■p j*fc p fh f j]| ill hc i m Journal. J J THURSDAY, MAY 5, 'Bl. HSIMX6EB & BCMllllß* Editors and Proprietors. i "i.. ■ -I—- - Local Department. —"Luzerne county is gahig to build a court house that is to c >st $118.87 '. Child's suits at the Philadelphia Branch at $1.50 up. —Tt e Danville Assylum is soon to be rebuilt. TI. Tl. Tnmhnson hn? tho cheapest line of shoes hi town. Price them. —Philipsbufg has a building boom, but how about Alillheirft? -This is court week, and a very busy line lit Lewiu's Philadelphia Branch Store, Belh fonte, Pa. —Job printing—ln the best style and Rt lowest prices—at the Journal office. Bring in your orders. Had a Ihe. gentle rain on Monday wlrch dressed old motl or earth i: her racst beautiful g.nb i f green. —Strtm has just received the finest lot of men's and boys' straw hats in towu. —A good second lmnd two horse wagon for sale cheap for cash or on short time. Inquire at tho Journal office. —Our farmers are very busy with tbeir spring crops. The season is late and their work is heaped up all on a pile. FOR TENDER FEET.— The Journal store sells the celebrated Nelso t Seam less Stocking, just the t lung for teuder feet. Call and see them. —Neighbor Wrn. M.uiek was sud denly called to Lock Haven last Sun day by a sudden ai d severe attack of his son Edward. Ed is l etter though and now considered out of danger. —Our Town Com cil has contracted for the building >f a bond walk fiom Jacob GepharCs to F Cat her man's. Tnis is a good step in the line of prog ress and will be t great cmive: ience to our peopfeYeafdiug on N urtli st-ee:. —Dr. John F. Ilarter, Dentist, has remov d his otiice to the second tlooi of Tonilinson's grocery, where he wid be happy to receive his persona' and professional friends. tf —D. L. Zeiby, Jonathan Harter, Dr Mingle and "Ye editor" have now done their respective slums in plant ing shade trees. Go and do likewise if not too lute when you receive this notice. —The Wiiliamsport boom contains about 300,000.000. feet of lumber, and that of Lock II iven ab utt 40,000 0<)0. The lumber business along the West Branch was never belter and lumber men are happy. —T. R. Statu sells goods cheapei than any otoer merchant in the coun ty. Men's line sewed calf boots, only $3.50. Ladies walking shoes and slip pers at bottom prices. Just step in to see them. —The children of Mr.. Adam Z.rby. deceased, do honor to 'tinis'lvu and to the mem >ry of their departed father by erecting a massive monument at his grave. It is aft iC piece of work manship and can he seen for a short time yet at the Millheiiu Mamie wo k*. —Our cigar mm, .Mr. Adolph Mil ler, has procured a Sett of very fine tigar moulds, and. is now prepared to make as neatly shaped an 1 finely flavored eigtis as can be had anywhere. Let our me chants and smokers pat ronize home industry. —N. W. Aver & S"n. the enterpris ing advertising agents of Phil id Iphii have bought out 'hp branch ager y f 8. M. Fo tingil & C'. Aver oc S• • have for years b en d ing a large and increasing busiues*. They are men of first class business t:.ct and integrity. —No matter what the weather is— Jfcool, cold, warm, hot, Lew in at tii<- jPhiladelphia Branch Clothing St ire %i!l sell you a suit that will suit the ftate of the weather as well as tiie #tate of your purse exactly. Ji.st try Lewi n. —Air. A. Lukenbach has left Mi'l lieim to take charge of Reynold's Mill In Bellefonte. We regret veiy much to lose Abraham from our midst as a neighbor and