AGRICULTURE. How TALLOW BUTTER IS MADE. — The character and process of the man ufacture of oleomargarine or tallow butter are simple enough, but are no* generally understood on account of the prejudice which very naturally exists against the article. The oi' and butter are made out of beef fat. The fat is taken from the slaughtered ani mals and conv yed at enco to the fac tory, where it undergoes an overhaul ing. The fat is then submitted to two distinct processes of melting and refiu ing. It first passes through a in which an auger shaped shatt re volves, and from this it is delivered, mashed to a paste, into huge kettles* These kettles stand in boiling water, which heats the tat to blood beat and separates all substanees which are soluble at that temperature. The oil is drawn from the first kettles into barrels, and as it still contains stea rine, it soon hardens. It is then put through the final process of refining. Packed in white cloths, made lor th. purpose, it is put in cakes or 1? yers into poweriul 1 ydraulio presses, by which the pure oil is pressed out into receive!s and ci nv yed through pipes to an adjoining builaing, wbere it is delivered, tasteless and tree from odor into barreli. The steariue remains in the cloths, and is sold separate y. As the oil ruus from the faucets it is ot a bright, clear amber color. This is the substance which is exported, aud some idea may be iormed of the exten of the foreign demand from ine tact that three thousand barrels, c utaiuing over one miLion pounds of the oil, have been shipped within thepa?tweek on an order from a single house in Holland. When into the butter the oil is put into large tanks with fiesh milk aud churned by machine- y until ttcomesoutasubstaiicesimiiar in appearance to butter. The Dutch in Holland will not buy the butter as made in this count?y, but bey tbe oil and make the butter themselves. CLIMBING PLANTS. - Our farmers could ea-ily have lets of interesting plates alont their Louies, especially near v oo< lands. A pile of old siqjnps eau be covered with creeping, twin ing or climbing plants, aud though it brings nothing back to ihe purse it will often give more pleasure than money can bi y, to their wives, little ones, and lrlends, Many kinds cf cl mbing plants have some curious things about them. One of the Passi floras opens its flowers with a loud noise, lit ice probsblv its name. The luocu seed, has a cu rious sLell that partially covers the seed. It looks like half a hazel nut shell wiih the nut in it. The ladies oi the South collect them to make rustic frames for pictures. The Periploca has a carious pipe like appendage to the flower, hence it is called Dutch man's Pipe. The Loasa i 3 covered with hairs that will sting like a bee's sting if touched by any tender partot a per son's body. BEETS retain their sugary, delicate fia\or much better by baking Instead oi boiling; turn often in the pan while in the oven, using a knife, as a tork w ill cause the juice to flow when done remove the skin, slice and season with butter, pepper and salt, or if for pickle slice Into good cold vinegar. YOUNG stock at pasture should be taken to the barn belorethe nights be come very cold. There is no profit whatever in keepiug any animals that are not constantly gaining, and it is not unusual to find cattle at pasture grow ing poor as early as October. IT is well for farmers to bear in mind that the average for all breeds of cows is about six pounds of hsy or its equivalent, for one quart of mnk. The Date in Algeria. • The date tree requires not only abundant irrigation, but great solar heat. The Arabs say that it stands with its feet in the water and its head in the fires of heaven, The love of the Arab for this precious tree may well be imagined, growing as it does in the sand, contenting ltte'-f with water so valine as to destroy ordinary vegeta tion, giving a graetful shade when all around is burnt up by the ardent heat of summer, resisting the winds, which bend hut cannot break its flexible stem, and affording a fruit sought for in every part of the world. The male tree, of course, bears no fruit; it has merely a hunch of flowers Inclosed until maturity within a spathe. The females have also buncbas of flowers which, however, cannot he come developed into fruit until fecun dated by the pollen of the male flower. To insure this result the Arabs ascend the