C V jt' c ' m J[ ourn al. THURSDAY. FEBR'Y 17. 'Bl. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL U published overv Thursday. In Musspr's build ing. corner of Main and Penn streets at SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or #1.25 If not paid in advance. ADVERTISLXG RATES. 1 work. 1 mo. 3 mo. 6 mo. 1 year. 1 square....! siun $250 $lOOl fiioni *7OO L column...' 5001 750 inoo 1 If,oo I 35 00 1 column,.. 800 12 00j 20 00 I 35 00 | 6000 One inch makes a square. Administrators and Executors' Notices *2.50. Transient ad vertisements j.nd locals lo cents per line for first insertion and 5 tents per line tor each ad ditional insertion. Job Work done on short notice. DEIXIMaER & BFHILMffI. lit i lifters. dmrch & Sanflay School Directory. Evangelical. Situwl Smith and ft?r. IF. 11. Jlartmun. Preachers. Rev Smith will preach next Sunday morning Sunday School, 2p. M.—l>. L. Zerby, supt. Methodist. Jlov.J. Benson Akers, Preacher-tn-charge. Breaching next Sunday evening Sunday School at I'^r.M.—Dav. Kim port, supt Reformed. Her. C ir. R. fffcjzat, Pastor. FrcHchJugin Aarom-Amrg next Sunday after noon United Brethren. Jior. L. 31. twites. Preacher iK charge. Lutheran. Bee. John Tbmlinson, Potior.— Preaching in Aaroiuburg ucxt Sunday after noon, English. United Sunday School. Meets at 9 A. M. —F. 1). Lusj, supt. Lod£B & Society Directory. Mlllhoim Lodge, No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets in heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening. Kebeeca Degree Meeting every Thursday 011 or "before the full moon 01 each mouth. A. O. DciKlstiKß, Sec. K. A. UUXULLKK, N. O. Prwriv the House Committee that they present no reason able excuse for delay. In this list Ido not include the ltiver and baibor bill, which does not corao from the appro priation committee. If possible, the bill is worse this year than last. Many proper subjects for Federal aid are embraced in the provisions of the bill—such as the principle harbors aud rivers of the country, and other rivers which, being in the general lino cf travel only need improvements to be come imm riant—but the geographies and atlases have ueen searched for streams unknown to leg i.la tors, tour ists, or business men, and much of the ten million a) preprint*d po to them This is supposed to be made necessary in order to get votes in the House for the really proper expenditures. The experiment of a really honest River and Harbor bill has not yet been tried in the House within my recollection. The Re-apportionment bill is not in good condition for passage at this ses sion. Mr. Cox has injured its chances by his violent opposition to other meas ures. Mr. Reagan U3 longer hopes for action 011 his Inter-State Commerce bill, though it will probably be given one or more days in the House next week. Senator Morril yesterday said he feared there would be an extra ses sion it the funding bill failed. There seems to be no good reason now for doubting an agreement of tie two Houses 011 tliis measure. There is a disagreement as to the rate of interest, but no other that can not be readily arranged. The probability is a confer ence committee will be able to bring ths two Houses together ou the sub ject by the 4th of March. CARROLL. E LECTIOIfRE rURNS. Millhoim Borougrh. JUSTICE orTHB PEACE, F