j|iUhcim Journal THURSDAY, JUNE 2., 'Bl. DEININSER & BOULLER, Editors and Proprietors. Local Department. —Rev. C. F. Deininger, of New Berlin, paid Millheim a short visit List week. 75 colored men have arrived at the Pennsylvania Fur nance, Centre coun ty, to work on tie extension of the Lewisburg & Tyrone railroad. —Rev. E. D. Keen, of Snyder county, was here last week on a visit to parents, relatives and friends. Man looks like a preacher, every inch of him—that's what he docs. —Dr. John F. Ilarter, Dentist, has removed his otlice to the second lloor of Tomlinson's grocery, where he will be happy to receive his personal and "professional friends. tf —Last week we announced a sound orthodox candidate, Mr. Bible. IIOJH) he will shape all his actions according to the precepts of the good old book, if* he succeeds to be nominated and elected. —We are soon to have the promised two cent postal card. The one cent will carry the card t<> the person ad dressed and the *oth£r will bring it back to you with the other fellow's answer on the same card. Going to be handy. t —lf you want an extra fine article in the line of tooth powder—and every body should use such an article —Dr. John F. Ilarter is the man to supply you. We have tried it and know wherof we speak. tf —Health, the poor man's riches, and the rich man's bliss is maintained by the judicious use of Ayer's Sarsaparil la Which strengthens and invigorates the system by purifying the blood. It is so highly concentrated that it is the most economical medicine for this purpose that can be used. —The cheapest qtieensware we ever saw in our life can now be found at Kerstetter's Model Grocery, Lewis- i burg. Our readers who chance to go to Lewisburg will find it to their advantage to call at Kerstetter's for big bargains. —The Clinton Democrat , one of the oldest and decidedly one of the best Democratic papers in the state, is out in an entirely new dress. That vet eran journalist and Democrat, Hon. 11. L. Deiffenbach, is the present editor. We congratulate our neighbor on his prosperous career. —THE EXCELSIOR DYE WORKS at Lewis Durg turu3 out first class work. Shawls, dresses and men's garments will be colored and pressed in hest style. Mr. Jacob Wolf is agent for Centre county. Goods left at the Journal office will be attended to. Sat isfaction guaranteed. tf —ln looking over the "Announce ments of Candidates" our readers will 'find a number of new names. For want of space we can not possibly give each one a personal notice, and so we will lump the matter by saying that they are a good clever set of men, all fully qualified for the several of fices. Auy correspondence in favor of any particular candidate, written with due regard to the rights of others, if not too lengthy, will find admission into our columns. Decoration Day at Georges Valley and Spring Mills. With a number of our fellow-towns men and ladies we attended decoration ceremonies at Spring Mills and George's Valley on Monday. It was the first tiir>.9, we were told, that the sad but beautiful custom of strewing the graves of the patriot dead with flowers was observed at either place, in a public manner. The orders and societies that participated were the Spring Mills Veteran Club, the Drum Corps, Farmers' Mills Cornet Band, Millheim Lodge No. 955, I. O. O. F., accompanied by the Rebecca members, and the Sunday Schools. A vast num ber of people were present at both places. Everything was done in a manner and spirit becoming the oc casion. The singing, the music, the decorating of the graves, were all per formed with due feelings of the solem nity af the day. Rev. J. Benson Akers delivered a short but very im pressive address at George's Valley. It was above the average plane that such speeches generally take; and what is especially commendable—entirely free from anything like partisan tinge. We will allude to but the one prom inent thought of the Rev. gentleman's | speech, namely: That while it is fit ting to foster and cherish the sad me mories of the past, we must not for get our duties to the present and