trees in the month of April and in sert into every female spathe a port on of the pol'en of the male flower. The fruit then begins to swell, and forms long clusters weighing from twenty to forty poundg In a season. To multiply the date tree, the Arabs do not sow the seed, as they could not then he sure of the sex of the trees; they perfer to plant the suckers from the bise of a female tree, whence the nane ''Phoe nix;" these become productive in about eight years, but do not attain full fruition before twenty or twenty five. The trees are about forty-five feet high, and as they are planted very close together they afford a dense shade, in which, -however, the air cir culates freely, so that all kinds of frtlit, vegetables, etc.. can be cultiva ted below them. The trees will live for about two hundred years; they are worth preserving after a century. When they are no longer valuable for lhe fruit, the sap is extracted to make a kind of insipid wine; and the heart or cabbage of the tree is also eaten. They are then cut down, and the wood, although very inferior in quality, is here valuable, whereon other kind can he produced. The roo.s are used for fencing and roofing, and the leaves are made into mats, baskets, sacks and cord., Like all other species ol cultivated plants, the date tree has numerous varieties. In the oases of the Zibas seventy distinct varieties are recog nized. The trees come into flower in spring, in March or April, and the friut is ripe about October. The date is called the King of the Sahara, and is regard ed as the most nutritious of fruits. Many of the Arabs life on dates and hread. * DOMESTIC. BROOK TROUT. —An inhabitant of A trout region says that brook trout are neyer so good as when cooked in the following simple fashion. When cleaved and wiped dry with a soft cloth and a gentle hand, dip them lightly in flour and lay tkeiu in a "spider," or frying-pan in which a moderate amount of the most delici ous lre?h butter is sizzling. Sprinkle delicately with salt, and let them fry quickly until the flesh looks done and the skin is crisp brown. Thus served a bro k trout is "a dream of delight." There are three necessary things about this method : The fish must be newly arrived from wriggling about in their palace of running water; the pan and the butter must be very hot—the latter sputtering—before the fish are placed therein; and the butter must be best of the best and freshest of the fresh—newly churned, if possible. THE BEST RICK PUDDING. —This rice pudding is the best over inado in spite of tbe fact that it is the cheapest. The secret of its perfeotioß is the long cooking it gets. For a six o'clock din ner the rice and milk should be put on early in the forenoou. The best thing to cook it in is a double kettle. Let it simmer on the back of the stove—it must never boll—until a couple ol hours before dinner. It will then be a thick, creamy substance. Then salt and sweeten lr, to tasct, put it Into a pudding dish, and bake it in a moder ate oven until it is of a jelly like thick ness and the top is slightly browned. It eau be eaten either hot or eeld. If the latter is preferred, the pudding may be made the day before, if that is most convenient. If desired a llavor may be added. This is emphatlcaliy the perfect pudding of the kiud. A DELICIOUS FISII PIK which will satisfy the cravings for flesh of the most fastidious Lenten epicure is pre pared iu this manner: Boil two pounds of small well-cleaned eels; then having cut the fins quite close, pick off the fiesh and throw the bones into the liquor with a 1 ttle mace, pep per, salt and a slice or two of onion; boil till quite rich and strain it. Make force meat of the flesh of- the eels, auehovy, parsley, a grated lemon peel, a truffle, bread crumbs, salt and pep per and four ounces of warmed butter, lake the flesh of bass, shad or white fish and lay on the force meat, having rubbed it with salt and pepper. Four the gravy over, cover with paste and bake. To COOK BKEFSTKAK. —S!it the out side or fat part, say every four inches, cutting through to the lean, which prevents contraction aud iuereases the tenderness. Have a bright lire and gridiron hot before putting it on; turn over to prevent burning. A steak an inch and a half thick will be cooked in from seven to ten minutes. Have some melted butter with a good supply of pepper aud salt, and pour over the steak