Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 03, 1881, Image 3
ffltt jlilllmm Journal. THURSDAY, MARCH 3., 'Bl. DEIMVtiER & BIMILLER, Editors and Proprietors. Local Department. —German exhibition next Saturday evening.—Don't you forget it. —lf you want a first class sewing machine the Journal store is your place to buy one, cheap for cash. —People are busy attending public sales at present. The dinners are splen did this year. —Another little snow on Thursday night, which doctored up the sleighing somewhat. Yennor has the floor. —Job printing—in the best style and at lowest prices—at the Journal office. Bring in your orders. —The Central Pennsylvania Conier ence of the M. E. Church will meet at York, Pa., 16th next. —David Ertle, administrator, offers a good farm for sale,situated iu Haines township. See notice in another col umn. —Washington county is out of debt, and has $34,000 in the county treasury. There is not a licensed hotel or saloon in the conntj*. —The Central Penna. Conference of the Evangelical Association will meet at Lock llaven March 3d, 1881. Bishop Thomas Bowman will preside. —The Odd Fellows have 903 lodges and 85,000 members in Pennsylvania, and there are some real, good, clever fellows among them. Fact. —Several brand new sewing ma chines of the best standard makes, for sale at the Journal store, cheap for —llassenplug & Co., the enterpris ing music dealers of Lewisburg, are busy as beavers putting our organs and pianos. Tue} mean business and do business. NOTICE. The LITTLE JOURNAJL is a neat lit tle monthly paper for Children from 5 j to 12 years of age and only costs pos tage paid 15 cents per year. Sample copy 2 cents. Address LITTLE JOUR NAL, Lewisburg, Pa. —Through lain or shine, through thick and thin, through evil as well as through good report, Samuel Lew in, of the Philadelphia Branch Clothing Store, Btliefonte, sells the best and cheapest clothing of any man in this part of tile state. —Go out in the damp air, or sit un protected in a draught, and your throat sore and your head uncomfort able. You have taken a cold, which you can remove as promptly as you re ceived it by using Ayer'e Cherry Pec-1 toral. ♦ —For beautiful styles of Wall Paper go to Musser & Smith's Hardware Store, corner of Main and Penn streets in Millheim. They have just received a large lot ot the latest patterns, and are selling it at the very lowest fig ures. 2t —On last Friday evening the Far mer's Store Cornet Band gave a music al entertainmsnt in the St. Paul's church. We were not present, and are, therefore, unable to give an opinion as to it 6 merits. We hear say though, that the performances as well as the at tendance were good. —The other waek the smoke house of Mr. John Dutweiler, residing near Millheiui was entered and robbed of its contents. The meat was to be sold at public sale the next day, we believe. No clue to tha whereabouts of the per petrators could be found. —Wnether you believi it or wheth er you don't believe it, it is still the fact that Samuel Lewin, of tha Phil adelphia Branch Clothing Store Belle fote, sells goods cheaper than any oth er chap in tne county. If you believe it you will g> and buy at once; if you don t believe it, you will first oto see —and then you will be sure to buy. Under all circumstances Lewin is your man. 2t —A dower of SB6O, which has been standing against a property in Nor thampton county since 1826 and on which $2,683.20 interest had been paid, was distriDuted recently among the heirs of an old lady who died a few weeks ago at the age of 104 years. Niue children survive her, the oldest being over 80 years of ago. —Township auditors are required by act of Assembly approved June 4, 1879, (pamphlet laws, p ige 94) to meet for settlement on the second Monday of March, 1881, and annually on that day settle all accounts, except the school accounts. The same act pro vides that the terms of township offi cers shall begin on the first Monday of March. —EXHIBITION of the Millheim Ger man Evening School. By general request the exhibition of said school will be repeated on Satur day evening, March sth 1881, in the Town Hall in ..Millheim. The Pro gramme will be enlarged and greatly improved. We call the attention of the public especially to the closing comedy, en