AGRICULTURE. KEEP THE RF.ST HEIFERS. —SAVING heifer calves only from the best milk ere, and then weeding out tlie poorest of these, will toon lay the foundation for a choice dairy herd . And let us make the further important point, that selecting a pure bred male from an es pecially good milking strain, and then selecting the heifer calves from the best milkers, the following up this of breeding for even ten years with males from the same strain of blood of the progeny becomes unified and inten sified'to a degree of prepoutencj almost equal to a thoroughbred. The dairy man may then place a strong reliance upon the milking quality of the future progeny. He has thus moulded a breed to suit his own .wants. When dairy men shall proceed on this systematic plan of growing their own dairy herds we shall hear much less of the unpro fitableness of the dairy. Of course gr< at care must be taken to study the w ants of these youug animals as to food and shelter. Gqod tcod and care are necessary to show the capacity of auy stialuoi blood. The best blood will soon deteriorate undeY unskillful feed ing. The hciler calves from the best milkers should be generously fed iroui the teginuing with such- lood as will grow the frame and muscles, conse quently nitrogenous lood is most im portant. Rkim milk, oil meal, wheal, bran, oats barley and clover are all good. They must always be fed with n.o*e nitrogenous lood. JUMPING CATTLE.—A correspondent thus describes au improved yoke for jumping cattle: "First put n piece across the horns. Then have apiece of hard wood beard, one-half or tliree lourths inch thick and about three feet long. Have a hole inserted in the bar across the horns in such away that when this liarti-wood strip is inst rted iu ii, running out over the back as the auimal naturally carries its head, the j ear end w ill be just free of the back. Drive three or lour shingle nails, ground sharp, into this end, letting ihem come through three-fourths of an inch, so that as soon as the animal makes AU eflort to raise his head to Jump the fence, the nails will soundly pilik his back, and he w ill be apt to lrltk his tail and start lor some feed that is easier to bcobtatmd- For cheap ness and durability, this arrangement Is untqualed. It weighs less then three pounds: it is not In the way in travel lngarouud, and when the animal lies down it is on one side, as it is natuial for the animal to throw its head oppo site tide it Iks on. When they are feeding. It ii upright iu the air. It will keep the animal to whlch it is ap plied w here he belongs, sure." LITTLE THJNG-I K GREAT MOMENT. — It is a tmall matter to take the horses ecioss ihe field lor water; It seems to cost nothing, yet if a farmer's time, or that of lds hiied man is worth any thing, it costs a gnat deal in theouuise of a j ear. it is a unal! matter'to chop each day's wood upon the day it i* used, and thus have it all fresh; but fifteen ininuiesiu harvest time is worth moie than in January; besides, there are vtstly more economical methods tf making fire wood than with an axe. It is a verj- little matter to tighten a loose nut, but it sometimes cost li/e and limb not to do it. A pear tree here, and a peach tree, co6t so iittle that one Is in clined to thiuk they are of no account, but when the lruit is ripe they are ap preciated. A single step lrum one room to another is "'only one step," but the thought of a stairway made out of these steps during a lile time,is enough to almost make a woman's back ache- Lock well to the details, that the lit tle things are right, lor it pays in ihe end. BAKED UDDER. —Give a dose of phys ic, composed of a pound ci Epsom salts, dissolved in a quart of warm water,add thereto a pound of treacle and two ounces of ground ginger, and give the whole in one dose. Give sloppy food. Krep the bag empty by frequent milk ing, and it the milk does not flow without much pul.iug in the teat of the affected quarter, it is the best to uraw the milk by ine*ns of a milking tube, which should be carelnlly inserted, aud not pushed too far up. Apply frequent ly Land rubbing,. continued uuring half an hour at a lime, the palm of the hand being occasionally rubbeu with flour or lard to prevent chafing of the udder. An ounce of aqua ammonia, three ounces ot lard ami & scruple oi iodine, mixed together, SLd a pun ion applied twice daily, will he of service. Powerful stimulants or blisters should not be applied to the udder. If abscess forms free incision should be made with a lancet, and a saturated solution oi sulphate oi zinc applied twice or three daily to the wouud. Cair dirt, drift hay from the edges ot the marshes, and a 1 reluse mailer that can be collected about a farm, if not used in the compost heap, makes an excellent mulch for orchards. Mulching, says aw riter, lia-all tne benefits ol ploughing, with none of Its disadvantages, keeping the surface mellow wiih no damage to the roots by the plough, or to the trunk or branches by the team, it keeps down the grass, and invites the earthworm to work and