AGRICULTURE. SELECTING SEED CORN.— The yield of corn is very great'y reduced in many fields every season by the poor quality ot seed that is planted. Seed that was immature, or which was in jured during or after the curing pro cess, was planted, and much of it fail ed to germinate. After waiting seve ral days for sprouts to appear above ground, the farmer ascertains that entire the seed has rotted, The length of the growing season in the Northern States is ordinarily re quired to produoe a good crop ot sound corn. If planting is delayed ten or twelve days alter the usual time, the prospect is that the crop will be in jured, if it is not entirely destroyed, by an early frost, If one is assured of a good crop from corn that is planted late, the trouble of cultivation is very greatly increased. When good seed is planteu on land freshly prepared it will come up quick ly, and deep in advance ot the weeds. Cultivation will, ot course, be neces earry,but it may with safety be delayed till the young corn is sufficiently high to mark the rows. If it is necessary to replant however, the weeds will be in possession of the soil, not only before the corn is up, butbelore it is planted. To haye a clear field under such cir cumstances will require almost con stant labor throughout the season. It is difficult to fight weeds that have ob tained the start of cultivated crops. In case part of the eorn germinated and part does not the situation is not much better. Considerable work is required to replant seed, and as it will not come up till after that first planted has made considerable growth, extra work will be required in cultivation during the entire season. Whatever be the character of the season,the coru will not mature at the same time, and the chances are that the portiou last planted will not ripen before early trusts occur. It Is the practice of some farmers to replant "missing hills" with seed of some early variety, so that the two kinds may ripen at about the same time. .Securing a uniform pericd oi ripening, however, dees not secure a uniform lot of corn. It will be a mixed lot which will rank low in the market. The first essential tc success in corn raising is good seed. If a farmer has a good variety of corn, and it has at tained a fair growth and become ma ture on the stalk, he can, by taking sufficient pains, secure reliable for planting. He should select only the best ears for this purpose. He can make a much better selection when the stalks are standing on the hill where they grow than after they are cut up and put in shock. All but two or thiee husks should be removed from each ear, when thoy should be braid ed together and hung in some airy place to dry. An equally good plan consists in tying the ears in pairs and haDgiDg them over a wire suspended in a chamber or some outbuilding, where they w ill he protected from the rain or snow. If a farmer nas not a first class va riety of corn or has not raised a good crop on acconnt of a bad season, defi cient cultivation or poor soil, he should procure his seed from some person who has secured a superior crop. It is generally better to procure a supply in the fall than in the spring, as the price villi be likely to be lower. No crop is more dependent on the quality 01 the seed than corn. In this case of small grains it is very difficult to se lect individual kernels to sow. Most persons object to hand picking beans and peas with a view of selecting choice specimens for planting. It is compa ratively easy, however, to select not oniy ears but the kernels of corn for planting, as the amount of seed re quired for an acre is comparatively small. . £ EGGS are limed by packing them in a liquid made as follows: A peck of fresh lime is slaked in sufficient water to make & thin paste. When thor oughly slaked, which will require twenty four hours, water is added to thin it so that it can be strained through a fine sieve into a clean bar rel, which is then filled with water, when the eggs, perfectly fresh, are laid carefully into kegs of barrels, and the stirred lime liquor is poured over them, a board being floated on the top to keep the eggs under the surface. In this way the eggs may be kept six months. ONE great object in feeding animals should be to enrich the land, hence it becomes of the greatest importance to know what lood can be produced that will injure the land in the least, and enrich the manure heap the most. DRAINAGE improves the texture of the soil because it renders it mellow and friable. Every one knows that a glass gives a graver sound on being struck when containing water than when empty. The relations of this class of pheno mena have been studied by M. Montig ny, who got eleven bells belonging to the chime of an old clock and compar ed their tones when