jjuiltcira Journal. THURSDAY, FEBR'Y 24, 'Bl. ws&r~x. ■„ '■ ~r- —i DKI.MNtitH & BOIILLER, Editors and Proprietors. Local Department. —Diptheria has nearly disappeared in Lewisburg. —Job printing—in tho best style and at lowest prices—at the Journal office. Bring in your orders. Tho next State Fair will be held at Erie tho sth to tho 17th of September, 1881. —-The Central Pennsylvania Confer ence cf the M E. Church will meet at York, PA., March 16th next. —Rev. John A. DeMoyer, u prom inent Methodist minister, veil known ia this section, is lying dangerously ill at Ashland, Fa. —Candidates for county effi .-os are already beginning to announce them selves in the Union county papers. Tiisy seem determined to be in time. —David Ertle, administrator, oiTers a good farm for sale,situated in Ilaines township. See notice in another col umn. —MicaaelS. Fiedler and Mrs. Polly Royer, are the administrators of the estate of Geo. W. Royer, dec'J. See notice. —The C?ntra! Penna. Conference of the Evangelical Association will meet at Lock llaven March 8;t, ISBI. Bishop Thomas llowman will preside. —Several brand new sewing ma chines of the best standard makes, for sale at tho Journal store, c hsapfor —The question that now agitates cur town is—Who shall be the clerk to the new council? Gentlemen —please don't force us to take it. We feel so much crowded .villi office as it""s. —Township auditors now meet on the second Monday of March to settle the accounts of supervisors, etc., ex cepting tire accounts of school beards sod school treasurers. —Gray hairs prevented, dandruff re moved, the scalp cleansed, ana the hair made to grow thick by the U3e of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Reuew er. The lite insurance fever that for several years past ra;ei so fiercely throughout Pennsylvania ha* at last htruck Millheim, and a company has leen organized aid charter applied fur. Wtll—"We'll see what we'll see." —Mr. Sam nil Ard, collector of state and coui moatM D* Prom diphtheria -J From other diseases ;l"~ From Lewlsbm-ffthere were From near Lewisburu there were From diphtheria, in LevrUhurg 47 hrom diphtheria, elsewhere .>—©7 From other UHeasies, in Lewlshurg I'D From other diseases, elsewhere. I-—4l—vs CONCERT.—The event cf the season will be a grand musical and variety en tertainment to be held bv the Mt'lhrlm Cornet Band in the Town Hall in Mill heim, on Saturday Evening, Feb. 26th 1881. The programme is composed of Over tures, Cornet and Pieolo Solos, Q iur taltes, Violin Solus and Duetts, Com ic Songs, Speeches nrtd Pantomimes, Tableaux, A. \, and will bo concluded by a humorous play, entitled "Court ing under Difficulties" rendered by three characters. All lovers of tnusic and mirth are cordially invited to attend. One Case Among Thousands. Our McClure correspondent makes mention of a man who draws a govern ment pension for a defect in his hear ing, yet that, same man heard the Mc- Cluro band at a distance of o or 6 mile.-.! That band must bo a powerful institu tion, or there WAS some powerful swear ing done when the application for tho pension was m idc. But a large major ity of the new pensioners is made up of just sucli cheats. Moat of the agents and many of tho examining surgeons through whom these pensions are ob tained, are the worst ana most reck less characters, men devoid of honesty or moral principle. r-Scltnujrcve Times. —A man name I Schlciffer of Hartley township, Union Co., lately hauled a load of lumber weighing Jover 51 tons a distance of four miles over several very tough hills, with two horses. He ought to be compelled to act "hcrae" himself for about half such a load, j for a change. "A righteous mnn regmdeth the life of iris beast - but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel." Froy. 12; 10. NEWS FROM BRUSH. Present indications apparently point towards some defect in the ground hog theory. Our young and enterpiising jeweller acd watch-maker ia d-. ing a splendid business. Success to yen, Forest. Just one hundred Hint forty nine years ago the boy was biro