Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 31, 1881, Image 4

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general sinking of the water level, as
indicated, by the subsidence of rivers
and lakes, the drying up of marshes,
bogs, and brooks, the disappearance of
►prings.aud the groater depth required
to reach water in wells, all indicate
that some other means must soon be
resorted to ior the purpose of supply
ing farms In the west with water for
he use of the household and for stock.
Considerable has already been accom
plished toward supplying large farms,
especially those devoted to dairying,
with water obtained from artesian
-wells, or raised from ordinary wells by
wind power, very little, however, has
been done toward supplying water to
farms by cooperutve effort. This meth
od is now adopted, not ouly in all con
siderable cities, but in many large
towns. It results in supplying the in
habitants with better water than eaa be
obtained from ordinary wells, and in
lurnlshing it in larger quantities and
at a smaller expense. It also saves all
the labor of raising water, which is
considerable even ii pumps oi the best
construction be employed. It affords
a supply which is not conditioned 011
the state of a particular well, or the
111V&us of iatsing its contents.
The expense of conveying water in
pipes of wood or iron laid under ground
is much smaller lhau moat person sup
pose. in a majority of cases a farmer
can purchase and lay a pipe acrosa liis
premises for half the sum it will cost to
dig the w ells he requires, supply them
with pumps and keep them \u repair.
Once obtained and put in position.thoy
will-ordinarily last a lifetime. When
there is an artesian well in the vicinity
the proprietor of it is generally entire
ly willing to dispose of the surplus
water it aff'oids, and which is often a
burden to him. Where there la a run
ing stream the water lu it may be
raised to be a considerable elevation
by means of a hydraulic ram. Water
may be raised from a lake, river, or
stream ly a single wind-null in suffi
cient quantities to supply a dizen
(arms. Not unlrtqueuiiy there are
tpiiDgson hill-aides from which wa
ter may be conveyed 10 several farms
in the vicinity. Spring water is ordi
r ariiy oi nust excellent quality for
driaking and for dairy purposes. Ii
may be 100 hard to employ ior wash
ing, bet its treedwm lrotn vegetable
impurities and the supply of wu.eral
matter it contains 1 eujur it very valu
able lor stock.
VT ASTK OF MANURE.—It h>u)d be a
cardinal principle with cvry former
to cconomlae his manure. Upoa it do
pe nds his success, and without it his
lator must, to a very great extent, be
witbrur piofl', if not attended with
absolute loss. If it is necessary to have
•<Le burn y rd on a hill aide, it is
equally nec 8 ary to bave the lower
aide cl it pio ected by a wall or some
o I er arrangement by which the escape
of 1 quid mam re may be preven eJ. It
is aim 8! equally important to bave a
spout to convey rain water fiom the
loof of the tain in tome oilier direc
tion than in mid a*ely through the
barn y. rd. It 18 bid enough that the
beep ould bet exposed loihe rains
whl* b foil directly upcn it withoutad
illi g to it the droppings fiom the 100:
cf tie lain, it eucli in provident
farmers w ere to behold the actual val
ue of the lertiliz : ng material V us lost,
rolling from their puites in ihe shape
of do l>rs and ce nts, how energetical
ly would they labor to prevent this
wise! The JOSS ot a single little gold
dollar would stir them up to a grtater
activity than the'direoc waste of a
hnncred time sthat of the little gold dol
iti'i value in .he loi ni of liquid man
ure. Year af er year, silently but
ieadiiy, the golden streams are flow,
lag from tb ir purses. Tell them ot
tLeir error and they acknowledge, it
tut rarely does it happen that, being
reminded of in a frit ndly manner, they
make a single effort to eoritct it. iiow
u any are there who, after a life ci
aie.dy, uniemitting toil, find them
selves no richer in lai ds or money than
when they began. Tney cannot ex
plain the reason. Other causes may
nave led to such discouraging results,
but it the craincl liquid manures Iroiu
their barnyams had been < hecktd wbet
they began tanning very many of tluse
umuccealul ones would have been a&
prosperous as their more provident
bi* 2SIOCK —'ihe pi udeiit merchant
coef nut W an myimint oi
mtk, and ttnke a balance between
cost ai d sale price of his goods, lie
knows that Ibis tacts are necessary lor
bim to determine the proper conduct
of his business. But it is not more ur
gent lor his safety than lor the saletv
of the dairy man 6 profits,that he should
know the individual character of his
cows. L*t every dairyman begin at
once practically to consider this mat
ter, and determine up< n his plan lor
Improving his dairy. lie should first
fix his standard, below which he would
keep no cow. This will require him
to study the prodi ct of his dairy, as he
has not before. Be must tie ermine
what am'unt ot ml k is rtquiied to
produce a profit, and when >hat is de
termined, he will see that it is folly to
keep a cow below that yield of milk.
Be will then s.rive 10 have all his
cows reach that standard, and as many
ol them to surpass it as possible. Be
is now on the road to success; Jet him
steadily pursue it, anu he will soon
possess a dairy of cows whose profits
w ill be visible to all beholders
CABBAGE salad may be made with
haid-boiled eggs chopped,or with raw
<gg beaten in.o the leasing; for one
u.ail head, or hall of a good-sized one
use ihrte tyg6, teat them till they are.
light, then aud six tablespocnlula ol
vinegar, two tablespoon! uls of made
uiUfctard, a piece ol butter the size of a
walnut. C.ok this dressing until it
begins to thicken ; when it is cold pour
it over ihe chopped cabbage. When
boiled eggs are used, chop ifie whites
of the eggs with cabbage, and after
rubbing the yolks till they are fine
stir them into the dressing. When the
eggs aie cooked, the rest of the dress
ing does not need cooking.
