8 by ft timely u^'of
take Hop \ Hopßltters
Have yon dyn
prjwia, kidnry fflESsD. I. C.
KSIuT areas
I HOP aa^/r:
ltt<cr or tierves 7 H . use of opium,
You will be g niTTmft tobacco,or
cured if you use i| II 111 III' narcotics.
Hop Bitters l K [K\
Ifyouaresim-# U,ML,,U
ply weak and Sf ! ir\/rD gists. Send lor
lowspirited,try |H NIVIK Circular.
itt It may 1 .. nop rittkbs
f,?:.v o i FAIL
saved hun- Ji Rwbfdn,. t.
dreds. si
Those answering an advertlßement will
confer a favor upon the advertiser and the
publisher by stating that they saw the adver
ttaam.nt In thld nnmn namln* th* nsn--
Now Edition of WEBSTER, lias
118,000 Words, 3000 Engravings,
4600 NEW WORDS and Meanings,
Biographical Dictionary
of over 9700 Names.
Published by C.& C. MERRIAM, Springfield. Masa.
Given up by Doctor*.
"Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up
and at work, and cured by so simple a
remedy ?''
"I assure you it is true that he is entire
ly cured, and with nothing but Hop Bit
ters ; and only ten days ago his doctors
gave him up and said he must die I"
"Wella-day! That is remarkable i I
will go this day and get some for my poor
George—l know hops are good.''
A <JK.NTI.KM AN met a rather "uncertain"
acquaintance in the post-office recently,
when the la'ter said: "I'm a little short,
ami would like to ask you a conundrum.'
"Proceed," observed the gentleman.
"Well," said the "short" man, "suppose
you had $lO in your pocket and I should
ass you for sf>, how much would remain!"
"Ten dollurs," was the piompt answer.
HE.MK.MUKU!—The only perfect proprie
tary met icine as a "lilood Searcher" is
that bearing the name of "I)r Liml
scy," and which may be had trow drug
"DON'T you think we ought to separate;
our husbands ?" said a lady to her friend.
"Do you not see how excited they have
become ? They are beginning to call each
other 'ox' and 4 ass' and all sorts of dis
agreeable things." ,4 Oh, no," was the
calm reply. "Let them go on ; they have
known each other for more than twenty
years, ami ought to know what they are
talking about."
pound, the great medicine for the cure of
all fenmle complaints, is the greatest
strengtheuer of ihe back, stomach, nerves,
kidneys, urinary and genital organs of man
and woman ever known. Send for Circu
lars to Lydia E. Pinkliam, Lynn, Mass.
A GENTLEMAN, recently alxmt to pay his
doctor's bill, said : "Well, doctor, as my
little l>oy gave the measles to all my neigh-
Iter's children, ami as they were attended
by you, 1 think you can afford, at the
very least; to deduct ten per cent from the
amount of my bill for the increase of busi
ness we gave you."
MVSTKKY SOLVKI. —The great secret of
the wonderful success of VKGETINK. It
strikes at the root of disease by purifying
tbe blood, restonrc the liver and kidneys
to healthy action, invigorating the nervous
sys "" ■
"I ONLY want to show you one thing
more. Professor ; 1 have invented a short
way of lx>ring mountains, which I think
will prove valuable." "My dear sir,"
burst forth the wearied listener, "if you
would only invent a short method of bor
ing individuals, you would indeed confer
a lasting benefit upon the race."
MANY ladies misinterpret their suffer
ings. Try a box of "Sellers' Liver Pills."
Sold by all druggists.
JOHNNY goes to school and is distinguish
ed amoug his comrades for his laziness.
"In my class," he said before company
"there are four of us, and 1 am the best."
But seeing his father frown at him,hastily
added : "Next to Ixiuis, George and An
Ih® Power of the Press.
In no war is the power of the press more
surely sh >wn than in the uuiv r a. knowledge
that has in ha* than a 3or been diffu-ed
turoUaliout tif y umnons of people of the
wotideifnl curative properties ol that splen id
remedy Kidney-Wort. And the p, op e from
the Atlantic to the Paciiic have shown tin ir
intelligence and th. ir Kuowle ge of wha: is
111 the papers, by already Kd ev
il art their household rem dv for all d.scales
of the kidneys, livei bowe,*. — llkkai.d.
