Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, April 14, 1881, Image 4

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EVERT one who has grown aspara
gus either for home use or for market
mult have been more or less annoyed
by finding a portion of the shoots curl
ing over upon one side, and making
very little growth, and that little hard
and woody, and utterly worthless for
culinary Durposes. We have heard the
question asktd repeatedly, what makes
the shoots curl? but very few have
been able or willing to answer. The
subject has often been brought up in
agricultural conventions, without brin
ging out much information that has
proved satisfactory to the inexperi
enced. Now, from our own experience
and observation, as well as from con
versing with a lew of the most success
ful growers of this vegetable, we are
led tc conclude that crooked and curl
ed asparagus shoots are always pro
duced In consequence of some injury
to the shoot while It is pushiug up
through the soil. It may be caused by
raking the bed, or by digging it over
with forks, as is often practiced in the
spring ot the yoar. And it may be
done by carelessness while cutting the
shoots. The least cut, bruise or scratch
made up on the side of a shoot stops
growth on that side. There is an effort
to heal the wound, but so far as the
value of the shoot is concerned, it is
always a failure, if any one doubts
the truth, of this statement, he cau
easily satisfy himselt by simply caus
ing an injury to a growing shoot be
fore It gets above the surface. Much
care should be used both in digging and
raking over asparagus beds in spring,
and also when cutting lor the table.
There is nothing coming from the gar
den In May that is a greater luxury to
those who like It, than asparagus, and
It is well to know how best to handle
W ALLS. —A great many men who
have farms excellently adapted lor
keeping sheep, are deterred trom doing
so on account-o! their farms being fen
ced with stone walls, and sheep will
soon learn to get over any ordinary
stone fence. The cheapest and at the
same time the most effectual device lor
preventing this is one gotten up by a
neighbor of time. It consists in setting
posts against the wall, boring a hole
through these about 16 inches above
•the top of the wall and running a No.
11 wire through the hole. This should
be stretched very tight. If the first is
well fastened, this may be done with a
crowbar lor a long way, using the bar
tor a lever. The posts need uot to be
nearer to each other than four to six
rods, U the top of the wall is straight;
it it is not, they should be somewhat
nearer. This he had lound to be per
lectly satisfactory, so much so that a
neighbor's big dog tried to get over it
to the sheep once or twice and went
away periectly disgusted. A much
nearer and more durable plan, costing
but lutle more would be to insert smail
iron po6is into the cap stones at prop
er distances and benu the post so that
the wire will hang directly over the
lace ol the w all on the side on which
the sheep run. Either of these meth
ods costs so little that the profits ola
smail hock of sheep will more than pay
the expense in one season.
IF a farmer wants gcod horses of his
own raising, he must begin at the be
ginning, and not start —as too many do
—with an old, wind broken mare that
is blind m me eye and lame in two
legs, simply because she can be bought
for a little money. For breeding pur
poses, in nine cases out of ten, sucn an
animal is dear at any price. A good
thoroughbred stallion would get lrom
such a mare a colt lar better than the
earn, but her weaknessess and consti
tutional traits will sooner or later be
come apparent m the off-spring. "Like
begets like," is a well estabiisned law,
and a superior animal cannot come
from OL6 uecidedly Inferior. Only from
sound and vigorous mares can we hope
for a race ot healthy horses. Let ail
raisers of horses start in the right di
rection by breeding from the best on
both sides.
TAR FOR "WARTS.—A farmer writing
to an exchange, says: "I had a
mare some years ago that had a large
wart on her side, where the harness
rubbed and kept it sore. To prevent
this 1 put on a good daub of tar, and
in a few weeks the wart was killed
and disappeared. I have frequently
tried it since on cattle and horses, and
seldom had an occasion to use a sec
ond application. The remedy is sim
ple and effectual."
HINTS.— It is said that if sod land is
ploughed just before the corn is plan
ted, the worms will feed upon the scd
and not injure the corn. White flow
ers are generally more fragrant tban
colored ones. You may enlarge your
pinks by watering them with a weak
solution of nitre.
* An ingenious Frenchman has devised
a game lor facilitating the study of
geography by children. It consists of
a large planisphere map of the globe,
accoinpained by numerous objects re
presenting animals, plants, flags, cos
tamos, towns and landscapes. These
objects, of painted cardboard, stand up
right when the small inscription ac
companing them is folded back; and
each one bears, moreover, a number
corresponding to one on the map
Placing each in its proper position, tne
child quickly becomes lamtiiar with
subject illustrated ; if it be a plant, he
knows the place which produces it,
and its use ; is a town, he knows the
population, position, etc. The new
game has received the approval of the
Paris Society ol Geography.
