Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 10, 1881, Image 2
|l(t &i\\\ cirn Journal. THURSDAY. MARCH 01., 'Bl. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL Is published every Thursday. in Ruild ing, corner of Main and Penn streets at SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or fil.fio it not paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 week. 1 mo. 3 mo. 6 mo. 1 year. J square.... i *100! $2 50 *3 00 $1 00 *7 00 W column,.. 800 400 600 10On 15 00 Senium u,.. 500 750 10 00 15 (XI 85 00 i column,,. 800 1200 2000 3500 6000 One tn<*h makes a square. Administrators and Executors' Notices *2.50. Transient ad vertisements :.nd locals 10 cents per line for first Insertion and 5 cents per line for each ad ditional insertion. Job Work done on short notice. DEIXUGER & BIMILI.ER, Editors and Proprietors. thnrcli & Snflftay Schocl Directory. • Evangelical. ♦v. Samuel Smith'ant Re i\ TT. H. Hartman, Preachers. Sunday School, 2p. M,— D. L. Zerby, supt. Methodist. Rev. J. Benson Akers, Preaeher-in-charos. Preaching next Sunday evening. Bunday School at IK P- M Dav. IKimport, supt Reformed. Rev. C. ir. E. Siegel, Pastor. German preaching next Sunday morning. United Brethren. Jt9v. L. 2£ Gates, Preacher-in-chargs. Lutheran. J?ei\ John Tomlinson, Pastor.— English services in Aaronsbnrsr next Sunday afternoon, and In Paradise church iu the eve ntug. United Sunday School. Meets at yA. m.—F. D. Luse, supt Lcdje & Society Directory. Millhelm Lodge, No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets In heir hall, Penn Street every Saturday evening. Rebecca l>e.cree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. A. O. DEININGSU, Sec. R. A. BUMILLKR, N. G. Providence Grange. No. 217 P. of H., meetsin Alexander s block on the second Saturday of. eeh month at 6.K. P. M.. and on the fourth Sa turday of each mouth at IK P- M- D. L. ZERBY, Sac. A. O. Deiulngcr, Master., The Nillheim B. & L. Association meets in the Penn street school house on the evening of the second Monday of each month. A. WALTER, See, B. O. DEI SINGER, Prest. The Millbeim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on MondaT and Thursday evenings. F. P. OTTO. Sec.. o. F. IIARTER. Pres't. deal Director Regular Terms of Court—Fourth Mondays of January, Apri, August and November. President Judge—Hon. Clias. A. Mayer, Lock Haven. Additional Law Judge—llou. John H. Orvis, Bellefoute. Associate J atlges—Hons. Samuel Frank, John Dtven. Prothonotary—J. C. Harper. Register of Wills and Clerk of O. C.—W. E. Burchfield- Recorder of Deeds, &e—William A. Tobias. District Attorney—David F. Fortney. Sheriff—John Spanaler. Treasurer—Adam Yea tick. t Comity surveyor—.Joseph Devllng. Coroner—Dr. Joseph Adan.s. County Commissioners—Andrew Gregg, George Swab, Jacob Dunkle. Clerk to County Commissioners—Henry Beck. Attorney to County Commissioners—C. M. Bower. Janitor of the Court House—BartrimGalbralth. County Auditors—James T. Stewart, George K. Williams, Thomas B. Jamison. Jury Donmiissiouers—John Shannon, David W. Kiine. Superintendent of Tublic Schools—Prof. Ilenry Merer. Ths Inauguration. The inaagur ation of James A. Gar field as President of the United States, last Friday, passed off pretty much as ether occasions of tho same kind did for the last twenty years. There was the usual gathering of people from all parts of the country. The rapers say it was the largest crowd ever assem bled at the inauguration of a Presi ded, but then it i 3 the "largest crowd" every time. The grand procession as it is called was made up of milftarjr organiza tions, political clubs, societies, orders, etc., ar.d is said to have presented a very imposing appearance. There was a vast display of glitter and gaiety 011 all sides, notwithstanding the rain and mud, and the usual amount of drunk enness and rowdyism was not wanting. Our own good old state was shameful ly disgraced by a sett of Philadelphia roughs calling themselves the Harmo ny Legion. They insulted most very body along the liue ef march and stop ped to fight whenever it was resented. Retween Twelfth and Thirteenth streets the entire Legion broke up and went into a general free fight, cracking heads right and left with their staffs and getting a good many knocks in re turn. In some instances a dozen of them would break ranks and plunge into the crowd, driviDg whomsoever ihey pursued into the saloons and scar ing half to death the women and chil li en who were incidentally knock ed over in the chase. A platform was erected on