merely filled with liquids, or when immersed in liquids, with those they give in air. He tried different liquids, viz.: water, alcohol, ether, and sulphide of carbon. He found that, however the liquid was ap plied. the sound given in contact with it was always graver than the natural; that the lowering ol tone was more marked the denser the liquid (thus it was less wtih ether than with sulphide of carbon); also more marked, what ever the liquid, when the bell was com pletely Immersed than when it was merely filled; and that, with either mode of application, the lowering wa9 greater Jor grave than acute notes. The additional fact that the lowering of tone when a bell is merely filled with a liquid and that whieh occurs when, being empty, it is immersed in the liquid up to its lip, are exactly the same, shows that the alteration is due to the influence which that part of the liquid in contact with the metal has on the vibrations of the latter (not to say metal and liquid forming a vibrating whole.) Further, the compressibility of the liquid is a factor In the result. Water is both less compressible and more dense than alcohol and ether, and it lowers the tone more. The result is also a fleeted by the form of the bell and the elasticity and density of its Bubstance. it is obvious, lastly, that a chime which presents a perfect gamut in air no longer does so when in con tact with liquid. The Royal Engineers have tried the effeet of gun cotton bringing down two old chimneys at the Dockyard Exten sion Works, Chatham, England. The first was demolished by placing a neck lace of gun cotton inside the chimney, the total charge consisting of about four and a half pounds. The second was destroyed by placing sx charges of the expiosive in the centre of the base of ihe chimney, the total charge weighing 28 ounces. The experiment was very successful. At the instant the electric spark ignited the gun cot ton, the chimneys tecame wr.cke, DOMESTIC. EASY HOUSEKEEPING NOW-A-DAYI.— A couple may set up for tthemselves with very few utensils, scarcely - any provisions, and next to no knowledge of cookery. A gas or oil stove takes the place of a costly and cumbrous cooking range. Coffee is not only parched but ground. Spices and pep per cooie all prepared for nse. Every kind of bread, cake and pastry can be purchased at. a slight advance on the cost of the material they contain . If one wishes the sport of making them self-raising ftour mav be had at any grocery. Fruit of all kinds, all ready for the table, can be purchased about as cheaply as that which must be pre pared. Not only lobster and shell fish, but salmon may be bought cook ed and ready to be served at a price little above what the crude articles cost; and cooked corned beef, tongue, pigs' feet and ham have long been In the market. There are also canned soups, that only need to be diluted; mince meat, all ready to be put be tween pie crusts; and roast meats and fowls ot all descriptions. Some gro cers Heep mush prepared for frying. Bostou baked beans, put up in cans, have had a great run during the past lew years. English plum pudding is also upon the market. Fried pota toes are an.article of commerce. Cans of eooked green corn, beans, peas, to matoes, cauliflower and asparagus are found on the shelves of every corner grocery. It is no longer neoessary to have a cook, or to ho a cook, in order to keep house. It requires soarcely auy cooking utensils to provide a warm meal. A can opener, a trying pan aud a coffee pot are the principal requi sites. Lven the last is not absolutely neoessary, since a mixture of prepared coffee, sugar aud cream can readily be obtained. It is eveu practical, now, lor the novice to dispense with a cook book, as the label on every can tells how to treat the contents. A GOOD AND CHEAP WHITEWASH. — Few people know how easily whit# wash is made and how valuable it is when properly applied. It not only prevents the decay of wood, bat is greatly conducive to the healthful ness ol buildings, whether wood or stone. Out buildings and fences,when not painted, should be supplied once or twice a year with a good coat of whitewash, which should be prepared in the following way : Take a clean, water-tight barrel or other suitable cask, and put Into it about hall a bushel of lime; slack it by pouring water over it, boiling hot, and put ia a sufficient quantity of water to coyer it live inches deep, and stir it briskly till thoroughly slackened; when the slackening has been thoroughly effect ed, dissolve it in water, and add two pounds of sulphate of ziuc and com mon salt. These will cause the wash to harden, and prevent the cracking, which gives an unseemly appearance to the work. If desirable, a beautiful cream color may be given to tue above wash by adding