just before it goes to the table. To fry, prepare iu the same way; put a little butter or lard in the pan or griddle and let it brown be'.ore putting on the meat; cook quickly, and, whether boiled, lried or roasted. It you want it juicy and tender, never salt until alter it is cooked. TASTELESS COD LIVER OIL. —Dr. Peuteves in La France Medicals, rec ommends, in order to render cod-liver oil tasteless, the mixing of a table spoontul of it intimately with the yolk of an egg, and the addition of a few drops ol essence of peppermint and half a tumbler of sugared water, so as to obtain an emulsion. By this means the taste and characteristic odor of the oil are entirely covered, and the patients take it without the slightest repugnance. Besides, the oil, being thus rendered misclble with the water in all proportions, is in as complete a state of emulsion as the fats at the moment they penetrate the chyle vessels; consequently absorption is better assured. HARD SOAP.— Six pounds of clean grease, six pounds ot sal soda, three pounds of stone lime: slake the lime and put it into four gallons of soft wa ter; add the sal soda, and when dis solved let it settle. Hour off the water into au iron kettle and add the grease melted and boil. If the soap does not come after boiling a few mi iutes add more sott water till it is ot the consist ency of honey, Wet a tub and pour the hot soap into it. When cold cut it into pieces and lay it away to dry. Always make soap in an iron kettle. TIIE following ointment is said to be "excellent for an inflamed bunion: lodine, twelve grains; spermaceti ointment, half aii ounce. A portion about the size of a hor6e bean to be rubbed on the affected part twice or thrice a day. If the bunion is not in flamed, the best remedy is to place on it tirst a piece of diacblyon plaster, oxide of lead and oil, and upon it a piece of thick leather, this having a hole the size of a bunion cut in it. SI'ICE CAKES.— Take one cup of mo lai;Ses, three-quarters of a cup of sugar, one tat lespoonful of ginger aud a tca spoonfui each of powdered cloves, cinnamon and allspice. Add these to one-half cup of melted butter, and heat in two teaspoonfuls of soda and flour enough te roll. Koll very thin, cut out with a tin cutter and bake in pans in a hot oven. FLOATING ISLAND.— Beat the yolks of four eggs with two tablespoonfuls of sugar; a teaspoonful of flour; then stir into a quart of milk, and bring it to a boll, stirring it all the time; hav ing the whites beat nicely, and slip it on the top of the milk, di|>ping a little of It on to cook the egg, then grate nutmeg over the top; let it cool and it is ready for table. PUTTING AWAY CLOTHS.— When put ting away winter clothes see that they are clean and whole. It is a great com fort to take them out ready for use. Have a bag to hold the stockings of each member of the family. Label each one, in order to save time and not be obliged to look into each to find the ones you wish to use. DRY saw-dust or spent tan-bark,well dried, is a good and cheap substance to put in a lath-and-plaster wall to dead en, as much as possible, sounds pro ceeding from one room to another. Sand is effectual if the lathing is suffi ciently strong to admit its use. IF clothes are absolutely dry before they are folded and laid away they will not mildew. IN roasting meats do not salt before putting into the oven, as salt extracts the j alee. EVERY closet and room in the house should be thoroughly inspected once a week. HUMOROUS. A QUINCY druggist was slt'ing be side tne base-burner in his store star ing at the rows of bottles on the shelves, and wondering why people don't take more medicine, when the door softly opened and an eight-year old urchin dodged in. Walking up to tbe compounder of prescriptions, he said: "Mister, ain't there some kind of stud that you kin rub on that'll make a lellow's skin as tough as nil eleph ant's?" The druggist looked the bey over, and replied: "Yes, the oil of tauinn will harden the skin, if that's what you mean." "That's the trick Fm play in' lur exactly. Gimme ten cents' worth." While putting it up the druggist asked : "What do you want to harden your hands for? Going to the country to husk corn ?" "Husk nothin' an' my ban's is as tuff as rawhide now. Dm just a work ing up a little scheme to circumvent, the old woman's slipper. I tried a layer o' le leather, but she tumbled