|ht j|iUhfim toarnal, THURSDAY, FEBR'Y 10, 'Bl. mUMM & BI MILLER, Editors and Proprietors. Local Department. —Road our sale register. W ANTED.— A blacksmith at R. B Hartm&n's foundry. —Township election tickets printed well and cheaply at the Journal office. —-The Central Pennsylvania Confer ence of the M. E. Church will meet at York, Pa., March 16th next. —Michael S. Fiedler and Mrs. Polly Royer, are the administrators of the estate of Geo. W. Royer, dec'd. See notice. —The Presbyterians of Mifflinburg iutend to build a new church aud are already engaged in soliciting subscrip tions. —Mr. Luther B. Stover gives notice that be has been appoiuted administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Delby, late of Madisonburg. —The Job work done in the Journal Office will compare well with any work done elsewhere and the prices are re markably low. Give us a call. —The Central Peuna. Conference of the Eyangelical Associat ion will meet at Lock Haven March Bd, 1881. Bishop Thomas Bowman will preside. GETTING POPULAR.—A. B. 8. Bar ter is getting mighty popular as an auctioneer, aud what is better—perhaps worse— 4< they say" he is going to ruu for sheriff. —WANTED IMMEDIATELY, about ten to fifteen bushels potatoes ard a bout five to eight bushels of apples. If it suits you to pay off your subscrip tion iu tnat way bang them along at once. THE FATAL COAL OIL LAMP.— Miss Maud McCready, Fowler Station, Cen tre, was fatally burned by the ex plosion of a coal oil lamp she was carrying. Miss McCready died after twenty-four hours of intense suffering. —ln Ayer's Aguel Cure we have a positive remedy for fever and ague and all malarial disorders, and one entirely free frem quinine, arseuic or other in j uncus drugs. It is the chemical and medical triumph of the age. TAKE NOTlCE.— Persons wishing to gft family tickets for the German Ex hibition, to be held in Millheim, next Saturday ♦evening, can obtain them at Adolph Miller's Tobacco Bhop, on Maine Street, opposite the Bank. —At the regular annual meeting of the Millheim Cemetery Association on Monday evening the following officers were elected: President—Win. Mauck. Directors—J. H. Reifsuyder, B. O. Deininger, Jacob Alter, W. R. Weiser, Eli is Lose. —Mr. R. M. Wolf and Mr. C. W. Ilostei man have bought out our friend, Mr. G. R. Spigelmeyer, the active and successful merchant at Woodward. The na.ne of the new firm is Wolf & Hosterman. We wish them much success. —Our band boys are of the opinion that the Mifflinburgers do net appre ciate good music. We are not well e nough acquainted with the people down there to venture an opinion, but call upon tvx> George Washingtons to rise and explain. Gem'men—you have the floor. "-"We deem it entirely sufficient for all practical purposes to state that the Jersey Shore murderers—Geo. W. Smith and Catharine C. Miller, were success fully hanged at Williamsport, Thurs day last the 3rd inst. A detailed ac count of liow it was all done and what the criminals said, would be of no profit whatever to our readers. At least so we think. NOTICE. Wishing to close all my book ac counts, I have determined to sell for cash or produce only from and after March Ist, 1881, I will give my customers the full ad vantage of a strictly CASH SYSTEM. SAMUEL GRENINGEB. —Among the persons badly, but not dangerously hurt by ihe train wreck near Middleburg, in Snyder county, last week, was Mr. Wm. Haus, mail agent, a brother of Mrs. Wm. Mauck of this place. An accouut in the Se linsgrove Tiroes says: Mr. Haus'. was so bkmly wedged in the wreck that a part *of the car had to be cut away before he could be extricated. It is hoped that none of the cases will prove fatal. —Report of Millheim Grammar School tire week ending Feb 4th, 1881. No. of pupils, males —26, females — I 20, total—46. No. attending, males— -24, females —17, total —41. No. present eyery day, males—l 6, females —7, total —23. No. tardy, s-16, total—36. Average attendance, males—2o, females —12, total—32. Per cent, of attendance, males—B3, females —7l, total—77. No. of yisitors—3. No parents visited the school during the week, nor at auy time during the term, worth speaking of. Hope they will yet come. D. L, ZERBY, Teacher. —The Journal office has every facili ty to pfint first class sale bills, and •charges moderate prices. Don't you forget it. —Don't fail to attend the annual meeting of the Millheim B. & L. As sociation next Monday,evening. There is money iu it. —Monday morning early we met the biggest liar we came across In a long time. The fellow was over six feet high and wide in proportion, Jand said ct tcasn'f a cold. A SLENDER RKVENU*.