thr*e pounds of yel low ochre; or a good pearl by lead, lamp, vine or ivy black. For lawn color, add lour pounds of umber, Tur kish or American —the latter is the cheapest—oue pound of Indian red, one pound of common lampblack. AN Inquirer wants to know how to grow rhubarb, or pie-plant. This is easy information to furnish. In fact, rhubarb is so readily grown and kept growing in the same bed for so many years, that no one who has even a mite of a garden should be without a little bed of it. It Is really the "pie-plant," as it is the fir?t thing to grow in the garden that a pie can be made of, and hence comes very acceptably. As a sauce, too,or side-dish, it is excellent. Ir is easiest grown from the roots, which ail seed-stores have lor sale, and it comes a year earlier. Seed, however, can be sown in the early spring, and when once taken'tirm root thin out to about three feet square. In nrter years, when the stalks not cut off for use show signs ot going to seed, cut off ihe tops. We have a small bed that has supplied us year after year without being disturbed, except to cultivate among it, lor some tilteen or twenty years. SODA FOR BURNS. —All kinds of burns, including scalds and sunburns, are almost immediately relieved by the application of a solution of soda to the burnt surface. It must De re membered that dry soda will not do unless it is surrounded with a cloth moist enough to dissolve it. This method of sprinkling it on and cover ing it with a wet cloth is often the very best. But it is sufficint to wash the wound repeatedly with a strong solution. It would be well to keep a bot.le of it always on hand, made so strong that more or less settles on the bottom. This is what is called a satu rated solution, and really such a solu tion as this is formed when the dry soda is sprinkled on and covered with & moistened cloth. It is thought by some that (he pain of a burn is caused by the hardening of the albumen of the flesh which presses on the nerves, and that the soda dissolves the albu men and relieves the pressure. Others think that the burn generates an acrid acid, which the soda neutralizes. CARVING KNIFE EXECUTION.— Here is my method of beheading fowls: Hold the bird in the right hand, by the legs and tips of the wings; grasp its neck with the left band, close to the body, and lav its head on the block; let an assistant place a carving knife upon its neck and give ita couple of blows with a mallet; then slide the left hand down toward the end of the neck, and hold it with the left hand until it ceases to struggle—not too tightly, but so that it will bleed free ly. The advantage of this method is that it prevents the fowl from flopping around and getting the feathers ail bloody and soiled, and it can throw no blood upon the operator. To remove ink stains from printed books, procure a cent's worth of oxalic acid,which dissolve in a small quantity of warm water, then slightly wet the stain with it, when It will disap pear, leaving the leaf uninjured. The oxalic acid must be handled carefully, as it is a deadly poison. SIMPLE and tasteful table covers for bediooms may be made of pale blue Canton flannel trimmed with antique lace, or with velvet ribbon feather stitched on, and finished with fringe made of blue split zephyr or bhetlaud wool. CHARCOAL powder Is good for pol ishing knives without distroylng the blades. It is also a good tooth powder when finely pulverized. .PREVENTION excels cure every time. Always keep Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup convenient; take it in time and you will be free from Coughs, Colds, etc. Sold everywhere. Price 25 cents bottle TUMOROUS. A MINISTER out in the fsr West, who has been troubled a good deal over marriage fees, issued the follow ing circular and price list: "One marriage plain, $2; ditto, kissing the bride, $3; ditto, trimmed with one grooms man and one bride's maid, $4; fifty cents extra for each additional grooms man or bridesmaid. Bachelors past forty will be charged extra. Maids of age, ten per centum off. Mileage will be charged in long distance matches. Liberal reduction tojclubs. Payments in cash; no notes or recurities accept ed. No money refunded or rebates made for poor goods. Come early, and eome often." A CREDITOR who had given his debt or a week to contrive some plan to meet his obligations called at the ex piration of tho period and politely asked: "Have you thought, over that matter yet?" "Notexactly," respond ed the debtor, with a troubled look; "you see I wanted to think of it a good deal, but the very day you left my doctor told me I mustn't do any brain work." [Rockford (111.) Register.] Fell Agakut a Sharp Edge. This Isfurnlshad by Mr. Win. Will, 1613 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, Pa: Some time since