make the soil fine and rich. It tends to retain themoUture for a much longer time, and remedy in a great measures the evil effects of drought. The fruit which lalls upon it is not bruised. It is the way feature adopts to manure and enrich the torest trees. FIGS that have been raised on milk, grass, clover, tubers and roots till they weigh 150 or 100 pounds are generally healthy. They are then in good con dition to fatten. BEETS of all kinds are injured some what by hard freezing. THE most difficult thing to raise on a 1 arm is a mortgage ;| It requireg the beet of culture and the richest of soil. ENGLISH corn reports show that wheat is below the average, barley above oats, and beans slightly above, and peas a little below. Htrr E Schone , in the Berichte, dors not attack any tc entitle value what ever to the ordinary potassium iodine paper tests as ozeno measurers. A small amount of ozone In moist air produces, he says, a greater degree of color on potassium iodide papers than a larger amount ot czone in dry air, and the hydroscopic character of the material from which the paper is made, tberelore largely influence depth of the color produced. He even goes as far as to assert the actual presence of czone in the atmosphere is at pre sent an open question. The director of a German insane asy lum expresses the belief that much of the insanity in Germany may be at tributed to the overwork of children in the national schools. R-JMOROUB. THERE is a good 6tory told of famous restaurateur warmly recommending to" a customer whom, although rich, he knew to be no connoisseur iu wine, a certain Bordeaux, which he alleged to be of 6ome splendid old vintage. can vouch for what I say," urged the restaurateur, "for I kuow it was put in bottle the day my grandfather was baptized." The innocent victim con sented, and the wine was brought in— a Lottie so covered with cobwebs and dirt that it looked more like a largo rat than anything else. The "cradle" was handled most caretully by the sommelier, and the cork was drawn with much ceremony. Imagine the horror ot the poor restaurateur and the hilarity of the customer when a fly came buzzing out, rejoicing at having 'regained his liberty! Another iact worth remembering is that, no matter w hat you may ask for even if U be a tried piece of the moon, the waiters will luvariably reply, "Yes," and either bring it you, or on returning assert with sorrow that uu tourtunateiy tliere Is no more leti. Alery, the well-known author, tried this joke on once, aud peremptorily ordered of a waiter a sphinx a la Marengo. 4, 1 aoi sorry we have no more, monsieur," replied the gareon. "What? Ko more sphinx?" exclaimed Mery, feiguiug astonishment. The waiter lowered his voice, and mur mured in a confidential whisper; "We have some more, monsieur; but the iruth is 1 should not care loserve them to you, as they are not quite fresh 1" "WILL you be kind enough, Air. Gilhooly, to inform me when you are going to pay me for those ten-dollar bootsP" asked a Galveston shoemaker. "It's too far ofl' to guess—too early in the campaign." "But 1 would like to know, a* I need the money." "So do I, but since the last election I've quit the prognosticating business. When it comes to a question of such national Importance as paying for those boots, 1 am thoroughly unreli able; but I'll tell you what I'll do." "1 am willing to take even a small amount on account." "So am I. That's just what I was going to propose. There Is nothing that affords me half so much pleasure as to pay my debts. Now I propose to make a partial payment. You lend me ten dollars, and I'll make a fair divide and let you have five dollars ou ac count." The shoemaker says there Is alto gether too much fraud In the returns. NEW YORK lias more fun out ot Its transit lines than any other city in the world. On the street railroads a high wayman enters the cars at convenient lutjrvals and robs the passengers; on the elevated railroads they let a man into the enclosure, and then the train jumps out and leaves him. He grabs the hand-rail and is jerked down on somebody's head below. A man can ride down town in the street cars anJ be robbed, and go back In the elevated train and bs maimed for lite. Ttausdo the New York lin?s combine pleasure with business. HE was brought Leiore the Galves ton Kecorder on a charge oi drunken ness: "Do you pie id guilty or not guilty?" I don't plead at all. I deny everything." ''Do you deny having been up here before?" I should smile. Why, Judge, I deny being here right now. if you catch me giving myself away, just wake me up and let me know it." NOT long ago an Irishman applied to an overseer lu a Tyne shipyard to be put en a job. He was informed that bis rt quest could not be complied with ; but as Pat continued to gaze at an anchor which was ying in the vicinity the foreman repeated Ms reply that there wa9 no work for him and advised him to go away. "Dlvil a bit will 1 stir, sorr, till i see the man that's go ing to use that pick!" "WHY my dear old fellow," said a horse jockey'lrjing