jjiUl|im journal. TnuaSDAY. FEBK'Y 10. 'Bl. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL Is published every Thursday, InMusser'sßulld ing. corner of Main and Ponn streets at SI.OO PElt ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or 81.25 if not paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 week. 1 mi. 3 mo. 6 mo. 1 year. 1 iuare....l 6100 625018300 6400 67 00 W column,.. 300 400 600 10 00 15 00 8 Sim!::. 500 750110 00 15 00 .35 00 i column, .. 8001200|200035 00 60 00 ©ne Ineh makes a square. Administrators and Executors' Notices 62.50. Transient ad flrst Insertion and 5 cents per Hue for each ad ditional Insertion. Job Work done on short notice. DEIIDGER & SOULIER, Editors and Proprietors. CM & Sunday School Directory. Evangelical. go Bxmuel Bnxith\xnd Iter. W.\H- Uartnxan, Preachers. Rev Smith will preach next Sunday morning Sunday School, 2P. M,— D. L. Zerby, supt. Methodist. Bcv. J. Benson A Iters, Preacher-lncharfft. Freachlpg next Sunday evening Sunday School at 1)4 P. * .-Da v. ;Kim port, supt Reformed. J?ee. C TV- F Wiet/el, Pastor. rreachlng In Aaronsburg next Sunday after noon United Brethren. JLw. L. AC Gates, Prtacher-iA-charye. Lutheran. Rer. John Ibmlinson, Pastor.— Preaching in Aaronsburg next Sunday after noon, KnsUsa. United Sunday School. Meets at 9 A. P. D. Law, sapt. LoUe & Society Director]. VUlheim Lodge, No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets In heir hall, Penn Street, every SatunUy evening. Rebecca Degree Mecohu? every Thursday on cr before the full moon of each month. A. O. D*isr*OKH, Bee. B. A. Btmhaer, N. O. Providence Grange, No. 217 P. of 11., meets In Alexander s block on the second Saturday of each month at 6*. P. and on the fourth Sa turday of each month at ljS p. m- D. L.Zkrbt., Sec. A. 0. Delninger, Master., The Miiihoim R. A L. Association meets In the Penn streesAarf*caise on the evening of the second Monday Of ea** mouth. A. Walter, See, B. . Dfflt*i*aßß, Prest The Millhelm Comet Band meets in the Town Hall on Monday ®d Thursday evening. F. P. OTTO, Sec., • • F. Habtbr, Pres t. The appointment of Stanley Mat thews as a judgeof thejsupremecourt of the United States is not only a most disgraceful exhibition of Depotlsm on the part of fraudulent president, but when considered in connection with the history of the returning board rascality by which Mi. Hayes was foisted into the presidency it is an offense to common decency and com mon honesty. Besides it is objection able on account of being virtually a second appointment to the supreme bench from the state of Ohio. It is a gainst public policy, too, because Mr. Matthews is an attorney for the Pacif ic railroad companies and because the supreme court will soon be called upon to readjudlcate the case involving the constitutionality of the Thurman act, which requires those corporations to fulfill their contracts with the govern ment. Hence there should be no hes itation on the part of the senate to re ject tke Mr. Hayes ought to be sharply rebuked for select ing a member of bis own family for this high position when be had his choice ' among a hundred republican jurists and lawyers of better standing than* Mr. Matthews. He should be sternly reminded that the people have not condoned the trickery and fraud by which he was awarded the pres idency, notwithstanding the fact that they have tolerated him in an office to which be was never elected. He should be taught, too, in the most im pressive manner that there are other states in the Union besides Ohio. The rejection of this odious and impudent nomination will, if we mistake not, be hailed with delight by men of all par ties througout the country.