FARM AND GARDEN. CASES CF HORSE COLIC.— The horse's stomach is too small to contain a good feed and the gas extricated from such materials when digestion is prevented by immediate severe %oork after eating, cr otherwise, and where fermentation has set in. Even a cow will die in - half an hour from a sudden extrica tion of gases in the paunch, which is capable of holding about 250 quarts. How much more, then, may the horse, whose stomach will hold but from 10 to 20 quarts. The cow cap sometimes relieve herself by eructation or vomit ing, or may be promptly cured by puncturing the 'eft flank and lcttting out the gas. But the average healthy horse can neither belch gas nor vomit, and to puncture his stomach you must first transfix the larger intestines, abovq and beyond which it lies. Again, medicines given to tbe horse in such circumstances are exceedingly uncertain. Even healthy stomach of the horse does not absorb, much less that which is distended beyoßd measure with gas. anything, there fore, which is into uc-ed into the stomach, must be passed through into the intestines before in can enter the circulation. But here, again is the obstacle of au overstretched and in active stomach, unable to contract on its contents, or loree them ou into the bowels. Again, the introduction ol agents into the stomach still further distends it and at first aggravates the symptoms. Such a case cf acute in dige.-tion and tympany of the stomach, as might be expected, is one ot the hopeless and fatal disorders of the hor running down rapidly, but after a tew closes 1 saw a radical change every way, and tho roughly sat slled with vegetlue ami recommend it to any person suilering us 1 did. Respectfully, MRS. J. A. .JOUNSON. KKMAI.K WK.VKNI as.— VKOKTINK acts directly upon the causes oi these complaints It Invig orates and strengthens the wnolo system, acts upon the secretive organs, allays Inflammation, cleanses and cures ulceration, cures constipa tion. regulates the bowel-, headache and pains in ilit' back ce ise; In Tact there Is no disease or complaint where tlie VKUKTINK gives so quick relief, and Is so effective in Its cure, as In what is termed Female weakness. It has never failed in one it.statue. Vegetine IMZKIIICSH Liver aul Kidney Complaint. CINCINNATI, OHIO. MIL 11. R STEVENS; DKAK SIR,—I have received great benefit from the use or the VKUKTINK, ahd can safely recom mend It ror Dizziness, rush of blood to the head, and a general blood purifier. It has also been used by other numbers of my faml.y for Liver and Kidney Complaints. MRS. A C. I*I. RICH. •zoo Bay miller Street. VKOKTINK is the great health restorer, com posed exclusively of barks, roots, ami herbs, li is very pleasant to take; every child likes it. Vosotlno. PREPARED UY 11. K. KTKVENN, Boston, nana. Vegetine IN Hold by AH brnviUU. IRS. LYDIA L PINKH&M. OF LYNX, MISS, !S /,'c- & LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cnre for all those Painful Complaints AND WrtlmrMM •o common to our beat ft-iuulo population. It wilt cure entirely the worst form of Fcmtlt OOM platuu, all ormrinn troubles, Inflammation nnd t'lerra tion, Falling and Displacement*, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted TO ths Change of life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there LA cheeked very speedily by Its us®. ft removes fwlntnoss, flatulency, destroy gall craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It run*# fthwting, Headachas, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by Its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the eureof Kidney Complaints of either sex THIS Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA F, PIXKHAM'H VEGETABLE COM POUND is prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avonue, Lynn, Mass. Price |l. Six bottles for |5. Sent by mail tn the form of pills, also In the form of lorenges, on receipt of price. per box for either. MSS Pinkham freely answers ail letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this Fnj*r. No family should be without LYDIA K. PINKIIAM'S LIVEIt PILLS, fhey cure constipation, blliousnsss, and torpidity of the ltver. 25 cents per box. .Sold bv all l>ruilst. til HOSTETTRJ BITTERS Why Stiller Neclle*aly With the convulsing, spasmodic tortures of fever and ague ana bilious remittent, when Hosteller's stomach Blttets, acknowledged to be a real curative of malarial fevers, will eradi cate the cause of so much suffering. No less effective Is this benignant alterative lit CTSES of constipation, dyspepsia, Hver complaint, rheumatism, and in general debility ana ne ▼- ous weakness. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. AGENTS WANTED FOR DIBLE REVISION Tlie best and cheapest Illustrated edition of the Revised New Testament. Millions of people are waiting for it. Do not be deceived by the Cheap John publishers of inferior editions. Bee that the copy you buv contains ISO fine en gravings on si eel and wood. Agents are coin ing money selling this edition. Send for circu lars. Address NATIONAL PCB' ISHINO CO., Philadelphia, Pa. VROONOMKH Learn Tslsfrapby I I fiuOamonth. Graduates ,LE*" Addxeai VALENTINE TLUOS.. Janesvllla. W isconsln. It RAYS ASENTS ts Sell the Standard Agricultural llcok Farming for Profit* New, Accurate, Comprehensive. A Complete Farm Lit>r:ity in itself. A sure guide to successful farming. RR| I O until Cultivate all Farm Crops. I LL.LO NUWW I II Breed & Care for Livestock. Make Money IU And Secure Hupplne**. Save) many time* It* cent every Hcuon. 60 pages. 140 Illustrations. Send for Circulars and terms to .1. C. McCURDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. A LLEN'H It rain Food cures Nervous Do /V biiity ana Wcaknes of Generative Organs, fl ail druggists. Send for circular to Allen's Phar macy , 313 First Avenue, N. Y. ONLY 25 Cents for a White Handled Two-Bladed Knife. Miniature Battery Co., Philad'a, Pa. MIRTHFUL MORSELS, a splendid Humorous Paper on trial 3 months forflc. Miniature Bat tery Co., Philad'a. Pa. RUPTfIRE Relieved and cured without the injury trusses inflict, by Dr. J. A. SHERMAN'S System. Office, 251 Broadway, New York. His book with photographic likenesses of had cases before and after cnre, mailed for 10c. Beware of fraudulent imitators. A MIRCHANT, who is obliged to give credit frequently, had employed a clerk to collect his bills. The clerk ob'allied money from time to time,and religiously kept it In his own pocket. The merchant had his suspicions, and proceeded to Interrogate: '*l know you're vt ry a tlve; you've been to the men that owe me, aud you have re ceived—" "Yes, sir, I have." "But you've not pa'd over tie money?' "No, sir; a fellow can't do every thing I" Fs* of Doctors. The fee of doctors is an Item that very many persons are Interested In Just at present. We believe the sched ule for visits Is $3.00, which would tax a man con lined to his bed a year, and In need of a dally visit, over SI,OOO a year for medical attendance alone I And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the SI,OOO and all the year's sickness.— ED. A BERLIN butcher has written a five act comedy that is about to be pre sented in that city. The author, it is presumed, "steaks" his reputation on its success; and the actress who speaks the tenderloins will be 'dressed to kill," of course. The price of ad mission for choice seat® will be lore quarters. DEAN|RAMSAY mentioned a little boy who must have had a very unlovable father,for when he was told of Heaven, he put the question : "And will fa ther be there?" and on his instruc tress answering that "Of course she 1 o, eJ he would be there," the child at ouce sturdily replied : "Then I'll no gang." NATURAL petroleum, deprived of Its color and disagreeable odor without distillation and the aid of acids or alka lies, is what the Carbollne is made iroui. As now improved and perfected it is a bi autiful preparation, and per forms all that is claimed for it as a hair restorer. SAID BROWN: "aiuith woat have so sott a thing as he has had." "1 don't know," replied Kqbinson; "he'll have a so.t thing so long as he doesn't lose his head." VEGETINE is not a stimulating bit ters which creates a fictitious ap petite, but a gentle tonic which assists nature to restore the stomach to a beat thy action. "WHEN a man bas his life insured lor SIO.bUO, is his wile Justified in re fusing to prepare a mustard plaster for htm when he is seized with a sud den and severe attack of the cramps?" THE schoolmarin that eloped from Omaha with a pupil was equal to the emergency. Sue left an unpaid board bill and a trunk nailed to the floor. LYDIA E. PINE HAM'S Vegetable Com pound changes weakness to strength and sickness to health. Writing about some phenomena of optics, M. Treve mentions the fact that the flame of a lamp appears brighter, aud that an upright post, shaft, or tnat is seen more distinctly through a vertical than a horizontal slit, but that a house, a lanJscape, or the disk of the sun or moon is better observed when the slit is horizontal. Photographs