to sell a horse to an Irishman at the market the other da}', "that 'ere ho?s has traveled a mile in two minutes and twenty seconds." "1 belave ye, sir," answered the intelli gent son oi Emerald, "but I'll wager uie ould brogana lie was aboard a rail road train when ye timed him." WDKS an old backwoodsman was about to take his first ride iu a Missis sippi steamer, he was asked whether he would take deck or cabin passage. "Well," add he, in a resigned sort of way. "I've lived all my life in a cabin, and I guess cabin passage will oe good enough for a rough chap like me. MA£Y J ANE wants a recipe for pre serving the hair. Certainly. Use white sugar, "pound for pound," add enough water to make a heavy sirup, add the hair and four ounces oleomar garine, boll, strain and put up in glass or stone jars. A STRANGER in Galveston asked an old resident how malarial fever could be distinguished from yellow fever. "As a general thing," was the reply, "you can't tell until you have tried it. It you ain't alive,then it is most likely yellow lever." • "You have always had the reputation of being an honest man. llow does it happen that you have been guilty of theft?" "It's the fault of the age in which we live. The man who wants to make an honest living nowadays can't do it unless he t teals." HE said he was bashful, and blushed painfuLy, and asked her if she could spell bashful. She said she might do it in a pinch, and spelled it b-a-s-h --l-o-o-l. Then he looked uneasily at her and began to wonder if she were unutterably ignorant or superlatively sarcastic. INSPECTOR— What is a landscape painter? Student—A painter of land scapes. Inspector—Good. What is an animal painter? Student—A painter of animals. Inspector Excellent. What is a marine painter? Student — A painter of marines. Inspector— Admirable. Go and tell it to them. A LADY wrnts to know why the rail road companies do not provide special care for tobacco chewers as well as for smokers. Bless your innocent heart 1 Tobacco chewers are not so particular as that. An ordinary passenger car is good enough for them. SNOOKS weet home the other night sffi cted with double vision. He sat for some time with his sleepy gaze riveted on Mrs. Snooks, and then com placently remarked: "Well, I hope t'holler 'f you two gals don't look 'nough alike to be twins." AH Illinois chap, in describing a gale of wind, says: "A whUe dog, whfle attempting to weather the gale, was caught with his mouth open, and turned completely inside out." DOMESTIC. FISH FlK. —Take a pound of any cooked fish, very carefully pick from the bone, and mix it. with a sauce, as follows: B ill the bones in n small quantity of water for twenty minutes, aud wheu cold mix a gill of liquor,and stir it over the fire until It thickens; add two ounces of butter; keep stir ring rapidly until well mixed in; take the sauce off the fire, mix iu au egg, a large teaspoonful of essence of an chovy, the same quantity of lemon Juice, a large piucli of salt, and a small one of cayenne pepper. The sauce should be very thick, and souio care will be required iu stirring it over the fire. Mix the picked fish and the s.iuoe together; put a layer of Anelv mushed potatoes at the bottom of a tart dish, then all the fish, and over tills auother layer of potatoes. Smooth the top over noatly, aud bike iu a moderate even for twenty inluutes. If preferred, the potatoes can be spread iu a bright tlu dish, tho fish be placed hign iu the centre of It, and then be covered over with the potatoes. To Cl'Vaksb DRirpixoa.—A very great saving cau be ma re in every lauitl? by saving the fat that conies iroui different kinds of meats. There is frequently more gravy than can be used. Very fat beef, when boiled,will leave A deep coating of fat upon the top of the water, which cau be taken oil wheu cold, leaving tiie brotli to use lor stock for soups aud gravies. Keep these various l'ats in a cool place till enough Is accumulated for a quart or more; then put into au Iron kettle, with as much cold water. Set it over the tire aud bring It to a boil. Remove it irom the stove, 60t in a cool place till It is solid on the top; take a kuife and lUt out the fat, turn it bottom side up on a plato and carefully scrape ofl all sediment that may adhere; wipe with a dry cloth, aud you have a pe-- fectly clean cake of nice shortening that cau be used for frying doughuuts, shortening pie crust or in any other place that needs lard. •1 don't want that Stuff." is what a lady of Boston said to her husband when he brought home some medicine to cure her ot sick headache aud neuralgia which had made her miserable for fourteen years. At the first attack thereafter it was aiminis* tered to her with such good results, that she continued its use until oured, and made so enthusiastic iu its praise, that she iuduoed twenty-two of the best families In her oirele to adopt It their regular family medicine. Thai 'stuff ' is Hop Bitters.— Stir.dard. FRIED OYSTERS. —To fry them la one of the best ways to spoil good oysters; but many cooks will so serve them,and many people like them: for these the following advice ia seasonable and reasonable: Forbid peremptorily the use of hog's lard for oyster frying. Even the most refined hog's lard is still too gross and rank to be applied to sc gamey and delicate meat as the oyster. Fry them only In the very best of sweet oil. Avoid another pre vailing mistake of frying too much; fry not to a dark brown, but only to a iic?i golden brown. The former course tends to make the oysters tough,while the plan of frying only to a deep rich yellow, leaves them lar more tender with a much higher oyster flavor. PICKLED MAKTINAS. —Put three-gal lons of martlnas In very strong brine, keep covered for ten days, then wash them in cold water, and put them In vinegar to stand ten more days; then drain and put them in the jar intended for them. In three pints of vinegar scald a large handful of scraped horse radish, one cup of allspice, one-half cup ot black pepper, one cup of gin ger, one-half cup or black mustard, three-large spoonfuls of cloves, all beaten, three onions sliced, one poil of red pepper, three pounds of brown su gar ; pour it over the matiums, and fill up with cold vinegar. FRICASSEE OK CALF'S TONGUE. —Boi* the tongue one hour; pare and cut into thick slices; roll them in flour and fry in dripping five minutes; put the tongues into a saucepan; add sliced on'on,thyme and parsley; cover with a cupful of your soup or other gravy; simmer half an hour, covered tightly; take up the tongues aud keep them warm; strain the gravy, thicken, put In four or five thin slices of lemon from which the peel has been taken ; boil one minute, and pour over the fricassee. _ OIL marks on wall paper, or the marks where inconsiderate people rest their heads, are a sore grlei to good housekeepers, but they can be removed without much trouble. Take pipe-clay or fuller's earth, and make Into paste, about as thick as rich cream, with cold water; lay it on the stain gently, without rubbing it in; leave It on all night. It will be dry by morning, when it can be brushed ofl, and unless an old stain, the grease spot will have disappeared. If old, renew the appli cation WHEN velvet has been wet and be comes spotted, hold the wrong side over steam, and while damp draw the wrong side quickly over a warm iron. It takes two to do this well,one to hold the bottom of the iron up ward,and the seooud to draw the velvet across It. FAINT, pitch, or tar can be removed from cloth or wood by rubbing it with turpentine. If the paint has become dry. put a few drops of turpentine on the spot, and let it stand a short time; (hen rub the spot, and if all the paint Is not removed, repeat the work. When entirely gone, rub off" with alcohol. _ GREASE on a carpet, if not of long standing, Can be readily dlipoicd of by washing the spot with hot soap-suds and borax—half an ounce of borax to a gallon of water. Use a clean cloth to wash It with, rinse in warm water, and wipe dry. SPOTS on lurnlture, from anything hot, or from alcohol, can be removed by rubbing hard with sweet oil and turpentine. When ihe spats til ap pear, wash in miik-warm soap-suds, dry quickly, and polish by rubbing briskly with chamois skin. 1 • APPLE CHARLOTTE —Beat two cups of nice apple sauce, well sweetened and flavored, to a' high troth, the whipped whites of three eggs, make into a mound In a glass dish and cover with lady's Angers or other small sponge cakes, fitted neatly together; send around sugar and cream with it. Cruelty is the result of has iness and of cowardice. A fawning world is worse than a frowning world, THE pocul ar adapiat on of Dr. BuV'L Cough Syrup to so many phases of Thro it and Bronohial diseases has ren dered this remedy Immensely popular. Sold Everywhere. 85 cents a bottle. "Women Never Thluk." If the crabbed old btohelor who ut tered this sentiment could but witness the Intense thought, deep study and thorough lnvestiga ion of women In de termining ihe best medicines to keej their families well, and would note ttieli sagacity and wisdom in selecting Hof Bitters as the best,and demonsad for considerable time, as ton or twen'y minutes, the deflection gridually In creased; on removal of the we'ght it steadily decreased, return'n ? n any to I s original set. Heavy lo ds. lo ig Ap plied, produoed fracture of pieces, llie companions to which re 1 -toI consid erably more when ttie load WHS In creased steadily up to the amoment of fracture- The maximum permanent load was apparently somewhat leas than one half and greater than one thi-d the maximum load which could be su-tlined under ordinary test. F rom the who'o series of experiment* Prof. Thurston drew the following conclusions: The elasticity of yellow pine timber, such as la usually used In construction, is very variable, the mo dulus vaiylng from 1,000,000 to 3 000,- 000, the average being about 51,000.000 In small sections, aud a little ab >ve 1,500 000 In large timber; the highest xa'ues are glwn as often by green a* by t-eas-meU timber; the density of the wood dees not de e mine the mo lu us, the figure varying sometimes luv rsely as the density, even where the amount of seasoning was alike; a high m nlulus usually accompanies high tenacity and great transverse strength ; the ies s tance offered to transvorse stresses Is greatest where the Hues of gralu are verticil. Prof. Thurston recommends the designing aud constriO lug en gineer to adopt a mo lerate value of the modulus in proportioning a work, and by careful Inspection and test to secure the rejection of all material which Is not ot good quality. ••VKOKTINM," says a Boston physi cian, "has no equal as a blood purifier. Hearing of its many wonderful cures, after all other remedies had failed, 1 visited the laboratory and convince I myself of Its genuine merit. It is pre pared from barks, roots, and herb 8 , each of which Is highly effective, and they are compounded In such a manner as to produce astonishing results." A French entomologis\ J. H. Fabre, has recently ptiblishe 1 a most Interest ing work, entitled **Soutnlrs Entorriolo giques: Etudes sur Vtnstlnot ct Its maeurs der JnaeUsV It is written In a charm ing, attractive way He ha*a good deil to say of the power Insects have of finding their nescs. He tried ex periments wit>h sand wa*ps (Csrceris), carrying them over a mile away from their nests and marking them and let ting them go. Five hours later four out ot the twelve were found work ing at their barriers. He then carried nine of the wasps about two miles away, the next morning released them in the market plaoe of a town; but they rMo above the houses and flew back to their nests. He then asks if memory enables them to traverse re gions strange to them. "Evidently not. There can be no remembrance of the uukuowu." He thinks they have a special faculty, a kind of topographi cal sense, which we cannot appreciate. Is your hair falling out or your scalp diseased ? Carbollne, a deodorized ex tract ef petroleum, as new Improved and perfected, Is just the article you need. Buy a bot le, and, like thou sands who are using it all over the land, you will value It as the choicest of all toilet preparations. Dr Julius Schmidt has lately publish ed that he finds from the observations of the red spot on Jupiter, during a period extending from 1879 to 18S0, that an Interval of nine hours fifty five minutes 34 4 seconds, represents the rotation of that planet upon Its own axis. But he Is not quite sure about the matter after all, and like a wise and prudent man wants confir matory evidence. To the Suffering Humanity. W. P. Kiitrall, Piin Dayton Academy. Day ton, Ala., writes to Messrs. P. Neuataedtei ■A Co.: 4 -En closed please find one dollar. Bend me by return mail one box of ••Anakeels," Dr. 8. Silabee's External Pile Remedy. Am much pleased with sample sent mo. 1 ooneider it a great boon to poor suffering hemorrhoidal hu manity. Yours truly, W. P. KITTRELL. Samples of "Anakeels" are eeut free to all sufferers by the sols manufacturers. Messrs. P. Neustaedtor A Co., Box 3946 New York. A Sellable Remedy. Kidney-Wort not only cures bad ea*es of Eiles and all d Borders of the kidnevs and ver, but is a reliable remedy for a debilitated constitution. It sots on the bowels as am Id cat artio, carrying off the useless and ob s'rooting elements which cause sickness Bkfcbuoah. a supers rirtnrr or (lie Orsallsnrleas BJ-ASS-POLITI-CUSS As It appeared when loose iu New York recently, !■ on fr eexhli lon—in th Interest of ihe publ c— at the i fQc" oi ilil. pn per end at evt ry poetomoe in the Cntti States. Call and examine it. You may never have another opportunity and It may do you good. SAPONIFIER a the Old Mlskls Oeneentmted Lye fhr FAMILY AP MAKINO. Directions aoeomnany aask ess for. making HnrS, Soft end ToUsS Senp snlekly. It is iwll weight and etrongtk. ASK FOB SAJPOIfIFIJCB, AND TAXI NO OTHBB. PKXM'i lAM NAIW CA. FMLiJ'A 199 A "I "I W 4 TXAK and en pen see to agent* Ail 77 THE GREAT REFUTATION Wblch vegetlne lias attained In all parts of the country as a GREAT AND GOOD MEDICINE, and the large number of testimonials which are constantly being received from per ons who have been cured by lis use, are conclusive proof or It* great value. It U recommended by phy sicians and upoihecarles. As a Blood PurlUer mil Health-lies orer it bos no equal. Vegeune la not prepared ior a Taney drink, made from poor liquors, which debilitates the syatem and lends to dus roy health inatoad of • eatorlhg It. Are n >t the manv testimonials given for the dllTer. ut complaints satisfactory to any reason able per ons suffering iroui disease that they can be cured T Read the dtlTorent testimonials given, aid no one can doubt. In many of these oases the persons say th tl the r palu and suffer ing cannot be expiessed, as in cases or S rotula where, apparently, the whole body was one ma s of corrupt lon. Veg jtlne will relieve puiu, el ante, purify and cuie such disease*, re storing the patient to perfect hf-alth after try ingdltforent physicians, many re iieUlc,suffer l lg lor years, is It not con iusiva proof, ir you are ft sufferer, you can be cured? Why Is this mod cine performing such gr<-at cures ? it woi k* in the blood. In the circulating fluid. It oau be truly called the Great Blood Purlfler. The great source of d sense originates in the blood; and uo medicine Uut does not. act di rectly up n It, to purity uud r.-uovaie. h is any just claim dfcou pub lc attention. When she blood become i .lfeloss and stagnant, either from change of weather or climate, want of ex ercise irregular diet, or from any other cau e, the Vegetine will renew the blood, carry off tne putrid humors, cleanse the stomach, regulate ibu bowels, and impart a tone of vigor to the whole bod v. The courlcttou ism the publio us well as in the medical profession, tuat the lemcdiessupplied by ihe Vegetable Kingdom are more safe, more success, ul in the c ire of disease, than mineral medicines. V. getine Is com posed of rots. barks usd herbs. It Is peasant to take and Is perfectly safe to give ati infant. 1) • you n< ed it ? Do not hesitate to try 1L You will never regret It. Vogotino. An Excellent Medicine. hTKiNorttU), Ohio, Feb. W, IST?. This Is to certify that I have used Vcgeline manu.actured by H. K. Stevens. Bqsto i, M iss. for Rheumatism and General Prostrat.on of the Nervous System, with good success. 1 recom mend Vegetiuo as an excelleut medicine for such complal its. 1 our J very truly, C. W. VANDEGItIFT. Mr. Yandegrlft, of ihe firm of VandegrlftA IluTman is a well-known buslne a man lu tula ptuce, having one of the largest stores in sprlMgUeld, . vogotino, PRSPARED BY Hi R. STEVENS, BOSTON, Mm ▼egetlne la Mold bj All DragfDta HTho OnlyMedlclne M [1 That Act, t tk Sua, Ttai. n | Th Liver, tki Bowels aid tka Hdnoji [ i ThMws imt organs are the natural clean a- H |H era of the iyetein. If they work well, health H fl will be perfect i If they become clogged, mm 1 dreadful diacaaoe are ture to follow with fl M TERRIBLE SUFFERING. □ BllloanM, Headache, Djwpepela, laaa- II M dice, Coaatipatloa and rile*, arKl4> II aey Complaint*, 0 rare I, Diabetes, II r Rheumatic Palna and Aches. IV IB are developed beeanae the blood le poisoned II ■I with the humors that ahould hare been ftfl L| expelled naturally. H KIDNEY-WORT V 1 will reatore the healthy action and all theee fl |J destroying erlla will be banished i neglect | H them and yon win lire bnt toeufter. II PI 1 hniaandaharebeeßCured. Try Hand yon ■■ 3 will add one more to the number. Take ft N ■j end health wlllc nee more gladden yonr heart. U [I will cure won. Try a pack- 6 ■ age at once and be satisfied. Iti* a dry ncgetabie compound and I One Package makes aix qnartaof Hedldnh. I fl Tour Drngprn ha* , or fed /hr ft II you. Insitt upon karing tt. Prict, t l-Od. , II WELLS, HSIISMCH * 00., Pwpdstai. U ■IO (WUI mm* port |*U.) Berflegt—. TV P V ofbnim"cH.weah- mac of let. aoed by the strain of to-m totilp* owcr HK your duties arotd nigbt work, u tm attmulanta an d nae V tore brain oerre mad Mop Blttwrw. ■waste, use Hop B. If won are young and ■ eufferlim fro® any to dlscrvttoa or dWif— ■ tlon , if you are mar rled or single. old or ■ roun*, Mffarlne 1 nop poorbeelth or languiitbHlng on a bed of atefc neaa, rely on Hop! Bittern. Whoever you are. Tbouaanda He an whenever you feel JP fl naQy ttorn wat that your system JM 111 form of Kld no* needs ck-anslmc, to.v disease that might tag or stimulating, ■§ ] bavs been pre* esJed without (taj-fcati*Q, by a timely uaeef take Mop JSMSV Mopßittera Bittern. Hareypudn*- prp *J?' O. I. O. BO la an abaotote ■' IT AW\ and trrmbSa l££Z?S!SSd, I 1 Hill wcr. ( OT ft, uu 1 Tou will be mt nnrmn tobaeoo.or BSVssf'MTTFK If you are aim- U,! 1 U Bokfbydrug £ I NEVER BSS.2°""'" iti It moi Bpi * | HOP Brrrcu r,?:. e r h s:IFAIL *■. sawed hun- Bi Roefcwter, j. t. dredn. jjjj p|||iJ(dSß||[Hp HOSTETJER's BITTeRS Then Is no civilised nation in the Western I 'tntsphere in which |he utility of Hegtotterti I'omach Bi'tera >■ a tonic, correotiwe, and antl 'illlous medicine, to not known and appreciated, v blle It to a medicine for all seasons and all -timatos, .t is espeotal y suited to the oom .iiatnts generated uy tne weather, being the rmreet and best vegetable stimulant In the vorl l. For sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whoa ipply for nostetter s Almanac lor 1881. iBUY THE BUTCHLH P PUMP FOB CI9TERNS OR WELLS OF ANY DEPTH. Plain. Iron, Porcelain, or Copper-lined. Brands-XC, . XIX. G. , • • B, 88, B No. L For rale by the Hardware Trade, Country Stores, Pump makers, etc. fp- SEE THAT THE PUMP YOU BUY IS STENCILED C.G.BLATCHLEY, MANUFACTURER, 908 MARKET St.. Philadelpliia, Pa. It pays Agent) to Soil the Standard Agricultural gook Farming for Profit- New. Aacurata, Comjrreha*lre. A Comfiltte Farm Make Money I U WSsAsSS^' SBwea many tlmt* ft* seat every leaaf. MO PSOS*. " Battle Creek, Michigan, imrorAortmnas a* TEE ONLY omrtrarn THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engine# and Hoffse-JPowers. Beet Otfliti) Three Ear Fs ihrj j Established tn the WerM. > 1048 AA VfADft °f •otMnmm* *td bmeC ■l*l I EM no n—i, without chance of nam*. 0 £. nianiurwnwnt, or location, to "bom upt tMs M ~ trvuJ warranty ffirm MM wr food*. A<>Ml TrarlloDKngiueitnil 1 Siiin f.ngiur* ever Bonn In the American market A o\uMtude nf rprrinl ftutor— and (yw*lMim f.w iml.tncethcr with ropmior Hun itfiJ malariaU not dretuifld of tOf Other tn**®!*. Pour alzea of Be r ierator*. from 6 to 18 herse mrwdty, for tltam or hurt* ponor. Twoßtykoof-Moiintod^oi^Pospm. 7CAA AAA Feet ef Helected Lntnl.rr iOUV|VVV (from (Arw to rU yeart air-dritd) constantly on hknnienc, full tnrf and atoek repot te, market report., ta-hlon report*. # won*, splendid original .torie. and uovel-tte, poetry, drpwiuieet for nhl d to eorre-ponden a. eto., etc.; la a word, ev -rytbinn to make it a delight to the family efrcle. and inra nable to the man of btulaao, tha larmar, t .a mecbauic and the laborer. Ears inducement, in th- way of cash commission* and valnab.e pr ml tune are oflere i agent., poet niHit >ri and elnb-raiaer. who *-nd *uboripu©n ta the WEEKLY OOIRIEB JOURNAL. Sdlacrtbin c n . aend n Two Doll in will ha fonnd to b worthy dr eapeolal at ten'i<*n. Specimen e x>le* an 1 fall deaCrlpttr. elroalar sent free on sprite itlun. Pnb-criptloa term*, portage free, are—for Dally SU; Sanaa jr. St; Weekly, with premium, SI; with out premium, Q>M. Any one .ending four yearly *ul*crlb*r anl alz duller* will be entitled to an extra copy of the WEEKLY COURIER JOURNAL on# year, Are* to any ..ddreee. Add;ee, W. N. H ALD KM All, Preei dent Courier-Journal Co., Louiirllie, ay. ENCYCLOP/EDIA TIOUETTE! BUSINESS Thla la tha ch"peet and only complete and relia ble worn on Etinuetta and and Social Forma It tell, how to perform all tha various da tie# of life, and how to appaar to the beat advantage an all orcaeiona. AGENTS WANTED.—Send for circulars contain ing a fall de-criptlpn of the work and extra terms ta Agent*. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. \rOUNQ M EN Levru Telegraphy I Earn f44 ta UK*), mouth. Oradue'M .UHranteed piling fficv,. Addr •• VALENTIN if BROS., Jaaoavlll*. Wieeon-in. fpilE COLUMBIAN (duooeetor ta "The Adra -1 cat*'L a free Trade, 00-op ratlve. Parental Government Paper, devoted (ftbe In arrets of Edu cation, Wnge Lai or and Prcelactlon. The .pectal .nrnp.e of THJK COLUMBIAN la. to eliminate fr m theJßetho i. of Am-rt an people inat Qnwlrtlateral W Diftboiiam—tho credit-yetem. nvelee# ralddleman, n Jo.' t-,x itlon no t monopoly. A Big Job, which wail he deae THE CuLLMbIAN U .logantly ana vigor atdy iilnatratcd. and Bold by everv newa denier and a' every poeto •ee m the land,at the ant form prlco ofone event. Sample copy stay ha teen at everr noetoflf-e. RUPERTUS* Cslsbratst r" Breech Load eta I Vfnrxle and Brecch-'Laadlng Guns, Slflcs and Pistole of mott appronod English and Amorioan maker. 4H kind, of Aportlng Implements and artlolei ■squired by Bporteinen and Gunmakere. Unit's Neva Brccch-IjOjidtnK Doable Gape at 850 up. JOB. C. OR rim & CO., fl Market St. lend tiamp for Price-List, Philadelphia, Pa. A LLEI'B Brain Fond enraa Nervana DahlllTi A and Weaknea of Oeuerativa Organa, •1-*U Irngglata. Sand for Clrcalar to Allaa'a Pharmacy OS rlrat i va., M. T. auiw., ia i AN . Ll> fur mo U.,ud.uuiu.i ua CHEAPEST BIBLES ° R (oluclnuat L "* CISH PREMIUMS, wiiani nvMrMT—bocALoit IslflrLUTlVlkll I atata whieh jiitonA K fll d Co. sod Gaarga St. Claclanatlf O, TITTTITI mnifl Agenta Wanted everywhere to r nk I H,AiS " n to hotels and A UllJi A uRUi large consumers ; largaat atock In theeonntry; quality and terms the beat Oonntry atorekaepera should call or writ* THE WELLS TEA COMPANY.*! Fulton St.. N.Y. ,F. 0. Box 4BGS. KEDITEY DISEASES, o ?si T, P p ,ta?? ■■A fcMM•• ttrt dUSMMd gmjgL Eam. >w w*. •>— Ww. OuMltytliwi, BXnmatil— t Jurr* ittrtT—d i^.mlw* y—. ,W"tlw whan rf>wMnjrfia ■ wilwftil—iMtx DR. RADWAY'S SimmrillitD BwltiH THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, rOH THE CURE OF CHRONIC DTSRABR BCKOFULA OR BYPHIIJTIC, BKB EDI TART OB OOHTAQ IOCS, If ft Mastad Is TTit f nnga ar niiinastili.llllgi nr Wast, Flaah or Narva*, OOftBUFTme TBI BOLTDfi AND TTTIATINQ THE FLUIDS, Ctronit Rhsunuttlsm. Glxndulxr Swelling. Hacking Drr Cancerous AfffO* tlona, Syphilitic Oomplflnts, Bleeding of tlk# Lungs. Dy-p' pHia, Water Brash, Tie Dbloreux, WbiSe Hwellibgs. Tumors, Ulcers, Sum end Hip Dtsensda, Mercurial Diseases, Female Com plaints, Gout, Drop j, salt Rheum, Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, &c. Not only dvss the SsrsapsrUUan Rssolrent Eil all remedial agents In the curs of Chrome, fulooe, Osnstttutional end Skin Stasssss, It Is the only positive sure for ETDFET AID BLADDERCOMPLinm, oUnary sad Womh Dtwaaes, OratrsL Diabetes, propuy. Stoppage of Water, incontinence Urine, might's Disuse, Albuminuria, and la all eases where there are brick-dust deposits, ov the water la thick, cloudr, mixed with eeb etanoes like the whits at an egg, or threads UKS erttte silk, er there is s morbid, dark, bilious i.ppear&nre and white bone-dust deposits, and when there Is a pricking, burning a nsatioo when passing