(I !) f t.llh fim Journal.- L | THUKSJUY, JANUARY (!., 'Bl. | I I THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL Is puM'sheil overv Thursday. in Musser'sßuild- 1 inc. cm-no r of Main and Ponn streets at ?1 00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or *1 25 if not paid in advance. . IJ> J 'ERTISLYG t vvoek. 1 mo. .1 mo. it mo. 1 year. 1 nuav\... i *IOO 1 $2 50 I $:>00 I *IOO *7 00 w column,..l 800 400 I 600110 00 1500 Q eobiinii,.. | 500 7 VII 10 00 115 00 35 00 1 eolumn,.. I 800 | 12 00 | 2000 | 35 00 60 00 One inrh makes a square. Administrators Execntors 1 Notices *2.50. Transient ad vertisements ?.nd locals 10 cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each ad ditional insertion. Job Work done on short notice. OEiMMiF.It & BIIMILMSR, Ed itors and Proprietors. CW & SnnJay Sclool Directory. Evangelical. FrSamuel Smith and Ken. IF. H. Hariman, I^reachers. Sunday School, 2P. M,—D. L. Zerby, snpt. Methodist. Pit'. J. Benson Alters, Preacher-in-eharye. ' Quarterly rneetinu in MPlheim. next Sabbath. ItiV. S. c. Swallow, Presiding Elder, is ex pee led present. Sunday School at ILIl L I r. M DIT. Kimport, snpt Reformed. Per. C. tr. E. Steel, Pastor. Preaching ir Aaronsbi rg next Sunday morc irj, German. United Brethren. Kov. L. If. Crates, Prea c her-in- eh arse. Lutheran. Ket\ John Tontlinson, Pastor.— German pveachlnp in Aaronsbui* next Sun day niornlufi, aud In MiUheim in the evening, English. United Sunday School. Meets at 9A. M.— F. D. Luse upt. Lodge & Society Directory. MillhPlm Lodge, No. iOT>, I. O. O. F. meets in ir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening. Kebecca Dejrree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. A. O. DKINIXOEU, See. K. A. Bi MILLKR, N. G. Prevideucc Grange. No. 217 P.ofH., meetsin A lexjinrtor s block ou the second Saturday of -J.cb month at v. M.. and on the fourth Sa- T . r-iay of each mouth at ISI P. M. I L.ZERBY. Sec. A. O. Deininger, Master., The MillUelm B. & L. Association meets In t'ae Per. (i st reet school house on the evening ot the second Monday of each month. A. WAITER, Sec, B. O. DEI SINGER, Prest. The Nlillheinj Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. ¥. P. OTTO. Sec , A F. HABTER, Pres t. Olc'al Director Kecu'ar Terms of Court—Fourth Mondays of Jgnuart, Apri', August and November. President Judge—Hon. Chas. A. Mayer, Lock Raven. Additional Law Judge—Hou. John H. Orvis, Belief on te. , „ , . . Associate .ludges—Hons, Samuel Frank, John Dlven. Prothonotary—T. C. Harper. Kegister of Wills and Ciera of 0..C.—-W. K. Burchfield. ... . _ .. Kecorder of Deeds, &e. —William A. Tooias. District Attorney—David F. Fortney. bnerilf—John Spangler. Treasurer —Adam Yearick. County Surveyor—Joseph Devling. Coroner —Dr. Joseph Adams. Countv Commissioners—Andrew Gregg, George Swab, Jacob Dunkle. Clerk to Countv Commissioners— Henry Beck. Attorney to County Commissioners—C. M. Bower. . ... Janitor of the Court House—BartriraGalbraitli. Countv Auditors —.lames T. Stewart, George R. Williams, Thomas B. Jamison. ' Jury Commissioners—John Shannon, David W. Sunerintendent of Public Schools—Prof. Henry- Meyer. THE ANSWER OP THE SOL ID SOUTH. Memphis Daily Appeal. Devotion to their material interests and personal welfare, the strict main tenance of the credit of their municip alities and states, the rapid settlement , t .f vacant lauds, the extension of their railroad system, the growth of their commercial centres and the generous o-souragement and enlargement of their public school system, will be the best answer the "solid South" can make to the gross libels that have wou for the Republican party a fresh lease of power. For this the South is solid, and stall that the supremacy of Democratic principles is essential to the maintenance of the government and the happiness and prosperity of all the people of the Union, it will contin ue to be solid, and to vote solidly for that party so long as it exists. We ;>ay this in no sectional spirit. We are opposed to sectionalism, and deplore i's existence at the North, but the Republican party, always sectional, to whose auimosltiea aud persecutions the "solid South" is due, taking up the reins of government once more in the repressive spirit of 1865, compels tee South to look to the Democratic party as the only channel of political .safety, and to rely upou it for the bless ings of honestly administered state governments. Remembering the les sons of the past, the South will remain Democratic. South Carolina has four Democrat ic colored members in her state legis -1 iture. But how many colored mem bers have the Republicans in the renusylvania Legislature, or in any northern legislative body:* Not one; and yet it is by the coisred vote that the Republicans carry almost every northern state. The "colled bredren" are good voting material but when it comes to enjoying office, why that is a different thing altogether. Of course TJB'E FHILADELHIA TIMES The Times Tor TSSI. TIM TIMES will Tenter the" New Year with a larger eirole ot regular readers than it.' had at any previous period of Its history, and the lm | portaut events of the next year must steadily ; eulargc the Held of Independent journalism.! ! A new administration will l>e inaugurated; \ new political occasions will create new politi cal duties; tlie great commercial and Indus trial prosperity of the country must stimulate progress and thrift In'all sections, and the tend ency of political power will bo toward corrup tion and despotism, as it ever Is When the peo ple are diverted from the stern criticism of authority bypeaee and plenty. THE TIMES will lie in the (nture. as it has been to the past, absolutely independent of political parties, but earnestly and fearlessly devoted to integrity and patriotism In our statesmanship and to the freedom 'and sancti ty of the ballot. Dependent party organs will continue to babbloabout party men and par ty measures; to excuse the public jobber and the demagogue: to suppress, pervert or deny the truth when party intends'demand it, and to lavish tho regulation praise of the servant to the master; but the growing Intelligence of tho age dally multiplies tho readers of the inde pendent newspaper, and the Journals whieli best reflect tho rapidly Increasing Independ er.ee of the people will be tho great American journals of the future. THE TIMES alms to reach the highest stand ard of the Independent newspaper. It fearless ly opposes corruptlonists and rings In all pari ties, whether in city, Stale or nation. It op poses every form of imperial political domina tion, whether represented by an individual, by a faction or by a party. It opposes sectional ism North and South as the demon ol the Ue public. and it demands public tranquility and the supremacy of liberty and law for every citi zen of the Union. THE TIMES will begin the New Year strength ened in all of its already exceptionally strong departments. Its Annals of the War will be continued In the WEEKLY EDITION, with spe cially interesting extracts tberefroni in the othereditlons, and tho contributors for If Itebers burg.'fcu or about the lost Of fcept, 1880, a r*l heifer, wh'te along the belly, vvhfte spots at head and a cut in light car. No other marks. The owner is requested to j>ay expenses and take the same aVvdy, otherwise it will bo dis posed of according to law. bee.yth, 2m. "Wm. KREAMKR. TRY TIIE NEWYORKOBSERVER TIII.S YlktU. The Largest ani Bent Family Taper in the World. Send for Sample Copy — Free. SEW YORK OBSERVER, 37 Park Row, Xew York. THE! PlothikQ Has now opened its Immense Stock of Fall & Winter Clothing. \ They Suit your eyes, your per son and your- POCKETS. Samuel Lev/in, Manager, BELLEFONTE, PA BRQCKERHOFF HOUSE BELLEFONTE, PA First Clas? in all respects. This is tco r the business mau, the fanner, the mechanic. JB@T~ Omnibus to all trains. W. K. TELER, Proprietor. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after SUNDAY, Nov 27th. 1 (WO. the trains on the Philadelphia <& Krlo itaiiroad Di vision will run as follows : WESTWARD. ElllK MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p. m. " Hariisburg 4 25&. Til. ." WilHainsport 8 40a. in. " Jersey Shore. 900 a. in. " 41 Lock Haven- 94. C. & A. V. H- h :at Emporium with B. N. Y. &}\ It. It., and at' iriftwood with A. V. K. R. Parlor ears will 'un between Philadelphia and Willianisport n Niagara Express West and Day Express East. Bleeping cars on all night trains. "WM. A. BALDWIN, General Sup't. L. C. & S. C. RAIL ROAD. WESTWARD. 1. 3. 6. LEAVE A.M. P.M. P.M. Monundon 7 ("0 if 00 6 20 Lewtsburg Arrive 7 15 2JP 6 36 Lewi* burg Leave 715 2 2^l Fair Ground 7 20 2 30 IMelil 7 30 2 40 VkekAburx 136 248 Mlffiinourg Arrive 750 3 06 M i miiiliiti'K Leave 7 50 3 15 Vlillmont R 10 3 35 'Laurelton R 20 3 S(J( C'oburu 9 .">• Arrive at 9prlng Mills 1000 EASTWARD. 2.: 4. 6. LEAVE A M- A.M. p. M Hpring Mills Id 40 Cuburn 104.6 Laurelton 11 .'A 4 05 Milluioiit 12 06 4 20 Miftlinbitrg Arrive 12 30 4 40 Mlrtllnburg Leave 1230 4 50 Vtcksburg 12 45 ft 05 Blehl 12 52 5 13 Fair Ground 102 5 23 Lewisburg Arrive 110 5.30 Lew Is burg Leave 6 33 1 20 5 45 Arr. at Alontaudon 6.60 130 6 C0 Nos. 1& 2 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail west on the Philadelphia & Erie Kali Road. Nos. 3 3: 4 with Day Express east and Niagara Express west. Nos. 5 A 6 with Fast Line west. An Omnibus will run between Lewisburg and Montandon, to convey passengers to and from nmur rfn tnp rnlladelpbia Erie Railroad. The regular Railroad Tickets will be honored between tueso two poirta. fMMESTTJI I J I I IA E 9 BSO;BIMPI:E9 V ■so STRONG! FL I 'lt ICrrc f Wwi o*l, * H ■ UOMESTIV T.i A T>lifiS t ISSS Fashions Price, M Cent*. Theyrdopacfany designed to meet the requirement* of tho* who deelr* to dree* well. They grs tin*urpnted in Style, perfect In frit, and to elmp]o that they are readlty und*r*tood by the inoat inexperlenoed. Send 80. for 01N alogue. Addre, "Domestic" Fashion Co., NEW YORK. ' 1880-1. 1880-1. The Patriot, Daily and Weekly, for the Ensuing Year. the subscription price of the WEEKLY PAT RIOT has been reduced to SI,OO per copy per annum. To clubs of FIFTY and upwards the WEEKLY PATRIOT will be furnished at the extraordin arily cheap rate of 75 cents per copy per an num. The DAILY PATRIOT will be sent to any ad dress, during the sessions at Congress and the Legislature at the rate of 50 cents per month. Under the act of congress the publisher pre pays the postage and subscribers are relieved from that expense. Every subscription must be accompanied by the casn. Now is the time to subscribe. The approach ing sessions of congress and the legislature will be of more than ordinary interest and their proceedings will be fully reported for the Dai ly and a complete synopsis of them will be giv en in the Weekly. Address PATKIOT PUBLISHING CO., tf 330 Market Street, Havrisburg. BAULAND & NEWMAN, BELLEFONTE PA. ■ I !■ ■■ I— ■ ■ - ' m HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS. At- THE BEE HIVE Q3STE PRICE STORE. We are now opening and displaying the Largest best and cheapest stock of goods ever offered in Centre county comprising a full line of DRY GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS YARNS, BOOTS & SHOES, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Clothing Made to Order a Speciality. -A.LL C3-OUDS SHARKED IX IPLAIX The pubic are cordiallay invited to call acnd ex amine our stock. Remember the place ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. Respectfully Yours, BAULAND & NEWMAN Onr Motto is: One price, the test pods, and no misrepresentation. Great Peremtory s^.x.x: OF DRY GOODS AT COST, IF 1 . J". TROXELL . ;T,OCK HAVEN, PA. ' . Agent. Jor the closing out sale of a large and desirable assortment'of Ladies' ZDressQ-oods, notions, Ladies' afrid Q-euts' Furnishing Q-oods, Shawls, t square & long Shawls, Brociie, Taisley. and Black Cashmere Shawls, all wool A SKIRTS, . CLOTHS, Cashimeies, Tweeds, Jeans, Sittings, Red, white and plaid Flannols, Ltusey, Bleached and Uublearheu as well as colored COTTON l-'LANNLLS, DOMESTIC GOODS. Muslins, Sheetings, Table Linens , Towliugs, &u. O CARPETg! CARPETS! CARPETS! Tapestry. Brussels, all wool extra super Ingrain Carpets, also a fine assortment and the moat beautiful designs in cheap carpet*, besides Hall and Stair Carpet to match. Floor and Tab'©