YOUNG CHJGKKNS AND INSECTS. —The practice of excluding chickens from the garden, especially in mid-summer, is bad both for the chickens and for the vegetables. The young chicks will not thrive in confinement, as in freedom, and the growing plants are in a good measure protected from in sects by the chickens. We have never succeeded better with young broods than by putting them, with the moth er, in the vegetable garden. The mother is kept confined in a coop, and the chickens have free access to her through the slats. She follows her in stinct in scratching over the ground under the coop for worms and grubs, and after a lew days the coop is pushed along to new soil. The chickens are regularly fed with scalded meal, or boiled screenings; they supply them selves with animal food from the gar den. The chickens are too small to do any harm to plants that are .well star ted, and yet they pick up an immense number of Insects. The more highly tlie garden is manured, the more ra pidly do insects multiply, and the greater is the need of birds and fowls 10 keep them in check. The chickens can go beneath cucumbers, squashes, beans, tomatoes, etc., and pick the eggs and worms from the uuderside of the leaves, where they are generally found. They eagerly chase every moth and bug that files, and if one alights wltliiu striking distance, it is sure to be de voured. When the chickens are large enough to do injury to Ihe plants, they are easily removed to other quar ters. DISTORTING VEGETABLE GROWTH.— The practice of distorting trees, shrubs and climbers into various stiff and grotesque forms, instead of allowing them to grow in their natural and gracelul beauty, cannot well be re garded as much ot an improvement, both kinds ot distortion are to be ob jected to, namely, by artificial means purposely, and by allowing the trees or shrubs to became distorted by unna tural and one sided crowding. James Vickgives an illustration in his Month ly, expressive of his opinion of at tempts at "improvements" of the kind. He states that at the time, many years ago, that several eminent English offi cials were present to witness the ope ration of Perkiu's famous steam-gun, opinions were freely expressed of its merits, but Wellington said nothing. When urged to give his oplnieu, he rnerel}' replied that he had beeu think ing "that this steam-gun had been the first invented, what a grand iinprov ment on it gunpowder would have been !" And if a tree or shrub origi nally grew in the form of a stiff cone, or a peacock, or a statue, what a grand Improvement a handsome,graceful out line would be considered by cultiva tors! THE CULTIVATION OF THE CRANBER RY. —Wherever the cranberry has been successfully introduced it has proved itself one ot the most valuable of our small fruits, having the advantage over all others in its adaptability of beiug kept for so much greater length of time. It is most profitably cultiva ted ou low, moist, level lauds, where drainage as well as overflowing can be applied, as circumstances may require. Yet, like many other plants, it may be gi-vwn |sucoesstully under conditions very different Irom those in which it is found in its wild state. Any loamy naturally moist garden soil will grow cranberries. The plants are set out and cultivated exactly like strawber ries, until the vines have covered the entire ground, when no other care is necessary than to pull out the tall weeds. An occassional light dressing of fine swamp muck or sawdust is very beneficial and keeps the ground moist. A small beginning in cranber ry culture may even be made in a fiow er pot. Plants grown in this way are not only highly ornamental, the ir.ults hanging on the vines until the blos soms appear for the next crop, but also astonishingly productive. How TO TEST DAIRY Cows. —There is no difficulty in establishing the cha racter and value of each cow in a dai-. ry. The method usually followed is to weigh each cow's milk upon a spring scale as soon as it is drawn and before it is poured out of the pail into the general receptacle. The weight is no ted down on a slate or board under the cow's name and against the date. One week's trial is sufficient for each month so as to get a fair average through the year. For a butter test each cow's milk may be set seperately in pans of different size or form from the others and churned by itself; this will give the yield of butter for a certain quanti ty of milk. Generally when one gins a habit of keeping accounts in the' dairy in this way it is continued and is found a valuable help in making a dairy prcfiatbie, for it is a check on feeding, watering and otherwise car ing for the cows and when a falling off or increase is noticed Immediately be comes anxious to find the cause of it, and thus much valuable information is gathered. PLOWING.