—Patriot. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C M Feb. 5, 'Bl. In four days Gen. Garfield will be declared to have been elected President of the United States, under the forms of a resolution which passed the Stn ate on Wednesday last, and which the House will adopt in a day or two. It is simply the resolution under which most previous counts have been made. It has the endorsement, not only of previous Congress, but of nearly every member of the present Congress. The count will be made by tellers. This is as declared in the Senate, on ly a make shift for the present occasion, but there is no reasonable hope that con gress will at an early day adopt a' mode of procedure to govern in all such cases. There is a general desire in both Houses to do so. Aside from politics altogether, it is a gratifying fact, that the President to be counted in on Wednesday, and in augurated in less than a month, pos sesses the regard of a vast majority of Congressmen, and of otherpublic men, in the country. It is pleasant to say, too, that his course since the election lias been all that could be de sired. The intentions of no President elect were ever kept more to himself. Never, appeaiantly were len prom ises made, or injudicious declaratio • of future "policy." Except Mr. Blaine it is doubtful if any man living has an assurance of a Cabinet position. From irtatissHid by those supposed to be most in the General's confidence, I judge that New York will have the ■(Secretaryship of the Treasury, wet withstanding what has been published about that position gotug to a West ern man. And as to "policy," I am more than ever convinced that, so far as the administration is concerned, we shall have little of the subjects which ten or twelve years taken up the time in the executive branch (f the government. I mean sectional ques tions, and those growing out of the civil war. 1 believe an earnest at tempt will be made to substitute cE%- ers for them. Not one man believes to-day in an extra session of Congress where ten were confident of, one week ago. It is yet too early to say that the two Houses will agree either upon a fund ing or a Reapportionment bill but there is no donbt of the passage of all appropriation bills. As to the fund ing measure, it is thought probable that a compromise will be reached by putting the interest on bonds at 3j per cent and on Treasury, at three. There is so much diversity of opinion among members of the Rouse ss to the num ber of Representatives to be provided for in a Re-apportioument bill, and it being a matter in the details of which the senate never interposes, so that a conference committee is not to be ex pected, there is a geoeraJ opinion that no agreement] will be reached during the session. CARROLL. Mr. Garfiokl says he is going to make the republican party in the south "respectable." But hadn't he better begin nearer home—say in Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York? A VISITORS' BtPtIT or TH* RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OW CENTRE COUNTY FOR TIIE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1, 1881. ADAM YEARICK, Treasurer. DR. To balance from settlement Jan. 1,1880. #3,77717 To cash received on taxes during year 42,334 96 To cash received of coin's, fines. Ac....... t„3SB 30 To county tax on unseated lands 5,735 81 >53.776 84 To balance due county January I,l> 81...55,757 50 CR. By county onlerfi paid —•—#*4.3o7 89 By amount paid state assessment........ 