I received a severe injury to my back, by falling against the sharp edge of a marble step, the stone penetrating it at loast a half-inch, and leaving a very painful wound. After suffering for a time, I ooncluded to apply Sr. Jacob's Oil, and am pleased to say, that the results ex ceeded ray expectations. It speedily allayed all pain and swelling and by continued use, made a perfect cure. I really think it the most efficacious lini ment I ever used T\C© urchins, dirty and ragged, were lying in wait for alms. A well-to-do looking gentleman passing at the mo ment was accosted by one of them. "Please, mister, gimme a penny to buy some bread," implored the gamin. "Get out, yeu little rascal,don't bother me," was the reply. Thereupon the discomfited urchin turned to his com panion and observed, "Billy, he must be a millionaire." WHEN a boy gets whipped by the schoolmaster, the chances are that if he tells of It, the old gentleman will give hlra another thumping and then go and thump the schoolmaster. The boy can dooide whether he prefers to avoid the seoond whaling or take it for the gake of getting the scliotduiaster lammed. It sometimes tears a boy up terribly to make up his mind^ "DOCTOR," said one of our best young uaen in society; "doctor, there Is something the matter with my brain; I know there is. What shall 1 do about It?" And the doctor calmly but firmly said he guessed it needed a little exercise about as much as any thing else; and now the best young man goes arouud saying the doctor is a fool. [Cbambereburg, (PA.) Herald.) After vainly spending five hundred dollars for other remedies to relieve my wife, I have no hesitation In de claring, that St. Jacob's Oil will cure Neuralgia. says M. V. B. Ilereom, Eq., (of Pinkham fc Hersora,) Bostcn, Mas*., an enthusiastic indorser of its merits. "BALL this evening, dear?" inquired Desdemona of Othello, when she saw him loading Up hla eld navy ruvnlvor. "No, not this evening, love, sm'other evening." he replied, as he reached for the pillow and wedged It soltly down her (esophagus. THBT asked a Providence men if the girls of that city are handsome. ' Hand some J" he cried. "Handsome! Why handsome is no name for them !" Thank Heaven, there is one honest man in Providence. "LOOK here, boy, this Is a miserable certificate your teacher sends me of your standing," said a Gilvestou pa rent to his son. "'Taint my fault. I didn't have the getting up of it, or It would have been all right." V egetine Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the whole System. ITS MEDICINAL PROPERTIES ARB Alterative, Tonic, .Solvent A- Diuretic j Reliable Evidence. Vegetine; Mr - h r- STEVENS: ° Dear Sir—l will most cheerfully I add my testimony to the great Tr .. i number you hive already re- V emetine: celved in ravorof your great and c i good medicine, Vegeiiue, for 1 ; ao not think enough cm be said . :in lis pral-e; for I was troubl d Vegetine over 30years with that dreadful 0 j disease, Catarrh, and had such j bad coughing spells that It Tr . would seem as though I never V egetine cuu; ° breathe any more, and 0 j Vegetine has cured me; and 1 do • leei to thank God all the time Tr . ! that there Is so good a medicine V egetine= 88 Vegetine. and I also think it 0 one of the best mehclnes for coughs and weak, sinking foel- Tr . lnga at the stomach, and ad- V egetine; vlße everybody to take the Vege -0 tine, for I can assure them It Is : one of the best medicines that TT . ~ S ever was. V egetine'; M R s- L. GORE, 0 i Cor. Magazine and walnut sts., Cambridge, Mass. Vegetine! GIVES "HEALTH, j NTRKVGTH £ APPETITE. VArro+inrJ daughter has received v LiiiC:gg reat penerlt from the use of j Vegetine. Her declining health i was a source of great anxiety to all her friends. A few bottles of V egeillie: vegetine restored her health, i strength and appetite. N. H. TILDE N, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't, V LgeiinCj Boston, Moss. Vegetine IS SOU BT ALL BRUGSISTS. D. r BULL'S COUGH SYRUP "WHAT are you doing there, Jim my ?" said a mother to her meddle some boy, "Looking for a lost 'art," replied the delver Into solonce, mince pie, black-berry Jam, ftc. "Let me assist you to rise in the world," re sponded his maternal relative, as she fondled him with a broorastlok. A VERT tall, thin Highlander said that he "had a cold In his head, origi nating in wet feot." She looked at him slowly from he ld to foot and back again, as if measuring the distance the cold had to travel,and then ejaculated, "Gracious me I you must have wet your feet some time last year." A Lady's Wlah. "Oh, how I ilo wish my skin was as clear and soft as yours," said a lady to her friend. "You can easily make it so," answered the friend. "How?" inquired the first lady. "By using Hop Bitters, that makes pure rich blood and blooming luaMh. It did it for me, HS you abserve." Read of it.