|f|c Journal. THURSDAY. MAY 12., 'Bl. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL Is published everv Thursday, In Mussor's Build ing, corner of Main and Penn streets at SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or $125 if not paid in advance. ADVERTISING BATES, 1 week. 1 mo. S mo. 6 mo. 1 year. I souare vP tl 001 $2 50 $.200 I SIOO $. 00 L?otamY.:t "l jool . T?JO wm| column... I 500 1 iSO | 1000 i.ionj 3nflJJ 1 column,.. I SOO 1 1200 | 20 00 | 3d oo I 60 00 One inch makes a square. Administrators and (executors' Notices *2.50. Transient ad vertisements and locals 10 cents per line foi first insertion and 5 ecnts per line tor each ad ditional insertion. Job Work done on short notice. DEINIXGER & BI'MHXER, Editors and Proprietors. (Art & SnMay School Directory. Evangelical. P. C. Weidemyer and J. Jf. Pick, preachers. Rev. P. O. WeidemyeniMcaches noxt Sunday evening. Sunday School, 2 r. m,-M. I. Jamison, supt. Methodist. Jtec. J. Benson Akcrs, Preacherin-charge. Sunday School at l 1 Sp. m .— D. A. Musser, supt Reformed. Rev. C ir. E. Siegel, Pastor. Preaching in AaroHebufl-g'ittxt Sunday eve ning. United Brethren. Ron. Tallhelm, Preacher in charge. XiUtheran. Rer. John Tomhnson, Pastor.— Preaching -in Millheim next Sunday after noon. and in Aaronsburg in the evening. United Sunday School. . Meets at 9a. M.—II. R- Duck, supt. Loii£& Society Directory. Millheim Lodge. No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets |n heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening. Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. A. O. DEININOKr, See. K. A. Bcmillkr, N. G. Providence Grange. No. 217 P. of H., meets in Alexander s block on the second Saturday of each month at 61$. p. m., and on the fourth Sa turday of each month at IK P. m. D. L.Zekbt, See. A. O. Deininger, Master., The Millheim B. & L. Association meets in the Penn street school honse on the evening ot the second Monday of each month- A- Walter, Sec, B. O. Dkiningxb, Prest. The Millheim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. 3? Y Otro, See.. J - F. Harthr. Pres t. Democratic County Committee. fhe following persons have been named as members of the Democratic County Committee for ISSI. Kellefqnte, W. W Nicholas Redding. N. W Charles Schnuier. W - lliiesbnrg O P Kre uner. MiUheim DLZtrby. fnionviih?.- A Toner To others. Howard George istar. fniiipsburg A .1 urabaiu. Benner- ~ Terry Loan Roggs James A McClaiu. Burn side Oscar Holt. Curtin - John McClosky. Co!'ego. Jacob Bottorf. Fergnson, old J>lin T. McOormiclc. Ferguson, new Jliles Walker. •Gregg, south Henry Krumrine, sr. Gregp, north James Duck. Halfmoon - John Ward. Haines - Solomon Ettlinger. Harris Tolm A Rupp. Howard - John A Dnnkle. Huston. ~ Henry Hale. Liberty W II Gardner. Mar.on ..... Terry Condo. Miles ..A...- Samuel K Faust. Patton— John Reed. Pentt Chr st Alexander. Potter, north- John Shannon. Potter, south James McClintic. Rush .*. John Donla*/. Snow Shoe —• Abel Campbell. Spring.- —... John Noll. Taylor William Calderwood. Union S K Kmerick. Walker Ambrose McMullen. "Worth Marshall Lewis. P. GRAY MKF.K, Bellefonte, Pa., Feb 1. Chairman AunoniKcmeiits of Candidates. The following Is our scale of charges for the announcement of candidates for nomination bv the ensuing Democratic county convention— strictly cash In advance: Sheriff. Prothono tary and Treasurer—ss each; Associate Judge and Register—H eacn; Commissioner and Register—s3 pach: Auditor—ll. Candidates must pledge themselves to support the ticket nominated. PROTHONOTAKY. We are authorized to announce that J. C JTAKPEK is a candidate for the office of Prothonotory, subject to Democratic rules. Young Linecln in Training. From the Cincinnati Commercial, Rep. The boss stal warts have given up Grant. They do not propose any more to encounter what they term the popular superstition, that would have amazed Solomon, against the third term; but they need a great name, and have found it in the son of Abraham Lincoln; and they are already training him for the succession, the great point iu his favor being that be, with young Stephen A. Doughlas and Fred Grant, were the Old Commander from first to 1 ist at Chicago. We shall see anon how this play goes jn. The State Senate passed a bill which is intended to put a stop to