who would not cut down his father's cherry tree and tell a lie about it. I rather think there were some boys born since that time that could d > it without even wincing, for example Editors, &e. [lndeed? But what class of men are the "Ac?" Ed.J Our f i lend A. N, Cor man has been under par for some time speaking from an hygienic standpoint; but us ho is a gain qngaged in his noble calling— teaching:, I take it for granted that hs base is not a serious ODe. Keep up, Noah. L. IT. Leitzell has returned home from Philadelphia, where he has been attending a Denial college, daring the winter. Geo. S. Frank will also be licre in a few days, from Jefferson Medic d College, whero he attended lecture. Of course, boys, you will not regard it as a rahtio.aer if dubbed with the sobriquet, doctor. Quib? —Report of Millkeim Grammar School for the week en liag Feb. lllh 1881. No. of pupils, m iles—2G, females 20, tidal—l . No. attending, males— -23, females—l7, total -4\ No present every day, malei—l3, females—3, total 19. No. tardy, miles—l 3, females— -15, total—3l. Average attendance, males—l7, female^ —13, total 39. Per cent, of attendance, males—74, females —7t>, total—7s. No. cf visitors—4,, visitors by directors—l. Report ot Mdlhoim Grammar School for the week ending Feb. 18i.li 1831. No. of pupils, males—2o, females— -20, total—l 6, No. attending, malc3 —2O, females—ls, total—3s. No. present every day, males—l 3, fern lies —ll, tocal—2o. No. tardy, males—7, females—ll, total—lß. Average at tendance, males -16, females—l 3, to tal—3o. Fer v cent. of attend nuce males—Bs, females—37, total—B6. No. of visitors—3. This week our r.oblo County Supt. visited U3. His visits are always ap preciated, and especially so this year, as his mode of proceedure is both pleasant and instructive, for pupils and teacher. No other man among ail the present candidates for Superintendent would be so heartily received, and give such general satisfaction throughout the county as would Mr. Meyer. He does not seek the office, but if elected would serve with satisfaction and a raong all who more deserving than lie, who has been tried and found faith ful in all reepecta. D. L. ZERBY, Teaober. —Sammy Faust lias the most novel way we ever heard of to keep cider sweet, and "they say" his mode is just as good as it is novel. Ho takes a piece of sort* and suspends it from a string at the bung, in the centro ot the bar rel. That's all. They say his cider is delicous—for we surely don't know of our own personal knowledge. Hopo Sammy may have a good lot of tho "stutT" on hand for the campaign, for such things arc great help nowadays in making a nomination uud election for sheriff. • A CARP. To our Friends and Patrons in Cautre county. Owing to a largo increase hi our business we hare concluded to remove to larger and letter premises, April Ist 'Bl. We are going to the place formerly occupied by Brooke's Confectionery, directly opposite Walls A Go's store, where we wili have enlarged facilities to serve our cu^tomsrs. The Millinery Department will be under the direct supervision of Mrs. R. Harris, who has already engaged the service of several experienced city mil liners. The Notions, Trimmings A Fancy Goods Department .will be under the immediate charge of Mr. M. Harris, who will always endeavor to serve the interests of patrons, giving tho best goods for the least money possible. Most Respectfully lours, tf B. HARRIS. —Mr. Daniel M. Mnsser, of Shelly county Ohio, a son of Mr. Philip A. Mnsser, residing near Millheim, was here on a visit to his father nnd friends, h,st week, whom he had not set u for twenty years. Mr. Musser called at his father's house but was not recog nized. He engaged in conversation with his father, asked to stay all night, which was cheeifully gianted. Final ly the father asked the son his name, where ho resided, Ac., and after being answered, remarked that ho had a s<>:i in the same neighborhood. It WHS only utter tin* son was asked h:s father's name and vvlmre lie lived that recogni tion took place—ami the mutual j>v was as great as the father's surpiiae. Various Causes— A drawing years, cure, r.