P Mussel* CONSTABLE, John 11. Maize. BUIWESS, E. C. Campbell. ASST. BURU ESS, G. W. Stover, Jr. COUNCIL, F D Luse, A. C. Musser, John II Bteon, John Stoner, C VV Hartman, II II Weiser. IIIGII CONSTABLE, Samuel Weiser, Jr. SCHOOL DIRECTORS, A. Luckenbach, (3 y) W R Weiser, (3 y) Jacob Gepbart, (1 y) OVERSEERS OF POOR, Mark Mooney, D A Musser, ASSESSOR, D L Zerby JUDGE OF ELECTION, Michael Laoiey, INSPECTORS, A A Frank, J F Harter. AUDITOR, B O Deiuinger. Penn Townohip. Judge of Election, John Moyer Inspectors, Henry M Swartx F Bowersox Supervisors, Andrew Stover Jacob Kerstetter Overseers of the Poor, William Smith, Benj. Kerstetter, School Directors, H E Duck, Conrad Immel Assessor, Jacob Emerick, Auditor, Jacob J. G-ntzel, Town Clerk, Perry II Stover Constable, D L Geary. Haines Township. JUDGE OF~ ELECTIONS, Noah Weaver INSPECTORS, Geo W Kister T. G. W. Edmonds. SUPERVISORS, A F Kreamer Michael Bower OVERSEERS OF POOR, J J Fiedler Abs Confer SCHOOL DIRECTORS, 11 G Miller F P Bower ASSESSOR, H U Weaver AUDITOR, Jeremiah Winklebloch TOWN CLERK, Thomas Frank CONSTABLE, J. 11. Wyle. Miles Township. JUDGE OF~ELECTIONS, J P Frank INSPECTOR, C C Brungard C C Lose SCHOOL DIRECTORS, Reuben Kreamer, Andrew Ockr OVERSEER OF POOR, John Ilosterman John Shafer, farmer ASSESSOR, Cornelius Stover SUPERVISORS, Jonathan Walker David Shafer AUDITOR, Emanuel Brown TOWN CLERK, Joseph K Weber CONSTABLE, Wtn J Carl in AFDITOJIS' ItCI'ORT OK THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF CENTRE COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1, 1881. AIAM YEAKICK, Treasurer. I>R. To balance from settlcmenl Jan. 1,1880, $3,727 17 To cash received on taxes during year 42,331 96 To cash received EXPKNDITU RES. commissioners' Pap. AndrewGnrgg $ 04)7 44 Jacob Dunkle 150 00 George Swab 35(100 Henrv Beck, clerk 700 00 Jury Commissioners' Pay. D. W. Klhie .7 2148 John Shannon 20 00 Henry Beck, Clerk .so 00 Auditors' l\n/. .hinies T. Stewart. 3006 | T. it. Jamison 3000 George R. WUllams 30 09 C. L. Bufttngton, clerk "JO 00 Jmprotrmc nt and Be pairs. 11. Walkey, repairs at office and jail 108 84 J. V. Harper, repairs at protho uotarvoftlce 35 54 R. J. Do.ak, painting at Jail 12 40 11.1). Yerger, building oven at jail 23 69 D. L. Ge'.ss, re palling inds at lull 6 50 E. Black, painting gutters at lull 11 42 Williams A Bro., painting, &c., jail and court house 77 05 J no. Wetzel, repairs at court house .. 11 81 W. I'. Duncan A Co., iron clad eel s at jail 545 84 Pluenix Planing Mill Co., lum ber at treasurer's office.... 9 49 Samuel Pietoher, work at court hmtso ...... 3t3 r 8 H. W. i tout a, work for jail 23 00 S. ]>. Wetzel, work at trcastu's office 5f!9 M. W.Cowdrieic, work at jail.. 11 00 Ibniiel Derr, gas fixtures at jail 22 25 John Harrison, work on eells at j ill 35 00 Court Expenses. Jurors' pay 3,552 23 Commonwealth costs 1,225 23 W. F. Reber, reporter 307 51 J. H. Noshing 30 00 J. I. Hagermun 10 00 B. Galbraith, eonrt crier 98 00 K.Galbraith, janitor 350<>0 Tipstaves' pay 268 00 M.J. Dolan, special deteclive... 2i*oo Court proclamations to sheriff... 42 00 Summoning jurors 113 00 COunty Prison Exjvns's. Mrs. Hallcr, ft r washing 21 35 Mrs. Shaffer, fur washing........ 17 90 % Mrs. Ungurt, for washing 17 37 N. A. Brew & Stui. wood for jail 450 N. A. Lucas, wood for jail 2 50 B. F. Leitzell. wood for Jail 7 50 Robert McKnight, gas bills 213G0 Lawrence 1., llrown 223 00 Alexander A Co, coal 94 45 W. T. Tw it mire, furnace. Ac.... 214 57 Theo. Deslincr, repairs at Jail 23 75 I. Guggenheiiner & Co., clothing for prisoners 1 65 Lyon A Co.,clothing for pns'ers 225 Harper Bros., '• •' IT6 S. AA. I/K'b, " " 57 i$ S. & A. Loeb, carpet and cloth. ing far prisoners 66 02 Jno. Hoffer, clothing for pHs'ers 37 St J C. Derr, gas burner &e 176 J. AS. Mallory, hlacksinithlng 326 H. K. llieks, hardware. &e Daniel I>err, gas fittiugs 10 00 J. Reynolds & Co., grate ami brick for range 5 off Penn'a R It Co. freight. &c ... 81 C. be brock, repairs at gate ........ 1 'ougal vS; Co 888 (V) Sam'l Brugger, engineer 12 88 J, K. Sjieeriiig, contractor 60 to Marah Creek bridge— Townsend, Brown & Co 7% 00 Win. Lyons 774 75 W. F. Reynolds & Co 15 25 Samuel Brugger 9i 47 Repairs at Karthaus bridge 6n 00 J, !• Slieerilig. Pt. Matilda b'gc 162 50 J. G. June-', foot bridge 348 Chatiev & Thompson 4 52 J. G. Junes 22 50 J. (4. 1.. Meyers 800 Samuel Brugger, repali s Union. vllle bridge .... 4 75 Jno. I. Thompson, repairs at Martha bridge 122 63 1 J. D. Hull, repairs at Howard bridge 150 Sam'l Brugger, rebuilding Un onviile bridge 672 00 James Bradley, railing Miles burg bridge 3 50 Ordinary Expenses. Commissioners' expenses to Marsh Creek 4 50 ; Commissioners' expenses to Look Haven 10 00 Commissioners' expense to Port Matilda 13 60 Commissioners' expenses hold ing appeals 203 25 K. M. McKnight, gas bills 135 70 Counting congressional and county returns 25 50 A. Hoy, attorney, county vs. First National Bank 4 75 Water tux, 1879-80 250 00 11. Beck, entering cases in docket 10 31 L. L. Beck, copying regis'rations 42 00 L. L. Beck, removing ashes 1 50 Alexander & Co., coal, court house 65 71 L. L. Brown, coal, court house 100 67 11. Y, Stitzer, stationery, &c 16 18 Kinross and freight 21 6'J Ellis Orvis, auditing prothono tary and sheriff's ac eunt... 45 00 Jno. T. Johnston, postage 30 56 Houseai & Teller, meals lor ju rors 5 20 Dan. Garman, meals for Jurors 10 55 W. A. Tobias, deed book 14 00 J. C. Harper, books. &c. office 23158 IV. E. Burchfield, books, Ac. of fice 33 31 C. W. Lambert, pruning trees... 21 50 Geo. F. Bisel, pen*, &c., com missioners'office 2 75 D. W. Eborhart, repairs at of fices 2 25 Henry Hoffman, mend'g chairs 585 "W. F. Murphy & Sons, station ery. Ac 350 Win. Mann, books, Ac. offices C 8 00 J. A. S. Mallory, repair'gcourt house gates 1 50 F. L. Ilutter, registration biles 21 55 R. W. Dingier, iuk 75 LaneS. Iluit, Digests of Elec tion Laws 15 00 James Murray, cleaning cess pool .50 C. McConnell, mortgage b00k... 14 15 Wilson, McFarlanc A Co., hard ware. court house 5 20 11. K. Hicks, hardware, court house 54 09 Secliler & Co., spitoons, court house 50 Jas. Harris & Co., hardware, courthouse 29 97 B. F. Leitzell, wood, court house 2 50 Jac. Garbrick, wood, court lfse 250 Meb&Garbrick, ice, court h'se 125 W. A. Shroyer, repairing hat rack, court house 275 Wilson, McFarlane & Co., rope, Ac 9 92 Quinter & Bruinbach, binding dockets, & c 96 gi D. F. Fortney, rebinding Di gests 2 80 Mary Hartman, scrubbing offl's 150 Jac. Schroin, binding matting court house 337 W. T. Twltmire, repairing at commissioners' office 1 72 E. W, Woodruff, file hoiders, nrothonotary's office 57 2.5 11. C. Chronlster. witness fees.. 258 M. Morrison, rep'rlng hydrant.. 1 Of) lx>gaii H°se Co. subscription... 15 00 J-.. V. Woodruff, file holders 57 2 V. Galbraith, wheelbarrow 6 00 ] Siiiuue] Brugger, engineering.... 1118 V A. Lucas, delivering rcgls tratlon* 1 <3O Teachers'institute I*4 93 Western penitentiary 2*2 1 00 By lllllng and iiieiuliug 33 ticks at 60r_ 16 00 ft y notifying jurors n >t to utten April T. 12 00 7ty conveying tlireefo Insane asylum.... 12000 By conveying one to pcniicutiurv 40 On Ky publishing proejamatiou, throe o'rts 36 litre county, and find tlicm correct and the balances as stated. Witness our hands and seals this 17th tiny of January, A D 1681 JAMKMT STUART, TLBI) T B JAMISON, (LSJ } Auditors CiKO U WILLIAMS, [l.B]} 7\i*cs Outstanding and Due by Collectors. 1872 •John Ward. Half Moon $256 97 •I) Kobb, Liberty - 1152 27149 1873 •Daniel Malone, Boggs 7 HI •LC Kearick, Marlon ..... 15 S3 23 42 1874 *t Joseph Fox, 7!cilefoiit' 454 15 •William Kiddles. Phi II pgburg. 84593 °Freo Kerchoff, Ciirtin 12-128 •Willhm Cross, Half Moon K 72 •H Jl 4FI OX, Rush 26130 •l11 Y eager, Snow Shoe 75 73 1,709 13 1875 •Charles .Brown, Cellofonte 758 r.i •JPShope, Milesb'rg .. 223 99 •JnoT Lucas. Curt In 7 26 *ll II Wilcox, Hush 70 74 1,050 83 1870 •J II Morrison. Belief onto 476 91 •T M Hall. Milesburg 96 12 •David /farter. Mnnon 185 W • H'llliam IPeiser, I'cnn 324 37 •t; TP Koch, Potter 753 00 •John Noll, Spring —— 213 7 l.; 09 43 1677 •♦Jackson Gorten, PliiHpsburg -6 3D •f//C //olter. i/ nvaicl 95 40 •f Uriah stover. Hen ner266 4S •4 TP//Fry, Ferguson 1,335 31 • frieo Gcnsamer, //alf .M00n.... 295 87 •David Uobb. Liberty. .. 294 ft! •tl) IPOrr, Marion 145 27 •Joel Morris, Miles 8.3 87 *JG TP F Gray, Pat ton 82 35 •t/fenrvSwub, Potter..- 272 71 •F //Dale, Rush 29 0H • t//J Tlbbins, Spring— 472 55 3,120 20 1878 K. 11. Crr, Milesburg - - 14800 F. O. Mat tern, l'lildpsburg - 375 97 Sam'J Brick ley, Howard lx>r- 11712 Thomas Perdue. Bcnai-r.-.. 96167 J.t'. Walker, Hoggs 535 88 4John A. linpn. ColU'gc 40 03 Henry Thiel, Curtin 2l 86 C. P. la-it/el. Gregg - 428 28 D. H. Rote. HaiUtfs 43 "6 tJolin Carper. Jr., Harris ll9 70 John Urnlg, 'Huston 115 41 William Treaslcr, Cat ton 14036 4John D. Foote. Penn 1.038 47 F. 11. Ikile, Kuali ............ 058 26 A. J. Xwart2. Spring 1,4 | !9.V Jos. Thompson, Snow Shettlimit,and those having claim* avalnst the same, to present thein dull authenticated for settlement. DAMKI. SMITH. Administrator. H irtlebm. Union Co, P*., Jan. 2Kb, 188 L 6t. DISSOLUTION OF PAKTNRBHHII*.—THE subscribers hereby give notice that they have dissolved partnership in the grain busi ness at Coburn Station, the dissolution taking effect from and after Jan. Ist, 18*1. <}. W. s-rovan, 3t 1\ IL srovxn. TN STRAY.— Came to tlic residence or the sut>- Li i-criber about two miles east of Rcbers bur*, oti or about the lust of Sept. 18*o. a reu heifer, white along the belly, white spots at head and a out In right ear. No other marks. The owner Is requested to nay ex|>etisen und take the same awav. otherwise tt will be dls nsen of according to law. Dec. 9th, 2m. Win. l\KrA£K. L.C.&S.CJAILROAD. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. 13 5 7 i V 4. M P \f p \f Montandon 7.fti 9.45 2.2i 6.45 Lewi'hurg ar 7.15 10.U0 2.35 7.tu Icwlslnu g lv 7.75 Fairground.—— 7.: x lftnri 2.4*1 Ulehl - 7.41 10.21 2.51 Vlckshurg 7.47 jo. >1 2.57 Miilhnburg 8.03 10.51 3.13 Hillnioiit - - 8.25 11.20 3.A5 Laure'.ton H.:var11.35 3.46 Wicker Run - 9.00 4.11 Cherry Run 9,17 4.30 Fowler - 9.37 4.50 Uoburu 9.4.8 5 . Spring Miils . 10.15 ar 6.30 TRAINS LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 6 8 A. M. A. M. P. >l. P. M. Montandon ._. nr H.SU nr9.;uri.2N ar6.30 l7ew|sbui"g 6.33 9.15 l.Ofl H. 15 Fair Ground 9.10 1.00 6,10 Biehl 9.01 12.48 6.00 Vieksburg— H..56 12.4*2 5.55 Mifllinburg 843 12.25 5.40 Millliumt 8.25 1202 5.20 Laurellon 8.15 1150 5.10 Wifcer Run —. 7.48 4.47 Clieriy Kiui —7.31 4.30 Fowler 7.10 4.10 G'burn . 6..'8 4.00 Spring Mill* 6.30 3^o Trains Nos. 1 and 2 con met at Montandon with Erie Mail west for Willlamsport. Lock Haven. Kane, Corrv and Erie, and Buffalo and Niagara Falls >ia Kinporiuni, als> Klmira, Wut kliis. Buffalo and Niagara Falls via Canandul guo. Nos. 3and 4 eoimect with Pacific Kr.piess east f ( >r Harriaburg. Baltimore, \N ashiugton. Philadelphia and New York Nos. 5 and 6 connect with Dav Exnress east for HarrisUirg. Baltimore, Washington. Phil adelphia and New York, and Niagara Express west for Wilßamsport, la>ck Haven and Ken ovo. Tyrone. Altoona and I'ittshurg via Ix)ok Haven, also Klmira. Watkins and liuflulo, and Niagara Falls via Cunaudaigu.i. Nos. 7 and 8 connect with Fast Line west for WilllamsiKirt and Lock Haven. No. S also connects with Erie Mail east for Harilshurg. Baltimore, Wasomgton, PhllaJcl phla and New York. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia riftwood with A. V. It. R. Parlor ears will mn between Philadelphia ami Williainsport n Niagara Express West and Day Express Ei.e>t. Sleeping cars on all j night trains. < \YAI. A. BALDWIN, General Sup't. BAULAND & NEWMAN, BELLEFONTE PA. HEADQIJARTEES FOR BARGAINS. AT THE BEE HIVE OUST IE PRICE STORE. We are now opening and displaying the Largest best and cheapest stock of goods ever offered in Centre county comprising a fhll line of DRY GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmm mmmmm i n i mm wmmmm—mmm mmmmmmmmmmpmsammmmr-mmmmmmmmmmarnm YARNS, BOOTS & SHOES, MEITS FURNISHING GOODS. Clothing Made to Order a Speciality. ■■ ■ ■■——■■ .... - ii .A.LI, O-OUDS IMIARkED XX IPLAIX R I !WIRES. The pubic are cordiallay invited to call and ex amine our stock. Remember the place ALLEGHENY STREET. BELLEFONTE, PA. Respectfully Yours, BAULAND & NEWMAN Oor Motto is: One price tin list pis. and no misrepres station. THE Branch yLOTHiN-A Has new opened its Immense Stcckcf Fall & Winter Clothing. They. Suit your eyes, your per son and your POCKETS. Samuel Lewin, Manager, BELLEFONTE, PA KAIHPS hTHE BOOT & SHOE MAN y LOCK HAVEN, ij ffejl I have a very large stock of B J BOOTS, SHOES, EE| Slippers & ladies Sr 'WALKING SHOES, J& just opened up for Spring and S®|3 sffiSM Summer wear. My stock is ■H as cheap as it was a year Kf| ago, because 1 bought it ■ tor cash before the ad vance, I um the only jlfgaf shoe dealer in I ock lloveh that buys frig for cash & pays ■ " Miu) rent where money than any dealer in the city. I I M Give me a call and you will te convinced that your place to buy is mm CARDS With \ your name neatly JM Printed on, for 10 Ct. Songs, #H §§f Hone cent