Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, December 02, 1880, Image 4

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    Painting; a Bnncta of Grapes,
The most truly artistic efforts of the
Japanese artists are those which display
the simplest moles of delineations, and
are generally executed in Indian ink
only. Many descriptions have been
given by those who have had the op
portunity of watching the natives at
work, and all hear witness to the re
markable quickness of imagination and
execution they display. A traveler in
the oountry relates how on one occa
sion he had the pleasure of observing a
screen-painter at work in his studio,
which consisted of a portion of the
house screened off from the rest by his
finished productions, but open to the
street. Belug struck with his great
freedom of hand, he requested him to
draw a bunch of grapes. This was
given as a difficult task and test of skill,
for the traveler haa In his mind the
labored works of bis own country, and
naturally expected that, from the time
required to depict the fruit, the artist
would laugh and shake his head.
Judge of his surprise when the artist
seized a piece of sereen-paper aud, dip
ping the point of his thumb into a dish
of Indian Ink, proceeded to make a
number of softly-shaded, creseut-like
forms close together. Thinking he
must have been misunderstood, but
saying nothing, ne watched with grow
ing interest the rapid movements of
his artistic friend. The crescent forms
being finished, his first finger and
thumb were together dipped into the
ink and transferred to the paper, and
with a few rapid movements produced
two shaded forms of irregular outline.
With his thumb-nail he added three
dark lines and sundry other trifling
touches, and politely handed the finish
ed sketch, which displayed a bunch of
plump round grapes, with leaves and
stalks complete. This was by 110 means
a bad illustration ot the ready methods
resorted to by the Japanese artists In
representing simple objects, for which
they are justly celebrated. We have
one illustration lu a Japanese book
which shows ail artist seated 011 a srool
~,,v •> vti' ring
V % s,
Wilu nwirnr.v iiunu t*t >• J ••
held in eah foot, one in each hand, and
one In his mouth. This is doubtless an
exaggeration. Another humorous
sketch on the same page shows the
artists to be of such a transcendent
genius, and the -horse he had been
painting proved so lifelike, that it be
oame endowed with vitality and ran
away from the paper. The amazement
of the artist is cleverly expressed.
How 10 Eat,
The notion that appetite is a low de
gree of hunger, and hunger an intens i
fled form of appetite, dues not seem to
be borne out by facts. The two desires
or longings are different In their na
ture. Appetite is the craving of the
apparatus of taste,and sometimes of the
digestive organs; while hunger
is the demand of organism as
a whole or of some of its parts of food.
U*e the words appetite and hunger
how you may, there are actually two
needs o be expressed,and much mi c'iltf
arise* from confounding them. The
one cry for food which we call appe
tite is an affair of habit or cjpr'ce, and
may, lor a time at least, be stimulated
by appealing to the sense of taste, or
promoted by certain cordials and stimu
lants; but, looking at tbe matter from
a physiological point of view, it is diffi
cult to see what we can gain by ex
citing the organs of digestion to take
food unless the system is in a condition
to receive it. The rational mode of
prooedure would seem to be to wait
the expression of a need in the system
—in short, to look to hunger rather
than appetite as an incentive to the act
of feeding, instead of exciting the
palate and sense organs to take food
when we have no organic reason to
suppose that there is an inner need of
There are certain evil consequences
of the civilized mode of feeding by ap
petite on the basis of habit, which it
may be useful to point out. First,
separating appetite from hunger, and
developing it as an independent sense
or function, there naturally springs
up a fashion of life which may be
disoribed as "living to feed." The
purveyor of food trades on the tastes
and cultivated longings of the consum
er, and the consideration what to eat
and what to drink comes to occupy a
place in tbe self-consciousness which
it was probably not intended to fill,
and in so far as this is tne case man is
more animal, and less spiritual and in
tellectual, than he ought to be; al
though it may be conceded that the re
fined taste of cultivated nature is less
offensive than the simple voracity of
the savage. There are some who con
tend that man is the gainer by the de
velopments of his appetite. It this be
so, the gain is a good not unmixed with
evil. Another drawback is that by
severing appetite from hunger we lose
the indication of quantity which nature
gives with her orders for food. The
man who eats a regulated number ot
meals daily, with a duly stimulated aud
organized habit, probably eats much
more in the twenty-tour hours
than ins system requii es, or the organ
ism as a whole is constituted to doal
An Extraordinary break of Nature.
A singular and beautiful freak of na -
ture was shown in a marble mantel at
the Cincinnati Exhibition. In one of
the onyx pilasters was seen the out
lines of a woman's form produced ages
ago, when the marble first assumed its
growth and consistence. The portrait
was clearly defined and traced In the
native graining of the stone. Its dis
covery was the result of an accident.
One of the workmen turned the pilas
ter upside down,and the strange beauty
of the ieatures of the face at once at
tractedJijsAtt*i>tton. Ills employers
WfrJtTiKniimoned and the pilaster re
versed is now the chief ornament of
the mantel. The attitude, with the
arms stretchod above the head, closely
resembles that of the Greek caryatides,
which adorned so many of the old
classic temples. The figure is grace
ful and delicate, with-limbs of the
most exquisite contour.
THE Mexican persimmon is as nail
tree presenting 110 appearance what
ever of our common species. In size
and general appesranee of trunk and
limbs it looks almost exactly like the
crape myrtle growing in our yards or
on our lawns; and It inclines to grow
in clumps like the crape myrtle. Hut
here the resemblance ceases. The
leaves are small and look very much
like those of the parkleberry (sparkle
berry) or winter huckleberry of our
eastern Gulf coast —a little darker
green,perhaps,and not quite so glossy.
They shed in winter. The fruit resem
bles that ot the common species very
much with two exceptions: It is al
ways perfectly smooth, never wrlnk
fruit of the common species does when
thoroughly ripe, and it is almost jet
black. The putp is ot a very dark,
brown color, and of an agreeable sweet
taste, not quite so sugary as the other
kind, and the seeds, though somewhat
resembling those of the common spe
cies, are much smaller. The fruit is
not much "astringent" or "puekery"
when green. The people ol Texas
where the Mexican persimmon grows
make about the same accouut of it that
we do of the common species—some
like it and some don't. For our own
part we like it very much—we think it
decidedly a better fruit than that ot
the common species, aud entirely more
wholesome. Xo eflort has yet been
made to improve it—so far as vie know
it has never yet been seeu growing in
side a cultivated Held. It usually
grows in the rocky soils along the base
and a short distance up the sides ot ttie
REN HISTORY, — According to a po
pular writer it has never been ascer
tained when fowls were tirst domesti
cated. There are but few allusions to
them in the Old Testament, We have
abundant evidence of their Doing quite
common iu the days of Aristotle, who
wrote three hundred years before
C hrist, lie speaks of them as famil
iarly as a naturalist of the present day ;
and uiauy beautiiul allusions are made
to the fowl in the Mew Testament. The
wild origin of the domestic fowls is not
certainly Known. Domestic fowls are
numerous in all temperate climates,but
become less numerous as you go north.
They were found in abundance 011 the
inlands of the Pacific Ocean, by their
earliest discoverers, Captain Cook
lound fowls 011 islands thai had never
been visited by civilized man; and the
vw y range over which they were
distributed, xueoidea the supposition
of their having been introduced by
Tssmau or any earlier voyager*.
THE SUPPLT or CATTLE. — It seems to
be the opinion of liiose who have ex
amined this matter pretty thoroughly,
that a considerable decrease will be
found 111 the stock of the United States
and territories, after this year's ship
ments are over. We are of opinion that
this may be the case in regard to such
as are sufficient well bred for shipment
to foreign markets, but as to inferior
stock, we question as to whether much,
if any deficiency will be found. Yet
in any event there will unquestionably
be a considerable advance 111 the price
of cattle in another year, as well as in
sheep and swine, 'liiere arc two rea
sons why this may be so; the first of
which is the greatly increased tide of
immigrants to our country this season,
who will be consumers instead of pro
ducers for a twelvemonth to come, aud
the second reason is, so numerous aie
the losses sustained in Great Britian
and Ireland during the past eighteen
months, aud domestic animals, that
their wants for this year will, doubt
less, be larger than tne past lias been.
is the best time 10 cleanse iruit-trees.
and indeed all plants, irom scales and
other insects. Now the fruit trees can
be handled with less liability of break
ing buds and spurs than in the, spring
after the buds have begun to swell,and
the work will be as effective now as
then. Uoe strong soapsuds of whale
oil soap. Apply it with a stiff* brush ;
and do not confine the washing 10 the
trunk,, but go over all tbe small branch
es and everywhere 011 the iree where
scales arc louud.
CUTTING CORN.— When the corn
grains are glazed, the crop may be cut.
Delay alter that only hardens the fod
der aud deteriorates it. Topping the
corn, that is, cutting off' the stalks
above the ears and curing these, whicn
are the best part of the lodder, is a good
practice where the closest economy is
not necessary. Sometimes labor costs
more than the product of the labor;
then it is best to let the work go undone.
Yet,as a rule, the smallest
things on a farm is profitable.
WHEN the 3hrewd small boy who is
left alone in the house during the even
ing makes such a mess of his raid on
the pie-closet that it Is bound to be no
ticed when his parents return, he hies
him to his room, puts a pillow in his
bed to represent himself, extinguishes
the gas and gets under the bed. And
when the old- man comes up stairs,
madder than a wet cat and without
stopping to light the gas, lathers that
pillow with a trunk strap, the boy
yells as though be was getting it, and
the old man goes off satisfied. That's
the sort of boy who will grow up to
run ward caucuses and be a Senator.
A WIFE who had been lecturing her
husband for coming home intoxicated
became incensed at his indifference,
and exclaimed, "Oh, that I could wring
tears of anguish from your eyes!" To
winch the hardened wretch iiic-eough
ed, 'Tai 'tain't no use, old woman, to
bo-bore for water here."
THE young man WHO pretends to
have been "one of the boys," and de
lights to tell his young lady friends of
his mad freaks, would be disgusted
with the fair one who should match
his reminiscences by similar excerpts
from her own biography. Why is this
IN speaking of a clerical friend who
possesses a very rubicund countenance,
some one said, the other day, "I don't
think he drinks; in fact, I know he
does .not, for he told me so; but he
prob&biy sleeps in a bed with very red
MOTHER, newly bereaved of a baby,
tosurviving child, aged G; "Tommy's
an angel now, Mary." "Like the
angels in my picture book, mamma?"
"Yes, dear." "With white wings,
too?" "Yes, dear." "Has he got
fleas in them, like my pigeons ?"
WHEN a Denver deacon forgets him
self and remarks to the man who
doesn't notice the contribution-box,
"Are you going to chip?" the folks in
the congregation wink at each other
and the clergyman tries to look as
though he doesn't see where the fun
comes in.