|"kn*vj, dh.ippolnt tm-nt. ail lu-i'ejh.i.y p-vOh - Hit. n—U i'vr- Hte to tarn the heir vny. autl lillier of tfiwni IneiiftN Cto ii)Md prtiDntarely A rat's HAIR V QOU A til restore f*■ Mor gray, hgbt - rot h*)r too rteli brown or • buck, cv.y be detlitd. Us (tens nnd ■ m t giving It healthy action. It renovestod euros iUtidruffnud humor*. lly it* u*<' raffing Ir is checked. nnd n now trowtb sell i " prod ao -tl in all cusoi where the foilcles k;* out rt stroy*d or the plamls <2**e*yeJ. i:\ t-.TV •'. urn beautifully shown on trashy. weak, tr sickly rair, a wtiPh A few R, -cliention* wil produce a tkw* aud ireshne-w of vocib. Harmless anJ Mine In lis operation, it Is Incomparable no ?. dressing, and !•>especially valued lor the soft lustre and richne-Hof tone it impart*. It onn- Talns neither oil nor dye. aud will rot :,oil o color whi;e cambric; y ilt last* lon oa the Lai.-, and keeps it freV; ao-. vjporous. FCB FA.UK BIT ALL DCALCOS A COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT.— Last week we wor Shown through t'.ie EXCELSIOR DYK Woarra. at Lwi<- bmg, by the obliging proprietor, Win. A.Davis,E3q. The concern secois to be entirely complete in all its arrange ments, and .Mr. Davis himself ir. an ex pert in the business. He has had many years of experience in this country, England, Germany and Russia. He showed us H number of shawls and gentlemen's suits which had been dyed and pressed, making them appear like new, at H small ccsG We have agreed to act as agent for Mr. Davis in this section and will at tend to all work entrusted to us. Read his advertisement in another column and for particulars call at the JOURNAL STORE. ' tf News !:iscel!nny. A GEORGIA. EDITOR'S WIF3. From theCartersviile (ci;) Express. Tiiere is a little brown-eyed, enthusi astic, high-spirited lady, who, after sho has cooked breakfast, cleared the things away, set the house to lights, attended the call of the bread wagon and milked the cow, dons her hat and cloak, comes in this ofllce, yanks us out of the ed itorial easy chair, pounces on the ex changes, amputates every item of in terest, stacks them on the copy-hook, grabs up a Faber, travels it over a quiro of editor's manuscript paper, re moves her snowy-white apron, shoves, up her sleeves, grabs a stick and iwle and sets it all into type, reads the proofs aud corrects every error. That's our wife aud she will get her reward in heaven. A few days t>go Mr. William Fergu son, ot Lancaster county, Fa., wedded Mrs. Margaret 13. Wilson, in Wilming ton, Del. The groom is nearly 80 years o'd, and his bride about 70. It is re lated that they were engaged half a century ago, and quarreled and parted. Both married, and in their old age, both widowed, have pledged the trotn anew that was broken sc long ago. A WATER LAIJP.—It is reported that a Dr. Bunch, of New York, has invented a lamp that i 3 run by water, the wick having been prepared by a ! chemical process, and readily burning in water, the light being white and ex tremely beautiful, excelling that of oil, gas, or even electric light. The Stand ard Oil Company is reported to have 'offered $200,000 to the inventor if lie will go no further with his invention. 1 POISONED BY SLIPPERS.—Antoine Ashley was found dead in his bed in Oswego, and the physician who made the port mortem testified that his feet had been poisoned jby wearing cloth slippers. lie had been employed on a steamer. Ilis feet weie often wet, and the poison by which the carpats were colored soaked in through the cloth and and poisoned his foet. Arrest of a Hermit. .. Matamoras, Pa., February 17. Miss Julia Still, the famous female hermit of Orantra county, N. Y. t has just been arrested and taken to the pcorliouse on a charge of being a mond cant. Miss Still has lived seven years near this place in a hut without fire, subsisting on dried berries and such fruit as was sent her by the neighbors, She is believed to hare a Marge sum of money invested hi bonds, as she is