the east rortico of the Capitol from which Mr. Garfield delivered his inaugural. The oath of office was afterwards admin istered by Chief Justice Waite, and James A. Garfield is now the Pres ident of the United States. One of the last official acta of Mr. Hayes was to j veto the funding bill which, if he bad signed it would have saved the people millions of dollars every year. The reason he gives for : ot signing the bill is that it does not suit the banks. Of course the banks and other corporations must* be taken care of, but the people and their inter ests in ay see to take" care of themselves. The Committee of One Hundred, composed of the best citizens of Phil adelphia, are determined lo ferret out and punish to the utmost extent of the law all repeaters, ballot-box stuff ers and rounders that have for years plied their nefareous trade in the fair metropolis of the state, and manufac tured majorities at pleasure to suit themselves and their [corrupt political bosses. Election frauds in Philadel phia had at last become so open and notorious that decent men to a great extent no longer considered it worth their while to vote. The solid men of both parties however aroused them selves to a sense of their danger and duty and their work culminated iu the triumphant election of Hon. Samuel G. King to the M; yorality, at the recent municipal election. The committee do not propose to lay down their ar mor until all those who have helped to make elections in Philadelphia a by word and a • farce, shall be properly punished. They deserve the aid and support of every good citizen, not nly in the city but throughout the state, m their herculean labors for the puri fication of the ballot-box. The tallowing is President Garfield's cabinet. It was unanimously onfirra edjhe day after the inauguration. The Camerons and machine republicans have received a decided slap in the ap pointment of Mr. MacVeagh: Secretary of State—James G. Blaine, Maine. Secretary of the Treasury—William Windoor, Minnesota. Secretary of tho Interior —Samuel J. Kirk wood, lowa. Secretary of War—Robert T. Lin coln, Illnois. Secreiaryof the Navy—William 11. Hunt, Louisiana. Postmaster General—Thomas L. James, New York. Attorney General—Wayne Mac- Veagh, Pennsylvania. THE FIRE FIEND AT DANVILLE. The State Lunatic Asylum a Mass or Ruin. DANVILLE, Pa., March 6.—Yes terday the state hoapitaffor the in sane at this place was one of the most imposing public edifices of this section of the state; to-day it is a mass of smouldering ruins. For jears its construction had been act ively prosecuted, and only in 1881 could its completion be considered attained. The cost to the state for the e rection of the buildings which are now almost entirely destroyed, has been at least $600,000. These buildings covered an area of near ly two acres of ground and had a frontage of 340 leefc. It was a sub stantial structure of stone, situattd about one-half mile to the east of Danville. At about 8:15 last evening a fire broke out in one of the female wards of the east wing, temporarily unoccupied for the purpose of re pairing it. The cause of the "fire is as yet unexplained. Efforts to stay the progress of the flames were ren dered abortive by the fact that the fire originated in the closet wherein the water plug and hose were situa ted, and the pipes soon became so heated that the water could not be turned on. Attention was then turned to rescuing the patients, some five hundred of whom were then under treatment in the institu tion. Fortunately most of the fe males were at that hour attending services in the chapel an I these were at once transferred to the bakery, laundry and other detach ed buildings in the rear. Natural ly the fii*e caused much excitement among these unfortunates, and very different was the effect upon many of them. Some of them became greatly frightened, whilst others seemed to consider it a huge treat gotten up for their enjoyment. These 1 latter stubbornly resisted all efforts to remove them. Some of the at tendants were roughly handled, and the more athlete of the inmates were only taken to places of safety by main force. No lives were lost. The bad condition of the roads prevented prompt assistance from the town. The asylum was at too great a dis tance to utilize the fire pressure of the IloUy system of water works here and a team of horses conveyed the Friendship steamer to the scene as the main building broke into flames. The Friendship and other fire companies of the town have been doing all in