YOL. LY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS OF BELLEFONTE. C. T. Alexauder. C. M. Bower. A BOWER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. Offlca In Carman's new building. JOHN B. LINN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Allegheny Street. QLEMENT DALE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, FA. Northwest corner ot Diamond. YOCUM A HASTINGS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA High Street, opposite First National Bank, w M. C. HEINLE, ATTORNEY AT LA W• BELLEFONTE, PA Practices in all the courts of Centra County. Spec.al attention to collections. Consultations in German or English. F. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA All bus'ness promptly attended to. Colleotlon of claims a speciality. J. A. Bearer. J W. Gepbart. JgEAVER A GEPHART, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA omce on Alleghany Street, North of High. A * MORRISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA Office on Woodrlng's Block, Opposite Court House. S. KELLER, ATTORNEY AT LA W. BELLEFONTE, PA Consultations in English or German. OCloe in Lyon' , Building, Alleghany Street, JOHN G. LOYE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BSLLEFO3TK, PA. Office in the rooms formerly occupied by the late w. p. Wilson. The whisper ot a beautiful woman san be heard further than the loudest yell of duty, There is very little use in making to day cloudy because to morrow is like ly to be stormy. In memory's mellowed light we be hold not the thorns: we see only the beautiful flowers. A man that keeps riches and enjoys them not, is like an ass that carries gold and eats thistles. The sublimity of wisdom is to do these things living which are desired to be when dying. It is no vanity for a man to pride himself on what he has honestly got and prudently uses. Let him who regrets the loss of time make proper use of that which is to ocme in the future. Ideas generate ideas; like a potato, which, cut in pieces, reproduces itsell In a multiplied form. When a man speaks the truth you may count pretty surely that he posses ses most other virtues. Pleasure, like quicksilver, is bright and shy. If we strive to grasp it it still eludes us and still glitters, That best portion of a good man's life —his little, nameless, unremem bered ante of kindness and of love. If you won't listen to reason when you are young you will get your knuckles rapped when you are old. In the quiet of the early morning we should laden our hearts with kindness and good will, for use during the day To endeavor to work upon the vul gar with flne sense is like attempting to hew blocks of marble with a raaor. Do that which is right. The respect of mankind will follow; or, if it do not, you will be able to do without it. "The book to read," says Dr. Mc Cosh, "is not the one which thiuks for you, but the one \vhich makes you think." Most historians lake pleasure is put ting in the mouths of princes what ttieyhave neither said nor ought to have said. If you would be known and not know, vegetate in a village; if you would know and not be known, live in a oi ty. Heaven's gates are wide enough to admit every sinner in the universe who is penitent, but too narrow to ad mit a single sin. A physician uses various methods for the recovery of sicn persons; and though all of them are disagreeable,his patients are never angry. No man, for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and an other to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true. It is true in matter ot estate, as of our garments, not that which is larg est, hut that which fits us best, is best for us. Be content with such things as ye have* the plilllicim IvncKitl FATE. ' "The sky is o!dueled, the rooks are bsre ; The .pray of tie tempest is wh te in ar ; The winds are ut with the >-ea *t piny. And I shall uot tompt tho t*ea to-day. The trail is narrow, the woods aro diui, The panther clings to the arching limb. And the lion's whelps arc abroad at play, And I si all uot joiu in the chase to-day. But tho ship eailod safely over the sea. And tbe hunters came from the oha-e in glee Aud the towu that was budded upon a rook Was swallowed up in the eart quake shook. Trapped by an llelress. A cosier place than the big titling-room at Hillcrest would have been hard to find, if one had traveled from lauhl's End to John O'Groat's; and this eventful evening, when the destines of two worthy people were about taking definite form—two peo ple who had never seen each other, and who had heard of each other so ofteu that both were