From the Ci>sm County "Leader."
Cottonwood, Chase Co., Kansas.
*'Anakcsis" is the name of a Pile lUniedy
introduced in this section of the State upon
the recommendation ot those who have tried
it. by W. W. Jones. William Barton says bo
tried every remedy recommended, but "Aua
kesis" was the only one that effected a perma
nent cure.
(Samples of •Anakc-sie" are sent free to all
sufferers on application to "Auakesis" Depot,
Box 31M6, New York. Also sold by druggists
everywhere. Puce *I.OO per box.
" (touch on Rats "
tsk 1) uggists for it It clears ont rata,
mice, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, vermin, in
sects. 15c.
Ladles Attention.
We want intelligent, energetic Lady Agents
to sell to women only, an article ef real hy
gienic merit. For particulars aud hberWl
terms, address
WAIiNER A CO., Chicago, DL
Me&sks. Mokoan & Hkadlt, Mutual Life, iVimi and Chestnut stree s, h iye on
baud u superb stock 01 rxua tluc quality Ula*
tuoiiiis, which they offer at as lo>v prices aa
(•tones of the ill's; quality, p rfect alike In color
ai.d shape, can be sola tor.
Battle Creek, Michigan,
Traction and Plain Engines
and Horse-Powers.
lMtC*wplHeThrt(herFMtr7{ Established
tn the World. 5 1848
A A vr ADC °f continuous and successful busC
J l I LAnv mi, without change of name,
1 M management, or location, to "back up" tX*
1 . broad aarrantg girsn on all our good*.
Complete Steam Outfits<>/ u,ntofilessquaHUes.
finest Traction Kntrinesand Plain EnflaN
ever seen In the American market
A multitude of sprrial feature* and improvements
for 1881, tetfethi'r with superior qualitiesin construe
turn and material* not dreamed of by other maker*.
Four (Iron of Sejaratora, from O to 12 taorae
Capacity, for stram or hor* pouter.
Two styles of " Mounted *Horse-Power*.
7ca/\ AAA Feet of Selected Lumber
|OUU)UUU (from three to *ix gear* air-drisd)
constantly on hand, from which la built the in
comparable wood-work of our machinery.
Strongest, most durable and efficient esse gl?/
mad*, g, lU, 13 lioroe Power. :■/
Farmers and Threshermen are invited tS
Investigate this matchless Threshing Machinery.
Circular* sent free, Address
Battle Crsok, Mklga
Sffi ■eßd<brlU*etratedCamlocuv X%XN <Cu^3Jr
iarju/eikr, Tvr\,
Heunlgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of tbo Chest,
Gout Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Pert and Ears, and aH other
Pains and Aches.
No Preparation an earth equals St. Jacob* Oil
W a safe, sure, simple and cheap External
Remedy A trial entail* but tbe comparatively
tnfltug outlay of 50 I'enta, and every one suffering
wRb potu can have cheap aud positive proof of ita
Direction* in Eleven Languages.
r~*Htnorf>. Md., V. §. JL
||| That Aria at ilio annip time on
■ ■ liecause ice a!low these great organs to
Em become clogged or torpid, aud jtotsononsW l
humors are there fore forced into the blood U
U that should be erpelted naturally. f]
Mkidney diseases,
Mpii.F.s, constipation, vkixaryP
If and nervous disorders,
by causing free action of these organs and II
restoring their jtowtr to ttcroic off disease.
