Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, December 16, 1880, Image 1

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    VOL. LIV.
C. I'. Alexandei. t. At. bower.
Offlee In Gannan's new butldlnj.
omee on Allegheny Street.
Northwest corner of Diamond.
"Y° cLil & HASTINGS,
Blgh Street. opposite F rst National Bank.
Practices in all the courts of Centre county.
Spec al attention to Collections, consultations
la German or Engl sh.
All bus'ness promptly attended to. Collection
w claims a speciality.
J. A. Beaver. i. W. Gephart.
Office on Alleghany Streeq North of High,
Office on WocHlrlng's Block, Opposite Court
Consnltailonn In English or German. Otfllce
In Lyon' Building. Allegheny Street.
Office in the rooms formerly occupied hy the
Ute w. p Wilson.
Watches, 010.-k*. Jewelry. Silverware, Ac. Re
pairing neatly and promptly don and war
ranted. Mdn Street, opposite Bank, M llk"im,
All buMnesa en'rust<vi to him. su ffi as writing
and acknowledging Deeds. Mortgages, Keif >s. s,
kc.. will be executed wrh n- uti.ets and uls
patch. Office on Main Stie t
TJ ii. IoMUNnOX,
Groceries. Notions, Drugs. Tobaccos, Cigars,
Fine Confectioueiles . d ever.vth ny in the Hue
or a dr&i-class -rocery st r>\
Country Produce • aken In exchange for goods.
Main st eet, opposite buna, ill llielin. Pa.
J \AV ID 1. liKOU N,
is nop on Moln Street, two h uses east ot Bank,
JJUllhelm, Peuna.
J EI SEX II urn,
All btu-lness promptly attended t >.
lollecilon of claims a specialty.
Office opposite tisenbuih's Drug store.
!%,! L'SSER & SMITH,
Hardware. Stoves, oils. Paints, Glass, Wn
Paper , coach Triamilncs, and saddlery Wuje,
Ac,. Ac.
All grades of Patent wheels.
Corner of Main and i'enn street , Millheim,
Cut tlnijyp^pecialty.
Sirup next, aour to Journal Book Store.
* /
A WALTER, cashier. DAV. KRAPE, pr*>*.
hebersburg, pa.
iatlataetloc Quar&t>tee<t
fk piMkitn Bmml
There are } oi me unwritten and songs unsnng,
Sweeter than any that aver we heard ;
Poems that wait for angel tougue.
Songs that but long for a bird.
Po; ma that ripple through lowliest lives.
Poems uuuoted aud bidden away
Down iu .souls, where the beautiful thrives
Sweetly as floweie m the aire of ilay.
Poems that only the eagles above ns,
lxxikmg dovMi deep m our hearts may be
hold ;
Felt, though unseen, by the boiugs who love
Written on livos all in letters of gold.
An Awkward Mistake.
Now, Tom don't forget to bring my wa
terproof down to the station, if the weather
is damp or rainy. I shall come up by the
eight o'clock train."
1 looked up froui my hooka at the sja'ak
er, my sister Lottie.
"v ery well, my dear," I replied, submis
sively; 1 suppose I must come; but, really,
if you young laffies learned to be a little
more self-reliant m these small natters, it
wouid bg better."
"If 1 weren't sure that you said that to
aggravate ine, Tom," retorted my sister,
"you shouldn't come al all. Some day
you'll be glad enough to carry bag, cloak,
and umbrella for some fair damsel or other,
and won't 1 tease you thou!"'
"You do that pretty well now" I ven
tured to observe. "But excuse me, Lottie,
you'll certainly lose your handkerchief if
you let it hangout of your pocket like that;"
f >. Lotties dress was of the most fashiona
ble description, and the pockets were cer
tainly more for ornament thau use.
,4 I haven't lost it yet, Tom." was the re
pl\-nmi I'm not more likely to lose it now.
Miss Lot'ie disappeared, aud I went back
to my books.
Absorbed by my occupation, the time
passed uunotieed, till the chime of a distant
clock reminded me of my engagement.
"Half-past six, 1 suppose," 1 muttered,
and wa resuming my work, when it occur
ied to me to make sure
I hooked at uty watch. Could it be cor
rect? Haif-past seven! No doubt of it, and
1 had only just time to reach the station.
But stay; what was the weathei?
1 walked to the window, devoutly hoping
as I drew aside the curtaiu to see a clear,
dry night. Vaiu hope! The clouds were
gathering, and there was a damp, chill mist
1 dropped the curtain with a sigh, hastily
put away my books, took up Lottie's water
proof from the chair on which she had
placed it, and stepbiug into the hall, put on
a loose, rough overcoat and soft felt hat that
I often wore after dark, aud thus equipped,
sallied forth.