secglating iu life insurance. It is a blow at the mutual system, which has sprung up in Pennsylvania to such an alarming extent that no one knows who holds policies upon his life and is only await ing his death to realize on the specula tion The bill provides that mutual companies shall have not less than £500,000 of insurance policies taken and two per cent, of cash premiums paid in before a charter is granted. Beneficial associations for charitable purposes are exempted. The late Gov. Bigler. The State Senate, on Wednesday of last week, devoted an afternoon to the consideration of that part of tne Gov ernor's message referring to the death of Gov. Bigler. Sehator Alexander led off in an eloquent historical eulogv, and was followed by several other Seuators, The Harrisburg corres pondent of the Philadelphia Times says: The eulogies were of unusual inter est. Senator Hall, of Elk. distin guished himself and his subject by a thoughtful and interesting review of the Governor's career, aud Senator ' Smiley, of Perry, contributed a grace ful tribute in which prose could scarce ly be distinguished from poetry. A monz other curious facts he mentioned the birth of five distinguished Penn sjlvanians in one room of what is known as the old Gibson mansion, in Sherwin's creek, Perry county, less than fifty miles from the Stare cap ital. The men weiv: John Bannister Gibson, the distinguished Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania; his brother, George Gibson, for many years prior to the rebellion the commissary General of the United States Army, William Bigler, the late Governor; John Bigler, who by a singular coincidence whs made Gov ernor of California at the time his brother was Governor of Pennsylvania, and John Bernheisel, who adopted the Mormon faith and afterward represen ted Utah in the National Congress. These men were not only born in the same room, but were distinguished contemporaries in public life.— Er. George C. G or ham in the Wash ingtonßepubliean informs a bewildered public that the majority in the senate decided that certain persons should bo chosen as officers of the senate. It is said figures will not lie mid in this re # spect figures differ from George C. Gorhara. Thirty-seven republicans met in caucus and decided that Gar ham ought to be secretary of tho sen ate and Riddlobergar sergeant-at-arms. Thirty-seven democrats assembled in caucus and decided that Gorham should not be .secretary nor Riddle berger sergeant-at-arms. William Ma hone of Virginia held a caucus of his own and endorsed the republican nom inations. David Davis of Illinois con sulted in his inner consciousness and took sides with the democrats. The senate is therefore divided by a tie vote. Vice President Arthur is not a membei of tho senate, did not attend the caucus and could not have voted in caucus if had attended. Where theu is tho majority of the senate of which Mr. Gorham boasts?— Patriot. A Grand Duke in Prison for Life. PARIS, April 27.—A St. Petersburg letter to the Intransigeant this morn ing aflirras that the complicity of the Grand Duke Nicholas iu the plots of the Nihilists haying been made clear, he has been sent enced by a decree of the Emperor to imprisonment for life. The Republicans in Washington have a sorry time of it over the divi sion of the otlices. Garfield is mad as blazes oyer Coukling and Ccnklirg is just as mad over Garfield. If appoint ments were made solely for the coed of the country there would be little or no occasion to quarrel over the matter; but the Grant and Hayes administra tions have so thoroughly corrupted our politics and public service that person al and party ends are the only consid erations iu bestow ing appointments. The good old standard of honesty and capability are utterly ignored. The people, without regard to party, are weary of the shameful practices in high places, and long for an adminis tration in which they could have ccn fideuce. The county is ruled by big corporations and monopolies and the masses are powerless. 13ut for these demoralizing agencies the noble Han cock would be President to-day. How long will the present deplorable state of things be allowed to continue in our '"land of the free and home of the brave?' 