To make caoutchouc indifferent to
the action oi oils and fats, without im
pairing the other properties of vulcan
ized rubber, the loiiowiLg method is
employed at the works 01 C. Schwan
itz, Jr., at Berlin. The caoutchoue is
worked, bv heated rollers, together
with a mixture of 6 lbs. of prepared
chalk, 1 lb. of glycerine of 123 sp. gr.,
cz. of litharge, and 3 1 5 oz. of sul
pnur. For vulcanizing, the mass, or
the article formed thereof, is placed in
a bath ot glycerine, and exposed to a
steam pressure 01 from two to three
According to Lingltr's Journal , L.
von Faber makes pencils lor writiug
upon glass, porcelain, metal, etc., as
loliows: Black—ten parts of lamp
black, lorty parts white wax, ten parts
tallow. Wnite—Forty parts white
lead, twenty parts wax, ten parts tal
low; Dark blue—Fifteen parts Berlin
blue, five parts gum arabic, ten parts
tallow. Yellow—Ten parts chrome
yellow, twenty parts wax, ten parts
THEATRE-GOEKS, elub-vi6itorß, late
supper-takers and patrons of the horse
railroad owl-trains, should all certain
ly have a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cousjh
Syrup convenient. Oentlemen you
Will need it*
who has an attack of lock-jaw take a
small quantity of turpentine, warm it
and pour it on the wound, no matter
where the wound is, and relief will
follow in les9 than a minute. Noth
ing better can be applied to a severe
cut or bruise than cold turpentine; It
will give certain relief almost instant
ly. Turpentine la also a sovereign
remedy for croup. Saturate a piece
of flannel on the throat and chest, and
in every severe case three or four
on a lump of sugar may bo
taken inwardly. Every family sUcu'.d
have a bottle on hand.
LIP-SALVE.— Au elegant Up salve
may be made in the following simple
manner: Put half a pound of fresh
lard Into a pan, with an ounce and a
half of white wax; set on a slow fire
till It is melted; then take a small tin
dish, fill it with water, and add a lew
chips of alkauet root; let the water
boil till it becomes of a beautiful red
oolor; strain some of it, and mix It
with the other ingredients according
as may be desired; scent It with some
agreeable and favorite extract, and
then pour into small white jars or
[Detroit Post and Tribune.]
1 have a little girl, said Mr. lleury
Dole of this city, in a conversation,
who was troubled with a severe lame
ness In her legs, pronounced by some
Erysipelas, by others Rheumatism. 1
had tried several remedies without
effect, when I was induced to apply
St. Jacob's Gil and 1 am happy to say
that the useot but one bottle cured her,
and she is now able to go to school
•• • %
BATII BUNS. —Take one pound of
flour to one-third of it add in a hole in
the centre a tablespoonful of yeast and
a teacupful of warm milk, let It stand
for an hour In a warm place to rise.
When risen, add 9lx ounces of butter
and four eggs, with the rest J>f
the flour, six ounces of sugar, and a
little pounded cinnamon to taste; mix
all well together, cover It over and
let it rise again. Shape it into buns,
leaving it as rough as possible; sift
some sugar and a few comfits on the
top, sprinkle with a little water, and
bake in a moderate oven on well-but
tered tins.
POTTED CHICKEN.— This is an agree
able relish, and makee a pleasant
luncheon when traveling. Take a
roast fowl and carvo off all the meat.
Take two slices of cold ham and chop
It with chicken; add to this one quar
ter pound of the best butter; add salt
and pepper to taste; now pound this
all together to a paste; put the mix
ture in a jam pot; cover closely. It
will keep in a cool place ter days or
long enough for any moderate journey.
POTATO SALAD {German Stifle). —Broil
twelve good-?ized potat>e; when
cold slice them aud cut in small pleots;
to these add one onion, chopped fine,
and half of a bunch of celery, cut in
small pieces; season with salt and
pepper 10 taste; then heat one halt
cupful of vinegar with a tablespoonful
of butter added, or three tablespoon
fuls of olive oil; pour tbis over the
salad, and it is then ready for use.
[Aitleboro Chronicle]
Carry he News.
Mr. John Etzensperger, manufac
turing Jeweler of North Attleboro 1 ,
Mass., lately commuuicUed to u? the
following: I suffered se much with
pains in my arm, that at times I was
completely helpless. I used that Incom
parable remedy St. Jacob's Oil aud w as
completely cured as if by magic.
FOR EARACHE.— Take a bit of cotton
spread it flatl", sprinkle with black
pepper, do it up in a wad, dip in sweet
oil and insert in the ear. This is a
happy and almost instantaneous relief.
The same remedy,applied to the cavity
of an aching tooth, gives immediate
ANOTHER warning to persons who
use ice water. A man was frozen to
death by its use, recently. He fel.
into a river. _
The hardest steel does not last long
est as rails for track purposes This
has been practically proved lately.
For Cancers and Cancerous
ASQLET, Washington Co.. lIL, Jan. 14,187 i.
Dear Sir.—Tuls is to certify thfit I had been
suffering from a Itowe cancer on my right
brejst, which gre v very rapidly, and all my
friends had given me up to die. wtien 1 heard of
your raejlcl e, Vegetlne, recommended for
Cancer and Cancerous H mors. I commenced
to take It, and soon fouud myself beginning to
(eel belter: my health and spirits both tell the
benign influence wh ch tt exerted, and In a few
months from tb - ttuie I commenced to use the
Vegetlne, the Cancer came out almost bodily.
I certify that I am personally acquainted with
Mrs. DeForrest, and cons der her one of our
very best women. Dr. S. 11. FLOWERS.
relieve pain, cleanse, purity and cure such dis
eases. restoring Ihe pat ent to perfect health
after trying different physl lans, many reme
dies. s-uffering for years, Is it not conclus ve
pro f, if you are a suff rer. >ou can be cured ?
why Is this medicln • perform ng such great
cures ? It works In the blood. In the circulating
Uutd. It cau" truly b called the Great blood
Purifier. The great source of disease originates
in the blood; and no mt dlclue that does not act
directly upon it, >o pur ry and renovate, has
any Just cla m upon public attention.
I Begard It as a Valuable
January l, 187 S.
Dear Sir.—l tike pleasure In saying that I
hav used tne Vegetlne in my family with good
result-, and I have known of several cases of
remarkable cure effected by it. I regard it as a
valuable family medic ne.
Truly yours, Rer. wi. MCDONALD.
The Rev. w. McDona'd Is well known through
the United States as a minister In tne M. E.
H. R. STEVENS, Boston, HaM.
Vegetlne is Sold bv All Druggists.
. •. ■
To All Oar Friend*.
Having had numberless inquiries fo.
advertising cards from ladies in all
parts ol the country who are interest
ed In the prevailing fashion of making
"Card Collections," we are having
printed for them a set ot seven beauti
ful cards, each in six colors and on a
gold background, in the very highest
degree of art, illu-tratlngShakspeare's
•'Seven Ages ot Man," We have spared
no expense in these cards—they are
simply little art gems. Our ouly aim
has been to publish the finest cards yet
shown. Applications tor them have
come in so rapidly that nearly the
whole edition is engaged before the
receipt by us of tiie cards from tiie
artist. We have therefore been obliged
to adopt the.foliowing plan for the dis
tribution of the remainder: No more
of the gilt Shakspearu cards, seven in
the series, will be sjnt excepting upon
the receipt ola statement from a grocer
that the person applying tor the wards
has bought of him ou that day at least
seven bars ot Dobb.ns' Kieitrio Soap,
with price paid for same. All apply
ing in this inanuer will receive the lull
set ol seven cards grata by mail. This
will Insure us thai our friends and pa
trons get their share of these boauiltul
designs, although it in no manner re
pays us for the cost ol the cards. Your
grocer has the soap or will get It, a .d
tue purchase by you of seveu bars ot
it at one time will secure for you grata
seveu really beautiful cards. The soap
improves with age, and is au article ut
necessity lu your house every week.
Therefore you are not asked to buy a
useless article, but one that you must
have anyway, Please send us your
applicat:on at once, and tell your lady
friends inakiug "Card Collections," to
do the same. Grocers do not have the
cards to deliver. Buy tiie soap ol them,
send us their bill, and tee will mail you
the cards free. Yours respectfully,
1. L. Cit AGIN & Co., 1W South 4.b
Street, .Philadelphia, Pa.
P. S.—Ladies not wishing to buy
soap can get the cards by remitting
cost price, 25 cents.
AN army joke: A mounted orderly
an Irishman, was reining up to deliver
on official document at the officers'
quarters at Aldershot, when his char
ger backed and he found himself sit
ting on the pavement. "Bedad," cried
the hussar, "isn't that an intelligent
baste? Sure he know I wanted to get
down and he saves me the trouble."
THE Senatorial struggle: Electing
high officials Is very much like put
tiug your hand In a bag containing
ninety-nine snaKes and one eel You
may get the eel, but the chances are
against you, and when you do get
him he is a very slippery kiud of a
CARBOLINK, & natural hair restorer
and dressing, as now Improved aud
perfected, is pronounced by competeut
authority to be the beat article ever in
vented to restore the vitality of youth
to diseased aud faded hair. Try it.
Sold by all druggists.
THB metals which are found to
longest retain heat are bras 9 aud oop
per, uext, Iron, aud, lastly in order,
A BAR of iron or a poker laid over a
fire concentrates the heat of the pasc
ing smoke and creates a draught
through the hre.
A PIECE of beef is much more ten
der aud juicy when the aniuial has
been fed on roots than beef made
where no roots are fed.