Eight o'clock struck as I arrived, and I
saw, close a: hand, a young lady, evidently
my sister L trie, standing at the edge of the
"Ah!" I said to myself, "the train was
in a little earlier, and Miss L'rttie is look
ing for me."
I was just about to speak to her, when a
suddeu thought flashed into my mind. As
she stood, her back was toward me, and
her white handkerchief was plainly visible
hanging over the edge of bur pocket.
1 remembered my caution to her before
she started, and exulted at the opportunity
of convincing her of its wisdom.
First taking another look at the uncon
scious damsel to be sure of her identity, I
stepped quietly forward, and taking hold of
the handkerchief, gently drew it forth.
As I did so, something fell to the pave
ment with a sharp metal sound. This star
tled the young lady, and she turned with a
slight exclaiuatnon.
Good heavens, it was a perfect stranger!
For a moment 1 was speechless; then, re
covering myelf a little, was about to stam
mer forth an apology, when a heavy hand
was laid on my shoulder, aud a gruff voice
4 'Now, my man, you're caught thin time,
and no mistake!"
And looking round, I saw a policeman at
my side.
This unexpected salutation gave a sudden
turn to my feelings.
"What do you mean? How dare you?" I
exclaimed, indignantly, while the lady
looked from one to another in amazement.
'•(Jome, now,*' responded the unmoved
official, "that's good, that is! Why, I've
been watching you all the time. You come
up unbeknown to the lady, take her hand
kerchief, and Why, there's her purse at
youi feet now!"
And as he spoke, he pointed to a dars
object upon the pavement.
It was a purse, sure enough, and I must
have pulled it out with the handkerchief.
"Pick it up, please, miss, and per'aps
you'li lie so good as to accompany us to the
While he was speaking, I gathered to
getder my scattered senses.
"I assure yon, policeman, you are entire
ly mistaken," I said, as calmly as L could,
which was not very calmly, as a number of
persons had by this time collected, and ap
peared tube highiy enjoying my discomfi
"My name is Henderson— Thomas Hen
derson; 1 came to the station to meet my
sister: I mistook this lady for her, and, iu
a joke, took her handkerchief. Stay; I
will give you my card."
And I put my hand into my coat-pockeL
for my card-case. It was not there.
Tin u I remembered that I Lad left it
with my pocketltook on the hall table, and
I had thus no means of proving my state
"1 thought so/ remarked the official, in
a tone of intense sarcasm. "Per'aps your
sister's got it, miudin' it for you."
At this juncture the stranger interposed.
She had, no doubt, noticed the unfortunate
waterproof which I still clutched, though I
had entirely forgotten it.
"This"—she hesitated a moment—"this
gentleman is carrying a lady's clock, and
he surely would not do so if he " She
stopped short.
"if he had meaDt to take your property,"
said the policeman, completing his sen
tenoe. 4 'Lor' bless you, miss, you've no
idea of the dodges of these chaps."
For a moment the .wild thought flashed
across my mind of tripping him up and thus
escaping, if 1 could, but I dismissed it as
soon as formed. Recaptured was highly
probable, and the attempt would only give
a color to the accusation.
So, swallowing my wrath as best I could,
and subsiding into sullen silence, I walked
i by the side of my captor, and followed by
a miscellaneous crowd, who indulged in a
variety of remarks on my appearance and
demeanor, we reached the station.
The charge was preferred al the station,
and the sergeant, turning louie, asked
what 1 had to sav
1 gave an account of tin whole affair. lie
heard me very quiet y, and, without taking
any notice of my demand to oe released,
then turned to the young lady.
She gav her name as Margaret Lindsay,
und having related her share in the matter
(with evident discomfort at finding herself
in so unpleasant a position), concluded by
expression her couvictiot it was all a mis
"Well. Mr. Henderson," said the ser
geant, * 4 l must detain you while 1 send lo
the address you have given, and it will sim
plify matters if Miss Linesav will be good
enough to remain for a short time. We
shall then no doubt lie able to settle tnis
unpleasant affair. Hilton," —this t > the
policeman who still lingered near the door
—"show this lady into the other room.
Jones, Mr. llemlersoou will occupy No. 3."
I followed my original captor, while my
fair companion disappeared through an ojxui
doorway close at hand, which, as 1 passed
it, afforded me a glimpse of a snug room
For my own pari, I was by no means
charmed with No. 3.
It might, by a stretch of the imagination,
have been called a room, but bad a wonder
ful resemblance to a cell, constructed on u
somewhat larger scale than usual.
