||ki j|iUiitlte |oßrnal. THURSDAY, FBRUARY 3, 'Bl. DEIMNGER & BUMILLER, Editors and Proprietors. lx>cal Department. WAITED.— A blacksmith at R. B Hartman's foundry. --Township election tickets printed well and cheaply at the Journal office. —A number of children at Pleasant Gap are down with scarlet fever. —-The Central Pennsylvania Confer ence of the M. E. Church will meet at York, Pa., March 10th next. —Messrs. Gepbart A Musser are do ing an immense business in grain, eloversoed, plaster and coal. —Michael 6. Fiedler and,ikrs. Polly Hover, are the administrators of tho estate of Geo. W. Hoyer, dec'fl. See notice. —The Central Penna. Conference of tfie Evangelical Association will meet at Lock llaveu March Bd, 1881. Bishop Thomas Bowman will preside. —The Journal office Juts every facHl ty to print first class salo bills, hnd charges moderate prices. Don't you forget it. —Mr. Luther B. Stover gives notice that he has been appoiuted administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Dolby, late of Had iso tib urg. —Mrs. Margaret Faust, mother of our friend, Mr. S. K. Faust, died re ©enlly at St. Charles, Mo., aged 80 years. —The Job work done m the Journal Office will compare well with any work done where and the prices ero re markably low. Give us a call, —WANTED IMMEDIATELY, about Wn to fifteen bushels potatoes ard a bout five to eight bushels Of apples. IT it suits you to pay oil your subscrip tion in that way brio# tbvui aloug at •nee. —The FORKS HOUSE, one of tfeft beet hotel stands in this section of the country, situate at Coburn Station on theLewisburg & Tyrone rail road, is for sale. For particulars apply to IF G. W. STOVER. —TFCO MTLLHEIM CEMETERY AS SOCIATION will hold its annual meet ing and election on Monday evening Feb. 7th insfc. A full turn out is re quested as business of Importance m / be transacted. —The application for the pardon of Mrs. Miller, who is now in the Williainsport jail for the murder of her husband, has been refused. She must bang with paramour and partner hi orime, George Smith. —The public are indebted to Dr. J. C. Ayer& Co., not only for thir stand ard medicinal preparations, but also for improving the looks of the com ruuuity by their incomparable Hair Vigor. —The land of the estate of Jonathan 2'hlllips, deceased, near Millheim, was sold by the executors the other Satur day. D. A. Musser and Jonathan Harter tought 17 acres at SIOO. SO per acre. J. W. Snook bright 5 acres at SIBO per acre. —We understand that the new Evan gelical chuTcb at Coburn is to be buiit next summer, which would give us three new churches in the near future within a radio us of only several miles —namely at Aaronsburg, Miliheirti and Coburn. We pray that Virtue and in ttlligcnce may beep even pace with the progress of church building. —We publish In auother column a letter from Mr. Thomas F. Strayhorn, who for many years was one of our most respected citizens. He now re- Bides at Bozeman, Montana territory, 'from whence he writes his interesting letter to Mr. John Kerstetter. Extra topics of the Journal containing the letter for sale at our counter. —We are in receipt of a letter trom Rev. J. G. Shoemaker, enclosing a lengthy and interesting account of the dedication services of the St. Paul's Reformed church, Emporia, Kansas, which we will publish In the Journal in Unabridged form, next week. We can not possibly do so this week. —The days are growing a little long er at both ends. You can do consid erable more work now in a day than you could several weeks ago if you have any pleasure in that kind ot a musement—or, you have several houra more fur bummingand loafing in stores wad ahop3, if you prefer that. NOTICES; Wishing to close all my book ac counts, I have determined to sell for cash or produce only from and after K arch Ist, 1881. I will give my customers the full' ad •vantage df a strictly GASH SYSTEM. SAMUEL GRENIKOBR. —Many a man would feel that