to my little game at the first inter view, an' when 1 fell buck on a lolded newspaper she heard it erackiu' alore she got me on her knee, but if this here stufi does its duty, I think I've got the bulge on her, light from the word go. How long does it take such .le as ihis to put on a pad thick enough to knock the lire out of uu average spaukin' ?" When the desired information was given him, he trotied oil' down the street, siuging : "If at first you dou't succeed, try, try again?" [Wilmington, (Del.) Dally Republican.] Mrs. Adam Grubb, 231 Walnut street Iris been a great sufferer for a number of years from extreme pain in tin feet, soun-thing like rheumatism. She was also very much troubled with corns and bunions. It was with grea' difficulty that she could walk, and sometimes when she would visit her husband's shoe store or any of her children, she could not get home again without assistance, an 1 often when she was walking along the streets she would be seized with such acute pain that she was compelled t stop at the neighbors on her way until she got better. Some two weeks ago she fieard of the wonderful cures St. Jacob's Oil was effecting and she at once commenced to use it and experi enced great relief immediately. The pains have left her feet and ankles ami the inflammation lias left the corns aud bunions. She is now tripping qp to her husband's shoe store and out 10 tee her chidren without experiencing any pain. A PROMINENT citizen was observed a short time since sitting on a beer keg in front of a leading saloon, apparent ly exhausted to a last degrte. Another happened along,and with considerab e concern asked what was the matter. "I've been to church," sighed the weary one. "2so!" "Fact: first time in eight years, though. Whew!" "What church did you go to?" "The Lplskipple. Whew!" "What the devil ails you, man ?" "Well, it ain't no place lor a man to go to that puts in a week's hard work, and wants to rest on Sunday. What with gettin' up an' kneelln,' an' bendin' one's back and straighten n' it, an' chippin' in to help the parson out, a feller might as well put in an' hour an' half at a gymnasium. it is too inucii like work. Then ilie two prominent citizens went into the leading saloon and play ed pedro and hois ed beer for liye hours without getting tired. "Do you know a person named John Fairehild?" inquired one citizen ot ano her a- they met 011 Lamed street the other day. "John Fairehild? No; never heard of him." "Such a person called on me yester day and said he was an old friend of yours." "Then he lied. What did he want 9 " "He asked for the loan of five dol lars." "And because lie said he was an old friend of mine you let him have it,the villain?" "No, sir; because he said he was an old triend of yours I showed him the door at ouce!" "Urn," growled the one. "Um," replied the other, and they slowly backed off and continued their ways. [CamDridgeport, (Mass.) American Protestant.] A lady friend of ours called the other day and stated that her liusbaud had seen St. Jacob's Oil advertised in our paper; he used It for rheumatism and was convinced of its merits. AN elderly lady, who was very In dignant at the conuuct of a man in a street car who was smoking, punched the driver in the back her umbrella, and asked; "Driver, ain't it agin the rules to smoke in tills car?" "You can smoke as inueh as you please, ma dam, if the gentlemen dou't object," was the response. Then she pulled the strap and got out. HE drew his breath with a gasping sob, with a quavering voice he sang, but his voice leaked out and could not drown the accompanist's clamorous bang. He lost his pitch on the mid dle A, he faltered on lower D. he foundered at length like a haltered wreck adrift 011 lhe wild, high C. "How one thing brings up another,' said his lady, in pleasing retrospec tion. "Yes," replied D.bbs: "an emetic, for instance." She lei 1 the table in a huff. A PHILADELPHIA man, who was furnished by the saloon keeper with watered whi-ky, objected, on the ground that although the llish was willing the spirit was weak. No More Uartl Times. If you will stop spending so much on fine clothes, rich food and style, buy good, healthy food, cheaper and better clothing; get more real and substantial things of life every way. and especi ally stop the foolish habit of employ ing expensive quack doctors or using so much of the vile humbug