Here Mr. Jones left me, closing the door
carefully after him. Seldom lias lime pass
ed so wearily. Alxuil a quarter o* an hour
elapsed, and there came suddenly a noise
of eab wheels, a hasty rush of footsteps and
sound of voices in the outer r> o;m 1 list
cued intently, and recognized Lottie's
tones, mingled with, and now and then
overpowered by,those of ourrevcred parent.
At this moment, my door was opened by
Mr. Jones, in whose manner was an obvi
ous mingling of discomfort and apprehen
1 passed hastily, leaving his muttered
appeal to me, "not to be hard on a man,"
unheeded, aud entered the room where the
others were assembled,
44 Gh, Tom!" cried Lottie, running up to
me; "what a dreadful plight you've been
in: aud ail my fault!' she added, iu a peni
tent tone: "The train wa- iu early, and 1
dldn t see you just outside the station, so 1
went straight home, I'm so sorry!"
My father started to abuse the officer.
"My dear sir " lagan the sergeant,
blandly, but my irate parent would not be
"Iu former days, sir, the police were men,
aud Inul brains, and usedtheni; now they're
machines, like that fellow there!" And he
glared wralhiully at Policeman Jones, who
had shrunk as much out of sight as possible
iu a corner of the roan.
"My subordinate," remarketi the s-r
--geant, "only did his duty iu acting as he
has done." Here Policeman Jones brigh
tened considerably. "Thefts of this kind
are so frequent, that we are compelled to
exercise all possible vigilance, and as a man
of the world, sir, you will readily admit
that it would not do for us to In* guided by
the apparent outwurd respectability of the
accused, when such respectability often
serves as a cloak for nefarious practices."
This was so obvious as to be undeniable,
and my father consequently relieved his ir
ritation, which had only partially suicided,
by attacking ine,
"And why on earth couldn't you be more
careful, Tom, instead of making a fool of
yourself iu that fashion? I can't see much
likeness between Miss Lindsay and Lottie."
I had by this time completely regained
my composure, and briefly saying, "1 will
show von, sir," addressed the damsel who
had beeu the innocent cause of my difficul
"Will you lie so kind, Miss Lindsay, as to
turn slightly round, keeping your iace away
from us and the light. Thank you. Now,
Lottie!" And crossing the room to my
sister, I plueed her in a similar position by
the side of our new acquaintance.
An involuntary exclamation burst from
my father, and even the sharp eyes of the
officials might have beeu deceived, B slid
ing thus together, in the wavering rays of
the solitary gaslight, the resemblance was
nearly perfect. In height, figure, and dress
they were almost identical, and the curling
hair completed the deception.
* "It is easy to see how the mistake oc
curred, Mr. Henderson," said the sergeant;
"and 1 can only again express my sincere
regrets at t lie inconvenience aud delay
which you have been subjected to."
1 bowed iu acknowledgment, and we pre
pared to leave the station.
As it appeared, however, that Miss Lind
say's residence was not far from our own,
a second hansom was procured, which 1
managed to secure for her and myself, Lot
tie and my father returning iu the one by
which they had come.
Bomehow or other, the ride seemed a re
markably short one, and as I said 'Good
nighri' to Margaret Lindsay at. her own
door, 1 resolved that it should not be my
fault if our acquaintance did not continue.
This resolve 1 was able to carry out. Ac
quaintance ripened into friendship, friend
ship into intimacy, and—well, in short, we
were married some months ago.
The servants of both households enter
tained their relatives and friends in honor
of the occasion, and among them, evidently
in close attendance on Jenny, our pretty
housemaid, I recognized no less a person
thau my quondam captor. Policeman Jones.
Worse thau that
They were talking about the Texas peni
tentiary as a reformatory iustiution. One
gentleman said that the convict was taught
a trade aud when released, of tun became a
useful citizen. Gilhooly took the negative
side, lie said:
"They crime out worse than they went
in. If they are sent to the penitentiary
lor stealing, as soon as they get out they
murder somebody. I knew a young man
who was sent up for stealing a pair of
pants from a house, while drunk. He was
released at the end of three years, aud in
stead of having some regard for the lives
aud feelings of his fellowman, lie went
right off and—"
"Murdered his father?"
44 Worse than that."
4 'Murdered his father and mother?"
Gilhooly laughed and said:
"Ten thousand times worse. He was
no s< oner out, tnan he took lessons on the
4 'Humph! from the way you talked I
thought he got himself elected to the Leg
Great qualities iu*.ke great men.
Keiicurit by <tu liulinu.
When I was quite young, my father went
us missionary to the Indians who lived in
what WHS known as the Red Hiver district.
We made the voyage down the river from
St. Joseph, Mo., in twooauoea, which were
dtawn upon shore for unto sleep hi atuight,
a bright fire being kindled in front of them
to keep off prowling animals.