W Why aufTer Rilion* pnina and aches! M
m Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! U
U Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! R
I Why endure nervous or sick headaches! I
■I Use KIDNEY-WORTand rejoice in health if
| It is put up In Dry Vegetable Form, in tin II
■■ cans one puikage of wLk-li makes sis quart* of H
II medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very toacen- VM
M t rated, for those tliat cannot readily prepare it. fo
H (frit arts with equal efficiency in either form. |H
■ WELLS, RICHARDSON k Co., Prop's, M
1 f (Will send the dry postpaid.) BCKUXOTOH, VT. n
DITSON A CO. ate the sole agents for the
United States for the magnificent Novello List of
Oratorios, operas, Glees, I'art-songs, Ac. The
separate Anthem*, Choruses, or Glees, cost but 6
cents to 10 cents each, aud are very largely used
for occasional singing. The following are excel
lent and practical instructive works, and are called
44 Primers," but are really a great deal more :
ft. ART OF PIANO PLAYING. By Pauer. 1.00
S. THE ORGAN. By Stainer. 1.00
4. SINGING. Bv Randegger. ----- g.OO
5. MUSICAL FORMS. By l'auer. - - - - 1.00
& HARMONY. Bv Stainer. ----- 1.00
7. INSTRUMENTATION. By ITout - - 1.00
a. VIOLIN. Bv Tours. - - 1.00
9. MUSICAL TkUMS. Bv Stainer. - - - 50
10. COMPOSITION. By Stainer. - - - - I.QP
A new Sunday School Song Rook. Bv R. M.
McINTOSII. Price JJS cents. Liberal reduction
for quantities.
44 Light and I.lfe to all he brings.
Risen with healing on his wings,
Hail, thou heaven-i>rn Prince of Peace 1
Hail, thou Son of Righteousness !"
Front the attractive title to the last page, out
side aud inside, the whole imok is full of ijfc, and
full of Light. Send stamps lor specimen copy.
Specimen pages tree.
123* Ctsealnul *1 reel, Plillwdelphtau
It pays Agent* to Sell the Standard Agricultural Hook
Farming for Profit-
New. Aeeurmte. Comprehensive. A Complete Farm
Library in itself. A sure guide to suecessful farming.
TCI I C LJfYiA/ Trt Cultivate all Farm Crops.
I ULLO nun I II Itreed Csre for Livestock.
Make Money I U And Keesre Happlneaa. ,
Nave* many time- ita coat every Seaaon. s6O pages.
140 llluatrath'ns. Send for Circulars and terms to
J. C. MoCUKDY St CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
V"DUNG M EN Learn Telegraphy t Earn 940 to
9100 m month. Graduates guaranteed paying
offices. Address VALENTINE BROS.. JauesvUls.
W iaconstii
ONI.Y 25 Cents for s Whits Bandied Two-Bind ad
Kuifs. Miniature Battery (X>., I'hllad'a, Pa.
MI RTh"FuL~ MORSELS, a tplsndi.l Humorous
Paper ou trial 3 mouths for So. Miniature Bat
tery Co., Philad'a. Pa.
A kk.KSI , Brats Food cures Nsrvoas Da
X\. hiiity aua W oakues ot Generative U.'gans, #l—
druggists. Betid for ciroular to Alleu's Phar
macy, 313 First Avenue, N. T.
Ths best and cheapest Illustrated edition of
the Revised New Testament. Millions of people
are waiting for it. Do not be deceived b. the
Cheap John publishers of inferior ed tions. See
that the copy you buv contains IJSO line en
gravings en s-.eel and wood. Agents are coin
lag money selling this edition. Send for circu
lars. Addre-ra
National Pubishinq Co., Philadelphia. Pa.
OU.OOO Sold X The AHiglo-American la the Popular Edition of the
lit. Because It is an exact reproduction—word for word, line for line, page for page—of the an'horized
version ot Cambridge. Tne exact accuracy of fur reprint ie guaranteed by three of the most reliab e
printing houses in tniscountr ; besides which Its accutaey is.doubly guaranteed by the following di- in
guUh&l Biblical scholais—u. H. Tiffany, D.D ,LL. D.. Pbila.;l. H. Ha l, LL. B.; Kobt. Lowry.D 1
id. Because ii contain-, a complete history of this last an i greatest combined movement of the best souol
Hr-liip of the world to produce a faultless version of the Holy Bcrlpturea, and gives very iuterrstiug bio
grapnical sketches of the emivent m n engaged upon it.
