VOL. LIV. PROFESSIO.Y.IL C.IRDS OF B ELLEFONTE- C. T. AlexauUer. U N. bower. Jfc BOWER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLRFONTK, PA. Office in Garmnn's new building. JOHN B. LINN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTR, PA. Office on Allegheny Street. OLEMENT DALE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTK, PA. Northwest corner of DL imond. Y°CUM A HASTINGS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BELLE! ON TK, PA High street, opposite F rst National Bank. M. C. HEINLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTR, PA. Praet'cos m all the courts ot Centre County. Spec al attention to Collections. Consultations in German or English. F. REEDER, ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLKFONTE. PA. All hus ness promptly attended to. Collection of claims a speciality. jTX Beaver. J. W. GepUart. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. Office ou Alleghany Street, North of High. a. morrison, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BKLLEFONTE, PA. Office on Woodrlng*s Block, Opposite Court Hou-e. S. KELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BKLLEFONTE, PA. Consultations In English or Qor man. OtOlce la Lyou' Building, Allegheny Street. JOHN G. LOVE, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. Office In the rooms formerly occupied by the late W. P. Wilson. BUSINESS CARDS OF MILLHEIM, &. A. STURGIS, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks. Jewelry. Silverware, Ac. Re pairing neatly and promptly don and war ranted. Main Street, opposite Bank, M llhelm, Pa. A O DELNINGER, * NOTARY PCBLIC. SCRIBNER AND CONVEYANCER, MILLHEIM, PA. AH business entrusted to hlin. such as writing and acknowledging Deeds, Mortgages, Releas- s, Ac., will be executed wt'h neatness and dis patch. Office on Main Street- TJ H. TO.MLINSON, * DEALER IX ALL KINDS OF Groceries. Notions, Drugs. Tobaccos. Cigars, Fine Confectloneiles a?.d every th.ng in the line ofa flrst-eiass t.rocery bt ve all, 1 shall bear a name pure and unsullied." The gleaming of the diamonds in their shining splendor caught her eye, ami on the tndiug delight they occasioned she based her decision—a choice she learned to bitterly regret. "From henceforth I shall give to Louis Merrivale uo thought, if 1 cau help it. 1 shall regard myself as belonging to my affianced husband, and lot Mildred Thorue scorn or reprove as she will. Perhaps she will turn comforter in chief to her faithless lover. n A bitter, bitter heart pang—one yearn ing longing for her loved one, then it died ; or rather, in a moment, Isabel NV ild burned alive the love of her life. Day after day passxi by, briuging their share of joys ami heart-achiugs, and still Louis Merrivale nevercauie; the affair had ceased to be a seven days' wonder, and people had forgotten about it, save wheu they saw lus aged mother, bowed and in firm, leaning on Millie Thome's strong young arm, as they walked through the streets of Croydon. Millie bad grown more beautiful during these weeks of trial; and the aged mother of the missing young man had many an occasion to bless the loving, trusting girl. The days wore on, bringing to Millie, in her patient waiting and hoping against hope, to Isabel, in her overwhelming pride, the glad autumnal days. To one it brought a bridal, and George llalliday took his wife to their handsome home. The setting October sun was flinging its rosy banner over the brown wixxlland, when Millie Thorue entered the house where her tender ministrations had made her an augel of sympathy. Mrs. Merrivale met her half-way to the door, her eyes streaming with tears, her face all alight with an overjiowering joy. "Millie—oh, Millie, my prayers are ans wered ! God has been so merciful to me, and to you, my Millie. See, it's from Aim.'" She handed a letter from her bosom to Millie, who, in a tremor of agitation, had gained the door, and was leaning against the wall, unable for a moment to speak. "Come in, child, and iet us thank God together! Come, Millie, while I tell you my boy Is alive, is well, and—oh, Millie, didn't we say it? —is innoceent!" Millie neither sjioke nor moved; she neither laughed uor cried. She ouly mur mured a wordless prayer in her heart. "Let me tell you, my dear child, all alxmt it, and then let me tell you the mes sage he sent to you." "A message tome? Tell me, what is it?" said Millie, eagerly. "He has written it to you on a slip of paper, and in his letter tells me to read it. and then give it to you. Isn't that just my Louis over again ?" She handed Millie the precious treasure, who read, with greed) eyes: "To-day, for the first time since my re covery—l've been near uuto Llie stream of death, Millie—-I ain able to write; first to my mother, then to the only woman in the w rld besides that I care for—to you, Miilie Thorue. To-day I have given up Isabel Wild, because I