In this way our littleparty, consisting of
my lather, mother, one older sialic, myself,
and two boatmen journeyed to the mission
station. The Btat ion was a long, low, dou
ble building of logs, already occupied bv
another missionary named McCoy. He had
lived, until our family came, without any
other companion but a half-breed Indian
called Tony.
Supplies were sent to this lonely spot by
the Board of Missions and other friends from
the States. These were brought down the
river in canoes, and hauled up to thestatiou
on a rude sled by a yoke of stout oxen,
One day McCoy and my father had gone
to the river for a load of supplies. It was a
day's journey tothe landing and lawk. Tony
had gene with them. No one was left at
home but mother and UB two girls.
The day passed very pleasantly. Toward
noon, as we were watching mother aWut
her work, my sister suddenly clapped her
hands, and cried out, "Oh, what a big
We turned to the door, and my mother
uttered a cry of terror, for in the doorway
there stood, not a dog, but a large black
lie was probably drawn by thi smell of
the sugar and molasses, for bears are very
fond ot sweets. We w ere greatly frightened •
and could not leave the cabin, because the
animal was between us and the door.
If we could have got to the ladder and
up the loft, we might have escaped thai
way; but the barrels were in Coot of the
ladder, ami so was Bruin. There was real
ly no way of escape, BO my mother drew us
two children close to her, and took refuge
bwiilnd the great packing box, where she
had been at work, thus putting a slight bur
lier between us and our unwelcome visitor.
A barrel of crackers was ojien, Ami we
found out then that bears like crackers, tor
that fellow soon upset the barrel mid munch
ed as many as he pleased, while we looked
helplessly on, and saw our luxuries disap
But he was anxious to get at the sugar,
ami soon left the crackers and began to
paw ami scratch at the sugar I arrel, which
was not ojien, and which stoutly resisted
his efforts.
He grew angry, and, with a fierce growl,
gave it a smashing blow with his huge paw,
ami lifted his loot for another; when a re
port from a rifle sounded in our ears, and
we heard the ping! of a ball just as Mr.
Bruin rolled, H huge, woolly heap, on the
floor. The sound of horse's feet followed,
and, as my mother hurried out from her
refuge, our deliverer Blood in the wide door
He was a stalwart Indian, with long
black har streaming half a yard down his
back, and a scarlet blanket wrapped around
his strong limbs. We children were alino-a
as much afraid of him as of the bear. But
all the Indians who came to the mission
were friendly, Hiid my mother knew this
one. lie was a Cherokee chief called Ma
slioon-tire, which imaus "Hie Running
"Ha! Bquaw heap scare?" he cried,
with a laugh. "Me see tracks, track him
in house! Hhootee! No hurt?" accom
panying his words with expressive panto
My mother told him we were not hurt,
and thanked him for shooting the bear, in
words which he could understand.
"He! he! Bear much good meat!" said
Ma-shoou-tire. "Bear waul eatee up you.
Now you eatee up bear."
At my mother's request, he dragged the
huge carcass outside the door; buf when
she told him it was his bear, as he had shot
u, he emphatically refused to claim it.
My mother then gathered up a pailful of
the scattered crackers and them to
Ma shoon-tire, who, when he learned their
use, seemed to lie as delighted with them
as the bear had been, lie tilled the capa
cious hunting-pouch at his side with them,
and then began to examine the goods which
my mother bad been taking out of the box
when she was interrupted by his bearship.
Among other things there were two or
three little cotton pocket-handkerchiefs,
printed with figures of cats and dogs and
large A-B-C's in bright red They had
bteu sent to us children, but the greul
Cherokee chief was so delighted with them
that my mother, grateful to him for sav
ing hr from a great danger, gave biui two
of them.
lie took them in great glee from my sis
ter's hand, tied one on his streaming black
hair, and the other to the end of his ritie
barrel, by one of its corners. Then he
paraded before the small looking-glass and
admired himself until he was tired.
At length he turned to my shrinking lit
tle sister, and said, "Little papoose makte
Ma-shoou-tire fine! Ma-slioon-tire m&kee
little papoose fine! Big much heap fine!"
And, taking from his pouch a long string
of brilliant lieads made of various colored
glass, he threw them over her iieca, pleas
ing her almost as much as the gay little
handkerchiefs had pleased him.
An Eii|;Uh Tanner or the Olden Time*.
The house was small, for in those days
farmers did not look to live in villas, and
till within the last few years even the par
lor ll'ior was of Btone flairs. Rushes used
to be strewn in the hulls of palaces in
ancient times, and seventy years ago old
Jonathan grew his own carpets. The soft
est and best of the bean si raw grown on
the farm was selected and scattered on the
floor ot the sitting room as warm and dry
to the feet, and that was all tlie carpet in
the house. Just before sheep shearing time,
too, Jonathan used to have the nettles cut
that flourished round the sheds, and strewn
on the fhxr of the barn. The nettles shri
velled up dry, and the wool did not stick
to them, but could be gathered easily.