— There are two kinds of soil on every man's farm—the agricul tural soil and the subsoil. The agri cultural soil may be two Inches deep or it may be nine, but it Is not twenty feet. It is not deeper than the air can penetrate. *lf the agricultural soil is too shallow it may be gradually deep ened by lifting an inch of the eubsoil at each plowing, bringing it up to the air and enriching it with manure. Says Professor Stockbridge: Our agri cultural society committees, by their premiums for smooth, shiny fiat fur rows have done the community great harm. Such as often takes the premi ums is the very poorest kind ol plow ing. The soil is best plowed when it is most the roughly crushed, twisted and broken with the sod .well covered. On some kind of lands I would have furrows lapped an inch, as the Cana dian farmers plow. Let the air and water have a chance to circulate un derneath the surface. Light lands, however, should have a flat furrow if we wish to make such lands more com pact. COLD, cutting weather causes the cows to curl up in some cozy corner. A LITTLE girl being asked on the first day of school, how she liked her new teacher, replied: "I do not like her; she is just as saucy to me as my mother." PAPA: "Where has yesterday gone to, and where is to-morrew comiug from?" I MOTHER (teaching a little girl of four her letters): "say W." Little girl: "Double me." WE desire to be underrated only by the tax-collector. OVA and under—The eggs when the hen sets* N "JMOROUS. HE had a mournful look about him, and he advauced with measured steps to the table. "I'm a useful member of society," said he in a sepulchral voice. "Indeed, no one would suspect It. A faoe like yours—" "Is a blessing to its owner. I can manufacture more melancholy In ten minutes than any other man can in a week. That's my business. Igo about touching up the tender feelings of peo ple and reducing them to palpable tears —" "A regular brine drawer?" "To be short, yes. One look at me will make the strongest eye weep. I'm very useful at funerals." "This is 110 funeral, but It will be, and there will be joy instead of mourn ing if you don't take your melancholy mug out of here in a hurry," and just as he was going to ask tor a quarter a paste pot went whizzing by his head and he retreated, leaving a streak of blue behind him that will last a week. A WELL-KNOWN lady artist, resident in Home, rel tes that while standing one day near the statue of the Apollo Belvidere, she suddenly became aware of Ihe presence of a oouutry woman. The new-comer was a well-to-do-look ing American woman, and introduced herself as Mrs. Haggles, of , Mis souri, and then asked : "Is this the Apollo Belvidere?" Miss H testified to the tourist then said: "Considered a great statue?" The interrogated lady replied that it was generally thought to be one of the master-pieces of the world. "Mauly beauty, and all that sort of thing?" said the lady from the land of the setting sun. "Yes," responded the now amazed artist. "It is said to be one of the no blest representations of the human frame." "Well, exclaimed Mrs. Haggles, closing her Badeker, and with arms akimbo, taking a last and earnest look at the marble, "I've seen the Apollo Belvidere and I've seen Raggles, and giye me Higgles." "THERE are seventeen and a half men to every female iu the territory ol Dakota." "Well, said Miss Jones, spinster, when she read the above item "if girls knew what I know, they'd take that half man rather than none at all." "WAL, there's a row over to our house." "What on alrths the matter, you lit tle sarpeut?" "Why, dad's got drunk, mother's dead, the old cow has got a calf, Sal's got married and run away with all the spoons, Pete has swallowed a pin, and Luke's looked at the Aurora Borax till he's got the triangles. That ain't all nuther." "What else upon airth?" "Rose split the butter pot and broke the pancakes, and one of the Maltese kittens got her head into the molasses cup and couldn't get it out, and o,how hungry 1 am!" "A YOUNG woman recently went to an English fancy ball as a powder puff." It must bave been a puff-ball. Aud ibis reminds us that a young man once went to an American ball as a ride. No one guessed what charac ter he represented until he went off "hall-cocked" and staggered against a man who called him a 'son of a gun.' Two ladies meet. Says No, 1; "Why do you know what I heard about you ?" "I've no idea." "I heard that when your husband was sick and not expected to live you went to a picnic." "It's a vile slander; it was only an excursion." WE'LL bet a cent that not a man who has blojgn out the gas aud beeu suffo cated aWing the past ten years, ever took and read his country paper. Now is the time to subscribe, THE angel of midnight: The woman who opens the street door for her hus band when be is trying to unlock the bell-knob, and then lets him sleep on the hall lloor. A FELLOW who married a poor girl said he married her to take care of her but now when he staid out late at night she took hair ol him. A LITTLE girl, noticing the glittering gold tilling in her aunt's front tooth, exclaimed : "Aunt Mary, I wish I had copper-toed teeth like yours." THERE IS a fortune in store for the genius who shall produce a boiler-iron shoe for the small boy. Something warranted to last two weeks is what is wanted. A FELLOW in New Orleans is said to have eaten a box of Ca&tile soap to get rid of freckles. He still has a few on his face, but inside he