present more or lees clear definition according as the light passes from the kind of object exposed to the sensitive plrte through an opening or slit ola horizontal or vertical nature. The re sults are ascribed to Lhe action of dif fused light. The Belgium Telephone Company have made airingenenis so that any of the subscribers leaving world any evening, may be awakened at any hour the next uioriiiug by uteaus of a pow erlul alarm. Dr. W lieigUr say s that tlie quantity oi rain water which finds its way to the ground along the trunks of trees la veiy considerable, but that some kinds of trees discharge this function better than others. —The salary oi lue Emperor of Kus sia is $10,000,000. To Accomodate tlie Public. The proprietors of that Immensely popular remedy K dooy-Wort in recognition of tbe claims of tbe public which has so liberally patronized tbem, have prepared a liquid pre paration of that remeiy for tbe special ac comodation of those who from any reason dis like to prepare it for themselves. It is very couoentrated and. as tbe dose is small, it is more easily taken by many. It bas the eame effectual action in all diseases of the kidneys, liver or bowels. Home and Farm. Give It ta Trial and vou will be astonished "Auakosis," Dr. 8. Silsbee'a External Pile Remedy, gives in stant relief and is an infallible cure for tbe most obstinate CHAOS of piles. It bas made the most wonderful cures of this terrible dis order. *20,000 grateful people that have used it cau testify to the same. Samples with full directions sent free to all sufferers ou appli cation to "Anakests" Depot, Box 3916, New York. Sold by ail lirst-class druggists. Tk Wotiiß Wntor. The most perfect, sure ■IND ro* TESTIMONIALS, xro. Highest Prizes awarded over all Competitors wherever exhibited. Report oi the Judges on Incubators 1879 & 1880. At the 20th Annual Exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society, held at Philadelphia, September Bth to 20th, 1879. "We consider MEIER'S THE BEST INCUBATOR we have ever seen here or elsewhere, and Mr. Bod gers, of our commit tee has seen most of them. We cheerfully award TIIESILVEU MEDAL." (Highest Prize.) At the 27th Annual Exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society, held at the Permanent Exhibition, Philadelphia, September 6th to 25th, 1880. "We fhlly concur with the report of the Judges of the proceeding year, and declare the INCUBA TORS of the PERFECTION INCUBATOR 00. fMey er's Patent) to be the best of all known INCUBA TORS, the chickens hatched by this process being stronger and healthier than those hatched nnder the hen. We therefore cheerfully award them the SILVER MEDAL." (Highest Prise.) For sale by THE PERFECTION INCUBATOR CO., 614 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (! Rifles. Shot Gun*. Revolrsrtseut 0.9. d. for examiuatiea 1 pat! CDiii FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prep* rut 100 on earth equal* SR. J A COM Ort as a aafr, sure, aiptple mi ehrap External Remedy A trial entails but th* comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Out*, and every ona suffering with pain cau haw cheap and positive proof of Its claim*. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER to CO., Haiti more, Md.. P. 8. A* : THE GREAT CURE ' ,1 FOR i RHEUMATISM As It la for all diasaasa of the KIDNKYB, , LIVER AND BOWELS. > < It aleanaes the system of the acrid poison > ' that oauses the dreadful suffering which I 4 only th* Tlotlm* of Rheumatism oan realise. , THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forms of this terriblo disease ( have been quickly relieved, in a short time * PERFECTLY CURED. ► I has had wonderful success, and an Immense > ( sale in every part of the Country. In hun- ( ' drede of cases it honoured where *ll else hod < failed. It is mild, but efficient, CKRTAIJi , ( IN ITH ACTION, but harmlose in all cases. ' * tWltelcanoca, htrengthena and glvea New I Life to all tho important organs of the body. I The natural action of the Kidneys is restored. * Tho Liver s cleansed of all disease, and the < Bowels move freoly and healthfully. In thia , way the worst diseases are eradicated from ' theeyatem. ' Aa It has been proved by thousand* that i, I is the most effectual remedy for cleansing the i system of all morbid secretions. It should be < 4 used in every household as a i ' SPRING MEDICINE. > >4 Aiwave cures BIUOUSNES3. CONBTIPA- ' > TION, PILES and all FEMALE Disease*. , * Is put up in Dry Vegetable Form, in tin cane, > \ ona package of which