|flie ffiUheim journal. THURSDAY. JULY 21., SI THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL I* pnbllshod cverv Thursday. in Mussar's Build ing. corner of Alain and lVnn streets at sl. mo. 1 year. I square,... 1 SIOO 1 $2 50 I #1 (At I #7 DO Vi column,.. I Mil 4 IX) I c>oo| KMX) I 1500 column... I 500 1 750 1.10 00 1 I.} cents per line for each au xfitioual insertion, dob Work douc on short notice. DENIMiER & liimi ER, Kdltors and Prpr!etors. — Clmrcli & Sunday Sciiool Directory. Evangelical. P. C Wefdeinver awl J. M. Dick, vreachcrs. j Rev. J. M. Dick preaches next Sunday eve-' lliUg. Sunday School, 2P. v.,—M. I. Jamison, w.pt. Methodist. /?<•!. J. Ticnson Alters, rrcuherhvchargc. Sunday School at l l r. MD. A. Rfusser, Supt. Reformed. Dec. C tr. /?. Sit'iJCl, Pastor. German preaching in Aarcuiaburg next Sun day morning. United Brethren. /far. J\iUhelm, Pi-eacher-tr*.charge. Lutheran. 'Ticy. John Tomliiison, Pastor.— United Sunday School. Meets at 9v. M.—II. K. Duck, supt. Up & Society Directory. "Millhelm Lodge, No. W. I. o. O. F. meets in heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening. Uobecca Degree Mveuug every Thursday on or before the full moon of aeh month. A. >. DEINIXGKU, Sec. 11. V. Bi MILLKR, N. C. Providence Grange. No. 217 P. of 11.. meets in Alexander s block on the second Saturday of each month at tnd Recorder—each: Auditor—sl. Candidates must pl-dge themselves to support the ticket uomr.ateJ. TREASURER . We are authorized to announce that .1. H. Hrtl.T. of Snow Shoe township, is a can didate for the office of Treasurer, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce thai ,T. G. MEYER, of Haines township, is a can didate for the office of Treasurer, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that •GEO. W. SPANG I.KR. of Potter township is a • candidate, for the offieo of Treasurer, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that D C. KELLER, of Potter township, Is a can didate for the office of Treasurer, subject to Democratic rules. SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce that G KORGE HOFFEK. of College tovvashln. Is a candidare for the office of Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to JOHN Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce tbat THOMAS.I. DUNK El* of Rush township, is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce ihat JOHN COLDRKN, of Gregg township, is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that s. K. FAFST. of Miles township, is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to Democratic lulcs. We arc authorized to announce that MICHAEL KERSTETTER, of Spring town ship. Is a candidate for the office of Sheriff subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that DANIEL T. WfKLAND. of Harris township, is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that JOSEPH L. NEFF. of Boggs township. D a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. Wc are authorized to announce that L. T. .M FN SON. of Rollefotite. is a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to Democratic rules. PROTHONOTARY. We are authorized to announce that J. O. HARPER, is a candidate for the office of Prothonotary. subject to Democratic rules. ASSOC I ATE J C I>G E. We are. authorized to announce that JOHN RlsilEL. of Potter township, is a oan didate for the office of Associate Judge, sub ject to Democratic rules. We are. authorized to announce that JOHN X. RUNKLK. of Potter township, is a candidate for the office of Associate Judge, sub ject to Dcinocrat.c rules. COMMISSIONER. We are authorized to announce that JOHN WOLF.of Miles townihip, is a -candi date for the office of Commissioner, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that 11. E. DUCK, of Penn township, is a candidate for the office of Commissioner, subject to Dem ocratic rules. We are authorized to announce that JOHN HOY, Jr.. of Marion township, is a can didate for the office of County Commissioner, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that A. J. GRIEST. of Uuionville, is a candidate for the office of Commissioner, subject to Demo cratic rules. We are authorized to announce that p.. fl. ARNEV. of