Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 25, 1880, Image 2
jPjt ]ij it!!| oim J o urn it I. THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 1880 THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL l-i published ovfi'v Thursday. inMusxerXßuild tnjr, corner of Main u>ul IVmi streets :it $1 00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or $1.25 it not paid in advance. .ID 1 'E HTTS ?; AV 7 1!. 1 week. 1 mo. " mo. d mo. 1 yoftt. 1 souare' SI 00 I $.150 $3 00 1 *4 00 47 W '. e dumn, . 300| 4on <;no| icon ISOO 1 , colmnn.. 500 1 7 M loooj is on A" 00 1 column... Soo| 12(10 20 oa| A' 00 dOOO <>ne in civ makes a square. Administrators and Executor-' Notices *!. MV Transient nd ver■iiscinnnt-s :.nd locals 10 cent* per line for first insertion and 5 cents per line tor each at ditional Insertion. Work dons on short notice. DEKtWER & 1113111,LER, Editors and Proprietors. torsi! & SaMay School Directory. Evangelical. Siui tcl ith ati'f K<v. U . 11. llort /ton. Ptenchers. Key. S, Smith will preach next Samuy eve ning. Sunday School. -P. M,—l>. I- Zerby. supt. Methodist. Rev. J. Pennon A kern, Prtachcr-in-charyt. Freaching next Sunday evening. Sunday School at V , v. m.— Dav. Kimport, supt Reformed. AVc. C. ir. Sitvef, Pontor. • termun proacliinjj in JAavonsbtrg next Sim •lay morning. United Brethren. RJC. 7.. 3 L Prcachcr-in charoc. ricach'ng next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Lutheran. ! 7?or. John lX>miin*on, Prist & v.— Conmmniouservic-a in Mili'ieim. >rviis morning Nov. 23th Inst.. Preparatory sen t <t s safnrdav afternoon. NOT. -kth. 1 reaching 1 a.-,-on Tuesday evening live ► ->rd ant v. ill b,s'uontimiod every evening during the week, lu' v .1. v.'. i ; expected pre.sent to as sist ttic pastor over Sabbath. Ur.itod Sunday School. J'cri- at 9 A. U.-F. IV Luse, supt. Lolp & Metyjlirertory. Xillhelm Lodge, No. 585, 1. o. o. f. meti i-v heir had, PenaStreet, every Saturday evymng. Keluva Degree t ting every Thursiiay on or* before five full tnivoiv ot each mouth. A. <V DEiXist-sa, Sec. R. \. 1U mili.kk. N. G. Pit videiMX Grange. No. 217 P. of IL, meets in \U-vaiuP r sblock ou the second, satmdaj of .1) month nt " r 7. v. m.. and on the fourth Sa t 'irdav of each month at IV. h. m. D. L.ZEKBY. Sec. A. O. Delninger, Ma.dei.. The Millheim B. & L. Association meets in the Pcim -t rot f school house on the evening ot the second Mondav of eai'h month. A. W.c TKK. Sve. * B. O. DSLMISOB, Pxest The MiUheim Cornet Band meets in the To wn Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings, i- j otto, n-i-., • F. llartek, I'res t. deal Fireclor Ueealar terras of Court—Fourth Mondays of JaniurT, Apri. August and November. Presidec.t Judge—Hon. Ghas. A. Lock A lditbmal Law Judge—Hon. John 11. Onus. ILTi- iunfe. _ . T , A sso.-iaie .Judges—Hons. Samuel I rank. John 1 liven". J'rotlumotary—J, C. Harper, tfcgisfer .-f Wills aud Clent of O. C —V,. L. Burc lfitiidf It reorder of' Deeds. Re—William A. Tobias. Uiswict A'Wruey —l>avid F. Fortucy. Sh -riff —John Spangler. Treasurer—Adam Vt-anck. County .-.ii^eyor—Joseph Devung. coroner—lr. Joseph Adams. i 'mint 'Commissioners —Andrew <iregg. George Swab. 1 Jacob Uunkle. Clerk t>> CMiniy C.nan ission-'is-Honry !>■-ck. Attorney t> County Commitsioaers—l. M. BAver ' Janitor f ihe Court House—Bartrim Galbraith. Counts' Auditors—Junies T. Si ess art, George ft. Williams: Tliomas P.. Jamison. Jury Commissioners —John Shannon, David > • KiiuCv j sij mnnie.uU'ut of fubjic Schools—l'rof. lleury ; Meyer. GENERAL HANCOCK. Not a Flaw in His Record- Not a Stain on His Reputa tion. J S , HIE SU LMIS Republican, But THE TIMES does not say a word too much m praise of General llan . cock. lio has so bor nFbimself through tiie most trying ordeal a man can un dergo us t> increase the love of friends :: id win the respect even of the bitter est political enemies. We do not be lieve there jis a 3ingle Republican in the laud who does not have a higher regard for Hancock; to-day than before his nomination. He has behaved like a gentleman and soldier from begin ning to end. The nomination 'did not turn lu3 head nor did defeat disturb his equanimity, 110 has maintained his dignity under most aggravating circumstances, saying nothing and do ing nothing unworthy of himself or the cause lie represented. The fierce light of partisan criticisms has not found a flaw in Lis record, a stain on his repu tation. He has had neither excuses nor apologies to make. The confiden tial correspondence dragged out to serve Ilepnblieau purposes J was so en tirely creditable lo 1 iai that Republi can papers would not publish it. For tunate, indeed, is that Presidential candidate who, when the struggle lias ended, has nothing to regret but the de feat for which he was not responsible, and fortunate i 3 the country which can puoduce such a [splendid specimen of civil and military virtues as Win field Scott Hancock. The Democratic par ty may well be proud of a standard bearer of whom all this can be truth fully said when there is no political purposes to be served thereby. The following seasonable and well digested article we clip from the New York Star. Democrats will do well lo follow its spirit and advice at this particular juncture. Although de feated, the Democratic party is still the great conservator of the country and its mission aod duty i 3 to keep in .check the extreme radical tendencies of the party in power; No Time for Dispondsnc-y Now. From the tone of many of ourcotem poraries we are impressed with the