future. That we must establish our continued prosperity as a people ahd a nation in the christian education and training of the young. Grand, noble truth! At Spring Mills no address was made, owing to the threatening ap proach of a rain storm, Prof. D. M. Wolf and Rev. John Tomlinson were present, either or both of whom, it had been expected, would speak to the vast concourse of people assembled. —ln the line of the smaller articles that enter into the make Jip of man's attire, Lewin has the largest, best cheapest, assortment of hats, caps, collars, ties, suspenders, hosiery, &c, ever brought to Centre county. Don't fail to call and see for yourself when ever you go to Bellefonte. —Wo never saw grand, historic old Buffalo Valley appear to better advan tage than she does just at this time. A trip to Lewisourg is worth all it costs. It takes you oner ono of earth's most beautiful'spots. Grain and grass promise good crops. —Mrs. Sallie Alexander's Millinery Store on Main Street, is at all times crowded with customers. Elegant work and reasonable prices is what makes the business there. Don't fail to call en her tiik soe her splendid stock of goods. —We have received from the author, ltev. W. 11. Gotwald, a well written and full account of the great Milton tire, a year ago. It is published in pamphlet form and contains also the action of the Masters in Chancery in the distribution of the relief fund and is altogether a record 6£ historical value. —lt don't make the least bit of dif ference how many candidates come out for the different county oftices, Lewin, of the Philadelphia Branch Cloihing Store, Bellefonte, is entirely prepared to suit them all with clothing suitable for warm weather and a hot campaign. All-caudidates should avail themselves of tlie bargains Lewin offers on cam paign suits. 2t —You can get the best and cheapest tin ware at D. I. BROWN'S shop on Main Street. He kee.s all Hie novel ties in his line, among them tin finest lot of spi toon s, co ffeepots, salveboxes of all sizes, and mmy other nice and useful articles too numerous to men tion. Go and see for yourself. —llarter, Lose & Co., our enter prising undertakers, are laying in a fine stock of shrouds of every de scription and price. This is certainly an important addition to their well stocked establishment, and does away with an unpleasant and tedious job in case of a death. Th e shrouds are got ten up in a neat and rich maimer and the prices are such as to enable eveu poor people to get them whenever the sad necessity occurs. —o7*3 of the best conducted hotels In Central Pennsylvania is the Irvin House, Lock Haven Pa. Both the gentlemanly proprietor, Hon. Woods Caldwell, and the obliging clerk, Mr. G. M. liohe, know exactly how to take care of a fellow and make him feel en tirely at home. The Irvin House has a large run of custcca and deserves it j all. —lt is the duty of our borough au thorities to keep better order on Tour streets. Fights occur almost nightly among men and bovs and there is no constable or police to prevent it. Curs ing and the most indecent language is hourly heard and an • utter disregard of law and order is manifested by the coming generation. If left to a vote, the people would demand police by a tremendous majority. Why don't our authorities not?—Lewisburg Jour nil. Yes, why don't they. It is surpris ing that a staid, steady towu like Lewisburg, with its line large church es, good schools add college, the prov erbial high moral tone of her citizens, should long suffer such a state of af fairs. It is really unaccountable, un less the real reason is that the 1 suostan tial citizens shirk responsibility—and this may truthfully bo said of -many other towns than Lewisburg. —Rev. S. G. Shannon, Financial Agent of the Missionary Institute, at Selins grove, Pa., gave us a call last week and left us the current catalogue of that institution. It has a preparatory, a classical, and a theological depart ment. Dr. Henry Zeiglcr, well and widely known as an able theologian and successful teacher, Is the Superin tendent arid Professor of