B>KV OMILEX, which is good for
breakiatt or lea, is made of one ; ouud
ol chopped beef, two well-beaten eggs,
three icda crackers rolled fine, three
or lour tablegpoouluis of milk or
cream. Season to your taste with
pepper, gait and gage. Make this into
a roll, co\er it loosely with a well'
buttered cloth and bake half an hour
in a basin with a little water in it.
When cold, cut it into thin slices.
THK young musman ar.d his girl
stood before the justlc of the peace.
"You take this miik —ahem !—this man
for butler or for worse?" the mighty
man oi the law ipquired. The girl said
it never a-curd to her befo e, but she
supposed she would if that was the
only whey.
WMKN traina are telescoped, the
poor passengers see stars.
FISH IN SEASON.— Codfish is hest IN
mid-winter, and is brought in al ve in
the wells ef vessels. In boiling cod
fish it should be closely covered and
simmer rather than boil. Ten minutes
is allowed to every pound of fish, and
it must be tvken out Immediately when
done, and served with drawn butter or
oyster sauce. For broiling, a cod
weighing a pound and a half is best,
served with melted butter. Daniel
recipe for codfish chowder
is as follows: Four tablespoonfuU of
onions fried with pork; one quart of
boiled potatoes well smashed; one and
a half pounds of sea biscuit broken;
one te&spoonful of thyme, and one of
summer Savory ; half a bottle of mush
room catsup; half a nutmeg grated; a
few cloves, raaoe, aud allspice; a six
pound cod-fish cut in siloes three
quarters of an Inch thick; twenty-five
ovsters; a little black pepper, and
slices of lemon. The whole to be put
lu the kettle, covered with an inch of
water, boiled for oue hour. Mr. Web
ster added a bottle of port or claret,
which it would probably have been
better for Mr. Webiter if be had kep
ou of his chowder habitually.
TOMATO Sou P. — A piece of leg of
beef, tit teen cents worth put In a gal
lon of cold water and allow to couie
slowly to a boll; then-put aside ou the
stove to simmer for five ur six hours;
strain, and allow it to cool so as to
skim off' all the fat. If your stock
should boil away too much add more
water, so as to have two quarts when
it. is strained. To the two quarts ef
stock add a cau of tomatoes a large on
ion stuck with six cloves, a carrot, a
small turnip, half a dozen allspice, a
tablespoonful of salt, and half a tea
spoouiul uf white pepper. Let it boil
slowly for two hours, and then add a
tablespoonful ol fiour creamed in a
tablespoonful of butter; let it boil Ave
minutes longer, take out the onion
carrot, and turnip, and pass your soup
through the colauder, rubbing it with
a potaioe-uiashcr, and serve immedi
Beaut iflora.
Ladies cannot make fair skin,
ro*y cheeks and sparkling eyes with
all the cosmetics ot Franoe, or beautl
fferß of the world, while in po3r health,
and nothing will give you suoh good
health, strength, buoyant spirits and
beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is cer
tain proof. See another column.—
BEEFSTEAK STEW. — Take some finely
chopped beet tat or a piece of butter,
heat it in the stew-pau, aud sprinkle
some flour in; brown, and add warm
water; place in this gravy the steak,
which must be a thick cut and in one
piece, if possible; add salt, pepper,
(whole black,) three cloves, a small
piece of mace, and a bay-leaf, if It Is
handy; close up tight and let gently
simmer for three-quarter of an hour,
shaking the stew now aud then; after
that tune put in two tsblespoonfuls of
port wine, if you admit of wines beiag
used in cooking, and oue spoonful of
mushroom catsup, or any dark sauce,
and allow the stew to simmer another
quarter of an hour. It should then be
done and be served upon a hot dish,the
g~avy being poured over it.
CHICKEN PUDDING.— Cut up a pair
of young chickens, put ihcm into a
stewing-pan with enough water to
cover, adding two tablespoonfuls of
butter; pepper and salt to taste: let it
stew geutly until about half cooked;
take out the chickens and let them cool
pouring the gravy into a separate dish.
Prepare a batter of a quart of milk,six
weli-beaten eggs, a tablespoonful of
baking powder, a little salt,sifted flour
to mix to the proper thick nes. Put a
lay er 01 chiekcu at the bottom of the
pudding dish and pour over some of
the batter,then another layer of chick
en an l more batter, and so on, having
batter on top. Bake for oue hour or
even longer, in a hot oven. Beat an
egg into the gravy reserved, let it boil
up and send to the table to be served
with pudding.
excitement of the brain and nervous
system is the direct cause of sleepless
ness. as also of harassing nocturnal
dreams. VEGETINK has a peculiarly
soothing effect in all sucli cases, when
taken just before going to bed.
STARCH POLISH. —The old receipt of
smrmgTtm srarcti wtth s bit of
candle is not nearly so good, in the
opinion of an experienced laundress,
is a much cheaper plan. She uses
mutton suet instead of wax; it makes
the starch firmer. Before roasting or
boiling your joiptol mutton, cut off
whatever suet you want from it.