titled "THE TAYLOR OF BRINZIN GEN" which was received with stormy applause at their last entertainment. —The second exhibition of the Ger man evening school promises to oe much better than the first. —Bellefonte has elected a colored school director and brother Tutenisso happy over it. —Our band will be very much weak ened by the leaving of several of its members and the disability of the lead er, Dr. John F. Harter, whom his phy sician has advised to quit playing for the preseut. He as well as the band have our sympathies. —Mr. Lot C. Runkle is now circu lating a subscription for a summer school. He is a worthy young man, has good qualifications and deserves to be encouraged. Send yom childien. Don't allow them to spend all their time iii idleness and mischief. —lt affords us much pleasure to state thai the concert bv our Cornet Band on Saturnay evening was a com plete success, both as regards the per formances and attendance. The boys have money e lough to pay off the debts resulting from their disastrous Mifflinburg trip—and are happy. DEATH FROM A WOUND.— About the 9th it st., white using a feed cutter, Mr. Wm. Bingaman, of Hartley Twp., cut one of his thumbs very badly. It became quite sore—inflamed to the shoulder—and caused his death on the 16th, He leaves a widow with six small children. will miss a rich literary treat if you fail to atteud the German exhi bition. —After a long silence our old friend. Pete Roieum, out in Oildom, again gives signs of life. Pete wields the pen gracefully, and his short, pointed and spicy articles are always welcome to the Journal and its readers. Shall be happy to hear from you often Peter, and when utw you come yourself we will give your big, brawny hand a hearty shake. OUR SICK. —Our friend Henry Boll inger who is confined to his bed with debility, is slowly improving. Dr. .1. F. Barter is getting along pretty well. Mother Held, who had been verv sick, is also convalescing. Mrs. Michael Limey, who had beeu very ill for some time, is doing better again. We extend our heartfealt sympathies to all our afflicted neighbors and friends, —F. P. Otto and E. W. Mauck were sent to Washington by our town, to see to it, that everything is doue right at the inauguration of the new Presi dent. —As spring approacnes a number of our men will leave for other places in order to get. the employment which our town and neighborhood does not afford. George Reimstone expects to go to Lock Haven, Sam'l Weiser, Jr., al though, just elected to a fat office, al so talks of leaving. fJohn KerstetUr and Elias Lose are engaged in a plan ing mill at Milton, and there are no doubt others wiio will emigrate of 'whom we have not heard. We feel sorry for this exodus and heartily wish that all our people could find work at home. —Report of Millheim Grammar School for the week ending Feb. 25th 1881. No. of pupils, males—26, females— -20, total—46. No. .attehdio/., males— -22, females—l 6, total—3B. No. tardy, males —18, females—l 4, total—32. Nc. present every day, males—l7, females —l2, total—29. Average attendance, males—2o, females—l 3, total—33. Per cent, of attendance, males—9l, females Bl, total—Bß. No. of visitors—l. No parents .visited 133 during the week. As the term is drawing rapidlj to a close I would kindly ask them not to delay too long or they might miss altogether, D. L. ZERBY, Teacher. —Who can tell what has become of the old military bounty law warrants? There is outstanding nearly twenty five thousand of 150,12), 80 and 40 acresdicii wnic'i were issued to soldiers or tht&r heirs for services rendered iu the Revolutionary war, Florida war, 1812 wars, Mexica 1 wir. Arostook war, and Indian wars. They amount in the aggreate to over two million and five hundred thousand acres. They must he among the old papers left by your grandfather, your father or your mother, and not thought to be of val ue. Let the reader of this article see if he or sue eauuot find one or moro of them; when found, write Charles D. Gilmore, of Washington city, D. C., 629 F street, and you will be informed what to do to make it available to you. - 2t A CARD. To our Friends and Patrons in Centre county. Owing to a large increase in our business we have concluded to remove to larger and better premises, April Ist 'Bl. We are going to the place formerly occupied by Brooke's Confectionery, directly opposite Wails & Go's store, where we will have enlarged facilities to serve our customers. The Millinery Department will be under the direct supervision of Mrs. B. Harris, who has already engaged the seryice of several experienced city mil liners. The Notions, Trimmings & Fancy Goods Departmeut will be under the immediate charge of Mr. M. Harris, who will always endeavor to serve the interests of patrons, giving the best goods for the least money possible. Most Respectfully Yours, J tf B. HARRIS. A COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT.— Last week we were shown through the EXCELSIOR DYE WORKS, at Lewis burg, by the obliging proprietor, WM. A. Davis, Esq. The concern seems to be entirely complete in all its arrange ments, and Mr. Davis himself is an ex pert in the business. lie has had many years of experience in this country, England, Germany and Russia. He showed us a number of shawls and gentlemen's suits which had been dyed and pressed, making them appear like new, at a small cost. We have agreed to act as agent for Mr. Davis in this section and will nt i tend to all work entrusted to us. Read ld3 advertisement in another column and for particulars call at the JOURNAL STORE. tf —The German exhibition will have a full house, so you better go In time in order to secure a seat. —Michael S. Fiedler and Mrs.. Polly Royer, are the administrators of the •state of Goo. W. Royer, dec'd. See notice. NEWS FROM BRUSH. Flitting will ere long bo the fashion. Thos. Zeigler is down with erysip elas. L. B. Frank is making preparations to go to housekeeping. Sleighing will, before long, bo a thing of the past, if Venuor does not come to the rescue. It is rumored that Rebersburg is to have an exhibition at no distant day. Hope it may be a good one. Mr. Carliu, one of our teachers has quit the business on account of failing health. Dr. LciUell steps in and finish es the term. It is likely that the modus operandi is somewhat different from that pursued in a Dental College. How is it, Doctor? Mrs. Bierly, wife of the Hon. W. B. Bierly, is at present staying with her husband's parents, while the Hon. is attending to his legislative duties at Harrisburg. Rev. Stover preached his farewell sermon on last Sunday. It is reported a capital sermon. Tne Rev. gentle man has made many warm friends in this community, during his two years, ministry, and it is site sineer* wish of the church that Conference will send him another year into our midst. Meyer has been holding ex aminations in some of our schools during the hist week. We haye not heard how proficient he found the boys and girls in his new departure, but we hope the plan is as good as it is novel. Qcis? Franklin, Pa. Feb. 25, Mr. Editor; Having a few leisure rm ments In. day, I coucUided to write a little for "The Journal,' 1 which lias been shame fully neglected, ever since ray return to ♦he "Land of Oil," over a yar ago. However, as I wassobu-y t iat this could not be helped, it is useless to make excuses about the matter. This winter has been a very cold one, indeed, and yet the number of wells that have been drilled throughout the Oil regions, seems almost incredi ble, and goes to prove what an ener getic and iersevering i-eople we are, even in all kinds/of weather—or in no weather, at all. One great inconvenience during the earlier part of the winter was the scarcity of water; and at many places operations were suspended until a few weeks ago when we got water in such a quantity, that we felt like saying with—was it Macduff? "Hold, e nough! enough!" In tact there was a regular flood, aud this in connection with the breaking up of the ice upon our creeks a-d the river, created quite a hubbub—took awiy many of our bridges and caused general havoc throughout the region round about. A wiuow woman living about five or six miles from here, barely succeeded in getting her children out of the house, before it started off on a voyage down the Allegheny. Among other curious things that went sailing bv, was a chicken-coop, filled with its inmates, as well as having three or four sitting upon the roof, and one large "Rooster," was perched up 011 tne apex, and crowing in clarion tones, which he kept up