medicine that does you only harm, but put vour trust in that simple pui-e remedy llop Bitters; that cures always at a trifling cost, and you will see good times and have good health. SMALL boy to a farmer who was gaz ing with admiration upon his flour ishing tobacco Held: "Will it soon have plugs on, papa?" THERE is 110 necessity to neglect your business if you will only use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at once; the most reli ible remedy in the world for Ceughs, Colds, etc. LOSSES IN FEEDING. — It IF a well net tled fact that a large per cent. o< the food of poorly b'ed stock Is utterly y ated. On'y well 1 red stock of any kind have a good capacity tor assimi lating ihelr food- When a given quan tity f fetd may w th < ontldence be re-. Hed upon to make ten pound* of beef, pork, etc., when f d to well bred s f ock It tg tact of all experience that when fed to poorly hied anlma's It will fall a lar.'*e per cent, short of that nombor of p>und*. The difference, as a ready state I, lies in the wldly different capa ctv to assimilate and digest. 80 It is seen that the loss of breeding lie at the bottom of the matter Farnrers and stock men, when considering the mat ter of >-t ok on the farm, should con sider whether it is their interest to be content with that clas of low bred g'ook which certainly result in farm waste: especially so when wl b a goo 1 animal they can soon bring uo their stock to high grades. A goo I one at the bead or the herd may cost a hun dred or two dollars, but not halt so much as the usual annual waste of food and time. COTTON BKKD OlL.— Trie manufact ure of oil iroui the cotton seed is be coming of importance in the United States. The annual quantity of seed converted into oil now amounts to about four hundred and ten thousand tons, the yield being at the rate of some thirty-live gallons of oil to the ton of seed. .Moreover, each ton leaves seven hundred and lltty pounds of oil cake ol admirable fattening qualities. A great deal of the oil is exported to Italy and other countries where the ol ive is a staple; and in point ot fact,cot ton seed oil Is there superseding olive oil, not ouly for utilitarian purpose, but also as au article of food. HELPING THE HONSHU. —The other d'.y 6: ys a lit wppHper correspondent, 1 saw a norse fall, and try twelve tunes to rise, and nobody knew how it could be done, till a woman walked out from the sidewalk without a word, and put ting her hand In the sleigh drew out one ot the blankets there and t'.irew it under the annual's feet; he felt some thing he could stand ou, and by that one fore foo. he brought his whole bo i \ up and looked around glad and treuioliug. HOSES nted very rich so-1 to bring them to pericction, thriving beat in a mixture of w*ll rolled manure, * a:iu and garden loui. To stint them 01 nourishment is poor economy Ensilage, or GREEN FORAGE CROPS IN SILOS. Giving My Practical Experience. Also, the Practical Experience OP Twenty-five Practical Farmers With Ensilage and Silos, Giving their experience of feeding stock of al kinds wit h Ensilage and the practical resilts, conclusively allowing the undoubted success or this process— the Ensilage of Green Forage crops. By this process the farmer can realize live dollars in place of one dollar, as practised by the old system of farming. Also wonderful experiments of reeding poultry at one-half the usual cost on Ensilage. This book contains 120 pages, elegantly bound In clotli. EVERY ONE 18 PLEASED WITH IT, As being the most thorough and practical work yet published on tills subject, aud all are sur prised at the \ ery low price. For ale at all bookstores, all general stores and all news depots In every city aud town IN THE UNITED STATES. If the work cannot be obtained of them send for It by in&lL Price of Book 50 Cents. By Mail 60 Cts. Seud post office order If convenient. Address H. R STEVENS, BOSTON, Mass. DFBULL'S COUGH SYRUP SUPERIOR MUSICAL WORKS. For Sunday Schools: THi: HEACOX I,IaV■■■! m eaauaaa (• our b**4 fciuulo population. U wUI cor* antlrely th* wont form of Famal* Ooaa plaint*, *ll ovarian trouble*, Inflamnwtlon and tJloara. Hon, Falling and Displacements, aad th* oon*oqu*nt Spinel Wnakneaa, and 1* particularly adapted to th* Change of Life. It will dlMolr* and *rpl tumor* from th* n torn* la an early stage of development. Th* tendency to cam ••roue humor* there 1* checked