Theology. Since 1858, when the institution was opened, ninety-eight ministers have graduated fioin it, only four of whom have since died, the others being near ly all engaged in active service for the church. These figures speak well for the character of the Missionary In stitute and its corps of able professors. Hope It may continue to flourish and do much good for the church and the world. NEWS FROM BRUSH. A CORRECTION. In my last, when refering to Rev. Wieand's term of vacation, the article was made to read May Ist. It should have been July Ist. Be careful. [Yes, we are trying to be, but are unable in this instance to locate the fault. Ed.] Decoration Day was observed here on quite an extensive scale. A dele gation of upwards of 300 men, women and children, headed by the Brush Valley Cornet Band, went to Madison- ! burg, where appropriate services took place. Speeches were made by Revs. W. H. Stover and S. G. Shannon. The delegation returned to Rebersburg between 4 and 5 o'clock, amid a heavy rain and hail storm. Of course many came home "wet to the skin," but this unpleasant occurrence did not seem to dampen the patriotism of the people, and the fallen heroes buried in the Rebersburg cemeteries were not forgotten. Speeches were here, made by Revs. Shannon and Wieacd, as well as by Squire Haines and the Marshall, Mr. Spangler. . . Taken all in all jthe occasion was a pleasant one. Quis? News Misccllnny. Arrested for Gambling in Lives. READING, Pa., May tion was to-day lodged before Alder man Brown well, of this city, against Dr. L. C. B. \orgey, of Pottstown, and Albert BeHaven, ot Monocacy, charging them with fraudulent con spiracy in procuring policies of insur ance in the State Capital Mutual Be lief Association, of Ilarrisburg, in the sum of 5,000, upon the life of Daniel Gehris, of this place, who died one week age. Infoimation was also lodged against the samo parties for false pretence. The warrants were placed in the hands of Constable Loah, who proceeded tc Monocacy and Potta tow.n and effected the arrest of Yorgey and l)ellaven. The evidence is to the effect that Daniel Gehris, upon whose life the Jinsuranee was effected, died a few hours after the medical examina tion was made. The doctor advised the dying man's attendants to give him milk and brandy in order to keep life together until the application codkl reach the company and a policy be is sued. The policy was received on the day after Gehris' death. Speculative Insurance Notes. The Ilarrisburg Independant says that the speculative insurance men took an old eolcred man named Haeh et, living at Marysville, Dauphin coun ty, in hand while he was 011 his death bed. The old man fell back dead while trying 10 sign the papers. Some men standing very nigh in Dauphin county are said to be implicated, and the case will be investigated. The Reading Eayh says that the speculative insurance men bad $15,000 011 the life of Samuel "Beard, who died at the Berks county Almshouse on Thursday. Mrs. Dunkelberger, an aged lady of Liverpool, Perry county, has purchased a property Jor SIOO, the amount she received for allowing SIOO,OOO to be placed on her life by the speculative in surance men. Five Hundred Skirl Is Un earthed. TORONTO, May 23. —A farmer living in Markham township, twenty miles from Toronto, has discovered a pit on his farm containing 500 skulls aud live times as many leg aud arm bones. I>r. Wilson, of the University, is of the opinion that it is an Indian ossuary and that the remains have been under ground 200 yeais. We learn that an effort is being made to have Mr. J- F. Bealo reinstated in the mail route business. This looks to ns as no more than just. Mr. Beale was a fitting iman for the place, and seems to have Iwen removed in an un derhanded way that the post ollice de partment should be tlw l;ust to en courage. — Lctcisbury Journal. Arguments in live murder cases will be heard by the Supreme Court during the first week in June—three from Snyder county, one from Clearfield county and one from Philadelphia. An Answer to the Czir's Man ifesto. LONDON, May 23.