water, sod peta tn the small of (he back and s ens the loos. Bald by Drug gists. PRICE ONt DOLLAR OVARI AN TUMOR OF TIN YIAHP QROWTB CURED BY DR. RADWAY'S REMRDIRL • onVDsstas ooutatas mors or ths sotm snaci also ot Medicines than any other Preparation Taken in Teaspoonful doses, while othin re CWreleusraHtlmssMmttdk. * R. R] R. RADWAY'S Ready Relief, CURES AND PREVENTS DYSENTERY, DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA MORBUS, FEVER ANO AGUE, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA DIPHTHERIA, MFLUENZA, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. BOWEL COMPLAINTS LooeenrfiS, DUrrhmi, Cholera Morbus or pain ful discharge! from the bowels *re stopped is i* or SO minutes by taking Had Whys Reedy Re- Uef. No congestion or Inflammation, no weak ness or iasaitude wIJ follow tne use <* ths S. R Relief. IT WAS THE FIRST AND IB The Onlj Pain Remedy that Instantly stops ths most exorucfauag pains, allays inflammation e, and cures Oomr-w --tion-i, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, bowels or other glands or organs, by one application. !■ from one ta twenty snlnate*. no mat ter how violent or excruciating the pain, tits Rheumtic. Bed-ridden, Infirm Crippled, Nerv ous. Neuralgic or prostrated with dl-oaee may suffer. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will afford instant ease. laflsuDsniatlon af the Kidneys, _ _ InflammHtien eflbsßledder, laflaaeneatlna af the Bowels Casigestlaa af the Lusga •ersThreat, Difficult Breathing. _ PalglUtiue af the Heart Hysterica, t'raup. Diphtheria _ _ (Merrh, ieflsensa Headache. Toathaehe, HervoeseMs, Rleeplessaeva, ■enralcia, Rheaaustlem laid Chills, Auras Chills, Chilblains and Frast Bites. The appllcscion of the Ready Relief to the part er parts where the pain or dlfllcultj exists wul afford ease and comfort. Thirty to sixty drops la a half tumbler of arater will in a few minutes cure Cramps. Sprains hour S'omach, Heartburn, Btck Head ache, Diarrhoea Dysentery, CoUc, Wind IB ihs Bowels and all Internal pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of B id way's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of wa'er. It is better than French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. Pries Fifty Cento p< r Lotus. Radway's Regulating Pills. PssdSeH Putative*, Boetklif ApsHenta, Ask WlUkowt Fain. Always Reliable and Natorml Is their Operation. A VEGETABLE BURgiritTl FOB CA.IA)MET. Perfectly tsstuisH, elegantly coated with iweet gum, purgß rsguiats, purify, aisaass and RlUnffthSA lASWivh PSXA tor the curs of all Dtssrden sr ths .-tomach. Liver, Bowels. Kkioeya, Blad der. Nervous Pis eases. Headache, Constipation, indigestion. Dyspepsia, Bilious aeaa Fever, inflammation of ths Bowels Piles, and all derangements of ths Interne! Jftsesm Warranted to effect a perfect corv v Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, deleterious drugs io-observe the mi lowing symptoms resulting from Diseases of the Digestive organs: Conso nation. Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood is Head, Acidity of ths Stomach, Nausea. Heart* bum. Disgust ef Food, Fullness or Weight la the stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut tering st toe Heart, Choking or Sen. nation* when in a Ding posture, Dimness of ▼lsioa. Dots or Webs Before the sight, Fever end Dull p&ta in the Head, Deficient* or Persptra ticu. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain la ths side, chest, Llmixi, and Sudden Flushes ot Best, Burning In the'rleah. A few doses of BAVAT*S Pizxs win free ths system tram all ths above-named disorder*. Pries, SB Ceats por Bds. We repeat thai He reader must consult our books and papers on the subject of diseases and their eve. among which may he named i "fslss had True "Rsiway es Irritable Urethra,* "Badway a Berafhla,'* andothsrs relating to different ola— of Din •OLD BY DBUQGI9T* BEAD "FALSE AND TBUN-" .•end a letter stamp to RAbWAY Jk Of, BE warres, Car. Chareh C New • 9fk •wrinf onsatlsn worth thousands wffl be sea Is you. TO THE PUBLIO. there can be no better guarantee of the vain er Da. HaswatV old established B. R. R. Raits srss than the base and worthless imitations o them, ss there are Paine BesolventAS Belief and Fill* Be sure sad ask tor Badwnj'a. an see that ths asms "Badway" la oa what yw buy OA kALL.-iidrtliiut, Urui > ti Sttw llillii * More,, Twq Pwellinga, kr\ Nar Wlneheetar, Ta. Aeply to ALFRED PARKINS, I'arkina Mills P 0 , ferodt-rlck 0., Ya. 500S^\ 1 L B Y ol^. A B* o^'Lia. A t^;g.rt r THE COLUMBIAN Britain the flneet, most elaborate, ooetty and beantlfnl Bo iday cut ever presented to th* Amerioan people. A * pee! men eopy o n be seen at thl* office and at erery postofflce and newa-etand In the United State*. On* cunt a copy everywhere. Those answertne as uverttssment wti confer a favor upon Bis advertiser and the publisher by staking that they saw ths adrer ttrtmunt In Hit* lenreal (nawviwr tan naeer. GREAT WORKS, ' Phtabnreh. BSpFwSHI Send rtamp for CataWfoe. RbbattetOna*. Revolver*, tent ftrmatfasttea