their power but the scarcity of water prevented very successful work. Adjacent towns were telegraphed to for assistance but the steamers from Sunbury and Milton did not arrive here until five o'clock this evening. Had they re sponded promptly it is probable that the entire west wing could have been saved. From the east wing to the centre, thence to the west wing the fire spread rapidly, the heavy cornice under the tin roof greatly assisting in this whilst inside the Carolina pine flooring, doors, etc., were greedily lapped by the fiame3. In their effoits to remove the in mates many of the attendants lost their private effects, but most of the movable property of the hospital was saved. There remain at pres ent but a section of the extreme west wing, consisting of about six wards. The hospital was insured for $250,000. The ruins are still in flames despite the continuous efforts of the firemen. None of the detach od buildings of |the hospital have been injured WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C., March 5, 'Bl. The return to a legitimate Presiden cy was fitly celebrated yesterday. Des pite the disagreablo weather there was a magnificant procession, a ball at which five thousand people wero pres ent, and thorough good feeling prevail ed on all sides. There were no acci dents during thejlay, and only pleas ant recollections of the inauguration will exist. The message was excellent iu toue. It was iucompromlsing in the assertions that this is a Nation with a big 14 N," instead of a Union of States, but its references to past sec tional quarrels and existing sectional distrust showed ithat the President earnestly desires the establishment of a better state of fteling. Very sensi bly iudeed, he thinks this can best be done by devotiug attention to objects of interests and importance to the whole country. He does not suggest specially what these things are, but it is probable he will do so in the first message he sends to a Congress whde in session. ; In short, there is no doubt, judging from what ike says that he in tends to be the head of a conservative administration. I should feel more confidence in his persistence in that course if it were not for the fact how ever well and patriotically lie has spokeu heretofore, he has never failed when the time to vote came to vote Just as Thad Stevens or Conger would have voted. The Democratic party has little to reproach itself for in connection with the late session of Congress. It sug gested only patriotic and constitution al measures, and was liberal without being profligate in the voting of the public money. The record when final ly made up will|be creditable to the party. That the Apportionment bill failed was the fault of the Republi cans as was also such treatment of the subject of refunding as nearly created a panic like that of 1873. By cause leas and constant obstruction of the public business a few prominent Rad icals have during the last few months injured their party seriously, while the wise conservative, patriotic action of the majority has helped to establish general confidence in the leading Dem ocrats in Congress. Speaker Randall's position has been specially difficult, but the same readi ness, fairness, and back of partizau bias In bis official acts that have so long made him deservedely pop ular haye been shown during this, his third term, as invariably as ever. The House has never had a better presid ing officer. The supposed appointment of Judge Hunt to a Cabinet place is said to be an arrangement between contracting parties to give Mr. W. K. Rodgers a comfortaole birth on the bench of tho Court of Claims. Judge Hunt was solicitated by Hayes to take the place vacated by Judge Woods, so that Rodgers could be thus provided for. CARROLL. Without question Gen. Ilaceock was the most attractive and popular fig ure at the inauguration; Ruddy Hayes the most contemptible and Garfield a sort of go-between. The irrepressible Edward McPher son figures out a majority of several thousand for Garfield on the popular vote. Of course that ought to settle the matter, coming as it does from such a high and impartial source. A HORRIBLE HOLOCAUST. SEVENTEEN CHILDREN lEEI DEATH IN A BURNING BUILDING. Scranton, February 27.