the owner of the property on which she lives. Addison Rowland, r,n eccentric cit izen of MeadvlUe, died recently. He had lived alone end after bis death money was found in every conceivable place about % the house. Old boots yielded up gold anxi*9 contained monay and jewel ry. Among the effects were bank bills amounting to $2,632; gold coin, £43 ; silver and nickels,over $2,000; 26 silver watches, * gold watches, 12 revolvers, 150 pounds of small coin, a box con taining *1 penknives, a large bundle of county orders and nroniissfcry not s. He moved to Mea 1 villa many years a go from Dublin, Rucks county, where his heirs, a nephew und niece, now live. A Man Killed by a Panther. PEN'NFfKLD, Clearfirld county, Pa., Feb. A evenings ago the in mates of lumber camp avi ral miles west of here, heard aery fjr help. On going a short distance from the camp a nu\n was found lying in the read, a lighted lantern standing by him. The man's neck was frightfully torn, tut he was able to say Ibr.t a panther had sprung upon him and torn i'jtm in this manner. Ho was carritd to tho camp and died in an hour. The m were weather has made tha aJ i animali of this region hungry and tk-ice. Foarfil Tragedy. One of tho most horiid double t ediei that ever disgrace! a civilized community ctcund in Fpilugfield, Tenn., on last Fridny. A party of nine neg.o fleiuD eaterc l the henso of an old tatch**l>r farmer natrrd I,ap rade, near Sadkrsville, Robison coun ty, on the night of S*pi. 8, IH3J, r.ud murdered Mr. Laprade in a manner ao shocking that t.ho 1 earl revolts ever tho horrid details. Tue discovery of tho ma: lor caused intense excitement throughout the ad joining neighbor hood, and thi eats of lynching were freely made against tho murderers so soon as they should bo appielu nded. Suspicion fell upon Jim Iliggins, and after being imprisoned some days he made a cm fcasion impli cating his associates, who were arrta ted.-iliggih*, who was an old regie, was taken out and hie fert tuim-d un til, in his agony, he is said to have giv er- the detail.* of iba Lap rode murder. The prisoners, including lliigins, were brought to the Nashville jail, lHggitia had cue of his feet an putr.Ld and sub sequently died in jail. Four nights after extorting the con fess X: f jin Higgles, tamely—en the night o? September 15—two murder-1 eis, Bell and Jamison, vue taken from the SpringQald js.il ar.d lynched. On tho 6ft uie night a white man named Itirasey was eho f . to death in his cell. He had been confined for shooting a Miss Holt, w!u in he began to perse cute on account of her engagement with another person. After this summary vengeance had been wreaked upon these culprits things quieted down somewhat, but there was an undercurrent of da:k forebodings which betokened no go.d to the rem lining prisoners, and on Friday night the woik of lynching the ba! unce of the murders was resumed. Tho nob ordered all the lights out and fired a regular fusilade of shots to in timidate any would be rescuers, dragged the five captives t> the east d r of the court house, where ropes were awaiting them. The ropes were suspended from the veranda cbove. The five bodies in an instant were swinging beneath the veranda. Jim Elder was tiie only one who mads any struggle, asking for Mne to offer up a prayer, when one of ll.etnab said. "Did you give Lipra.de to pray?" He responded, "No, I diu't." "Then over y>u po,*' said one of the leaders, as be turned Elder over the railing. The mob guaided t' e bodies until thev-were sure tlat their voik was completed and life extinct. The lead er*tken give the Older, "Dlspeise. my men, to your home-?," and the execu tioners—some 200 i-l number—imme diately departed, going on horseback ia three different directions. The crowd attending the trial wis paralyzed with terror at first, and then jumped from the windows of the court room and ru.shed off in every direction, uttering j ci ioa of affright-. * Thus ends the record of ine of the I foulest murd- rs and certainly on of ' the most deap-'rate and determined r - 1 cords