1 WASHINGTON LETTER. "Washington, D. C., May 7, 'Bl. The action of the Republican caucu3 to-day is unknown at this writing. General opinion is that it decided to go on with all the nominations including that of Robertson. This will be a re newal of the decision of a prior caucus, which agreed to leave over for future action next D.cewber all nominatives for State Offices, against which oue Senator from the State objected. If this is done Robertson will be con firmed, aud the first victory will be scored for Garfield over Coukliug. That he secured it by using the spoils of the Government—for the attack on Conkling's friends is a threat-to all other Republican Senators—is not cal culated to increase one's admiration for the President who threatens *or the Senators who yield to threats. How ever it is a Republican fight, and will lead in the end to a Republican funeral, and I do not feel called upon to mourn over It. The President astonished his old admirers again during this week, too, and I think, disappointed the best of them when told by Senator Davis and others what the caucus decision above referred to was he replied, that "then he would take bis own course, and was determined to find out who his friends were, and such as failed him he would hereafter require a letter of introduc tion. " It should be remembered that all this ill temper is not caused by anything of importance to the public, but by disagreement about an office. Postmaster General James intimated in conversation yesterday that he would resign as soon as he had com pleted ihe "Star" route investigation, if the troubles between the President and the New York Senators were not then settled. There has been received now t(f be converted into three and one half per cents more than $192,000,000 of sixes which were called by Secretary Win— dom. The Secretary thinks that near ly all which are in thi3 country will be received by the 10th, Tuesday next which is the day fixed in his offer. lie w ill probably howeyer if necessary ex- tend the time. All will bo favorably acted on, at any rate, of which notice is given by the ICth. The President h >ped to bo able to attend the celebration of the battle of Cowpens, S. C., on Wednesday next, 1 but fiuds he cannot do so. He takes a genuine interest in all these Rev olutionary "centennials" and is doing much to promote the success of tho Yoiktown affair in October next. Caiiroll. A S'TAPTLINQ SETTLEMENT. MADE AGAINST THE STAND ARD OIL COMPANY. How tho State ia Cheated. It is a well known fact that for many years the great Standard Oil Company, with its millions of capital and seem ingly unlimited power, has by evasions and delays managed to get out Of the payment of taxes duo the state. Tho company lias been called on frequently for reports for taxation, but has uni formly refused to comply with tho de mands of tho stito authorities. As j the term of Auditor General Scholl drew near its close ho consulted with tho state treasurer in regard to the mat ter, and it was finally agreed to make au estimate of the great corporation's business, as a basis for levying tax. A request that an examination of its books be permitted met with no reply. This left the auditor general's ofiice without any data upon which to base an account settled so far as tho com pany could make it. A thorough and searching investigation was then in stituted by the auditor general. In formation, statistics and affidavits were gathered from any and every source within reach. The most re liable data and statistics were accepted as the bisis of the account and upon such data an account was settled a gaiust tho Standard Oil Company a mounting to $3,M0,541.64. Tho ac count was practically made up on Fri day, but in order to give tho company every possible opportunity to report, it was withheld until yesterday. This step is without doubt the most im portant one of Auditor General Schell's administration and will create a pro found sensation throughout the state. The Standard Gil Company is now placed in such a position that it can not take a single stip without making a clean showing of its business in this state. If such a showing should l>e made some facts and figures will be disclosed that will cause people to open their eye 3 in astonishment. A NEW TREATMENT. The Golden Elixir of Life. Wonderful Cures. If you have Consumption, and would know that