—An nppal ing catastrophe, resulting in the death of seventeen children, fourteen lovs and three girls, occurred to-night at St. Patrick s Orphan Asylum, llyde Park. The building is situated at the corner of Jackson street and Lincoln aveuue, about a mile from the centre of the city. It is occupied by a number of Sisters of Charity, and under their charge were forty children, whose ages ranged from six to twelve years. The beys and girls occupied separate dor mitories on. the third floor. At 8.30 o'clock this evening one of the sisters escorted the children to their rooms and locked the doors for the night. She then started to descend the stairs. When she reached the second story she discovered smoke issuing from one of the rooms. On opening the door she was driven back by a cloud of smoke. The fire was along the ceiling and mak ing its way to the upper story. The Sister darted up stairs and found the girls' room full of smoke. She took the girls to the lower floor andstaited back to reach the boys' dormitory. The smoke was pouring iuto the hallway in blinding clouds, and when about half way up the stairs the Sister met a stranger. She made an effort to pass him, but he refused to allow her to pro ceed, saying that the boys had been rescued and that it would bo danger ous for her to go for them. She re luctantly went back. An alarm given soou after the fire broke out brought four fire companies. The flames were raging fiercely when got to work. Thej were informed of the be lief among the Sisters that some ot the cnildren were still in the building and made every effort to reach the upper floor. In a short time the flames were beaten back. Tho dormitory was forced open and the victims of the fire were found beneath their cots—only two of them were touched by the fire and all had evidently been dead for sometime. The cause of the fire is in doubt. Intense excitement prevails. J Jttailroad Travel Still Suspen . dod. CHICAGO, March 3.—Another heavy snowstorm is prevailing throughout the northwest, extending from this city to Dakota and moving eastward. It reached hero about midnight, and the very high wind was accompanied by driving sleet. Tho railroad traffic has not recovered from its late block ade, and will bo again suspended. Trains on tho Chicago,* Burlington and Quincy road, in addition to the snow, are delayed by tho burning of the station at Galesburg,i'lll., which occurred this morning, And which in volves a loss of $0,600. 3 Milwaukee reports: Tho railroad blockade throughout Wisconsin is more complete than at any time during the winter,and railroad men say the tracks will be much harder to clear this time than before. The Ciiicago, Milwaukee audSt. Paul railroad has suspended all its trains. Elkhorn, Wis., says: Never before has the work of snow plows seemed more futile, as the tracks are covered in some places for hundreds of yards with water and suow so that shovels are tho only means available to bail out the slush. Dubuque, lowa, reports: A furious storm is raging, insuring* another rail road blockade, during which no trains can be expected, as those werft and east were all abandoned hist night. Tho Illustrated'Scientiflc N6WB. One of tho kandsoraost of publica tions is the ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIF IC NEWS, published by Mtmu & Co., New York. Every number contains thirty-two pages, full of engravings of novelties in science and the useful arts. Ornamental wood work, pottery, vases and objects of modern and ancient art are finely shown. Tne March number contains, among various other subjects illustrated, a full description of the manufacture of paper hangings, with engravings; how the deceptive curve is • produced in casting tho ball by tlie baseball pitcher, his attitude, how he holds and handles the bull, all fully illustrated. The number before us also contains engrav ings of Oapt. E.KI'S proposed ship rail way across the Isthmus, and a novel hydraulic railway locomotive. In addition to all this it contains many valuable lecipei for artisans and housekeepers. This publication will be found in structive and entertaining to all class es, but will be best appreciated by the most intelligent. Published by M-umi &C 0.*38 Park Row, New York, at $1.50 a year, aud sold by all news deal ers. DISSOLUTION* OF PART\FRsinp.-The partnership of & Lllltneyei IMS T>een DISSOLVED bv mutt AO C >n*ent. intin ? fiom Feb. LUH last. of which ail concerned will take no tice. The book* Mid accounts ARE LEIT in the hands of Wm. t illme/er for oeitleiucnt aud collection. J. R SEJI.EK, 3t Wrn. PItLMKTI.IL TURNPIKE ELECTION.— Tbs regular an. Dual election for offices of the Seilefonte, Aaronshoig A Youncmnnstown turnpike com pany will BE held at the public house, of WM. Inhoff. In Mlffllnburg, on Tuesday, March Fth, ISSI, between the hours of to A. M„ aud 2 R. M. By order of the board. WM. FicntHOßw, President ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICK.-Lctters of administration on the estate of Adnin Zer* by, late of P im township, F'entre Co., Pa., do ceased. having been granted to t HI undersigned, all persons KNOWING themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified TO rmtke Immedi ate payment; and those having claims against the same, to preseut them duly authenticated for settlement. Saturday, April 9th next has becu appointed as a da\ of settlement, when all persons having unsettled accounts are requested to present them at the late residence of decedent. HENRY T. ZPRBT. I). L. ZHNTBT, Administrators. HI AADMINISTRA FOR'SSAI.K.— The under signed, administrator of the estate Of Philip Krtel.lute of GREGG township, IDEECNSCD. win offer at public sale on the J>NUNL<*E<IR Iff, Haines township, about miles' east '.or Aarons burg, Pa., on Saturday, March I'JHI,' 18S1,A val uable farm, bounded on the west DW LANDS of John IF Stover, 7/enj. B Stover and others: north by lands of BEUJ. 7? Stover, Michael Weaver's estate. Philip Stover and'olhers; cast by landsof David Krape and Aurpn Dutweil er's estate; and south by lands -of Jacoo IF Stover, containing 111 acres, abotft 75 acres f which are cleared and in a pood state of cultl vation, and the balance is woodlaud of fine grow ing young timber. The improvements are, A two-story dwelling house, bank barn and other necessary out bu Mings. A never-failing spring of good water is near the house- AN apple orchard of a bout throe acres Is on the prem ises. TERMS OF SALE.— Ten per cent, of one third of the purchase money on day of sale. The b-IL anceotone third on confirmation of sale. One third in one year, with interests, aud the balance in two year* with interest. The last two pay ments to be secured by bond AND mortgage on the premises. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock of said day. DAVID ERTEL. Administrator. EXECUTORS' SALE OF REAL & PERSONAL PROP ERTY. — '1 he subscribers executors of the es. ta.eof Adam Bower, late of Ilaines township, Centre Co., Pa., deceased, will offer AT Public Sale at Aaronsburg, on Saturday Match sth, ISBI. the following real and peraonal property, viz: House and kt, Four Squares of Land, in Aaronsburg. Coal stove, 2 Beds complete, Lot of Bedding, 8 Day Clock, Sett of Chairs, 3 Rock ing Chairs, Settee. Breakfast Table, Bureuu, Chest, Robe, I.ot of Carpet, Mirror, Lot of Ger man Books, and inauy other articles too numer ous to mention, Sale at the house of John. Bower, Aarons burg, and will commence at 1 o'clock of said day, when terms will known by 1). O. BOWER, JOHN BOWER, Executor's. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Letters of Administration on the estate of Lenah Delbv, late of Miles township. Centre county, Pa., deceased, laving been granted tc the un dersipned, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate are hereby uotifled to make immediate payment; aud those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. LCTHBR B. STOVER, _ . . .. Administrator. Haines township, , j 6t ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE.-Letter of administration on the estate of Calvin 11. Wise, late of Haines township, decease ., hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment,and those having claims against the same, to preset) T them duly authenticated for settlement. DANIEL „ ~ . __ . , Administrator. Hartleton, Union Co, Pa- Jan. 20th, 1881. Y ■ 6T . JR CARDS With; your name neatly MB mm PRINTED on, for 10 Cts. ; Bongs, MB ■ ■one EMIT EA'H Bend for price list. ■■§■ ■Address, F. MOLAUOUMN, & Co, mm LHWIBBUBO, Ta. MILLHEEH MARBLE WORKS —Established in 1843 SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT, 1881. Six Strong POINTS. Ist. We buy our stock iu car load lots direct from the quar ries, at the lowest cash prices and at a great deduction in freight, and give our customers the benefit of this system. 2nd. We keep a full line of the best grades of marble al ways on hand and never misrepresent what we sell. 3d. We employ skilled and experi enced workmen, 4th. Our designs and styles cover a wide range and are suited to all tastes and price?. sth. .We can fur nish everything in our line, from a cost ly GRANITE MO NUMENT down to a $5 HEADSTONE. 