curiously eager to meet —on this important eveuiug ike sitting-room at Hill crest had never looked pleasanter or co sier. A huge fire of loirs glowed like molten carbuncles in the opeu fireplace; on the table in the centre of the floor, whose cover matched the glowing crimson of the carpet, was a silver stand that held a dozen snowy wax tapers whose beaming light contrasted exquisitely with the ruddy glow of Uie lire. Beside the table, in a big cushioned chair, with his feet thrust toward the genial w&i mth on the hearth, his grey dressing gown sitting comfortably on his portly torm, his gold-i iuimed glasses on his nose, sat the owner and master of Hillcrest, Mr. Abiah Cressington, rich, good-natured, aud fond of his own way. Opposite him was the m'stress of the place-little, slirew-faced merry Aunt Cornelia, his sister, who, since her widowhood, has come to Hillcrest to make her bachelor brother's home as pleasant as she could. That she had succeeded was evident by the way now in which lis looked up from a letter he had beeu reading—the confiden tial, kiudly way in which he did it. "Walter writes a curious letterm response to my invitation to come and spend a few weeks at Hillcrest as soou as he gets over his fatigue from his ocean voyage home, after his five years' tour abroad. I'll read it to you " He leaned over the softly-glowing light, and began the short, concise reply that Walter Austin had written from his cham ber in the Temple: "You are very kind, indeed, Uncle Abiah. to ask me down to Hillcrest for as long as I wish to stay, aud 1 can assure you that I have been so long a wanderer that the idea of a home is very pleasant to me. But when 1 take into consideration the peculiar importance you propose at taching to my visit, I am unwilling to ac cept the invitation. To me the idea of having my fancies and inclinations put into harness, and to feel that I am on con tinual duty to win my way into the good graces of my second cousin, Mabel, whom you arc good euougk to wish me to marry— Mrs. Cornelia interrupted sharply— "Abiah, you never went and told our grand-nephew that you had in view his marriage wiih Mabel?" Her tone was energetic, almost repre hensive. "Why not? 1 certainly did. I told him in my letter that it was a chance for him he'd never get again, and that he needn't feel under such terrible obligations to take a fancy to Phil's little Mabel, but to come down and be cousinly, and if any thing should happen, it'd be right ail around, Mrs. Cornelia knitted vigorously, her lavender cap ribbons quivering in the mel low taper glow. "All I have to say is, you re—a foal, Abiah! Walter is right. A young man doesn't like to have his fancies under rein and whip, and the very fact that we want him to marry will make him indisposed to do it. You've made a great mistake in the beginning." Mr Creesington looked aghast at his sis ter's determined face. "Why, 1 really didn't suppose—" "Of course you didn't. It's only your natural stupidity, you dear oid fellow! Men are all alike. Don't I know them like a book? And you've ruined your hopes for Mabel and Walter at the very outset." Mr. Cressington started discomlittdly. "1 am sure I mean it all right enough, Cornelia. • 1 certainly wanted Walter to know what a little darling our Mabel is, and what a uice little wile she would make for any man." "Yery commendable, indeed; only, if you had consulted me upon the letter you send I should have advised you to say noth mg about Mabel or her charms, or her ex pectations. I should have simply asked him to come and see us, aud have left the rest to Mabel's blue eyes. You see now, Abiah?" His lips compressed slowly. "I iliink I see. And my nopes in that direction are all ruined." The si'.ver needies clicked rapidly, and the snew-white yarn came reeling merrily, off the ball under her arm. "Not at all. Leave that to me, and I'll see what can be done. '1 rust a woman's wit to get even a blundering o'd fellow like youiscif out of a scrape." biie smiled and uodded, and looked alto gether so mischievous that Mr. Cressing ton jecame quite excited over her little mystery. "Do explain, Cornelia." And when she explained he leaned back in nis chair, with an expression of positive awe and admiration on his face. "What a woman you are, Cornelia! I declare, it beats anything 1 ever heard in the whole course of my lifel" * * * * ♦ * * After dusk, a glorious winter day, with here and there a star twinkling in the pale gray sky, and the lights and fires in the Hillcrest sitting room making an eloquent welcome to Walter Austin, as he stood in