— Cairo Bulletin. AMBITIOUS BOY: "Mother, may I go out West and fight ludians?" Mother; "No, my son; but you may go down to the cellar and fetch me lip a scuttle ef coal." WK heard a man tell his son that maple sugar was produced from the maple tree. How can that man expect his son to grow up truthful if he sets before him such a horrid example. PIMPLES AND HUMORS ON THE FACE. —ln this condition of the skin, the V KOKTINE is the great remedy, as it acts directly upon the cause. It clean ses and purities the blood, thereby causing humors of all kinds to disap oear. MY little hoy went to his first tea party when 4 years and 3 months old. Upon the hostess asking hitn how he liked his tea, he repliod: "It is very nice, I but think it tastes very much of the water." THKRK is probably notbiugso exhil arating in the experience of the ama teur gardner as when he steps upon the hoe and the responsive handle Im mediately arises to implant fervent kiss between his eyes. To allay all troubles incident to change of life Lydia E. Plnich&m'i Vegetable Compound has no equal. A SOUTH END maiden asks : "When a young man comes twice a week with a carriage and takes a young lady to the theater and a supper afterward, and makes her magnificent presents, what does it indicate?" It indicates, ma'am, that he has got more money to fool away than we have. A rooß young man remarks the only advice he gets from capitalists is "to live within his income, ' whereas,the difficulty he ex perienocs is to live without an income. Cnn Piles be Cared T Is the moet lmpor snt question to-diy w th suffering millions who, when looking at the long list of useless pile nostrums, feel as the afflicted B.ble Patriarch, like excl .iming : "I have heard many such things, mi erable com forters are ye all, how loug will ye re* my soul and break me in pieces witli words ?" It is not recorded that Joh had piles, bat he could not have had anythiug more pa nful, and the same questiou might have been asked then as since for three thousand years. Can pile* be cured f We be'ieve that Dr. 8i sbee has solv, d the problem, for nothing is more certain than that his 4 -Auakesiß*' does absolutely and promptly cu** the —"• ,t wrß OT P'les. wnen natr • Bullion of afflicted assert positively that it /urn cured them, and in 20 years no one has used the doctor's wonderful remedy without instant relief, and by following his simple in structions as to habit an J diet, all were bene fitted a- d over 95 per cent, cured, all argu ments and theories of those who haven't used them, go for naught. Auakesis is now pre scribed by physicians of all sch ols and has been pronounced as near infa lible as is possi ble. It is easily applied, perfectly safe, in stantly relieves pain, and nlt.mately cures the most inveterate cases. It has grandly solved the problem that Piles can be cured. Samples of "Anakesis" are sent free to all sufferers on application to P. Neustaedter A Co.. sole man ufacturers of Anakesis, Box 3946 New York. Also, sold by druggists everywhere. Price $ 1 per box. PONDER on these truths—you cannot be welt or get well if your bowels and kidneys refuse to act properly. Kiduev-Wort will re store their healthful action.— Tribune^ No one ever yet saw a man wlio made a move to separate two dogs en gaged in battle, as long as msowndog was having the best of it. f|o SUITE tgr jFjgSßr Jjg* ' STOMACH BITTERS Sttinoting ("111 lift down trie Back, Dull p >ln in the llmtm. nausea, blllousneso, are symptoms of approaching fever and ague. Use without delay Uostetter's Stomach Blttcre, which substitutes for the chilly sensation a ge nial warmth, regulates the stomach, and Im parts tone to ihe fiver. The bowels, the stomach and the biliary gland being restored to a healthy condition, the disease is conquered at the out set. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen erally. Sqqq h year to Agents, and expenses. 8# Outfit S\JUU free. AdTss r. SWAIN & Co., Augusta, Ms. S*V "J ™T ""f A Y KAB ex pen a U? £ £ £ Outfit Free. Address # f # VTUF >i 3 /!.• DEDERICK'S HAY PRESSES ®t any where on 1 to be beyond competition, ana will bale with twice the rapidity of any other. The only way Inferior machines can l>e sola la to deceive the Inexperienced by ridiculously faille statements, and thus sell without sight or seeing, and swindle the purchaser. Working any other Press alongside of Dederlck's always sells the purchaser a Dederick Press, and all know It too well to show up. Address for circular, or call and see Presses with P. K. Ded erick & Co., Albany, N. Y.. and No. 165 West 16th St., Chicago, I1L; Tyner & Hadley,lndianapolis. Indiana; Semple & Birge ManTg Co., St. Louts, Mo.; J. H. Heatland & Co., Quincy, 111 ; Trumbull, Reynolds & Allen, Kansas City, Mo.; Haines Bros. & Co., Omaha, Neb.; R. V. Tompkins, Dallas, Texas; W. J. Kinsey, Denver, Col. ; Geo. A. Lowe, Salt Lake City, Utah; 1 rice Press Co., San Leaadro, California. Tbose answering an Aflverliteiuenj wil confer a xavor upon the Advertiser and th' PubllsherYiystaHng that they saw the adypr tliement In this|oama Unauitrt the papei)> Ordinary letter paper, says the Compte Jlendu , if well heated and briskly rubbed with the hand or with a brush, acquires electric properties. It adheres to tables and walls, and when the hand is brought in contact with it, slight electric discharges are quite visible if the experiment is made in the dark. Swedish filter paper will, however, give sparks several centime tres In length if it is thus treated: Steep the paper first in a mixture of equal volumes of nitric and sulphuric acid. After the paper has become pyroxllized through the action of the acids, wash it well with water and dry it. If the paper is then placed upon a sheet of waxed paoer and briskly rub bed | it soon exhibits energentlc pro pel ties which may be used to repeat al most every one of the usual experi ments in static electiicity. Cause and Effect. The main cause of nervousness is indigestion, and Is caused by weakness of the stomach. No one can have sound nerves and good health without using Hop Bitters to strengthen the stomach, purify the bloo I, an i keep the liver and kidneys active, to carry off all the poisonous and waste matter of the sys tem. See other column.— Advance. A prize of S2OO In gold nas been of fered by Mr. H. H. Warner, of Roches ter, N. Y.,. for the discovery of any comet during 1881. The eomet must be unexpected (with the exception of the comet ot 1812) and telescopic, and Prof. Lewis Swift, of Rochester, must be immediately notified of its discovery. COULD I but see Carbo'lne made, And view the process o'er, No bald head pule would make afrai Nor gray hairs fright me more. As now improved and perfected, No oil was ere so sure, All skin disease, of limb or head. It never falls to cure. Two friends meeting, the following colloquy ensued: "Where have you been V ' "To my tailor, and I had hard work to make him accept a little money." "You astonish me! Why?" "Because he wanted more?" IRS. LYDIi L PIKKH&M. OF LYNN, MASS, LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. IsaPosltlv^urs for all Uioae Painful COBS plaint# AND Weaknesses wrnnon to our bout fmale population. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles. Inflammation and Ulcera tion, Palling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and la particularly adapted to tha -o ta - It will dissolve and expel turn on from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to ean curous humors then- Is checked very speedily by its use. It removes fa'ntnesa, flatuleney, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Ncrvoua Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Ihdl gnstfcm. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured bv its use. It will at all times andjunder all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the euro of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PIXKII.UI'ft VEGETABLE COM POUND is prepared at 333 and 336 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price sl. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail In the form of pills, also In the form of loadpei, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this Paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PI NX IIAM'S LIVER PILLS, fbey cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. 36 cents per box ga- Sold bv nil Druggists. HO The IPurrst and Best Medicine ever Hade. Acolmblnaiion of Hops, Buchu, Man drakleond Dandelion, with aJltnebest and most c%ura tive propertlea of all other Bitters, mak es\tbo greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Has U l\a tor, ILnd LiY e sad Health Restoring Agent earth. No disease possibly long exi< where Hop Bitters are varied and porfeot are their o I **l -at i ou s.OSM gi v( rtw 11 ixl vigor to tkt tod laflrm. To all whose incutsen— irregulari ty of the bowels or\"-inary organs, or who re quire an AppetiserX.To nlc and mild Stimulant, Hopßlttoreare iKvatX"*" 6 -Without Intox icating. ■■9k No matter whatyoar or symptoms are what the disease or ailW ll *' ol 1* use llop Bit ters. Don't wait until you al l * sick hut If you only feel bad or miserable Ruse them at once. Hmay save your life. Ithas* I **®*! hundreds. SSOO will be paid for a calee they will not cure or help. Do not suffer W®**t yonr friends suffer,but use and urge t ° uae Hop B Remember, Hop Bitters Is drugged drunken nostrum, but the u " Best Medicine ever made ; the RUnD and HOW* and no person or should be without them. ■■■■BBhM R 1.Q.1S an ahsolnte and irresistible cureH .H)nmkennc3S,use of ontum, tobacco narcotics. All sold by druggists Send for Circular. Bop Bitters Sfg. M RM| ENCfCLOPADIA s TIOUETTE3 BUSINESS This is the cheapest and only complete and roll* his work on Etiquette and Business and ftooin' Forma. It tells how to perform all the various dft lies of life, and how to appear to the host advantage snail occasions. AGHNTB W ANTED.—Sand far circulars eeatafu Ufa full ds-criptlon of ths work and extra terms to Ageat, tunnel site and six claims Douglas Clear Creek County. Colorado. Mill run* 34 to 112 ox. Silver, surface ore. 2500 Shares at $1.26 , 2500 Shares at $1.60 per Uhars. Remit by Draft or P. O. Order. Prospectus mailed MARCUS FINCK A CO.. Mine and Stock Brokers. P.O. Box 2107, DENVER.COLORADO. BYRN'S POCKET MICROSCOPE Great Magnifying Power. Detects Counterfeit Money, ABUShoddy in Ch-th, Foreign AvSat/ 1W stances in the Eyp and wcunds, offiff ~ '•foSS'l examines Insects, Flowers, mn —'lyiri Seeds, Grain, Plants. Flaws in Metals, Illegible Writing, etc. Two double Convex Lmis,l>4 inches wide, Leather Mfllnted. .syiaWßSMsvy 86 cents in Stamps, Free by mail. AGENTS WANTED. Address M. L. BYRN, 49 NaMan Street, N. Y. Ctniiii FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Bar and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prswiratton on earth equals Sr. JACOB* Oil M a a/f, BHrr, elntplr and cheap External Remedy A trial entail* but the comparatively trifling auUay f 50 Onl*. and every ooe *uffertog with iain can have cheap and poaitiva proof ef it* claim*. Direction* in Eleven iAnfuege*. BOLD BT ALL DRUGQIBTS AND BKALEBB IN MEDICINE. A. VOOEIER & CO.. Baltimore, MIL, V. H A yr TERSUSSSTL^OUS^II 1 KIDNEY DI6EABEB. ■ LIVER COMPLAINTS, I U Constipation and Piles. I I y haa eared many very had mem of rilw, ami ka* EM IS never faded to act afflclen*-T. M Kateon SUrchfid, of St. Auiam, Vt., wytt, "It la ■ j w oricetea* valna After idateen year* or great H ■ anfTerlng from PGaa and Cmiiuuua It Oo U m a A Oopabon, of BrYvhtre. say*, "One pack- IE U agehaadone trnnderafor main cocipk-udj oar- a, ■ lag a severe Liver and Kidney Complaint. A | IT HAS UIUVO 1 ■ WONDERFUL If til J POWER. nu&ra I Bmmarit Aeta OB &• LIVES, the BOWSLDasA tfc* HONXT3 tt tt* nm tia*. BMEUM >t oleaniM ttia iritam of I B thepoiaonous humors that envelope 91 3 In Kldnoy and Urinary dleeaeee. 811- M S loeaneae. Jaundice, Constipation, S S Ptlaa, or m Rheumatism, Neuralgia ■ n and nervous disorders. y ■ KIDNEY-WORT 1* *dry regwtaMe aam- H ■ p*—d ead ran he aeat by —II prepaid. ■ □ OM package will make six thofnsdda*. U TRY IT WOW I J WBiy It st the DreggltU. Price, tLM. L WILLS, EICSABBSOH k CO., Prcptirtait, ■ N 12 (WW wad pen pM.) Berttwgt—, Ti 1 Battle Creek, Michigan, XAOTTFACTCKEBS or THB OirLT OESUUni jl|a;wmi}| THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engines and HorseHPowers. ■est OempkaeThrwakerFaeter 1 Established In the World. S 1848 An VN ADC °f tumUmmam end *nccm*fnlbmH. J "I I LAn5 mm, without otasrwe of name, %J £ m*P*ffproent, or A s jK/T.ArlionTnJl.r. ™ 1 IM.i. Kwiloe. T XZuitod* emd imormemmrn for 188 L together with erperior fuaiitieeln ooaerw*. Hon and material* not dreamed of by other maker*. Four izes of Separator*, from 6 to 18 ton* ca- aoity, for etoam or hormporer. Two itylce of Monnted * H nwe-Ptrrera. w CAA AAA Pffi of Selected Lnhrr / ,UVU,wWv ( from tAree toeix year*air-dried) constantly on hand, frotn which Is milit the in comparable wood-work of our machinery. TRACTION ENBINES&} Btronamt, moet durnbU and efficient rem W sMda 8,10, 13 llorse Power. ■/ Farm ore nnd Thrwliermen are Invited to Investigate thi" matchlm* Threshing Machinery. Circulars sent free. Address NICHOLS, BHEPARD A CO. Battle Creek, Michigan. THE BEST MUSIC BOOKS. QUARTET BOOKS FOR CHOIRS. Excellent ones are Emmeros , a Sacred Quartets, Thomas' Sacred Quartets, haumbach's Sacred Quartet* (and his new coll. ctlon) Knrk * fluiette Collection B.nd his Second Moiette Collection), and Don's acred Quartets, (this last for Male Voices only). Pi ice of each of the above, 91 00, in boards, ana 92 25, in cloth. EASTER MUSIC! Send for lists of Easter Carols and Anthems and begin, in time, to practice. THE BEACON LIGHT, New and beautiful Sunday school Song Book. By J. H. Tenney and Kev. K. A. Hodman. This book was prepared by the best talent, and may safely c aim to be among the very best musio books fur Sunday Schools ever published. Ex amine It 1 Specimens mailed for 30 cents. Now subscribe for the MUSICAL RECORD $9. GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG, (ft 00.) is the best large collection of Bound Sheet Music (Vocal). Very popular. Gems of German Song, (92) and lloore a Irish Melodies, (92) are also of the best books of the same class. Any book mailed, post-free, for retail pries. Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. J. 8. DITSOK A CO. 1228Chcstnnt St.. Pbila. A Agent* Wtinted. 15 a Da; made [A FAMILY I 'if —fISCALE. TJleiglis upto'Jslb*. Retail !H SO Price. 'terms surprise Agents. \J yp -DUUESTIU SCALE CO., Ciuciuuati.C. KIDNEY DISEASES, "mtOgH gpprar.WOOT. A lf ttd vt4M(Md7 wW** tmmmm mh>tm*n P*n. * f wort. o —fjl pctaalpl-. DR. RADWA IT'S Sirstiirilllai Bmlnn, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, r°B TBCB CUM OF CHRONIC DTSEABM • 8# IS BMM la The LOSGI or StmmMh, Ikla M MSUSS. Flesh or WWI*, DORKUTTINO TTrUTOM Dial titn, Gout, Drop y, Ball Rheum, Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint. Ac. Net only dost Me Sarsapurillian Rasalvent cxoel all reawllni agist* tn the cure of Ohronla Scrofulous, CeastitauaaaTand Skin Diseases, set it la the only pomttvs sur* Car HDNET AVI BLADBKR COMPLAINTS, tax as where there are brick-duet deposits, or the watsr Is thick, aloud/, mixed with üb §tanoeelika.ths white of an egg, or threads llxs whits silk, or there Is a morbid, dark, btiurca appearance and white bone-dust deposits, and When there Is a pricking, burning sensation when pslng water, nod pain In the small of the haofc a MSSiaSLSS OjWSBPS |ire Sua tr sin ttmaa as much. R. RADWAY'B Ready Relief, OVUM AND PREVENTS OYSENTERY, DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA MORBUS, FEVER AND AGUE. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA DIPHTHERIA, INFLUENZA SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. BOWEL COMPLAINTS Looseness. Dlarrhaat, Cholera Mo'bus or pain ful discharges from tho bowfele are stopped la 16 Of 90 mlontca by Skiug ludway a Ready Re llof. Ro congestion or InniuumAiion. no weak lashitods will toUow the use df the R. R. IT WAB THI FIRST AND IS The Only Pain Remedy hat instantly stops the most excruciating pslns, allays Inflammation ft, and cures CSonnw tlotti. whether M tfae Lungs, ftcomach. bowel* ar other glauis or organo, by one application, la from est to twenty mJtoutox. notnat tor how vioieni or excructotlng the pain, toe theumatic. Bedridden, InflrmTcrlppled, Nerv -5 as. Neuralgic qrprortyated with r parte where the pain or difficulty exists will fford ease and comfort, Thirty to sixty drops in a half tumbler of water will la s few minutee cure cramps. Sprains. Boor Btomaah, Heartburn, Sick Head ache, Dlnrrtwaa, Dysentery, Chile, Wind In the BOWels mid aU internal pains. Travelers should always curry a bottle of Had way's Ready Relief with them. ▲ few drops In water Will prevent sickness or oaine from hangs of water. It is bettor th^r*#French drandy or Bitters an a stimulant. Frioo Fifty Cents per bottlu. Railway's Regulatiflg Pills. Porfbot Purgatives, Beefthlac Apartouta, At wuftMt Pahs, Always KOUUbIo and mural la ftboftr Oparaftftoa. A YEQITABLB BUWIRUT* FOB CAT4IMBI. FsHeoUj taatoiasa, elacnattr naatnd with awtim puna, fSguiata,puHfr. •>—a—4 gfinjbfhM KittiTk POIA for the eurs of aU Diasroau af the -tomac", Uvar, Bowels. Nffineys, Mad ier, Nervoua Dmeanea. Headache, UoatlTeneaa,#lndlgeucn. Dyspepsia, BUtoub neea Fever, Inflammation of this Bowels, Piles and nil derangements of the internal visoert warranted to effect a perfect cum Purel vegetable, containing no mercury, mineral* • isfetertoda drugs. # SWObeervs the following symptoms reeulttng from Diseases Of the Digestive Organs t Consti pation, Inward Pltoe, Fullness of the Blood in Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Bto u.u h. Sour Eructations, Sinking: or Flut tering at toe Heart, Choking or Suffering Sen sations when in a Bring posture. Dimness of vision, Dots or Webs Before the Bight, Fever and Dull rmin tn the Head, Deficient of Perspira tion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain la tnaSidt, Chest, Limbs, and Sudden Flushes c 3 Heat, Burning in the Flesh. A few doses of RAOWAY*! Pnu win free tha system from all ths above-named disorders. Pales, Bfl Ceuts per Baa. We repeat that the reader must consult mi books and papers on the subject of diseases ana their cure, among which may ha named: "Pulse and True "Radwiiy M Irrltatble Urethra,* M Baduay Berofulu,** and othora relating to different Sauu SK XNe> •OLD BT DRtTf Dn. RAOWAT'S old established R. R. R. RIKA sixfl than the base and worthless Imitations ol them, as there are False Resolvents, Reuefs andPllta. Be sure and ask tor RndwaW ana see that thi name "Radway" Is sa what yos bur Loader* ffnzzle and Brefch.Loading Gun*, Rifles and Pistols qfmott approwd EnglUh and American make*. %SI kinds of Sportin* Implenienls and argclei *quLred by Sportsmen and Qunmakere. Colt's Now aa^aaay^MiSßa. Biflas, Shot Oana. Revolvn.*ent a o. 4. ft* exautlaattaa