6th. Our customers are universally sa tisfied and pleased. <SCALL & SEE .CD Shops —East of Bridge, Millheim, Pa. DEININGER & MUSSES, Proprietors.' BAULAND & NEWMAN, BELLEFONTE PA. HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS. AT THE BEE HIVE OIDTE PBIOB STOBE. We are now opening and displaying the Largest best and cheapest stock of goods ever offered in Centre county comprising a full line of DRY GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS YARNS, BOOTS & SHOES, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Clothing Mads to Order a Speciality. A. G DS IMIAEKEi) IS DPLAIS Z&TGIJBES. The pubic are cordiallay invited to call and ex amine our stock. Remember the place ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. Respectfully Yours, BAULAND & NEWMAN Our Motto is: One pries tie test pods, asfl no lisrejrecntatioiL LX&S.C. RAIL ROAD. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. 1 S 5 7 A. M. A- M. P. M. P. M. Montandon 7.00 9.45 2.20 C.43 Lcwisburg ~ 10.00 2.26 7.0u Lewisburg Iv 7.25 Fair Ground-..............—. 7.50 10.06 2.40 Biehl 741 10.21 2.51 Vlcksburg 747 10,30 2.57 Mifflinburg 8.<3 10.51 3.13 M iUiaont 8.25 11.20 3.55 Uurelton —. R.35ar11.35 3.16 Wicker Kan 0. ;0 4.U • Cherry Run 0.17 4.30 Fowler 9.57 4.50 Co burn ............... 9.43 5.02 Spring Miili 10,13 nr 5.30 TRAINS LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 6 3 A. M. A. W. P. M. P. id. Montandon 6.50 ar3.3oarl.2tt artow Lewiaburg ........ 6.35 9.15 1.05 6.15 Fair Ground...... 9.10 1,00 6,10 Biehl 9.01 12.48 6.00 Vlcksburg 8.56 12.42 6.56 Mifflin burg 843 12.25 6.40 Millmont 8.25 12.02 5.20 Laureltmi 8.15 1) 50 5.10 Wiker Run 7.48 4.17 Cheriy ltun.—— 7.31 4.30 Fowler .... 7.10 410 Cebui n ........ 6.68 4.00 Spriug —6.30 2.30 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 onn*et at Montandon with Kile Mail west for Wllliamsport, Lock Haven, Kane. Carry ar.d Erie, and Buffalo and Niagara Fall* v'a Emporium, aiso Klmira. Wat kins. Buffalo and Niagara balls via Canandnl gua. Nos. 8 ar.d 4 connect with Pacific Ezpiess ea-*t for liarrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, ! Philadelphia and New York Nos. 5 and 6 connect with Day Kxoreas east for liarrisburg. Baltimore, Washington, Phil adelphia and New York. and Niagara Express I west for Williams port. Lock Haven and Ren ovo, Tyrone, AUooua and Pittsburg via Luck Ilaven. also b'lmira. Watkins aud Buffalo, and Niagara Falls vU Can&ndaigua. Nos. 7 nud 8 connect with Fast Line west for Wllliamsport and Lock Haven. No. 8 also connects with Erie Mail east for liarrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadel phia and New York. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia, & Erie R. R. Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY, Nor 27th. 1880. the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Di vision will run as follows : WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leave!* Philadelphia 11 55 p. re. " liarrisburg 425 a.m. " Williainsport 8 40a.m. " .Jerseyshore. 9 09a. m. " " Lock Haven. 940 a.m. 44 14 Heiiovo 11W a ju 44 arr. at Krie 7 45 p. in. NIAGARA EXP. leaves Philadelphia 9 00 a. m. * 4 Harrisburg 12 15 pi in. i 44 WUlianuqiort 315 p. m. 44 44 Lock Haven. 420 p. m. I FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia .12 20 p. m. 44 44 Harrisburg 4GO p.m. l 44 arr. at Wllliamsport 7 66 p. m. 44 44 la>ek Haven 910 p. m. j EASTWARD. PACIFIC EXP.leavcs lock Haven.. 705 a.m. 44 44 Jersey shore.. 757 a ni. 44 44 Wiliiamsport. 8 20a.m. 44 arr. at Harrisburg ...12 05 jr. ni. 44 4 4 Philadelphia. 3 46j>.m. DAY EXPRESS leaves Lo*k Haven.. 11 m, m. 44 44 Wiliianisnortl2 23 p. m. 44 arr. at Harrisburg .. 3 40 p. m. 44 44 Philadelphia 635 p. ui. ERIF. MAlL'eaves Renovo 900 p. in 44 44 Lock Haven 1010 p. iu. 44 44 vvilUamspoit 1130 p.m. | 44 arr. at Harrisburg 3 00 a.m. 44 44 Philadelphia 705a. m. ; FAST LINE leaves Williainsport 12 15 a.m. 44 arr. at Harrisburg 3 15 a. m. 44 44 Philadelphia 705 a.m. Erie Mall West and Day Express East make clo-ie connections at Northumberland with L. & B. R. it. trains from Wilkcsbarre aud bcran ton. Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West and Fast Line West make elosc connection at Wil liainsport with N.t 4 . R. W. trains north. Niagara West and Day Express East make close connection at Lock Haven with B. E. V. R. R. trains. Erie Mail East and West connect at Erie with trains on L. F. & M. S. R. R.; atCorry with O. C. &A. V. It-1\ :at Emporium with B. N. Y. & P. It. E., and at Driftwood with A. V. It. R. parlor ears will -un between Philadelphia and Williainsport n Niagara Express West and Day Express East. Sleopiug cars on all night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Sup't. EROCKERHOFF HOUSE BELLEFONTE, PA First Class in all respects. This is the place for the business man, the farmer, the mechanic. BST* Omnibus tn all trains. W. K. TELER, Proprietor. Outfit furnished free, with full in I § Ist ructions for conducting the most If W profitable business that any one can engage iu. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make great profits from the very start. No one can fail who's willing to work. Women are as success ful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many have made at the business over one hun dred dollars In a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are sur prised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not nave to invest capital in it, i We take all the risk. Those who need ready j money, should write to us at once. All furnish ad froa. Addros T&ux 6 Co., Augueta, Main# | hatti^MWElD I ! NLW RCURE. RHEUMATISM, Which renders life a bunlen and fi nally destroys it, is permanently cured by this remedy. Stiff and swollen joints are restored to their Batumi condition. NEURALGIA. A single application gives relief. Leas es of The fonaeat miaitding are perma nently cured by a single bottle. CURES GUARANTEED In every case. Money refunded tt any one not relieved after a fair triaL For sale by all first class druggists. PRICE 50 CENTS. RHEUMATIC REMEDY CO. 8 PITTSBURGH, PA. MTSend for statement of cures. DPMOTnUQ procured for all solritew disabled rJDllOiUriO in the I*. 8. service fiorn any , cause, also for heirs of deceased soldiers. Tie slightest disability entitle* to pension. Pensions imhkasud. The law* being unite liberal now, thousands are entitled to higher rates. Bounty and new diwhaiues ptocured. Those who are in doubt astowfiethrr tntith-d to anything should send two 3 cent sUmps for our "circular ! of Information." Address, with stamps. Stoddart A Co. Solid, tors of Claim* and Patents. RoomS, St. Cloud BuiWng, U a C. ST^„n^llT , c „ GILMORE & CO., LAW & COLLECTION HIOSE, 629 F Street, "Washing od, D. O. ■ g m> m m I-I. i Make Collections, Negotiate Loans and at tend to a'! business confided to them. Lakt> ! SCRIP, soldier's Additional Homestead ltight and Land VCakravt* bought and sokl. • Agents $1,009 MADE IX 60 DAYS Now is the time to make it. Piospe; ity hat dawned upon the people of this country, and all are enjoying Its blessings. YOU can just as well make a Utile money by devoting some of your spare time to our business. We offer ono of the best opportunities ever yet given to any one to make money. It takes no capital. You do not have to invest a large sum of money and run a great risk of losing it. Your energy and your business capacity will be all the capital you will require. Ladies cau engage in.tbe business as well as gentlemen, ami even boys and girls do well, fcren if you do not desire to engage la business, we can impart information to you that will be of great value. You Will readily see that It will be a com parr lively easy matter to make from &SO to 9100 a week, and establish a lu crative. independent business. . IVT-A-IKZIE llav while the sun shines. The business in honorable, straight-forward and profitable. Do not neglect this notice but write to us and find out what our business is. It will pay Vou and only cost the pi ice oi oae postal card. We send full particulars free. Attend to this matter NOW lor there is money In It far all who engage with iis. If you cau only do vote one or two hours a day, or the evening, you can crake #lO a week. Yon have only to w rite us to be convinced of this fjct. Send us a Postal card with your full name and address plelnlv written thereon, end receive by reiu a mail full pariicola.s <>f a business that wnl sur prise you and make you bonder why you never wrote to us before. "Write at once, it w*U p*y you. Address Buckeye M'f'g C„ (Name this paper.) MARION, OHIO, imiq TsrErr ? a THE BOOT & SHOE MAN U jf| LOOK HAVEN. pj I have a very large stock of IL ]P BOOTS, SHOES, M pJ Slippers & ladies WALKING SHOES, U just opened up for Spring and Bunuuer wear. My stock is l>jgg|% as cheap as It was a year mvJ 2 ago, because I bought it a for cash before tlio ad- vance, lam the only ® >J shoe dealer in Jock " lloveh that buys for cash, & pays ■ t? H ■ no rent where. I M fore I can sell B m you a Detter ar-' |BB tfcleforthesame ■Wg money than any dealer in the eity. Give me a call and ■ B J ■■■ you will be convinced Bfi I ■ that your place to buy is w SAMP'S