Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 25, 1880, Image 4

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APPLES. —Apples should be perfectly
dry when taken from the trees and
kftpt so until stored away for keeping
oter winter. Whenpleklngoavl-shaped
halibushel baskets. The basket maybe
kept on the arm or a high stool near
by, or both, being careful to put none
into the basket but sound, smooth fruit
and of fair size. When the basket is
full carefully pour them into the bin,
and when that is full, or at night,
cover with boards to keep off the sun
and rain. Continue the operation ol
picking during dry weather until done.
Never cover the apples while in the
orchard with straw. It makes them
too warm, and there is no danger of
the fruit being injured by the frost uu
til qi.ite late in the season, They must
be kept dry and from the sun. To keep
nicely a dry,airy,light eellar and serou
pulously clean Is absolutely necessary.
The sidt s and ceiling of the cellar should
be cemented pith plaster to keep an
even temperature of cold, and the bot
tom ot the cellar cemented with water
proof cement to keep out the dampness.
There should be one or more windows
on opposite sides of the cellar to give
free circulation of air when needed.
These shouid be oi glass and support
ed by hluges at the lop so that ihey
may be opened and shut as clrcuuistau
oes require.
Cows, —Treat them generously and
kinuly but do not keep them fat,unless
they are to be turned utt into beet. Cow
Is a machine, a laboratory for convert
ing raw materials iu to milk. If little
be given, lmle will be received. All
animals suouid have exercise, especial
ly ttio&e kept lor breeding. Some ol
tnern are uaturally lazy, but they will
be better for stirring aOouc iu the open
air. It is cruel to keep animals lied up
or shut up lor days at M time. Thev
need light too. Direct suitstiine exer.s
a poweriui influence lor good on ani
mals as well as on plants. Do uoi
overlook a good supply ol pure water
two or iliiee tunes a uay or good venti
lation and proper cleaning ol stables.
When tne ground is irozeu and cov
eieT with snow,it may be well enough
Oil pleasant da>s lo scatter the toddci
anu allow tne stock plenty ol room to
pick it up; but wiieu it is muddy no
one but a sloven will leed lodder on
the giouud. Good racks should be
made lor of convenience anu
LEO WEAKNESS.— Leg weakness is
generally caused by the size and weight
of the body being more than the leg?
can bear; It is shown by the bird rent
ing on the flrst joint. Being entirely
the result ol weakness, the best treat
ment is that which gives general
strength and stamina to the suflerer.
Ciuate ol iron must be given dis
solved in ale, and added to the food,
which may be more than usually nour
ishing, but not in grenier-quantity, as
over leeding has occasioned the dis
Frequent bathing In cold water is
very beneticial. Tnis is the best affec
ted by tying a towel round the lowl,
and suspending it over a pail of water,
with the legs only immersed, so as not
to injure the plumage.
Absence of lime in the poultry yard
sometimes causes leg weakness, and
old age invariably shows itself in the
''trembling limb." Warmth and gen
erous diet are the sole remedies for
FOR worms in horse 3, divide six
ounces of blacksmith's iron tilings into
twelve parts, and make into as many
balls, with sufficient flax-seed meal and
molasses, Give one of these every
morning, fasting; the day after finish
ing give a physic ball, composed ol
six drachms of powdered Barbadoes
aloes, two drachms of powdered ginger
and molasces. Every other evening
during the time the twelve balls are
given the hor*e should be fed on soft
food or steamed oats, mixed with
equal parts of bean and flax-seed
CORN IS excellent food for horses to
work on, but not lor fast driving. A->
' jon as a horse gets used Co eating corn
there is no danger of its producing
any internal disarrangement. Three
or four ears of flint" corn are all it
should have to begin a diet of this
ALWAYS set the hens after dark, cov
ering them Irom sight for a day, and
remove the cloth or covering at night.
Thus, if the sitting-room or nest is new
to the ben, she gradually grows famil
iar with the surrounding as day ap
proaches, and will be very likely to
conclude to stop for a few weeks in
her strange quarters.
IT is said there is no better way to
destroy sorrei than to plow the land in
early summer, and in July sow buck
Jx feeding bran to stock we obtain a
return almost equai to Its cost in the
actiye quality of the manure.
TEN bushels ol spent tan bark mixed
with two bushels of guano make an ex
cellent compost for potatoes.
COOKING soda, dissolved in water to
saturation, is as fatal to potato bugs as
Paris green.
LIGHTNING CAKE. — Persons who
"just drop in" are a nuisance in the
opinion of many housewives, who.
nevertheless, will be glad to learn of a
cake of which the making and baking
occupies only fltteen minutes, and
which, therelore, will serve to conceal
the nakedness of the larder when un
expected guests appear. Take the
yolks of four eggs, three tablespoon
fuls of sugar, the same of flour, about
two tablespoonfuls of milk, and the
juice ol hall a small lemon; the whites
of three eggs are beaten to a stiff froth
and mixed with the yolkß, flour, etc.,
the c mpound then being put In a
buttered pan and placed in a quick
Did any one ever try making tea with
cold water? If you never did, just do
so the next warm day when a cool re
freshing beverage is desired. Place
the tea in a pitcher in the movning
with just enough eold water to cover
it. At dinner time fill the pitcher with
cold water from the well and you will
have thebest cup of tea you eve? drank
—that is for warm weather. The finer
qualities of tea are much more fully
retained than when steeped upon the
Are. And who wishes a cup of scald
ing tea on coming in straight from the
harvest field and the scorching glare
of our August sun?