friend, but hope he may do well by the change. Tiie balance of the family will remain with us yet for an indefinite time. —Nearly all of last week we had fine weather for most any kind of work plowing and sowing, cleaning house, digging garden, cleaning up yards, making flower beds, pitching quoits or aittrng around public corners, all of which was pretty well attended to hereabouts. —The people of the West owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Ayer for the pro duction ol Ayer's Ague Cure. Its timely use will save much sufr ;rlug and much discouragement, and we recommend it with the greatest con fidence in inability to do all that is promised tor it. —Rev. J; A. Bright, of' Jersey Shore, here ou a. visit last week and oyer iabbath. He preachvd for pastor Torn nßon at Penns Creek, Millheim and Aaronsburg. Tlio nice, sLek little preacher is always welcome at the old fome and among old friends. You mif como again, Hon a Auc lorn. —lf you want an extra lino artioJo in the line of tooth powder—and every body should use such an article—Dr. .John F. Darter is the man to supply yon. Wo have tried it and know wherof we speak. tf —On Saturday last Frank and Hen ry Rumhcrgpr were convicted of mur der in the first decree in the Dauphin county court at Harrisburg. The vic tim of the foul deed was Daniel Trout man, who was brutally murdered near Uuiontown, 011 the night of November llth last. THE SICK.— I This END of the Valley and Brush Valley have enjoyed re markably good health all winter and spring. No epidemic of any kind pre vailed. The sick that we just now re member are Miss Mary Motz an I Mr. Henry Bollinger, in Millhoim; Miss Emma Deshler and Mr. George Boll inger, of Aaronsbnrg. Mr. Henry Bollinger has well nigh recovered. —Scarlet fever prevails to a consider able extent in the "Spruc " region a long Pen sC'eek. Mr. SunnH Shii-'k and two cbihi:en, a child of Mr. F. F. Jam Don and a sn of Mr. Samuel Welt, have already died of the dread disea-e. Four child r e i of Mr. llei j nii lb eon are .Is > d wti with if. and there miy In others of whom wo have not heaitl. —PROF. D. M. WOLF was elected Conn: v Superintendent on Tuesd iv— a selection eminently orrp-tr at id kit is "fae'Ory. The Professor is iiioht thoroughly qualified foi the important position in every* respect. Nt only i* be a pr> fieiCnt sch.'l tr at d eXp^'fenced te icher in tie I ieher brioches, bin be is equally well eonveisant in tin elemfutuiy. In short as Supei inteitd ent Prof. Wnlr is cxvzily the rigitt man in the i ight pi we. —Thee was a grand opening at the O'd Slander i S.>re of M j r J. B. Fisher on Sa'urd.iv l ist, and the 4*oyj eninq 'fi s puictically continued ever su re. Tiie M; j ir has tlie latest stock of lic eial merchandise ever brought to G egg tovvnsoip. His st< ck was bought for the cash down a.d ins p' tees are lower than elsewhere. Give him a ca'l and you will be sure to git good bar g.ins. —GILMORE & Co., Gl9 F. Street, Washington* D. C., rtquest every Soldier or Sailor-who served in the Union Army during the late w ir, to send iiis name and post office address on a postal card. Write plainly name, post office, county and state. In re turn vou will, receive a copy of a new paper, AM EIiIUA, containing val uable information. —That staid old town of churches, Aaronsburg, has turned out in hn* time no less than seven Lutheran min isters, all of whom are at this time en gaged in active work, except R v. G. \V. Gotwald, who died while serving a congregation at Lancaster some years ago. The names and reside aces of the others are as follows: It v. L. A. Got wald. l>. 