love yuu, because I have always loved you; because 1 care nothing for her, or she for me. I knew all, Millie, my precious, patient darling! I have startling news when I come back; and then, when I am reinstated in the public confidence, even though 1 break a proud heart, and uncover a foul one iu the act, you will be mine, nr'ne, my own Millie ?" "At last—oh, mother, at lastl" ex claimed the overjoyed Millie. "Shall I read you his letter, or shall I tell you? Or will you read it, Millie?" "Let me read it. His dear handwriting alone will be a feast." A week after, Louis Merrivale came home, pale, haggard, but handsome as ever. Then the news came out; then the in nocent was righted, the guilty rewarded. It was a thrilling story. How George Halliday had waylaid Louis Merrivale while returning from the counting-house to hie city lodgings; how he had stolen the money from his person—money that Merri vale had taken, perhaps imprudently, for the purpose of paying a number of bills before he went to the office the following day; tow he had previously prepared the forged note; and how, after drugging his victim, he had him conveyed to a sailing vessel, aud registered him as a sick friend, who desired to return to his home in the West Indies. Sickness had followed the drugging; and, iu a strange place, among strangers. Is mis Merrivale had wailed till returning strength brought back memory aud the ability to act. Steps were takuu to prove Mr. Merri vale's accusation. The bauk-notes were flually traced to llallidrty. Thus disgraced and dishonored, he left his proud, heart broken wife to the mercy of an iudiguant circle of relatives. The elegant mansion was deserted, aud was pureha-ed by Merand A Merand, who insisted on Merrivale's acceptance of it as his wedding present; and in that mansion Louis and Millie now reside, as happy as mortals ever can be, while both daily bless the trusting patience that wrought their happiness. A I'rlncely Hoy. In (tie palace of a small German capital a German duchess, distinguished for her gixxl sense and kindness of heart, was celebrating her birthday. The court congratulations were over, and the lady had retired*from the scene of fes tivity to the seclusion of her private room. Presently she heard light foot-steps com ing up the stairs. "Ah," she said, "there are my two lit tle grandsons coming to congratulate me." The rtxiv lads of tea or eleven years of age came iu, one named Albeit and the other Earnest. They affectionately greeted the duchess, who gave them the customary present of ten louis il'or (alxmt forty-eight dollars) and related to them the following suggestive anecdote: " I here once lived an emperor in Rome who used to say that no one should go away sorrowful from an interview with a Prince, lie was always doing good aud caring for his people, and wheu, one even ing at supper, lie remenib.red that he had uot done au act of kindness to any one dur ing the day, he exclaimed, with regret and sorrow, 'My friends, I have lost a day.' My children, take this emperor for your model, and live iu a princely way, like him." The boys went down the stairs delight ed. At the palace gate they met a poor woman, wrinkled and old, and bowed down with trouble. "Ah, my good young gentlemen," said she, "bestow a trifle on an aged creature. My cottage is going to be sold lor debt, and 1 shall not have anywhere to lay my head. My goat, the only means of suppoit 1 had, has been seized, pity an old woman, and be charitable." Earnest assured her that he had no change, and so passed on. But Albeit hesi tated. lie thought a moment of her pitia ble situation, was touched by her pleaiing looks, and tears came to his eyes. The story of the Roman emperor came into his mind. He took fioin his purse the whole of the ten louis d'or and gave them to the woman. '1 urmug away with a heart light and satisfied, he left the old woman weep ing for joy. The boy was Prince Albeit of England Justly called "Albert the Good," and alter wards the husband of Queen Victoria. 1 IV an tlie IUD. "Yes," said tlie Custom House man re flectively, "we have to exercise a good deal of judgment in these things and soon get to know prioes as well as men iu the selling business. Invoioe the goods t low ? Well, mostly even'body invoices the goods low, but they run a risk, of course. We may add ten per ceut, to the invoiced value and take the goods. So if a person tries to bring iu #2 worth of stuff at $1 valuation, we can give him $1 10 and take the article. Chance for speculation? Well, not as much as you would think. One of the younger members of the force some time ago was alone in the ofl'.ce, when a man came in and for a word in pri vate. 