{|ltt fflillheim loam's I. J J J THURSDAY, MAY 12., 'Bl. DEMXGER & BVHILLER, Editors and Proprietors. M 1 . ... i~. 1 Local Department. —ln Adams county much of the wheat crop is frozen. —llenry Bollinger is out again after a protracted illness. —StreetCommissioner Wciser is busily engaged in repairing Mill Street. —lloutzdale, ip Clearfield county, had a large fire 'ast Friday. The loss amounts to about $20,000. —Job printing—in the best style and at lowest prices—at the Journal office. Bring in your orders. —Constable Maize and Ilarvey Con fer arc each building additions to tho rear of their houses. —Several new board walks have been built on Penn street. There is still rocm for more. i • j. The annual reunion of tho PenusyN vania reserves will be held this year at Bellefonte, Ceutre county. —Most beautiful summer weather this week, although it is a little hard on fellows with thick, heavy coats on. —A good second hand two horse wagon for sale cheap for cash or on short time. Inquire at tho Journal office. ♦ —R. B. Hart man lias the boss fenee in town—all cast in his own foundry and painted a beautiful green with his own hands. Yes it is 4 'just splendid." —The brick makers are busy at work at Snook's brick yard, in convert ing the native soil into brick. Buice, macht sie recht oats White 35 Oats, black .'VJ buck wheat 50 i Flour 5 4o llrau & Shorts, pet ton '.S 00 ! Salt, per Hrl 1.75 IMHHter, ground '... XU.wO Cement, per bushel <5 to 50 1 Hurley 5" Tymothyseed l.fai Flaxseed 23 Cloverseed 4 r >o butter 12 Hams 12 bides 3 Veal Fork lleei Fggs 12 Potatoes 50 Lard * Tallow Soap 5 Dried Apples 3 Dried Peaches 10 Dried Cherries COAL MARKET. Fgg Coal $5.50 - s tove " 5.75 Chestnut " 5.30 l'oa ' j.oo JOHN F. BARTER, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Ofliee on 2nd story of Tomliusou's Groceiy Store, on Main Street, MILLHEIM, PA. Q F. KISTER, FASHIONABLE FOOT A SHOEMAKER, MILLHEIM, N ' PA. Shop next door to Foote'sstore, Main St. * BOOTS, SHOES and GALTERS made t' order, and satisfactory work guaranteed. Repairing doao prompt ly and cheaply, ami in a neat style. J C. SPRINGER, FASHIONABLE BAK BER, Next door to Journal Store, MILLHEIM, , PA. "DROOKERHOFF HOUSE, (Opposite Court House.) 11. BBOiKEKHOFP, WM. MrKFFVEB, Proprietor. Manager. Good sample rooms on first floor. Free Bus to and from all trains. Special rates to Jurors and Witnesses. STRICTLY itut oi.^s. [ RVIN HOUSE, J- (3i*st Central Hotel in the dtp,) COB. MAIN AND JAY ST., Lock Haven, Pa., S.WOODSCAL WE LL,PROPRIETOR (ro 1 8 -up!*. R)j:n*for Commercial Traveler on jirst floor. HATS JUST RECEIVED AND UNPACKED "■* | HATS M y New Spring Stock of IIAT3 „ ATS JkOZLLIZETZEIRrZ" GOODS, HATS Which Kyibraccs all the new styles and colors. Including the very fashlortable HATS LE3!K>KN, FRENCH CHIP, AMERICAN CHIP, STRAW, PORCUPINE, TUSCAN MATS H BUAID, Ac , which I have in great variety, at my store HATS nm PENN SRTEET, MILLS 35M, PA. H VT . UATS 1 can su i t all purses as I sell both cheap and costla goods. n ATS ! ' HATS , , . HATS * j Trimmed ila ts and Bonnets, Untrimmed Goods. Silk Trimmings, 'HATS Artificial Flowers, and everything desirable in niy line. Your trade re -1 i HATS spectfully solicited. MBS. ANNA M. WEAVER. HATS P. (iEPHART. J). A. MUSSEK j 3EPHART & MUSSER DEALERS IN % / j Grails, Clover Hoar. & Feed., Coa', Plaster , & Salt MILLHEIM PA., '• A Highest market price paid for all kinds of GKR^IIfcT Delivered either at tho BltlCK MILL or at the old MUSSEIt MILL, in MLLLIIEIM. COAL, PLASTER & SALT Always on hand and sold at prices that defy competition. A share ol the public patronage respectfully j solicited. 