A DOG frequently worries a cat, but
man, who is nobler than the dog, wor
ries himself.
HERE are some ambrosial pancakes
fit. for the gods; Put four eggfC,a pinch
of salt, and or.o of sugar and three
tablespoon til's of flour In an earthen
pan, beat 1* all up with one quart of
milk until very light. Make the pan
cakes ID A frying omelet pan thickly
spread with butter, then turn them
over i>n a board, put more stewed ap
ples or other stewed fruit on one side,
ro)'i them, powder them with sugar,
(Tandy them with a hot poker. These
pancakes come secondary to some veal
outlets—not the tasteless dry veal cut
lets, innutritions and indigestible, Ail
ing the father of the family with hy
pochondriacal and ghastly sensations,
hut take a stew or sauce pan and put in
It one ounce of beef at-lpping, one-half
ounce of butter, tour or live cloves of
garlic finely chopped, and a little salt.
When brown, mineeup the heart of a
white cabbage well washed and dried,
stir repeatedly and leave it to stew for
two and a half hours. Cut some thin
cutlets of veal, cover them with a
spoonful of chopped parsley, the same
ot onion and cons free of tomatoes, a lit
tle cayenne pepper and salt, and a
tablespoon!ul of vinegar mixed togeth
er. Fry in oil or butter, lay on the
cabbage mixture and serve.
OATMKALContains three times as much
bratn-feedingeleineiit and more food
for muscle than wheat. Of the "pin
headed oatmeal" take eight ounces,
mix thoroughly in cold water, stir into
two quarts ot boiling water, add half a
teaspoon fill of salt, stir occasionally,
boil from one hour to an hour and half
in a farina kettle. Serve hot with
sweet milk, sirup or butter, if prefer
red, meat gravy. A meat gravy for
adding piquancy to something hot for
breakfast if prepared iu this way will
he found exceedingly useful. Take
four onions and fry them brown in but
ter (not to be burned), toa.-t a slice ot
bread hard and brown, place these in a
stew pan with some bones, pieces of
meat and sweet herbs, add sufficient
water aud stew until a thick gravy is
formed emitting an agreeable odor;
add pepper and salt, strain it and keep
it in a cold place till needed. A deli
cate appetite will tind this deliciously
poured over well cooked rice or toasted
Dimuks should Hi ways be rinsed in
clear water after having been washed
in soap-suds. Nothing Is more un
pleasant at the table tnan to notice a
certain stickiness thai soap is likely to
leave. It Is necessary also from a san
itary point of view; tae caustic alkali
is corrosive and unwholesome, and the
urease is often impure. It is a simple
matter to make hard soap which is not
only agreeable to use but which has
the great merit 01 cleanliness. To
seven pounds ot tallow use three
pounds of rosin, two pounds of potash
and six gallons oi water; boil for
three hours, or better still for Ave;
turn from the kettle into a washtub;
let It stand all night. In the morning
cut into bars and lay them on a table
or board in the sun to harden for two
or throe day*. This quantity will last
a family of Jour persons a year if used
for ordinary household purposes.
respondent informs us that, while ou
a visit in the tail to a friend, lie was
surprised to *oe tlie number of eggs lie
daily obtained. He had but sixteen
h ns, and the product per diem aver
aged thirteen eggs, lie was in the
habit of giving 011 every alternate day,
a teaspoonful and a quarter of cayenne
pepper, mixed wi;h a soft food, und
took care that caca lien obtained her
share. The experiment of omitting
the pepper was tried, when it was
found that the number of eggs was re
duced each trial ironi live to six daily.
Our correspondent believes that the
moderate use of tills stimulant not only
increases tbe number of eggs, but ef
fectual wards off diseases to which
chickens are subject.
APPLE FRUIT CAKE. — Soak two cups
dried apples over night; ill the morn
ing drain ane chop tine in chopping
howl; add one cup oi molasses and let
it boil slowly ou back of stove three or
four hours, until the has
thickened; let it cool; and one and a
Half cups of brown sugar, one cup sour
milk, one teaspoonful each ot cloves,
allspice and cinnamon, one teaspoon
ful soda, three eggs, three and one-halt
cups of fionr: cake In two square tins
or one large five quart basin ; if baked
in the latter bake slowly two and a
Half hours. This will keep six mouths.
LEMON SYRUP. — The lemon syrup
bougiit at the tores can be made at
home much cneaper. Take a pound of
Havana sugar, boii it in water down to
a quart, drop in the white of an egg to
clarify it, strain it, add one quarter of
an ounce of tartaric or citric acid. If
you do not nnd it sour enough after it
has stood two or three days, add more
of the acid, A few drops of oil of lemon
Improve it.
RICK CAKES. — Boil rice until it is
soft, and while warm make it into
cakes. Dip tue cakes info a beaten
egg, and then roll them in Indian meal
till thoroughly coated. This done,fry
them in bacon fat, which is better than
butter for this purpose. Serve them
with sauce, ox with butter, or with
cream and sugar.
BARLEY i CODING. — Wash Half a pint
of pearl barie.y, put it into a stew pan
with three pints of milk, a quarter of a
pound of sugar and a little nutmeg at
the corner o the stove; when proper
ly swelled taxe it out, flavor to taste,
add lour eggs and boil in a basdn for
one hour; sexve with black cherry ar
rowroot sauce.
I'ATHENIA PUDDING. —One quart of
milK, five eggs; five tabiespoonfuls of
flour; bring 'he milk to a boil, reserv
ing enough to wet the flour; then stir
in the wet flour while hot; when cool
stir in the beaten eggs, reserving the
whites of two; bake one-half hour,and
when cool snnead over an icing made
from llie beaten whites and powdered
TOMATO D UTTER. — Sixteen pounds
nice tuinatoe*. quart of vinegar eigh
teen pounds oi sugar. Boil altogether
until thick. When half done add two
large-spoon 1 uls of cinnamon, one of
ground mace, and a teaspoonful ol
cioves or allspice.
Wash clean a few pieces of Irish moss;
put it 111 a pitcher, and pour over it two
cups of boiling water. Set where it
will keep at ihe boiling point, but not
boil, lc twonours. Strain and squeeze
into it'the juice of one lemon. sweeten
to taste.
Prof, llenry Draper has stated facts
which seem to point to the conclusion
that it is not Improbable that the pla
net Jupiter is still hot enough to give
out light.
In Sweden nearly two thousand
" school gardens" have been estab
lished as Instruments of useful scien
tific education.
A GALVESTON man met a gentleman
from northern Texas, and asked how a
certain mutual friend was corning on.
"He is doing very well," was the re
ply. "What business is he at?" "He
lias got the softest thing in the world
of it. He bought a lot of Mexican
donkeys at San Antonio for three dol
lars apiece, and having taken thorn up
to liLs ranche, he clears twenty-seven
dollars a head on them." "I)o they
bring such high prices?" "No, but ho
lets the railroad trains run over tlieui,
and the company lias to pay hiiu thirty
dollars apiece for 'em."
A raw facts not so generally known
as they should bo: A watch Iltted
with a second-hand need not necessari
ly be a second-hand watch. Doctors
generally agree about bleeding their
patients. Steam is a servant that some
times blows up its master. An nil
grammatical judge is apt to pass an in
correct sentence. Poachers who get
into preserves very often find them
selves in pickles. Any tool ean make
a woman talk, but it's hard to make
one listen. A thorn iu the bush is
wortli two in tiie band.
A LITTLE fellow of live going along
the street with a dinnei pail is stopped
by a kind-hearted gentleman, who
says: "Where are you going, my lit
tle man ?"
"To school."
"And what do you do at school ? Do
you learn to read?"
To write?"
"To count?"
44 What do you do?"
"1 wait for school to let out."
GulllV uf WrOug.
Some people have a fashion of con
fusing excellent remedies with the
large mass of''patent medicines," and
in this they are guilty of a wrong.
There are some advertised remedies
fully worth all that is asked for them,
and one at least we know of—Hop
Bitters. The writter has had occasion
to use the Bitters in just such a climate
as we have most ol the year in Bay
City, and has always fouud them to be
iirsl-class and reliable, doing all thut
is claimed lor them.— Tnbun.
WHKN Quln was at a eertain dinner
party theie was a pudding 011 the table
of a peculiarly attractive character,
tine of the guests helped hlmselt to a
huge niece, when the ho j t wishing to
have Quin's opinion, pushed the dish
toward liini and Invited him to "taste
the pudding." "Fray," said Quin,
looking first at tho gentleman's plate,"
and then at the dish, "which is the
pudding V"
SAID Angelina, suddenly breaking
the oppressive silence, "Don't you feel
afraid of the army worms, Theodore,
that are coining so tapidly this way
The Question was such a strange one
that Theodore's surprise caused him to
look right at Angelina for the rtrst
time in his life. Why did she ask that
question, he wanted to know. "Oh,
nothing," she replied, as she toyed
with her fan ; "only the papers say they
eat every green thing wherever they
NOTHING is so admirable as logic. A
German traveller hurried out of the
car, tired and dusty, and setting him
self at a restaurant 'table cried out.
"Waiter, bring me a beefsteak !" The
waiter replied that he would be charm
ed to do so, but that it took twenty
minutes to cook a-steak, while the
train only waited ten minutes. The
kindly and swcet-teuipered traveller
retorted. "Well, then, bting me half A
bi steak."
"WK don't want all this, we don't
want It," said an attorney over in the
court house the other day to a voluble
old lady 011 the witness stand, "It is
irrelevant." But the witness paid no
heed, and talked on, finishing with,
"There, you've got it, whether you
want it or not, and it Isn't Irreverent,
BKAMK is a philanthropist. Lying
on the sofa the other morniug, it was
noticed that he was very particular to
brush oil every lly that alighted 011 his
waistcoat, but did not eocm to mind
those that rested on his face. He ex
plained that he hadn't been to break
fast, and he presumed it would be bad
for even ally to walk about on an
empty stomach.
A DUTCHMAN who married his sec
ond wife soon alter the funeral of the
first was visited with a two hours'
serenade in token of disapproval. He
expostulated pathetically thus: "I
say, poys, you ought to be ashamed ot
yourself to be making all dish noise
veil dere vas a funeral here so soon."
With all the competition In soap,
Dobbins' Electric 80 p, (made by
Cragin & Co., Philadelphia Pa.,) is
first in popularity, because it is pure,
uniform and honest. Have your gro
cer get it and then try it at once.
A DROLL fellow fished a rich old gen
tleman out of a mlllpond, and refused
the offer of twenty-five cents from the
rescued miser. "Oh, that's too much !"
exclaimed he; "tain't worth it!" and
he handed back twenty-one cents, say
ing calmly, as he pocketed four cents,
"'Hint's about 1 lght."
AFFECTIONATE mother (to her son)
"Why do you cry, Johnny? What has
hurt you?" Johnny (crying more
lustily than before) —"Because I lel 1
down and hnrt myself yesterday."
Mother—"Yesterday ! Then why do
you cry to-day?" .Johnny (bawling
at the top of his voice) —"Oh, 'cause
you weren't home yesterday."
AN exchange gives "a recipe for
preserving the hair." But what is the
use of wasting sugar on such stuff?
Nobody would eat such preserves. A
man who relishes tripe, might And a
pickled chignon palatable, but we
uon't believe he would take kindly to
preserved hair.
"Do you want to kill the child !" ex
claimed a gentleman as he saw a boy
tip the baby out of its carriage on the
walk. "No, Mot quite," replied the
boy; "but if i can get him tc bawl
loud enough, mother will take caie of
lii 111 while I go and wade in the ditch
with Johnny Bracer?"
QUEEN VICTORIA is a poor speaker.
She wouldn't draw wortli a cent as a
lecturer. Iler last speech had the ef
fect of dispersing Parliament, to wiiich
it was addressed.
A YOUNG man married a deaf and
dumb girl, but soon afterward she re
covered both speech and hearing, and
he has applied lor a divorce, lie says
it is an outrageous swindle.
The season s entertainments have
been notably free from annoyance by
eoughing. Dr. Bull's Cough Byrup
does this. Price 25 cents a bottle.
fIPADACHK If so common that some
member of nearly every family Is af
feeted with it. The cause In moat eases
is a torpid action of the Liver, brought
on by debilitating influences and im
purities ot the stomach. The habitual
Hick Headache peculiur to some persons
is permanently cured by taking Sim
mons' Liver Regulator; ordinary Head
ache, which is only a symptom ol de
ranged Stomach and Liver is readily
cured by a lew doses. And let all who
suffer from Headaches reinemlier that
they can be prevented by taking a large
dose ol the Regulator so soon ss their
symptoms indicate the coming of an
"1 used a bottle of Simmons' Liver
Regulator when troubled seriously
witli Headache caused by Constipation.
It produced a favorable result without
hindering my regular pursuit* in busi
ness. 44 W. W. WIIMKK,
i)es Moines, lowa."
La Muridtt publishes a method of ma
king a tire HIH! water proof paper,
which, suitably modified, may be tur
ned to a great variety ot useful appli
cations in the hands of iugenious per
sons. One-third of ground asbestos
libre is mixed witli two-thirds of paper
paste in a solution of common salt and
alum. The mixture is then (Missed into
a machine, and the paper there made
is plunged into a bath of dissolved
gum lac, and then sent through the
finishing rolls, when it may be cut into
sheets. The salt and alum serve to
impart strength to the paper, and to
impart tire-resisting properties; the lac
renders it impervious to moisture
without affecting its property of re
ceiving ink. A little less vagueness
would be desirable in this description,
but there is, perhaps, enough told to
stimulate inventors to make some valu
able exjieriuionts.
The following is a simple method of
making ami unmaking tracing paper;
The diawing paper to be made trans
parent is well moistened with a sponge
wet with a solution of castor oil in two
or three times its volume of absolute
alcohol, according to the thickness of
the paper. After a few minutes the al
cohol evaporates and leaves the paper
ready lor use. The drawing may now
be made upon It in crayon or India ink.
After this the paper is restored to its
original cpaoity by immersing it for a
given length 1 time in absolute alcohol,
which dissolves and removes the oil.
The alcohol so used serves well for
making a new solution.
No mure Hard Times.
If you will stop spending so much
on Hue clothes, rich loud and style,
buy good, healthy food, cheaper and
better clothing: get more real and sub
stantial tilings of life every way, and
esjiecially siop the foolish habit of em
ploying exjienslve, quack doctors or
using so much of the vile humbug
medicine that does von only harm, but
put your trust In that simple, pure
remedy. Hop Bitters; that cures always
;il ■ trilling cost, and you will see good
times and have good health.— Chronicle.
M. Hunt welds cant steel at a tempe
rature between the yellow red and the
white by using a tlux composed of 4.5
parts of boric acid, thirty-live parts of
chloride of sodinui or common salt,
15 5 to twenty-six parts of ferroeyanide
of potassium. 7.0 parts of colophon ium,
and three to live parts of dry carbonate
of soda. The til 111 of oxidized iron 011
the surfaces to he united is made quite
fluid by the borie acid, and the objei t
of the ft rrocyanide is to restore to the
steel the carbon and nitrogen of which
it was deprived during the process of
Ammonia, so useful to agriculture
ami the arts, is a compound ot niirogt n
and hydrogen ; and tor a long (iuie some
method ot utilising the nitrogen ot tiie
air in its production has been sought.
The desired result has at last been at
tained by two European chemists, who
cause hydrogen to unite with atmos
pheric nitrogen in suitable apparatus
by the aid of electricity. The economy
ot this process has yet to besluw.i.
The Connecticut Mate Board of Health
has wisely decided that, in the optical
tests ef railway men, old employes,
who cannot pass all the tests prescribed
by the experts employed in the exami
nations, may be tested by flags and
lanterns of the size and colors used by
the railroads at a distauoe of 80 rods.
Of the 1,085 persons thus far examined,
50 have failed to meet the require
"iShe'll tiuow away her switches,
False curls and borrowed sheen.
And shake upon her shoulders plump,
The wealth of CAKBOLINK.
Statistics of English mortality' show
that during the last thirty years more
women have reached the age of seven
ty-five or eighty years than men. The
latter suffer more from lung, heart
and kidney diseases, which have of iate
been ou the increase in England.
Dr. Carter says the entire absence of
sunlight on the deep sea bottom seems
to have the same eflect as the darkness
of caves In reducing to a rudimentary
condition the eyts ot such of their in
habitants as fish and Crustacea which
ordinarily enjoy visual power; and
many of these are provided with enor
mously long and delicate feelers or
hairs, with which they feel their way
about, just as a blind mau does with
his stick.
VKOETINE.— The great success of thf
Vegetine as a cleanser and purifier ol
the blood is shown beyond a doubt by
the great numbers who have taken 11
and received immediate relief, with
such remarkable cures.
The Japan papers state that the Rus
sian Government has determined to
dispatch a man-of-war to make a hy
drogr&phical survey ot the Japanese
seas and the Sea ot Okhotsk. The Geo
graphical Society of St. Petersburg has
been invited to send a representative
with the expedition, and it is believed
that Professor Amantevitch will be se
lected on account of his knowledge of
the Japanese language and the dialects
spoken ou the coast of Siberia.
A YOUNG ladv of New York, who is
partly deal, is in the habit of answer
ing "yes" to everything when a gen
tleman is talking to her for fear he
might propose to her and she not hear
••Now Well Hod Stronif."
SHIPMAN, Illinois.
Dr. R, V. Pierce, Buttalo, N. Y.:
Dear Sir—l wish to state that my
daughter, age 18, was pronounced in
curable and was fast failing, as the
doctors thought, with consumption. 1
obtained a half dozen bottles of your
Discovery for her and she commenced
•mproving at once, and is now well
ana strong. She took the Discovery
last fall. Very truly yours,
As a rule a pretty daughter will giTe
her father more trouble than her mo
ther did. But, as a rule, she will not
keep him out of bed so late at night.
Doctors may Dlsngre*
ae to the beet methode aud remedied, for the
cure of constipation aud dieordered liver aud
kidneys. But those that have used Ki iuey-
Wort agree that it is by far the best m dicine
known. Its action is prompt, thorough aud
lasting. JIr.HALii.
More to Die than Gold.
WXI.POLK, Mass., March T. 1880.
1 wish to inform you what Vegetine do -1 #
forme. I been troubled with Erysipelas
Humor for more than $o year-. In my limbs nod
other parts or my body, and have been a great
sufierer. I commenced taking Vegetine one
year ago Jast Augugi. and can truly sny it has
done more for me than any other medicine. I
sseni to t>eperfectly free uom this h.tutor and
can recommend It to every on. Would not be
without this medicine—'tis more to me than
gold—and l fee: it wDI pro /e a blessing to others
as It has v < mo.
Yours, most respectfully,
J. BENTLEY, M.JD., says!
It baa doe* mora good * baa all modi.
CMI Ireutinont
„ „ NEWMAKIKT. out.. Feb. f isso.
Mr. H. R. HTXVSNS, Boston, Mass.-
Hlr—l have sold duni.g the past year a con
siderable quantity of your Vegetine, and I b-
Ueve, in all cases it has given s tlsfacdon. li
one c:se, a dellcato young lady of about 1
y are was much benefited by Its use. Iler pa
rents Infoimed me that It had done her more
good than all the mell< al treatment to which
she had previously been subjected.
Yours, respectfully,
Loudly In its Praise,
„ _ TOEOHTO, Ont., March 1, 1888.
H. R, Boston: Mr-Considering the short time that
Vegetine has b<_'en before the public here, it
selli well as a blood purifier, and for : roubles
arising from & sluggish or torpid liver It la a
Oral-class medioue. Our customers speak
loudly in Its praise.
Cor. Queen and Elizabeth streets.
XX. S iTRTE.MN, Ronton, Man.
7egetine is Sold by all Druggists.
f|o SJM D TE H$
JS ■;' / *jjL n
The accumulated evidence of nearly thirty
years snow thai tui Bitters is a certain remedy
for malarial disease, as well as Its surest pre
ventive ; that It eradicates dj spepsla, consti
pation, liver complaint and nervousness, count
eracts a tendency to gout, rheumatism, urinary
and uterine disorders, tliat It lui. arts vigor to
the feeble, and cheers the mind while It Invigo
rates the body.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers
ffflty If yiiiiiesiii i I f vim ■ n a
W of business. walc- nH tnan qf let
ened bv the strain of tKf tertoDlni-oTermld
rour "duties avoid \W night work, to res
stimulants and use V tore bnun netveana
Hop Bitters. ■ *•* Hop B.
If you are voung and H suffering from any In
discretion or disKip.i H tion ; iC you are mar
ri<3 or single, old or ■young, suffering from
poor health or languish ■ in# on a bed of sick
ness, rely on Ho pK Bitters.
Whoever you are, fa Thousand* ale an
whencver you ftei |ETI r J ) , n i Jj®"®
that your system 11*13 form of IC Id n.ey
needs "cleansing, ton-fiSBK* disease that might
lng or stimulating, K*s haT benprevented
without in toxicafing, f]|Bb JL by a timely use of
take Hop Hopßitters
Bitter*. HBBMB
IHaye you dps- J* ' '■ \
pe/'.sia, D. I. O.
%nTJt" a XZ2i 1' "
S*ftrs'l HflP smuts;
HUT £2-g.
You Will be ■ niTTrnn tobacco, or
cured If you use B 111 II I III' narcotics.