Potter township, is a candi date for the office of Commissioner, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that S AMUEL DECKER, of Walker township is a CHIKU ate for Commissioner, subject to Demo cratic rules. We are authorized to announce that C. ALEXANDER, of Penn township, is a can didate for Commissioner, subject to Democrat i: rules. REG I STEP. We are authorized to announce that JOE W. FURY, of Bellefontc, is a candidate for the office of Register, subject to Democratic rules. "We are authorized to announce that T. B. JAMISON, of Gregg township, is a can it idate for the office of Register, subject to De mocratic rules. We are authorized to announce that .lAMES A. McCLAIN, of Boggs township, is a candidate fox the office of Register, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that HENRY BECK, of Spring township, isa can didate for the office of Register, subject to Democratic ru.es. RECORDER. We are authorized to announce that ■ FRANK E. BIBLE, of Spring township, is a ! candidate for the office of Recorder, subject to Democratic rules. We are authorized to announce that I ,1 < HN MYERS, of Harris township, is a can didate for the office of Recorder, subject to ! Democratic rules. Democratic County Committee. flie following persons have been nam'd us members of the Democratic County Committee for 1881. ' Bellefontc. W. W Bellefontc, N.W Bellefonte, s. W Milesbuvg 5811 helm Union vllle Howard Philipsburg Bonner Boggs Burnside Curt in College Ferguson, old Ferguson, new Gregg, south Gregg, north Halfmoon Haines Harris Howard Huston Liberty Marion Miles Patton Penn - Potter, north Potter, south Rush Snow Shoe Spring Taylor... Union Walker Worth Bellefoute, Pa., Feb 1. JURY LIST FOR AUGUST TERM. GRAND JURY. Pav Deitrick. Walker 11 A sloore. Howard Wm Wlke, Half Moon 51ieii Fletcher. Liberty s Williams, Huston Henry Heaton, Boggs John Callahan. Rush John Riddle, Patton G W Swart/.. Millhelm L C Reariek. Spring s A Marshall. Bonner Win Young, Worth T U AY ERSE J F KORS - Ki RST W E K K. 1 John Love, Ferguson j W R Camp, I'ot'er i o M Siieets, Ferguson ! Kind Peter. College i j.ow is Meitch. Haines N J MoCloskcy, Cortin K K Jones, Worth J K W aid, Ferguson John Weaver, Harris E I'. Ilosterman. Potter Geo W Fleek, Boggs Jos Gillitaml, Potter Dan lv Miller, Marion W Ziinmermaii.B'nside Thomas I.ingle. Poller Dan Glossner, Liberty {' M Seders, Patton W Ru rt holoi ne w,G re gg 1> W liolt, I'liiiipsburg I'rUh stover, Humes T Walker, Snow shoe B F Homan, Ferguson W R -Maitern. I.ustoii George Bower, Haines TRAVERSE JURORS-SECOND WEEK. C Dale, Benner John K Bail*. .Milllu'im J 11 Holt. Snow Shoe A Clieuey, Worth L T Mum-on, Beliefdo Ci 5Y lilioads, Benner Geo W Wilson, Union G R Spigelniyer.Haim s Jasß l.ane, Ilelhdonte Wm Reek with, Worth G M Sw artz. Bellefontc 1) II Parker, Idnlipsb'g tl F Kmeriek, Benner F McFariatie. Harris David Evans, Potter J DumMeton. Rush G D Johnston, Howard Jas lr\iu. Bellefoute Democratic Delegate Election and County Convention. The Democratic voters of Centieeomiry will meet at the regular place of li ilding the gener al election for their districts, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1881, to elect delegates to the Democratic County Convention. The election will open at two o'clock p. in., and close at six p. m. The delegates chosen at the above time will meet in the Court House, at "BeUetrnte on Tuesday, the 9Ui day of August, at twe o'clock p. in., to nominate two candidates for Associate Judge; one candidate for Sheriff; one eandiuate for Prothonotary; one candidate for Treasurer; one candidate for Register; one candidate for Recorder; two candidates for County Cnmmu ,., . —uuttor: iihu to sioner;two candu. 1 :~ * .. . . „ , . . J utlier business as the interest of the party may require. The number of delegates to Y.liicli each dis trict is entitled is as follows: Bellefoute W W 1 Haines 5 N W 2 Harris 3 " S W ?. Howard. 