Notice the testimony of leading diviue-t; "We take pleasure In ceitifying to the acouracy of th*Angl>-
American edition. In jypog apby, preeswork and binding, it is every way commendable. Signed—A F.
bchsufflr, D. D ,N. Y.j J hn Peddie, D. D.,N. Y.;t\ H. Kimbtll. D. D., Phila." "1 comuieud to my
fro nds the Anglo-American edition.—J. P. Newman, D. D., LL. D.. N. T." "I oordial'y concur with Dr.
Newman.—Wm. T. Sabine, U. D.,N. Y." "1 believe it to be a perfeet reprint. It gives mepleasure to oom
nioud it—Chas. F. Deems, D. D. ,N. Y." "It is a marvel of American enterprise. —d, v. TA. K. Oessl r.
Brook Itn." Prices ot this " Anglo-Ameri an" Edition, including "History of the Bevisi n"< WO M>- >, are
Cloth, Sl.SOt Arabesque, 82 00. Without history ibeing precisely the same also, style, anali-y. typo, aud
prices as the Cambridg • Kdiii n), Cloth, red edg*. 91.00; Venetian Morocco, gilt edges ill
Copies mailed on receipt of where we have no Acest.
20.000 AGENTS WANTED KS^ , ot k T^ls^Suii£H,C£?r,'. < '
SO.OOO already s<dd. Can All large orders at onre. Our facilities are uuexc sled- Agents are masklnw
$2 to 830 dollaia per week. Million* wwsit this work. The upward of fi9,UlO already subscribed
tor proves this to bo the edition the people wani. Oirflts 50c. No time to lesa
Address HUBBARD BROS., 723 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
None of the English editions contain this import mt History 01 the Great Revision Movement.
Having three large printing-offices and eight binderies at work day and night
■iniuu trait
Pure blood makes sound flesh, strong bone
and a clear skin. If you would bare your flesh
firm, yo ir bones sound without carles, and yoor
complexion f Mr, use Ksdway'i Bitrawparll
llau Rolvnt.
a iemedy composed of Ingredients of extra
ordinary rned cai properties essential to purify,
heal, repair and Invigorate tbe broken-down and
was ed body—(JUICK, PLEASANT. SAFE and
PERMANENT in Its treatment and cure.
No mat ter by wnatname tbe oomplaint may
be designated, wnether It be Scro ula, con
sumption, Sypntlis, Ulcers, sores, Tumors, Bolls.
Erysipelas, or Salt-Kheum. diseases of the
Lungs Kidneys. Budd ;r, womb, Sain, Liver,
Stomach or Bowels, either chronic or constitu
tional, the virus of the disease is In the BLOOD
which hupp l*s the waste, and builds and ie
pa rs thes • organs and wasted tissues of the
system. If the blood is unhealthy, the process
of repair must be uusouad.
The NwrewparllllMa Keeol vent not only
Is a compensating remedy, but secures the har
monious action of each of the orgaus It estab
lishes throughout the entire system functional
harmony, aud -.uppiies the b ood-ve.ssels with a
pure and heal hy current of new life. The skin,
after a f*w days use of the Barssparllllao, be
oomes clear and beautiful. Pimpies, blotches,
Black rpots aud skin Erupt ons are removed ;
sores and Ulceis soon cured. Persons suffering
from scrofula, Eruptive Diseases of the Eyes.
Mouth. Ears, Legs, Throat and Glands, that
have accumulated and spread, either from uu
cured diseases or mercury, or from the use of
Corrosive .sublimate, may rely upon a cure If
the BarHapar.litan is continued a sufficient time
to make lis Impression on the system.
One bottle contains more of the active prlnol
¥les of medicines than any other pieparatioo.
akentn Teaspoouful Doses, while others re
lutreI utre Ave or six times as much. Oaa l>ol lar
'er Mottle.
only requires infant's not hoars to re
lieve pain and cure acute disease.
Ready Relief,
In from one to twenty minutes, never falls to
relieve PAIN with one thorough application;
no matter how violent or excru< taring ibe pain
the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Id Arm. Crippled,
Nervous, Neuralgic or prostrated with disease
man suffer, RaDWAY's READ! RELIEF wlB
afford Instant ease.