Hop Bitters M f |\A
Ifyonareslm- |) LIIU Sold by dr^
ply weak anil I' klC\/CD fftet*. Sand for
lowspirited, try *, NEVER Circular,
iti It mays —. . . HOP grmas
r..*4°hS:l FAIL ■*•
saved hun- Ja, ®-vherte*s ■. Y.
dreds. Q ■MBHS * r r '
3 MONTHS ON trial for 3 throe-cent stamps'
Th Prople'b Journal, Hiigerstown, Md.
m 9 A YEAR expen*< s and agts
i i i Outfit Free. Address ;to P
Mil VRKKHY. Augusta, Maine.
Ttiose auiwermg an Advertisement srU
confer s invor upon the Advertiser and the
Pub lisher byatating that they paw the adver
dswaent In this lonras thiamine the naoer)*
arm quickly oad surety nd by Um aw of CDOIT-WOIT. lu anr and woodafcl remedy whlah b
having suoh an Immwwsale to all parts of the oountay, works on mat-oral prlnalplea It r—tease strength
and ton* to tha diseased organs, and ttmgb than alasns— tha system of aomuanlatad and poisonous
kuorm. TliThtj- Htrr~n -'itilrr T ' — * *** pv u—
as., which have illsliu—i J tha rlotim* tor yeaea. Wa have Tninm— oftoetlisiwiy of ita wondacAd ouraUre
■owar. lfo bmrarnaa Alnholie Bitters, which da nan harm than rood, or drastic pilla, but use natures
—edy,RIDNXT-WORT, aed health will be qnlofchr regained. Get ft of your Druulst, Price, SI.
_ (Win aaad poet paid.) WELL!, MCMAMWMf A C<K,jrep% Barilngtoa,Y%.
Tha remedial management of those diseases peculiar to woman has afforded a large experience at
tha World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, in adapting remedies for their cure. Many thousands of
oases have annually been treated. Dr. Pl—cefe Favorite Prescription la the result or this extended
experience, and has becoins Justly celebrated tor Its many and remarkable cures at all those uramio dla-
Favorite Prescription la a powerful Restorative Tonic to the entire svstea. It la a nervine of un
surpassed efficacy, and while it quiets nervous Irritation, It strengthens the enfeebled nervous system,
thereby restoring It to bealthful vigor. The following diseases are among those In which the Favorite
Prescription has worked cures as If by magic, and with a certainty never before attained, via: Leoooso
vassal exeeaalva flowing: painful menstruation: unnatural suppressions: weak hack: prolapsus, so
falling of tho nterns( ateverslou| rotrovcrslou: hearing-down sensation: shronle congestion,
motion, and uloeratlon: Intornal hent| nervous depression t nervous and siek koadneho: debility:
and barrenness, or sterility, when not caused by stricture or the neck of the womb. When the latter
condition exists, we can, by other means, readily remove the Impediment-to the hearing at eflbprlng
(gas Invalids' Guide Book, sent for one stamp, or the Medical Adviser}.
Favorite Prescription Is sold under a positive guarantee. Tor conditions, see wrapper around bottle.
•DO LIKEWISE."— Mrs. E. F. Morgan, of Mew Car tie, Lincoln Maine, says: "Five years age 1
was a dreadful suQerer from uterine troubles. Having exhausted the skill of three physicians, I was
completely discouraged, and so weak I could with difficulty cross the room alone. I began taking
lour 'Favorite Prescription' and using the local treatment recommended in your' Common *sne
ledlcal Adviser.' 1 commenced to improve at once. In three months I was perfectly cured, and
have had no trouble since. 1 wrote a letter to my family paper, briefly mentioning how my health had
been restored, and offering to send the full particulars to any one writing me for ttkm and enclotinm
a stomped envelope jar reply. I have received over tour hundred letters. In reply, I have describee
my case and the treatment used, and earnestly advised them to 'do likewise.' From a great many I
have received second letters of thanks, stating the.' they had commenced the use of Favorite Preecrtp.
ttou, sent for the 'Medical Adviser,' and applied the local treatment so fully and plainly laid down
therein, and were much better already." 3 Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is sold by all druggists %
• "WT crvexjs UDT should read "The People's Common Bouse Medical Adviser." lu
pogre ars develed to the eeaatderatlea at these dfaeeaes peculiar to Wemea. fleei, post-paid,
1 ™- W9ALTI BtnHAXT IDKAJfc JJfIOOJJHH. Hmi**. ft,
VB mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm wmmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmm tmg
That Acta at the Same Time os H
M The Liver, the Bowels and the Kidneys. M
These a rest organs are the natural cleans- ■
■I era of the system. If they work well, health r
■ V will be perfect; If they become clogged, ■
1 dreadful diseases are sure to follow with n
P| Biliousness, Headache, Dyayepsla, Jaun- M
Bf dice. Constipation and Piles, or Rid- H
Va. ney Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes,
KJ or Bheamatic Pains and Aches,
IP are developed because the blood is poisoned K
■I with the humors that should have been U
Lfl expelled naturally.
( 1 will restore the healthy action and all these Vw
IJ destroying evils will be banished ; neglect F 1
Ifl them end you will live but to suffer. IJ
PI Thousands have been cured. Tryltandyou la
j will add one more to the number. Take It ■■
■ and health will once more gladden your heart. U
fl Why Sefferkefer free the tevswtefeeXeHesbwkl I
I Why fcsar —S gUtr— fr— C—sttpall— sag Ml**! VI
M KrouET-Wour will cure yon. Try a pack- K 1
P| age at once and be satisfied.