as long as we could hear. Right here we did not suffer from the flood—and that is one of the ad vantages of high living, now, isn't it? Light oil is now worth only ninety j five cents per barrel—while the heavy is worth from four dollars to four dollars and fifty cents. The light is called second sand, and the heavy, third sand oil. The latter is used for lubricating purposes, aud is not near so plentiful as the former. * The well known Gallowav Tract, a bout a mile from Franklin, is the great heavy oil district, and whenever a well is drilled, it must be torpedoed, before it yields the grease. They never get any flowing wells of heavy oil, even where it exists in great quantities, it is always pumi>ed out; but they have everything arranged so scientifically, that thirty, forty, fifty and even more wells are constantly pumped or kept in operatian with one engine, which is a very great saviug of fuel, labor and ex pense. But fearing you may think thatold Pete has gone into a state of dotage, ami is very tedious, this had better be brought to a close, by promising more anon, or as the story papers say, "To be continued, in our next." FETE ROLEUM. News Miscellany. A well filled railroad oil tank recent ly bu rated at New Columbia, and the spot was soon well populated with citi zens supplied with vessels wherein to deposit the fragrant contents which were fast running to waste.— Chron. Three planets, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn can now be seen close together in the western sky in the evening. Thev are getting into the shape of a triangle. Such a conjunction of these three plau j ets seldom occurs. Esquire Keuben F. Brown, of Lewis burg has a "grandfathei's clock" on an improved plan. Once an hour it makes music and halt a dozen couples dance to the music. It is quite a cur iosity. A religious editor down in OcorgiH makes the following olervation: "Gold is found in thirty-six counties in this State; silver in three, copper in thirteen, iron in forty-three, diamonds in twenty-six, and whisky in all of them; and the last gets away with all the rest." A farmer of Sussasunnac, N. J., charged some wood with powder £o ascertain who was robbing bis wood pile. The next day an explosion oc curred in a neighbor's house. The stove blo\vti to pieces and one ot the inmates injured. Both parties now know who got the wood. A Touching Scene. A very touching scene was witness ed at the funeral of Mr. John Sims, of Griffin, Georgia, who recently died in Atlanta. The body lias been brought to Atlanta for interment, and the News says: tl At the grave, as the casket was b-ing lowered into the grave, the gricfstricken and broken hearted wife, whose sorrow had all the time bee i sad to witness, became un controllable, stopped those at thi c ftin, and asked for one more look at the face of her dead d uliug. The lid was unscrewed and taken off, when she fell upon the coftln, and put her face close against the fa;e of the dead, her lips to it, and tlnu 8 d and wept, and bewailed his death. After a few moments friends lifted her up, and placed her upon a seat near by. As the earth was thrown iuto the grave she sobljed %i Good-by, good-by, dar ling!" in a tone unutterably sad and agonizing. Around her grav-, among those who witnessed her sorrow and grief, there was scarcely a dry eye. The sc?ne would have moved a heart of stone." HIIJ.'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENBWEH li a scientific combination of 9 mie of the most ;i >werful restorative agents in tiie vegetable kingdom It restores gray hair to its original color. It makes the scalp white and clean. It cure* dandruff and humors, and falling on! of the hair It rm- asUe* the nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished ami supported. It makes tie hair ntoi*t. so t and gtossv. and is unsurpassed as a lnlr drcrednar. I: Is the most economical preparation ever offered to the public, as it* effects remain a Jong time, making only an occasional application neces sary It isVeeomin'Mtded and u*ed by eminent medical ni m. and ofllcialiy endorsed by the state Assayer of Massachusetts. The pop n'arlty of Hall's Hair Renewer lias increased with tlie test of many years, both in tills coun try and in foreign lands, and it is now known ami used iu ali the civilized countries of the world. - FOR' SAI.