1).. York, Pa.; ILy. W. 11. Gotwald, Milton. Pe;i 1 nit we al! are upon kind wouls If I iishaud-s would only s rive to wia anew each day the love in the heart of their wives, who have g veu tin in all that worn oi can give—her love, Iter life, her present and eternal future, an absolute sui render of all hut a nominal individuality—if they were as 1 wing and solicitous for the welfare of their wives ami their happiness as they were for their sweet hearts in then* lover ! :y*; how many a broken heart won! 1 not ha broken, and bow many au n nimby grave would how be empty. And on the other hand ifwivtS would remember that tiieir husoands need a liitle crumb of new love e ich day to strengthen them in their battle for those they love, and if they would but send them forth at morn and welcome them at night fall with a wife's ne.>t words and kiss of cheer, how in my thoitsiud eyes would brighten, and how gludiy would tiiev welcome foil, w Mreis how their only hope of place or rest is tiie grave —a ft ie home to which they are only too glad to go. LADIES, if you want a nice, styl ish Wnal in quiries ig tho "year in which thcie was no s i ntner." So n prs ns appealed to hive a wrong ide i as to the time. It was tlie year IS!0. It I hisb'en calh d the year "without a summer, 1 * for there wis ashirp fr.vst iu every nemth. There are old fain erssti i living in Con eeticut who re member it well. It was kiown as •he "year without a summer." Tiie fat raers us *d to. refer t it as "eigh teen liiiitdn'd aril starve to deatn." January wis ludd, as was also Feb ruary, with ttie exc p ion of a few days. Tn greater part of Match was c-dd and b list'MoiH. Apiil opened warm, hut grew cold-r is it advai ced, end ing vi.i si- v/ and ice aid winter c 11 I i i ay i: j formed h -If an inch thick, huds and flivvers were frozen and corn kdied F.ost, ice ai d snow vvete commou in Jo <*. Almost every giccn thing was killed aid the frnii was nearly all destioyr corn of 1 >ls, for seed for the next Spring's planting. The two weeks in Septt ni be i wore n ild, the rest of the mouth was cold, with frost, and ice formed a quaiter of an inch thick. October was more than usual ly cold,' wfth frst and ice. Noveiibet was cold and blustering, with snow e nough firgo nl Heigh ing. De emhei was quite mild and comfortable.— Ihrtford Times. A SICKENING SIGHT. As Beheld by Christian Koch on His Return Home. GRAND ISLAND, Nib, April 29. Christ Koch, au e igi.ieer wh mi s ne , tween Giind Island and St. Paul re turned to his home at St. P.iul this morning and Lund the door of his house locked. On gaining an entrance he found his three children in bed and -his wife on the fljnr, all with their throats cut, and a rrzir on the table ( near by. The childiea were ag d four j years, two years, and six months re spectively. It is thought the mother {hst murdered her children, and then committed suicide. No reason is giv en for the deed, and tlu 10 is no evi i deuce of insanity. She left only the words "Good bye" behind to explain. Suits were hi ought In tho Perry county court by two policy holders a jr:ii nst tho U. B. Mut. Aid Society which refused to pay because of misre presentations in the applications. Tho veidict in both cases was in favor of the policy h dders —in tho snuis of $2,249 and $3,37.1.50. Four Boys Struok by Lightning. LOCISVILT.K, Kv , April 2s. —During a si ot mindiiS.n. Mr. lohn s i:iyo,of Mnrhni townshin. t Mi.s A'.icc.l Mtovr, Uuugliierof .doles Mover, of llalnt's tow ndilu. DIED. On the ttb inst., n- ur Anronsltuo?, Arthur of J. j. Mu&sor,. k"*d 1 year, t> months uu<( 6day . ■ Hlllhelm Uarkit. Corrcctt'tl every Wodueadtty by Geptiait & Mus-er. \Vheat No I'bs NVbeut No. 2 9; <\rn 'Lf Rye..... Oats \\ hltc - t#uts. Black a'i Buck wheat '"0 Flour M l ' Bran A Short*,pet ton 1J V) Salt,per Url t-® Plnater, ground I°'o' Cement, j>er Bushel *5 Barley T vmotlyseeit •*' Flaxseed (lovcrsred 4-V Uultvr Hams R' : ides o Veal I*rk Be KpV'l la P W Lard a Tallow Soap Dried Aie.des 3 Piled readies Id Dited Cherries CD.VI. MARKET. Fgg Coal $3.50 Stove " 6.75, Chestnut " 5 3D lea * 4. Groce;y Store, on Main Street, MILLH3IM, PA. Q F. KISTEH, FASHIONABLE BOOT & SHOEMAKER, MILLH2IM, PA. Shop next door to Footc , s3 , ore > MainS . BOOT 4, SHOES ami G A ITERS made t oicl r, and sali&factory woik guaranteed. Reptii iuj done pr .mtt- Iv and cheaply, and in a net!, style. J C.SPRItfDER, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Next iloar to Journal Stote, M LLUEIM, PA. HOUSE (Opposito Court House.) 11. BUOi KHiillOFr, WM. Mt'KLKVt K. Pruprlelor. sfai:ascr. Gnod simple romus ini fiit finor. Free B is to and from all trail s. Sprciat rates to Jurors and Witnesses. STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. THE ONLY PERFECT SEWING MACHINE. THE LIQHT-EUKNISG Dapldly superceding all o 'lers wherever introduced.- Pronounced by an army of ha{>py purchasers to be tho LKST. The NEW HOK3S is positively The Simplest, Easiest Running, Most Reliable, and Most Durable Sewing Machine ever invented. It operates Quickly, Quietly, and without fatigue to the operator. Full information, Descriptive Cat alogues, &c., free on application. JOHNSON,. CLASS & CO. 30 Union Square, N.Y. And orango, Mass. P. GKMART. I). A. Ml T SSEB GEFHAUT & ICUSSEXI DKALEKB IN Cfrain, Clover flour. & feed. Coo', Piaster & Salt MILLIIEIM PA., Highest market price paid for all kinds of Jfe, mmmmm aiWi. mmmmm Delivered either at the BRICK Mil.l. or at Uie old MISSEIi MILL, in MILLIIKIM. COAL, PLAST3R & SALT Always on lund and not.l at prices that defy 00111 petition. A share of the |ii>Hc patronage reifertfully Mclkiled. B>ly {I THE 893T & SHOE MAN !LJ OF m I*l LOCK HAVEN. s r/je _ fii j I have a very large stock of J. 3BiMTS, SHOES, [& SIiUIKMS & LsuUpS WaLM\ SHOES, JluM opened up for Spring awl su.ino r wear. My stock is j -a a- da* ip as it w.i-j a year tpY! agA. bee.iuc 1 bought it Id a lor cash l-f >re the ad- K sh vane.', t utn the only IWgH T| shoe dealer in octt Bs£j!S iliiveh thai Imyt Jr^Tj for cash & pavs •i fl no rem whore- I JSm fore 1 cans-It n , >' u • neiler ar- B- |M g | ticlef rtlictunn.e EES2 J 1 2 money than any BM ' Ul dealer to the cily. flrjlf'j liive nit* a call and Rig | Bfira vu will te convinced p&jf I 9 9 tlwt your place to buy 4 s w EXCELSIOR | STEAM DYE WORKS LEWISBUitGr, PA. W. Davis, Proprietor. All kinds of Silks, Mixed folfon and Wool Goods dy*tl and finished in the best sljlr. Geitis' (outs. Vests and Pants dyed or cltMiued without rii plug Ladies* Cloaks, ( apes, a :d Orrsses clean, i d or djed to any fant'j pattern where the original color is favorable, ill kind of shawls c can d or d)C(l and finished in tlie neatest manner. My Factory has all ihe machine, y and facili tics of that class establishment oiiiskhul xiv t*xje.fetic.' in the LUsjnt-ss