2 Milesburg 1 H n >ton 1 MUiheim 2 Liberty 2 Unionviile 1 j Marion 2 Howard boro l ; Miles •) I'hilipsburg 5 i patton 1 r>enner 4 Penn 3 Boß.cs 4 Potter north 3 Burupfde li •* suuib 4 Cunin 2 Rush 4 C. liege 2 Snow Shoe 3 Ferguson old 3 s ring 4 new 1 Taylor 1 Gregg south 5 Union 1 north 2, Walker' 5 Halfmoou- 1 \ Worth 1 Tot.:'. t2 I*. GRAY 5F EKK. Chairman Co. C ineriek. Anibrose MeMullen. Marshall Lewis. P. GRAY 51 KI K, Chairman. l J Musser. Jr. Ferguson ! J Witmer Wolf, Potter i ,lae FStover, llalnes j D B Maloiie, Bogg*- i John B Bitner, Potter j Peter Robb, Curtiti i F 1' iMusser. Millhelm ! .1 Gunsanlus.Stiowfdtoo T Brnmgard, Miles W MeCormick.J r..Po'r J B Roekoy, Bonner i Conrad Singer, Curtin J Cronister, Halt Moon J A i'lider. Boggs J s Boat, Harris Const.ins t urtin.Boggs s Mattern. Half Moon Henry Wolf, -Miles John'Glngrleh, Worth Wm stiver, Poster John F 51 il!t*r. Potter K Poorman,Snow Shoe Wm A Kerr, Potter Ge Kauffman. Spring Aaron Uliieh. Penn Geo Martz, College PL Zerhy, Penn lu.wrey Shape. Hoggs W Cleveiistiue. Walker ; Wm Bradford, Harris ! Ed Krumriue. tregg j Hiiaui Blowers, Taylor I Fergus Potter, Harris j J Confer. Jr.. Harriss ' Daniel ltoush, s!iles ! W C Farmor. Potter Hen Emeriek, Gregg Jacob H Wile, Haines ,1 B Mitchell, Ferguson John Ruth, Miles E Zimmerman, Boggs P Dunkle, Sr., Walker H L llarvey, Boggs J G Jones, Wort . Dan Beanes. Taylor ! D Z Kline, Belh'fnnte At Jones, rhlllpsburg W!l Wilkinson,Bell.-f | C has Holt, Snow Shoe Samd Bat hurst, Boggs i C Eekenreth, Spring ! A J Shivery. Benner John Latin spring j Dan A G rove, College Domocratio County Committee Mooting 1 . A meeting of the Democratic County Committee will he held at the com mittee rooms over the Watchman ollice, Bellefonte, on THURSDAY, JULY 18, 18SI, at 2 o'clock p. M. Every member of the committee is requested to bo present. P. GRAY MKEK, A. Y. MFKF.K, Chairman. Secretary. ONE SENATOR ELECTED. The Agony Half Over. ALBANY, July 17. —'The joint con vention met at noon yesterday to vote for a United States Senator in the place of Koscoe Conkling, resigned. Tne vote stood as follows: Potter, 47; Lapham, 08; Cankling, 2J; Evart, 1. Necessary to a choice, 73. The convention then proceeded to vote for the long term vacancy, with tl.o following result: Kernan, 47; Miller, 7d; Pish, 9; Chapman, 2; Dan iels, 1; Adams, 1; Staiin, 2; Teuuey, I; Wheeler, 4; Taluott, 1 ; Bliss, 1. Necessary to a choice, 73. Hon. Warner Miller was duly de clared elected for the long term, vice Piatt, resigned. Mr. Milter is at pres ent a member of congress, lie is largely engaged in ihe manufacture of paper and in fanning, but beyond good business capacities has neither marked ability nor personal m ignetism. Mr. Conkling's successor has not yet been chosen and may not be for some time. —•- A CARD. To TIIE DEMOCRACY OF CENTRE CO. Finding that injustice is being done me by the circulation of a report to the effect that lam a candidate for sheriff in the interest of the present sheriff and nis deputy, who in case of my nomination and election are to assist in tilling the ollice and profit t y my success, I take this oppoitunby of branding such report as false in every particular. I have no arrangements or bargain with any one. 1 have made no pledge or given no promise to any one. I believe lam qualified and com petent to (ill the office myself and if nominated and elected intend to do so. L. T. MU\BON. Communicated. Editor Journal:— Allow me a small space in your paper to present the claims of Mr. Thomas B. Jamison as a candidate for the ollice of Register. There is not a candidate before the Democracy of Centre county to-day more worthy of support than Mr. J., nor is there a township in the county that has stronger claims for considera tion than Gregg. Mr. Jamison has all the necessary qua!mentions for n position i> •* */.