To BE strong aud healthy women
should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
COLONEL J. D. Giliett, the great Ill
inois eattle breeder aud leeder, says
he always buys a bull and uot a pedi
WHEN a New York young man pops
the question he now says: "Lets con
PETROLEUM is an excellent preserva
tive exposed wood work aud tools. 7
(foack Kostroma.
are pronounced by ths medical profession
'The bane of society" but the Bible nay* ' To
him who is afilicted p ty should be shown" and
Dr. Bilsbee. the dmoverer of ••Au&keaia" the
only infallible pile cure knowu to medical art.
deserves a monument at the bands of afflicted
millions as a benefactor of the human race. If
as Jean i'aul Ilioliter says—"Happiuess us the
absence of pain." what shall be said of a
remedy that will relieve instantly such pain as
those endure who suffer from piles and of how
muoh happiness must "Anskesis' be the
author. 5'J0.000 of the millions afflicted with
pilee gladly testify to ite healing virtues. Doc
tors of all schools prescribe it aud in 20 years
none have used it without benefit Combin
ing the virtues of a poultice, an instrument
and medicine,easy of application, safo snd
useful in all cases, it relieves pa 11 at once,
holds up the tumors and ultimately cures the
worst cases of piles and what is eoual y worth
knowing, by following the Doctors printed in
structions as to diet habits etc.. keeps them
cured. B&mples of " Anakesis" are sent free to
all sufferers on app'icatiou to P. Neusiaedter
& Co., Box 3946 New York. Sold by druggists
everywhere. Price Is 1.00 per box.
HAVE you found the kev to perfect health
and strength ? It is Kidnev-Wort, the only
remedy that overcomes at once the iuact ou
of the kidneys and bowels. — Farmer.
of bread-crumbs, half pint of flour,
teaspoonful of baking powder sifted in
flour, a little salt, half a pound of
rai-ins, & quirter of a pound currants,
quarter of a pound of chopped suet,
coffee cupful of milk, one egg; tied
tightly in a bag and boiled three
hours; to be eaten with hard sauce.
Invalids who have lost, but are recovering
vital stamina, declare In gr iteful terms theli
appreciation of tne merits as a tonic of Hostet
tor's Stomach Blttars. Not only does It impart
Btr< ngili to the weak, It corrects an lrreg dar
acid state of the s om ich, makes the bowels
act at proper intervals, gives ease to those who
suffer irom rbeumatl; and kidney troubles, and
conquers as well as prevents fever and ague.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally.
■■■ mm mm & fEAB exyen . a
A DAIRYMAN in Floyd county, In
diana, having settled it to hisown sat
is action that a certain widow whom
he was supplying with milk would
make him an excellent wife, rang his
bell in front 01 her house, and when
she came out with her pan, addressed
her as follows: "I want a wife. I
have a good dairy of llfteen cows. We
rise at 3o'olook in the morning; we
have rye coflee for breakfast, with
bkiintnud milk, but no sugar for sea
soning. You need not get up so earl
ly, and you may have bean soup once
a week, wu have boiled cabbage once
a weok and kraut once a week. We
occasionally have some bacon. But
we do not use butte , for it is too ex
pensive, and uso lard in its place. We
work bard and live saving. 1 have
told you all and would like to marry
you." The widow thanked him, said
she preferred her own table and told
him lie bad better propose to his next
'•Deacon Wilder, 1 want you to tell
me how you kept yourself and lamlly
well the past season, when all the rest
of us have been sick so much, and have
had the doctors visiting us so often."
" Bro. Taylor, the answer is very
easy. 1 used Hop Bitters In time; kept
my family well and saved the doctor
bills. Three dollars' worth of it kept
u well and able to work all the time.
I'll warrant It has cost you and the
neighbors one to two hundred dollars
apiece to keep sick the same time."
" Deacon, I'll use your medicine here
INTO one ot our largest dry goods
stores entered r gentleman, the other
day, and with the air of one who had
been used to this sort of thiug all his
life, you anow, he said to the aston
ished saleswoman, "Give me a yard
of marroon-colored flannel to match a
baby, please." Correcting himself
lustily, he beg an again : "i beg par
don ; 1 mean a yard of flannel to match
a marroou-eolored baby—Here" (pro
ducing a bit of flauQel from bis
vest pocket) "I want a yard of that."
TAT—• Och, Bridget, did ye nlver
hear uv my great spache afore the
Hiberuiau Society?" Bridget—"No,
Fa', how could I? for sure 1 was not
on the ground." Pat —"Well, Bridget,
you see I was called upon by the Hib
ernian Soelety for a spache, and be
jabers, I rose with the inthiuiss ic
cheers of thousands, with me heart
overflowing with gratitude, aud uii
eyes Ailed with tears, and dlvil a word
did I spake.
VLQET INK Is a great panacea for our
ageti lathers aud mothers; for it gives
ttieui strength, quiets their nerves,
and gives ttieui Nature's sweet sleep.
MASTER Tom (wnose goJpipa has
o.>uje to take him for a great treat to
the Winter Exhibition at the Royal
Aoadeuiy): "Boilier the old m i-ters!
Jus' as ll han't enough o' them ai
school! Ugh!—prescious sight too
much!— Ju&' when there's such a lot
o* Jolly ice about, too.
"1 DON'T like a cottage built man,"
said vouug Sweeps to bis rich old un
cle, who was telllag the story of his
early trials for the hundreth time.
"What do you meau by a cottage-built
mau?" a-ked his uucle. "A uiau with
ouiy one story," answered young
Sweeps. That settled it. Young
Sweeps was left out othis uncle's will.
A YOUNO lady applied at the reliel
bureau in Galveston the other dav
with a paper containing the lollow
iug: "ibis uniortunate woman is the
only daughter of and old childless
lather ana sne supports several young
brothers b/ her work.
DIFFERENT coals vary 30 per cent, in
their power as to pro lucing steam.
B j
HThi Ltvsr, The Bowels ud The I'dseysn
I This combined action givet it wonderful M
power to curtail diteatee. n
IWhy Are We Bidc?y
H Btcaute we allow theee great organs &>£><•-H
aw come clogged or torpid, and poieonoue Ati-ffl
f Imorf art the.tfore forced Into the bloodied
W I PlAyil liWl l| |
SSiMlousnewi, Pile*, Constlpstloie, Kldncyf!
[I Complaints nl " M
F 1 aMMS * B d Henrons Disorders.
■A canting jr * action of three organe and M theirpoicer
theirpoicer to throw of ditto*. U
M Why Buffer BillosspalßSsnd achest ■
H Why tormented with Pllea.Coestlsstleß I CI
k 4 Why frightenedorerdlsordered Kldseys 111
IB Why endure serrose or sick headaches! ■
■ Why have sleepless sights t
m Uke KIDNEY WORT and rejoice JnVR
f 1 health. It it a dry, vegetable compound antfy
FjOne package will m*k>eslx taef Wvdlrlae.H
§3 04 it of your DruWßt, he will order ifFJ
(A Medicine, not a Drink.)
And thk Pvrrst and Best MkdioalQtjali*
All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood,
Liver. Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, Ner
vousness. Sleeplessness a nil especially
Female Complaint*.
Will he paid for a case they will not cure
help, or for anything impure or injurious
found in them.
Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and try I
tbcin before you sleep. Tukc no oilier. I
D I.C.lsanshsolntenndirreslsttblcenrefor I
Drunkenness, use of opium, tobauco and
narcotics. J
IjttHnßanß Send for Circular esmflnn
All bov, told by drajry sU.
R Hop Bitter, M(j. Co., ItnchMler, N. Y., A Toronto, Out, I
Rend starar for Cataloins.
Wlf*. SWC.r" t?nv.yri.(w>rf , t .rsin'Mbi*
Those answering an Advertisement sril
confer a invor upon the Advertiser and th
Publisher by stating that they saw the advert
tls.m*Qt In thUtnnrns Un.mlrr the oanerl
mm B _ If you are going west
M VI JP of Chicago this year.
ll a ... llfl au aal yon can loam some
.NqWH lUlnflßTr thing to your advan-
Ll/iii/n IVIIillHi/ ,a ® and save ao, >y
■HI y ■TaUiIH V bv addres'g Wat. Por
-1 • ■■■■■■■J t kr&Co.,4 s Exchange
IV Building, Chicago.
a 'A Aeenta Wnnted. sasy made
fill nhifnl "Till "" Tr " B>l FAJhllf
ill I] u. n r. Walaha uptotf&lbt. Retaik
IW/ ~W/ pHcu, * 1.60. Terms surprise Attnts.
W Ng liiiin tna kSALE CO., Cincinnati. V. .
RUSKS.—With one and a-half pints
new milk, three tables noon fuls of
fresh yeast, stir to a stiff batter with
flour at night. In the morning, take
half a pound of white sugar, rolled
and sifted; half a pound of butter,two
eggs, beaten very light; two table
spoonfuls of roae-water, or one-halt of
a nutmeg grated, and with the sponge
stirred the previous night knead well
In a soft dough. Make out in rolls,
grease each one with butter or lard (I
usß lard.) and place into a greased pan
to rise; when light bake as loaf bread
sijwly and carefully.
44 Don*t know hull their Value."
"They oured me of Ague, Bilious
ness and Kidney Complaint, as recom
mended . 1 had a half bottle left which
1 used for my two little girls, who the
doctors and neighbors said could not
be cured. 1 would have lost both of
them one night if I bad not given them
Hop Bitters. They did them so much
good 1 continued their use until they
were cured. That Is why I say you do
not know half the value of Hop Bitters
and do not recommend them high
enough."—B., Rochester, N. Y. See
other column. — American Mural Home.
A DISINFECTANT.—For a simple dis
infectant cut two or three good-stzed
onions in halves and plaoe them on a
piste 1 > the floor; they absorb nox
ious eiHuvla, eto., in the sick room In
an incredibly short spce ot time, and
are greatly to be preferred to per
fumery for the same purpose. They
should be changed every six hours.
WAS there dver a better example of
the witty and concise form of expres
sion common to the real Western
American than the answer of the grim
man of the Sierras, who, when asked
about the character ot a neighbor,
sententiously replied: "Mister, 1
don't know very much about him, but
my impression is that he'd make t first
class stranger!"
I > Positive Cure
for all (kM Painful Complaints and Wcaknoaaoa
lO common to our beat ft-mule population.
It will our* entirely the wont form of Female Com
plaint*, all ovarian trouble*, lb lamination and Ulcera
tion, Failing and Displacement*, and the consequent
Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to tha
Change of Life.
It will dissolve and expel tumors from the ate rut la
an early stage of ilwvciajmenk The tendency to can
cerous humors tboro la checked very speedily by Its use.
It remove* faintnass, flatulency, destroys all craving
for stimulants, sad rclhm-s weakness of the stomach.
It cures HI eating, Headaches, Nervous Frustration,
General Debility, Sleepkwsnees, Depression and Indi
That feeling of bearing down, musing pain, weight
and backache, is always permanently cured by Its use.
It will at all times and under ail circumstances act in
harmony with the laws that govern the female system.
For tbo euro of Kidney Complaint* of either sex this
Compound is unsurpassed.
POUND i* prepared at <33 and 33i Western Avenue,
Lynn, Mass. Price ®l. Six bottles for $&. Sent by mail
In tbo form of pills, also In the form of loaongve, on
receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pink ham
freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph
lot. Address a* above. Mention Ihit f\*per.
No family should bo without LYDIA E. PINKILUfS
LIVER PILLS fhey cure constipation, biliousness,
usd torpidity of the liver. 35 cents per box.
gar Sold bv nil Druggists- ~®S
IPfilMy OFFER) "ag"?
W.wiilaand The Uterary Oaest (s mammoth Il
lustrated Family Htoty Paper) ou trial ttM6 •"•J™
>ly 15 Cta. (or T. Se porta*.
■>TT, w# will giv. fkee on. pair of alegsnt Oil rtctura*. rtm
UsUlnche*. Wo mako this ogHrrtmplr ta **dm to tatrodm*
)ur Paper sod Elegant Oil P..U.sow tocoWrtoo, wel
mowing whom they srs 0000 mm hundred* taore wtM be wart
rd. W# shall offer at abevo the celebrated companion
■milled, •• The Est,"jl"e°N eccwe ta th* White
Mountains, and "The "WC*t,
Wyoming Territory. Thar ar. the moat beautiful and artirtk
lienuloe Oil Pictures It. this country,and la their pwtactkm an
rry desirable works of am
Thets plots res war. made as prvmlnma tab*
f*e Aldine. th* finest art journal ever published, tor fopes
year. As every on* knows, Th* JUUne failed t It was
oor agent that the whole imaneoM edition of tbaoo chromo* was
secured at s bankrupt Mlo. It is only for this reason that w*
could offer those ptciurm ae premium* with our P*P*f
one who remembers The will knew what would heitka
rslue of any picture which such a celebrated art journal would
offer to It* subscribers ; and wa confidently aspect, offering
rtiPM) premiums, which war. deeigued for a si* dollar paper.with
THK OI KBT (three months for IS cents), to *cun at lesrt
SO/MO subscribers within tb* nest two months. It barely Payl
for printing, postoga, and packing. Addrem at oooa,
I'll AMK St CO., Woslbore, MFIM.
IS pays Agaass to O.U the Standard ▲*■ tcuisoxm iwrt
Farming for Profit
New, A ecu rate, Com,'reheuslT*. A Cemplet* Farm
Library is itself, A sura guide to osooaaaflnl fanning.
TELLS HOW TfH roodAQaro fw Live StoSt
Make Money I U
Save* many time* Ita eeai every Hcaaau MB pagas.
140 Illustrations. Rend for Circulars and terms So
J. C. McCIiKDV CO., l'lsiladlphi, P%
2 2
■ . K--- >■:' ;./:■> .
*** *** —4 in*/ w%*<y
tUfuferfteNafey, ton MtMlpteipi !*-*>wy*
HI Wnltltka - iiiMl■■_ Ml ihwiMi m - 1 - 1 tt miniM Of oowuHAMnd ud yultmtm
frjr AM>MWO*ttlLUil JW OMBIWtIMWM WOM IMI. *■? *°— ■
i,....iHMMMfa— M IWM. W. Mn wiwi aflM iWoMwyW
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backaohe, Soreness of the Chest,
Bout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aohes.
Ho Preparation oo earth equal* Sr. Jaoom Oh
oi a m/V, rare, aim pie and cheap External
Remedy A trial entail* but the ara pared v*|g
trifling outlay of 50 Ceill, and every oae .uffgrtng
with pain can have aheap and positive proof <M lta
Direction* la Kleveu Language*.
ItaiHmere. Jfd U• A,
Emerson. Has a g eat variety of cheerrifi, f-
Dial, musical bontrs, suob as tne girl* and bajn
mu4t 11 *e. and also a good Elementary Course.
Anoog our older and standard boliool Sons
Books that are still favorites and In ronstarj!
demand, we mention Wbip-pddr-wtll CWo.;
Harking lllrd, #suc.) aud Golden Robin
(50c.) aU oy W. o. Perkins.
Welcome Chorus. £*3? TS? IfS
Rohoots, Academies and 8 •mlnartes By W.TI
Tllden. Is of tuo beat chara'tor. and wall
fitted to follow iho-* most successful looks, thl
High School t holr (ft), sod the Hosrol
kinging (fl), bo li oy Kmerson and TUBea
and the Laurel Wreath <S3). byW. 0. f Per
kin*. We aiso Ecentlou tmrrMs'i Qaar.
tain And CbornM* Car Hale Totco* (oc.)
luaout, at a good boac for practice la Hlgi
bohools, A ademltjs and Colleges.
Corona'ion, (60 eta) culprit Pay, (ID Fairy
Bridal, vWctA) Flower (new, T cia.)
Guardian Angel, (5j eta) Hour in Falrv Land,
(oo eta) Miracle or Hoses, (60eta) Utile Bo Peep,
(SO 0(8) M*ud Irving, (50 eta) New Year* 3.Vl
(60 eta) Three Little Kittens (<* eta) quarrel
among Mowers. (U ota) Sptlng Holiday, (60 eta)
and Cinderella, (Ai eta) are all lively and pretty
Any book mailed, post-free, tor retail price.
Oliver Dltson & Co., Boston.
J. B. DITSOK a 00. im OhMtunt SU. Phfia.
Battle Creek, Michigan,
atunrraoTCßKßa or rax oarer odrcnra
Traction and Plain Engines
and Horse-Powers,
■ast Complete Thrwher PacteryT Established
hi the WoHLA i 1848
fl rt Vt ADO °f eewKwou* ami wwww/Wh4
J'J ILA HO nm. without ohoneuoi nape.
1 M Meagmientur location. ** I.A mp " lA*
v Iwm narra.fy gimm aa mil oar gor it.
ever seen in the imtnen market .
A wiuitttuda of tpaeOU faoturta amd (
for 1881. together with np*rior oalttUaJn ooaMra*
liun amd wi at tried* not dreamed of by other niakera
Four Kirm of Separator*, from 6 to lit heree
oanaclty./V oUam or hart* jmmpw.
Two stylra of ** Mounted Horfe-Powxra
7KAA A/Wt Feet of Selected fxelw
t A/V,UVv (from <Ar— toaU yawwlrvißrl*d)
constantly on baud, from which 1* built the In
comparable wood-work of our machinery.
ArtmacS, oo* dumttr.amd aflcUmt far T%S j
mad*, t, 10. 13 liorae Power. Iml
Circulars root free. Address
Battle Creek, MIoMNMh
~ -
6QOQ * Tear to Agents, and expen***. #6 Ontflt
VUW from. AUVs* F. Swaix A Co., A ago. to. Me.
Sirsaiarilllai Besolrtit,
Be It Rented In The Lnagi or rOowneli gkkx
e* Hones, Flesh or Rervu,
Chroma Rheumatism, Scrofula, Glandular
dwelling, "acking Dry Cough, Cancerous A tree-
Uon%, 8> dilute Complaints, Bleeding of the
i.ungs. Dyeeepnta, Water Brash, Tie Doloreux,
White Swellings, Tumora, Ulcere, Skin and Hip
Diseases, Mercurial Diseases, Female Com
plaints, Gont, Drop y, Salt Rheum, Bronchitis
Liver Complaint, he.
Met oaly Rues the BanaparilUaa Resolves!
the cmwofChronla
trrtnary aad womh PlsaaMS, Gravel, Diabetes
prepay, itoppage ef Water, Incontinence at
ortna, BrigtitT Dtaease, Albuminuria, aad la op
eases where there are hrtok-tfaet deposits, 01
the water la tbtok, cloudr, mixed with sub
etaaoea like the white of en egg. or threads llko
whtre ailk, or there la a morula, dark. Bilious
appearance and white bone-dust depoettß, and
when there Is a prloklnf, baraing aenaattoa
when pawing water, and pata la the small of
thebackend along the louu. Said By Draw
One battle eoatafaa more of the act!ve prim*
of Medicines than ay ether Preparation
mla Taiapooafal doaea, while otaan re
fttre lee er aix times as much. >I
R R R.
Bendy Relief,
Looeeneea, Dlarrhcet. Cholera Morßua. or pain
(ul dischargee from the bowels ?*re stopped la
li or m minutes by taking Redwayt Ready Re
tteL Xo oongestloa or taßammatioa. no weak
neat or laa-itfnde will follow the aso of the R. R
The Oalj Palm Remedy
that instantly stops the moet exoruciatD*
peine, ailaya Inllammatlons, and eurds Oenree
uoti:-, whether or the Lungs, Stomach. Bowels
or other glands or organs, by one appiicatioa,
ftm frwa* oaeta tweaty mlaeto*. no mat
ter how violent or excruciating the pain, the
Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Innrm Crlpplel. Nere
oun Neuralgic or prostrated with disease may
suffer, HADWATTT READY RELIEF will effort
instant ease.
■aiammatlM ef the EMaya
lalammatlM of the Bladder,
— ef the Bewele.
CangMtlex ef the T ■■**
here Threat, DlMexlt Breathing.
__ PalplUtl*n ef the Heart
Mysteries, Creep, Diphtheria.
Catarrh, laßaeaaa
Headache. Toothache,
N ervon eases, Sleoplaaaaaea,
■earalcfla, Rheaanallnna.
Cald Chills, Ague ChlUe,
CShllhlaftias aad Proet Bites.
The application of the Beady Relief to the pan
r parts where the pain or difficulty exists will
afford aaao aad comfort,
Thirty to sixty drops in a half tumbler of
water U1 In a tew minutes cure Cramps,
•jpreia*. sour Stomach. Heartburn, Btck Head
torn. Diarrhoea Dysentery, Oollc, Wind la the
Bowels and all internal pains.
Travelers sm old always cany a bottle of Bid
wart Beady Belief with them. A few drops is
water will prevent sickness or pains from
ahaage of water. It better than French
Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. Print Fifty
Oentapcr botUa.
Radway's Regulating Fills.
ffini rwftltm, loctklM Aywtmte,
At WtUtost Pain. Alajr lUllabU
Mi KManl la Uutr Oymtt—,
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with
surge, regulate,punXjr, oieasseand
Sinrifi rvuA, tat the euro of an Disorder!
• f the Ntomsch, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, BUd
der. Nervous Dlseasea, Headache, Coastlpaloa.
Oostlveness,# indigestion. Dyspepsia, Bllioup
sea. Fever. lsflsmaistioD of the Bowels, Piles,
sad all derangements of tas Internal Viscera
Wsrrsnted tc effect s perfect euiv* Purely
vegetable, containing so mercury, miaerala ei
defrterlous drags.
•sr-obeerre the fnllnwiei si minimis iiwitla
from Diseases of the Dralm Organs i Constf
psUos. la ward Piles, fttlsea or the Blood is
Head, Acidity et the stomach, Nausea. Heart
bum. Disgust et Food, Fullness or Weight Is
the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Staking or Flub
taring at the Heart, Choking or Suffering Sen
sations when ia a blag posture Dimness ol
Vision, Dots or Wehs Before the Sight, Fever and
DUD pain la the Head, Deficiency of Perspira
tion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain is
ttdrSide, chest. Limbs, and Sadden Flushes et
Heat, Burning in the Flesh.
A lew daaa of EAWAT* RIAS win free th
flf from all thi ahove-aamed disorders.
We repeat thai MM reader must consult out
hooks sad papers os the subject of diseases and
their ours, among which may he named
TalMaei Tra, N
"Bsivnj m Irritable Urethra, 1 *
"lad way na here fa la,"
relating to different elassa of Ols
Band* totter stems to BABWAY M 00,
to. BS Wama, Cor. Ohareh It, How
flhfoimatfi worth thousands will bo oes
to yam
fhero can ho so better guarantee of tho valu
if Da. RASWAT*! old established R. R. R.'Rnirs
ens than the bass and worthier imitations e
'hem, as there are False Resolvent** Relief
ved Plßhfa Be rare and ask tor Radw&y'a, an
m that the aims "Badwaj* Is eh what yot
2IUST tO, *65, 075, 0100, f ISO j 2|
4] i and Upward*. fitool end Inatrnctton I
IT j Book tnclmld. PIANOS, lUI ami jtS
2 : Upward. AtIENTS WAhfrED. New ! "
PQ : Oataiogue. now ready. 5 g
0 T. LWA TEBh, 00
Thia la the ehgapaat anal only complete and rail*
bla wore on Etiquette and Busineaa and Social
Foran It tella how te perform all tha variona do
Ilea of Ufa, and haw te appear to the beat advantage
ae all o' ctislon*,
AO kINTS W AJTTSD. —Sand for cirenlara contatm
\TOONOM KW Learn Telegraphy I Earn f to
1 gift) a month. Graduate, guaranteed paying
•ftowi. Address VALENTINE b&OS., JancavilU.
Oh A Ce.SOO Oaary* St. Ciaelanati. o.