he had done a deed of real charity, as well as a good , business transaction, if he had loug since given his half-worn clothing to the poor and bought him self a good new suit at Lewin's Phil adelphia Branch Store, Bellefonte, Pa., where they rig out a fellew from top to bottom for almost nothing. But as it U never to late to do good, we modest lv make the suggestion to about five hatred of our patron*, A CARD. To our Friends and Patrons in Centre county. • Owing to a large increase in our business we have concluded to remove to larger aud Better premises, April Ist 'Bl. We are going to the place formerly occupied by Brooke's Confectionery, directly opposite Walls A Go's store, where we will have enlarged facilities to serve our customers. The Millinery Deparlmeut will be under the direct supervision of Mrs. B. Harris, who has already engaged the service of several experienced city mil liners. The Notious, Trimmings Fancy Goods Department will be under the immediate charge of Mr. M. Harris, who Will always endeavor to serve the interests of patrons, giving the best goods for the least money iiossible. Most Respectfully Yours, tf B. it ARRIS. —Quite a number of our people went to Betlefonte oil Monday. What the particular busiuoss of each one is we have no means of knowing, but the supposition is that most, if not all cf them, will improve the opportunity to call at Lewin's Philadelphia Hraneh Clothing Emporium and buy them selves new knits from head to foot. NEW INDUSTRY.—PouIsen & Shutt have started a steam factory at How ard, C entre county, for making axe, pick, sledge and hammer handles, whiffietrees, Jfcc. Who has enterprise, spunk, pluck, grit or cooraicshy enough to build and run a factory of ecme kind in Millheim? Now, gentlemen, , don't all speak at once. Cue at a time. —O T i l&st Friday, Jau. £Bth the Members of tho MethodM Episcopal Church at Sprucetown and Centre Hull, to the number of between twenty ! and thirty paid their Pastor, Rev. .1. Benson Akers at Penn Hall, a sur prise visit. Taking pbasessiouj of the parsonage they spread a sumptuous re past, to which ample justice was done; and after a season of pleasaut social intercourse, singing and prayer, they returned to their homes, leaving quite a substantia! token of their visit in the shape of provisions sufficient to last the Pastor's family for some time to come. Their coming was gratefully appreciated and enjoyed by the 'pastor and his good lady, aud tin oee.isian was every way a most enjoyable oue. * Exnrßrnow.—The Hillheioa Ger man Evening pcbocl under the direction of Mr. Adolph Miller, Millheim, will give a public enter tainment in the Town Hall at Mill heim, consisting of Interesting and comic Declamations, Orations, Dia logues, Ac., ou Saturday Evening, Feb. 12., 'St. The exercises will bo conduc ted In High German and Pennsylvania Dutch, intesperwid by Vocal and In strumental Music. PROGRAMME): Salutatory, Mr. R. A. BJ ailler. Oration, Der Pitt von der Trapp, [Prfer of Trapp ] Mr. D. L. Zerby. Declara ition. Elpetritachenfange, 1 Catching of J&lpc tritshtn] Mr. J. R. V anOrcaer. Dialogue, Yerlegenheit einer Witt frah, [Disappointment of a FFidoic,] Miss Alice Rvlibing'i, Miss Clara Reifsnyder, Mr. W. T. Acman. Declaration, In Peunsjlfanih will ich bleiwe, [I want to ftay in Ptnua ] Mr. M. I. Jamison. Declamation, Die alt Heeraat, [77* old to/rw,] dfr. Samuel Campbell. Declamation. Die Singenschul, [Tkt Singing Sehonl,\ A. Rvlabaugli. Dialogue, der Jack nnd die Bets ken ne net agreeV, [Jack an I Hetz exa'C a .<7rwJ JGss Ann* Shreffler, Jiff. Johc *W. root*. Declamation, d* Dutchmans Klage i Dutchman's Cumplaint ,] Jfr. Lew ' lagle. Declamation, S'alt Wohnhaus an der Spring, ] The old Itouse a? ths tpring] Mr. Thomas Mayer. Dialogue with performance*. Cousin E'se ana Araefiks, [Coucal and ins truman tal music. Mr. John Lose, Mr. Samuel Weiser, 44 W. T. Auman, Mr. Karl Mo tz, " William Harter. Miss Anna jfus ser, .Miss Lizzie Harter. Valedictory, Mr. Milton Jamison. The vocal music will be conducted by Miss Alice Radabaugb, the Instru mental music by the Millbeim Cornet Band. The public is Cordially invited to attend. LETTER FROM MONTANA. BOZIMAK, MOKTAHA L KKKITOHT, DKC, 30, 'Bl. Mr. John Korntcttor and family, Dear Friends:— As lam not doing much to-day I thought I would writ© to you. I hare oft©n wondered how you nr all getting along on oIJ Elk Creek; and have often thought of you, and uo doubt you have often thought of ine too. We Wvc beefn wandering around and gutting still farther off, until finally, we have landed in Montana territory. We sold out last spring, lu Missouri, aud moved to this place. This country 14 more like Centre county than any place I have seen since I left old Elk and Piue Creek. This is beyond a doubt the richest section in the United Stated. Could I buttonvlnce you of what I have seen since I am here, it would do me tuore good thau to write it. There are one hundred and some fifty silver smelteries at this plaoe; aud I have often seen silver bullion corded up as you cord up your Are-wood. But the silver bars are not as long as cord-wood, being only about two feet In >ngth. ticld Is not stacked UP in this way so Ifcibllcly. I fed yoh the wealth of this territory Is immense. It wl.l become fabulous when once fully developed. Now, my friend. John lam net writing this to induce you, nor any one, to sell out and leave your o d home; but for young people who want to get a start In life, Ido say this it the piacp- But i would by uo means have any one till .oo t $45.00 \#r mouth anil boarding. Oarpeutera, $4.0) lo $$ 0> day Millwright*, s>.ootc> 17.00 per day. This pi voe li about half a* large a* Lewis town. You would be surprised to see the busi ness tluU is done here. I will giro you but one Item although there are a fcorfen of the same kind. Our firm by the name of Lamy, makes an average hale of $".4,000 per quarter. I will also give you a price list of clothing and gioeeries: Suit*, from #lO. to $100; boots, *S .50, to $17.00; guin overshoes. $2.50; sugar. tosH lh* for a dollar; cottee.S and S)>s for si.ooj butter. 50c; egg*7sct* to fl.tw RrCer. apples 12& per lb. John, I wish you were here to hate a little fun At hunting. We have all kind" o* gatOe, from a rabbit to a grizzly b<*ar. There ai6 the black and white tail deer, the moose, antelope, moun tain sheep, blkek be* r, cluuamon bear, elk. buffalo, panther, mountuin lion, wild eat, lym and last, but surely not least, tbo grizzly bear. 1 have never come across any of the latter yet anddon'tcare If I ever do. Several ot our meu have been badly used up by thein this fall. There are all > plenty of ducks and geese, and the finest fish I think I have ever seru. Oiiletou Valley Is forty miles long from north to south, and twelve broad from east to wo-st. Wohkve 120 miles from Dillon, the of the Utah and Northern R. K., and 75from Virginia city, and two thous and rnllos from Oinaha, Nebraska. Come to sec u, John, and see everything fb" yourself • Your friend THOMAS KCBTBA T BOKN . —John S. Homin's sale of live stock, farm implements and household uten sils, Thursday, February 24th. All who want to buy horses, cows, shoals, implements or a little of anything, as well as those who are in favor of a good substantial dinner, will please N. B. —J. C. Ayer & Co., the well known medical Arm of L)well, Mass., sent us a well bound almanac for 1831, printed in nine different languages—English, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Spanifth, French, Swedish, Norwegian and Bo hemian. Toe book is big and we are too busy to read il all, just Aow. —Township and borough elections in Centre county, Tuesday, Feb. 15th. Who is going to run for '.Squire? Cer tainly not we; and if any man wishes to be knocked down "flat as a pan cake," let friin just stand square before us and urge us to run—say that we are yery flt for it—that we are just the very man, and so forth. No more taf fy of that kind for us. —An item is going the rounds of the papers to the effect that Mr. Jon athan Harter, of this place, has sub scribe SICKIO for the building of a new Lutheran church here. While it affords us much pleasure to co nfirm the matter we can truly say for Mr. Harter that he feels much annoyed at the unsought notoriety given him on account of his subscription, given as we know it was from love to a good cause, and ndt to have his name and deed paraded before the world. 'Muff said. "Music HATH CHARMS. "—The Musical Instrument (Store of C. H. Hassenplug,LewisburgPa., will hence forth fee earned on by Hassenplng & Thomas. They have on hand a large variety of Pianos, Organs, Organettes, and other npusical instruments of all standard makes, Which they sell at very low prices. They are gentlemen of high character and integrity and have large experience in the business. Mr. Thomas, who is well and favorably known in these parts, expects to make a thorough canvass df this part of Centre county, selling instruments, and we hope he may meet with abun dant success. t* —The Clinton Democrat charges live dollars a line for publishing original poetry. Good idea. —Two Butler county tax are in jail for not settling their dupli cates for 1878. The saota rule would work a little roughly in Centre county.. —Next Saturday "our hand" is go ing to Mifflinbui'g accompanied by two professors to give a concert. Zinrabum, tinra iinra nratm, titira bum'bum bum? —Yesterday (2nd) was Dox day. Was he out, did you see him? We didn't—although we watched the his toric old buffer with a patieuee—anx iety— intensity seldom felt in any earthly object. —lf we had the least affibitlon or talent to make money—tell you what we'd do. We'd instsnter engage the services of John W. LUST'S Minstrel Company and start on a professional tour through England, France, Ger many and— Patagonia, return rich as Croesus and retiie from business. WotofAn't we then subscribe liberally to schools and churches and help the poor along generally? lis! guess we would. —WANTED —eery much —several'en- ergetic and enterprising men to build a few first class houses in Millneim, next summer. Half a doten good mechanic al or manufacturing establishments would answer just as well; and for a be ginning we suggest an axe factory at Coburn. Now "what'fcrt you going t# do aboutjit," ye who have lots of money and are rich and wealthy— and men? —The other day a chap tried to houswoggle us into the belief that the Millheiin B and didn't amouat to moch as a musical body, llaude! and IlkV deii! don't do to talk so to us thus, for we just know that "the boys" stand *A No l,in that particnlar line. But wait till brother Schoch gives his opinion on the matter, after the MiWinburg con cert. He'll do "the boys" justice—we know he will. —The Philadelphia TVmea Almanac, of which a copy was aent tit this week, is a great i mprovement on its predeces sors. It is a well bound volume of 144 pages, containing a vast amount of political Information, statististics, e lection laws and tabulated returns, county, state and national officials, be sides much other important matter. It is a complete political and general hand book for 1881, which no poor country editor can afford to miss. —Report of North Street school for the month ending ian. 26th IflSl. Wfacie No. in attendance during mouth, males—37, fern ales—32, total— -69. Average attendance, males—3l, females—23, total—s4. Per cent, of attendance, miles—B6, females—74, total -80. No. of visitors—6, visits by directors—3. Among the visitors was my worthy predecessor, W. H. B. Eisenhuth, who hails now from Eldred, McKeanCo. He delivered one of bis eloquent addressees to us before he left. Come again Professor. M. I. JAMISON, Teacher. —Report of Millheim Grammar School for the week ending Jan. 28th, 1881. No. of