'You see 1 don't want my name mixed up in this business, 'said the stranger 'but I've been tryiug to sell Jacob Ryders —you know RvUers? No? meanest cuss on earth—to sell him an organ, aud he's gone aud bought one over the river. I admit it's a good investment—cost him $325 — but 1 could have sold aim just as good a oue. Now he'll be over with it to-day very likely, and will try to sneak it through at $l5O or S2OO to save duty. Wouldn't you just watch out for him?" "My friend was musically inclined and though he might get an organ cheaply, lie stayed around till a dray with an immense box appeared and a Hurried mau appeared with an invoice in his hand that set forth that.the accompanying organ— built by Blower A Co., of Waydowueast, was sold to Jacob Kyde:s for sl25 —re- ceived payment, J. W. B. "Let's look at that organ, "said my friend as he knocked off a board Irom the packing case and peered inside, 'seventeen stops, eh? Rather a cheap organ at $125.' "Oh, it's all right," said the impatient Ryders. 'Here's the invoice you see.' 4 'Well, I'll give you $137 50 and take the instrument." "But I won't sell it for that," cried the excited Ryders. "My friend showed him the ten per cent and confiscated the organ in spite of Jacob's prayers. Good bargain? Oil, 1 dun'no. He found afterwards that few of the steps had any effect on the inside of the instrument and that the organ was oue of the $95 73 oues made by Blower oy in a printing office in Missouri, a loose-jointed, long-legged low. liuudtMl, jeans-clad, countrified cub of about sixteen lounged 111 oue day, and without re moving his bund from the depths of his trousers pockets, or taking off his faded ruin of a slouch list, whose broken brim hung limp and ragged alsmt his ears like a bug eaten cabbage leaf, stared indifferently around Lben leaning his hip aguinst the edi tor's table, crossed bis mighty brogans,aimed at a distant fiy from a crevice in bis upper tooth, laid him low, and said with compo sure; "Wha's the boss?'' "I am the lines," said the editor, follow ing this carious bit of architecture wonder iugly along up to its clock face with his eye. "Don't want anybody fur to learn the busiuees, 'tain't likely?'' "Well, 1 don't known. Would you like to learn it?" "Pap's so po' be can't run me no', so 1 want to git a show som'ers if 1 can: 'ta n't no difference what —I'm strong ami heartv, and I don't turn my back on no kiud ot work, hard nur soft." "Do you tbluk you would like to learn the printing business?" "Well, I don't re ly k'yer a dutu what I do learn, so's 1 git a chance to make my way, I'd jist as soon learn priut'u's any thing. " "Can you read?" "Yes—midulin'." "Write?" "Well' I've seed people who could lay over me thar." "Cipher?" ".Not gotxl enough to keep store, 1 don't reckon, but as lur as twelve times twelve I ain't no slouch. Totherside of that is what gits me." "Where is your home?'" "I'm from old {Shelby." "What's your father's religious denomi nation?" "llim? Oh, he's a blacksmith." "No, no—l don't mean his trade. What's his religious denomination?'' "Oh—l didn't understand you befo'. lie's a Freemason." "No, no—you don't get my meaning yet. What 1 mean is, does he beloug to any church?" "Now you're talkin'. Couldn't make out what you wiii trying to git through yo'head no way. B'long to a church? Why, boss, he's been the pizeuest kind of a Freewill liaptis' for forty years. Tbey aint no pizc uer ones'u be is. Mighty good man pap is. Everybody aavs that. If they say any different they wouldn't do it where I wuz —not much they wouldn't." "What is your own religion?" "Well, Ixss, you've kiud o' got me thar —and yet you hain't got me so mighty much nuther. I think't if a feller he ps another when he's in trubble, and don't cuss, and don't do any mean things, nor nuthia' he ain't no btisiuess to do, and don't spell the Saviour's uauiu with a little g, he ain't runnin' no rea's—he's about as saift as if he belonged to church." "But suppose he did spell it with a little g—what then?" "Well, if he done it a purpose I reckon he wouldn't stand no chance; lie ought 'nt have uo chance, any way, I'm most rotten certain aliout that." •'What is your name?" "Nicodemus Dodge." "I think maybe you'll do, Nicodeuius. We'll give you a trial, anyway." "All right." "When would you like to begin?" "Now." So, within ten minutes after he had first glimpsed this nondescript, he was one of us, and with his coat off and hard at it. Beyond that end of our establishment which was furt lie rest from the street, was a deserted garden, pathless, ami thickly growu with the gloomy and villainous 4 jimpson" weed and its common friend the stately sunflower. In the midst of this mournful sjot was a decayed and little frame house, with but one room, one win dow and no ceiling. It bad been a smoke house a generation beiore. N codenius was given this lonely aud ghostly den as a bed-chamber. The village sniarties recognized a trea sure in Nicodemus right away—a butt to play jokes on. It was easy to see that he was inconceivably green aud confiding. George Jonos had the glory of perpetra ting the first joke on him. He gave him a cigar with a fire-cracker in it, and then winked to the crowd to come; the thing ex ploded presently and swept away the bulk of Nicodemus' eyebrow and eyelashes. He simply said: §|"l consider them kind of seeg'yars dan gersonie," and seemed to suspect nothing. The next evening Nicodemus waylaid George and poured a bucket of ice-water over him. Une day, while Nicodenius was in swim ming, Tom McElroy "tied" his clothes. Nicodemus made aboutire of Tom's by wa\ of retaliation. A third joke was played upon Nicodemus a day or two later—he walked up the mid dle aisle of the village church, {Sunday night, with a startling hand bill pinned upon his shoulders. The joker spent the rest of the night, after church, in the cellar of a deserted house, and Nicoy back to my recollection. Bifore a long time had elapsed the village sniarties began to feel an uncomfortable consciousness of not having made a very shining success of their attempts on the simpleton of "Old Shelby." Experiments grew scarce and chary. Now the young doctor came to the rescue. There was delight and applause when he proposed to them the plan of frightening Nicodemus to death, and ex plaire 1 how he was going to do it. He had a noble new skeleton—the skeleton of the late and only local celebrity, Jimmy Finn, the village drunkard —a grisly piece of property he had bought of Jimmy Finn Himself, at auction, for fifty dollars, under great competition, when Jimmy lay very sick in the tanyard a fortnight before his death. The fitty dollars had gone prompt ly for whiskey, and had considerably hur ried up the change of ownership in tlie skeleton. The doctor would put Jimmy Finn's skeleton in Nicodemus' bed. This was done —about half-past ten in the evening. About Nicodemus' usual bed- time —midnight- -the village jokers came creeping stealthily through the jimpson weeds and sunflowers toward the lonely frame deu. They reached the window and peeped in. There sat the long-legged pau per on his lied, lu * very short shirt and no more. He was dangling his legs content edly back and forth, and wheezing the music of "Caraptown Races" out of a pa per-overlaid comb whiclrbe was pressing against his mouth; by him lay a new jews harp, a new top, a solid india-rubber ball, a handful of painted marbles, five pounds of 'store' candy and a well-gnawed slab of gingerbread as big and thick as a volume of sheet music. He had sold the skeleton to a traveling quack for three dollars, aud was enjoying the result. Tlie hound of Thornier. A remarkable feature of the storm is the thunder, corresponding, of course, on the large scale, to the snap of an electric spark. Here we are on comparatively sure ground, for sound is very much more thoroughly understood than is electricity. We speak habitually and without exaggeration of the crash of thunder, the rolling of thunder, uud of a peal of thunder; and various other terms will suggest themselves to you as being aptly employed in different cases. All of these are easily explained by known properties of sound. The origin of the sound is, in all cases to be looked for in the instantaneous and violent dilatation of the air along the track of the lightning flash, partly, no doubt, due to the disruptive ef fects of electricity, but mainly due to the excessive rise of temperature which renders the air for a moment so brilliantly incan descent. There is thus an extremely sud den compression of the air all round the track of the spark, and a less sudden, but siiil rapid, rui-li of the air into the partial vacuum which it produces. Thus the sound wave produced must at first be of the nature of a bore or a breaker. But as such a stale of motion is unstable, after proceeding a UHxlerate distance the sound becomes analogous to other loud but less violent sounds, such as those of the dis charge of guns. Were there few elouds. were the air of marly uniform density, and the flash a short one, this would com pletely describe ihe phenomenon, and ws should have a thunder crash or thunder clap, according to the greater or less prox imity of the seat of discharge. But as has long been well known uot merely clouds, but surfaces of separation of masses of air ol different density, such as constantly occur in thunder storms, reflect vibrations in the air; and thus we may have many successive echoes, prolonging the original sound. But there is another cause olt n more efficient than these. When the flash is a long one, all its parts being nearly equi-disiant from the observer, he hears the sound from all these parts simultane ously; but if its part 9 be at very different distaiices from him, he hears successively the sounds from portions larther and farther distant from him. If the flash be much zigzagged, long portions of its course may run al one aud th<- same distance iroui him, and the sound from these arrive simultane ously ht