extends .over many >e.ii? lai> in t! i* .country and in Europe, and :nh therefue enabled to do st.icDy fl*i cia-s Work ut iu "dermic puces. THE JOURNAL STORE, Mill' C m, Pa., has accepted an aveney f.om me All pood* brcunl.t there for be returned free of extra charge. TRVIN HOUS3, J- (Mud Central 110 el in the City,) Cou. MAIN AND JAY M\, Lock Haven, I'u., S.WOODS CA . V \ LL,PROPRIETOR t * •< Go lit not? it its/or Cb nmsrcial Traveler on Jlrst (ioor. pp. D H. MINGLE, | PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, 1 Main Street, Millhtim; Pn PEXXSYLYAAIA COLLEiE, Gettysburg. Pa. The second teim of the Collegiate year ocgan FRIDAY, JANJARY 7,1831. The Faculty and Instructors aro tlie following: 51 tit on Yalentlse, !>. D., President and Professor 'tellcctual ml Moral Science. Luther Henry (roll, A. 51., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. Rev. Adam Martin, A. 51., Professor of the German Language aud Litera ture, and of Greek. Rev. Henry Eystcr Jacobs,!). D., Franklin Professor of the Ancient Languages. John A. Rimes, A. 3L, t Grneff Professor of the English Language an Literature, ami of Histo-y. Rev. Philip a. Bikie, A. 51., 4 Ockershauscn Professor of Pbisics and of Lat in. And others. | JOHNS. FISHER, MantifncturGr of I r.Q (fflni-ki Vvv; M CJ rawTv 02 m iS < MVc & m J IV 1 u "1 A K*4 j l j li cb C 5 its rh M Ph rb pv'- / tn I i rAy Ky->,l i M ~. 1 fM hx lis ffl /5 / ; &a m &PA h.WW fL -# V m > RBBKKSBURO, PEVNA. fvory w.i'to built of Urst clns- stock Tul by i expert uicehaules. Ml work w irraul-d. lie- ! pHinna pruaiully attend'tl t-. Ti.c public p.% | , troiiage I# rc pc. itufii saUcKed. 3v-I$ j Agents | SI CO'I MADE IX no DAYS Now is the tine lo make it. Prosperity ha* dawned a ton the p • ..p! <>• tills country, mid al are eujoying its H s! :g. \ ul" can Jus: a 1 well make a Utile money by devohug • ii your snare time to our business. We offer one oi ti.e last opporiuMi*"N evi-r vet gtvcii to :u.y one to make money, it takes no capital. You do not have to invest a largo sum of money and run a creat risk or losing it. Yom "tiergy an I you. business capacity will Is all the c pita!you w II; requlra. Ladies can enrag'* In the l:*!iie'ts i --■ well as gentlemen. and even boys and giris do | well, t.vuu if yon do Pot Ofsirw t< copavft lit i Lnsi e.s*., we can impair inf oni tti >lll-J yo rth • w t'l t>- of great va! c* V >.i wit I rmdny *• '■• t.irit It will Is* t r MiniH"': t.vejy easy ma'fer 'o in. !•< from ftso to 9ino u,week, and valubhsU a lu crative, iiidcp.-i.ucui ba.iucsj. Is/LJi.ICS j 12 iv while the ami s t',n 'fne i'u iressin hnaot able, I forward lan I proiitah.c. Ho II eal- :t In s Ut.t iwri'e lo us and find out tth.it our busia- s- is. tti i pay vouaiidonlx <*>'. I H-I iceoi one postal t'lid- \Vo scad In 1 j al'li MlLii S free. At cle! to lids matter N)W io t ere i money lull I far all ivro en-av wi h us. If y u can .iiy rie vote (Hie or two hours a day. f thu evening. I you can wake a week. Wit have only to j wiite us to Is- c >nvi hv-J of th s iact. bci: iu a l'ovtui card fill your full naa.e-and ad Ires pluiidv wrt.ten there > •. utid recive i>y ie'un ma 1 lull particulars of a business that wiJimr prise you and make you w aid • why you neve wrote to ui before. Write at once, it will pay you. Address Buckeye M'f'g 0., .Name this paper.) MA It ION, OHIO. I DrVCiniT? P"' -cured for all soifiiei* dbablf rLiHOUFiu iii the U. H. service from any cause, also for ltelrs of d ceised snldie-w. Toe flightesl disahi pye: tP'eslojen-io!i. i i:\HIOVS !N 'K; *SM. Tie ians beltig ni ire lilslMl now. thousand* are entitled '•>. higher rat s. Bounty and new d scharges pineur-d. ThO;e who arc in ciciiiht as to w lusher entithd to anything s!nnit Ueiisburf. N. Y. . 