makes Oquarte medicine. ' . Also in Liquid Form, very Concentrated for < * the convenient** of those who cannot readily pre- > \ pare it. It act* icith equal efficiency xnedherfarm. < , GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE hi.oo \ * WELLS, BICIIAUDSOS A Co.. Prop'*, ► '< (Will send the dry pcst-nald.l BIKI.IN6TON. TT -^ Battle Creek, Michigan, imruyaoTtJßzss OF THE OKLT ocrcm THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Power*. Hast Complete Thresh ear Factory j Established jstteWeHA 1 ' B4 ° Bull >J 1 i SLII ft 5 awe, wtthoat change at name, J / management, or location, to "back *"(* 2L22 tread learrsafy yim oa efl ear peeda STEAM-POWER SEPARATORS and Complete Stcnni Uultl* of matrAlrei qualities. Fine*t Traction Engine* and Pl&ln Engines ever seen In the American market. A multitude of special feature* and trr.yroeement* for 1881. together with superior qualities in construe Hon and material* not d named of by other makers. Four sizes of Separators, from o to Is boras Capacity, for etsam or horee pmcer. Two styles of - MountedHorae-Powpx*. 7CAA AAA Feet of rieierted Lumber |Ovv,VWV (frtnn three to*ix year* atr- dried) oonstantly on hand, from which is built the in comparable wood-work of our machinery. TRACTION ENGINES^ Strongt*i. most durabto. and efirient ersr RjST/ oak He 10, 13 Ilorae Power. fli Farmers and Threshermen ore Invited to mvastbrate this mate Ale** Th refilling Machinery. Circulars sent free. Address NICHOLS, BHEPARD A CO. Battle Crook, Michigan. For Sunday Schools. The Beacon Light. SSFVnSFS J. H. TENNEY and K. A. HOFFMAN. Speci men copies mailed for 30 cents. Liberal reduc tion for quantities. DITSON to Co. respect ully call attention to tin marked improvement which is apparent in their newer publications for Sunday Schools. The best talent In the country has been employed In compiling them, and they have been received with marked fa vor. THK BEACON LIGHT Is the work or two of the best hymn and tune composers In i he coun try, is a carefu ly "winnowed" book only the best 100 out of 500 ra'inuscripw having been re tained. We have not many bunaay School hymns better than "Love of the Saviour, tender and precious. Deeper and broader than ocean or sea, Stronger than death, so pure and so gracious. Oh, In thy lullness flow sweetly to me." or "He who conqur-rs wins a crown When he lays his armor down, For we be ir the cross no more, When we reach the Golden shore." Attention Is also directed to White Robes (30ct8.) by Abbey and Munger; and to Good Mew* (35 cts.) by K. M. Mcintosh. These ex cellent books are still In demand. Their au thors have also new books In progress, which will soon be announced. Any book mailed, post-free, for retail price. OLIVER DITSONTCO., Poslon. J. E. DITSON to CO., 1228 Chestnut St., Phlla. Texas Black Lands. fur description | of Collin Co., an-1 price list of Lands, to BAINES, WOLFE to FINCH. Lawyers and Laud Ageuts, McKiuuey, Texas. OR. RADWAY'S Sirsngarllllai Bisolfiit, fHE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, FOR TBI CURE OF CHRONIC DISEASE SCROFULA OR SYPHILITIC, HEREDI TARY OR CONTAGIOUS, Ban Beat ad la Tim Lungs *r Stoaoeh, ttts er isonee, Flesh ar Nerves, CORRUPTINO T^SM9UnDet SD TrnA ™* Chronig Rheumatism, Scrotal*, Glandular Swelling, Hacking Dry Cough, Cancerous Affec tions, Byphllltlo Complaints, Bleeding of the Lungs. Dyspepsia, Water Braah. Tlo Doloreux, White Swellings, Tumors, Uloarm, Skin and Hip Diseases, Mercurial Diseases, Female Com plaints, Gout, Drop 7, Bait Rheum, Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Ac. IM calf Am the sarsapartUiaa Beeolveat E1 all remedial age at* la the cure of Ohronia, fulooa OtastKutionoi aad Skin Diseases, it la the only posture eure tor EDMTEI All BLADDERCOMPLAIHT* Vrtaary aad Womß DtKaeea, BravaL Diabetaa. Dropsy, atoppage ai Water, laoontinsnoe ej Urine, Diaease, Albumlaurla, aad la all eases where there are brick-dust deposits, ot the water le thick. doudr, mixed with eob etanoee like the white of aa egg, or threads like white Nik, or there ie a morbid, dark, bilious appearance aad white bone-dust deposits, and when there to a pricking, harming eeoeaaoa whei paaatng water, and path t tn wo All 01 the back and along tha loin*. Bald hj Dm* glatA FRIOB OMI DOLLAR* OTARIAN TUMOR OF THE TEA MP BROWT* CURED IT DR. RADWAY'S REM ID 188. 