Inflammation sfthe NlSsfyt, Inflnmma.
I LOU of" • !**■ Hladilcr I nil tin •• a lion ol 111 R
Howela, (•IIGE-twn rf Ilia tunica.
Tliroal DUSrsit Kreslhlnf.
of M- Heart, Myrtrrli*. lienp. I>lOLl
tuena, fstarrh. luflumxa. HeeSsehe,
Too'hsrlie, NrarMfua. RHeamstfaoi.
Cold Chill*. ASE CHILLS, Chllb.atn-. AND
Frost BUM. Krni.M. aummrr CAN*
N.alnts. Nervousness. Nlrrplrssnrsa
Coughs Colds. Mpralus. Pains la the
la est. Back or Limbs sre Instantly ,-ar
Fever and Ague.
FEVER and AGUR cured for so cents. There
Is not a remedial agent In this world that will
eyre Fever and Ague, and other Malailoua, Blll
ou-, f-carlet. Typ iotrt Yellow and other fevers
( tided bv Kadway's PUIS) so quickly as Rail
way's rkadt kklikf.
It will in a few moments, when taken accord
ing to directions, cure Cramps, bpasma. Sour
Stomach. Heartburn. Sick Headache. Diarrhoea,
Dysentery, code, v\ ind In the Bowels, and ail
Internal Pains.
Travelers should always carry a bottle of Bad
way's Ready Relief w.tu them. A few drops in
wa er will prevent sickness or pains ironi
change of wat r. It is better than French
brandy or bitters as a stimulant.
Miners and Lumbermen should always be
provided with It.
All remedial agents capable of destroying life
by an overdose should be avoided. Morphine,
opium, str-ehnlne, arnica, hyosclamus, and
other power; ui remedies, does at certain times.
In very small dos ?s, relieve the putlent during
their action in the system, but perhaps the
second dose, if repeated, may aggravate a d in
crease the suffering, and another dose cause
death There ts no necessity for uslogthese
uncertain agents wh*n a positive r- medy Uks
Kadwuy sR ady Rel ef will stop the meat ex
crucl&dng pain quicker, without entailing lbs
least difficulty in either infant or adult.
Rad Wat's rkadt Relief Is the only remedial
agent in vogue that win instantly stop pain.
Fifty Cento Per Bettle.
Regulating Pills.
Perfect Purgatives, aooihing Aperi
ent®, Act Without Pain, Always
Reliable, and Natural In their
Perfetly tameless, elegantly coated W'th
sweet gum, purge, regulate, purlf , cl anse and
Radway's Pius, for the cure of all D
of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder,
Nervous Diseases, H ad iche. Coosud itlon, Oos
t.veness, Ind gestton. Dyspepsia, Biliousness,
Fever. Inflimailon of the Bowels, Piles, and all
derangements or the Internal V scera. War
ranted to effect a perrect cure Purely vege
table, containing no mercury, minerals or dele
terious drugs.
Wobserve tbe following symptoms resul lag
from Diseases of the Dlge -tire Organs: Consti
pation, Inward Plies, Fullneaa of the Bio d la
the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea.
Heartburn. 14 gust of Food, Ful.ness or Weight
In the stomach. Sour Emotions, Slnkl <g or
Fluttering at the Hearr, Choking or Suffering
Bensatlons when in a lying posture, Dtmne-i- of
Vision, Dots or Webs Before tbo sight, Fever
and Dull Pain in the Head, Deflclency of Pci
splration. Yellowness or the Skin an I Eve-,
Pain In the Che t, L mbs, and sudden
Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh.
A few doses of Kadway's Pills will tree the
system from all tbe above-named Disorders.
Price, 25 Cento Per Box.
We repeat that the retder must consult oui
books and papers on tbe s bject of dts ases and
their cure, -inong wh cb may be named :
" False and True,"
"Railway on lrr<table Urethra,'*
"Rsdway on Scrofula,"
and ethers relating to different classes or Dis
Send a letter stamp to RADWAY A co,
No. S3 Warren, Cor. Cliureh St., New
nr~lnfonnatloa worth thousands will be sent
to you.