— Seventeen cents is the amount returned to the Postofticee Department by the post master ;at Haymaker, McKean, Pa., being the profits for the quarter end ing Docember 31. 1880. ELECTION NOTICE. The annual meeting and election of the Miilheira Building & Loan Asso ciation will be held in the Town Hall, Millheim, on Monday evening the 14th inst.,at6 o'clock, r. M. A general attendance of the stockholders is re quested. B. O. DEININGER, A. WALTER, President. : Sec'ry. —By refering to another page of the Journal our readers will find the aunu al county statement. It seems to be a fair and full exhibit of our eounty finances, showing where the tax-pay ers' money goes, where it comes from or ought to come from—but.don't in many cases. We may have a few comments to make OQ the matter next week, —Our band boys just now serve a capital purporso to illustrate the differ ent dispositions of human nature. For example just yell out—"Mifflin bur*/"—to a crowd in which the boys have a majority and watch the instau taneous effect. One will,smile a nice, bland smile; another will laugh and hat ha! outright; a third will look sad and sorrowful—affected to tears almost, while the balance will look around for stones to yell you to death, as they did the primitive christians. But, happi ly, we live iu a christian country, where you dare not stone your fellow man just at pleasure; and besides the stones are all trofcea fast just now. For the life of us we can not tell what happened them down there, fr the all say with strong emphasis and clenched lists that they are going to re member Mifflinburg! Hope they will. A CARD. To our Friends and Patrons in Otntre county. Owing to a large increase in our business we have concluded to remove to larger and better premises, April Ist 'Bl. We are going to the place formerly occupied by Brooke's Confectionery, directly opposite Walls & (Jo's store, where we will have enlarged facilities to serve our customers. The Millinery Department will bo under the direct supervision of lira. B. Harris, who has already engaged tb service of several experienced city mil liners. The Notions, Trimmings St Fancy Goods Department will be under the immediate charge of Mr. M. Harris, who will always endeavor to serve the interests of patrons, giving the beet goods for the least money possible. Most Respectfully Yours, tf B. HARRIS. POPULAR VOTE FOR PR*ST. DENT. The total vote polled for Presiden tial Electors in f 1880 was 9,200,794, di vided as follows: Winfiekl S. Hancock, Dem0crat—.......4,444.313 James A. Garfield, Repub1ican.....~........4,437,y8l Junes R. Weaver, Greenback ......'107,063 Neal Dow, Prohibition .. 9.664 Scattering -.........^.1,793 Hancock s majority over field, 6,332. Many papers are sorely troubled as to what will be the cjnsequences if our state legislature should adjourn without elcclidg aU. S. Senator. Our opinion is that the earth would revolve around its own axis and around the SUP; that the weather would be just as cold—the anew just as deep; that crops would grow just as well; that the rich would be as independent. and the poor as dependent—all the same wbethei we had two wooden U. S. Senators or but one. Of course, if a man of the intel lect culture and experience of a Wallace or a Curtin could or would be chosen it would be worth while to feel a deep interest in the. matter. But think of Henry Oliver as aU. S. Sen ator. Uqhl ABWA CHUROH WAS BUILT AND CONSECRATED. [The following article, clipped from the Emporia (Kansas) Daily Nette, was sent us for publication by Rev. J G. Shoemaker.] Yesterday morning St. Paul's Re formed church, the new brick edifice at the corner of Constitution street and Ninth avenue, which stands as an imposing monument to the