1,700 85 By salary 2,000 00 lly stationery—.......... By balance ... 5. W #M,776 24 We. the undersigned. Auditors of Centre conn tv, do hereby certify that we liave examined the above account of Adam Ycarick, Treasurer of Centre county, and find It correct. Witness our hands and seal# this 17th day of January, A. D. 1881. J AMES T. STCART, [LAI 1 T. B. Jamison, Jl.b.) > Auditor*. Geo. R. Wiluamb, [la-j ) EXPENDITURES. Cbm mUtiomerf Fag. . Ai4uw Gregg......... —A BUT 44 Jacob Dunkte. 150 00 George Swab Henry Beck, clerk.——~—... 700 00 ■■ • #1,807 44 Jury Commissioners' pay. D.W. Kline - 24 48 John Shannon.— —. 30 06 Henry Beck, Clerk -—3O 00 ——— #4 M Auditors' Pay. James T. Stewart SO 00 T. B, Jamison 3O 08 George R. Williams..~ 3c## C. L. Bufflngton, clerk 30 00 improvement and Repairs. H. Walkey, repairs at office and Jai1..... 108 84 J. C. Harper, repairs at p rot bo no tar v office - 35 54 R. J. Doak, painting at jail l2 40 H. D. Yerger, building oven at Jai1......... * 23 89 D. K. Geiss, repairing tods at tail - * 6 50 E. Black, painting gutters at Jail .. - 11 42 Williams A Bro.. painting, Ac., Jail and court house 77 65 Jno. Wetzel, repairs at oourt house.....— . —— 1181 W. P. Duncan & Co., Iron clad celssat jail - 545 84 Phoenix Planing Mill Co., lum ber at treasurer's office...— 949 Samuel Pletcher, work at court bouse H. W. Houtz, work for jail—.— 23 00 S. D. Wetzel, work at treasur's i office 3 69 M. W. Cowdrlck, work at Jail.. 1100 Daniel Derr, gas fixture* at Jail #225 John Harrison, work on cells at Jail— 35 00 Court Expenses. Jurors' pay Commonwealth costs 1,225 23 W. F. Reber. reporter 307 50 ,T. H. Vosburg ——.— 30 00 J.l.Hagerman ...... 1000 B. Galbraith, court crier 9B 00 R. Galbraith, Janitor 350 00 Tipstaves' pay— 268 00 M. J. Dolan,special detective... 200 00 Court proclamations to sheriff... 42 00 Summoning jurors—ll3 00 County Prison Expenses. Mrs. Haller, tor washing-—. 21 35 Mrs. Hhaffer, tor washing..— 17 90 Mrs. Ungart, tor wasulng ... 17 37 S. A. Brew A Son, wood for Jail 450 N. A. Lucas, wood for jail ...—. 250 B. F. Leitzeu. wood for Jail 7 50 Robert McKnlght, gas bills—.. #43 60 Lawrence L. Brown 223 00 Alexander A Co, ooal - 94 45 W. T. Twltmlre. furnace, Ac—- 244 67 Theo. Deshner, repairs at Jail 23 75 I. Gugge nheimer A clothing for prisoners 1 65 Lyou A Co.,clothing for pris'ers 225 mrper Bros., M •' 44 76 8. AA. Loeb, " " 57 18 8. A A. Loeb, carpet and cloth. lag for prisoners Jno. Hoffer, clothing for pris'ers 33 54 . Harris ft Co., hardware. court houae B. F. Leltzcll, wood, court house- 2 50 J sc. Gar brick, wood, court h'se 250 L|cbftGarbrick,loe, court h'ee 196 W. A. Hhroyer, impairing hat rack, court hove 278 Wilson, McFarlaue ft Co., rope, Ac - 992 Qulnter ft Brum bach, binding dockets, ft c... 90 41 IX F. Fortney, rablndiug Dl- Itests ~,T T - T-. ,, - , , 280 Mary Hartman, scrubbing office 150 Jac. Schrom, binding matting court house— S 37 W. T. Twitmire. repairing at commissioners' office - 173 R. W, Woodruff, file holders, prothonotary'a offies... 4 47 25 H. C. Chronister. wituess fees. 358 M. Morrison, rep'ring hydrant. 100 Logan Hose Co. suhm-riDtlon... 1500 E.W. Woodruff, file holders 67 25 Ik Galbralth. wheel barrow 6 00 Samuel BTUgger.r r^nei-rlng— li II N. A. Lucas, delivering regis trations.. 