isn't freckled a bit. A SOUTHERN paper, in delault of an ice-gorge to chronicle, tells oi a clam bake where two young men ate of this delicious fruit until it protruded from their ears." #* • THE family that makes the longest and loudest prayers is not always the one that pays the highest prlcess to its washerwoman, by any means. "I SEE the villain in your face,"said a Western judge to a prisoner. "May It please your honor," said the prison er, "that is a personal reflection." A GIRL hearing her mistress sk her husband to bring, "Dombey and Son" with him when he came home to dinner, set two extra plates for the expected guests. SiMALLboy: The 2,000 raw hides purchased by Vernon firm are not in tended tor use in the public schools. THE present weather permits many young men who bought ulsters early in the season to come out in full pod. A PIG in the Virginia penitentiary plays cards having been taught by a man who was locked up for playing three-card monte. THE beehive is the poorest thing in the world to fall back on. THERE is some good left in the world after all. The man who invented spotted stockings lost money on them. "AUNTY, vat makes tie little baby cry so? Do it want iz mudder ?" "Yes, dear, and its fodder too." IT costs Massachusetts about $4,000 each tor the farmers graduated at Its Agricultural College. "A PLAIN cook" is advertised tor In a Boston paper. Comment Is neces sary. THREE of akind—the Albany, Sprin gfield and Washington base balls clubs. DOMESTIC. A ROUT * BRKAD-MAKINJ. —To raske bread, pare and rinse very clean five or six large potatoes, or what will make a quart when mashed ; boll un til tender; pour off Ihe water in which they are boiled and save It; mash them very fine and put them into the potato wator, and to this, while not, add a pint of flour, or enough to make a very thin batter—and thinner the better the bread—and add enough cold water to make about three quarts of the whole. When it is cool—not as warm us new milk—add It to half a cupful of yeast and set jt in a warm place to rise. By making this sponge at night, it will ho light enough in the morning to mix. Get your Hour into your bread-pau,aud strain the sponge into it, having pre viously stirred into the sponge a tea spoonful of soda, and mix it up into dough. Be careful not to get it too hard. Knead OP a board for about ten minutes; then place in the pun again and set it to rise. In about two hours or a little less, it will be ready to mould Into loaves. It should rise until it cracks OH top. lu forming into leave',uork as little ns possible in order to get it into shape,and let it rise again. When it is light, place in the oven and bake an hour aud a quarter. After re moving from the oven, wrap up well in a cloth, bread closely while Dating, as much depends on that. Add a little salt to the Hour before pouring in the sponge. 1 think by having good flour, and lollowlng these directions closely, one cannot fail to have good bread. It a person has poor bread, nothing on the table appears good; but with good bread, one can dispense with some other things, and still feel that she has a nice dinner or tea. In cold weather, one can keep the sponge two or three days and the bread will be just as good. By using some of the potatoes and the water they were boiled in at dinner time, the sponge will be light enough to mix into dough at night, and will be ready for moulding into loaves early in the morning. A fool ouce more. "For ten years my wife was confined to her bed with such a complication of ailments that no doctor could tell w hat was the matter or cure her, and 1 used up a small fortune in humbug stuff. Six months ago 1 saw a U- S. flag with Hop Bitters on it, and I thought 1 would be a fool once more. 1 tried it, but -my folly proved to be wisdom. Two bottles cured her, she is now as well and strong as any man's wife, and it cost uie only two dollars. Such folly pays.—ll. W., Detroit, Mich.— Free Press. LIME IN THE TEA KETTLE. —Every good housewife kuows chat an iron ket tle used for heating water that holds lime in solution, will in a short time become coated with that substance. This being a poor conductor of heat,it will of course take a longer time to heat the water when the kettle is new. Copper or tin vessels do not be come coated with lime. The reason is that Iron has an affinity for lime which the other metals have not. But this affinity can be overcome by coating the inner surface of the vessel with a com pound ol tauicaciu and iron, which is soluble in water and will not 'precipi tate lime. This is easily done. Take a new tea kettle and put a handful of oak bark into it, fill with water, and keep it boiling for throe or four hours, till it up from time to time as the wa ter boils away. The iron will get a Jet black coat of tannite of iron and will be proof against lime. Care must be taken that the kettle does not boil dry and become heated to redness. A heat a little below that point will destroy the coating. If the lime can be fully removed from an old tea kettle, it can be coated in the same manner as a new one, but will require a longer time, and perhaps it will be necessary to re peat the boiling two or three times. OATMEAL.