It t a dry vegctabU compound and
R One Package makes six quarts of Xsdldne. M
Your Vruggitt hat it, or will got it for BU
II you. Insist upon having it. iVics, SIXO.
M WILLS, BICHABDSON k CO., Proprietor!, Lj
|IO (Will witd pot p*M.) BurUagtM, Tt. W
UNUINO American Anttaem Book,
(I.SC) by Johnson. Tenney and Abbey; an excel
lent collection of easy anthems. Also, one
thousand or more of separate Anthems, Glees,
Ac., costing about to 10 eta. each. A great
convenience for occasional singing.
NEW CANTATAS.— Christmas, (fl); Fall
of Jerusalem, ($1); Josephs Bondage.
($) us); and many others for winter practice of
choirs and Societies, bend for lists 1
for Piano, Organ Reed Organ, Guitar, violin,
comet, and alt Wind. B' ring and Reed Instru
ments. send lor our lists, 800 such books are
Organists need "Harmonic (tehool** for
the organ, ($3), by Clarke: aio, "Clarke's
HKiort Voluntaries," (fl.SO); " Batiste's
ao Fteres," TA.HO); or " Organist's Reli
ance," by Thayer, 10 NOE., each $L.*6, com
plete, M <<O.
Johnson's New Method for Har
mony, (fl) is easiest.
Winner's New Reboots, (each T5 cents).
For iill i muniment*. Capital cheap Instructor!!.
Clarke's Reed Organ Melodies, ($2) ars
Take the Mnslesl Record, $2.00 per year,
welcome thorn*, for Hlgu schools, fl.
AO* A Bells, tor Common schools. 60 cts.
Any bo<>k mailed for TBE retail price men
tioned above. Liberal reduction for quantities.
Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston.
J. M. DITHOK ft OO.msOhostnnt St.. Phils.
1681. IBOt
1881 is now ready. Th a elegant book contains
about 2uo One engravings. A specimen copy
will tie sent free to any one in the United States
on reoeint >f a three-cent stamn to prepay post
age on the baok. Agents wanted. Address
44 Summer street, Boston, Man.
ALL PERSONS Wsnt<ng Employment in M-r
--rni.t'le Rous**, Bo eli, Bt<>r**, Office*, etc.,
an Tew r- desiring Sclhm lei gaxem-'i.t*. call we
address with stamp, M ANHATTAN AtiF.N i'Y.
lio. 753 fiioadway. New York (Sty.
A LLEK'S Brain Pond earns Nervous Dnkl'it*
r\ and Weakuea. of Ueuerntivn Organ*, 81 —all
fruggista. baud for Circular to Allan a Pharmacy.
US ft rat AVO..M. Y.
Thio in the ch *ap*t aud only complete and relia
ble work oil £ iqamt# and Bun o u an.l Social
ri-rma. It tell* h w io perform all the tariuuadu
tien "f life, aiffl how to spposr to th beat advamags
on ail occasions.
AG K.N TS M ANTED.—Send for circulars contain
ing a full de crip ion uf i b ■ work and extra tartua to
I'n-la ielph a. Pa.
la the Old kaUabla Oosoontratod Lyo for FAMILY
80AP MAKING. Di recti ona aooomaany aaak can
for making Hard, Saff and TOU4 LWP uikly.
kla tnll walght and strength.
As Ingltot Tutorsary Bnrgsos aad Obosnßt, sow
traveling is this country, says that most of Ch* Harae
and Oattl* Powdsra bar* ar* wartklaaa traik. Ha
taya that ."herldan'o Condition Powdors nra abao
luialy pur* aad lmmenaeiy valuable. Nothing oa
Ptrth will mak* bono lay Itko Sheridan's CoodTdoa
owdors. Dooo, oua teassoou to an- plat ef food.
Mineral Rode
ther particuUra ad lreaa
PHILANDER BOOTH, Plantsville, Conn.
(Df) nnn *** GOLD Given Away. Send 3-CE'ut
(H/ 111111 * LAM P FOR particular*. Addreea TH*
VPU,UUU MXAAXKOKK. Lewieburgh, Union Co., Pa.
mil I) CI —Choicest in the world—lmporters
I li All. 1 r CM — Lark eat Company in America
* OI —staple article —pones everybody—
Trade continually lucresaine—Agents wanted every
where—teat inducements—don't waste time—ona
for Circular. RnBT WELLS,
43 Veaey St.. N. Y. P O. Bax 1287.
Xtmmm gs PRESENTS, fre*. bend aid reus
lYflflX for particular*. F. Till PET,
If I HO 27 School street, Boston, Mai>a.
W Microscopes. Thermometers, Eye Glaoves, Opera
Glasses, Barometers at Grtatlg Rtducsd Pmnt.
R. & J. BECK,
Manufacturing Opticians, Philadelphia. Send S
stamps for illustrated Catalogue of 144 sagos, and
mention this paper.
* tor. Pa.,opens September 8;h. Civil engineering
Cbamistrv. lassies and Fntillch. Degrees conferred
l clonal THICO HATTY. Proa.
ET RICH soiling our Kuboer Stamps and Masic.
T barn plus free. Cook ft Bitsrll, Cleveland, O.
, A. So , W ' Silver and Nickel, f 6
Jo ®Chains, etc.. sent C. O. D. to
ngigr bo examined. Write for Catalogue to
CO.. Pittsburgh. Pa.
4f\ PAGK BOOK OF WONDERS for a3 c sfsmp!
Address B. Fox ft Co., 391 Caual St..New York.