—The Russian rev olutionists have answered the Czar's manifesto by a second utterance, dwelling on the wretchedness of the peasants, the deportations tc Siberia, the gagging of.free speech and public journals and declaring that false coun selors are in possession of the Czar's ear. The document concludes as fol lows: "Let your Majesty assemble your people around you and listen to their wishes in an unprejudiced spirit, and then neither your Majesty nor the State will have any reason to appre hend further catastrophe." Stock to the amount ol SIO,OOO has been sold for a mining company at Lebanon, Pa., on the strength of a man's dream that there was gold at a certain point and a clairvoyant's as surance that the dream was trust worthy. The oldest postmaster in the Union is Edward Stabler of Sandy Spring, Montgomery county, Md. lie has held that office fifty-one years, and has been under eighteen Postmastei-Gen erals. He is 87 years pld, and still lives in the house in which he was born. Bj Universal Accord. AYEK'S CATHARTIC FILLS are the best of all purgatives for family use. They are the pro duct of long, laborious, and successful chemi cal investigation, and their extensive use. by physicians iu their practice, and by all civilize ed nations, proves them the best and most ef fectual purgat ve Fill that medical science can devise. Being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other Fills can he compared with them, and every person, know ing their virtues, will employ them, when neo dea. They keep the system in perfect order and maintain in healthy action the whole ma chinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are especially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and weakened constitutions, ' where a mild but effectual cathartic is requir ed. FOR S'ALE BY >LL DEALERS MARRIES. On the 31st ult., Jacob M. Neidlgh of Ilaines | township, Centre Co., Fa., to Miss Catharine llishel of Gregg township, Centre Co., Fa. DIED. On the 31st ult., at Aaronsburg, Maria Emma, daughter of Dr. E. J. & Maria J. Desh ler, aged 22 years, 3 months and 8 days. Funeral to-morrow (Friday) at 10 o'clock. Burial in the Reformed Cemetery. Aaronsburg. the iriends of tho deceased are cordially in vited to atteud. Mfllhelin Market. Corrected every Wednesday by Uephnrt & Musaer. Wheat No 1-08 Wheat No. Corn 4} Hye I* ()ats White Oats, illaek BUCK wheat 80 Flour. fi 40 Bran A Short*, pet ton 18 00 Salt,per Brl l-'S Plaster, ground 10.00 Cement, per Bushel <5 t° 50 Barley M Tymothyseed 1-^° Flaxseed '23 Cloverseed 4.50 Butter tains 12 Bides 8 Veal Turk KPK" Potatoes 80 Urd Tallow Soap 5 Dried Apples Dried Peaches 10 Dried Cherries,, „ COAL MARKET. Egg Coal FV.V) stove " 6.75 Chestnut " 5.30 Pea ' 4.00 D H. MINGLE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Main Street, Millhrim, Pa J)R. JOHN F. HARTER, PIT ACTIC AL DENTIST, Ofllce on 2nd story of TomlinsotTs Grocery Store, on Maiu Street, MILLHEIM, * FA. G F. KISTER, FASniONAHLE POOT & SHOEMAKER, MILLHEIM, PA. Shop next door to Foote'sstore, Main St. BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS made to order, and satisfactory work r guaranteed. Repairing done prompt ly and cheaply, and in a neat style. J C. SPRINGER, J FASHIONABLE BARBER, Next door to Journal Store, MILLHEIM, PA. JGROCKERHOFF HOUSE, (Opposite Court House.) I 11. BROCK KRHOKF, WM. XcKSKVEB, Proprietor. . Manager, j Good sample rooms on first floor. Free Bus to and from all trnius. Special rates to Jurors and Witnesses, j STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. TRVIN HOUSE, J- (itest Central Hold in the City,) COR. MAIN AND JAY ST., Lock Haven, Pa., S.WOODSCAL WE LL, PROPRIETOR God Simp'? Rooms for Commercial Traveler on flrst door. ■™ JUST RECEIVED AND UNPACKED lUTS HITS My New Spring Stock of HATS HATS MILLINERY GOODS, HATS Which Embraces all the new styles and colors, Including the very fashionable HATS LEGHORN, FRENCH CHIP, AMERICAN CHIP, STRAW, PORCUPINE, TUSCAN H BRAID, Ac., which I have in great variety, at my store IIATS A PENN SRTEET, MILLHEIM, PA. UATS