"Render" it in a tin cup and set it
aside in a jaw; it will keep six months
or longer. The lat about the kidney
in a hind quarter is the firmest and
best. When you want thick starch for
collars and shirt bossoms, take four
tablespoonfuls of starch to one quart
of water, and a piece of the clear suet
about tne size of a walnut. This
makes a good quart of starch.
A LITTLE English work, "Sleep and
-how to obtain it," says that insomnia
is not so dangerous as commonly sup
posed, for the author knows an emin
ent man of letters who has suffered
from it for many years without injury.
When a man begins to dream of his
work he may know that he is under
too great a mental strain. The author's
plan of inducing sleep Is to reckon up
friends and acquaintau es whose name
begins with a certain letter.
There was a young iaiy quite fair,
Who had much trouble with her hair,
Ho she bought Carboline
And &Bight to he seen,
Is the head of this maiden, I declare.
BLACK CAKE. —Three cupfulsof but
ter, one quart of sugar, three pints of
flour, halt a pine of molasses, half pint
of brandy, half a pint of wine, one
teaspoonful of saleratus, one ounce
each of all kinds ol splcesAwelveeggs,
three pounds of raisins, two oi cur
rant 3 , hMt a pound of citron. Bake
in deep pans, in a moderate oven, be
tween three and lour hours. This is
one of the best of rich cakes.
THK following is said to be a remedy
for iheumalh m : Four ounces of salt
peter in one pint of alcohol; shakr well
and bathe ihe parts affected; wetting
red flannel with it, lay it on. itdoes
not cure, but takes away the redness
reduces the swelling, and relieves the
torment and agony.
A cow with three rings on a horn Is
6 years old; with four she is 7 yearg
old. No new rings are formed after
the tenth year. The deeper rings,
however, and the worn appearance of
the horns are pietty sure indications
of old age.
VERY taking.—Colds. Very glad.—
The Druggists. The very best remedy.
—Dr. Bull's Cough Syrnp.
A STORK was broken into one night,
but. strange to say, nothing was car
ried off. The proprietor was making
his boast of it, at the same time ex
pressing his surprise at losing nothing.
"Nothing at all surprising," said his
neighbor; "the robbers lighted a lamp,
didn't they?" "Yes," was the reply.
"YVell, ' continued the neighbor, 'they
found your goo Is marked up so high
they oouldu't afford to take them."
IT all depends on liow you look nt
these ancestors. One little aristocratic
girl was yesterday boasting that her
forefathers came over with the Pil
grims, when another wee maiden,
whose widowed mother had recently
married, said: " 'Shaw,go 'long with
your old duds: I've got a brand new
[Klgtu. (111.) Dally Leader.)
The subjoined opluiou, wo perceive,
is by J. A. Daniels, E-q., of Messrs.
Htogdill it Daniols, attorneys, La
Crosse, Wis., and appears 111 the La
Oro&io Chronicle: Sometime since, 1
was attacked with pain in and below
one ol my knee Jonts. A tow applica
tions of St. Jaoob's Oil q ueted t ue naltt
and rellevtd the inllauimatiou. 1 re
gard it as a valuable medicine.
A PHILOSOPHO R graphically illus
trates the difference between a blunder
and a mistake "When a man puts
down a bad umbrella aud takes up u
good one," said John, "lie umkes a
mistake, but when he puts down a
good one, and lakes up a bad one, he
makes a blunder."
"I THINK," said a fond parent, "that
little Jimmy is going to be a poet when
he grows up. lie doesn't eHt, ami sits
all the day by the stove and thinks."
You had better grease hliu all over, lie
is going to have the measles. That's
what ails Jimmy.
THERE are lots of people who will
tell you that they put no faith in Mo
ther Shipton's prophecy that the world
will couie to an end this year, and yet
will jump aLii have a scared look in
their eyes when they suddeuly hear
the noise caused by the dumping of u
load of coal.
"I WILL now offer you a Rubens,"
said an auctioneer, 'a gem in its way.'
No bid. The auctioneer pa-sed it,aud
taking up another picture exclaimed:
"Come gentlemen, here is a Rem
brandt by the same!"
"LOOK here, you critter," exclaimed
a Hoboktu siuu the other night, as he
brought his hand down on the place
where a mosquito sat, "do vou take me
for a lunch counter?" The mosquito,
by this time sitting ou the far tue oi
the room, was very respectful and
made no reply.
A BUTCHER let a tailor have a should
er ot mutton on trust, but finding in a
day or two after tit at he had gone to b
foreign land, said: "My word! but if
I had known he never Intended pay
ing, 1 would have charged him a cent
a pound more for it!"
[Now Albany L r dgor-Sunda r (J.)
Speaking o: uovernors suggests the
mention of an Item we received from
Mr. Henry A. Knight, Foreman at
Cbas. Waters Co.'3 Governor and
Valve Works, Boston, Mas.: I have
used Sc. Jaob's Oil among our em
ployes and find that it never tails to
cure. The men are delighted with the
wonderful effects of the Oil, as it has
cured tliem of bruises, burns, etc.
OF a miserly man somebody wrote:
"His head gave way, but his hand
never did. His brain softened,but his
heart couldn't."
AN exchange says : "The butchers
of Baltimore are very handsome."
That is when they are dressed to kill.
EIGHTEEN hundred and eighty-one
does not resemble a pair of lovers on
a sofa because there is one at each end.
SHAKSPEARK knew all about doctors.
