jjjilliieim Journal. THURSDAY, OEC. 9, 18 SO. DKIMMiEtt & lIIMIMiEU, Editors and Proprietors. ■", jJ . ■ . Local Department. 'Landslide from tie CaiU Store Store." We can sell you goods '2O per cent cheaper than you can buy thorn in Peons Valley. "Overdrawn? "No bir, not up to truth by oceans. In every day-life you find shipwrecks, who* if they have to fight the battles over again, would fight and conquer under that excelsior Banner upon whose si l ken folds printed in ineffaceable letters of gold, "that, si lent, solid, omnipotent monosvlable, "Cash/' the secret of our low prices We submit our prices below, and all vre ask is a comparison with old time prices. We do not imitate in prices but ad prices to beat solid facts. "Roasted coiYeo cents. Green " lj> / Essence " -S t'oru D Best white sugar ID " Good brown sugar ' Ironstone china Teas M Common " " Goblets - " Turkey lied Hank'ief, 10 Roller Suspenders 2? " Fire Shovels ,w tM barkers Horse Powder 15 " Good Syrups 11 c. qt— 40 c gal Frislmintli Smoking Tob. original OS " Appleton A Muslin O'S " Bleached " 05 to Oy " Dress Goods Co ' black Cashmere 50 Men's Ilfits. 5 " Roy's " 4'J Men's Cardigan Jackets (lined j 1 0" Gum Coats j; ' li Kin Boots. 00 C'atcs O. N. T. M.u-htne thread 05cor ss"doz 12 dozen shirt buttons 05 " 14 Rows l'itis 05 ' Go <1 Over Alls *> Suit L'nUerweai. Shirt. Drawers no School Crayon '•< ' 1 qt Harrisons W. Fluid —-5 . Ladles Felt Skirts Largo assortment of L.ulies Coats, and Mens Gum Hoots, lower than the low-1 est. The New Cash Store, Perm Street, Miilheim, Pa. WANTED.—Good tailors, at the Bee 'Hive, Bellefonte. —Folks had a pretty fair taste of sleighing for a few days last week, but it is all played out again. —For your Gloves, Underwear, Shirts, Neckties and Boots, go to the Bee Ilive, in Bellefonte. —The big hog 4f Pedro", at Watson lown, which was butchered on Thanks giving. weighed only 77G pounds. —Jaime NEVYS FROM BRUSII. We did have a sleigh riile already I The Stroheckera seem to be our most successful Nimrods thus far; they brought home three very tine deer, as a reward for their skill in hunting. Mr. Philip Gramley slaughters five porkers to-day, (7th") whose aggregate weight is estimated at from 1900 to 2000 pounds. Let some one try to beat Philip. Mr. 11. G. Royer thrashed over 800 bushels of wheat from an ordinary four horse farm. Not bad. We do not know of any serious ac cident since our pavements are in such au unpleasant condition, but wo do know that several folks brought forth considerable merriment. W. 11. Leitzell, Geo. Brachbill and Roland Moyer, while returning home from Madisonburg, where they were at tending a protracted meeting, were very unfortunate, and vet clickhch. They traveled in a buggy whose parts differed very much from those of the 41 Wonderful One lloss Shay " as far as durability is concerned. One of the axle-trees broke, at which the horse took fright—became unmanageable precipitated the boys into the mud and fence corners—and had things all hi 3 own way, until the buggy was a com plete wreck. None seriously hurt. Quis ? FLANNELS, Blankets, Cloths, JQuilts of every description at the Bee Hive in Belkfonte. "Centenary" Sunday-School Convention. The Centre County Sunday-School Association will hold its Twelfth An nual Meeting in a "Centenary" Con vention, in the Presbyterian Church, Bellefonte, on Friday and Saturday, December 17 and 18, ISBO. PROGRAMME. Friday Morning, Dooombor 17th. 9:30 Devotional exercises. 10 Address of Welcome, by Gen. James A. Beaver. Response, by the President. 