your cough can be made loose and easy—Hectic Fever and Night Sweats checked in hours* In flammation taken out of the lungs and air passages at once; that you can be made to gain 3 to 5 pounds of healthy flesh per week; if you have any Chronic Disease, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Sick llesdache, Heart Dis ease. Liver Complaint, Nervous Debil ity, Seminal Weakuess or Spermator rhoea, loss of sexual power in either sex from any canse; if you have any form of nervous weakness, losing flesh or wasting away, and would know of an immediate relief and certain cure for many of the reverest cases in a short time, a new method with new agents to fatten every body, invigorate and make strong and healthy the most hopeless cases, cut this out and write at once for particulars to B. ,S. DIS PENSARY, Berrien Springs, Mich. ly ITIXECVTOKS' NOT ICE.-Lottois t< stament 1J ary on the estate of Amos Alexander' lute of the Borough of Miilli?iiu, Centre county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to tlie un dersigned, all persons knowing theniseives in debted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims agalrrnt the same to present them duly authenticated foi settlement. W. K. ALEXANDER, C. ALEXANDER, A. If. ALEXANDER, J. K..ALEX ANDER, Fee u tors. rrrXCHROMO CARDS for collections, 10 GU cents. N. Y. Pictorial Printing Co. 11 Mpruee St. N. Y. L, C. & 8. C. RAIL EOAD. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. 135 ' 7 , A. *T. A. M, p. M. P. M. Montandon 7.0<) R45 2.20 6.45 Lewisburg ar 7.15 10.00 2.35 7.0u Lewisburg lv 7.25 Fair Ground 7.30 10.06 2.40 Weill 7,11 10.21 2.51 3 ieksimrg 7.17 10,30 2.57 Mlfflinburg ... 8.03 10.51 3.13 Millmont 8.25 11.20 8.35 Laurelton H.35ar11.35 8. Hi Wicker Run 0.00 4 11 Cherry Run 0.17 4 30 Fowler 9.37 Coburn 9.43 502 Spring Miils 10.15 ar 5.30 TRAINS LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 0 8 . . A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Montandon ar 0.50 ar9.30ar1.20 art. 30 Lewisburg 0.35 9.15 1.05 0.15 lan-Ground 9.10 1.00 6.10 BiehL- 9.01 12.43 6.00 \ icksburg 8.56 12.42 555 Mlfflinburg 843 12.25 jfcj) Millmont 8.25 12.02 520 n\ irel V, ,n 8-15 1150 ,tore. WM. R. CAMP, PROPRIETOR. Walnut & Fancy Chamber Soils, Lounges. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Sinks, WASIIST4XDS, Parlor Tables, Breakfast Tables, Extension Tables, Wood and Cane Seat Chairs, Mat tresses, Spring Beds, and everything else in tho Furniture line at the lowest prices. I hope to merit the patronage of the public by r good work and moderate prices. Please call and see my stock be fore you go out of your own vailed for your furniture. You can do fully as well at home M vou can mf anywhere else. TRY IMIIE! ! Organs! Organs! Organs! Organs ! Organs! Organs! Organs ! Organs! Organs 1 Pianos! Pianos! Pianos ! Pianos ! Pianos ! Pianos ! Piaucs! Pianos! Pianos! BELLEFONTE MUSIC STORE fIKSSBHHDHKSHBcr oz Zephyr, cts. per z. # Saxony & Shetland Wool, 12 cts per oz. 200 yds Spooi Cotton, 15 cts. per doz Needles, cts. per paper Pins, 14 rows, cts. per paper Pearl Dress Button. 5 cts. j)cr doz. White Shirt Button, 5 cts. jier gross Cotton Edge Trimmings, 12 yds., 10 cts. per doz. yds. Hamburg Edgings, from 1 ct per yd. OUR 5 AND lO CENT COUNTERS will be continued on a more extensive scale, and will comprise many new, novel and useful articles within those prices, that cannot be bought else where for twice the amount, WE DEFY ALL COMPETITION. Btut A tzd TZD TO - Jrd— tXrJrC/J-to^ LEY/ISBTJRG, HP-A.. | _ ' Great Peremtory 3E3 i v OF DRY GOODS AT COST. O IE" 1 . J\ TBOXELL, LOCK HAVEN, PA . * Agent for.the elosing out sale ol ahu ge and desirable assort niof Ladies' IDress Q-oods, 3STotions, Ladies' and C3-ents' Furnishing Gi-oods, Shawls, Wool squM£ & long Sluiwls, Broche, Paisley, and Black Cashmere Shawls, all wool & SKIBTS, CLOTHS, Tweeds. Jeans, Suitings, - Red, white and plaid Flannels, Liasey, Bleached and Unbleached as well as colored COTTON I.ANN LLS, DOMESTIC 000 I>S, Muslins sheetings, Table.Liaeiis, Towiings,'&c. a O O CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS Tapestry, Brussels, ail wool extra super Ingrain Carpets, also a fine assortment and the mo.t ,f V d (SS g: ; 8 in •' iea .P carpets, betides Had! and Stair Carpet to match. Floor and Table