With his own hands ho would carry out a
quart of beans to the pigs—just a quart at
a time and no more, that they might eat
every one, and that none might be wasted.
80, to, he would carry them a few acorns
iu his coat pocket, and watch the relish
with which the swine devoured their favor
ite food. He saved every bit of crooked
wood that was about the place ; for at thai
date iron was expensive, and wood that
had grown crooked, and was therefore
strong as well as curved, was useful for a
hundred purposes. Fastened to a wall, for
instance, it did for a hook upon which to
hang things. Ji an apple tree died in the
orchard it was cut out to form part of a
plough aud saved till wanted. Jonathan's
hard head withstood even the whirl of the
days when corn was at famine prices. But
these careful economics, this continual
Having, put more money in his purse than
all that sudden flush of prosperity. Every
great thus saved was us a nail driven iuto
an oak, fixed and stable, becoming firmer
as time wert on. How strangely different
the formers of to-day, with a score of ma
chines and appliances, with expensive feed
ing studs, with well-furnished villas! Each
one of Jonathan's lieaiis iu his quart mug,
each one of the acorns in his pm-ket, IKV
came a guinea. Jonathan's hat was made
to measure on his own sjiecial block by the
hatter iu Overlioro' town, and it was so
hard and stout that he could sit upon it
without injury. His top boots always hung
near the fireplace, that they might not get
mouldy; aud lie rode into market upon his
"short-tail horse," as he called liis crop-tail
nag. A farmer was nothing thought of
unless he wore top laxits, which seemed a
distinguishing mark, as it were, of the
equestrian order of agriculture. But liis
tiboes were made straight; not as now, one
to each foot—a right and a left—but each
exactly alike ; and he changed his shoes
every morning, wearing one on one f< o < n<i
day and on the other the next, that they
might not gel worn to either lout in par
ticular. bhoea lasted a great length of
time in those days, the leather being all
tanned with oak bark only, and thoroughly
seasoned before it was cut up. There is
even a story of a farmer who wore his nest
shoes every Sunday for seven years In
Sundays—fifty years—and when he died
had them buried with biin, still far from
worn out. At thai Uate folks bad no hank
ing accounts, but kept their coin in a strong
chert under the bed, sometimes hiding it
in ft range places. Jonathan was once
visiting a friend, and after they had hob
nobbed a while the old fellow took hint,
with many precautions that they should
not be observed, iuto the pigsty, aud showed
him fifty guiueas hid iu the thatch. That
was by no means all his property, but the
010 fellow said with a wink that he liked
to have a littie hoard of his own that hts
wife knew uothimr alfout.
Jupiter'* NutHlite Seen Without H Gla*.
For nearly a month the Sacramento and
Coast Range valleys have iteen filled with
dense smoke, and the distant mountain
ranges huve all been hiddeu. Even the
bold, dark, grand mass of Mount lieleua,
di-tant but twenty-four miles, was barely
visible tl.iough the thick atmosphere. The
upper limit of the smoke btiatum was quite
sharply defined to the eastward ; alove it
the sky wat generally clear, hut upon the
present oc<asiu only n odciateiy so. The
weather for some time bad been warm aud
pleasant, without clouds or wind. On the
early evening of Monday, Beptt mber "0,
we were looking at the obscured moon
struggling tbiough the dense smoke; Jupi
ter, at an estimated elevation of about 8
degrees, was emerging from it, and for an
elevation of 25 to 30 degrees the whole sky
was hazy, a id star* of the fifth magnitude,
and even some oi the larger ones, were not
visible to the inked eye. There was not the
ka-t radiation to Jupiter, and the planet
rose through the smoky but quid atmos
phere into the thinner smoke or haze with
out radiant |>oints of light to blur his ap
(>euranee. \N ltu tne unassisted eye Piof.
Davidson detected tiie th id satellite of
Jupitei, to the left and below the disk of
the plant t; but, lest he might lie mistaken,
he refiained fium calling atteut.on to it lor
some minutes, until there could be no pos
sible nm-take, when he announced the vis
ibility of a satellite, but without stating
its position in relat on to the primary. All
the officers immediately aunouueed its visi
bility aud position, but naturally wondered
why it should be seen so unmistakably
tin ©ugh such a thick, hazy atmosphere.
A binocular, or good held glass, with ma. r
nifying power o f 7 diameters, revealed it,
and ano showed the other satellites on the
side of the planet, but revealing the first
and second satellites with difficulty, uutil
the plant t had risen somewhat higher. Tt.e
third satellite continued visible to the naked
eye for perhaps twenty minutes, when the
u.oon aliove the smoke etiatum, and
the planet began to exhibit traces of radia
tion, when the satellite was ltx-t to the
naked eve, although all the satellites had
become mueli brighter thau before in the
iieid of the binocular. Upon subsequent
night-, after the smoke hai in a great
mtaxure been biowu away, with a reuiarK
abiy clear sky and no moou, but with great
radiation to the planet, no satellites have
iieeu surelj' made out with the unassisted
Flxtructiug Essential Oil.
The extraction and concentration of the
sw-et odors of flowers is an ancient art,
aud up to receut times the oid methods
were followed with only small improve
ments. If the plant was very rich iu oil,
like orange-peel, the method of "expres
sion"—thut is, pressure—was used; or if
the essential oil wus sufficiently volatile to
leave its natural home by application of
gentle heut, ' distillation" was sufficient,
aud is still adopted. When, as is com
monly the case, the heat required for dry
distillation would char the petals or leaves
and partially decompose the oil, the distil
lation was effected with the aid of water,
the steam of which carried over the per
fume, which was condensed with the water,
aud afterwards separated from it. Extrac
tion by solution ot the rebiuous matter iu
alcohol or ether, and slow evaporation with
or without water, is another method; but
neither of these is applicable to some of the
most delicate perfumes dial reside closely
packed iu the cells of flower petals, and
are so sensitive to chemical violence thai
their sweetness departs if they are
strongly heated or otherwise coarsely treat
ed. The old method of operating ou these
was to mucerale or soak them in carefully
melted lats or cold oils for sevsrai hours,
and then to separate the essential oil from
the fatty oil by agitation with alcohol oil.
The pomades ami iip-salves of our grand
mothers were tire lata thus perfumed di
rectly, and from which the concentrated
perfume wus either partially or not at all
separated by the alcohol. "Entieuragu"
is stili more delicate process applied by the
old perfumers for obtaining some of their
choicest products. They saturated cotton
cloths with olive oil, spread these on frames
of wire gauze, sprinkled the buds or petals
ou them, then piled them iu layers and left
them, in so ate cases several days, to absorb
the perfume as it rose naturally; or a film
of piire fat was spread over apiareof glass,
and the buds sprmaicd upon that.
It is one thing to bo tempted; an
other to fall.
A Hacknev Coaeh Driver.
"Business is gettiug dull in my line,"
said a I tack man iu Pittsburg. "I don't
make the good hauls that I used to. I'spose,
young man, that 1 have hauled more people
of note in that back of mine out there than
all the rest of the backmen in this town
together." "How is that?" queried the
reporter. "Well, 1 have hauled all the
great actors and actresses that have come
to this city for the past twenty years,
booms to me tnat the profession is getting
to know rue, and whenever 1 see Lawrence
Barrett get off the tram 1 says, 4 How are
you, Mr. Barrett? autl he turns round and
recognizes me. Barrett is a good fare and
pays double, so he don't forget the hack
men. The last time that he was here 1
hauled htm to the hotel aud then to the
theatre and when he got out lie felt in his
pockets and found he hadn't a cent with
him. I says 4 All right, Mr. Barrett,' and
he told uie to cad at the hotel t_e next day.
1 went around aud he gave me a gold piece.
Barrett is generous to us lmckmen, and
always has a kind word or a joke to pass
with us. lie is not like old Forrest, who
is dead and gone. i hauled hint down
from the depot once, and niy front axle
'•roke at the corner of Grant Street. I
thought old Forrest would kill me. He
jumped out of the hack and stormed and
raged and swore like a madman. I tell
you he was not auice customer to handle.
Alice Gates, in her palmy days used to be
a very dainty customer, bhe would come
out ami look iuto my coach very carefmlly
before getting iu, and w as dreadfully alratd
that the cushions would soil her dress; then
she would look at the horses and the rig
to see if it was stylish. Within the last
lew yeats, however, she has net IMXJU near
so particular, bhe has changed a great
deal since those early days. Formerly she
would come dancing out in a vivacious,
sprightly way, that made her look very
pretty, but now when she comes here she
waiks to my hack with her head down, as
slow and demure a-; a priest, bhe douT
seem to care now whether the cushious
soii her dress or ma. She always paid me
well, aud 1 rale her among my best fares.
I suppose you remember when that old
Italian, balvini, was here. V>eil, he was
a curious fare; he couldn't speak English,
and when I started for the hotel would
ret tie on the window and stick his head
out looking at the buildings. He stopped
ma on Smithfield bireet, aud pointed to
the smoke overhead; it was rather uiisty
that day, and he did not seem to under
stand what caused il.