10.30 I. SUNDAY SCHOOL MANAGE MENT. (a) Wkat necessary, (b) How provided. (c) llow executed. 11 11. THE CHIEF F,ND TO HE SOUGHT IN ALL SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK, (a) D< fined, (b) How beet at tainey. (e) What lack ire yd in this work' Friday Afternoon. 1:30 Praise Meeting IL 111. SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTUUC TI ONS. (a) Qualifications of Instri <•*. ors. (L ) HOW secured, (c) How made most effective. 3:30 IV. OUR HOPE FOR MOI: SPIRITUAL RESULTS, (a) Upon what it rests, (b) How strenythenul. (c) How to be realized, (d) What more can we do in this behalf? On each of the principal topics intro ductory addresses will be given by Rev. JOHN H. VINCENT, D. D., of New- York, Chairman of the International Leston Committee, to be followed with voluntary discussions and written ques tions by delegates. The exercises will be interspersed with music. Friday Evening. 7 Service of Song . 7:30 Lecture by Dr. Vincent. Sub ject : Modem Sunday-School Ideas. Satu day Moruiusr, Deo. 18th 1880. 9. Prayer and Praise. 9:30 Business meetigg. 10:30 Work Talks and 'Farewell Words. It is earnestly requested that : 11 the delegates attend the business meeting. .AUSTIN CURT IN, President. CL. EVENT D.VLK Secretary. A LI RED NICIIOLLS, Treasurer. Rev. S* £• FUKHT, Rev. J AS. M SMITH. S. I\ GRAY. 11. L. HAKVE.Y, GEO. S. GRAY and J.. WESLEY GEI IIART, Executive Commidec. —Go to the Boe Hive in Bellefonte and get a good warm suit or clothing made to order. \ —Honesty is the best policy in t*(d ieine as well as in other things. Acer's Sarsaparill.i is a genuine preparation, an unequalled spring medicine and blood purifier, decidedly superior to all others in the market. Trial proves it. AN IMPORTANT SUNDAY SJ.IbDL, DAY. Only one day of the kind for B-dle fonte since 1870. In some respects different and it is liopod also bettor than any Sunday School day yet enjoyed in Centre Countv. For the first lime Kev. John 11. Vincent, D. I)., of New Yoik, Chairman of ttie International Sunday School Commit tee will he present to give us bis best services throughout that day. Not only Sunday School workers, but all of ua r.like need thefbencflt that will be offered on Friday , Lt>\ 17i/t, by the County S. S. Association. One third of the population of Centre County is outside of the Bible School on the Lord's day. More than one half of the precious souls living among us are yet uuSaved, "having 110 hope and without God 111 the world." It is certain that these tnonsands will remain away from the Savior as long as they live uninteiea ted in "the truth as it is in Jesus." By united Christian offort, we must seek to interest then? 44 in the Word of Life." Laborers together with God," is it saying too much that we ought at least to devote \ Kansas is legally redeemed from the curse of the liquor business. What Kansas has done, Penn sylvania ran do. The Pennsylvania Constitutional A inondment Association, invites all christian people ami all philanthropists of the State, to hold a thanksgiving service some tune during the last week in Decern tier. Let the Pastors preach and the people reioicu with thanksgiv ing thjit the enemy of all good is mist down and the way of the gospel pre. pared. The redemption of Kansas is a promise of the redemption of every State, and of the United States. Let the pastors and people of every loca tion adopt their own method of cele brating the Jubilee. Write to the Secretary for Petitions for the Amonement. Daniel Agnew, Pres. Klliow K. Swift, Treai. 