each Send for price list. ■All ■Address, F. Mcj.auuhw, & Co, j M tHf Lewisbpro, Fa. I NEW nWyß&m CUBE. J RHEUMATISM, Whicli renders life a burden and fi nally destroys It, is permanently cured by this remedy, Stiff and jwollen Joints are restored to their natural condition. NEURALGIA. A single application gives relief. Cas es of the longest standing are perma nently cured by a single bottle. CURES GUARANTEED , in every case. Money refunded tt any one not relieved after a fair trlaL For sale by all first class druggists. I PRICE 50 CENTS. RHEUMATIC REMEDY CO. I PITTSBURGH, PA. fl9*Send for statement of cures. SSSSSSSBHSSSSSaI ' PUIII OTOHCf procured for all soldiers disabled 1 liil urJltij in he I". S. .service from any cause, also for heirs of deceased soldiers. The slightest disabilityeidttlsstopension. Pension* inckkaskd. The laws being more liberal now, \ thousands are entitled to blgliCr rates. Bounty and new discharges pi m ured. Those who at a ;in doubt as to w hetlicr entitled to anything I should send two .1 cent stamps for our "circular ; of information Address, with stamps, Stoddart A Co. Solici tors of Claims and IV. tents, Room 8, Bt. Cloud Building, Washington. 1). C. 28-3 lii STODDART & CO GILMORE & CO., ! LAW & COLLECTION B IIJSE, 029 F Street, Washing on, D. C. Make Collections, Negotiate Loans and at tend to all business confided to them. I.asu SCKIT, Solilh r's Additional Homestead Right Slid Land W auk.vnts bought and sold. BHQCKERHOFF HOUSE BELLEFONTE, PA First Class in all respects. Fliis is the place for the business mail, the farmer, the mechanic. ffetT* Omnibus to all trains. .jgjf . K. TtUR, Proprietor. Agents SI.DOO MADE IN GO DAYS Now is the time to make it. Prosperity lias 1 dawned upon the isH.ple of this country, and all are enjoying its blessings. YOU can just as well make a little money by devoting some of your snare time to our business. We offer ono of be best opportunities ever yet given to any one to make money It take; no capital. You do not have to invest a large sum of money and rim a great risk of losing it. Your energy and you* business capacity will b ail tin- e pital you will require. Ladies can engage in.the business as well as gentlemen, and even boys and girls do well. Kven if you do not < esiie to engage in business, we can impart inform tin to you tba; will be of great value. You will rendliy see that it will be a comparatively eu-y matter to ma ho from #lO to #IOO a week, and establish a lu crative, independent business. IVEAJCIE Hay while the sen shines. The businessiu honorable, straight-forward and profitable. Do not neglect, this notice but write to us and find out what our busiuess is. It will pay you and only cost the price ot one postal card. We send lull particulars free. Attend to this matter NOW for there is money in It far all who engage with us. If you call only de vote one or two hours a day, or the evening, you can cake $lO a week. You have only to write us to be convinced of this fact. Sena us u Postal card with your full name and address plainly written thereon, and receive by return mail mil particulars of a business that will sur prise you and make you wonder why you never w rote to us before. Write at once, It will pay you. Address Buckeye M'f'g 0., (Name this paper.) MARION, OHIO. 3VTo3