"Feebler was a mighty particular man
aliout driving, and would almost always
make me drive slow. When he came here
to open the Gj>eta House 1 hauled him
from the dep**, and he began rehearsing
some part in thchack and got very much
excited. I guess people oa the sidewalks
who beard hiut and saw his gestures
thought I was hauling a madman. Henry
Waid Buechor is a nice fare. 1 get him
every time he comes here to lecture; he
alwtys has a kiud word and a joke and
never gets mad if 1 get stuck in a crowd of
w.igons. He always gtves me a pass to
uis lectures. Theodore Tilton is a cranky
sort of a fare, and never would say much
to me, i tried to draw him out two or
three times when I have hauled liiui, but
he would always tell me to mind my own
business. He always saw that he gave me
the right fare aud no more. 1 tell you
what it is, taking them all in all, lecturers
aud professionals make the best fares. I
have got so now I cau tell as quick as 1
see my old customers whether times are
good with theui or not, and while they
always j>ay well, they pay better w..en they
have had a g'X>d run of luck.
"1 could go over a long list of stars'thst
1 have hauled, but these i have giveu you
will do for samples. Clara Louise Kedog
is a curious fare to haul. Every time i
have hauled her she finds something to
scold me about. And oi e tune she had a
terrible row with Miss Cary in my hack
alwut something. 1 tell you I expected to
see a hair pulling match, but they quietec
dowu before we reached the hotel. I see
by the papers tnat Ole Bull is dead. Foor
Oie, he was a mighty kind-hearted mau.
The tir.-t tiu.e I hauled him 1 looked a tittle
hard up, and he talked aud ciiatted witti
me about my business, and gave me a ten
dollar bill. He was a mighty good man,
•o he was.
"Lucille Western was a strange fare.
She was always lieuning with kindness. I
hauled her down to the hotel oue night,
and she told me to wait and take her to the
theatre. The frout window was open, and
she would ask me all sorts of que.-tious
alsiHt Pirisburg aud it* people. After she
got her supjier she came out to get iuto the
hack, and 1 noticed she ha,i beeu drinking,
bhe spoke very kindly to me though, aud
when shs got to the theatre told me to
keep my back at the door for her. 1 toid
her all right, aud was driving away when
she called me l>ack and asked me if I
wanted to see the play. I told her I could
not afford to waste the time, and she said:
4 Oh, never mitd, I'll pay you double.'
bhe gave me a pass and I went in. bhe
played Leah that night, and 1 tell you she
played it for all there was iu the part.
When she came to the 4 curse scene' she
Ixat her face on the floor. bhe was very
much excited, and 1 think I will never see
a woman play that part as she did that
night. Poor Lucille, she didn't live very
long after that night.
The Great lUver of Alaska.
Alaskan explorers report one of the
largest rivers in the world, the Yukon, as
navigable for steamers 2500 miles, aud
500 miles from its mouth it receives a very
large navigable tributary. The basin
formed by the confluence is twenty-miles
wide. The Yukon is nearly as large as
the Mississippi. Indians are everywhere
and war between the tribes is continuous.
There is snow for six months, and without
roads, dog sledges find good traveling.
Game abounds, and Indians have an easy
life. From seven to nine dogs make a
a team, the old oue being the leader. The
driver has to watch this dog. If it gets
on the scent of game it is off and the whole
team demoralized. Off ttey scamper
through the woods and thickets, upsetting
the load, smashing the sled, tearing the
harness aud giving him days of hunting to
restore the status quo. Bo vast a country,
traversed by navigable waters, will tempt
the restless and speculative adventurers to
explore it.
If evil be said of ihee and it is true,
correct it; if It be a lie, laugh at it.
Bhame is worse than death. He who
weeps from the heart will draw tears
from the blind.
Mow She Conned Hie Bice.