of lynching that, has ever occurnd in a civilized cominuuity. A NtjW TREATMENT. j The Golden Elixir of Life. Wonderful Cures. If you have Consumption, and would know that your cough can be made loose and tv.sy—Hectic Feyor . and Night Sweats checked in 24 hours; lu flammation taken out of the lungs and air passages at once; that you can be made to gain 3 to 5 pounds of healthy flesh per week; if you have auv Chronic Disease, Brouchiti3, Asthma, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Sick llt-3daohe, Heart Dis ease. Liver Complaint,, Nervous Dehil ity, Seminal Weakness or Spermator* lhoea, loss of sexual power in either sex from any canse; if you have any form of nervous weakness, losing fleah or wasting avvav, aud would know of an immediate relief and certain cure for many of the severest cases in a short tiuie, i new method with new agents lo fatten every body, invigorate and make strong and healthy the most hopeless cases, cut this out and write at once for particulars to B. >S. DIS PENSAKY, Berrien Springe, Mioh. MARRIED. On the 10th by Kt-v. Jamb /?ra. .Mr. IT. i IV Enteritis to Miis Sarah li Itailok, both of | Centre Hall. DIED." I On lh<- 21.-4 Inst, near Mill holm, John Emer ick, Hgetl 73 your*. SALB REGISTER. Fob. 2*tii. Administrator*' mtlo, estate o Oi'oi'KO W. Itoyer, nonr ttobersburß. Eire Stock farm Implements and household goods. March Ist, Hannipl M. Ulrlck, near J'enn Hall. Live stock, farming Implements and household goods—nearly all new. March &th, 1). O. ft John B.fvor, Executors, Aaions'.uifg. Four squaiaw of land, home & lo< and household goods. March l !th. Fan* of Philip krtle, t!ecca.H d, Ilulnes township. JIi!!i:el' Market. Corrected every Wednesday by Gephart & Muswer. Wheat So. ?•"* Wheat No. 2 & 1 Com jf> Eye 4'. hats White Oat*. Ilhick Buckwheat t'lour 5 limn & Shorts,pdi ton l"b. J Suit,per i'.rl H'Sl Fluster, ground 10.no Cement, r.er Bushel Ti to M> H.nley..:. &0 • yinothyaeed *-PC Flaxseed Clove raced 4 10 Butter ilams t Mdes Veal Pork Be Potatoes z Lard Tallow * Hoap Dried Apples 3 Dried Feachos 1° Dried Cherries COAL MARKET. Fck Coal stove 5 Chestnut" 5 -30 i < * ' M 8 P. GKPUAIIT D. *. XUNKEfi • W CrEFHART UU DhAI.Kh 6 IW Grain CioversecJ. Hour & Feed. Coa-, Raster & Salt MILLHEIM PA iltghrst market price pxtd fcr ail kir.ds r Aaronsburg, rp[ Calls promptly answered fiu night .D H. MINGLE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Main Street, Millheim, Pa dlTt f" Outfit sent fre; to tnosc who wish to vSr f-venr.ifge in the most pleasant r.nd piollt &f § ible business known. Everything new. <$P vjr Capital not required. Wo will lurrish you everything. *it) A day and upward Is easily made without staying away from home over night. No ii*k whatever. Many new work ers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, i and young boys and gii Is make great pay. No one who is willing t<> work fails to make more monev every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary' luployineut. Those who engage at once will find a short road to fortune. Ad dress U. HALLST 61 Co., Portland, Maine. PENSIONS! BOUNTY, PAT FOR RATIONS, NKW AND UOKOSA RLM DISUHAKUBS, ANI IMCKKASriO PENSIONS ob tallied.—New laws, higher rates ol pension The slightest disability, from wound, Injury o disease of any kind entitles you to a pension Widows and heirs, fathers and mothers are i now entitled. Land eases promptly settled. Patents obtain ed. AJI kinds or government claims prosecuted Write at once for new laws, blanks and ia ! struclions, with tw o stamps. Address, J. W. FLENNFK&CO., Lock Box 114, Washington, P. C. EVERY SOLDIER disabled i:i line of duty by wound, disease, or injury, is entitled to pension. PKNhDNS INCREASED.—Many are draw ing less than entitled to. —Thousands of Heirs entitled to Pension and Bounty. REJECTED CASES re-opeued. ABANDONED CASES flnished.-Copies of Ja>st Discbarges obtained.—-Claims of every do | scription prosecuted.