160 Teachers' Institute. Western penitentiary. ..... 262 04 Agricultural society 100 06 Hospital for insane 2,469 77 Jno Spangler, sberrtff.on as'k. 1,447 74 Bills and notes paid 11,592 25 Road views 78314 Interest paid—.-. —_ 3,901 56 Repaint on real estate —. 15 5# Premiums to collectors 32 00 Redemption U. 8. land tax 426 <8 Commissions on collections.... 53 01 Election expenses 1,378 16 Insurance on county buildings 615 65 Inquests ou dead b0die5......... 34 21 Scalp premiums.... —.... 910 45 Assessors' pay 2,03911 Refunding taxes 70 69 ' tn\ assessments.— 1,700 65 < nsinul i-rsy 40500 L'oaiiuissvms on lunacy 57 00 C M Bower,oom'ners' att'ney. 75 00 J C Harper, on acc0unt........ 247 00 Refunding U 8 land taxes 264 11 J H Dobbins, M. D.. physician jail .... 10000 —- 31,01349 Total aiuouut paid ~ 646,008 74 Jonx SPANG LER, Shmiff, In account with Ckntrt County. DR. To orders received on aeoouut— 61,602 76 To costs and flnes received 171 to Balance 47* S& •2,2*161 CR. B> balance at settlement. Jan. 1,1M0.„ $ 702 Tf By bearding prisoners 18. 8 days at 40c. 739 20 By summoning iurors, April terra-.—. 40 00 By summoning iurors, August term-.... 3100 By summoning Jurors, November tsrin 31IW By suioinonlug Jurors, January term and Ailing Jury wheel 5lOO By filling and mending 33 ticks at 60c... 16 00 Jly notifying Jurors not to atteu April T. 12 00 By conveying three to insane asylum ... 120 00 By conveying one to penitentiary 4O 00 J?y publishing proclamation. throe c'rts 36 00 By window glass atj&il 50 By Anes l3 50 By election proclamations 600 By (isb basket notice published - 14 25 By 72 turnkey fees....—..— 56 60 By removing flsh baskets 31590 By costs in commonwealth eases...—. 26 00 •2,261 85 January 1.18l. By balance due at Bet meat - ..... $475 85 We. the undersigned. Auditors of Centre eona ty. do hereby certify that In pursuance of an act of Assembly, entitled "An act relating to coun ties and townships, and county and township officers," we met at the Commissioners' Office. In Bellefoute, on the Ist Monday of January, 1881 and did audit and settle and adjust the several and foregotng accounts of John Bpanglcr,Bher riff of Centre county, and find them correct and the balances as stated. Witness our hands and seals this 17th day of January, A D 1881 JAM EH T STUART, [LB]) T B JAMISON, [Lei / Auditors GEO R WILLIAMS, [LB]} Taxes Ou tttaruline and Due by Collectors* •John Ward. Half Moon. - 8258 87 •1) Robb, Liberty l4 52 271 49 1813 •Daniel Ma lone. J?0gg5............ 7 61 •L C Bearick, Marlon 15 89 23 42 1874 •t/oseph Pox, Rellefonte 454 tt •William Riddles,Phillpsborg. 84ft83 °Fred Kerehoff, Curtin. ..—... 123 28 •William Cross. Half Moon. 8 72 •HBPI ox, Rush —28130 •D H Yeager, Snow Shoe..— 75 75 1,769 13 1875 •Charles JJrown .Relief 0ute..... 758 83 •J P Shope. Miiesb'rg 223 99 •JnoT Lucas, Curtin—....... 7 26 •H B Wilcox, &u. c b.. —. 76 74 1,066 83 1876 •JH Morrison. JfeDefonte - 428 84 •T M Hall, Miles burg. ——. 96 12 •David Jfhrter. Marion—. 185 na • William Weiser. Penn.—— 324 37 n; If Koch, Potter 758 06 •John NoU, Spring 213 87 1,999 45 1877 • t Jackson Gorten, Phlltpsburg 46 30 •tJTC 1/olter, J/o ward —. 95 46 •tUriah Stover, Benner—..—- 266 48 •f W /fPry, Ferguson 1,336*1 •tOeo Oensamer, Jfltlf Moon-.. 295 87 ♦David Robb, Liberty 294 03 •tD WOrr, Marlon 145 27 •Joel Morris. Miles 83 87 •JG WPGray.Patton 82 35 •t/fenrv Swab, Potter 272 71 *F if Dale. Rush - 29 06 •tMJTibblns, Spring 472 55 8,420 26 1878 K. ILCarr, Miles burg 14800 F. O. Mattern, Phlltpsburg- 375 97 Sam'l Brlcklcy, Howard nor— 117 12 Thomas Perdue, Benner.—.. 96167 J. C. Walker, Boggs - 535 88 tJohn A. Rupp, College —... 40 63 Henry Tblel, Curtin 2186 C. I\ Leitzel. Gregg—......— 428 26 D. H. Rote, Haines - 43 06 tJ iui '"arper. Jr., Harris— 111 70 Jt'hn Crilg, Huston 11541 Wiihain Trcssler, Patton 140 36 tJohn D. Foote, Penn —1,038 47 F.H. Dale, Rush - 668 26 A. J. Swartz, Spring —...1,469 59 Jos. Thompson, Snow Bhoo 68 87 Samuel Hoover, Taylor 19309 Sam'l Stephens, Worth 190 71 J. M. Kline, Howard 46 01 6,792 94 1879. William Miles, Mllesburg 180 70 Robert Cook, Jr 123 37 A. C, Mueser, MlUlieim —.. 96 06 AN. Russell, Unlouvllle 2916 tW. A. Taylor, Benner—l,oo3 71 J. C. Walker, Boggs— 62180 Henry Thiel, Curtin - 124 94 ttr. w Kelchllne, Ferguson...... 513 81 tCyrusLose, Gregg.--.—.—. 193 22 tJ. H. Griffin, Hal? Moon 300 07 J.M.Kline, Howard-. - 372 68 C. A. Courter. Liberty lll 57 fj. J. Hoy, Marionßs9 52 George B Haines, Miles— 569 85 tDaniel Heckman, 'Patton.—.. 47318 tJ. W, Meesinger, Potter - 692 66 John Garbriek, Spring 874 35 tftamupl Boyer, Snow 5h0e....... 62 24 JohnT. Fotflif, Taykir. 10*88 tDavld Yoeuin, Walker 939 59 fßenJainln HUm, Hrrt MO7 1,64818 1880. John Potter, BelWonte 3,772*8 Cnard DAehl, BToward boro.~ 34018 fo. P. Itreamer, Mllesburg 890 01 Kortfetfcr, MUlhclra 661 48 Daniel Avres, Pbtllpsburg l.nw 81 Edward Lucas, UnlonvlUe.. 183 07 ♦ Heiekla* Hoy. 1 tanner 1 ir, w J. A. M2teUM. Burnslde .... ' % ♦ Emanuel/**** Bom ..1.072 82 tJohn W*New*tt, College 1,332 68 tHemyTUW, Curtln 239 70 fC. H. HUM, "®HBon 3.068 97 tM. 1* Rlshel, Gregg..... ...2,AV,08 tW. I- Bright. Hatoeiu l.sig 09 tAlex Kvertian, "Harris 1,616 88 FJBnrlwt, Half Wd Taxes outstanding..... 63,847 30 Adam Yeariek 6,757 60 . . $18,314 34 tunufm John Spangler..... ........ . 6 48283 JC George Jacob Dunkle ...... <76 SO Notes outstanding, hills payable 82,561*4 ! Amt in C M Bower's hands considered not g00d......... 1,16000 Amount In Commissioners' hands considered not good 2,600 00 887.228 64 Balance due county ...* 1,081 81 Co*nmieefona to collectors daring year 3,152 86 Kxone rations during year 1.490 83 assessed In 1MC..—...—. 41,75134 Camus OOCWTT, as: We. the undersigned CotmrtaMooem of Cen. tre county, do hereby eertl.y that the forego- Ins Is a true and correct statement of the re ceipts and expenditures of said county from January 1 1860 to •January L 1881 • w ttnsss our handß. ' ' ANDREW GXtSGKS. GEORGE SWAB 4 JACOB DCNKLK, . Commissioner* Attest: RIKM Mac*, Clerk. EXECUTORS' uau or ntiAeunsrii Troor-1 BUTT.— 7be subscribers exscutors of the es tate of Adam Bower, late of Haines township. Centre Co., Pa., deceased. will offsr at Public Sale at AaronsbuHg, en Saturday March Mh, 1881, the following real and personal property, viz: House and kt. Four Square* of Land, In Aarousburg. Coal stove. 2 Bed* complete. Lot ol Bedding, 8 Day Clock, Sett of Chairs, 3 Hock ing Chairs, Settee, Breakfast Table, Bureau, Chest, Mobs, lT jwmcx- All persons having ac counts with said . decedent are requested to call at his late reeidence for settleme ni on Saturday the 12th of Feb'ry last., or oo Satur day the 19th Inst. A DMINISTBATOR'S NOTIOt-Letters of XXadminlstratlOD oo the estate of Calvin H. Wise, late of Haines township, decease ~ hav ing been mi ted to the undersigned, all per sons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and thosa having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. DIKIEL BMITH. Administrator. Hartleton, Union Co, Pa., Jan. 20th, 1881. fit. g . —■ ■■ * > DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP— The gfve notice that they have dissolved partnership in the grain busi ness at Coburn Station. the dissolution taking effect from and after Jan. Ist, 1881. G. .W. Siovn, St j P. IL BroTn. E STRAY.—Came to the residence of the sub scriber about two mßes east of ftebent bury, on or about the last of Sept. 1880, a reo heifer, white along tbe belly, white tpots at Itedd and a cut in rtaht ear. No other marka The owner Is requested to pay expenses and take the same awav, otherwise It will be dts poseo of according to law. Dec. 9th, 2m- Win. Krkavkk. LEI 8, C. BAIL ROAD. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. 1 S 7 A. U. A. W, r. M. P. u. Moutandon 7.00 145 2.20 9.45 Lewfsfmrg *r7.15 10.00 2.35 7.0w Lewtsburg ........ 7.35 Fair Ground 7.30 10,06 2.40 Blehl 7,41 ia2l 151 Vlcksburg ...... w 7.47 10, JO 1.57 Mifihnburg . m ... 5.03 10.51 313 Mtltmont *. 8.25 11.20 3.35 Laurelton....~~. ... &35ar11.35 3.46 Wicker Run 100 4.11 Cherry Run-.- 9,17 4,30 Fowler .... 9.37 4.50 Coburn . 9.43 . 5.03 Spring Mills —— 10.15 W 5.10 TRAINS LEAVE EABTWARD. 2 4 5 8 A. *. A. M. P. M. P. M. If 0ntand0n...................ar 5.50 ar9.30ar1.20 ar6.30 Lewisburg ... 5.35 9.15 1.05 6.15 Fair Ground HO 1,00 6,10 Blehl ~.. 9.01 12.41 100 V1ck5burg............ 3.55 11.42 5.55 Mlfflinbura ............ 8.43 12.25 5.40 MlHmont .. 125 12.02 5.20 Laurelum........ 115 1150 6.10 Wlker 7.48 4.47 Cherry Kun.7.31 4.30 Fowler 7.10 AlO Coburn 3.58 4.00 Spring Mills 6.30 330 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail west for Williamsport, Lock Haven, Kane, Corry apd Erie, and Buffalo and Niagara Falls yla Emporium, also Elm Ira, Wat kins. Buffalo and Niagara Falls via Canaudui gua- r Nos. 3 and 4 connect with Pacific Ezpiess east for Harrlsbufg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and New York. Nos. 6 and 6 connect with Day Kxnress cast for Harris burg. Baltimore Washington. Phil adeiphia and New York, and Niagara Kxnress west for Williamsport, Lock Haven and Ben ovo, Tyrone. Altoona aud Plttsbnrg via Lyck Haven, also Klmira, Watklns and Buffalo, and Niagara Falls via Canandaigua. Nos. 7 and 8 connect with Fast Line west for Williamsport and Lock Haven. No. 8 also connects with Erie Mail east for llarrinburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadel phia and New York- PENHSTLYAHIA BAIL BOAD. Philadelphia it arte K. B. DIT. WtITTKIt TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY, Nov 27th. 1880, the trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Railroad Di vision will run as follows : W KBTWARD ERIK MAIL leaves Philadelphia 1185 p. m. " " Harrisburg 4tta. m. u ** WHllamsport 8 40a.ua. M M JerseyHhore." 9 09a.n. '• " Lockllaven- 940a. T0. " " Renovo 11 05 a jn " urr. at Erie 746 p.m. NIAGARA EXP. leaves Philadelphia 9 00 a. in. " " Harrtshurg 1216 p. m. " arr.at Willlumsport 3 16 p. m. " •' Lock Haveu. 420 p. in. VAST LINK leaves Philadelphia .12 20 p.m. ** Harrisburg 4 (JO p.m. " urr. at RFtlMamsport 7 W p. m. ** " Lock Haven 910 p.m. RASTW AKIt PACIFIC EXP. leaves Lock Burns.. 7 06 a. m. M " Jersey-She re.. 767a m. M " Wllilainsport. 8 20a. m. " urr. at flat risburg .. .12 06 p. m. M " Philadelphia. 346 p. in. DAY EirilßSS leaves Lm k Haven. .11 25 a, m. '• - WHllamsport 12V p. m. " arr.at Hanlsbuig .. 