fittkti Kuraara, the hen) of a curious Hin
dustani story, preferred testing a damsel's
capability before tying the knot. Master
of a prosperous and profitable business, he
came to the conclusion that a wife was
wanted to oomplete his happiness, and de
termined to go in search for one. Adopt
ing the guise cf a fortune-teller, and carry
ing some rice bound up in his cloth, he
started on his travels. Whenever he en
countered a girl that pleased his eye, he
asked her to cook his rice for hiin. Borne
laugiied at him, some reviled him, none
seemed inclined to comply with his modest
demand, and it seemed as if he would have
to take his rice home uncooked. At last
he reached Bwira, where he beheld a
beautiful girl, who, instead of ridiculing or
abusing the strange traveler, relieved him
of the nee and bade him be rested. Then
the kindly maiden .set about preparing the
rice. First she steeped it in water, then
dried it in the sun, and that accomplished,
rubbed the grains gently on the ground,
removing the awn without breaking the
rice. Calling her nurse, she dispatched
that worthy to sell the bran, and with the
proceeds purchase an earthen boiler, two
platters, and some fuel. By the time this
commission was executed the rice had beeu
brayed in a mortar, winnowed, and washed,
and was ready to be put in the boiler with
five times its bulk of water. As soon as
it had swollen sufficiently, the boiler was
taken from the fire, the water cleared of
the scum, and the boiler put back, and the
rice constantly stirred by the pretty cook
until sue was satisfied it was properly
done. By turning the boiler mouth down
ward she extinguished the fire, and collect
ing the unconaurued fuel, dispatched the
old woman to convert it into butter, curds,
oil aud tamarinds. This achieved, she
told the enraptured Bakii Kumar a to go
and bathe, and not to omit rubbing him
self with oil. Having o'-eyed orders, the
wife-seeker wa directed to seat himself
upon a piauk on the well-swept floor, on
which were already laid a large plantain
and two platters. His charming hostess
then brought him water in a perfumed jug,
aud administered two spoonfuls of weh
suasoned rice and ghee, preparatory to
serving up the remainder of the rice iruxod
with spices, curds, butter and milk, of
which bakti Kumars ale his lili, and theu
indulged in a siesta, with a uuud at ease,
knowing his quest was ended. As soon as
he woke, he asked the girl to become his
wife, and she being willing, the necssary
ceremony was gone through without de
lay ; and the supposed fortune-teller took
his bride home, to astonish her as the Lord
of Burleigh astonished his rustic love; but
the Hindu lass was lukcier than Tenny
son's heroine, for we arc assured that sue
lived long to worship her husband as a
god, to pay the most assiduous attention to
iiis household affairs, to superintend the
regulation of the family coming in due
course, and make her house such an abode
of bliss that Sakti Kumara was well repaid
for the trouble he had taken to git a good
wife, and tasted in his weii-ordercd home
the joys of Paradise.
The strike amongst the furniture makers
in Pans has given rise to a singular ques
tion, which the French press is disoussing
very learnedly. We are told that be if ore
the Middle Ages there was no such thing
as furniture. There was a bed and there
was a chair —more like a throne—and there
was a table almost like a platform; but
there was very little else. The ancient
sculptures and the contents of mu9euoi9 of
antiquities are appealed to in support of
this view. Even to the Middle Ages sup
plied few additional items to the furniture
of a nobleman's room. Art had chosen
another direction for its civilizing influ
ences, and carving in ivory, enamel, jewel
ry, ta/.zas inlaid with gems, cameos, chal
ices, and illum'nated missals usurped the
taste of artists and the patronage of ama
teurs. Even the carved woodwork of
Belgium and Switzerland seemed to lie
limited to church decorations and puipit
ornaments, but it was the carvings of pul
pits which supplied the transition between
sculpture and furniture. At first oak, from
its hardness, was the principal material
used, and soon afterward ash and walnut
came into vogue. The introduction of
light fancy woods, such as satin, maple,
tulip, belong to a much later date. France
was, of course, the originator of art furni
ture, and the Gobelins tapestry which Louis
XIV. patronized, and which came from the
iusiituiion which he founded, was incon
sistent with dark woods or delicate carv
ings. The 6tyle known still as "Louis
Quinze" also demanded profuse giiding
and florid decoration for the framework of
the delicate neodlework which adorned the
oiiairs of the period. It was not till the
end of the seventeenth aud the beginning
of the eighteenth centuries that polished
woods and severe outliue took the place or
the flamboyant carving and gilding which
preceded them. It was at this period that
mahogany owned to an accident its intro
duction, aud it made its entry into the
saloons of Europe, cot through Parisian
influence, but through the London
market. In the year 1720 a Dr. Gibson
received from a brother of his, the captain
of a trading vessel, several balks of a new
kind of timber just imported from the
Indies. The doctor, who was furnishing
a bouse which* he had taken thought to
utilize the wood for the doors and windows
of his rooms. But the builders and car
penters refused to have anything to do with
it. The grain wa9 so close and the surface
so hard that they could noi work it with
their tools. Dr. Gibson took specimens of
the wood to Wollaston—at that time an
eminent cabinet-maker. A whole suite of
furniture was planned and executed, and
at once a new fashion set in. This was
the origin of mahogany furniture, which
in England, at least, has survived ail the
changes of a fluctuating fashion for a period
of over a century and a half.
There Is heroic fear as well as heroic
A chasm that often separates friends *,
Unnecessary delay often ruins the
best designs.
Those who jump at conclusions
leap into delusions.
Whereever we go,we should take our
religion with us.
When you have no observers then be
afraid of yourself,
None have less praise than those who
Shunt most after it.
NO. 50.