— PATENTS PKOGUUEHI Aitarctig with stamp, I U. S BERLIN & 00.. Attorneys, Si-Sat BoxM2. WASHINGTON, D.C Prepare for Snow! lames fails t< make money very tepidly. YC"; can devote your whole time to t'i" w irk. or only yonr spare moments. Tull information an 1 nil that '.s seut free. Ad dress Sri>ai A Co., Portland, Maine. *""" 1 ONLY $29. JMiit this style Singer. 7/TV will S'Midit to your IV- F&fti tfyit l Kjt t° hi examined before v u pay for It. Ii it Is not as rt'.v • mu d it can be reiuri* Fw Ccd ai our expense. Send a ■JIA -v-s-vdA 1 il card for tihistrn rd -4 < iroulai. r. A. WOOD & CO. v, S.7 N. leutU ht.. I'hiiada.. Pa. fA-Siu TRVIN HOUSE, I J- (Mot O.niral Ifo'tl l.\ the Cltj.) Con. MAIN AND JAY ST., Lock Jfa veil, Pa., S/WOODSCAL WS LL,PROPRIETOR Go it.? i\j': Rooxsfor CBU FLV-VC/OF Travalcr on jtrsl tioor. PAKFC K&S3 R£Z £& "J S3'.-32 PA i few! § S and hew tc obtain tb< -a. Pamphlet lree, upon RECEIPT of STTWNP for POST URE. Address— GIIIMORE, SMITH Sc CO. /fu'.uthm ./ PuUnt*, i'ter PJU %; Cjflct. WaMttingUM, li. C rpnp 0 A HPT of twnof the bct article* Uujj OAKIRIILIS) fvar sold bvaKcnls to eve ryone who juis*rsthl< within sixty tUyn. Aaicricnn .TLAIIHF'CT'O . 2F3M City WILLI. MaxsacnuseMa. ©SiSSTSIPE PAJFL* I {JALI ITDTI2I Trass A CFC7.TR O respects, and superior In very many. With our print- /JFE J1 ed 'lnstruotlons.atiy one can set them up. We are a'so JMJJSCJML Hanufactui EM of the Origin- MS*ITX .A el and only Ucuuiuo V::\ . . I ~- •' I 1 )oor V " country. Sena for Illustrated Catalogue. Ught COATING WJatfo to Order.. POT7ILL & DOUGLAS, Wankegan, HI I VW | owri QW 'A CfcUS can Etta lt*gC'. m is© GBMPLEK u ■'•l p-.' •; ltltgdidXi Oars* < Ej g FE) iso FRTFTONCL !1: J ' * E | 3ue^LIOZSS 2 |f| USE > ■ 1 iioiD6StiG M -IB Psper IP I FsohSnriQ IADKS' POLOJIAISZ. 9 S S lnctic. B:ittUta>Lri,l WVLLLULIU Y.-icc, S4 CCRU. They sre especially rrpftf the requirements of those who desiro to dress we)t. They are unsurpassed lj Style, perfeot in Fit, ond so simpia tiiat they are readily understood by tin fqpat tnexperienoed. bend 50. for* cat* iwgoe. Adoress, 'I . * M Domestic" Fashion.Go* NEW YORS. '' IMPROVED SICKLE GRIKDEB. 6!mpl3, Light and Strong. i*• Kc complicated Gearing. One /•J V-_J i j A rnaa cen do the work of two, and U i liA turnout a better job. The winner a °' Premium wherever exhi * Send for Illustrated Circular P'liekHS '• Special Dieconnta to * %& Powell ts DOVDA-S Waakagaa, DL UNWMLLELEO OFTE2 liteMMaii K4 THE TrllßO YEAR OF ITS EXISTENCE, IT® EALE3 AMOUNT TO 54,353 Machines. NO OTHER MACHINC EVER HAD SUCH A RECORD OF POPULARITY. It Is the Liefctefft-Buniiifif, Z&siest SsUte?,"6!i4 2\>%t Stttiftf&ff S&tdiine IN THE WORLD. Age&ts mated. S?u* Urzui, tbsd?six Whits S3\vTng Kachina Co., * C LHYiLAKD, O. JOHN S. FISHER, Mar.ufaoT.urer of ro — - So ro QQ a*pss 8g 3 s ffkis 3 a g- mm& &2 P.EBEBSBURO, PENNA.' Every wagon built of first-class stock • and by expert mechanics. All work warranted. Ro nairiux promptly attended to. The public pa. ironage Is respectfully solicited. 39-ly The aubtcrlbprn wnuld respectfnlly infor*! th? citiiens of thin nelghhorhuo,'] ttat the r hare ertssgT] M the Hfitkr tuklntr bushim, ,ibev ore prepared to tL alleys tti this line ai anyt.aio aul would klndiy toUclt a t>h.:rb of patronage. A Full Lluc of COFFINS & .CASKETS I alwaya on hr.o2, which we rre Pino to rwnlfili to other undertakers a# reMOoab.e j>roeii. IIUDF OS FFIHA IITW* XT, JFILLLUXI LOSE ITARTETI ;■& CO. IFJULXi JLuiID WINTEB O'JPEEETIISra- ! I MRS. ASSA M. WEAVES lias just received lier Fall and Winter stook ©r MILLINERY GOODS consisting of French Bonnets, Bound fiats, French Flowers. FcSihers, Ribbon and all kind a of FANCY GOODS. DRESS MAKING fn all its Branches a ' SPECIALITY. o She invites her many friends aß d customer/ to call at of business, in Peoa Street, MILLHEIM, VA. 1 ——— * 015 S! i §AS! I? AsT rurc * a bv the o*. i •■i • Hn I JLY TUCK cure, In a K eS fc * sS tl,p ® and at less c o>t _ , than by any o her means. No M|uieiliK or inconvenience. Treatment shipped to any part of the I . S. or t-anadas. Full /articalars free. Address, (Established 1553) Is.f. DisprsPA-HT. Dcnteii Springe. Mich