* BT ALL DXALKKS. A NisiW TREATMENT. The Golden Elixir of Life. Wonderful Cures. If you have Consumption, and would know that your cough can lie made loose and easy—Hectic Fever and Night Sweats checked in 24 hours; In flammation taken out of the lungs and air passages at once; that you can be made to gain 3 to 5 pounds of healthy llesli per week; if you have anv Chronic Disease, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Sick Hesdache. Heart Dis ease. Liver Complaint, Nervous Denil ity, Seminal Weakness or Spermator rhoea, loss of sexual power in either Sf-x from any cause; if you have any form of nervous weakness, losing flesh or wasting away, and would know of an immediate relief and certain cure for many of the seveiest cases in a short time, a new method with new agents to fatten every body, invigorate and make strong and healthy the most hopeless cases, cut this out and write at once for particulars to B. S. DIS PENSARY, Berrien Springs, Mich. iy THE NEW BIBLE, QUICK WORK. The new version of the New Testament, which has been so many years in course of translation ami which is so unquestlonab'y the most im portant literary euierpitse this century has seen, is being waited for with curiosity and anx iety by hundreds of thousands. It is not gen erally.known that a first edition of 300,(100 c< p ies lias air. edy IK en manufactured hi England, and 100,000 copies are said to be already in New York City, not one of them pennitted to bo soid 'iheyare awaiting a -telegram from the authorities in hngland authorizing their issue. The first copies can only be obtained at the ex travagant pnc<* of *lO per copy. The i.lteiary devolution proposes fully to meet the demands which its army of friends are making upon it by doing probably the quickest work in book making which Iris ever yet been accomplished. Arrangements have been fully made to put the entire book into type inside of 24 hours from the time a printed copy of the English edition can be procured, and within three days at least 10,- 000 copies will be bound reaay for delivery to waiting purchasers, and at least 6000 copies will be. manufactured every day thereafter, until the demand is met. it will be printed in large, beau tiful, typi, n'Ativan I strongly bound in Cloth, in a volume of about 600 pages, and sold at the nominal price of 30cents. A tine edition in half ltiissia. giit top, will be sold tor 60 cents, and one in full Turkey mor<coo, gilt edges, for $1.26. Of course the populer demand will be enormous, orders \\ ill be filled huh* order in which they aie received, with remittance. A mericuu Book Exchange, New York. DIED. On the lltli ult., at Zion, Mr. David liars h berger, aged 78 years. On the 18th ult., In Oregg township, Rebecca Lingle, aged 50 years, 1 month and 20 aays: Mrs. Margaret Carson, wifsbf William Oar. son, resident for many years at Potter's Mills, died at Spring Mill? Feb. 23,1881, aged 80 years and 9 days. The deceased was one of the -excellent of the earth and greatly beloved by all who knew her. A iter sixty years of blissful wedded life her aged husband now mourns her irreparable loss. She was for more than fifty years a worthy member of the M. E. Church and adorned her profession by a pure and lovely Christian life. The final summons found her ready aud wait ing to go home, tad taut sae eiimiy a i t sweet ly fell asleep i • Jes.n. tier rest is sweet anil her memory is precious. \. On the Ist inst., at MtUhelm, Mr. Araos Alex ander, aged 09 years and 5 months. Funeral will be held on Friday morning a 10 o'clock. LA more extended notice will be given nex *week.] MARRIED. On the lPth nit., by Rev. W. E. Usher, Mr. .Tnmes Leltzoll and Miss A man d A Nofskcr, both of Spring Mills. 