1). L. Starr, Sec., Robella, P. O. Allegheny County, Pa. Various ft uses Advancing years,care, sickness, disappoint ment, ami hereditary predisposition—all oner ate to turn the hair gray, and either of tlieni Inclines it to shed prematurely, .AYEU'S H vnt ViGOK will restore faded or gray, light or red hatr to a r lch hruwn or de p Llaek, us inay be desired. 11 SIUXIUIS una cleanses the scalp, giving It healtl y action. It removes and cures dandruff and humors. By Us use falling hair Is checked, and n new Growth will lie produc ed in all eases where the folieles are not diy stroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beautifully shown on brushy, weak, or sickly hair, on which a few applications will produce a gloss ami freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it is Incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued tor the soft lustre and richness of tone it Imparts. It coiv tains mother oil nor dye. and will not soil Or color wl. to cambric: yet it lasts long on Hi* s hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. FOK SALE HV ALL DKM-KHS Ex-Mayor lifidgena, who has con nected with him a Mr. .Snyder, has a contract for grading, etc.. nine miles of the T.ewisburg and Tyrone Railroad, in Pen if s Valley, from the- Pennsylva nia Furnace, eistward. This, when completed, only leaves eight miles of the road t> grade. The Arm of Bridg ens & (ood (Geo. S ) are pushing work on their rail road jcontrac t near Sarato ga, X. V. Chiton DtiHocrut. MARRIED. On the mill ult.. by Rrv. J. A. Koscr. Mr. George Krape. of Hreggtownship, and Miss Catharine Deckcrt, of lMne trov.. . . Prepare for Snow ! lames C donbo AT FENN HALL, PA., !i;is just completed n lot of very siuieriur SLEIGHS, which he offers it, moderate prices, lie warrants them made of first class stock by skillful ami expe rienced mechanics. Give hint a call before you ouy elsewhere, lb* will guarantee satisfaction in all resjwets. 47-3 in TTTTT! L■■ I ■ •■* L■ 4Li m PHILA* m Branch QLOTHIKQL Has now opened its Immense Stock of Fall & Winter i Clothing-, They Suit your eyes, your per son and your POCKETS. Samuel Lewin, Manager, i BELLEFONTE, PA ItlJlllielm Market. Correctod every Weduesdiiy by Gephart & Aiussor. Wheat No l-hft Wheat No. 2 Corn 4-> Rye f>~> nats White SO Outs, lilttck 2* Ruck wheat ft" Flour \.i, ft ft" Hriin A Shorts,pel *Oll 18.0') Salt, per llrl „ 1.5" Fluster, ground 10.00 foment, per Bushel 45 to 5" Harley ft" Tymothyseed Flaxseed floverseetl 4 -2 ft Wutter i 20 i tains 12 Miles 7 Veal •. Fork It Eggs 28 Potatoes I.aril ft Tallow Soap •.... ft Dried Apples Dried Pearlies i...... Dried Cherries COAL MARKET. Egg Coal IVfiO Move " ft.7ft Chestnut" ft-40 I'ea * ft-tki P. UKPUAKT D. A. MISSKK GEPHART & MUSSER DEALERS IN Orain. Clovcrseei. Flour & Feed, Coal, Plaster A Salt MILLHEIM, PA Highest r.:arket price paid for all kinds of Cxlßz-A-IILT Det!v Outfit sent free to tnose who wish to U* Wenvagc i" the inost pleasant and profit- A lalwe business known. Everything new. '*l'Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. *1" a dnv and upward Is easily hiade wlihout staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new work ers w anted at onee. Many are making fortunes at tlie business. Ladies make as tench as tn •. and voung t>i>vs and girls make great pay. No one who i> willing tt work falls to make more inoiiev eyery*l'f>y than can be made in a week at any ordihary employment. Those who engage at once will find a short road to fortune. Ad dles H. HALLET & Co., Portland, Maine. PENSIONS! BOCSTY. PAY YOU K VTIONS, NEW AND HONORA 1-E DISCHARGES. AND INCHKASF.D TENSIONS ob tallied.—New laws, higher rates of pension The slightest disability. from wound, Injury o disease of anv kind entitles you to a pension WidowS and heirs, fathers and mothers are now entitled. Land eases promptly settled, Patents obtain ed. All kinds of government claims rosecuted Write at once for new laws blanks and in structions, with two stanuw. Address, J. W. FLENNFR & CO.. Lock Box 311, Washington, D. C. /K<€ Outfit furnished free, with full In fci 2 ft Ist ructions for conducting i lie most el% H 1 a profitable business that any one can engage iu- The bushiess is so easy to learn, and our instruct Ion? are so simple and plain, that any one can make griut profits from the very start. No one can fall •who's willing to work. Women are as success ful as men. Boys and girls can earn large snm>. Many have made at the business over one hun dred dollars iu a sin le week. Nothing like it ever known before". All who engage are sur prised at the ease ur.d rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in 'this business during your spare tune at great profit. Yet do not nave to invest capital in it. We take all'the risk. Those who need ready money, sliould write to us at onee. All furnish cd free. Address Tuuu & Co., Augusta, Maine PENSIONS. EVEItY SOLDIER disabled in line of duty by wound, disease, or injury, is entitled to pension. PENSIONS INCREASED.—Many are draw ing less than entitled to.—Thousands of Heirs entitled to Pension und Bounty. REJECTED CASES re-opened. ABANDONED CASES finished.—Copies of Lost Discharges obtained.—Claims of every de scription prosecuted.— PATENTS PKOCCREU. Address with stamp, U.S. BERLIN & CO., Attorneys, 36-Gm Box 592. WASHINGTON, D. C PATENTS and how to obtain them. Pamphlet free, /ipon receipt of Stamp for post age. Address— GILMORE, SMITH & CO. Solicitor* of Patents, AVor Patent Office, Washington, D. G I PDFP O A MDT FQ OF TWOOF THE 1)081 A RT L°L E? 1 ILuD uiliurLhU ever sold bv agents to eve ry one w ho answers this within sixty days. American MannPa Co , I'YJJm Ctty Mitts. Massachusetts. 3©e Hive! 1880 FALLi 1880. TMi mammoth Dry Goods House is now opening its SECOND IMMENSE STOCK of * J For the Fall Trade of 1880. . ■ *' t. i- r ' Which in quality style and cheapness exceeds any former stock ever shown at the Dee Hive or any other store in this section of the State. an,oro Yards of I)10SS Goods comprising almost every conceivable style and class. Splendid all wool Black Cashmere only cents a vard. ■ r At yards all wool Moinle Cloth at .'ls ei*nts, worth InOO yards Twilled Cashmeres only 12 l-2e.<-nts, worth lfl ceuts. 1> 'i lie largest *tock of lUack Silks, Colored >ilks, Silk Velvets, and I'ancy Dimming Goods e*?r rhown in any'fore this side of Philadelphia. > 2\ JSVFSSARY, Berrien Springs, Mich RUPTURE IwriaT Truss ■■ w ■ t^*hat you waut The greatest invention of the age! See our pain hlet. Sent free. Prof J. Y, Og dehsVurg, V Y. 'Jfi-ly m- UNDERTAKING.-#! Thr subscribers would respectfully Inform the cltiscns of this neighborhood that they have engaged In the under taking business. They are prepared to 1111a trails In this Hue al anytime and would kindly solicit a share of patronage. A Full Line of COFBSNS & CASKETS always on hand, which we are also ready to furnish to other undertakers at reasonable prices. SHOi' 0* v KN.N STHKI'.y, miH&M, FA. LOSE, IIARTER & CO. i KdwiuJ-Doshler. j Jordnii rteshle? ~|-yESHLER & SON, PHYSICIANS A.SVUGEONS, Aaronsburg, I'a; Calls promptly answered u pay for it. If it ianaf an represented it can be return ed at our expense. £ppd A postal card for r illustrated 4i 7 N. U Tentli' Ft.JhS§i£, Pa". V °Ut