BATS j su i£ p Urses AS j sc ii both cheap and costly goods. Trimmed Ilats and Bonnets, Untrimmed Goods; Silk Trimmings, HATS Artificial Flowers, and everything desirable in my line. Your trade re- HATS HATS opcctfully solicited. MRS. ANNA-M. WEAVER. HATS The Model Grocery. | 8. V. KERSTETTER, proprietor.. MARKET STREET, LEWISBURG, FA. Dealer in first class Groceries of all kinds, Flour and Feed, Wood and Willow Waie. \ ■ • Quecnswarc a Speciality. I sell a Wlnte Granite Tea Sett , 46 pieces, for £ 300. All ether Queens ware in proportion. received the finest lot of China Ware ever brought to this place. If you come to Lewisburg don't fail to give me a call and get the best bargains you oyer had. rax: isxirn IL# agaamßßSsnma PtJ| BBronaoag L' Dry Goods nouse of Lock Haven for SPRING | SUMMER OIF —— - - - -—• • - ■ . y Never since the establishment of thU great Dry Goods House haw. we done such an extensive business as we have done inis spring. We will in a few days open our fourth immense stock for the Spring and Summer of j SSI. The people of Lock Haven, Clinton and Centre counties are showing their great appreciation of the wonderful bargains we are offer ing in our entire stock. First class goods, only honest dealing, no misre presentations and low prices always loin. This is the motto on which we have built up our enormous t>ade and will here say that wc fully appreci ate the liberal patronage oj the Peoph in sustaining a first class Dry Goods Store in Lock I lav en, which it has been our humble effort for some years to establish. Our Dress Goods DEPARTMENT is cspcci tlhj attractive and excels any effort ice ever made in Fineness of Stock, ltich ness of Patterns and in its great variety. | r00 YARDS BEAUTIFUL iSUMMER SILKS! ! at 40, 45 and 50 cts }>er yard. Beautiful Pluck Dress Silks at 75 els ei yard. Heavy Gros drain at 1.25 tearranteiVnot to crack or wear glosscy. Beautiful Bro cades in Black and all Odors. All colors of Satins and Dress Silks. IDOO yards Best Lawns in Bcmnants from 3 to 15 yds. 9 cts, worth 15 cts. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Black and Colored Cashmeres ever shown in Lock Jlavcn at astonishingly low prices, and all the new Styles of D'-ess Goods to he found in any city store. 50 ) yards of the best Pantinejs for Men and Boys'* wear, ever shown in this city. 10000 yds Bleached and Brown Muslins to be sold at wholesale prices. GOOO yds. Inst Calico warranted fast colors ed cts. Great bur gains in Table Line ■, Tickings and Bowlings, Ac. 2"0 parasols 'lb per cent Its* than usual price. 1000 Pairs Ladies Lisle Thread and Kid Gloves at prices that will astonish any one who is a judge of their value. An immense stock of Stockings, Laces, tiibbons, <£:. CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. Never was there shown in Lock Haven such a stock of Body Brussels Tapestry Brusscl, 3 ply and Ingrain Carpet, as we show this season and our trade is really imvicnsc on them. Beautiful Carpets from 20 cts, a yard upwards. Come, See and fee Convinced that the Bee Hive Store offers decided advantage over every store in Central Pennsylvania in every thing in the dry goods line. Everybody welcome to the BEE HIVE, 65 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAYEK, PA. J. J. EVERETT, Proprietor. WANTED: 10000 good tub washed wool for cash cr exchange for Ikcse great bargains. JOHN S. FISHER, Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS. RELBERSBURG, PENNA. Every wagon built of ftrst-rliiss stock and by expert mechanics. All work warranted. Re pairing promptly attended to. The public pa tronage is respectfully solicited. 3R—ly P. GKPHAUT. D. A. MISSBB GEPHART A MUSSER DE.VI.EHS IN Clover Flour. & Feed. Coat, Planter ; & Salt MILLHEIM PA., Highest market price paid fcr all kinds of CKR-A-IlsT Delivered either at the BRICK MILL or at the old MUSSER MILL, in MILLHEIM. COAL, PLASTER & SALT Always on hand and sold at prices that defy competition. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. 