Ue said: "How poor are tbey that
have no patience!"
THIS is the time to buy thermome
ters. They are down now.
The symptoms of an acuta attack of lnfiam.
m&tlou of tbe kidney* Are as follows: Fever,
D iia in (h* small of tbe back, and thence shoot
log downward: numbness or tbs thigh. vomit
ing. UiUdllT at flr9t a deep red color oi the ur no,
whtcb becomes pale and colorless • th disease
Increases, an i is discharge 1 very often with
pain and difficulty; co*tiveness, a d some de
gree of colic. In chronic ulseas sor the kidneys
tbe symptoms a e pain in the back and limb*,
urrnesi of the skin, irequant urination (especi
ally ar ntgnt). general aropy, headache, dizzi
ness of sight, Indigestion, mil palpitation or the
heart, gradaal loss of trengih, paleness and
Sufflneaa of the face, cough and shortness of
In diseases of the kidneys the Vegetlne gives
immediate re lei. It lias never failed to cure
when It I* taken regularly and direction! fol
lowed. In many may take several DO -
ties, especially cases of long standing. It acts
directly upon the secretions, cleansing an<i
strengthening, removing all obstruction* and
impurities. A great many can testuy to cases
of longstanding having been perfectly cu ed by
the Vegetme. even after trying many of the
known reme les wblcn are sa a to be expresstr
Cor this disease.
Kidney Complaints.
CINCINNATI, 0., March 19, 1877.
Dear SIR I have used your VEOETINE for some
time, and can truthfully say it has been a great
benefit to me : and to those suffering from dis
eases of the Kidneys. I cheerfully e ommnd it
O. 11. SMITH,
Attested to by K. B. Ashfleld, Druergist,
Cor. Eighth and Central Avenue.
CINCINNATI, 0., April 19,157 T.
I have suffered several years with the Kiirum
(emp'airtt, and was induced to tiy Trnnux I
have ta-en several tot les of your preparation,
and lam convinced it is a valuable remedy. It
has don • me more good than any other medi
cine. I can heartily recommend It to all suffer
ing from Kidney Cbmplainti.
Yours Respectiully. .T. 8. McMILLEN.
First Book-Keeper orNewhall, Gale A Co.. Flour
Merchant •, No. 86 West Front B'., Clue nuati. O.
VEOETINE ha* res'ored thousands to health
who had been long and painful sufferers.
D. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass.
Vegetlne is Sold by all Druggists.
This simple method of making a phos
phorescent lamp l&given : Cleanse oys
ter shells by well-washing, expoao
them to a red heat for half an hour,
separate the cleanest parts, and put
Into a crucible in alternate layers with
sulphur. Then heat to redness for at
least an hoar. When cold, break the
mass, and separate the whitest part for
use. if Inclosed in a bottle, the liguros
ot a watch may bo seen by the aid of
the light emitted. To renew the lu
minosity of the mass, expose, the bottle
each day to the sun or other strong
light. The sulphide oi calcium will
titus be made to absorb light, which
will be available throughout the night.
A writer from long practical experi
ence iu testing drain pipes, confident
ly receommends for that purpose wh. t
he terms a "ainoke test," aud which
gives evidence at* to leaks both to the
sight and smell. The materials that he
employs are soiled cottou waste and
sulphur, the smoke from which, after
ignition, is blown into the dram or
pipes, if leakages exist in the latter
Inside of the house, the smoke aud
smell both i-sue forth and show that
something is wrong, aud generally tell
also just where the fault or faults are.
Sulphur,as is well known,ls one of the
best of dis.nfectfaiils, and a dost of tbe
fumes Iroui this to the drains, alter dis
ease has been in a house, would effect
much good.
TUMOKS In an early stage ot develop
ment are expelled by the use of Lydia
E. i'lnkhaui's Vegetable Compound.
Thi Indestructibility of Matter. —This
is capaHe of ready demousira'ion by
preparing a couple ot glass tubes of
tqual weight, each ' btlug filled with
pure oxygen aud containing a ev par
ticles ol carbon, free from appreciable
ainouiiL of ash—that prepared iroui ihe
line loat-sugar gives very good res •it-'.
The tubes are ol orecisely equal weight
and are hermetically sealed. By heat
ing one of i hem the cnarcoal is caused
to burn ami ultimately to disappear;
the lube contents however is ot course
louiul still to baiau >e t ie o.her lube,
which has not been heated, as it is of
precisely the same weight as it was at
A compound, by J. M. Lewln,
I'aris, said to possess more explosive
lorce thaii all other explosive mater
ials, and which will not explode when
a lliujo is applied to it, or in conse
quence of an ordinary blow, hut only
uy means of a cartridge or capsule,
Cjn-is sot the ingredients given below
in or about the proportions specified;
i. a., mtio-glyceriue, GO part-*; nitrate
vf potassium, sodiuiu or ammonia, 1G
parts; palmitic acidulated oxide ot
•cetyl (cetoceum), 1 part;'carbonate ol
lime, i part; iiguiue, I partjaui wotd
or animal charcoal or peat moss
(<X>haguum), 1G par.a.
Utilisation (fold Steel.— A new pro
cess oi using up old ha* been late
ly patented. The resnliant metal is
said to possess extraordinary strength
and ductility. The process consists ot
mixing up old steel with a patent com
jiound aud subjecting the whole to a
furnact-heat; when the parik-ltg
amalgamate. Steel made on this plan
has been turned out at the Huuslet
Works and sold readily for per ton.
The process is saM to be second Ouly
iu luiporuuce to Bjsseiuer's invention
and it will be especially valuable as
finding use for old Bessemer steel rail.
▲ Modern Medical Miracle
Ta without doubt the discovery of 1 'Anakeaia'*
by Dr. Silsi e. an infallible remedy for tbe
most painful and exasperating of ah diseases,
Piles. 500,000 ouce afflicted mo'tals gladly
attest the vu-tuo of and suffering
null ous Jorou-ly bail the hope of relief. The
simple, ratieual. common sense nature of this
marvelous discovery of a euro so safe, ea<y
and certain for a disease so painful and per
sistent has excited the wonder of the people
and adm ration of medical men. It is the re
sult of 40 years experience by a distinguished
scientific physician. This really uivat remedy
combines the soothing system of the Engl sh—
the mechanical method of tbe French and the
horo;c medical custom of American Surgeons.
"Anakesis" therefore affords almost instant
relief from pain, keeps up the raw sensitive
tumors aud both by pressure and medication
cures the most inveterate cases of piles. It
has Btood the critical test of 20 years' use
against the cavils of ignorant imitations and
unscrupulous empiricism, over half a million
of persons have u-ed it and none without
benefit. Doctors of all schools prescribe it as
the nearest possible to an in fa lible remedy.
Samples of are sent/ree to all suf
ferers bv P. Nenstaedter & Co.. lk>x 5916 New
York, sole manufacturers. Sold by druggists
■-* * --j ml,'j. Prix.-, OUW per boa.
LIFK and bealh are preserved bv care
fully aidiug nature whenever it nhows lark
of abil ty to carry on its work. For torpil
I ver. b iwels or ki Ineva no other remedy
equals Kidney-Wort.— Courier.
When ilie pile is preyed down cover a
hot with a wet cloth,
and hold the velvet flrmlv over It; the
vapor arising: will raise tho pile of the
velvet with ihe assistance of a light
whisk or clothes brush.
Ho Time Should be Lost
If the stomacii, liver aud bowels nre affected,
to adopt th • sure remedy. Iloatt tter'e Stomach
Bitters, bls.'itses or the organs bainea b g I
otliers far more serious, and a delay Is therefore
hazAidoui. Dyspepsia. ll*er com lalbt, cliilis,
aud lever, early rh>-umai Ic twinges, k dney
weakness, serious bodllv trouble if trilled
with. Le no time In usmg this effective, saff
and 10. g known med cine. For SJIS by all
Druggists and Dealers generally.
PTOT Fruit
\7IJC 1 doss A. W.WELLS 4 CO., St. Jo., Mich.
The bior-xnn School for UirU. ' arelul Training,
Thorough Instruction aud Influence of a Christian
KEV. AUTUUR J. BICH, A. M., 31. D.,
forß-ok 01F "Health and Comfort"
016 Arch St.. Philadelphia; 116 Watt-r St., B Btou.
l'noie aniwerutg a** AdvertlMment wil
ooufer ® favor upon the Advertiser and th
Publisher by xtatiag that they saw the adve
tlM<n*f la rhla iaaraai fnamlnt th* a*®*
/9\ t—m MM mem A YEAR and expenses to ag'ta
Hh / / F Outfit Free. Address P.
V ilk YXCFCEIIYI Atgusta, Maine.
A YOUNG lady not accustomad to
waltzing, at the earnest solicitation of
a friend, made the attempt recently.
When the music ceased another friend
approached and said, gaily. "Weil, I
see you got through all right." *Yes,'
was the reply, "but It was a tight
"MY case is Just here," said a citizen
to a lawyer the othe day: "The
plaintiff will swear that 1 hit him. I
will swear that 1 did not. Now, what
can you lawyers make out of that if
wo go to trial ?" 'Five dollars apiece,'
was the prompt reply.
Worthless stuff.
Not so fast my friend; if you oould
see the strong, healthy, blooming men,
women and children that have been
rahed from beds of s oknesa, suffering
and almost death. by the moot Hop Bit
ters, you would say "Glorious and in
valuable remedy," See another col
umn.—Philadelphia Press*
AN OIL CITY Irishman, having sign
ed the pledge, was charged soon after
with having tnen drunk. " 'Twas me
said I'at, " 'an a
habit 1 have of talkln' wld uieself. 1
sed to ineself, st-z 1 "I'atcuin In and
have a dhriuk." "No, *er," sez I,
"I've sworn off." "Thin I'll dhriuk
alone," sez 1. An' whin mesell cum
out lalth an' he was dhrunk."
"How many deaths?" asked the hos
pital physician while goliighls rounds.
"Nine." "Why, I ordered medicine
for ten. "Yes, but one wouldn't take
NOTHINO is wholly bad. Even a
dark lantern has i's bright side.
la a Positive Cure
for all iWe Painful Complaint* and
so common to our boat fimulo population.
It will euro entirely tho worst form cf rcxnala Com
plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation aad Clewm
tlon. Falling and Dis; lacetncnts, and the eon*;ucn;
Cplnal Weakness, and la particularly adapted to tbe
Chan go of Life.
It will diasolvo and expe' tumors from the uterus in
an early sta—o of doTclcymer.t. Tho tendency to can
cerous humors t hero la chcckod rvrr .peediiy by Its uee.
It removes faintnoss, Catulency, .eetnysall c roving
for stimulants, and relieves weakness of tho stomach.
It cures Bloating, lleadaches. Nervous Prostration,
Goner*! Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and IndP
That fooling o. bearing down, causing pain, weight
and backache, Is always jienoancntly cured b r its us*.
It will at all times and under all circumstances act In
harmony with tho laws that govern the female system.
For tho cure of Kidney Complaints oi cither MUX this
Compound is unsurpassed.
POUND 1* prepared at 23 and 22. Western Avenue,
Lynn, Mass. Price 91. Six bottlos few Sent by mall
In tho form of pills, also in tho form of losengea, on
receipt of prlc#, 91 per box for either. Mrs. Plnitham
freely answers all letters of inquiry.. Bend fur pamph
let. Address as above. Mention this Puptr.
No family should be without LYD.* '£. I'IXiHAjfV
LIVER PILLS. They cure const! pat.on, t.l'l. *I b
fp* torpidity of tin- liver. Z> cents per boa
yy Hold bv till l>r
3 Constipation and Piles.
Dr. R. H. Clark, Sooth Hero, TV. eaym, "la***. I
IS of KMtwy TraM* it hM Mtod Ux. . charm. It I
EJ hM carnd many very bad OMM of rum, aad has Cj
I Btrer failed to act efficiently."
Nelaon Fmrchild, of St. Alhoria, Vt,m"nii ■
J of prtoelees value/ After sixteen year, of great R
■ raffi"ring from PUee ana Oosttvnneee tt ton- U
■ pletrly cured M"
PI 08. Uoabon. of Berkshire. Bays, "One pack- IB
U done wonder* for me tn completely our- U
■ lag a sever* Liver ana AJOney oumpUxnv* I
1T HAS wnv<) 9
I w power. ul ]2lsJL Q
Beccuett Acts 08 th, LT7XS, the BOWXLS ui
tht XI3NET3 it th* nu tin*.
■•eauM It oleanM* th® system of I
■ thepolsonous humors that develop® IS
El le Kidney and Urinary diseases* Bli* Is
M lOusnees. Jaundice, Constipation, ■
■ Pile®, or In Rheumatism, Neuralgia ■
n and nervous disorders. O
■g KTOITET-WORT (• afry nmM* m- I
VB pouadaad eaa beaeat by uali prepal A II
U One package will make alxqta of medlelae. U
y WBey Ha* the Dronliu. Price. 11.*®. T
■ WILLS, HCHABDSOS * CO., Proratm,
112 (WUI Mad pot y*JA) Berllagtea, Vt 1
Acoßiubinittion of Hops, Buohu, Man
drake® and Dandelion, "Ith ail tne beat and
most c%uratl*o properties of all other Bitters,
makc\tbo greatest Blood Purifier, Liver
Reg u |\a tor, md Life and Health inquiring
Agent onMRBMMMBBM earth.
No disease possibly long exit where llop
Bitters are uv4i Tailed and pot feet axe their
01*1 atious.gaaA
Thoy giro now ii\f® an* vigor to tke 13* 1 tad lalra.
To all whoso e\mploytncutacau9o Irrogularl"
ty of tho bowels or\. urinary organ*, or who re
quire an and mild Stimulant,
Hop Bitters are lnval%^ Ulto 'Without Intox
icating. aMCk
No matter what your fc\ellngs or symptoms
are what the disease or ulVoeut is use Hop Bit
ters. Don't wait until you tm'" o slclt but if you
only foci bad or miserable,© I*sol 1 * so l 'ca at once.
It may savj hasß* av od li unci rods.
6500 will be paid for a they win not B
euro or help. Do not suffer© 01 '<1 your friends K
suffer,but use and urge
Betnember, Hop Bitters is drugged K
drunken nostrum, but tho n d post I
Medicine ewer made ; the FBIELNP a
and HOPS" and r.o person or jm
should be without them. HIMBBHHM ffgjjjyi
D.1.0.H an absolute and Jrrcslst'hle cure!
forDrunkenuess.uso of onium, tooocco
narcotics. All soli bv dm; —'~ts. Send IS
for Circular. Hey Bitter* Mfg. Co., M KjB)8Rl
Subdues Inflammation, Controls all Hemorrhases
Acute and Chronic ; Venous and Mucous.
a I I Poud'i Extract Ms the only
I nT<">rrh f' ,r this disease. Cold In
AMI I 111 tLe Head, Ac - Cur Catarrh
UUIUI I 111 Cure (75 cents), specially pre
pared to meet seriom cases, con
tains all the outlive p-.-.perties of Ponil'n Ex
tract ; our Dinnnl Kyringe (25 cents). invaluable
lor u eiiysatarih I,(lections, is simple and effectiva.
Bore Throat and Lung* Chapped Hands
and Eaee-ir>< vreally beoctitti-d by tne Extract.
Frosted Limba an t Chilblain* ire promptly
relieved and ultimately ciirod by Pond's Extract
lW It is unsafe to use other arricl -s wi'h opr di
rections. lu-is- on having POND'S EXTfrAOA
Kefu o all imita ; ions an t iubtltutes.
,a AgentsWnnted. 5n Day made
1 iiM -4f © selling our I'LATFOKM FAMILY
|1 'yihZOgaill Jj SCALE. Weighs uptoSftlba. Eetr.ll
I ®j|y prion. ♦ 1.50. Terms surprise Agents
W boMsawo Scale CO., Cincinnati, Q,
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Feot and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
K< Preparation on earth equals Sr. JOrt
•a a *o/'e, an re, aitnide uud cheap External
Betnmiy A trial entail* but the oomperauvsly
trifling outlay of 50 Out*, and every utie onflering
with pain can bavu cbt-ap aud positive proof of its
Directions in Eleven Languages.
Baltimore, Md., XJ, 8. A*
Battle Creek, Michigan,
Traction and Plain Engines
and Horse-Powers.
Meat Complete Th i-r*her Factory J Established
in the World. i 1848
A A VTADQ °f eonHnuou* and mmmm/Sil hot
*1 i V EHflO "<->, without ch&ntrw or name,
w JL nsnnremeot, or l<<-tion, to *' lack up- the
■ broad uwarranty FIRM CM. all MR good*.
Complete! Steain Out fit* o/ matcXl*** qeaHtim.
Trart ion tsginc* and Plain Engines
ever seen In the American market.
A multitude of eprial /nature* and impreuemamlt
for 1881. toepether With tuperior qealitie* * oonJtruo-
Hon and material* not dreamed of by other maker a.
Four nines of .Sejvaratora, from 6 to IS horse
capacity, for etaam or horpe power.
Two styles of " Mounted " HoreevPowera.
7KHA AAA feel of Sclerted Limber
,UvV|UvU ( from three to fix gear* air-Ar\cJ)
constantly on hand, from which is built the In
comparable wood-work of our machinery.
Strouot*\tn'*t (tumble,and efficient eeer IKS* I
mutd*. b, 10, 13 llorse Power. Oj
, Formers and Threwhennen are Invited tS
Isvretiirate this matehl*** Threshing Machinery.
Otroulare ecut free. Address
Battle Creek, Michigan
Ifinunu (tfl.) Opera by AMB ROISK THOMAS,
lllliUn, Thl i very successful opera first be
came known in Paris, where it slowly but surely
worked 1 sway to permtnent distinction, and
has become one of the standards, ft is very
full, occupies *O3 pages, and furnishes to the
purchaser qu,u> a library of musio of a high
ITn A (12.) Grand Opera by VERDL Composed
lilUa. in i.he first instance for the rule - of
Egypt, and first given lu that ancient king
dom. where the scene of the story Is laid.
The strange lite of old forgotten ages comes be
fore us. and is made vivi i by the thrilling mu
sic or one of the most brilliant'of oomposers.
UftniHCn. ihli opera. Introducing Spanish
uyp>les. Soldi' rs, Spanl-h Dons, a Torreador,
and spanl-h on rab&nd Traders. We are in
cont <ct with the bizarre ways and Incidents of
the Spanish l'cnlh-ula, and the music Is quite
in consonance with the prevailing brightness.
ItlJjr lOiUl LJIJUI fi-le is the true fieud, ac
cord Dg io Goethe, who've poem Is closely fol
lowed throughout. A dar,ug composition, ro
mantic and w nd, and now widely given, and
pronounced a success.
11111 111 1 Zj a, music Is most tilting, and who
introduce* u-, in a free and easy aud humorous
wav. to Hussion* and Turks during the war.
Very popular.
Any book mailed, post free, for above prices.
J. E. nrrsojr. A CO„
ISM ChrMnnl Street. PhilaSilyhla.
VTOONG M F.N L*rn Teievrayhyl Ears 9*o U
glut)• mouth. Uradna-es MUranteod
oßoa*. Addr M VALKNTINai BROS., Jaaesvllle.
W iseonsin.
fjr FREE!
Send tis your Address
"Shopping in New York."
285 to 295 Eighth Avenue,
I TIL* IN ILIE CN iipeot, and only complete aud relia
ble wont on Etnjnette and Business and Social
forma It tells IN.w to perform all the various du
ties of life, and how io appear to the beat advantage
on all occasions.
AOHN'FTI WANTED.— Send for circulars contain
ing A lull de-criptiou of the work and extra terms to
Philadelphia. Pa
advanced. WaCES promptly paid. SLOAN
fc Co. SO6 beori.* St. Cincinnati. U.
are quickly and sorely eared by the nse of KIDNEY-WOB.T. Tins new and 'wonderful remedy which U
having cuch an Immense sole In all parts of the country, work* on natural prindplee. It restores strength
and tone to the diseased organs, and through them olenTines the system of accumulated and pc. lonou®
humors. Kidney diseases of thirty years standing have been eared, also Flies, Constipation, Bheumattem
&0., which have distressed the victims for yean. We have volumes of testimony of Its wonderful extrativs
power. No longer use Alchollo Bitters, which do more harm than good, or drastlo pills, but use natures
si ■ -iifas, „ aam , t bsw —c^msMaMseiwMSiiwsMWMasMMMMa
Sarsagarilliai lisglnit,
am It taated la Th* Lungs or MomMib.tkUi
or ftSonoa, Floh*or Nerves,
Chronic Rheumatism, Scrofula, Glandular
Swelling, Hacking Dry Cough, Cancerous Affbo-
Lions, HyphillMc Complaints, Bleeding of ths
l ungs. Dy-pepsia. Water Brash, Tic Doloreux,
White Bwellti gs. Tumors, Uloers, Skin and Hip
Diseases, Mercurial Diseases, Female Com
plaints, Gout, Drop y, Halt Rheum. BionchlU*
Liver Complaint, &c.