T*ryapeadlly by It* u**. It remove* falntnnaa, flatulency, destroy* all craving for stimulants, and relieve* weakness of th* stomach. It cure* Bloating, Headache*, Kervou* Prostration, General Debllltj, Sleeplessness, Depression aad Indi gestion. That reeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, la alwaya permanently cured by Ua uaa It will at all tlmea and under all clrcumatance* act la aarmouy with the lawa that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaint* of either sex thla Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA K. I'I.NKHAM'S VEGETABLE COM FOI'MIU prepared at 233 and 225 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mas*. Price gh Biz bottle* for |&. Bent by mall In the form of pilla, also In the form of lozenge*, on reoelpt of. price, fl per bo* for either. Mr*. Plnkbam freely answer* all letter* of Inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Addrvaa a* above. Mention Ihi* I\iyr. Mo family should be without LYDIA K. PINK HAMS LTV'EK PILLA. They cure constipation, hi torpldTty of the Uver. tft cents per box. g#- Hold by all Druggists. "V* Card Collectors! Ist. Buy seven bars Dob bins' Electric Soap of your Grocer. 2d Ask him to give you a bill of it. 3d Mail us his bill and your full address. 4th. We will mail YOU FREE seven beautiful cards, in six colors and gold, represent ing Shakspeare's " Seven Ages of Man." I. L. CRAGIN & CO., 116 South Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. YOU CAN BUY THE BLATCHLEY PUMP TTnltnKl,or with Copper, Porcelain,or Iron Lining*. Each one stenciled with my name aa manufacturer is warranted in material and con it ruction. For sale by the best houses in the trade. If you do not know where to pet this pump, write to me as below, and I will send name of agent nearest you, who will supply you at my lowest prices. CHAS. 0. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 808 Market St., Philadelphia* Pa. Tie Fcrtti Mator. The niost perfect, sure and Hatching Machine. hd SCNO sos TESTIMONIALS, era Highest Prizes awarded over all Competitors wherever exhibited. Report of the Judges on Incubators 1879 & 1880. At the 20th Annual Exhibition of the Pennsylvania Stale Agricultural Society, held at Philadelphia. September Mh to 20tli, I*7o. "We consider METER'S THE BEST INCUBATOR we haTe erer seen here or elsewhere, and Mr. Rod ger*, of our committee has seen most of them. Wo cheerfully award THE SILVLB MEDAL." (Highest Prize.) At the 27th Annual Exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society, held at the Permanent Exhibition, Philadelphia, September 6th to 26th, 1880. "We ftally concur with the report of the Judges of the preceedlng year, and declare the INCUBA TORS of the PERFECTION INCUBATOR CO. (Mey. er's Patent) to be the best of all known INCUBA. TORS, the chickens hatched by this process being stronger and healthier than those hatched under the hen. We therefore cheerfhlly award them the SILVER MEDAL." (Highest Prize.) For sale by THE PERFECTION INCOBATOR CO., 614 Oefffrmt Street. Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED FOR BIBLE REVISION The best and cheapest illustrated edition of the Revised New Testament. Millions of people are waiting for it. Do not be deceived b/the Cheap John publishers of inferior editions. See that the copy you buv contains 150 tine en gravings on ST eel awci wood. Agents are coin ing money selling this edition. Send for circu lars. Address NATIONAL PUBUSHINQ Co., Philadelphia, Pa. SHORTHAND . Taught thorou hly and practically by mail. Send for circu'ar. New York Institute of PRACTICAL PHONOGRAPHY, No. 857 Tenth ave., New Vork. B Fine. Colored Engraving OF the Ancient Egyp- A\ tutu Obeli.* end tb .viaaoiiic embleui. leund under XXJGLL Complete Statiatk. of Free Masonry In North JFT America. Large Illustrated Catalogue of Maaonlc /\g\ book, and GOD.; alio, a description of the magnifi ' W ' cent new work for Agent*. Sent free toF. A. M. VLDWNG A CO., Miuvut Publishers, 731 hcvadwuy, New IVIFC In 1869 Herr von Bezold Interred froui observations in Bavaria that there was an increase Irom yea*- to year in the nntuber of buildings struck by lightning. Tbeie seemed to be also an Increase in the number ot thunder storms, and this was assigned as the cause. A little later,observations (by others) In Saxony and Bchleswig-Hol stein also showed an Increase in the number of houses struck, but 110 com parison was made with the number of thunder storms. Herr Holtz has late ly made a luller Inquiry on the basis of data from all parts of Germany, and from Austria and Switzerland. In his brochure on the subject he publishes two tables, one to show the increase or de crease of thunder storms since 1854, since 1882 and since 1870 in the differ ent regions, the other the increase or decrease of lightning risk estimated from comparison of the number of lightning strokes on houses with the entire number of houses. It appears, then, that while any increase in the number of thunder storms is extreme ly small, and there is in some cases even a decrease, the lightning risk fchows a very large increase, and in no case a decrease. Thus the increase ot risk from lightning must be regarded ss not due, unless In very slight mea suse.tomvteoioiogical influences. This appears more distinctly in that the in crease of lightning risk is proportion ately greater as the compared years are further apart; but it is not so with the inert am of thunderstorms (which, e.g., is less since 1854 than 1885). To explain the Increased risk by telluric changes, llerr Holtz supposes the clearance of forest land has to do wilh it; perhaps, also, the Increase of rail ways, Doth of these bringing thunder storms more to towns and villages, Another probable cause is the in creased tase ot metal in house construc tion. Guilty ot WruDic. Some people have a fashion of con fusing excellent remedies with the large nias of "patent medicines,'' and In this tnis they are guilty of a wrong. There are some advertised remedies fully worth all that is asked for them, and one at least we know of—Hop Bit ters. The writer has had occasion to use the Bitters mmend to our fellow countrymen their manner of dealing with the habit, which, whether harm less or not to adults, Is unques tionably of great injury to young boys. IT is impossib.e for a woman to suffer from weasuess alter takiug Lydia E. Pinkhuui's Vegetable Compound. The material of some of those remark able structures called vitrified forts found in France and other countries of Europe has been examined by M. Daubree. He does not think that the same plan of making th*>ui was invari bly pursued, but he is inclined to be lieve that the lire was applied within the walls so as to secure a natural draught, which may also have been assisted by a current of forced air. To vitrify walls so thick as tho-e of these forts the heat must have been Intense* Asphalte k is considered by M, Leon Male, as chalk strongly Jmperguated with bitumen. It WHS first applied in roadmaking in 1849 by M. Merian, a •Swiss engineer. In 1854 it was first tried in Paris in the Hue Bergure. . THE Chinese must go, and all Ameri cans should go—and buy a bottle of Carboline, the deodorized petroleum ha-r renewer and dresser. Since the recent improvement, no preparation ever had sucb a sale or gave such gen eral satisfaction as Carboline. Sold by all druggißts. The subsoil of Paris contdns abund ance of sulphur, now in course of for mation, a* was recently proved in making excavations in the Place de la Kepublique, M. .-ays that this tiHiive sulphur has nothing to do with the escape of gas from the mains, but that its origin is due to the simultane ous pr. sence of various kiuds of or ganic subs.auces and of gypsuui in the soil. Another Candidate. By a majority the people of the United states bave declared their faith in Kidney-Wort as a remedy for all the diseases of the kidneys aud liver, some, however, have disliked the troub e of preparing it from the dry foim. For such a new candidale appears in the shape of Kidney- Wort in Liquid Form, It is very concentrated, is easily taken and Is equally rffic.ent as the dry. Try it.