39-Iy GILMORE & CO., LAW & COLLECTION HIUSE, I 629 F Street, Washing on, D. C. Make Collections, Negotiate Loans and at tend to all business confided to them. LAND | SCRIP, Soldier's Additional Homestead Right ' and LAND WARRANTS bought and sold. EXCELSIOR STEAM DYE WORMS LEWI3BURG, PA. W. Davis, Proprietor. All kinds of.Sllks, Mlxed"Cotton and Wool Gooos dy*d and finished in|'lhe nest style ! Gents' ( oats. Vests an t rants dyed or cleansed without rip ping * Ladles* Cloaks- Capes, and Dresses cleansed or dyed to any fancy pattern where the original color Is favorable. All kind of Shawls cleansed or dyed and flnlshed in the neatest manner. My Factory li:w all ilie machinery and facili ties of a tii-st class establishment of its Kind. Mv experience in the business extends over many jears. both in this country aud In Europe, ami am therefore enabled to do strictly Hrst class work at inoderade prices. THE JOURNAL STORE, Millhelni, Pa l has accepted an agency from me. All goods brought there for dying will be returned free of extra charge. ! hTHE BOOT & SHOE MAN LJ LOCK HAVEN. pj ESjQ I liave a very large stock of BOOTS, SHOES, ra jo Slippers & laflies WALKING SnOES. just opened up for Spring and SEW jfigg Summer wear. My stock is as cheap as it was a year jraSfcr ago, because I bought it *sO m tor cash before the ad- vance, lam tlie only shoe dealer in I ock ■ Hoveh that buys for cash & pays ■ norentwher|- tide forthesame money than any ■■■ Give nie a call and |J[ you will te convinced BP that your place to buy is V Champion Windmill Powerl PERFECTLY SELF-MDLATIHB! The Cheapest and most Eftectlve power m the worjd iuK^houses ifouiltalmi wfth pure, f _ warranted, and are equal to any mill in the market In all jf.Jft ! respects, and superior In ~ JrvfWl very many. With our print- ISLImA ;ed instructlons.any one can lofln i set them up. We are also /£D aIA Manufacturers of the Origin- /h/Ivl al and only Genuine bore.Shatswell'sM Fatent Door and wi Vy^' : Window Screen, trade generally V , throughout the 9 " country. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. | Light Castings Made to Order. POWELL & DOUGLAS, Waukeg&n, Dl ikOMESTIA A ■ 1^ STANDSatJgOEA^ 9 g IB s I A Child ran Ron it. ffil m* B Bso SIMPLE! It St quires Ke Care. m lso STRONG! - It Never Wears Out. MOMESTiV LASIBS I Fashipns Thsy srs especially designed to meet the requirements of those who desira to dress well. They ere unsurpassed perfect in Fit, end >o simple that they ere readily underatoodby the most inexperienced. Send So. for eat* elogue. Address, Domestic 'L Fashion Co, i NEW YORK. I '- - IMPROTED v. dHCfBOSS SICKLE GRINDER. Simple, Light and Strong. /SVH No eompHoeted Gearing. One /IS a man can do the work of two. and Zf| f\ turn out a better job. The winner m \ of First Premium wherever exbl* If .. rf Jaß?wbitd. Bcnd for lllustratcdCircular § I #< and Special Discounts to * Ip Powell A Douglas, Wsakegaa, ILL THE ONLYt PERFECT* SEWING. MACHINE, < THE LIGHT-BUNHISG ' - . NEW HOME Rapidly superceding alt others wherever introduced. Pronounced by an army of ha|py purchasers to be the BEST. The NEW HOMK Is positively ,The Simplest, Easiest Running, Most Reliable, and Most Durable Sewing Machine; ever invented. : It It operates Quiekty; Quietly, and without fatigue to the operator. Full Information, Descriptive Cat alogues, Ac., free on application. JOHNSON, r CITAES CO. 30 Union Square, N.Y. # "* * And Orange, Mass. e Hills Archiiedeaa Lawn Mower Co. Of Hartford, Conn., MANUFACTURERS OF THE \E\Y ARCHIMEDEAN andCH ARTER OAK Lawn Movers, These Mowers have become celebrated throughout the World, where lawns are cultiva ted, as being the most perfect and desirable Mowers ever made. They stand at the head of the list of Lawn Mowers in the U.S. and Europe. They contain all the improve ments that experience in their manufacture can suggest; are beautifully finished, thorough ly made and do splendid work on every variety of lawn. > Hand Mower Sizes, from Bto 18 inches. Pony and Horse Sizes, 24,28 and 32 inches. Send for Circulars. SOLD BY 01R AGENTS EVERYWHERE. 21-Sm THIS PAPERS" Newspaper Advertising Bureau