his tar. Thus we have no diffi culty iu accounting for the rolling and pi at ing of thunder. It is, in fact, a mere consequence, sometimes of the reflection of sound, sometimes of the finite velocity with which it is propagated. The usual rough estimate of five seconds to a mile is near enough to the truth for all ordinary calculation of tne distance of a flash from the observer. The extreme distance at wliich thunder is heard is uot great, when we consider the frequent great intensity of the sound. No trustworthy observation gives in geneial more than about nine or ten miles, though there are casus in which it is possible that it may have been heard four teen miles off. But the discharge of a single cannon is often heard at fifty miles, and the noise of a siege or naval engage ment has certainly been he aid at a distance of much more than 100 miles. There are two reasons for this—the first depends upon tne extreme sueldenness of the pioductioa of tliHutier; the second, and perhaps the more effective, on the excessive variations of density in the atmosphere, which are invariably associated witu a thunderstorm. In certain cases thunder has been propa gated, for moderate distances from its ap parent source, with a velocity far exceeding that of ordinary sounds. This used to be attributed to the extreme suddenness of its production; but it is not easy, if we adopt tuis hypothesis, to see why it should not occur in all cases. Sir W. Thompson has supplied a very different exp auation, which requires no uuusuai velocity of sound, because it asserts the production of the sound simultaneously at all parts of the air between the ground and the cloud from which the lightning is discharged. Blue-Tinted Pi>er. The origin of blue-tinted paper came about by a mere slip of the hand. The wife of William East an Euglish paicr maker, accideutly let a blue-bag fall iuto oue of the vats of pulp. Tlie workmen were astonished when they saw the peculiar color of the paper, while Mr. East was highly iueensed at what he considered a grave pecuniary loss. His wife was so much frighteued that she would uot confess her agency in the matter. After storing the damaged paper for four years, Mr. East sent it to his agent at London, with in structions to sell it for what it would bring. The paper was accepted as a "purposed novelty," aud was disposed of at quite an advance over the market price. Mr. East was astonished at receiving an order from his agent for another large invoice of tlie paper. He was without the secret aud found himself in a dilemma. Upon men tioning it to his wife, she told him about the accident. He kept the secret, and the demand for the novel paper far exceeded His ability to supply it. Why t Why do women always step off horse cars facing the wrong way ? Wliy do women always—particularly those who hate each other most—kiss when they meet? Why do Germans with the most unpro nounceable names drink less beer than plain Yankee John Smiths? Why are the wooden lorxs one finds in restaurant horse-radish pot., invariably be reft of at least one time ? Why are blood-curling stories of vice, crime and suffering most eagerly read by people whose sensibilities are so delicate that they couldn't see a fly hurt? Why do people who knows the least about newspapers alway shed the most advice for the editor's benefit. The Choice of Food. First, as regards butcher's meatjattention to the following simple directions will aid the housewife in deciding upon that all-im - port&nt point—its freshness. All lean meat, when fresh, shows a deep purplish red tinge with a bloom over it on the out side of the muscle, and a paler vermilion red with just a shade of purple in the cut surf act?. Mutton lean should be quite even in hue, and have no tiavor whatever of tal low; beef lean may be a little marbled with fat, but it must have no flavor of suet The surface of the meat must be quite dry, even a cut scarcely wetting the finger, and the substance moderately soft, but at the same time so elastic that no mark Is left after a pressure from the finger. Keeping the meat for a day or two in the larder should make no difference as regards this. Then, there should be very little odor in a single joint of meat; it should not waste much in cooking, and when brought to table roasted, should retain its gravy well until tbe knife causes it to gush out in a rich, appetizing stream, full of inviting scent and flavor. This Is particularly the case with mutton, and for ascertaining its value, is the easiest test we know of. But, generally, for all meat, a good test is to push a clean knife up to the hilt into its substance. In good, fresh meat the resis tance is uniform, hut when some parts are softer than others we may be quite sure that DUtrefaction has set in. The smell of the knife is also a good aid—and this, by the way, is always useful in choosing a ham; for, by pushing