8 40p.wi. o " Philadelphia 6 3.6 p.m. ERIE MAIL leaves Renovo 900 p. m •• " Haven lo 10 j. m. " " V llltams|M>rt 1130 p.m. 4> urr. at Harrtshurg 3 00 a.m. ** " Philadelphia 706 a.m. FABT LINK leaves WllMamaport 12 16 a. m. " arr. at Hairlsburg 3 15 a. in. •* *• Philadelphia 7 95a. m. Krte Mall West and Day Kxnress East make close connections at Nortnuiniierland with L. & B. K. B. trains from Wllkesharre and bcrsn tea. Erie Mati West, Niagara Express West and Fast Line West make close connection at W4I- Uamsport with N.C. R. W. train* north. Niagara Kxr~e*s West and Day Express East make close eonaaotion ai Lock Haveu vith U. K. V. It. It. trains. Erie Mail Eas* and West connect at Erie with tralnsou LH.4M.8.K.1L : at Cor ry with O. C. A A. V. R- h tat Kmpottoai with K. N. Y. A P. It. R.. and at ! trtftsvood wtlh A. V. U. K. parlor cars wtfl *mn hetaecn Philadelphia and WUUamuport a Niagara Express West and Day Express Rest, bleeping curs on all night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN. General tiop't. THE PHILA* Branch QlothinAL HOUSE Has now opened its Immense Stock of Fall & Winter -v Clothing. They Suit your eyes, your per son and your POCKETS. Samuel Lewis, Hauler, BELLEFONTE, FA BROCKERHQFF HOUSE BELLEFONTE, PA First Class in nil respects. 7Tiis is the place for the business man, the farmer, the mechanic. Omnibus to all trains. .jajj f W. E.TELER, Proprietor. Agents *I.OOO MADE IN 60 DAYS Now is the time to make it. Frospe. ity has dawned npon the people of this country, and all are enjoying its hkssings. YOU can Just as well make a little money by devoting some of your spare time to our business. We offer one of the best opportunities ever yet given to any one to make money. It takes no cupital. You do not have to invest a large sum of money and run a great risk of lotting it. Your energy aud your business capacity will be all the Capital you will require. Lsd'es can engage in.the business as well as gentlemen, and even boys and girls do well. Even if you do not desire to engage In business, we can Impart information to you that will be of great value. You will readily see that it will be a comparatively easy matter to make from Rio to fIOO a week, and establish a lu crative, independent business. ZMT-AJECE Hay while the sun shines. The business in honorable, straight-forward and profitable. Do not neglect this notice but write to us and find out what our business is. It will pay you and only co9t the price of one postal card. We send full particulars free. Attend to this matter NOW for there is money In 14 far all who engage with us. If you can ouly de vote one or two hours a day, or the evening, you can make $lO a week. You have only to write us to be convinced of this fact. Send us a Postal card with your full name and address plainly written thereon, and receive by return mail full particulars of a business that will sur prise you and make you wonder why you never wrote to ns before. Write at once, it will pay you. Address Buckeye MTg C., (Name this paper.) ■ MARION, OHIO. IMIQIET.KrZ' I THIS PAPER > y S 7 | ill WW I fll fail ROWEIiL A Cos Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Bpruce NEW YORK. BAULAND & NEWMAN, BELLEFONTE PA. HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS. . AT THE IS EE HIVE OITB PRICE STORE. We are now opening and displaying the Largest best and cheapest stock of goods ever offered in Centre county comprising a fall line of DRY GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS YARNS, BOOTS & SHOES, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Clothing