untiring energy and christian zeal of its pastor, Rev. J. G. Shoemaker, was opened the first time for divine service. The orig inal programme was varied tothe extent of postponing the consecration of the house till in the evening and the morn* ing ho ur was devoted to regular ser vices, the pastor occupying the pulpit and preaching a very able sermon ap propriate to the occasion, from the text: "The Lord is in His holy tem ple, let all the earth keep silence before Him." The discourse demonstrated the inherent disposition of man to worship something sbove and beyond him, and to embody this object of bcaag* In some material form, which, in the pa gan* world, finds expression In idols that are the work of man's hands, and with christians in temples erected to the worship of the living and true God, by whose spirit the sanctuary is per vaded. These houses, in which the divine presence dwells, even as the Shekinah in the temple of oM, should be fit habitations for the occupation ot Jebovab, and bene* it Is that we erect our churches in a manner that they may inspire reverence and suggest thoughts which are not associated with secular and common things. St. Paul's church, while modest and un pretentious, real ises to a singular de gree, the idea embodied in the pastor's sermon. Without an intimation even of splendor, it fe withal so thoroughly neat and comfortable, Its various ap pointments are so happily b landed, and such excellent 'taste has been dis played in Its entire construction, that can hardly realiza that so much could be done with the means at hand and the comparatively small outlay. The aadience room is S : >xso feet, and has s seating capacity of about three hundred people. The walls are very tastefully frescoed in the popular sand- Stone shade, which is relieved by a, freize of light colors and graceful de signs. A panel in the recess back of the pulpit bears the appropriate lucrip tion " Holy and Reverend is His Name.' 1 and the monogram composed of the Greek letters Alpha and Omega. The house is sufficiently lighted by day and ventilated by a row of neat win dows on the r north and south sides, and by two very handsome chandeliers, by night. The celling is of alternate strips of white and yellow pine, rein forced by heavy brackets in imitation of walnut, and the wainscoting, which reaches to the oottoms of the windows, is of pine and ash. The seats and pulpit, all of which were made in Emporia, are of poplar aud walnut and reflect the taste and super ior workmanship of the manufacturer. The aisles and space about the pulpit are covered with a very pretty carpet, the gift of the school-mates of the pas tor's daughters, in Pennsylvania, and a handsome Bible donated by Mr. Prot bero, formerly of this city, a by ma book i.nd liturgy presented by the pas tor's brother, complete the appoint ments of this pleasant house of wor ship. TIIE DEDICATION SftAVtCBS Took place in the evening, when the audience room was filled to its ut most capacity, the pastor being assis ted by Rev. J. D. Greenwald, of S*b etha, Brown county, and Revs. ICirby, Cordley and Burrows, of this city. After short hut felicitious addresses from each of these ge utlemen, the pas tor submitted to the congregation the full and complete historical and finan cial statement of its rise and growth, covering a period of time from the summer of 1695 to the present day. The cost of lot and building as far ae completed, is f3OOO. The pledges and money, up to Sunday morning .amonnt to S2OOO, leaving a debt of SIOOO to be provided for. The work of raising the deficiency succeeded the statement of the pastor, and through his efforts, supplemented by those of his brother clergymen and Judge Culver, who with a little prac tif* wruid make Kimball the celebra ted "hordi debt raiser look to his laur els, tne amount of S3OO was subscrib ed, leaving an indebtedness Cf S7OO to still provide for, which the pastor thinks the congregation will be able to Dandle and eventually liquidate. Rev. Shoemaker has wrought a work in Emporia which does him great cred it as a christian miuister and we fed that we only reflect the sentiment of the community when we offer him our sincere congratulations on the satis factory results of his earnest and faith ful toil in the interests of Zion. NOTICE. The LITTLE JOURNAL is a neat lit tle monthly paper for Children from 5 to 12 years of age and only costs pos tage paid 15 cents per year. Sample copy 2 cents. Address LITTLE JOUR NAL, Lewisburg, Pa. A COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT.— Last week we were shown through the EXCELSIOR DYE WORKS, at Lewis burg, by the obliging proprietor, WB. A. Davis, Esq. The concern seems to be entirely complete in all its arrange ments, and Mr. Davis himself ia an ex pert in the business. He has had many years of experience in this country, England, Germany and Russia. He showed us a number of shawls and gentlemen's suits which had been dyed and pressed, making them appear like new, at a small cosk We have agreed to act as agent for Mr. Davis in this section and will at tend to all work entrusted to us. Read his advertisement ffc another column and for particulars call at the JOURNAL STORE. tf "Music HATH CHARMS."— The Musical Instrument Store of C. H. Hassenplug,Lewisburg Pa., will hence forth be carried on by Hassenplug & Thomas. They have on hahd a large variety of Pianos, Organs, Organettes, and other musical instruments of all standard makes, which they sell at very low prices. They are gentlemen of high character and integrity and have large experience in the business. Mr. Thomas, who is well and favorably known In these parts, expects to make a thorough canvass of this part of Centre county, selling instruments, ! and we hope he may meet with abun dant success. tf A NEW TREATMENT. The Golden Mtiixtr of Lsfu Wonderful Vuret. If you have Consumption, "and would know that your cough can he made loose and easy—Hectic Fever and Night Sweats checked in 24 hours 4 In flammation taken out of the lungu and air passages at once; that you can be made to grain 3 to 5 pound* qf healthy flesh per week; if you have any Chronic Disease, Bronchitis, Asthmas Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Heart Dis ease. Liver Complaint, Nervaus Dens ity, Seminal Weakness or •Bpermator rboea, loss ot sekual power either aez from any canse; ir you have any form of nervous weakness, losing flesh or wasting aWay, and would know of an immediate relief and certain cure for many of the severest cases in a •hortttrae, a new method with new agents to fatten every body, invigorate and make stroog and healthy the most hopeless cases, cut this out and write at once for particulars to B. 8. DIS PENSARY, Berrien Spring*, Mich. ly News Mlscellnnf. IMMENSE quantities of Norway j*ats have been frozen to death in the pine forests of Elk and Potter counties. A man who loves hia family will al ways take hia local paper and £ti mau who respects bis family will Al ways pay for it. A Chambersburg constable served a warrant on a man at ShippeDsburg, the other day, while he was standing at the grave with hia mother, paying the last sad rites to the memory of hia deceased father. • That constable is the champion mean man, beyond doubt. Many good men have been unjustly accused; but tbey .generally live.japwn slander. Who has never feit the lash of the scurrilous tongue? Who 'has never had his best motives suaplbUliii& ; ly scrutinized? . But you may sebtkJ it as a rule, that no man*B reputation can serioudy be hurt for a great length qf time so long as his character A ls' sound and good.—Ex. • '* •' The Bald Eagle Yalley railroad com pany has purchased the Buow Shoe railroad. This purchase covers In ad dition to the railroad and stocky the control of r upwards of 60,000 acf£e of bituminous coal lands; &nd $300,000 la the price paid for iL The Pennsylva nia railro.td company will operate this branch in connection with the Bald Eagle Valley road. An Ohio paper proposes to number the hours of a day and night consecu tively from 1 to 2A, or from midnight to midnight, thus doing away with a. m. and p. m. in railway time tables and elsewhere. The advocate of the proposed new method says that there is no more reason ior having two 12 o'clocka in one day than there is for two twelve-mile pvtts on a twenty four mile railroad. The U&lifornia Floods. , , SAN FRANCISCO, .February 6.