23-Iy PEM BI ©lf B b EVERY 80Ll>fF.R d's.i!!e 1 in li'.ioof uir.y b\ wound, dlseatv. or injurv. Is entitled topcustou. PrNsl >\\S iNi'li. \sl-;n—M lav are iraa ing lees than entitled to.—Thousands of Heirs entitled t*i I'eas-oa Hint Bounty. RKJhCrkT> CAS .s re-.ipeue I. ABANI> NED CASES flnWie I.—Copies of Lost Discharges obi tinei. —f Jlaons of every dc wcriptioii prosecu ed.—PATENTS I'K OCCUKU. Ad'bruss ttita stanp', 11.8 BERLIN A CO-. Aftorncyp, -in Box 592. WASHINGTON, D.C j /K wm Otitfltßcnt tree to loose who wish to I age in the most pleasant ard profit- | • able bust-u*ss kr.ov n. F.vervtf:dig ne*v. i { no! re| drrd. Wo will inn ia:< y,u eveiyfhing Jay and upward is easily made v> it bout staying awav fr n hem over nig' t. Nii>k v iiafever. Many new work ers wanted at n- e. Many are m ikinu fortunes at the t'Usii e.*s. Lnlics make at much a* tn-o. and young boy* am! gi'l* make creat pay. No one who is willing to wink fails to make none tnotsii* every day than can be in vie in a week a any ordinary employment. 1 :h>-*c wiio eugug - at once will find asi ort road to fortune. Ad dress H. iIALLKT & Co., Portland. Maine. PENSIONS! TT. TAY rOU RATIONS. NEW AND OONORA Bt-B lUscn vrtgK j. ',N. ISCUK ASi-l> I KNStoNb d t ined. —.Sew iiw*. liietier rate* of pension I'll • slightest disability, from wound, injury o disease of any kind entitles ye t> a pension Widows and liciis, fathers and mothers are now entitled. Land cases promptly settled. Patents obtain ed. All kinds of government elaimsi'iosecuteu : Write ;u once for new laws, blanks and in structions, with twostAinns. Address, J. W. FLI.NNFIt & I 0., I.ock Box 311, Washington, D. C. . GILMORE & CO., . li* & COLLECTION H"iDSE, 029 F Street, Washing 1 on, D. C Make Collections, Negotiate Loans and at tend to all business confided to th*m. LAND SCRIP, soldi* r's Additional Hoinst'*ad ltigiii and LAND WAIIHANTS bought aiui sold. Outfit, furnished free, with full ii ; vt H S 8 structlons for conducting -homos: S yf profitable business thatauy one can 2£l Hmr engage in. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, thatauy one can make great profits from the very start. No one can fail who's willing to work. Women are as success ful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many have made at the business over one hun dred dollars tn a sin le week. Nothing Jike it ever known before. Ail who engage are sur prised at the ease ami rapidity with which they are aide to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not nave to invest capital in it. We take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to s at once. All furuinfi ed free. Addres Turn ■*/*<©., Augusta, Maine Champion Windmill Powerl PERFECTLY SELF-KGtJUTQKf! ' e country. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Castings Made to Order. PaTTIU, & DOUGLAS, Waniagu, 01 HOIISTIA II Hlf STA3JQS at TDii HEAD ■ f ||>' -SH L ill p arc pi I Bso LIGHT! Ifg A CHitl rot ltt.o It. jjna m* |AO SIMPLE! IS-3 n Hftjalres No Cnre. i m&o STRONG! I It Neier Wean dot. t 't v*> irx 'TJ irsa xga. saKTJBC Bl IfAUFQTIII WVlmsJ} 11 lr UA -,| ,T ' n II I MN XiwAJDXIHIS I ;SK use jgrij Mim "liomesli&" I |J; £§ Panor Mmim ™pet | i ios®awst rasliipns They p** cspecialty designed fo imect t :e requ'.rt-meiiS of thoe"who deslri lo dress wet*. They are cnurpasse3 in Style, perfact in Fit. end o_tiniplo ti£tjht:y are readily understood by tiiia rioat mexperlenceJ. Send 50. for cat alogue. Address, -'"Domestic" Fashion CO4 . NEW YORK.' IMPROTED c SICKLE GRINDER. 