the midst of the home circle, tall, gentle, manly, handsome aud self-possessed. Old Mr. Cressington was in his richest humor as he led forward two young girls. ' Come don't be shy now, Walter, this is vour cousin, Mabel Cressington, and this is her good friend and inseparable companion Irene Vance, come to help to entertain yon. My nephew, Mr, Walter Austin, girls. And this is Aunt Cornelia—you remember well enough, hey?" And so the preservation was merrily MILLIIEIM, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 2G, 1881. gotten over, and Waiter found hiinsrlf at home in the most pleasant family he had ever known. They were remarkably pretly girls, with deep blue eyes—although Miss Vance's were decidedly the deeper blue and more bewitching—aud lovely, ye' O-v-gold hair. Walter touud himself admiring the style of Miss Vance's coiffeur before he had kuown her an hour; and when he wcut up to his room that nighl he felt as if between the two, roguish Mabel and sweet little Irene, he would never come out heart whole. "For Mabel is a good little darling," thought he, "aud 1 will take Grcatuucle Abiah's advice aud fall in love wiili her, aud thereby secure a generous share of the Cressington estate. Egad! that's a happy thought! But the handsome young gentleman went to sleep and dreamed,- instead of Mabel's laughing eyes, of Irene's gentle, tender ones; ami awoke somewhere in the middle of the night, unable to get asleep again for thinking of her. Aud the alter days were not much better. Despite the golden value of Mabel, there was something about Irene Vance that made this headstrong fellow very foolishly indifferent to the art vice ho had sworn to follow "Because, by Jove! a fellow would have to be marie out of granite to resist the sweet shy ways of such a little darling as Irene! And I'll marry her if she'll have me, and the money and property may go to the — dogs. I've a head and a pair of hands,and blue-eyed Irene sball not suffer!" It was uot au hour later that he met her in the hal!, carrying great boughs of holly, with which to festoon, down the walnut staircase. "Give me your burden, Irene," said he. "Why did you not tell me you were goiug to gather it, and let me go with you? It is altogether too heavy a burdeu for your arms to bear." He managed to get the lovely sprays from her arms, but it required au immense amount of tardy effort on his part, and shy, sweet blushing on Iter's. "Answer me, Irene, Why didn't you let me go with you? Wouldn't you have liked it." He demanded her answer in the most captivating, lordly way, and she dropped her eyes in great confusion. 44 Y-e-s." "Then why were you so cruel to me!" "1 am not ctuel to anybody. Indeed I must go now." Walter placed hiinsclt squarely in the way, and was looking down at her rose tinted face. "No, you can't go yet. Irene, you are cruel, or you would never deprive one of the opportunity to enjoy the blessedness of your society." His voice lowered ten derly, and he dropped his head nearer her golden curls. "You know 1 think it cruel in you to be so distant, and shy, aud re served witn me—don't you, Irene?" e>he shrank away, her lovely form droop iug like a lily, her cheeks hanging out their signals of distress aud confusion. "Oh, please don't talk so to me. Indeed I must go! Mabel is waiting for the holly, and she—they won't like it if—" But she was a prisoner in his tight clasp. "If what? If they find you and me talking so confidentially together?" "No! 1 mean if 1 don't take the holly at once." Walter put his arm around her waist be fore she knew what he was doing. "Irene, look up. Y'ou shall not go un til yon let me see in your eyes if you love me as well as 1 love you! Irene, my dear little girl, 1 do love you very dearly!" rihe was silent for one second, and he saw the quiver of her rod lips. Then she raised her head slowly, shyly. "Y'ou love me? Oh, Walter, what will they all say? Don't you know it is Mabel you should say that to? lam nobody,and Mabel is an heiress." Walter had botli arms around her by this time, and was looking ardently in her glow ing face. "I know Mabel is an heiress, aud a nice little girl, and I also know you are a dar ling, my darling—and the only girl I ever asked to be my wife, or ever shall ask! Say >es, pet!" His tones were lew and tender, but tri umphant. "And you can deliberately give up so much for only just me?" Her wondrous eyes met his bravely now, and thrilled him with the iove light in them. "On'y juit you,my own darling! Why, you are more than all the world tc me. Come, we will go tell Uncle Abian at once. Just