Not only does ths Sarsaparlllian Resolvent
excel all remedial agents In the cure of Chronic,
Scrofulous, Constitutional and Skin Diseases,
but a la the only positive cure tor
Urinary and womb Diseases, Gravel. Diabetes.
Dropsy stoppage of Warer, Incontinence of
Urine. Bright* Discs-e, Albuminuria, and In al
ease, where there are brick-du u t depodta, oi
the water Is thick, cloudv, mixed with sub
stanoes like the white of an egg. cr threads u i
white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious
appearance and white bone-dust deposits, and
when there la a pricking, burning s naatioo
when passing water, aud pain In tne small of
the back and a ong the loins. Hold by Drug
One bottle contains more of the active
bles of than any other Preparation,
rakea in Teaspoonful doses, while others re
tuire five er six times as muck.
Rl fL
Ready Relief,
Looseness DLanrhcet. Cholera Morbus, or pain
ful discharges from the b iwels are stopped in
1* Or M minutes b.' taking Kadway's Keadv Re
lief. No congestion or Inflammation. no weak
nees or lassitude wld follow the use of the R. R.
The Only Pain Remedy
ihH instantly stops the most excruciating
pains, allays infiammatloe * and cures Conges
tions whether of the Lungs, Stomach, bowels
or other glands or organs, by on-uppl
'■ from one to twenty ralnnte,. no mat
ter how violent or excruciating the pain tea
iheum aic. Bed-ridden, I rinrnTcrlppied, Nerv
ous Neuralgic or prostrated with disease may
suffer. READY RELIEF will afford
instant ease.
Inflammation of me Hldteyt,
lnflamfntlon of tne Bladder,
Inflammation of the Bowels.
Coniceetlon or the Laaga
•oro Throat, IXfflrnlt Breathing.
_ _ , Palpitation of the llearl.
Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria
„ t atarrh, Inflaensa.
Headache Toothache,
Nervousness, Mleoplossmots,
Monralafta, Bhonmatlsm
cold Chills, A rue Chills,
Chilblains and Frost Bltoa.
The application of the Heady Relief to toe pan
or parts where the pain or difficulty exists Will
afford ess*! and comfort.
Thirty to sixty drops In a half tumbler of
water will in a few minutes cure Cramps.
Sprains. Sour iiomach. Heartburn, Sick Head
ache, DlanrhoßA, Dysentery, Colic. Wind in the
Bowels aud ail Internal pains.
Travelers should always carry a bottle of Bid
way's Ready Keller with them. A few drops la
water will prevent sickness or pains from
change of water. It la better than French
Brandy or B1 iters as a stimulant. Prioe Fifty
Oente per totufc.
Radway's Regulating Pills.
FssfssS PargwkvN, Soothing Aperient*
Aot Without Pain. Always Reliable
and Natural la their Operation.
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with
sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, oieanae aud
iuwATI FILLS, for the cure of aU Disorders
ef the rtomach Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Blad
der. Nervous Diseases. Headache, Constipation.
OosUvenea* Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Binoua--
aess Fever. Inflammation of the Eowen. PUea,
and all derangements of the Internal viscera.
Warranted to effect e perfect Curt# Purely
vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals er
deleterious drug*
SWCbserve the following symptoms resulting
from Diseases of the Digestive Organs: Consti
pation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in
Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heart
burn, Disgust er Food, Fullness or Weight lu
the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut
tering at tne Heart, Choking or Buffering Sen
sation* when in a lying posture. Dlmiteea of
vision. Doth or Webs Before the Sight, Fever and
Dull p&ln In the Head, Deficiency of Perspira
tion. TeUownees of the Skin and Eyes. Pain in
ths tilde. Cheat, Limbs, and Hodden Flushes m
Beat, Burning in the flesh.
A tew doee* of RanwATi PILLS win free the
system from aU the above-named (Reorders.
Prlee, BS Oemts per Bern.
We repeat that the reader must oonsnit eor
books and papers on the subject of diseases ano
their oure, among which may be t
"Fein and True ,*•
'•Radw -y oa Irritable Urethra,
"Bad way oa flerofhla,"
relating to dmarnat slaseaa at 91*
mm am M FAUI A TBVI,
i®tteT stamp to BAD WAT dk CO.,
M Warren, Ur. Chareh It Hew
■WTnformatiea worth thouaands will be sen
There oeu be no better guarantee of the van
of Da. RAO WAT'S old established R. R. R. Rxif
piss than the base and worthless Imitations
them, as there are False Resolvents, Belle
and Pilla Be sure and ask tor Radway's. an
see that ths aasae "Badway* Is oa what yot
ry* Ac*nu to Sll tn, fiuuoart AinciUum Uw*
Farming for Profit
N*w, Aoonrat*. A Oopl*t Fam
Uiftrory _ in luelf. A r guide to aucooMful farm.uj.
Make Money I U
hv many tlmeo It* cost every Season. SM
140 lllustratmns. Send for Circulars and term# to
J.C.MoCUJLUDY St CO.. i'falladeiphl*, Fa,
AI>XJBN*S Brain Food enrea Nervous Debility
aud Weak nee- ot Generative Organs, Hl— all
jrgiata. Send for Circular to Aliens Pharmacy,
SIS flm Ave.. N. Y
Send stamp for Cabdogue.
Klflea. Shot Guns. B*voiwamta , *Ateuwiin.tM)