WRINKLED SILKS.— To make silk
which has been wrinkled appear ex
actly like new; sponge it on the sur
face with a weak solution of gum ara
ble or white glue, and iron on the
wrong side.
WHERE is the man who is going forty
(lays without a drink ?
SLEEPING KOOMS. — Do not neglect
ventilating your bedroom when the
weather becomes cold. Ia the morning
hoist the windows, take off the bed
clothes, shake and stir the ticks, turn
the upper one over the foot roll. This
will prevent the impure odors pene
trating farther, and they will eseape
faster while the bed is warm, and y< u
will not have to wait for the beds to
air when you are ready to make them.
In hot weather we sleep with all the
windows open, but do not allow the
wind to blow directly upon us. In the
coldest nights of winter we only leave
the doors open connecting with other
rooms. On no account sleep in tight
rooms without at least a crack to ad
mit of pure air. Plenty of fresh air
gives strength and elasticity to the
lungs and body. Keep the pores of
the skin oj en,to let impurities pass out
freely, by washing the body once a
week in winter and oftener lu summer.
Have the room warm, bathe quickly,
slid wipe dry, and you will not feel
chilly if It has been doue properly, it
all the clothing worn by day were air
ed while we sleep in other garments,
much health anil comfort would be
added to life. One third of our Ives is
spent in sleeping rooms. Do be particu
lar about them. Let them be large,
dry and pleasant.
pint of milk one egg and a little salt.
Stir In gradually one pint of flour.
Beat this batter till quite light and free
irom lumps or a particle of unwet
flour. Let them stand on the stove a
few minutes, atter having put the bat
ter Into hot, buttered gem-pans, then
put into the oven and bake quickly.
Cot nrneal or Graham cau be made in
the same way—only add two table
spoonfuls of flour to oornmeal; or, if
gems are desired for dessert they need
a little more care, should be made
rlcner. Melt three ounces of butter iu
a pint of cream. Let it stand till cold,
then add to it two ounces of flour,beat
eu till smooth. Beat the yolks of fo"r
eggs with two ounces of white sugar.
Spice to taste. Add the whites of two
eggs, beaten very light, the last thing
Bake in gem-pans or cups, and serve
the Instant they are done, as they will
fall and become heavy 11 left standing.
Eat with any jim that Is agreeable.
TrutU anil Honor.
Query:—What id the best family
uiedieine in the world to regulate the
bowels, purify the blood, remove cos
tlveness and biliousness, aid diges
tion and tone up the whole system?
Truth and honor compels us to answer.
Hop Bitters, being pure, perfect and
harmless. See another column.— Toledo
SCOURING CLOTH. —A little curd soap
is dissolved in water, and atter mixing
it with a little clarified ox-gall is ap
plied to all the spots of grease, Jtc.,
*nd well rubbed into them with a stiff
brush,until they appear to be removed,
after which the article is well cleaned
all over with a brush or sponge dipped
in warm water to which the firmer
mixture with a little more ox-gall has
been added. The cloth is next well
rinsed in clean water, and hung to dry.
For dark-colored clothes some fuller's
earth is often adued to the mixture of
soap and gall. When the article is
nearly dry, the nap is laid smooth and
pressed, after which a soft brush
moistened with a little olive oil is pass
ed over it to give it a final gloss. Buff
and drab cloth is cleaned by covering
it with paste of p>pe clay and water,
either with or without a little amber
to temper the color, which dry, is rub
bed or brushed off.
DUSTING CAPS. —I have lately made
one, and chose plain dark calico, using
an oval piece twenty-two inches long
and eighteen inches wide; this was
bound with gray plaid, *nd another
strip half an inch wide was put on an
inch from the edge. Under this last I
ran rubber cord, and floished with a
knot of ribbon in iront. 1 wear it
while doing all my morning work, for
it not only protects my hair from every
particle of du t, but hides its semi
roughness from all early and mopor
tune callors. Besides this, it Is very
easily drawn down over my temples
while standing in a sudden draught of
air, for I have learned that neuralgic
nerves are verv sensitive.
the lace on a e'ean table; have one tea
spoonful of powdered borax dissolved
in a quart of hot water; take a soft,
brush and use the borax water freely ;
alter all the grease spots or soiled places
have been removed, use plenty of
warm water with a sponge; go all over
the places so as to rinse off all the bor
► x water; place the lace —while damp,
and atter picking out nicely—between
pieces of old black silk or cashmere
and press with a warm iron until dry;
be careful not to u°e a hot iron.
table cover of unique design is made of
black satin. On this are sewed three
or five parallel strips of maroon, dark
blue or blaok velvet, as preferred, and
between the strips (the number of
which is regulated by the size of the
cover) fans of different colors are em
broidered in slip-stitch done with floss
silk. The fans follow each other
srraight up and down in regular suc
cession and colors, blue, green and red.
CHICKEN CHEESE. —Boil two chickens
in water enough to make them tender ;
take them out when done and remove
all the bones; mince the meat very
tine; season with salt, pepper and but
ter, and return them to the water in
which they were boiled ; cook until the
liquid is nearly goner pour into a deep
di?h ; lay a plate over it, put on it a
weight, and set away In a cool place.
W hen ready to be eaten, cut it in slices,
and it will be as firm as cheese.
"I know a pretty, black-eyed maid,
A royal little queen,
Who'll be as much rejoiced as 1
To see this CARBOLINK."
recommends that burns be treated by
applying a paste composed of three
ounces of gum arabic, one ounce of
gum tragacanth, one pint of carbollzed
water (one part to sixty), and two
ounces of molasses. The paste is to be
applied with a brush, renewed at in
tervals, and is stated to be a successful
method. Four applications are usually
sufficient, the granulating surfaces be
ing treated wiih simple cerate or the
oxide of zinc ointment, as indicated.