6lmpie. Light and Strong* / 3CTpi T"o complicated Oaring. Oihi // ift IBSU c - 3 co the work of two. and U\ If A turnout a better job. The winner n r*&>h \ *"' ;£t Premium wherever exhi- N * T 'Wbited. bcr.d forlilnstratcdCircula* r i ,/' ar "* Snecla! Discounts to fU* Powell A Douglas, Waskssaa, D& TJ An^itmSitT OEO. P. HOWET.L £ "O'S SELiiCT LIST OF LOCAL NEWSPAPE 8. An nffrerf/ser ir'io *>nd< urvtrh of t>V>VT t /*? r. iw.f xr\o lnr*.*t"3 than IC,">o or iff* f,Af. writ *.; ••!"•>•< * Lrcnl IJst paid n,* l-Urr ltd vie T TW ALL THE OTHER AD I'fS T i TTST.XG I DID " IT IS XOT 1 f ?EiSITIT3 LIST un >ot v cikip l>r. ITf.H Li nOS3?7 1.1 ST. Th<* eat jsogue s'ates exactly wiist th* are. Wnpn t'c nuu* "fa paper ii printed In Ft'l L FACE TA PT It t* in i verv imtnilce the BEST. WLHO misted In CA PITA 1.8 itiatbo ONLY paper In the place. The li*t tlve L!i* istpnnh'M! nf eveiy low a ui.dthe circulation of *vrry pip^r The eatc- charged for advertising aro bareiy puWattrs* tcledni*. The price tor sii.gV Stat en (,*>• Thfpriro f r one Inch on® m t>fii lathe etd re list is rhe r eular the japets for tho aiyo spare and tl:'e are .I *. Tt:r list iiscln'm >.'{ wspihrrsof tvlr.oa ] Tare DAU T and T<*s WL I K ( A*. 'I i:vy tuc located iuTSS dltf Tent cd r* iad towns, ofwhleh -i are State Cap s tn;, places of -v tA.OAo pT-ulation. and i'S Connty.Seats. Porcry of 1 ist and oiher laforuution atipeos CrE . P. it'FA'ELL&CO.. 10 Spruce St., New York. ffiJtjp-jB HhtYourselves by making money •jkA '*a f iSs w hen a golden chance is ofipred' lS ekrm A lh- re by always keeping novel iy j a saa cot a from y..r door. Thnse who e.f wavstakeadvantagu of the pood chances fnt in king uiotiey that am otferwl, • generally be cotue wealthy, whl.e those v .o do not improve such clmnces remain lur|*>f.*erty. We want ro.t nv men. wwwii, boyn and girls to work for n* rl'eht m their own locaiities. The business will nay iiaux* tiiaii ten tiute o:'lPi;:ry wages. Wo furnish a:i expcasiveotitf.t and aII that you need fr-e. Noon- wle ergape* fails fa nslte very iiipldiv. Y u e..n rtcvot.' \ utr -i:ole tinfn to t'ue vv !• k. or njiiy your -pare momentH. Fud iaforaiatt n and u 1 that;? no- dec. sent free. Ad dre*ss SxiNbhN i t 0.. Portland, Maim . mzm OTiT zrWMJv r|:s S or. f 'ft win !t toynur De i pot to be examined befoiH WL(.j v. u pay-for if. I. it hunt .vt X' represented it can be return* * tw 4AI 1,1 !lT °' ;r ♦ :X P° , ce. Send a aJkl nostj card fur iliustraiod W-¥;gl ' ic'-ular. A. WOOD&CV. i 7 X. Tenth St.. riill.-ula.. Pg. * se-Jm 1 W ratt®s#? ed RHfUK|TE2^&^P?ALG!A. 1 new cure. RHEUMATISM, Which rendei-s" life n burden and fi nally destroys it, Is permanently cured by this remedy. Stiff and vwollen ] joints are restored to their ratural ( condition. NEURALGIA. A single application gives relief, ."us es of the longest standing are peuca | uently cured by a single bottle. I CURES GUARANTEED II jh every ease. Money refunded tt ' r any one not relieved after a tair trial. I tfor sale by all first class druggista. II PRICE no CENTS. fij RHEUMATIC REMEDY CO. II PITTSBURGH, PA. f, oa3"Send for statement of cures. fj 11—WHil'M JJHII r BlSxSTBM*M'rfY J TI