—lt has beeu a fair day throughout 4 ;that portion of the state which is under water, and the rivers and creeks are fall! eg everywhere. About three thousand five hundred square miles of the Sacramento valley is under water. The losses cannot be even guessed at present, but the aggregate will be a stupendous sum. Let Grave Robbers BeW&re. —~'V* MT. VERNON, 0., Jan 20.—Three men attempted a grave robbery 'bear Gano, in ibis county, and wheu near the bottom of the grave struck a tor pedo, placed ou the coffin for protec tion, which exploded, instantlV luTU ing a man named Dipper and breaking the leg of one whose name has uot been ascertained. The third, who wis keeping watcb, succeeded in getting bis companions into a sleigh and evad ing arrest. 'Si. Ia the whole HUterjr or Xedielat. No prepenttion has ever performed such raa'velous cures, or maintained so wide a repu- UUon.as A rbk's Ciibmi y I'bctoral. which is re cognized as the world's remedy for all diseases or the throat and lungs. Its kiug contained series of wouderial euros In all cßniat , s has made It universally known as a safe and relia ble ugent bo employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more serious dis orders, it acts speedily and surely, always jw lieviug suffering, aud often saving life. The protection It affords, by its timely use in throat aud chest disorders, makes it an iuvalttabto remedy to be kept always on hand in every home. Ne person tan afford to be without it, and those who have once used it never will From their knowledge of its composition aud effects, physicians use the Cherry Pectoral extensively in their practice, and clergymen recommend it. it Is absolutely certain m its remedial effects, and will always euro whero cures kre possible. Foa al bt all Dealers. BALE REGISTER. Feb. 18th, John Dutweiler, Teen township. Household goods. Feb. 24tK John 8. Roman, Haines township. Uve stock, farming implements aud household goods. March Ist, Samuel M. Ulrlck, near Puna Hall. WVe stock, farming Implements and household goods—nearly all now. March 6th, D. O. & John Bower, Executors, Aarousburg. Four squares of land, house & lot and household goods. * Feb. 26th. Administrators' salo, estate o George W. Koyer, near Kebershurg. 14vs Stock farm implements aud household goods. MARRIBD. On the 16th ult., by Rev. W. M. Landis, Thomas Brungard, and Miss Emma Gorman, all of Miles township, Centre Co. Pa. On the 30th ult., by the same, Mr. Qeo. H. Stover, of Farmer's Mills, to Miss Maqr Klinefelter, of near Madisonburg. urn. - t-r a * 4 • • ' *• ! On the 20th ttlt, in Miles township,. Mrs. Sol omina Anderson, aged 70 years, 5 months and 4 days. " ... On the 3rd Inst., near Aaronsburg Sarah , Fansler, aged 45 years, 8 mouths and 10 days. On the 4th inst., near Freeport, 111., of paral ' ysls, Mr. John Btout, formerly of MJUhetm, ; aged 75 years, 4 months and 11 days. Mlllbelm Vwktt. mmmrnrnm Orroot*l evsry Wednesday by tiephart k Mtwwr. , 1 Wheat No 100 Wheat No. 2 W Porn *0 Rye oat* Wlilto 80 Oat*. Black Buckwheat .59 Flour. ... ROO Bran A Short*, pu ton.,. 17*00 Salt, per Brl .*. 1.90 '•Planter, ground. 10.011 per Uuetiel.... 45 to .Mi fcC&i 5eed............ 1.00 JJmx*ed - 'yroveraeed. * fbtter v .* 12 urn Side* Veai ! , Pork,,.. Bee'i., ... Sllfry 30 Potatoes. its*? !"*. *.*. v. o'.''.*. '.v.v.'. I'. r. *. 1 5 Soap.. ..... Dried Apple* ' 3 Dried iVaches... 10 Dried Cherries COAL MARKET. KgK Coal ~... - 95.60 Stove " 5.75 Chestnut" 5.30 Pea 4 4.00 P. B£PHIRT D. A. XISSEK GEPHART & MGSER DEALERSIN drain tlorerseed. Flour & Feed, t'oa', Plaster Salt MILLHEIM PA Highest HNutnt prtee paid for all kinds of 0-^J±TI<T j 1 • ' • .i*" Deli re red ettfter at the BRICK MILL or at the Old MUSBER MILL, In MILLBEIM. '' COAL, PLASTER & SALT • Always on hand and sold at prices that defy competition. A share of the public patronage respectfully (•elicited. &My EXCELSIOR STEiM DYE WORKS . LEWISBURG, PA., W. Davis, Proprietor. " All kinds of Silks, Mixed Cotton and Wool (foods dyed and finished In the best style, .