— Give trie children oat meat at least once a day. It is genuine bone and muscle food, and they must thrive. Could our girls make the morning and night meals on real nourishment—not pastry —take more to nourish the brain and nerves, we should have less of the "neuralgia among our women. Indeed, this oat meal mush would afford ample food for the last meal, which should ordinarily be the lightest, simple, and easy of, digestion, securing good sleep, while It may well form a part of the morning meal. Its extensive use would do much to promote health among us. BROILED SHAD. One shad, two ounces of buttermilk, one half tea spoonful of pepper, one-half teaspoon ful of salt. Split the shad, when cleaned, directly throjgh the back bone with a strong sharp knife. Grease the broiler slightly, place the fish between its leaves, and broil over a quick fire for ten minutes. When done, remove quickly from the broiler dress with the butter, pepper and salt, and send it to the table as hot as pas sible. The dish may be garnished with lemon quarters and a sprig of parsley at either end. THE only natural hair renewer is Carboline, a deodorized extract of pe troleum, prepared without distillation or rectification with acids or alkalies, containing no mineral or other poisons, delightfully periumed and as clear and pure as spring water. A SOLUTION of one and one quarlers of a pound of white soap and three eighths of an ounce of spirits of am monia, dissolved in twelve gallons or soft water will impart a beautiful and lasting whiteness to any flannels dipped in it, no matter how yellow they have been previous to their im mersion. After being well stirred round for a short time, the articles should be taken out, and well washed in clean cold water. How TO STARCH AND IRON COLLARS Ere.—Mix very gradually one table spoonful of white starch with half a pint of cold water, dissolve a small piece of lump borax about the size ol the tip of the finger ia hot water; when cold stir it into the starch. Put, the collars into the starch, rub them up and down in it, smooth them well out with a piece of linen, and iron immediately, first with a fiat iron,then with a polishing iron. Card collectors please buy seven bars Dobbins' Electric Soap of any grocer and write Cragin & Co.; Philadelphia Pa., for seven cards gratis, six colors and gold, Shakespeare's "aeyen Ages of Man." Ordinary price 25 cents. WHEN water has once been made to boil the fire may be very much lesson ed, as but little heat Is required to keep it at a boiling point. There is no advantage what ever in making, water boil furiously; the heat will escape in steam, without raising the heat of the water. The public are cautioned to ask tor Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and take no other. Price 25 cents. I'lemtnj Prospects Respecting the "Dol lars of our Daddies." A Boston journal contains the following, taken from one of the New York dailies: "In noting the departure for Europe of Mr. John W. Mack ay, the California mil lionaire, our New York contemporary pre sents the following interesting particulars relating to the famous Comstock Lode, the camping ground, as it were, of more thau one of the I'acflc coast millionaires. There has been, no doubt, considerable of the 'wild cat' business in mining iu one way or another, but with the following results ar.d figures, which are unquestionably true, staring one in the face, it will readily he seen why the most fur-sighted and knowing ones continue to pin their faith to and pan their profits trom the above celebrated section. The north end of the ledge is now attracting especial attention, and from latest developments, those made in the Original Keystone mine—the latter running 1,800 feet on the main ledge, and accord ing to the recent investigation and report of the English expert, John D. Barry, A. 1. C. E., one of the most promising mines on the entire ledge—are particularly inter esting and all the indications point to highly gratifying results. "The celebrated Comstock vein or lode is situated iu Story County, in the State of Nevada, on a chain of mountains called the Washoe Kauge, east of the Sierra Nevada, having a mean elevation of 0,000 feet above the level of the sea, Mount Davidson, the highest peak, reaching au elevation of 7,000 feet. "The range begins near Carson City,run ning with a general direction of 22 deg. west of north for 150 miles. "The whole region represents a great barren wilderness, where nature has denied all agricultural prospertv, hut in her equity has stored probably the greatest amount of mineral wealth to he found in one locality in the world. "During the last twenty years the Com stock vein has given sixteen bonanzas, from which 0,500,000 tons of ore have beer extracted. "The average assay value of this large mass was SSO per ton; it yielded in tile mill s4l*Bo, and from the treatment ol sluices, $5 —total S4O. 80 per ton. "Thus the total value of the ore ex tracted was $000,071.005, yielding a net sum from mills and sluices of $023,071,- 005. The average proportion of precious metals in value is 45 per perceut gold and 55 per cent .silver." Chicago "Inter Ocean •" Ckoustadks ok Chicken.