3ALE R3OISTEE. March 4th, Clark Ilerinan. Millhelm. .House hold goods. March 12th. Administrators of Adam Zerby, deceased Uve stock, (arm linplenmnts and household goods. March 16th., Jacob F. Stover, Haines town ship. Livestock, farm Implements and house hold goods. March sth, D. O. ft John BoWor, Executors, Aaronstmrg. Four MMAVM of land, house & lot and household goods. March 12th . Farm of Philip Krtle, deceased, Haines township. Millhelm Market. Corrected ovory Wednesday by Oephert & Musaer. Wheat So. - 1-W Wheat No. I Corn * Rye , oats White . Oats, Black M Ruck wheat W Flour ft 00 Bran A Short#,pet ton 17 00 Salt,pur Brl I.7ft Plaster, givutul Cement, wr Bushel 45 to 50 Barley Tymothyseed * 1-00 Flaxseed Oloverseed.. *-ft° Butter £4 Hams Sides Veal l'nrk Beei Fggs JO Potatoes 30 Lard Tallow 5 Soap Dried Apples ft Dried Peaches 10 Dried Cherries COAL MARKET. Egg Coat $5.50 Stove ** 5.75 Chestnut 44 ft-30 Pea 4 4.W P. UKPHAKT D. A. MISSKK GEPHAUT & MUS EE pKALEKSIN Grain Cloversced. Flour & Feed. I'oa', Plaster & Salt MILLHEIM PA Highest market price paid for all kinds of C3-ZR._A.I2sT Delivered either at the BRICK Mil.l. or at the old MI'SSER MILL, In MILLHEIM. COAL, PLASTER & SALT Always 011 hand aud sold at prices that defy competition. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. 3D-1> EXCELSIOR STEM DYE WORKS LEWISBURG, PA., W. Davis, Proprietor. All kinds of Silk* Mixed Cotton and Wool bo d* dyd and finished in the bets stjle. tienis' Coats, Vests and Pants dyed or cleansed without rip ping. Ladies* Cloaks, Capes, aid Dresses cleansed or dyed to any fancy pattern where the original color is favorable. All kJad of .shawls e'ean d or dyed and finished in the neatest manner. My Factory ha* all ihe machinery ami facili ties* of a tirst class establishment of its kind. Mv experience in the business extend* over many years, both 111 this country and In Euroj>e, aul am therefore enabled to do strictly first class work at modentde prices. THE JOURNAL STORE, Mililieim, Pa., has accepted an agency from me. All goods brought there for dying will be returned free of extra charge. CM win J ■ Desbler. J. Jordan Desbler PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Aaronsburg, PE Calls promptly answered da night .D H. MLN GLE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Main Street, Millheim, Pa /fx t* Outfit sent Hre to tnose who wish to gi engage in the most pleasant and profit- Jlalable business known, Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. 41<la day atfd upward is easily made without stayffig away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new work ers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and gWls make great pay. No one who is willing to woik falls to make more monev every day than can be made in a week at anv ordinary employment. TliOfre who engage at once will find a short road to fortune. AO drees 11. iIALLEr &00., Cortland, Maine. PENSIONS f BOUNTY, PAY FOB RATIONS, NEW ANDIIONOHA nt-li DISCUAItOKS. AND INCREASED PENSIONS ob t.duod.-—New laws , higher rates of pension Tim slightest disability, from wound, injury o disease of any kind entities you to a pension Whlows and ueirs, fathers and mothers are now entitled. Land cases promptly settled, Patents obtain ed. All kinds of government claims nroseeuted Write ai once for new laws, blanks and in structions, with two stamps. Address, J. W. FLENNFK& CO., Lock Box 314, Washington, I>. C. FEMSIONS. EVERY SOLDI Eft disabled in HUP of oury by wound, disease, or injury, is entitled to pension. PKNsI->NS INCREASED.—Many are draw ing less than entitled to.—'Thousands of Heirs entitled to Pension and Bounty. REJECTED CA- s iiS re-opened. ABAXD NED CASES finished.—Copies of Lost Discharges obtained.—Claims of every de scription prosecuted .—PATEKTS PKOCCKEI*. Address with stamp, H. S- BERLIN & CO., Attorneys, 39-Pm 80x592. WASHINGTON, D.C Prepare for Snow! lames d. donbo AT PENN HALL, PA., hits just completed fi lot of very Buf>erior SLEICxHS, which lie offers at nuxlcrato prices, lie warrants them made of first class stock by skillful and* expe rience! mechanics. Gi\e liiin a call lie fore 3011 buv elsewhere, lie will guarantee satis faction in all respects. 47-3 m ■ 5 Sf® H f'** Yourselves by mnklni, in on ffl iC ga. a k c! T.. from your d<mr. Thoo whoal wa* take advantage of tlio Kood chances for 111 >king money that are offered, generally be come wealthy, white those do not Improve such chances remain In poveriy. We want ma ny men, women, boys and girls lo work for u.t righ! in their own localities. Toe w ill pey more than ten Hires ordinary wiges. \\t furnish iiii expensive outfit and all that you need free. No one wlio engages falls to make money very rapidly. Y<H: cen deyoto your whole Uin to the work, or only your spare moment*. Full In turmoil >ll and all that is tieedeu sent free. Ad dress Stin&om a. to., i'ortlaiid, Maine. rwJfillLFoi' ibis Style Siß2e\ rjy We will send It to your i&A P l ' l t0 examined befortP Wffrtt y..u pay for it. It it is not as jn represented tt can be returu- n f LjL 1 ed at our expense. Send a ■IAI postal card for lUuslia.ed < Ireu'.ar. C. A. WOOD& CO. yU w 4'J X. Tenth St.. I'hllada., pa. " 2H-:hn TRVIN HOUSE, J- [Must Central Ho'.el in the City,) Con. MaiX AND JAY ST., Lock Haven, Pa., S.WOODS OA L WE LL.VnyPRiETOit Co ft St no'" Commercial Traveler on Jlrst floor. PATENTS and how to obtain them. Pamphlet tree, upon receipt of Stanlp for post age. Address— GILMCItE, SMITH fc CO. StlirtL/rt of l'utruls, A'ror Patrol OJfirt. ll'aihlnglou, D. Q PDTT 1 Q A HTDT r fl tw oof the best artM" I lILiJ uilhiriiuC < ver sold bv stents to eve ry one who answers th|< within sixty days. American .tlannrxt'o , 2A3ni City Mills. Massachusetts. RUPTURE ffiyti. The greatest invention of tlie age! S-e our jnm lilet. . fc ent free. Prof J. Y. KGAN. (M densburg, N. Y. 29 ly Champion Windmill Powerl PEKFECTLT SELP-BEGOLATDiS! The Cheapest and most m Rffwttre powerhi the world Irrigating purposes, supply ing houses and fountains <_•; wa with pure, fresh water, etc. All of our Mills are fully ~*^fjhF F ' warranted, and are equal to J£FH any mill In the market In all aKll respects, and superior In ▼ery many. With our print- jftitieu ed Instructions.any one can iflfftV set them up. We are also £u,i fj& Manufacturers of the Origlu- jjj country. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Light Castings Made to Order. POWELL & DOUGLAS, Waukegan, IU IiOMESTi A |IT STMi23 aITHE HEAD [ 1 I I M Child can Ran U.V- H M 980 SIMPLE 9 R It Requires Ho Care, c ■ ISO STRONG I H 19 .It Herer Wears Out, * K toMESTIV •y* ■ A T-B 8 ISSS hichel tuiTMaotur*. Fashions Pries, 35 CenU. They are especially designed fo meet the requirements of thoe who desiro to dresrweH. They are unsurpassed in Style, perfect in Fit, ond ao aimpla thatthey are readily understood by tho ynost inexperienced. Send 50. for cat*- litegue. Address, "Domestic" Fashion Co., NEW YORK. IMPBOTED t&Xk BOSS SICKLE GRINDER. Simple, Light and Btrong. jWPiytl la No complicated Gearing. One rIW Ist man can ao the work of two, and Urn 11% turnout abetter job. The winner B 1 m r il-" of First Premium wherever exhi- B wbited. Send forlllnstr&tcdCircular m Special Discounts to roweil k Douglas, Waakfgan, UL UNPARALLELED SUCCESS or ran ffiteSewiiHacMi IN THE THIRD YEAR OF ITS EXISTENCE, ITS SALES AMOUNT TO 54,853 Machines. NO OTHER MACHINE EVER HAD SUCH A RECORD OF POPULARITY. It Li the Llffhtcst-BuzL&in?, Easiest Selling, cad Best Satisfying* Sdactias IN THE WORLD. Agents wanted. For terms, addsosg White Sewing Machine Co., 1 CZ.EVELAND. O. JOHN S. FISHER, Manufacturer of A Jta. ej % y§ s <j j if: vj I rH fa. 1J fat hh 1 f/ ®E3 O 'M*wl ,t) < Pi V 2 REBERSBURO, FENNA." Every wago:. bii't of £rst-e! stock Tod by—- expert mechanics. All work warranted. Ite palrinz promptly attended 10. The public pv tron ige is respectfully so! cited. 39-ly The iiifcierlbers would re* inform the citizens Of this iielgib< rli >od that they have crgg ft d In the under tuning b us In ess. *11 hej :. prepared tu Qi aie< Is in Oils line at aiytimo aad Would Kindly (solicit a share of, patronage. A Full Line or COFFINS & CASKETS always on hand, which we are also ready to furnish to other undertakers at reasonable prices. 81101* ON f, NN STdKE., MILLUEIM^fi. LOSE TIARTER & CO. FJLXjXJ A.IST3D WIxTTBB OIPEHsTIEN" 3- ! I SIRS. AYJiA 51. WEAVES lias just received her Fall and Winter stock oi MILLINERY GOODS consisting of French Bonnets, Bound Hats, French Flow ers. Feathers, Bibbonand all kinds of FANCY GOODS. DRESS HAS KG Xu all its Branches a SPECIALITY.* o She invites her many friends and customer? to call at her place of business, in Pens* Street, MJLLHEIM, PA. 3£E S£fill AI?fT clir3il b -V the ON. iy* $ ,1£ raj UABli LV TttUßcure, in g R'VY less time and at less cost than, by any o.ber meainfr No suffering or inconvenience. 'i realm*-ut shipped to any part of the U. S. or cunadas. Fun particulars free. Address, , (Established 1563) B. s. Drsresg^ar, Berrien Springs, Mich