pupils, males—26, females— -20, total—46. No. admitted, males— 0, females—l, total—l. No. atteftd iag, males—24, females 16, total —40. No. present every day, males—l7, fe males— 9, total —26. No. tardy, males —ll, females—l 3, total—24. Average attendance, males—2l, females—l 3, to tal—B4. Per cent, of attendance, males —B9, females—Bl, total —85. No. of visitors—4. Considerable over half of the term has already expired, and some have been in school but a very few days. Only two pupils have beeti present every day during the term. Via* Miss Mar} Lose and Master T. K. Laken bach. Parents think ef this. D. JL. ZBRBY, Teacher. A COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT.— Last week we were shown through the EXCBLSIOR DTB WORKS, Bt Lewis burg, by the obliging proprietor, Wm. A. Davis, Esq. The concern seems to be entirely complete in all its arrange ments, and Mr. Davis himself is an ex pert in the business. He has had many years of exi jr ience in this country, England, Germany End Russia. He showed us a number of shawls and gentlemen's suits which had beeu dyed and pressed, making them appear like new, at a small tost. We have agreed to act as agent for Mr. Davis in this section and will at tend to all Work entrusted to us. Read his advertisemeut. In another column and for particulars cAH at the JOURNAL STORE. tf SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Mr. J. B. Crawford has resigned bis school and accepted a position as coun ter-hopper in Duncan A Son's store. A great deal of grain is brought here from Nittany Valley. Spring Mills pays better prices than Belle foute. Heigh—ho, so tee go\ Rov. "W. R Fisher is holding a pro tracted meeting in Georges Valley church. Good preaching and good sleighing brings crowds of people. May lasting impressions be made. Rev. J. B. Akers commenced it se ries of meetings here. He is a very able preacher [Yes —there's just where you hit the nail square on the head, Uncle.—Ed.] and I hope good may be done. Runk's grist mill is how running and that boss Of Millers, Mr. Kerliu, odd fellow though he be, just knows how to turn out an extra A No 1 xxx su perfine flour, UNCLI TOM. Speedy Punishment for Crime. CII ARLKSTOWN, S. C., January 29. Bessie Werta, daughter of William Werts, living near Prosperity, In New. berry county, this Btate, was bmtally outraged and murdered on Monday evening while going from her brother's house to her home. Two negroes, named Speai man and Fair, were ar rested upon suspicion and lodged in the guard house. They confessed their guilt and last night a large body of men took them out to lynch them. Spearmen was shot to dekth on the spot where the'crime was committed. Fair made his escape, but was recap tured to-day and hanged near Prosper ity by a trowd of whites and blacks. The Unfortunate victim arcs taenty two years old snd was a beautiful and excellent young woman. The verdict at the Inquest to-day was that she came to her death by be!ng choked and other outrages committed by Spearman and Fair. MARRIED. Oa the 1M ult, by Her. W. It. W|rnd, Mr. P. J. Binsmsn te Ml A. A. Mhtdleswarth, both of Aftin township. Snyder founty. Fa. DIEST. ~ On the 13th ult.. In Totter twp., Adam 1.. Roop son of Nathaniel Boop, aged 1 year, 7 months and 14 days. Op the 31st ult.. In LeWlstmrjt, Franklin, son of 'Vsidler and Martha H.Roland, aged 2yeais, 8 mouths and 14 days. Out.• Kndtlt..lnNew Rerlln. Geo. Refiner, aßef. 74 years. 11 mouths and 3days. On the 21st ult., In Miffllnhurg. Darld Bogen. rltf. aged Kyears and * month*. On the 4th of Nov. last. In Ohle, Jno. Auhle. aped M year*. 6 months and 26 days, formerly of MlfTlliibnrg. On the 261 h ult., In l.ogansTllle. Ta.. John K. I'oorinan, aged 74 years. '2 months find 27 days. Mr. Poorman was well known in this neigh borhood having resided in MUlbeitfi for many years. On the 27th ult.. In Penn twp. Francis Smith, aged TV years, 3 inoulhs and 21 days. • Died ot feebleness and old age. Francis Smith died at Ms residence In Penn township, J in. 27., 1881. The oeceased was born In Lan caster county. Pa.. Oct. 6th. 1801, and tu the earllgrparlof his life came to Centre county, where forlllty years last pat he resided at nearly the same place at which he died. For seventeen years he saw not the light of the son ; but shrouded in darknen-, and gloom, his only turee of Joy and comfort was the hope within, ind vr;ih patience h* awaited the dawning of a Wight and glorious day. Excluded from the beauties of nature for such a long time, this world could have no charms for him. and well may we say, for him to die was gain. W. V. 8. ■ I 11 helm Market. CorreeUil every Wednesday by Oephari er Bnskel * 5 v ° Barlejr =2 Tyraothvseed lw ?r Butter n tiaras Bides Veal P0rk........ Bf ei.'. ai - * Potatoes. Lard . TalfoW * Soap , Dried Apples ..?• A Dried Peaches 1 Dried Cherries.. .v COAL MARKET. Cfg Coal . KM Store " ....".V. M Chestnut" Pea * *-®0 P. iXrilBT D. 1. MtSSKB GEPHART & MUSER DEALEM IX Grain Cloversced. Flour & Feed, Coal, Plaster . & Salt MILLHEIM PA Highest market price paid for all kin da of O-ZR-AXLT Delivered eltber at the BRICK MILL or at tlie •Id MCMSR MILL, in MILLHEIM. COAL, PLASTER ft SALT Always oa hand and sold at pheea that defy competition. A. share of the public patronage respectfully •elicited. 3#-Iy EXCELSIOR STEAM DTE WORKS LEWISBURG, PA., W. Davis, Proprietor. All kinds of Bilks, Mixed .Cotton and Wool Goods dyed and finished In the best style. Gents' Coats, Vest* and Pants dyed or eleftttsed' without rip ping. Ladles' Cloaks, Capes, and Dresses cleansed or dyed to any fancy pattern where the original color Is favorable. All kind of Shawls clean led or dyed and finished in the neatest manner. My Factory has all the machinery and facili ties of a first class establishment of its kind. My experience In the business extends over many >ears. both m this country and In Europe, and am therefore enabled to do strictly first class work at moderade prices. THE JOURNAL STORE, Millheim, Pa., has accepted an agency from me. All goods brought there for dying will he returned free t of extra Praj are for Snow • WIW • fames (£. Conb AT PENN HALL, PA., bus just completed a lot of very 'Superior SLEIGHS, which he offers at modcrato priced. He warrants them made of first class stock by skillful and expe rienced mechanics, (five him a call before you b,iy elsewhere. He will guarantee satisfaction in all resjects. 47-3 m 111*1 ■nVoursflvM by maklnv mone* |£|i I U|thereby Hue "c laikr. alwavs k jo7*t" from yonr door. Those WHO al ways take advantage ot the good chances for m w. Hi jsM pot to be examined before Vff laPi V'U pay for It. lit Is not as represented it can be return- FT ftl our expense. Send a f postal card for illnstra:ed WSOJKISI J insular, r. A. \VOID&CO. *• *r> N". Tenth St.. PhlladA, Pa. 2S 3m TRVIN HOUSE, (A tost Central Hotel in tA City,) COR. MAIN AND JAT ST., Lock Haren, Pa., S.WOODSCAL WE LL,PROPRIETOR Oo d dt-nple Rooms for Commercial Traveler on first floor. PATENTS and bow to obtain them. Pamphlet tree, ufroh rocelpt of Stamp for poet age. Address— OILMORE, SMITH & CO. toiieitore 9/ Patents, Msmr Patent Ofilet, Washington, L>. C Pfcrr QAMPTr$ oftwo °f th * best article* l ADD OulJli JLiDO ever sold bv scents to eve ry one who answers this within siaty davs. American Mannr* Co , 25-1 m City Mills, Massachusetts. ITOTICE. T*ose of our readers desiring steadv and pro fitable employment, or valuable reading matter cheap for 18sl. should send IS cents to the FRANK LESLIE PUBLISHING CO.. 15 Dey St. New York, for a complete set of their publica tions and Illustrated Catalogue. cental Insr I1t of premiums. &e.. or $1.50 for a complete a tent's outfit of 12 bea'-jflful chromo* and our Premium Book of ValoHble Information, containing over 500 pages, with sample copies of all our publica tions. Ac. An active agent Wanted fn every town—twen ty to thirty dollars can be made weekly. Their 1 llustrated Publications with their new Premi ums, take at aluhf. Do not delay if you wish to secure your terri tory. Addre-s Frank CmHe Publishing Co., 15 Dey St., New York. RUPTURE WiaT Truss " " w is * hat you want. The greatest invention of the ace! See our pnra hit. Sent free. Prof J. Y. EG AN. (J* densburg, N. Y. 29-Iy Edwin J DethTbt-. j Jordan Dee hie A SON, A SCRQECXfI, Aaronsburgr, FaT Calla promptly answered da night H. MINGLE, PHYSICIAN * BCBGEOIf, Ma*n Street, Millbelir,, Ta m Outfit sent free to those T/b 0 wish to NK %enaae in the most ple.w nt and proflt *Tl •fable business Known. F .ervthing new. Capital not required. .Ve will furnish you everything. $lO \ day and upward is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new work ers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies nake as much as men. and young boys and gh a make great pay. No one who is willing to eork fails to make more monev every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who eugagt at once will find a short road to fortune. Ad dress 11. Uallst & Co., Portland, Maine. PENSIONS! Bor*TT, Pat for rations, nbw and uonora RLB dischakgks. AND INCKSASt-D rKNSIOJIS ob lained.—New laws, higher rates of pension The slightest disability, from wound, injury o disease of any kind entities you to a peusion Widows and heirs, fathers and mothers are now entitled. Land cases promptly settled, Patents obtain ed All kinds of government claims "rosecuted Write ai once for .new laws, blanks and In structions, with two stamps. Address, J. W. FLEXNFR SCO- Lock Box 214, Washington, D. C. ifk • Outfit furnished free, with full in YW I ■ ■structious for conducting ihe most Alw ■ m# profitable business that any one can engage in. The business 19 so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that any oue cau make great profits from the very start. No one can fail who's willing to work. Women are as success ful as men. Boys and gif Is can earn large so ms . Many have made at the business over hun dred dollars in a sin le week. Nothing like It ever known before. All who engage are sur prised at the case and rapidity wit' n which they are aide to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great ?, u ?£ notliave to invest capital in it. \> e take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnish ed free. Addre* TRUB & Co., Augusta, Maine PENSIONS, EVERY SOLDIER disabled in line of duty by wound, disease, or injury, is entitled to pension. PENSIONS INCREASED.—Many are draw ing less than entitled to. —Thousands ol Heirs entitled to Pension and Bounty. REJECTED CASES re-opened. APAND 'NED CASES finished.—Copio* Q f Ldst DlschArges obtained .—Claims of ey r v de scription prosecuted.—Patents Proc** Audresswlth stamp. 0 THIS PfffEßSsra-t Newspaper Adv ertislng Bureau (10 Spruoe ' PZiSSSttWEIH YORK L* made ftr ft In VvfcrV IHVIni UNPARALLELED SUCCESS OF THIS WleSewiilinß _ , J 5 W$ *> I lliitMiii am*. 1 IN THE THIRD YEAR OF fT IXWTEMC*. ITt SALES AMOUNT TO 54,853 Machines. NO OTHER MACHINE EVER HAD SUCH A RECORD OF POPULARITY. Zt is tho X4tfitMt-BTUinlss SuiMfe SeUiiic, l&i test Satisfying MacHai IN THS. WQRI.O. Apat* w*ot#4. Tot terns, aflSno White Sewfttg Machine C., CLEVBUND. ■" F oi " ,C " on " le LOSE H ARTER .& CO. ZF-A-XJIJ _A_isrx> WIITTBB ozPEntfnsfcS- II MBS. ANSA M. WEAVES lias Just received her Fall and Winter stock Ot MILLINERV GOODS consisting of Trench Bonnets, Bound flats, French Flowers. Feathers, Bibhonaucl allkindi of FANCY GOODS. DRE3S MAKING In all its Branches a SPECIALITY. o She invftos her many friends and customers to call at her rl a< * of business, lu Fean Street, MILLHEIM, FA. nDflfii habit ssaus.'s I IBJ 111 les tiroe and at less cot i VI ■w*" than by any oilier means. INo suffering or inoonvenience. Treatuieut shipped to any part of the U. S or canadai. Full particulars free. Addresb, I EMtibkni M