To brown sugar for sauce or for pud
dings put the sugar in a perfectly dry
sauce-pan. If the pan Is the least bit
wet the sugar will burn and spoil your
The organ rolled its notes trom the
growling diapason to the gentle flute;
und the congregation accompanied by.
de p sepulchral coughs to coughs*
scarcely audible, because they had not
Eet heard of the wonderful efficacy of
>r. Bull's Cough Syrup.
"AND SO you are from the great West,
sir," said a Brooklyn man to a Denver
party to whom a mutual friend had In
troduced him. "A great country, sir,
destined, I think, to become, sir, the-
Sreatest country in the world. What
ay, sir, would it be convenient for
you to dine with me?"
• I'hank you," replied the Denver
man, "but I leave forborne to-morrow.
Will you take a little liquid refresh
ment with mo now, sir?"
As the three emerged from the rest
aurant and separated a lew minutes
later, a tramp approached the gen lo
nian from Denver.
"And so, sir, you are from the great
West. A magniflcent country, sir. It
Is the source of our resources, sir, and
It furnishes to us some of America's
greatest men. I congratulate you on
being a Western mm. What day will
It be convenient, sir, for you to take a
glass of beer with me?"
"A great country and productive of
great people," soliloquized the tramp,
as he scraped the mud off his jaw with
a stick, "but somehow the suckers
don't seem to tumble lo hosp tallty."
THE Baroness Berthe is much grati
fied to receive a visit from Count C.
who has recently won large by on the
She was lu her boudoir when he was
announced, extended In an easv chair,
and attired in an elegant dressing
gown of lace, which set off her well
rounded figure wonderfully well.
Assuming a bewitching pose and a
melancholy countenance she ordered
him to be admitted.
"Count." said she sully, "you behold
a woman iu de*pir."
dear! Wnatls the matter?"
"i am persecuted by a bill of fifty
louls. that I had the imprudence to in
"Poor soul I"
"My furniture is about to be seized.
In tins situation I have not the heart
for anything."
"Baroness, I knew my duty as a gen
A ray of hope glanced In Berthe's
eyes, but the Count took up his cane
and hat and said w-t i great gravity !
"I leave you to your grief."
A WOMAN read In a paper that the
best way to boys iu the house in
the evening was to make home cheerful
and attractive. She did so. She pur
chased games of various kinds, lit up
the parlor each eveuing, threw opeii
the piano, invited young people of bth
sexes, and had dances, and music, and
relresiiuients, etc. But slie dUln'iauc
ceed in keeping her two boy 9 home
oftener than two evenings out of a pos
sible seven. The mother concluded
that they must frequent a very attrac
tive and cheerlul place, lui eed; and
one night she got on their trail, and
going up a pair of rickety back stairs,
to a dingy, dirty third-story room, she
found her two boys aud four other
youths sitting around a dollar-and-hall
pine table engaged in a game of six
handed euchre, while a candle sticking
in a greasy porter tattle threw aghasi
ly glare over the scene. She now won
ders it there is such a thing as making
home to attractive and cheerful for the
"C AN you keep a secret?" said Mr.
Middlerib, impressively, looking at
his wi.e. '"indeed 1 can," she ex
claimed eagerly, running across the
room that she might cling to the lap
pels of his coat while she listened.
''Well," said the bru al man, "you can
do a great deal more than 1 can, then.
I never could remember one long
enough to tell it." She didn't say a
word, but all through his breakfast
that morning he kept wondering why
the sugar tasted so much of salt, and
how under the suu his sieak got so full
of sand. But he knew enough, or at
least he thought he knew enough, not
10 ask.
"Is your program full, Miss Beetle
crusherasked a young man of a
Western damsel who had just strug
gled out of the refreshment room,with
disappointment in her eye and an "or
der of dances" in her hand. "Program
full?" said the daughter of the Setting
Sun. "Waal, I guess r.ot! hain't
had nothing but a piece of cake and an
ice cream, an' they don't go far
towards fll ling my program, I can tell
"WHY my dear old fellow," said a
horse jocky, trying to sell a horse to an
irishman at the market the other day,
"that 'ere hoss has traveled a mile in
two mlnutei and twenty seconds." "!
belave ye, sir," answered the intelli
gent sou of Emerald, "'but I'll wager
me ould brogaus he was aboard a rail
road train when ye timed him."
One trial of Duobins 1 Electric Soap.
(1. L. Cragin <fc Co., Philadelphia Pa.,)
will make you a firm believer in its
merits ever after. Give it that trial,
please. Your grocer has it, or will get
"I AM the head flower of the family, "
remarked the dandy in conversation
with h group of young ladies the other
evening. "Oh, yes," responded one of
them, the " flour must be superfine, or
the head you possess must be an excel
lent one—of the dough qualil y."
ARTKMUS WARD once said that the
funniest story he ever heard was about
an inebriate reporter, who leaned over
the rail of the reporters' gallery in the
English Uouseoi Lords, and inquired:
"Will sbum noble'ord plea shing comic
"WHO do you love?" said Jones to
his sweetheart's baby sister. "I loves
oo," was the reply. "And who does
Sissy love?" "Sissy loves Mister
Sinif, toss he tisses 'er."
"MY umbrella is getting decidedly
shabby," said a young manabouttowu
one evening last week. "I believe 1
will have to strike another prayer meet
ing the first rainy night."
WHEN they want to punish a man
severe)v in Arkansas they glye him a
bath. Nothing Is such exquisite torture
to an Arkansas man.
MARY, my love, this apple dumpling
is not half done. Wife—"Well, finish
It, then, my dear."
Great liittioia,
'g often suddenly experienced from
in attack of cramp in the stomach,
colic, or other painful affections for
the relief of which nothing is superior
to Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of
Smart-Weed, or Water-Pepper, com
pounded from the best French brandy,
Jamaica ginger, smart-weed, or water
pepper, and anodyne gums. For diar
rhoea, dysentery, bloody flux, cholera
morbus, its warming, soothing, as
tringent and heating properties render
k s perfect specific, unsurpassed as an
anodyne and stimulating embrocation
oi liniment. Should be kept In every
family. Sold by druggists at fifty
A FAULTLESS family medicine thai
mothers can rely upon for their child*
ren and lor themselves. Corrects Acid
ity of the Stomach, cures Colic, regu
lates the Bowels, Is a Purifier and
Tonic to the whole system, sod Is given
with safety and the happiest results to
the most delicate infants. Children as
well as adults, eat sometimes too much
supper, or eat somt thing which does
not digest well, producing Sour
Stomach, Colic, or Restlessness—a good
dose of Simmons' Liver Regulator will
give certain relief.
"I have used Simmons' Regulator in
my family for eight or ten years, and
found it to be the best family medicine
I aver used. 1 have used it in most cases
when my children had Diarrhoea, Colic,
Headache. You may say It is the best
family medicine 1 ever used for any
thing that may happen. I have used it
in Indigestion and found it to relieve
me immediately after eating a hearty
supper. On going to bed 1 take about
a teaspoonful and never feel the efTecti
of the supper eaten.
"Ex-Mayor City of Macon, Ga."
AN English physician says the reason
we eat oysters raw is because the fawn
colored mass which constitutes the
dainty of the oyster is its liver, which
U a littie less than a heap of glycogen,
associated with which is its appropriate
digestive ferment—the hepaticdlastate
It spoils the ''hepatic diastase" to cook
the bivalve, it appears. But this is not
the reason we eat oysters raw. We
must confess that wu never knew an
oyster had such a thing as a "hepatic"
disatase about it. Most persons eat 'em
raw because they like 'em that way.
ILlby Sav <1?
We are so thankful to say that our
baby was permanently cured of a dan
gerous and protracted irregularity of
the bowels by use of Hop Bitters by its
mother, which at the same time restor
ed her io perfect health and strength.
—The Parents, Rochester, N. Y. See
another column.— Buffalo Express.
A BRIDK lately returned from a trip
tk> Niagara Falls declared herself great
ly disappointed. They all expressed
great astonishment. "Yes." she add
ed, "It was thegreateatdisappolntment
of my life, i saw as many as two hun
dred and nfty hack-drivers, and not
one of them wore diamond shirt studs."
AT a ball—Match making mamma to
her mairiageable daughter: "Viri
ginla, dear, don't lose sight of that
geutleman la mourning. He may be a
A ST. LOUIS lady who had been grad
ated irotn three seminaries tried to send
a bandbox by telegraph the other day.
VKQVTINR. —The great success of th
Vegetine as a cleanser and purifier ol
the blood is shown beyond a doubt bj
the great numbers who have taken il
and received immediate relief, with
such remarkable cure*
Portraits in Silhouette. —Very life-like
profile portraits may be made iti the
following way. Pin a large sheet of
paper against the wall. Some light
colored preferable. Let the subject sit
between the lamp, which mu?t be on a
level with the centre of the head, and
this paper. There must be bulone light
or the shadows will be confused.
Adjust the relative distance of the sub
ject and the lamp until a clearly defin
ed shadow of the face in profile Is
thrown upon the paper. The proper
method of arrangement can easily be
acquired. Now let the subject sit as
still as possible while the outline of
the face and head is rapidly traced on
the paper. After the outline is traced
(our practice was to do this on the
wrong side of the paper In order to
conceal the pencil marks) it can be cut
with a sharp penknife. You will then
have, it the cutting has been carefully
done, two heads. Mount them with
contrasting color. We have made some
with blue on red ground—the finest
being gold on black velvet ground. A
very little practice and a degree of
taste will enable one to make very
striking portraits of the members of
the family circle. The occupation will
be found very pit asant and amusing
during the long evenings.
For an acid proof cement make a con
centrated solution of silicate of soda,
and form a paste with powdered glass.
This simple mixture will sometimes be
found invaluable in the operations ot
the laboratory where a luting ig re
quired to resists the action of acid
Thank God (or Anakeili I
W KLLTLEET, MASS. , April 10, 1876.
Dear Sirs: Enclosed you will And one dollar,
for which please send mo a kox of Anakeais.
Direct it to Mutford Rich, Jr., Wellfleet, Barn
stable Co., Mass. My wife has suffered ternbly
with piles for ten years, and had tried all kinds
of remedies that she oould hear of without
much relief. Last summer I happened to hear
of Anaketi* when I was in Boston and so I
procured a box and she experienced immediate
relief. She says the can exclaim with the cele
brated professor: Thank God for Anakesis I
She rave part of the contents ef the iox to a
friend of hers tn Provmcetown. and tbey
helped her so that she sent the next day and
bought some. The most of the inhabitants of
this place and vicinity are sea-faring people,
and Dy being exposed to wet and col.l, a
hard pulling at ropes, nine out of ten are trou
bled with piles, and have tried so manv reme
dies without relief thar they are disoouraged
and have no faith in anything, but I know that
they are a good article. Now I will tell you
my plan; I am a peddler and travel in Barn
stable county, and times are so hard that
money is verv scarce, but if lean afford it this
summer 1 want to buy about a dozen boxes on
purpose to give away to the unbelievers, and 1
think that by so doing, and being acquainted
w tb so many people, that 1 could get up quite
a trade iu Anakesns if von would give me the
sole right of this county.
Yours trnlv.
MULFORD Rrcn, Jit.
Anakesia is sold by all first-class druggists.
Price $1 00 per box. Samples mailed free to
all sufferers, on application to P. Nens aedter
A Co., Box 8910, New York.
If Yoa are Sick,
Kidney-Wort will save yon more doctor's bills
than any ot' er medicine known. Acting
ptoific energy on the kidneys and liver, it
cures the wort dieeasi s cats-d by tUelr de
rangement. U*e it a', onoe.—UNION.
1 AM Transfer Pieturea JOc.jlfO ScripPirture* l< e.
lUU AddreaaJ.W PRIZZELL, Ba timore,Md.
8 MONTHS ON TRIAL ffir s three-cent stamps
Tn Ptoru's JotrawAt, Hagerstown, Md.
More to ffle than Oold.
WAI-POLB, MASS., March f. I MO.
I wish to inform you what Vegetine ban
fofrme. I hive been troubled witn EryMpMas
lfurnor for more i ban 8u year •> In my llralM und
other parts of mv body, and have been a great
sufferer. 1 eomraeneed taking Vegetine one
yeftr ago last August. and can truly ssy it has
done more for me ihati Hny other medicine. 1
seem to i*e purf>-ctl,v rri'e from this humor and
Sin recommend It to every cite. Would noc be
it bout this medicine—'tis more to me than
gold—and I feel tt will prove a bless log toothers
as It has u> me.
Yours, most respectfully,
J. EENTLET, M. D., tayi:
It has done more mood than nil nsodl*
col trc.itmcut.
Niwmki ST, Out.. Feb. t, IMS.
Mr. H. R. STEVEN*, Boston, Mase.-
sir—l have sold uuru.g the past year s con
siderable quantity of >our Vrgetlne, and I b<>>
lleve. In all cases it has given satisfaction, li
one case, a delicate young lady of about 1
y.-ars was much benefited by its use. ller pa
rsms lnfotmed me that It had done bar mors
good than all the medb al treatment to which
She had previously been subjected.
Yours, respectfully,
Loudly In Its Praise.
TORONTO, Ont., March , ins.
H. It. SITVRNV Boston:
Dear Mr—Considering the short time thai
Vegetine has been before the public here, It
•ells well as a blood puilder, and lor iroubl s
arising from a sluggish or torpid tlver It Is a
Qrst-class medicine. Our cuatomers speak
loudry in Its praise.
Cor. Queen und kllzabeth streets.
U. R STEVENH, Boston. Ran.
Vegetine is Sold by all Druggfsts.
3 Constipation and Piles.
Dr. R. IL Clark, Booth Hero, VL. MYA, "In BUM I
N of EM*#? Tr.AU. It ha* acted UK a charm. It ■
JJ ha* curwi many very bad caaea of PUM, and ha* E,
■ never failed to act •rßcintlr."
Nelaon PairchJJd, of St. AIMUU, VT, aaya, "Ill* ■
J of vi lI*AB value. After nxteen years of great M
■ .UNARING from Pile, and OosttveneH It OOM- U
■ p!etly cured MA"
N A & Bocnbon, of Berltshlre. says, "One PARK ■■
U age haa done wonder, for me In oomplntelr oar- FJ
I Ins A MTW. Liver and Kidney Complaint."
Baeaua ft Acta catha LITIS, thi BOVTELSaaI
Us ZZSHZT3 at Ua aaaa Una.
I Because >t cleanses the syetem of I
■ the poisonous that develop* W
j in Kidney and Urinary diseases, 81l- M
H louaneaa. Jaundice, Constipation, ■
■ Piles, or In Rheumatism, Meur algla I
n and nervous disorders. y
■ KIDNEY-WORT I. a dry v*(Vtetla NO- I
■ peaad EED N* he seat hy mall prepaid. ■
U Oae package will makeelx qtsof medictae. M
J tvßay It at the DrmggUta. Price, SI.SS. t
WILLS, KCHASMON k CO., Prsprlatoif,
I 12 (WUI mb* port p*ID.) BerUagtea, Tt. I
The accumulated evidence or nearly thirty
j ears snow ih it th • Bitters Is a certain remedy
for malarial disease, as well as its surest pre
ventive ; that It eradicates dyspepsia, c nstl
i ation, liver complaint and nerv msness, coun
eracts & tendency to gout, rheumatism, urln -ry
and uterine disorders, tnat It lm arts vigor to
the feeble, and cheers the mind while It lnvigo
tatf s the body.
For sale by all Druggists and DeaVt*
genet ally.
Thell'urmtand Bet Medicine eTer Made.
Acoanibtnailon of Hops, Duchu, Man*
drnkle nJ Dandelion, witu all tno best and
mr>sTC%uraUveproj>crtic of all other E.ttcrg,
GREATEST Blood Purifier, Liver
Res U l\ ator, ">D Life AND Ilealth Restoring
Agent earth.
No dleeane powibly long cilvt where flop
hitters are varied and perfect are TH. tr
o peratlon&Bßß
They girs new 114 ft ixi vigor to the iged ad laflm
To all whose e%naployincnt caue Irregular!
ty of the ORINARY organ . or who re
quire an A Tonic and mUd Stimulant,
Hop hitter* are INVALUABLE, without Intox
icating. MBML .
No nuiater what your or vrmptom.
are what the disease or AIL% "EUT Is uao Hop Blt
tera Don't wait until youaW LC'< but If you
only feel bad or miserable ,B U3<? them at ance-
It may save has® 8a vod hundreds.
SSOO WILL be paid for a caß 36 1 HC V *lll "J*
cuTeorhelp. Do not suffer V' 10 * friends
suffer, but use and urge HOP B
Remember, Hop Bitters Is BOV' 11 '' D ,R U<
drunken nostrum, but the N
Medicine ever made I the RELAD
and BOTE" and no pei-eon or
should be wttliout them. hshnM
D.1.0. IS an absolute and lrrewttble cure 1
forDrunkem-**, use of opium, tobacco and I
narcotics. All sold by druggirta SENDEE,
for Circular. Hep Bitter. UTF. CA, ZW
Rochester, N.Y and Toronto, Ont. JT
Those answering an Advertisement ml
confer a tavor upon the Advertiser and the
Publisher hystating that they sawtheadver*
In tht. lonn.* Wn.mlr, the NNr •
KIDNEY DISEASES, c sßs rl p p iffi? H
inqalalUy h<Rnt7 a b|rita*rf UWI-WOET; ™ iiustsifjil nndy whit**
tupwiirfttemiay. wrtutm mamrmlprmotplm str—art*
mxA mmm UM aniMm orfiai, MU ■—— *yL*y—
**_wU*toTC4teoMdthi*itiaifet JMH. Wi Mw alinii sTM—msny
yom Vo lOBCOTBM Alahoim BltMn. wtuoh • mi fcomm good. • *—S* f*-*? 1 "?'''?* 1
iffii nnn i T i nil ffill il EffiTOH
fc> Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cores all ■■■sera, firm Ob worst krsfsls ft •
common Blotch, rtnpla. or Eruption, IrrilMlu, tslt*rhoun, Borer Bores* Scaly op
Beach Bkln, in short, all diseases earned by bad bleed, are conquered by thin powerful,
purifying, and invigorating medicine.
Especially has It manifested Its potency In earing tetter. Bete llaah, Bolls, fWhaa
eles, Sere Eyes, acromions no res and awollimgs, White dwellings, Oellre er Thleß
■eeh, and Enlarged Glands.
If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, bare sallow eoler ef akin, er rellowlsb-brear* nets
en face or body, frequent headache or diss in ess, bad taste la mouth. Internal heat er chills
alternated with hot flushes, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, yon are suffering from
Torpid hirer, or " Biliousness." As a remedy tor nil such easse Dr. Fieree's Golden
Medical Discovery has no equal, aa It effeoto perfect and radical euros.
In the euro of Bronchitis, Aero re Cenghs, Wosk tents, end early stages of Bern*
sumption, it has astonished the medioal faculty, and emlanat physisians pronouaoe ft UM
greatest medical discovery of the ago. Bold by druggists. 0
Ho use of taking the largo, repulsive, nauseous pills. These
% PeUeu (Little Puis) are sea roe ly larger thea mnstard
N Vo V C ° ? B< BCIBS entirely vegetable, no particular earn M required
w wLv \0 &i EvVr while using them. They operate without disturbance to the
nv6 hWAIO svstem, diet, er occupation,^Tor Jaundice, Headache,
if m \\ r\t m Constipation, Impure Bleed, Pala la the Bhcaldcra, 1
. V.B Tightness of Cheat, Hlminess, fear Ernctetloaa (Tom
E*~UMI. SIMI" HSISMUS ' Btomarh. Bad Taste la Heath, Bilious attacks, rata la
ho-Utile atsst Ostasraa rilliff
The Bsst Music Bo®.
3 WELCOME CHOKCI. ($1.00). Br W. S.
Til en. for nigh schools. Just oat, SONG
BELLS (BO CIS.) B J L. O Emerson.
Out; ior Common Schools. While Rsbrs,
(8u cts.) tor Stlnday School*.
(11.90). By a. N. Johnson, Is out of sight ahead
or any oi hers in teaching beginners on Reed
organ, to b secular and sacred music. Monday
School, Temperance. Gospel and Hymn music.
All teachers take to It at once.
3 will not forget our three superior books :
Voice of Worship (s>). by L. O. Rmerscn;
Tcuiple ($1), by W 0. P-rkln, and Mot hod
lor Hi uk lof Classes. (60 cents), by A.
N. Johioon.
cnoißN will And no bolter Anthem
Books(baa oar now
3 AMERICAN ANTHKM BOOK (1.19). by John
•"On.Tsnnev and Abbey, or KIUKrON'B AN
THEM Bf OK ($1 *). by L. O. Emerson, or
. AN > HEM HARP ($1 oy w. O. Perkins.
to aso
3 TEMPERANCE JEWELS (39 eta.). by Tenney
A Hoffman; or TEMPERANCE LIGHT (i*e.>,
by liugg U Henoas; or HULLT TEMPE
Specimen copies ot any book mailed for above
Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston
IMS t'bMloni atreea. Phllsdalshta.
1881. FREE 1881.
1981 is now ready. Tb a elegit hook contalna
about M doe engravings. A specimen copy
will lie sent free to any one In the Unl ed Mt ties
on receipt >1 a three-cent stamo to prepay post
age m the b ok. Agents wanted. Address
44 Summer street, Boston. Haas.
LL PKRHOKS Wan'tie Impl-m-ret In
r t le H . Ho el*, OBcm, etc.,
hii Tc* b r- dr-Miing B©l<<-- Iri r.iifuci t*, < all or
nil'lra** with tnip, tAM 11 ATT AN tflKN' Y,
No. 733 Bioadwajr, N"-w York Cltf .
A LLES'S Brala Faed cores Vtrtau Dabliftf
/\ aaJ Wmioin of U.uarillt* Orgsna, §l—U
frufflaia. Beud lor Circular to Alias Pharmacy
Ml rirat Ave., M.I.
TbaUibncb *po-t and milr rompi-l* and lalla
bia wik on K iijntie and But n> aa ami Social
furnia It tell* lo w io perform all tha isriouado
iit-a > f life, and how io appear to tbj beat adtaataga
on ell o< emaioua.
ABE NTS WANTED. — Send for elrenlara contain
ing a tall da criptlou of ih- work and extra tarma to
Pli la ielph a, Pa.
la tha Old Reliable Oasaaatratad Lya for PAHILI
SOAP XAkING. Dlractloaa aoaomaauy aaah aat
for maklac Hard. Sail and TalMlaap tsiaaly
kia toll waig bt and atrvngth
for datenaa or walls of any depth.—
Plata. Iron, Porn am, or CoFPor limod.
Rranda. EC, G. XIX, GG, G Na 1,
B, BflL B Na. 1. For aala by tha
Hardware Oonti j Morea, P nip oaken,ata.
Saa that tha Pomp yon buy i atenclled
Ruperta'elebrated S nrle Breech-L ad'ng Shot
*J ''Slflap. Doubt bat ret Btecch load r al
HBO up. utile and B eech-l >a.Hn* Gnna, R fl
aua I'ia.oW of moat appr .red Knglten ami Atm-rioeii
make . All kinila of aport'nf Implement* end art i
'J"* reqtilr d by <p.>rt*meo end *n-t akaia. CELT'S
•SO up— (be beet anna yet nude for the price
6an . a tamp tor Priae Llet.
712 Market Street, Phila., Pa
It raye Areata te Sell tha Staadard Afrtcnltnral Book
Farming for Profit
Now, AeearaU. CempreheaatTe. A Cornel *u Farm
Library la itaetf . . A an to raid* to aoeoWal farm inc.
TELLS HOW Tfl ssatwiviw.te
Make Money I U
ttoeee to aeat awerr Seaaaa. a0 papai.
140 IllQSTlttnns. Sehd for CirCtllATf tlld tPfBH to
J. C. McCUKDY A CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
Weat*Cheater. Cheater CSssly Pa ,
Baa alwaye a full lint- of ST OK,n
band. Sparialilea f<>r (Ha Falli Flee Oab Ap
pie*. Apple, Peeek and Clirtry Trera
Hedge Flaants In Urge and astall uai.t tie
Corraapoudeu,a aolicited.
erlliug oar two Splendidly Illustrated Books. Lif ■ o
JOHN W. FOR3IV lan entbor of nanon l fne)
h rhly end .ra.-t by General Haaeork, tiw
perty leaden and tha preaa. Ma •, Lifa ol
lrir-nd,Oen. J. S. BRISBIN (an author of wide e*
U-brit)), al. • strongly ainioreed. Beth eflSrlel
imuir-nanly popular, 10-lllng oear to.uuu a week I
A. ants tnakn f $!• a day! Ootflu Me. each
Par beat booke in. i. ruis, utdreea aatck,
HUBBIHD BROS, TO Olfwinnt St..
PblUdt.>!ila, Pa.
I * 1111111 E'is^SSSaria!
H immndtate relief, cures cases
I I of km standing in 1 week.
aarapper iwintrH db ft in block a Pfto cf Sumo* and
PtTjTp. Miller'r signature, Phila. $1 a bottle. Sold
by all drundsta. Ek>nt by mail by J. P. MiUkx 14. D.,
¥tom~ Sw one Tenth and Arch Bta.. Pbilada. .Pa
ft\ "9 m 9 m 9 A YEAR expenaea and agts
Ht tit Outfit Free. Address Tto P
Will VICKERY. Ancusta, Mains.
Sarswrilllai Basolfait,
Be It Seated In The Langs or ** "inh ITWtrt
or Hones, Flesh or Nhrrss,
Chronic Rheumatism, Scrofula, Glandular
swelling. Hacking Drv cough, Cancerous Affao*
tions, Syprautic Complaints, Bleeding of the
i ungs. Dy-pepsla. Water Brash, Tic LOloreux,
White Swellu gs. Tumors, Ulo*ra, SKln and Hip
Disease*, Mercurial Dlse sea. Female Com
plain us, Gout, Drop j, Halt Rheum, Bronchitis,
Liver Complaint, &c.
Not only dAs the Sarsaparliilaa Rawrtvenl
excel all remedial agents In the cure of Chroola,
•crofuioua Constitutional and Bkln Dtaeaaea,
bet K is Uts only poeKlve euro for
Drtnary sad womb Dlpasea, Gravel. Diabetes.
Dropsy, Stoppage of Wator, inoontiaenoo of
urine, Rrightw Dtsra-a, Albuminuria, and In all
eases where there are brlck-dost deports, or
the water is thlok, cloudv, mixed with sub
stances like the whits of an egg. or threads Uko
white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious
aapearaoce aad whits bone-diwt deposits, and
when there la s pricking, burning s-ngatlon
when passing water, and pain la the Bmall of
the back slid a ong the loins. Bold by Drag*
One bottle eon tains more of the active prtael.
pins of Medicines than any other Preparation
Taken in Teaspoonful doses, while others re
tnire ITS sr six time* as much.
R. R. R.
Ready Relief,
Looseness, Dtarrhoo l Cholera Morbus, or pain
ful discharge* from the bowels are stopped La
14 or so mlnuf-s by taking Kadway's Heady Re
lief. No congestion or Inflammation, no weak
ness or lassitude wi.i follow the u*e of the R. R.
The Only Pain Remedy
th*t Instantly stops the most excruciating
pains, ailays tnflammatlo; s, and cures Cong--w
tlon-, whether of the Lungs. Stomach, no wets
or other glands or organs, by on<* application.
In from one to twenty minute*, no mat
ter how violent or excruciating me pain, toe
Riieummc. Bed-ridden, lnilrm. Crippled, Nerv
ous. Neuralg c or prostrated with disease may
suffer. RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF will afford
instant ease.
Inflsmmstlnn of the Kidneys,
liiflunamntion of the Bladder.
Inflammation of the Bowels.
Congestion of the Lnsgs,
■ore Throat, lllfllrnji BrenttUng.
__ fHlpltntlon of the Hoars.
Hysterfes, Croup, Diphtheria.
_ < aurrb, Inflnenia
Headache. Toothache,
Nrrvoukurks, Nleeplessnevs,
H earn lets, Bheiimaibm
Cold t hills, Acne Chills,
Chilblains and Frost Biteii.
The application of the Ready Relief to tb# part
or parts where the pain or difficulty exists w.U
afford eas- an l comfort.
Thirty to alxty drops In a half tumbler of
wat* r will in a few minutes cure Cramps.
Sprains. Sour 8> omach. Heartburn, Sick Head
ich. , Diarruosa Colic, Wind in iLs
Bowels and all internal pains.
Travelers t-hould always carry a bottle of R d
--w&y's Heady Relief with tuein. A few drops In
water will prevent sickness or pains from
change or water. It Is better than French
Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. Price Fifty
Cents per Lottie.
Radway's Regulating Pills.
Perfect PwtatlTM, Boothlm* Apart—ta.
Aet Without Pain. Always Reliable
and Natural In their Operattoau
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with
rweet gum, purge, regulate, purity, eieanae and
SUBWAY'S PILLS, for the cure of ell Disorder!
or the -tomach, Liver, Bowels. Kldoeya, Blad
der. Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation,
new Fever. Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles,
and all derangemenu of the Internal JHaoera
Warranted to street a perfect curb" Purely
vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals 01
deleterious drugs.
twObserve the following symptoms resulting
from Dtaeaees of ihe Digestive organs: Consti
pation, lnwrd Plies, Fullness of the Blood in
Head, Actdtty of the Stomach, Nausea. Heart
burn, Disgust or Pood, fulmeee or Weight is
the Stomach, Sour Eructations. Sinking or Flut
ter ng at the Heart, Choking or Suffer, ng sen
■attorn* when in e Ding posture. Dimness of
Vision, Dote or Webs Before the Sight. Fever at d
Dull pain in the Bead, Deflclenov of Perspira
tion, yellowness or the Skin end Eyes. Pain in
the Side, chest. Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of
Beat, In therlech.
A few doses or RADWAT*B PIUS will free the
system from all the above-named disorders.
Prlea, 95 Cents per Bern.
We repeat that the reader must consult our
books and papers on the subject of diseases anf.
their ours, among which may be named i
Twine wwd Tree
"Had* y ■ Irritable Urethra,**
M lU4ay on Berofnla,**
and others relating to different "linn of DO
Send a letter stamp to RADWAY * QO,
>•- M War—a, Car. Church Sc., Mew
swinformatlon worth thousands will bo sent
to you.
There can be no better guarantee of the value
or Da. RADWAT'S old estaullshed R. R. R. RBMB
nine than the base and worthle s imitations of
them, as there are False Resolvent*,'' Reliefs
and PHI* Be sure and ask for Radway's, And
see that the name "Radway" Is oa what you
bay '
Wishing to introduce our grjat Literary and family Jour
al, The Flrenltle at Home (a mammoth 8-page, 40-eol
ino JUuttiuled paper, size ot N. Y. Ledger, devoted to Liter
ature. Useful Knowledge, Amusement, and evary thing ta
delight and inatruet the whole family) into thousands of HI
home where It is not already taken, we will send It Free
for Y ree Month* to all who tend Ten oeate (lneiiver
or posts -e stamps) to pay postage and help pay the eoetef
this adv. Mseuent. The regular price it fl.OO.per year, hot
we are willing ta give the paper away for three months and
lose its cost In order to Introduce it to new readers. By taking
advantage ef this offer you will secure all the brilliant holiday
issues and enlarged numbers goon to be published, end an
amount of valuable and attractive reading matter for the
approaching Long Winter Evenings, which CMS bo
secured In no other way for four times the amount. Bni at
Once, and if you can conscientiously say. after voor sub
scription has expired, that yon have not received double the
value of the ten cents—yre, and more—we will make you a
p r e-entof a SI.OO bill. Address. A. ■. LL'FiOS, Fuhllshtr,
. tark Place, Aew York.
A* ■ngllgtiVotoruary Surgeon and Cheat lit, NOW
traveling im tblii country , >a> • that Boat of tba Hart*
aad Cattle Powders her# are worthleee traeh. He
iftfi that >haridaß*a Condition Powders ir* ihn
lulely pore aad Immensely valuable. Nothlag an
•artk will make keua lay like Sheridan 1 * Coalition
Powdere, Doeo, one teaspoon to one plot Of fee*.
Hold everywhere, or eent by mall for eight letter
Aa* pa. I. S. JOHNSON A CO., Hangar. Ma.