—Louis ville Post. As ozone whcD about to condense has a biue tint, M Chap puis thinks that the azure of the sky may be due to ozone in the uppe- air. Mr. Wrightson and Professor Chand ler Roberts have determined the den sity of fluid bismuth to be 10,055. No Proportion E N earth equal* BT. JACOBS OIL a* a SArt. scan, imri i and CHEAT External Remedy. A trial entail* hat the comparatively trifling outlay of SO Cant*, and ever/ on* coffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of it* claim* DIHUTIUKM II KLEVIS LAROCAOES. SOLD IT All OIUOOISTS AND BEAIIIS IN MEOICWi. A. VOQELER A CO. Jialtitnore, Md., V. 8. A. losffifiifc ■hooting: Chills down the Back, Dull p tin in the limbs, nausea, biliousness, art symptoms of approaching fever and ague. Use without delay Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which substitutes for the chilly sensation a go nial warmth, regulates the stomach, and im parts tone to the fiver. The bowels, the stomach and the biliary gland being restored to a health j condition, the disease is conqw red at the out set. For sale by all Druggists aAd Dealers gen erally. THE GREAT CURE t en— FOB, ; RHEUMATISM " >' As It ia for aU diseases of the KIDNEYS, \ LIVER AND BOWELS. < It elesnaes the system of the acrid poison > that oauaea the dreadful Buffering: which * >' only the viotima of Rheumatism can realms. , THOUSANDS OF CASES ; of the wo rat forma of this terrible tHaosaa < f have been quickly relieved, in a abort time * < PERFECTLY CURED. ► hashed wonderful eueeeoe,and an immense ► { aale in every part of the Country. In hun- ' > dreda of oases it has cured where all else had '< ,< foiled. Itis mild, but efficient, CERTAIN > , IN ITS ACTION, but harmless in all oasea. 1 * tyltelcaaees, Strengthens and gives New \ ? Life to all the important organs of the body. > < The natural action of the Kidneys is restored. ( * The Liver is cleansed of all disease, and the < f Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this > < way the worst diseases ere eradicated from * the ay stem. • t Aa it has been proved by thousands that >, < is the most effectual remedy for cleansing the >, system of all morbid secretions. It ahouJd be < used in every household as a . ' SPRING MEDICINE. \ Always cures BILIOUSNESS, i ON3TIPA- ' , TION, PILES and all FEMALE Diseases. \ * la put up In Dry Vegetable Form, in tin cans, ► one package of which makes Cquart* medicine. , Also in Liquid Form, very Concentrated for , ' the convenience of those who cannot readily pro- > \ pare it. It act* with equal efficiency i* eitherform. < > GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE. NI.OO \ ' WELLS, HICIIAItDSON A Co.. Prop's, ► (Will send the dry post-paid.> The ll'urfft and Best Medicine ever Made. Acoln>bination of Hops, Buchu, Mars drakle and Dandol lon, with ail tne best and most c*ura tive properties of all other Bitters, makes\the greatest BlOOd Purifier, Liver ROK u l\a tor, ond Life and Health Restoring Agent earth. No disease an possibly long exist where Hop Bitters are varied and perfect are their o))ratioiia.gigE Thy give uvlil't aadvigortotbaageiasd laflra. To all whose em m Pl°J" n!,alsraueie Irregulari ty of the bo wilpor%uiinary organs, or who re quire an Tonic and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are inval\" ab:c > without intox icating. HA No matter what your fewdings or symptoms are what the disease or ailmmeat 1® use Hop Bit ters. Dont wait until you l re sick but if you only feel bad or miserable,E use them at once- It may save your has® 3 a v e d hundreds. SBOG will be paid for a caE BB they will not cure or help. Do not suffer ■ Ol let your friends suffer, but use and urge them%^ t0 uso Hop B Remember, Hop Bitters is drugged drunken nostrum, but the n d Best Medicine ever mad e ; the FBIBID and HOPS" and no person or mg| should be. without them. D. I, an absolute and Irresistible curel J9 forDninkenncss,use of opium, tobacco narcotics. All sold by drugr-ists. Send MZ for Circular. Hop Bitter* Hfg. Co., M Kjfl Reliable, Durable and Economical, will fur. nUh a home power with H leas fuel and water than any other Engine built, not fitted with an Automatic Cut-off. Send for Illustrated OaUdogue " 3 " Jot Information and Prices. B. W. PAYNE A SONS, Box 800. N. Y, VTOUNGM KN Learn lelegrapnyt Earn |4 to I #IOO a month. Gradua'ss guaranteed p.viug offices. Address VALENTINE BROS., Janosviil*. Wisconsin. II MPLOYM£NT-!r£S "AS." izvSe h swsi^ifesuvFK m mm dk Co. >0 Uesrge at. ciaela—lL O. ELGIN WATCHES 1 > 31 AU sty KB, Gold, Sliver and Nickel, #6 to #IBO. dhains. etc. .sent 0. O. D. to be examined. Write for Catalogue to f, TA^ABD AMERICAN w ATOfi CO., Pittsburgh, Pa THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, GOUT, SORENESS or THM CHEST, SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS AMD SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET AND EARS, Buzura AMD SGAXa, General BodUy Pains, TOOTH, EAR AMD HEADACHE, AMD ILL OTHER PUIS AMD ACHEB.