—Cut the crumb of a loaf of bread into slices two inches thick, ami then with a round paste cutter, about two inches In dia meter, cut out ot each slice as many pieces as possible. With another paste cutter, about one and a half inches In diameter, make a mark on one side of each cylinder of bread crumb. When all are ready, try them a golden color in very hot 1 ird. A deep frying pan should he used, and plenty of lard, so that the croustades fairly swim in the fat. When done, lay them on a sieve t/i front ol the fire to dram, and after ward remove the cover (marke I with the smaller paste cutter), and with the handle of a teas oou scoop out all the Inside of each eroustade. Mince finely some remnants of roast or boiled chick en, fite from skin, etc., add an equas quantity ofham or tongue, as well al a smal> quantity of mushroom, also tinelly minced. Toss the whole In a saucepan with a piece of butter, mixed with a pinch of llour; add white pep per, salt and powdered spice to taste ; moisten, it necessary, with all.tie white stock. Stir iu off the fire, the yolk of au egg, beaten up with the juice of halt a lemon; fill thecroustades with this mince, put a button mush room ou the top of each, cover them with a sheet of oiled paper, put them into the oven to get thoroughly hot, and serve. Honored and Blest. When a hoard of eminent physicians and chemists announced the discovery that by combining some well known valuable remedies, ttie most wonder ful medicine was produced, which would cure such a wide range of dis ease that most all other remedies could be dispensed with, many were .skepti cal; hut proof of its merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt, and to-day the discoverers of that great medicine, Hop Bitters, are honored and blessed by all as benefactors, — Democrat. Dr. James 1). Dana in recently pub lished papers has advanced sufficient facts to enable hiin deduce scientifi cally that the limestone of Westchester county and New York island, and the conformably associat d metamorphic rocks, are of the lower tilurian age ;and further, that the limestone and con formably associated rocks of the Green Mountain region, from Vermont to New York island, are also of lower Silurian rge. Thousands will bear testimony (and do it voluntarily) that Vkgktine" is the best medical compound yet placed be fore the public for renovating and purifying the blood, eradicating all liumors, impurities or poisonous secre tions from the system, invigorating and strengthening the system debilitated by disease; In fact, it is, as many have called it, "The Great Health Kestor er." An English mechanic has invented a horseshoe composed of three thick nesses of cowhide, cdmpressed into a steel mould and subjected to a chemi cal preparation. It will last longer than the common shoe?, weighs only one-fourth as much, does not split the hoof, requires 110 calks and is very elastic. —ln four days' shooting of Lord Sefton's preserves at Ooxteth, Lanca shire, six guns killed 0,344 head of game, of which 4,832 were pheasants, 197 ducks and 999 hares, a performance unparalleled in "sport." KIDNEY-WOKT is a remedy which removes foul humors from the blood, and creates healthy action in every organ. Torpid kid neys and liver lead to gravel, diabetes, con stpiatiou, piles and rheumatism. Kidney- Wort is the surest and safest remedy to use. Courant. THE members of the Penn Mutual Life In surance Company, of Philadelphia, cannot fail to derive satisfaction from a perusal of the Annual Statement published in another column. The business of the year has been most prosperous, being conducted, as all prior ones, with the sole object of providing relia ble life insurance at the lowest possible cost, and achieving this result with the highest measure of success. There is Nothing t'ertttlu except death, and that is now rendered ex tremely uncertain by the discovery of an abso lutely certain cure for the most painful of all bodily ailments, Piles. For 3 000 years, quacks and medical men have rivalled each other in torturing the miserable sufferers by that ter rible disease with all manner of barbarous, ig norant and useless nostrums and devices, and might still have gone on for a thousand more years but for the discovery of Anakesis by Dr. Silsbee. We seldom puff such things, but any man or woman who has ever suffered the agony of Piles, will thank us for oalling at tention to an almost infallible remedy for this dreadful dlseasa 500,000 afflicted sufferers testify to its unparalleled virtues. Doctors of all me lical schools endorse and use it It is at once the triumph and admiration of the age; simple, safe, prompt and permanent it relieves pain at once, supports and com presses the tumors and ultimately curea the worst cases of Piles, no matter of how long standing. Absolute infallibility is not possi ble, but medical soieuoe has nothing more nearly so than "Anakesis." It is the discovery of Dr. 8. Hilsbee,an accomplished chemist and practicing physician, after 40 years' study and experience. Samples of • Anakesis" are sent free to all sufferers by P. Neustaedter & CO., box 8946, New York. Sold by druggists every where. Price SI.OO per box. ' Vegetine WILL CURE SCROFULA, Scrofulous Humor. Vegetine will eradicate from the system every laltil or Berofu!a iud Scrofulous Humor. It ha-> peruutnenily curod thou amis In Boston and vMuity who had been long and painful suffer ers. Pimples and Humors on the Face. Reason should teach us that a blotchy, rough, or pimpled skin depends entirely up m an In ternal cause, ami no outward application can over cure the de:ect. Vegetine Is the great blood purlrter. Catarrh. For this complaint the only substantial bene llt can ne otKnined througn the blood. Vege tine is the great blood purifier. Dyspepsia. If Vegetine Is taken regularly, according to directions, certain and speedy cure will lollow Its use. Falntness at the Stomach. Vegetine Is not a stimulating bitters which creates a fictitious appetite, but a gentle tonic, which assists nature to restore the stomach to a healthy action. Female Weakness. Vegetine acts directly upon the causes of tho-e complaints. It Invigorates and strength ens the whole system, acts upon the secretive organs and allays lnilammatlon. General Debility. In th's complaint the good effects of the Vege tine are realized immediately after commenc ing to take it: as debility denotes deficiency of the blood, and Vegetine acta directly upon the blood. Veg-etine, rKXPAKKD BY 11. JR. ttTEYfift'tt, Boston, Hau. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. SITTERS •loop. Appetite, Rtrenffth Return when Hostetter's stomach Bitters la systematically used by a bilious dyspeptic suf ferer. Moreover, since the brain sympathises closely with the stomach and its associate or gans, the liver and the bowels, as their de rangement is rectified by the action of the Bit ters, mental despondency produced by that derangement disappears. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers v - generally. I The Onlyßemedy 8£ That Arts at the Same Time qn ■The Liver, The Bowels and The Kidneys® LJ This combined action gives U wonderful M mower to cure al I diseases. W □Why Are We Btck?U we alloto these great organs to fc-H mueome clogged or torpid, and poisonous Au-11 Via tors are therefore forced into the bloodLA UtAal should be expcUed naturally. ■ Uiuiionsness, Piles, Constipation, KldaeyH Complaints and IHseaaes, Weak- al nesses and Nervous Disorders. iflgty causing free action of these organs ansl Y%restoring their power to Vurow off disease, y M Why Sufferßlliouspains and aches! M Why tormented with Plies, Const I pat ion in \ a Why frightened over disordered Kidneys tgj II Why endure nervoos or sick headaches! ■ Why hare sleepless nlglits I VI Use KIDNEY WORT and rejoice InlG ■ ■ health. It is a dry, vegetable corngpundam/y tj One packs*? will make six qteof Medlefae.H H Oct it of your Prugqist, he will order for you. Price, SI.OO. k# mM WELLS, BICHABDSON L CO., Proprietor!, W | | (Willwndjxntpaid.) Burlington, Vt. af inOR BALK OR KXCHANGE FOR STOCK OF JT GOODS—Eighty-acre improve! Farm. 2 miles from City of Rochester, Minnesota. Will sell cheap. Address PHILIP LOEWK, Rochester, Olmstead county, Minn. SEND 10 CENTS to C. W. PERLEV for a Reoipe to Kindle Fires Without Kindling Wood. WILLIMANTIC, CONN. s"■ T T A YEAR and expenses to agents' Iff Outfit Free. Address Iff P. O YIOKERY. Augusta. Me T qJioc Don't read this, but enclose a 3 cent Jj&UlCo stamp for "Important Information" to Dr. W M.C. HATCH, Box 20, West's Mills, Maiue. _ 196 It pays Agent* to Sell thu StauJard Atuacultural Bowk Farming for Profit New. Accurate. Comprehensive. A Complete Farm Library in itself. A sure guide to successful farming. TCI I C UfIUU TTtf* Cultivate all Farm Crops. I tLLd HUff | 11 Breed & Care for Livestock. Make Money I U And Secure Happiness, g Snves many times Its cost every Season. 860 pages. 140 Illustrations.' ?Send for Circulars and terms to J. C. McCUHDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Those answering an advertisement wit confer a favor upon the advertiser and the publisher by stating that they saw the adver tisement in this Journal (naming the paper, THIRTY-THIRD ANNEAL REPORT Of THK Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF PIfILADEL PUI A. Net Assets, January 1, 1880 96,642,433 34 RECEIPTS. Premium receipt* 81,070.972 67 In to rout receipt*,etc .W3,59i1.6() 1,464,572.25 Total - 98,107,034.49 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses and oiidowmeuts 9511,870.62 Dividends to policy-holders.... 256,299.97 Lapsed and surrendered poli cies, etc -.. 128,926.29 Commissions, salaries, medi cal fees, agency exp's, etc.. 186,621.13 Taxes, legal expeuses, adver tising, etc 64.981.74 1,148,679.74 Net asseis, January 1,1881.... 86,958464.76 ASSETS. U.S. 5 per cent, bonds, Philadelphia and city loans, K. K. bonds, bank and other stocks, worth 92.941,783.60 92,636,075.07 Mortgages, first liens on properties worth 96.217.760 2342,436 47 Premium notes, secured by policies.... 