Made to Order a Speciality. _A.LI GOODS ZMZARKED 111 FLAW FItiUBES. The pubic are cordiallay invited to call and ex amine our stock. Remember the place ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. Respectfully Yours, BAULAND & NEWMAN Our Motto is: One price tie test icofs. art no mis: cures: ntatisn, Great Peremtory SSAT.W. OP DRY GOODS AT COS IF 1 . J\ TROXELL, LOCK HAVEN, PA. Agent for Uie closing out sale of a laige and desirable assortment of Ladles' IDress Goods, ITollons, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shawl, wool square A long Shawls, Brocbe, Paisley, and Black Cashmere Shawls, all wool & SKIRTS, CLOTHS, Casolinerea. Tweeds. Jeans, Sniilncs, Red, white and plaid Flannels, Linsev, Bleached and Unbleached as sell as colored COTTON FLANNELS, DOMESTIC GOODS. Muslin:-, Sheetings, Table Linen*, Tow lings, Ac. O CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! Tapmtry. Brussels, an wool extra sapor Ingrain carpets, also a fine assortment and the moat becatiful designs In cheap carpets, be* Ides Hal! and Stair C arpet to mutch, l-'lyor and Table Oil Cloths, Window shading ami Curt in fixtures. Butter, Eggs. Lard, Bacon and Wool taken in exchange for goods. If you desire bargains don't forget the place, Corner of Maine ann Ve;per Streets. Lock Hatea, P.nca. mmmmm H&i J^^RF&C^RM^^HNSON.GLARKASQ^ 3 C UNI ON SQUARE TV - YO R KX IT Y. /.^S KJLMPS A THE BOOT & SHOE HAN 1U 3 LOOK HAVEN. IN |Q l have a very largo stock of 1 J BOOTS, SHOES, |j| j£J Slippers & ladies WALKING SHOES, JM just opened up for Spring and P%P Summer .wear. My stock is ■■l as cheap as it was a year JPtSP ■fl ago, because 1 bought it m for cjish before the ad- fc x. vance, I am the only shoe dealer In I ock Hoveh that buys #e! for cash & pays ■ " ■ ■ no rent where ft M fare lean sell m you a better ar- ft^J Ml ticleforthesame 5W5 money than any dealer in the city. Give me a call and U ■NB you will te convinced I | that your place to buy is W GAMP'S am CARDS With;your name neatly JM Printed on, for 10 Cts. Songs, fm N None cent each Send for price list. ■ Address, F. MCLAUGHLIN, & Co. C Lewibbl Rtt, Fa. mrmmi* NEW CURE. RHEUMATISM, Which renders life a burden and fi nally destroys it, Is permanently enred by this remedy. Stiff and swollen Joints are restored to their natural condition. NEURALGIA. A single application gives relief. Oas es of the longest standing are peima uently cured by a single bottle. CURES GUARANTEED , in every case. Money refunded tc any one not relieved after a fair trial. For sale by all first class druggists. PRICE 50 CENTS. RHEUMATIC REMEDY CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. sarsend for statement of cures. PPWOTniJQ procured for all soldiers disabled IliliOiUllD in the U. S. service from any cause, also for heirs of deceased soldiere. The slightest disability entitles to pension. PENSIONS INCKEASEI). The laws being more liberal now. thousands are entitled to higher rates. Bounty and new discharges pi ocured. Those who are in doubt as to whether entitled to anything should send two 3 cent stamps for our "circular of information." Address, with stamps, Stoddart & Co. Solici t >. SUF Claims and Patents. Hoom 8, St. Cloud V °- SIODDAKT &CO GILMORE & CO., LAff & COLLECTION HIUSE, 629 F Street, Washing on, D. G Make Collections, Negotiate Loans and at tend to all business confided to them. LAND SCKIP, soldier's Additional Homestead Right and LAND W ARRANTS bought and sold.