30-ly I D H. MINGLE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Main Street, Millheim, Pa |§ THE BOOT & SHOE MAN j-j jp| LOCK HAVEN. |f| HMJ I have a very large stock of BOUTS, SHOES, ||| Slippers & ladles \V\LKIYU shoes, just opened up for Spring and &***•?) /raw Summer wear. My so<*k is as cheap as it wan a year fjSrr Efif I ago. because 1 bought it t* for cash before the ad- fc v.tuce. l ant the only BjMH shoe dealer in I ock lloveh that buys for cat.li & pays • F •; JH no rent where, ft Jm fore l can aell m g tide for lliesaine £♦>£s' J V *' money than any HHB dealer in the city. fiecS Give me a call and U EBH| yon will le convinced- R Q tiiat your place to buy is V EXCELSIOR j STE VH DYE WORKS LEWISBURG, PA J „ B&vas, Proprietor. A7C kinds or Slks, Mixed Cotton and Wool bonds dyd and finished in the best ht)le. lieuts' Coats, Yes's and Pants dj ed cr cleansed without rip— pi"? Ladle*' Cloaks, (apes, and Dresses cleansed or dyed to an) fancy pattern where the original color is favorable. All Kind of Shawls clean ed or d)ed and finished in the neatest manner. My Factory has all the iimchinenr and facili ties of a hist. clas establishment ofltH kind. My experience in ttie business extends over many jears. both in this country ant! In Europe, ami am therefore enabled to do strictly tirst claas work at mode rati e prices. THE JOURNAL STORE, Milllirim, Pa., has accepted an acency from me. All goods brought there for dyrug will be returned free of extra charge. PE.WKYLYVMA I'hLLEiF, Gettysburg, Pa. The second tcrn of the Collegiate year oegan FRIDAY,JANUARY 7,1881. The Faculty and Instructors arc the following: Milton Valentine, D. D., President and Professor of .Intellectual hd Moral Science. Lu'.ltcr Henry Croll, A. M., Professor of Mathematics ami Astronomy. Dev. Adam Martin, A. M., Professor of the German Language aud Litera ture, and of Greek. Rev. Henry Kyster Jacobs, I). D., L ranklin Professor of the Ancient Languages. John A. lilmee, A. M., Uracil Professor of tlio English Language an Literature, and of History. I Rev. Philip i. ilikle, A. M., Ockcrshauseu I'roiessor of riiislcs and of Lat in. And others. THE ONLY'PERFECT SEWING, MACHINE. THE LIGHT-ETTNKING ' w NEW HOME ,^ MnnHaa r )lDaVM pßjinnuHUHannaMHMP r * Rapidly superceding all others wherever Introduced./ Pronounced by an army of ha>py purchasers to be the BEST.- The MZW HOME is positively \The Simplest, Easiest Running, 1 Most Reliable, and Most Durable Sowing Machine, ever invented. ' It operates Quickly, Quietly, and without fatigue to the operator. Full information, Descriptive Cat alogues, &c., free on application. JOHNSON,*CLAEK & CO. 7 —s • r 30 Union Square, N. Y. And Orango, Mas 3. JOHN S. FISHER, Mr. n ifaoturer of CABRXAGES, SPUING WAGONS, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS. REBERSBURO, PENNA. Every wagoii built of flrst-lnss stock and by exjiert mecnanles. All work warranted. Re pairing promptly attended to. The public pa tronage i'> respectfully solicited. 3y-ly Agents $1.(00 41AI)E IN f.O DAYS Now is the time t< niak** it. lYoapci ity has dawned upon the p'.iple of this country, and rill are enjoying lt blessing**. YOG cm Just as well nirike a little money by devoting <** tne of your spare lime to our budiiesa. We offer one of H*e best opportunity a ever yel gtven to any one to make money. It take s no capital. Yoii do not have to invest a large sum of money and run a great risk of losing it. Your energy and yotu* business capacity will bo all the c tpHal you will require. Ladies can engage in .the business iw w ell as gentlemen, and even boya and girls do well. Even If \ou do not desire to engage in business, we eairlmpnit information to you that w ill be of great value Yu will reiulliy .see that it will be u eomnarat.vely ea-.y malter to make from fcio to !*< a week, and csiublish u lu crative, ludepeudent business. MAKE i 11 iV while the sun shines. The lur imssiu hnnorable, straight -forward ' and profitable. Do not neglect this hotico but write to us and find out what our business is. w ill pay you and only cost the m ice of one postal card. We send full particulars fiec. Attend rottibf matter NOW for there is money ii it far ;tff who engage with us. If you eqn s a:,< * :il ,e;;s cost "■"titan by any other means. No "uttering or inconvenience. Treatment shipped to any part of the U. S. or luuadas. Full particulars tree. Ad I rests (Established 1S&1) 11..5. BISPESSAHY, Berrien Springs, Micii PET 1 !? 0 A7TDT oflwoof the best articles 1 u)J.J Oil Mi iiDC > ver .-">11 l>v agents to eve ryone who answers this w ithln sixty dv< Aineriran .Vitnnrgl'o , 25-Sm City Mills, Massachusetts. RIiPTESIE irf Tress a u J S * liat yoll vvailt Xl*" greatest invention of the age! See our paiu lile.t. Sent free. Pro* J. V. EGAN. Os deusburg, N. Y. 29 ly PENSIONS. KYERY SOLDIiR disable 1 i* Hneofdutyby wound. disease. or injury, is entitled to pension. PKNnI >NS IXCUK YSEO.— Many are draw ing less than entitled to. —Thousands of Ilelrs entitled to ronsioa and Bounty. REJECTED AJASKS r—opeue I. ABA NBun ED CASKS finished.—Copies of Lost Discharges obtained.—Claims of every de scription prosecuted.— PATENTS Procured. Address with stamp, lI.S. BKKMN&CO.. Attorneys, -in 80x£92. WASHINGTON, B.C i pf Outfit sent tree to those who wish to Uo in the most pleasant and profit *'ifi p M tble business known. Everything new. V Capital not required. Wo w ill furnish yon everything. fdOadny and upward is easilv iq.wlc without staving away from home overnight. No risk whatever. Many new wank ers WiUited at onee. Many are making fortunes:; at the business. l-ai'es make as much as men, and young boys and gills make great pay. No< one who is willing to work fails io make more inonev every day t!an can be made in :i week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at onee will find a short road to fortune. Ad dress 11. HA.LI.KT & Co.. Portland. Maine. PENSION'S! BOUNTY, PAY RAM katiONS. NEW ASpnosoitA RLK DISCHARGE*. aNO INCREASED PENSIONS ob twined .—New I t*vs , higher rates of pension The slightest disability, front wound, injury o disease of any kind entitles you to a pension Widows and heirs, fathers and mothers are now entitled. Land eases promptly settled, Patents obtain ed. All kinds of government claims prosecuted Write at once for new lawst blanks and in structions, with two stamps. Address, J. w. KLKNNFR&CO., Lock Box 314, Washington, D. C. GILMORE & CO., LAW & COLLECTION HIUSE, 629 F Street, Washing on, D. C. • ** • . Make Collections, Negotiate Loans and at tend to ail business confided to them. LAND SlTUP, Soldier's Additional Homestead Right and LAND WARRANTS bought and sold. Outfit furnished free, with full in vs* § R Hstructions for conducting the most #ls B s s profitable business thatany one can engage in. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, thatany one can make great profits from the very start. No one can fail who's willing to work. Women are as success ful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many havemade at the business over one hun dred dollars in a single week. Npthing like it ever known before. Ail who engage are sur prised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your sparo time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us at once. Ail furnish ed free. Addles TUL'K Augusta, Maine Champion Windmill Powerl PERFECTLY SELF-REGDLATKQ! ' The Cheapest and most Effective power In the world for Pumping water for stock, iSrgH 1 Ing^houses 11 and°lfontains f with pure, fresh water, etc. \aliL r. All of our Mills are fully warranted, and are equal to AM any mill In the market in all I y^^emui country. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Light Castings Made to Order.. POWELL & DOUGLAS, Waukegan, HI 11s O L I C K T! A Child can Bun It. jlsS w BSO SIMPLES It UequlrcM Mo Cere. S E so STRONG! XjADIBS S u ' 2c i~^Fasliiofis They ert especially tlc9?qncdfo wee! t'lerequirements of thoss who desiro to dress wei*. Tf'gy are unsurpassed in Style, perfect in Fit, that they ara readily understoed by tin most inexperienced. Send 50. for cat alogue. Address, Domestic ". Fashion Co., i HEW YORK." 1 , A. -w IMPBOTHD HJTboss sickle grinder. f Simple* Light and Strong. Sjgsgt "• No complicated Gearing. One I k man can do the work of two. and ff V Iv\ tarn out a better job. The winner m llws 3. of First Preralnm wherever exhi- M J# bited. Send for Illnsl rated Circular m * J Eo Special Discounts to ' W Powell A Douglas, Waufcegaa, 111. ~~ TO A 1Y URTiSEItS. GEO. P. ROW ELL & COS SELECT LIST OF LOCAL NEWSPAPE-S. P Lillys An ailrrrtisct xH.c upward* of SVOoO a i/e-r, "iid who ihiVJiftirf than ?CVni of it in this Lid, write*: ** 1 our t Local List paid wc bolter la• publishers' schedule. The price for stogie Ma! *srangesfrom ♦ltofSO. Thsprice fur one Inch n* month intheent.rc list is t- Thc rytcnlar rates of the papers for the sainy *pac3ithl time are fitßO.i4. Tin* list includes itrj .my sfabers of which l*7are issueu PAU.Y and it l "* WEEKLY. 1 hey are located iu7fo! different cities ami towns. of which *25 are State Capitals,363 places.of overs,(rid population. and i'S Comity Scats. For copy of list and ether information address GK >. P. RO .VELL&CO., 10 Spruce St., New York. kqkcsQ by making m.onev *t&- a RJpwhen a golden eiianec is offered >rj R-„ U thereby always keeping poverty from yor door. Tlmse who ni wavs take advantage of the good ehato-es fr litKing money that are offered, genual y be come wealthy, wfotic those w.io do not improve such chances remain in |overty. We want ma u\ men. women, boys and girls to work for us right m their own localities. The business will pay more than ton times ordinary wages. Wo furnish an expensive outfit and all thai you need free. No one who engages fails to make mouwy verv lapidly. You can devote your whole tint * to the work", or only your spare moments. Full information and all that is needed sent free. Ad. dress Susan n & Co., Portland, Maine. tFor ihisliy^Wer. We will send it to your le --pot to bo examined before you pay r. liT N. Tenth St.. Fhllada., l'a. 2H-gm RHEUMS NEW CURE. RHEUMATISM, Which renders life a burden and fi nallv destroys it, is permanently cured by this remedy. Stiff and swollen joints are restored to their natural condition. NEURALGIA. A single application gives relief. Cas es of the longest standing are perma nently cured by a single bottle. • CURES GUARANTEED in every case. Money refunded tc any one not relieved after a fair trial. For sale by all first class druggists. , i PRICE 50 CENTS. RHEUMATIC REMEDY CO. I - PITTSBURGH, PA. BSySend for statement of cures. THIS PAPER E ■ | Newspaper Advertising Bureau (K) Spruoff i Street), where adver. ft 92*18 a ihftfllf i rising contracts may feSaWf WllX^ be m&v i'w it in §"sifl B Nasals