a knife deep in, withdrawing it and smelling it, one can tell whether the flavor is very salt or the con trary. As regards fat. The raw fat of beef should be of a slightly yellow color, like fresh butter; that of mutton should be very white. Lamb and veal should also have very white and translucent fat, whilst the lean of both should be pale, but perfectly evenly tinted. A young and therefore tender fowl maybe kno vn be! ore plucking by the largeness of the feet and the leg joints and after pluck ing a tliiu neck aud violet thighs may be taken as invariable signs of age and tough ness, especially in turkeys and fowls. The age of ducks and geese is tested in a differ ent manner —that is, by their beak, the lower part of which breaks away quite ea sily when they are young. One of the chief aud most objectionable drawbacks to an old fowl, duck or goose, is the rank and disagreeable savor. Young birds of the gallinaceous tribe may be known by their undeveloped spurs, and young partridges by the pointed long wing feathers, which grow rounded at the tip with age. In the case of fish, many people trust to the sense of smell; but this is not always to be de pended upon, as it may be deceived by the use of ice. The best tesis of freshness are the fulluess of tbe eyeballs and the bright piuk hue of the gills when raw, aud when cooked the firmness of the flesh, which in the case of stale fish is flabby and stringy, even if preserved by cold from visible pu trefaction, The cheapest sorts of tish are best to buy, for when any kind is cheapest it is sure to be most plentiful, in fullest season, and therefore most wholesome. He reward. He was a younger brother of the Earl of Mercia and devoted to the Saxon cause. At one time, when the fens and Uke were in vested by tbe conquering army of William, the latter commenced making a road from Aldreth for himself aud his army to reach Ely. The marsh was only twelve miles wide at the point, but the road was not constructed on scientific principles, snd it gave way while the greater portion of his army were marching over it, causing fear ful loss of life in the deep fen. The King afterward mustered another army at Al dreth, aud compelled the tisbermeu to col lect immense stacks of brush-wood, which, of course, would afford the foundation for a fine road. Here ward d'sguised himseif as a fisherman, and was tne most active worker in the King's employ, but he man aged to set fire to the vast pile and escaped to the Isle, where his fellows were. Short ly after this the Earl of East Angles raised an army to tight the King, from whom he had received much kindness; but he was joined by tbe islanders, and the King did what we wonder he had forborne doing at an earlier period—he confiscated the estates of the monastery that ly on the main land; and while ilereward was away lead ing an expedition at some distance for toraging, the monks gave one thousand marks to have th<*ir lands restored and al lowed the King's troops to enter their stronghold. Hereward never . submitted; but, though he could not expect such clemency, he lost neither his lite nor his liberty, nor even his lands. These contin ued till comparatively recent times in the hands of his decendauts, who founded the families of Hullos, Fitzgilbert and Wake. I te of Evergreens, No surburbau or country residence can be considered complete without its sur roundings of beautiful trees. Evergreens should be extensively employed, because they add greatly to the beauty of the sur rounding scenery in the most gloomy part of the year; but they should never be em ployed to the exclusion of the ceciduoua trees and shrubs. Extensive drives and walks are often bordered with evergreen trees; but usua'ly this displays bad taste, inasmuch as the yield within such close lines of dense foliage becomes monotonous, and the eye experiences satiety instead of pleasing variety. With deciduous trees the most charming change Is continually going on; from the bursting of the buds in the spring is one continual progressive ad vance from day to day. It Shall be Done. A department clerk having to solicit a favor of his chief, who is horribly deaf, asks an audience of the great man, and on being ushered into his presence shrieks: "1 am glad, sir, to see that your deaf ness has almost entirely disappeared. 1 ' "Hey?" says the great man, putting his band to his ear. "I am glad, sir, to see that your deaf ness has almost entirely disappeared," bel lows the clerk. The great man puts bis baud down from liis ear and shoves a pencil and a pad of paper over to the clerk. The clerk hesitates a moment, but then resolutely writes: "I am glad sir, to see that your deafness hai almost entirely dis appeared." The great man reads, smiles a beatific smile and says warmly: "Thanksl It has! And now my dear young friend, what can Ido for jor : Name the thing, and it shall be done." NO. 49.