(fouls' Coats, Vests and Pants dyed or cleansed without rip ping. Ladles' Cloaks, Capes, and Dresses cleansed' or djed to any fancy pattern where the original color Is favorable. All kind of shawls clean ed or dyed and finished In the neatest manner. My Factory has all the and facili ties of ft first class establishment of lis klml. Mv experience in the business extends over many >ears. both in this country and '•< Europe, and am therefore enabled to do strictly first clans work at jnoderade prices. THE JOURNAL STORE, Mill helm, Pa., has accepted an agency from me. All goods brought there for dying will be returned free of extra charge. r :' * FdwtttJ Oeshler. J Jordan Dcable &SOh, . • . * PHYSICIANS & PURGKOXS, Aaronsburg, Pa£ Calla promptly answered da night .D H. MINGLE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Main Street, Millheim, Pa >K mm Outfit sent free to tuoee who wish To IP Wengage in the most pleasant and profit- Ail • Jable business known. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $lO a day and upward is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new work ers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is trilling to work falls to make more H\on6v every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will find a short road to fortune. Ad dress 11. Hallbt & Co., Portland, Maine. " PENSIONS! Bocnrrr, Pat r or rations, wbw akd noTORA BLK DISCU AKORS, Attn INCREASED PRNStOKS Ob tained.—New laws higher rates of mfUslon The slightest disability, from wound, injury o disease of any kind entitles you to a pension Widows and heirs, fat hero and mothers are now entitled, Land cases promptly settled, Patents obtain ed. All kinds of government claims prosecuted Write at once for new laws, blanks and in structions, with two stamps. Address, J, W. FLENNFK&COw, Lock Box Sl4, Washington, D. 0. /am furnished free, with fall >n M I ■ Ist ructions for conducting the most ■ww profitable business that any one can engage in. The business is so easy to foam, and our Instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make great proftts from the very start. No one can fail who's willing to work. Women are as success fill as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many have made at the business over one hun dred dollars In a sin le week. Nothing like it •ver known before. AH who engage are sur- ,< prised at the ease and rapidity with which tb are able to make money. You can engage this busiuess during your spare time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital j n jt, IWe take all the risk. Those v/ho n' je d ready money, should write to us at once, furnish JBD Addres TKUK <k Co., Ai\ ftustrt| U A J NE PENSIONS. EVERY SOLDIER disabled in line of duty by wound, disease, or injury, is entitled to pension. PENSIONS INCRKAHKD.—Many are draw ing less than entitled to.—Thousands of lieirs entitled to Pension and Bolmty. RKJKCTED CASES re-opened. ABANDONED CASES finished.—Copies of Lost Discharges obtained.—Claims of every de scription prosecuted .— PATENTS PBOCUKKD. Address with stamp, 11. S. BERLIN & CO., Attorneys, *M>M Box 592. WASHINGTON, D.C Prepare for Snow! James d. (HonLio AT PENN HALL, PA., . f * s I has just completed a-lot of very eu|)eiior SXjEIQ-iaiS, which he offers at moderate prices. warrants them made of first class slock by skillful and expe rienced - mechanics. Give him a call before you buy elsewhere. He will guarantee satisfaciioii in all respects. 47-3ra ■ ■■■l ffl Yourselves by making money Ukg else ll mm am ft always k mom"* from your door. Those who al ways take advantage of the good chances for nuking money that are offered, generally be come wealthy, while tjiose who do not improve such chances remain in |H)verly. Wo want ina ny men, women, l>oys and gtrb* to work for us right in tlieirowu localities. The business nil! pay more than ten times ordinary wages. We furnish an exiiensiveoutfit ami all that you need free. No ouo who engages fails to ma Ice money very tapUlly. You can deyute your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full information and an that is ncedeu sent free. Ad dress HTINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. 