062.176.88 Loans on collaterals, etc 322.119.40 Home Office, and KeaJ estate bought to secure loans 716,796.97 Caah ou baud and iu Trust Companies... 289.730 02 Net ledger assets, as ab0ve........ 96,968,364.76 Net deferred ami unreported premium* 9101,444.13 Interest due and accrued.... 91,674.04 Market value of stocks,etc., over coet 315,708.43 608.826.60 Orose assets, January 1, 1881 97,467.181.36 LIABILITIES. Losses reported, but not due.® 161,342.76 Reserve, at 4 per ceut., to re- • insure risks 5.967,135.00 Dividends ou Life Bate End 'ts and unreported policies.... 76448.89 Surplus! per ceut. basis .... 1,262464.71 ®7,*67,181J Surplus at 4)6 per cent., Pennsylvania standard- - 81,669,379.71 No. of policies in force 12.234 Amount at riak 931.606464.UU SAMUEL 0. IIUKY. President. KbWAKD M. NEEDLES, Vice-President. li.B. STEPHENS, 3d Vtce-Preaideat. J. J. BARKEB, Actuary. IIENRV AUSTIN, Secretary. HENRY C. BROWN, Ass't Secretary. New Music Books. "DMV\fT7Q By Margaret Pearmaln Jtil lillJuO Osgood, TranalatlonK by Loutaa T. cragln. Emphatically a hounebold collec tion, containing lullabies, nursery songs, kind ergarten songs, and everything of tne kind that musical mothers, sisters and all the child ren so dearly love. 4 \TT\ compiled from the best American and illvlJ foreign sources, and. In many cases, having both foreign and English words. The songs have simple accom paniments. Rhymes and Tuna has already re ceived moet flattering notices, and rpTTT\n?C bids fair to be a universal favorite. lull JLoiO Now Subscribe for the Musical Record. Try SI.OO ror 6 months. EMERSON'S QUARTETS AND CHORUSES For Male Voice*. (60 cts., or $6 per dozen.) A capital collection of pieces. Just made, and well fitted by their moderate compass and easy arrangement, as well as by their solid merit and great variety, for clubs and quartets that are now so rapidly Increasing. The book is compact and may easily be carried In the pocket. BEETHOVEN. Biographical Romance by Hau. ALBUM OF SONGS • Authorized edition of 100 of the very best of German songs ever Issued. . In Preas.-A new Sunday School Song Book. Any book mailed, post-free, for retail price. Oliver Dltson & Co., Boston. J. E. DITSOK 9 00. 1228 Chestnut St.. Phils. Battlo Creek, Michigan, JCAVCVAOTVXKU or THX OKLT ourtrm THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Power*. . Mm tr#mg let# Thwfcrat>iy | Established in the World. 5 1848 90 years srissatfisra rssst uX- management, or location, to - fcu* np" ike broad warranty pteoa on all oorgeod*. STEAM-POWER TOP ABATORS pd ever aeon In the American market A multUurU of racial feature* mod improeeeaemte for 1881. together with tupmrior qualities in construe Hon and material* not dreamed of by other maker#. Four eiaea of Separators, from 6 M 18 here# capacity, for steam or koreejposser. Two stylo# of " Mounted Horse-Powjwa. 7CAA AAA Peec ff Helmed Lnber , t/VVjvUv {from tkrt* to HJ yean air-dried) ootuturfly an hand, from which i# buQt the in comparable wood-work of our machinery. TRACTION ENGINES Strongest, etost durable, and efficient ever W mcuu! H, 10. 13 liorae Power. Ml Farmer* and Threahermen are Invited to ntveetbrate thia matchless Threshing Machinery. Circular# sent free. Addreaa NICHOLS, BHEPARD A CO. Battle Creek, Michigan. \7"OUNGM EN L##ni Telegraphyt Barn S4O to 1 OHIO a month. Graduate# guaranteed pa*lag office# Addri-ea VALENTIN h 8808., JanoevilU. Wt#con#tn. ENCYCLOPEDIA TIOUETTEIBUSINESS This I# tha chraaMt and only complete and rtlla ble wora en Stinnett# and Burineee and Social forma It tell# how t# perform all th# ahriooa da tie# of Ufa, and how to app#ar to the b##t advantage •a alt orCHslon#. AOKNTS WANTED.—Send for circular# ooatata tag a fall description of the work and twirima *• Agent#. Addro## NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia. Pa. 6REAT WESTERN.jqstENr, BUM WORKS, Send atamp for Catalogue. Rifles, Shot Gun#. Revolver*. en t a a d. Par wiamlnatioe HOP BITTERCT (A Medicine, not a Drink,) CONTAINS BOPS, BUCHU, MAN DRAKE. DANDELION. AND THE PT KE#T AND BEST MEDICAL QTJALI-H T TIE# OF ALL OTHER BITTERS. THEY CURE All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood,| Liver, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, Ner- I voußueaa Sleenleasnesßand especially Female Complaints. SIOOO IN COLD. Will be paid for a case they will not cure orfl help, or for anything impure or injurious I found in them. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and tryl them before you sleep. Take uo Other.l D.l. C Is an absolute and fori Drunkeueaa, use of opium, tobacco and ■ narcotics. ■■■■■ SEND FOB CIROULAB. ■■HAL All .hove sold by drugnrlsU. Hop Bitter. Mfg. Co.,, N. V., A Toronto, Out.| KIDNEY DISEASES, KZXmr.WOmX. lU , —■ Ti!T?,, 11 mitr-*•% ■■'"• jwmf li4ln*w ha wwd, also Ktaa. Oontpatlo&, Bknutat whtehhsTedieteeeed thaviettieeloe ywee. W>lw Tttt— t the water la thiok, cloudy, mixed with sub stances like the white of an egg. c r threads 11 white silk, or there la a morbid, dark, bilious appearance and white bone-dust deposits, and when there la a pricking, burning • naatiou when passing water, a .d pain in toe small of the back and a ong the lorns. Bold by Drug flats- PRICE ONE DOLLAR. OVARIAN TUMOR OF TEN TEARS' GROWTH CURED BY DR. RADWAY'S REMEDIES. One battle contains more of the active prin<>t- Uaa of Medicines than any other Preparation. Taken In Teaspoonful doses, while others re fulrt Ave er six times aa much. r! R! RADWAY'S Beady Belief, CURBS AND PREVENTS DYSENTfcRY, DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA MORBUS, FEVER AND AGUE. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, DIKTHER*A, NFLUENZA, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. BOWEL COMPLAINTS* Loose new, Diarrhea*, Cholera Morbus, or pain ful discharges from the bowels are stopped in 16 or to minutes by taking Radway's Ready Re lief. No congestion or inflammation, no weak ness or lassitude will follow the dse of the R. R. Ballet IT WAB THE FIRST AND IS The Only Pain Remedy chat Instantly stops the most excruciating oalna, allays inflammations, and cures Oontres dona, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bowels or other glands or ortrana, by one application. !■ Irons one to twonty minute*, no mat ter how violent or excruciating the pain the iheum ttic. Bed-ridden, InnrmTCrlppied, Nerv ous, Neuralgic or prostrated with disease may suffer. RADWAY* READY RELIEF will afford instant ease. In liana mot lon of the Kidneys. Inflammation of (he Bladder, ■ anamination of the Bowels. Congestion of the Lnsgs, •or# Throat, Difficult Breatblntr. _ . . , PslylUUen or the Honrt, Mysteries, Croup, Diphtheria „ . _ Catarrh, laflaeasa Headache. Toothache, . . M®splsssis4s, .ton rale la, Rhenmatlsm Cold Chills, Asrno Chills, Chllhlolas and Frost Bites. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort. Thirty to sixty drops In a half tumbler of water will in a few minutes cure Cramps, Sprains. Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Head ache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind In the Bowels, and all internal puns. Travelers should always carry a bottle of R id way's Ready Relief with them. A few drops In water will prevent sickness or pains From Changs of water. It is better than French Brandy or Blttere as a stimulant. Prios Fifty Cents per bottle. Radway's Regulating Pills. fmhM Pat-gwStTOS, Boethlat Aperient*, ASS Without Pain. Always Reliable and Natural In their Operation. A VEGETABLE SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with tweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, means* and itreuguLSh, fUbwsyu PILLS, for the curs of all Disorders s the >tdniacb, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Blad der, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, indigestion. Dyspepsia, Bl! oua seas Fever. Inflammation of the Boweis, PUea, and all derangements of the Internal viscera. Warranted to effect a perfect oun # Purely vegetable, containing ho mercury, mineral* er deleterious drugs. KWObeerve the following symptoms resultant from Diseases of the Digestive Org as: Consu- Eitioa, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood is sad. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heart burn, Disgust ef Food, Fullness or Weight ta the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut tering at the Heart, Choking or Buffering Sen sations when in a tying posture. Dimness of Vision, Pots or Webs Before the sight, Fever a d Dull pain In the Bead, Dcflclencv of Perspira tion, Yellowness or the Bkln and Eyes. Pain In the Bide. Chest, Limbs, and Buddsn Flumes ef Heat, Burning In the Flesh. A few doees of RAWAY*b FILLS will owe the system from all the above-named disorder*. Fries, as Omta per lex. We repeat that the reader must consult u hooka and papers en the subject of diseases and their cure, among which may he named t "Fulas sad True ," "lad* yes Irritable Urethra,** M k*dwajr aa Earafala,** andothers relating todlffarant olsmss sf Mb •OLD BY BRUGGISYBI BEAD "FALfIB AMD TBCI." •end a letter stamp to BADWiT dk CO., M Warrwm, Car. Cbarub St.. Hew Ysrlu ■Finformatlen wwrth theuaands will be sen tw yea. TO THE PUBLIO. There can be no better guarantee of the var of Dm. RASWATW eld established R. R. K. Rxn bias than the base and worthless imitations them, as there are False Resolvents, Hells and ruim Be sure and ask for Radway's, an sea that the name -Radway- M m whsi yot buy. BMPUjyMtNT-fcas'' lass* mm A Co. SOU U*orx S4. VlDciaaatl. . SEWING MACHINE N !TEDLES—Six for 16 cts.J 27 cents * doze t, post-paid. Address JAMES W. O NKILL, Florence, Mass. A LJLSWB Brulu Food cmrss Nerrens Debility j* and Weaknssi of Generative Organs, 91 — 4U •rnxrlsts. Send for Clrcalar to Ansa's Pharmacy ni find 4 va M M. T. SKELETON on the WALL. The greatest hit of the axe. A ghastly, grinning skeleton, six feet high, will appear or disappear at the will of the operator. Its appearance is simply horrible. Anyone that enjoys a joke at an evening party or among their frlenis should not fail to send for tne SKELETON ON THK WALL. One by mail, 26c.: five for f 1.00; no itamrs taken. Address W. H. BIGFORD. Toledo. Ohio. "OUSINEns uoLLKCrE, Chambersburg, Pa. ta- I> pert fret. •' Most perfect possible."—U. 8. Oom'rs Report.