8M hMCIa eooaaiaa mora of tta MttM prlaot plea of Medlolnae than aaj ether Taßea la Teaapooatul doees, while others re |iit t er tlx time* as much. >e R. R, R. RADWAY'S Beady Relief, CWRRB AND PRRYRIItB DYSEMTFiIY, DIARRHCZA. CHOLERA MORBUS. FEVER AND AGUE, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, DIPHTHERIA, MFUIEMZA, •ORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. BOWEL COMPLAINTS Looseness, DlarrhoßL Cholera MorbuA or pals rul dischargee from the bowels>are stopped la 11 or to minutes bv Uklng Had way's Reedy Re lief. No oongestton or taflsmmauno. BO weah eeee or lsabitnde wIU follow the use of the R. R, rr WAS TH* FIRST AND IS The On I j Pain Remedy that instantly stops the moet •xcruclauag pains, allays inflammations, and eures Oeairee uona. whether of the Lungs, Stomacu, Beweia or other glands or organs, by one applleaUoa. la frea one th twenty nelanthe, DO mat ter how violent or excruciating the pala, the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Inflrm. Crippled, Nerv ous. Neuralgic or prostrated with dlseaa" may tuffer, KADwAY* READr RELIEF will affeed instant ease. Inflmn*D*atleu ef (toe Kidney a lnflamniKti** of the Blssddhr, ImMnnanemtlon hf the Bowels. Congestion or the Leega Boro Threat, Dlfßrnlt Breathing, Palpitation of tha KlaosrA Hy star lee, Croup, Diphtheria Catarrh, lalueaea Meodoeho. Toothache, Mervenaness, ■leeplaasnoess 9enrol*: lSL Bhennsatlena. Cold Chllle, Agno Chill a Chilblain* and Pros! Bites. The application of the Ready Relief to the pan 9T part* where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ea*' 1 and comfort. Thirty to sixty drops la a half tumbler of irat*-r will in a few minutes cure Cramps, Sprains. Sour Btom&ch, Heartburn, Sick Head sche, Diarrhoea Dysentery, COilc, Wind in the Bowels and ail internal pains. e Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rod ney's Ready Relief with them. A few drops Li rater will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than Preach Brandy or Bitters a* * stimulant. Price Fifty Cent* per botUe. Radway's Regulating Pills. re*met Fate, ahnyt" UU * aad Nstouxnl In their Operation. a YSQXTABLZ BPRBTITUT* FOB CALOKKL. Perfectly taxtelees, elegantly ooatei with nreet sum, purge, regulate, purify, else use and Orangutan. RJLBWATS FELLA, for the cure ot all Disorders ef the stomach, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Had ter. Nervous Diseases. Headache, Constipation, OoetlvenesA indigestion. Dyspepsia, Bilious* sees Fever. Inflammation of the Plica, aad all derangements of the Interna 1 Viscera. Warranted to effect a perfect curt# Purely are table, containing no mercury, minerals ar eterlous drugs. *w~Observe the following symptoms reeultfng from Diseases of the Digestive Organs t Consti pation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood In Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heart* burn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stomach, Sour Eructations, sinking or Flut tering at the Heart, Choking or Suffering Sen sations when in a lying posture. Dimness of vision. Dots or Weho Before the Bight Fever and Dull pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspira tion. Yellowness of the Bkln and Eyes. Pain in theSKfta, chest, Llmba, and Sudden Flushes ec Meat, Burning in the FlesK A tow doses of Rabwat* Fuuls win ftoo the system from all ths above-named Atoordera. Prloe, *8 Cent* per Bwx. Wo repeat that no reader most eensult ear hooks and papers on ths subject of diseases and their eure, among which may he named i "False and Trao ,** "RaSwHy ea Irritable Urottora," M *adway Nrsfhls," and others relating to different Mamas at Dim MOLD MY D*VB#l9Tß| ■BAB M IAXAI ABB TBOI." ■end Blotter sums to BAB WAT A cm., Ba. SB Warworn, Con. Cfearofc It, Bow Tar it. TO THE PUBLIO. There oan ho no better guarantee of the vab ef Da RABWAT* old established R. R. R. Rnu Sm than the hase aad worthless lmltatlont sm. as there are False Resolvents, Rtlie andFinm Bssure aad ask for RadwaVs, an go that Mbt name %lwir to on What ye* The ll'urest aud Bektßedlcine ever Bade. Acolmblnation of Hops* Buchu, Man* d rakle ouut use and urge themV t°use Hop B Remember, flop Bitters 1* drugged drunken nostrum, but the n d Rest Medicine ever made ; the na ®B and HOPE" and no person Or *H should be Vithout them. D. an abscdute and Irresistible eure 8 for Drunkenness, use of opium, tobaooc and* narcotics. All sold by arugglsta Send fC J for Circular. Bop Bitter* aip. v*., J HAM RocbesterjNj^ammonmto^nt^^^F - 9 Those nnswenng aa Adrertuemeui snl oonfer n tavor anon the Advertiser and the iFubllsher byt sting that they saw the ndver lUement in thiatoornn Ifaamtng tha papery