one kiss first —you must!'' And he had more than one or two;before ue led ner, blushing, with tears trembling on her lashes, like diamonds of a golden thread, to Uncle Abiali, who sat in his library with Mrs. Cornelia, industriously looking over a receipt book. They looked up in surprise as Walter marched in. Irene on his arm, a picture of confusion. "If you please, Uncle Abiah, I want 3 our blessing and cordial consent to receive this little girl for your niece. I love her, and she loves me." Uncle Abiah looked shrewdly over his glasses at Mrs. Cornelia. "Well, sister, what shall we say to this youth's demand?" A broad smile of perfect delight was on her merry face. "Say? Why, tell them yes, and wel come; aud let them know their Aunt Cor nelia isn't a tool if their Uncle Abiah is." V alter looked on astonished, and felt Irene's hand tremble on bis arm. "What is it, dear?" She smiled through her tears as she look* ed into his inquiring eyes. "Oh, Walter, I am afraid you will be angry. lam Mabel after all, aud —and —' "And you have made love to your cousin the heiress, in spite of yourself, my boy. So Hillcrest is a foregone fate, after all, eh?" "Don't scold, please Walter!'' Mabel pleaded, in a low yoice,with her blue eyes looking into his. "As if 1 could scold you, my love! Since I have you, what need I care?" And Mrs. Cornelia turned over the leaves of the receipt-book until she came to "wed ding cake," and avers that she made the match herself. Proud hearts and lofty mountains are always barren. We should do good to an enemy and mak him our friend. The heart ought to give charity, when the hand cannot. Pride that dines on vanity sups on contempt. The Squirrel a fluid Loaptr. One reason dtublless, why squirrels are so bold and reckless in leaping through the trees is that if ttey miss their bold the fall wilt not hurt .hem. B*ry species of tree-squirrel seeos to be capable of a sort of ludmientary ffying—at least of making itself iuto a pur chute, so as to ease or break a fall or u bap from a great height. The so-called flyng-squlrrel uoes this the moßt perfectly. It opens its furry vest ments, leaps into Jte air, and sails down the steep incline from the top of one tree to the foot of the ntxt as lightly as a bird. But other squirrel kuow the same trick, only their coat-skirti are uot so broad. One day my dog treed a red squirrel iu a tall hickory that stood in a meadow on the aide of a steep hill. To ste what the squirrel would do waen dosely pressed, 1 climbed the tree. As I drew near he took refuge iu the topmost branch, and then, as I come on, ho boldly leaped into the air, spread himself (Kit npou it, and, with a quick, tremulous notion of his tail and legs, descended quile slowly aud landed upon the ground ttnrty feet below me, apparently none the worse for the leap, for he ran with great speed and escaped the dog iu another tree. A recent Americas traveler in Mexico, gives a still more suiking instance of this power of squirrels partially to neutralize the fotce of gravity when leaping or falling through the air. Some boys had caught a Mexican black squirrel nearly as large as a cat. It had escaped from them once, aud, when pursued, had taken a leap of sixty feet from the top of a pine tree down upon the roof of a house without injury. This feat had led the grandnotlier of one ef the boys to declare that tbe squirrel was be witched, aud the boys prctooeed to put the matter to fuither test by throwing the squirrel down a precipice Six hundred feet high. Our traveler iuterfared, to see that the squirrel had fair play. The prisouer was conveyed in a pillowslip .to the edge of the cliff and the slip opened, so that he might have his choice whether to remain a captive or to take tho Uutp. He looked down the awful abyss and then back aud sidesvise— his eyes glistening, his form crouching. Seeing no escape in any other direction, "he took a flying leap into space and fluttered rather than fall into the abyss below, llis legs began to work like those of a swimming iioodle-dog, but quicker aud quicker, while his tail, slightly ele vated, spread out like a feather fan. A rabbit of the same weight would have made the trip in about twelve seconds, tbe squirrel protracted it for more than half a minute," and "landed one ledge of lime stone, where we could aeo him plainly squat on his hind legs and smooth his ruffled plumage, after wbtOh be made for the creek with a flourish of his tail, took a good drink and scampered away into the willow thicket." The story at first blush seems incredible, but 1 have do doubt our |*