'Sis Style" S opr. //jpj* We win send It to your Do. Kycfl JkM pot to Ik? examined before V/fiw you pay for It. I? it Is not a* repr -> nled it can be refuru- ITr Oil ;,t 0,1 r expense. Send a fffcAl r*AIA postal card for i!lustrrt ed * tfv 1 Wiii-r*! Circular. ('. A. WOOD A CO. ■2B 3m TRVTN HOUSE, .J- (Most Central llo'd in the City,) COR. MAI* AND JAY ST., Lock Haven, Pa., S.WOODS CAL WG LL,PROPRIETOR Go (I Simple Rooms/or Commercial Traveler <on Jirst floor. PATENTS tthd how to obtain ifcora. Prtuphlet tree, upon receipt of Stamp for post age, Address— GILMORE, SMITH & CO. Solicitors 0/ Tateuti, Scar J'atent Office, Washington, D. C TDrr 0 A IfDT r n of lwo of t!,e articles I ItXiD OiiiurbiiO ever sold bv agents to eve ry oue who answers ttiis witldn sixty days. American Co , 26-im City Mills, Massachusetts. Hll FT II H E tansriaf Truss ■mop m id <0 a a cars Jg vou waJQt> The neatest invention of the age! ce our pamphlet. Sent free. Prof J. Y. EGAN. Og densburg, N. Y. 29 ly Champion Windmill Powerl PERFECTLY SELF-REGULATING! The Cheapest and nwt Etiwtlve power in the wojld x& for PumpfhA water lor stoqk, Cf'OCA Irrigating purposes, supply- fDaSny Ing houses and fountains with pure, fresh water, etc. \Llv All of oiur Mills are fully warranted, and are equal to Wgk any mill In the market in all SL'm respects. aud superior in f c ill very many. With our print- Wild ed instruetions.ary otie can tftl | w set tliern up. We arc aso ManWAethrcrsof th: Orisia- \1 ai and only Geuuiuo f uO^frTv BTAP. Window Screen,'•^ c the Boss trade neuera' 1v? throughout the Lz.V: country. Send foe Illustrated Catalogue. Lisht Castings Kiadeto Order. POWELL & DOUGLAS, Waukegan, HI IOKESTI/I J-6 >LI O CYB Ik Chill can Son St.l - j|l ms 80'8IMPtEg it Begolrea Ho Core. / vVL 80 STRONCIff 1 U Kcrer Wears Oat* Mi OMESTiV T. r J ISBS wtoKAP^wfjSjliljfjS 80 46 Inchet. BuitUouon.! UUIIIUIJU Price, ZS Cent*. „ Vhey are especially designed to meet the requirements of those who dealro to dress well. They are unsurpassed In Style, perfect in Fit, end so aimpjo that they are readily wideratood by thi most inexperienced. Send 50. for cat* elogue. Address, "Domestic" Fashion Co., NEW Jfj,.-*" IMPROVED v k£g£ BOSS SICKLE GRINDER. 1 Jra| \ B!mple, Light and Strong. /gpsW* W No complicated Gearing. Cno /|W I k man can do the work of two, and MI i ft. turn out a better job. The winner a (wq A of First Premium wherever eshi a '"Wted. Send forl'lnstratcdCircular * o aT) d Special Discounts to T qJp roue!! A Deng las, Waahfgaa, El!. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS ' GJPTEB | ffiiteSawiDgMacMiiß !N THE THIRD YEAR OF ITS EXISTENCE, IT3 SALES AMOUNT TO 54,853 filachtnes. NO OTHER MACHINE EVER HAD SUCH A RECORD OF POPULARITY. It 13 the Easiest Selling, ani Esst SaXHsSFisp Kashas IN THJH WQBLD. •MMKflwmaMMaorxraw m.*m~m ■Lgrcata wanted. Fca tesmi, tSdscM Whita Saving fiacMss Co., 1 CI.T-rVKTLASftt, o. JOHN 8. FISHER, Manufacture* of rfg M o < | Sr gtd I W) gs SsSsW* 02 KEBERS3URO, PENNA. Every wagot built of tlrsuelass stock and by exix'it mechanics. All work warranted. Re pairing promptly attended t. The public pa tronage 1$ respectfully solicited. 3b-Iy TJic subscribers would respectfully Inform the citizen* of this neighbor, 11 °°d tbot tfcey have ensued In the tinder takluv? business. lliey ar prepared to fllUUicalls in tujs lino at awti.' 00 Vould kin liy solicit ;i share of patronage. A Full Line of ; coffins & caskets alwuys ©u hand, which wo arc RIRO ready to fun <] to other undertakers at reasonable prices. blit)F OX fin STUliif, ttlLlllKlM, FA. LOSE TIARTER & CO. jFAXjXJ AND "WINTBFj ozFEUxisra- ii MRS. AHA M. WEAVER lias just received her Pali and Winter stock of MILLINERY GOODS consisting of French lionncts, Hound fiats, French Flowers* Feathers, Ribbon and all kinds of FANCY GOODS. BRESi MAKING in all its Branches a SPECIALITY. 1 o She invites her many fiiends and customers to call at her place of business, in Penn Street, MILLHEIM, PA. OP iigaHAßiT^Krs 9?a * :! Ie a: li> less COit n • v ;;uy oxher moans. No suffering or i .eoiivei ien e. Treatment shipped to any part of Hie U. S. or cauadas. Full particulars free. Address, (Established lt.s. rrspr.ssAKY, Berrien Spring*, Mich
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers