VOL. LY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS OF BELLEFONTE- C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower. A BOWER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BBLLEFONTK, PA. Oooe la Qarman's new building. JOHN B. LINN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BBLLEFONTK, PA. Office on Allegheny Street. t £JLEMENT DALE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, * BBLLEFONTK, PA. Northwest corner of Diamond. YOCUM A HASTINGS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BBLLEFONTK, PA. High Street, opposite First National Bank. HEINLE," ATTORNEY AT LA W. BELLEFONTE. PA. Practices In all the courts of Centre County. Special attention to Collections. Consultations in German or English. F. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BBLLEFONTK, PA. All business promptly attended to. Collection of claims a speciality. J. A. Beaver. J.YV. Gephart. JJEAVER A GEPHART, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street, North of High, lyy- A. MORRISON, A'fTORNEY AT LAW, BBLLEFONTK, PA. Office on Woodrlng"s Block, Opposite Court Hou=e. S. KELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BBLLEFONTK, PA. Consultations in English or German. Office In Lkon'i Buying, Allegheny Street. JOHN G. LOVE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA, Office in the rooms formerly occupied by the late w. P. Wilson. BUSINESS CARDS OF MILLHEIM, ft. 0 A. STURGIS, DEALER 111 Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silverware, Ac. Ra pairing neatly and promptly dona and war ranted. Main Street, opposite Bank, M.llhelm, Pa. A O DEININGER, * NOTARY PUBLIC. SCRIBMKB AND CONVEYANCER, MILLHEIM, PA. All business entrusted to him, such as writing and acknowledging Deeds, Mortgage*, Releas* a, Ac., wilt be executed with neatness and dis patch. Office on Mam street. TT H. TOMLINSON, DEALER I* ALL KINDS OF Groceries, Notions, Drugs. Tobaccos, Cigars, Fine Confectloneiles ai.d everything in the line of a flrat-class Grocery st ;re. Country Produce taken In exchange for goods. Main stieet, opposite Bank, MUlheiiu. Pa. I. BROWN, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN TINWARE, STOVEPIPES, Ac., SPOUTING A SPECIALTY. Shop on Main Street, two houses cast of Bank, Mlllhelm, Penh a. J EISENHL T TH, * JUSTICE OF THE PF.ACE, MILLHEIM, PA. All business promptly attended to. txillectlon of claims a specialty. Office opposite Eisenliutli's Drug Store. VJu&SER & SMITH, DEALERS IF Hardware. Stov(B, oils, Pat sits, Glass, Wa Paper-, coach Trimmings, and Saddlery Ware, Ac,. Ac. All grades of Patent Wheels, corner of Malu aud Penu Streets, Mlllhelm, Peuna. ¥ ACOB WOLF, FASHIONABLE TAILOB, MILLHEIM, PA. Cutting a Specialty. simp next door tc Journal Book Sloro. JJILLHEIM BANKING CO., MAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. A. WALTER, Cashier.' DAY. KRAPE, Pres. HARTER, AUCTIONEER, REBERBBURG, PA latisfactlon Guaranteed. She llillltrit® THE VIOLIN. The spirit of music sloe]* within The of this old violin ; But who hath power to wake again To waiting ear* the rapture strain ! None but the master will she own— She wakens to his hand alone. That of her silence breaks the bouds. And to his loving touch respouds ; When all her passion, hushed to long, Finds voice iu warm, love-breathing song. Ihv heart is such au iustrvuueut, In which love's harmonies, 10n;.,-pout Seek utternuce. But one alone The secret of their song may own, Ilere, by my band, the struts are pressed, To put my fcrtuue to tbe test; Aud now I wait, tn eager pain, If they speak love, or mute rmain. How He Bead 11. Although it was a bachelor's establish ment, there were few mansions haudsomer than Mr. llowland Coleman's, and many were the feminine hearts which would uot have been at all averse to transform the imposing stone front and its rows of plate glass windows, against which the almost priceless lace curtains fell in foamy grace, into a paradise that should uot be a bach elor's paradise. Everything was faultlessly handsome inside, furnished with au exquisite tiuish of detail that denoted the retiued taste of the owner. People wondered —and had been won dering for twenty years—why Mr. Cole- Inan did not ma: ry. Forty-eight found him a portly—not too portly—gentleman, with a fine frank face, adorned by a thick, drooping white mous tache, bright laughing eyes, as dark as well could be, and thick luxuriaut gray hair —a handsome, independent gentlemau, who had all his life liked his bachelor life, and hie bachelor home that was so grace fully presided over by his widowed sister; who liked the ladies remarkably well, but who had never been convinced he could love any one as he believed a wife should be loved, unless we except little May Dean, whose blue eyes had once or twice been lifted to look at this wonderful rich, hand some, gentleman, who was Mrs. Anderson's brother, and Mrs. Andersou was one of those genuine high bred ladies who was not ashamed to condescend to be a warm, true friend to May Dean's mother, even if Mrs. Dean did do her plain sewing for her. May had several times seen Mr. Coleman, and once or twice he had taken especial notice of her, rather enjoying her uncon scious awe of him, and very much admir ing her undeniable gentle sweetness of man ner, movement and voice. He bad come to find himself thinking frequently about her, so frequentlj r that he had been obliged to bring himself to ac count for presuming to give a second's thought to the insane probability of a little blossom like blue-eyed May Dean caring for him —old enough to be her father. Mr. Coleman sat in his library alone— such a magnificent, imposing room it was, with its high ceiling, its niches where statues of all the great scholars and states men stood, its rows of shelves reaching to the ceiling, its long central taole, its other tiny tables where low, pleasant-looking chairs were drawn up, its sweeping green damask curtains, its carpet like a huge bed of emerald moss. Mrs. Anderson had gone out that night, and Mr. Coleman was thoroughly revelling in the prospect of a long undisturbed even ing, when a servant rapped at the door, with a note on a silver salver. Mr. Coleman took it rather abstractedly, for notes were of such common occurrence with him, and, besides, he was already im patient to be in the dry details of some projected improvement in one of his big, flourishing factories—an improvement that would be appreciated by the hundreds of girl operatives he employed. bo he took the note rather indifferently until he saw the name subscribed in full— "May E. Dean." Just a little look of surprise came into his eyes, and there was just the merest pos sible acceleration in his steady pulses, not enough to make a perceptible tremor in his hands—as he re-\d the communication — '\DKAK MR. COLEMAN :—1 have no doubt but that you will be very much astonished when you find I have taken the liberty of writing to you; but what I wanted to say I thought I had better write. Please *do not be angry with me for venturing as I have done. lam not sure that lam doing right in telling you all Ido ; but I have thought it over and over, and have come to the conclusion that 1 will. Of course you know how poor mamma and I how she has to sew, and how I have been employed in Mrs. Einmett's family with the children from nine till three ; but she has discharged me and sent the children to a regular sohcol, and, Mr. Coleman, I can not imagine what is to become o :me un less you will have me." He paused point blank, and read the long sentence over again, a curious expression coming into his eyes and a smile creeping under his moustache. "Unless I will have her! Can it be pos sible that she has really cared for me cares for me enough to lay aside all con ventionalities, and so gracefully, sensibly offer her precious self ?" His eyes were tenderly solemn, yet tri umphantly happy, as he went on, touched to the heart by her artlessness— "l know I am very, very bold in daring to asn such a favor of you. lam alfhost sure you will be vexed and refuse me; but Ido not mean any harm. I must not let dear mamma be weighted with me, and I know you are very good ana kind; and in deed, I will try liard to please you in every way. Please, Mr. Coleman, let ine come, will you not ? But, if you would rather not have me, do not be afraid of hurting my feelings by saying so. Unless you really do want me 1 would rather >ou said no than take me just because I have ven tured to ask. If you will write to me just a word I will be very miich obliged. Yours, MAY E. DEAN." There were more suspicions of emotions in HowlaDd Coleman's eyes than had been there for many a long year as he folded up the letter, and put it in his pocket. There was no thought of the projected improvement iu the huge silk mills now— no thought of the details his very soul loved to struggle with. He walked up and down the library, his eyes fixed on the floor, his head drooped, MILLIIEIM, PA., THURSDAY* MARCH 3, 1881. his hands clasped behind ldin, thinking of the strange revelation the letter held, try ing to imagine the flushes that tinged May's fair cheeks when she wrote it, ami being alarmingly conscious that his heart was at last unsealed, and that May Dean's little baud had been the instrument to accom plish that magical feat. lie knew that, although all the love of his mature manhood weut out to this little blue-eyed girl who had pleaded her cause so well, unless she had pleaded it, he never would have dared presume to tlduk she loved him. lie did not permit an hour to pass in in activity. HShe will be in no enviable state of sus pense until 1 answer her note. I will go to her at once and tell her how I love her —how far from refusing her I am." Twenty minutes later his carriage stopped in front of the house where Mrs. Dean oc cupied rooms, and a moment later he stood in the plain little parlor, where May stood, her sweet face all alight with glad surprise and conscious flushes. "It is very good of you to take the trou ble to come, Mr. Coleman," she exclaimed, in a low, soft toue. His heart fairly thrilled under her sweet uess and shy graciousuess. "You mean it is more than good in you to allow me to come. Little girl, you have made me very, very happy. Let me kiss you, May?" he cried. But she slirank away, surprise in every feature of her face. "Mr. Coleman!" He was pleased with her shy reserve more than with her little letter. With a smile on bis face he again ad vanced and tried to take her hand. "You must never call me Mr. (Joleman again, dear. But now let me hear how it sounds to have you say llowland." "Oh, sir, I never could do that, Please, Mr. Cole—" "Yne thingn our men certainly learned in Af ghanistan, and that was to keep tb-.-dr wits about them when pursuing an enemy or over a hard-won field. There might be danger lurking in each inanimate form studding the ground, and unless care and caution were exercised, the wounded Af ghan would steep his soul in bliss by Kil ling a Kaffir just when life was at its last ebb. The stubborn love of fighting in extremis is promoted doubtless by fanaticism, aud we saw BO much of it that our men at close quarters always drove their bayonets well home, so that there should be no mistake as to the deadliness of the wound. The physical courage which distinguished the untrained mobs who fought so resolutely against us was worthy of all admiration; the tenacity with which men, badly armed and lacking skilled leaders, clung to their positions was remarkable, to say nothing of the sullen doggedness they often showed when retiring. But when the tide of the light set in full against them, and they saw further resistance would involve them more deeply, there was so sudden a change always apparent that one could scarcely believe the fugitives hurrying over the hills were the same men who had resisted so desperately but a few minutes before. They acted wirely; they knew their pow ers in scaling steep hills, or in making their escape by fleetness of foot, and the host generally dissolved with a rapditiy which no one but an eye-witness can appreciate. If cavalry overtook them they turned like wolves aud fought with desperation, selling their lives as dearly as men ever sola them ; but there was no rally in the true sense ot the word, and but faint attempts at aiding each other. Their regular troops were hut little amenable to discipline, by reason of deficient training, and they re sorted to the tactics they had pursued as tribesmen when once they were forced to retire. Never DO It. Never associate with bad company. Have good company, or none. Never refer to a gift you have made, or favor you have rendered. Never look over the shoulder of another who is reading or writing. Never appear to notice a scar, deformity or defect of any one present. Never arrest the attention of an acquaint ance by a touch. Speak to him, Never punish your child for a fault to which you are addicted yourself. Neyer answers questions in general com pany that have been put to others. Never, when traveling abroad, be over Kxastful in praise of your own country. Never lend an article you have borrowed unless you have permission to do so. Never call a new acquaintance by the Christian name unless requested to do so. Never attempt to draw the attention of the company constantly upon yourself. Never exhibit anger, impatience or ex citement when an accident happens. Never pass between two persons who aie talking together, without an apology. Never enter a room noisily; never fail to close the door after you, and never slam it. Never fail to offer the easiest and best seat in the room to an invalid, an elderly person or a lady. Never neglect to perform the commis sion which the friend entrusted to you. You must not forget. Never seud your guest, who is accus tomed to a warm room, off into a cold, damp, spare bed, to sleep. Never enter a room filled with people, without a slight bow to the general com pany when first entering. Never fail to answer an invitation, either personally or by letter, within a week after the invitation is received. Never accept of favors and hospitalities without rendering an exchange of civilities when opportunity offers. Thin Coffee. While a New Yorker was at Mt. Clemens, Mich., last fall to try the effect of the mineral waters on his rheumatism he was one day approached by a young man who asked: "Are you not Mr. , ot New York City?" "I am," was the reply, "but Ido not re member of having met you before." "Probably not. lam Smith, the come dian. n "Smith—Smith/' "Oh, you needn't try to remember me. Pour weeks ago 1 flattered myself that all the world knew me and admired my act ing. I came West with a combination which busted m Wisconsin, and after a walk of 640 miles across the country I have come to the conclusion that 1 never amounted tp two shillings as an aGtor." "1 presume you desire my aid to reaeh home ?" "Naturally I would, but if you will see that I have dinner I will let you off. Fact is, 1 have been bitten by dogs so often, chased by farmers so frequently, and been obliged to outrun so many constables that I have lost all ambition. Once I wanted thunders of applause at every hit. Now, when I do a good thing in the way of elud ing a Sheriff and his posse, I'm perfectly satisfied with even pancakes and thin coffee as a reward." Ihe Boar's Head. It was in the olden time when Baron Rowdedow held possession of all the Ger man provinces that a grand Christmas dinner was prepared for ail his retainers, and the great event of the day was to be the bringing in of the boar's head, which dainty dish was to grace the centre of the table. But it so happened that the chief cook fell ill, and his place was filled by a young Milesian, and he it was that stood by the chief door when Baron Rowdedow called forth in a stentorian voice : "Hence knave, and bringest unto us the boar's head." And he of Ireland wot not what was meant, because in his isle a pig was a pig. Yet he bethought himself, and went forth, and returning sat before Baron Rowdedow the head of a book agent who had devas tated the baron's domains with a book sold only on subscriptions, of which there were 999 parts and an index. And the Milesian said: "Here, sur, is yer boar's head." And the Baron and his retainers did laugh a laugh of great joy, and such a Cnristuias was there never be fore held in those parts. New Cement. An invention which will considerable in fluence architecture and sculpture has just been made in Bavaria. By means ot an enamelling liquid, the inventor renders any Rind of stone or cement harder than granite, and gives it the absolute and in delible appearance of any other mineral that may be desired. The enamel may also be applied to metal, which it is said it completely protects from rust. H* m ♦ It is when our budding hopes are nipped beyond recovery by some rough wind that we are most disposed to pic ture to ourselves what flowers they might have borue had tbey flourished. NO. 9.