—A Iv..m*ar Journal:— While waiting for our survey, lug party to go out, 1 concluded to drop you a line before leaving Clarendon, as I expect to be away from here for about three weeks, In which time I expect to have little if any com munication with or from the outer world. Mr. J. li. Parks, Surveyor for Donly county, with an outfit consisting of one wagon with baggage and commissary, two cliainmen, one cook and myself as Mr. Park's assistant, comprise the party. Mr. Parks will survey for Capt. Good night, throughout Armstrong and Randall, and probably throughout Briscoe counties. We will follow the celebrated I'olo Deero Canyon, said to be tlie finest cattle range in the state. If you take the trouble to trace our route west from Clarendon in Donly county through Armstrong into Randall, thence into Briscoe, you will readily see that we have a big job be fore us. These three counties are owned and controlled almost exclusively by Mr. Adair, of Ireland, a wealthy landholder there. He owns also the south west corner, or about one fourth of Donly county. He rcrehes out and takes in ail the lands he can get hold of as soon as they come into market, so that no one may intei ferc with him. Capt- Goodnight is his'agent here. I will giye you a full description of his ranclie and operations if I am fortunate enough to get through them. I have seen considerable of this country since I last wrote you, but saw nothing new that would specially Interest you or your readers. There Is so much sameness 1 u the general to pagraphyof the country. We have a pretty piece of prairie, then a break, through which flows a stream, then again as lovely a little valley covered with the finest grass that can be seen, with very little if any timber. This is a bout the general appearance of the country. The breaks, abrupt and steep as they are, serve the good purpose to shelter stock during the storm. About 12 miles north of;town we strike the plains. They are about 4 miles wide and 18 to 20 long, as level as a floor, with here*and there a lake, at present dry. They are covered with a short curled grass ealled musquite, (muskeet) said by stock men to be the best grass that grows for winter feed. It fattens rendlly and n.uch less is necessary to satisfy the appetite than of any other ktnd of envs. These plains have the best soil tor cultivation, and if ever tliis part of Texas gets rain sufficient to keep vegetation growing, it will lJ® 'be agri cultural region under the sun. The soil Is rich, deep and fertile. All the elements are present, excepting a sufficiency of • moisture. I.ast year tin v claim to have hail sufficient rains to per fect the crops, and those who had planted largely are said to have done well. Mr. Free man, a Massachusetts farmer, claims to have made about from 60 acres of broken land. N>t withstanding the excessive drouth, corn and millet look well, hut everything else is a fail ure, except Egyptian corn and sorghum, of which hut little Is planted this year, because everything did so well last year. Egyptian corn, sormihm. millot. sweet potatoes, cattle, horses nntl mules, are the staple productions of this country Of these cattle horses ami mules sceui to grow spontaneously with very little it any care, ami are as line as can he seen anywhere. To any person who wishes to Invest from to lo.nix) and make from ♦2S,fMO to $5n,000. out of It in from tive lo leu years, there Is no better-country than this, liui men must not come hero expecting to live In bilck mansions witiiline apple and peach orchards and tall the comforts of old scttlein cats surrounding them. These things are all in the future. The one story (it/oAc tho ek Haven 910 p.m. EASTWARD PACIFIC EXP. leaves Lock Haven.. 705 a.m. 44 * 4 Jersey Shore.. 7 87 a m. ' 4 William-port . 8 20 a. in. arr.at Harrisburg ...12 05 p. 111. 44 •• Philadelphia. 320 p.m. 44 44 Kane 6 00a. in. DAY EXPRESS leaves I o< k Haven. .11 25 a, ill. 44 44 Willianispcrt 12 2-5 p. m. 44 arr. at Ilanisburg .. 3 40 p.m. 44 44 Philadelphia 6 45 p.m. • 4 44 Erie 1135 a. in. ERIK MAIL haves Renovo Poop, m Lock Haven 10 ]op. m. 44 44 William sport 11:11 p. in. 44 arr. at Harrisburg 3Wu.ni. • 4 44 Philadelphia 7 35a.r0. FAST LINE leaves Williamsport 1215 a.m. 44 arr. at Harrisburg 3 15 a. in. 4,4 44 Philadelphia 735 a. in. Erie Mail and Fxst Line and Pacific Express East make close connections at Northumber land with L. & It. It. It. trains for Wtlkesbarre and Seranton. Erie Mall West. Niagara Express West and Fast Line West make close connection at Wil liamsport with N.C. It. W. trains north. Niagara Fxye-s West and Day Express East make elo-*? connection at Lock Haven with B. E. V. K. H. traits. Erie Mail Kasi Mint West connect at Erie With trains on L.F. A* M. S. It. lt.;at Corry with B. P. & W. It- h : at Emporium with B. N". Y. & P. It. It., and at Driftwood with A. V. K. It. parlor cars will fun between Philadelphia and Williamsport 11 Niagara Express West and Day Express East. Sleeping cars on all night trains. WJif. A. BALDWIN, General Sun t. CENTRE HALL Jrmnihtre Store. WM. R. CAMP, FROPRIETO R. Walnut & Fancy Chamber Suits, Lounges. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Sinks, WASHSTAMIS, Parlor Tables, Breakfast Tables, Extension Tables, Wood and Cane Seat Chairs, Mat tresses, Spring Beds, and everything else in the Furniture line at the lowest prices. T hope to merit the patronage of the public ny good work and modera to prices. Please call and see my stock be fore you go out of your own valley for, your furniture. You can do fully as well at home as you can anywhere else. TRT IMHEI 1 We mnniifacturc Use Lest OVERALLS in the country. 1 nil and examine them. ! B.4ILAND & NEWMAN. Great Peremtory 31L®'£ OF DRY GOODS AT COST. IF 1 . J\ TROXELL, LOCK HAVEN, PA. Agent for the closing out sale of a laiftc and desirable assortment. Ladies' Dress Q-oods, FTolions, Ladies' and C3-ents' Furnishing Q-oods, Shawls, W(k)1 square &. long Sim wis, Broche, Paisley, and Black Cashmere KhawH, all wool & SKIRTS, CLOTHS, Cassimercs. Tweeds. Jrans, bultings, lied, white and nlald Flannel*. Llnsev. Bleached ii u aren't experience. 2.HK) hopeless e:ists cured. Astonishin discovery of new treatment to quicly fatten, make bloodand build up the svs- Cftein. lnv.il ids caused to eat and digest enor- Bwmonsly and gain 3 to 5 pounds per wt-ck. 9Vital and hcahug force, is ra ld v and power fitfully increased. New life and vigor impar.ed I Tue first few days. Severest cases of Con-fl i suntptlon, bed fast and given up to die, curedgf In 2to 3 months. Inttamation in the l.ungsH removed. Hectic Fever and Night swmta, nudgj ! Cough made loose,\ml ee.\v. or checked in ah hours. The teat men t cx (literates, exalts,a rouaes all means into healthy vigorous opera tion. It is also the greatest cure on earth for Liver. Kidney. Heart, Head, Blood Skin Fe male and Nervous Diseases, Seminal Weak ness all diseases ot'scliUdren. and the Opium Habit. Weare hone tin our offer. auoars. both in this country and in Europe, and am therefore enabled to do strictly first class work at moderade prices. THE JOURNAL STORE, Millhciui, Pa., has accepted an agency from me. All goods brought there for dying will be returned free of extra charge. PEWSYLY.WIA COLLEGE Gettysburg, Pa. The Faculty and Instructors are the following: Milton Valentine, 1). D>, President and Professor of Intellectual and Moral Science. Luther Henry Croll, A. M., Professor ofMathematics and Astronomy, ttev. Adam Martin, A. M., Professor >f the German Language aucl Litera ture, and of Greek. Rev. Henry Hyster Jacobs, D. Franklih rrofessor of the Ancient Languages Jo/in A. llimes, A. M., Grucif Professor of the English Language and Literature, and of History. Rev. Philip M. Etklc, A. M., Ockcrshausen Professor of Phisics and of Lat in. Aud others. n JUST RECEIVED AND UNPACKED bats HATS • - My New Spring Stock of HAT g HATS JECIE&Y" GOODS, UAIS Which Embraces all the new styles und colors, Including the very fashionable HITS LEGHORN, FRENCH CHIP, AMERICAN CHIP, STRAW, PORCUPINE, TUSCAN HATS H CIS Hiuin, An., which I have lu great variety, at my store HATS ' PENN SRTEET, MILLHEIM, PA. HATA nATS I can suit all purses as J sell both cheap and costly goods. HATS HATS , . *II ITS rriimned Hats and Bonnctu, Un trimmed Goods. Silk Trimmings, | HATS Artificial Flowers, and everything desirable in :y line. Your trade re- HATS HATS spectfully solicited. MRS. ANNA M. WEAVE. HATS The Model Grocery. S. P. KEKSTETTER, Proprietor. MARKET STREET, LEWS,PA, Dealer in first class Groceries of all kinds. Flour and Feed, Wood and* Will w Wat a. Queenswnrc a Speciality. sell a White Granite Tea Sett , 46 pieces, for C 300. All othsr Queens ware in proportion. Just received the fiuest lot of China Ware ever brought to this place. If you come to Lewisburg dob t fail to give me a call and get the best bargains you eyer had. JOHN S. FISHER, Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS. REBERSBURO, PENNA.