gloomy view of the future that is tak en by sumo of our democratic friends. Tins arises from .in incomplete view of the general situation, and is altogether a mistake. The present is not a time for demo cratic despondency, but rather for en c mrngement to renewed exertion. At the worst, the democracy has carried one-half the states in the Fnion, and the slightest 'change, the turning of ten thousand votes out of a grand to tal of ten millions cast in the late elec tion, would haye given it the presiden cy. When we look at the enormously powerful agencies that were, opposed to us, it is but little marvel that victory did not perch upon our banners in the great struggle just closed. Tlio marv el rather is that the democratic party succeeded so well. Sixteen years ago that party carried, but three states in the presidential election ; eight years ago it carried only six. And now, against the combined patronage and wealth of a party entienchetl in power for twenty years, and against the most shameful frauds that ever disgraced a presidential contest, it lias swept one halt the Union. Surely there is siulicient reason in this for the democrats to take cour age. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington D. C. Nov. 20th, Rh). An impression is abroad that Gen eral Garfield's visit to Washington is i not fcr the purpose of attending to his i private buisiuess, but that he will re i main here long enough to meet all the members of Congress and various i Southern and Northern politicians and i delegatio us coming here for the pur pose. 110 will be warmly received by the people here, llis arrival is set down for Tuesday next. It is generally believed that the short session of Congress, lasting from early next month until March fourth, and ! ending with the inauguration of Gen eral Garfield, will be one of the best natured ever known. There is no de nying the personal popularity of Gar field, or the general impression that his administration will, in many res pects be more acceptable to the Dem ocrats in Congress than would one of Grant, Blaine, or Sherman. There will, perhaps for that reason, be shown a disposition to -smooth tho way for him by refraining from such partisan quarrels as have characterized late ses sions. llow CarlChuiz, together with num erous ether Republican leaders, will attempt to force through Congress, at its next session, a bill reorganizing the Pension system of the country, I nder ihe proposed plan the country will be divided into districts, perhaps I'-t) and perhaps 300, aud tho applicant will be requir td to present himself, with his witnesses before "United States officers located in one of the various districts. At first glance this would seem to be an expensive meth od, both for the claimant anfi. the sold ier, and, if the soldiers, widow or oth er beneficiary of the pension law is very poor, to bo a pi acticalbar to suc cess. The Secretary of the In terrier claims that much fraud would be pre vented, and that cases having merit could be much more rapidly disposed of. A vigorous fight for and against the scheme is certain. Secretary Sherman is of opinion that the several hundred millions of United States five and six per cent bonds, redeemable during the next few months can be replaced by bonds leav ing three and si xty-five one-hucdredlhs per cent interests. It is said Hon. Ferdando Wood, Chairman of House Gommittoeon Ways au d Means, thinks a three percent b)*ul practicable for the purpose, CARROLL. . Gov. James. 1). Williams, of Indi ana, died at Indianapolis, last ISatui day the 2 >t!i List. Gov. Williams was oueof the remarkable men of the times. He.was born in Ohio but iemoved to Knox county, Indiana, where he con tinued to haye his home until the time of his death. lie grew up in the wills, got his educab ion in the old log school houses of that dav, and became a far mer, of whitii pursuit ho was always proud. lie was tlecled to the Indiana legislature in l< y 4.'3, and lias been in public life nearly all the time since. He served four terms in the House and three in the Senate, of Indiana. In 187-t lie was nominated for congress in the second district and was elected by the largest majority ever given in the district. In the memorable contest of 1870, Mr. Williams was nominated for Governor and triumphantly elected, lie was serving his term when he died. Gov. Williams was emphatically a self-made man, had fine abilities and posessed the sterling virtues of hones ty and integrity in an eminent degree. His memory will be long revered by the people of Indiana. KANSAS lias gone a little further than any state m prohibitory legisla tion, by adopting an amendment to the constitution prohibiting the nianufac ture and sale of intoxicating liquors except for medical, scientific and me chanical purposes. It is reported that this has been adopted by a majority of 20,0CQ votes. As a part of the Con stitution, this prohibitory law cannot be changed or repealed except through a two thirds vote of each branch of the Legislature, ratified by a vote o£ the people. RAIL ROAD HORRORS. A Train Plumes Dowa A Rant A dreadful ncciflt nt occurred on tlie Lehigh Valley Pail Road, near Wilk- ! esbarre, Tuesday the 10th instant. IJv reason of a hi ieplnctTl switch the en gine leaped the tracK and plunged down the embankment, and issued clouds of steam and shrieked like a thing of life in agony. The engine struck and, tt is supposed, instantly killed a flagman named Thomas McMahen, who unfor tunately happened to be at this iden tical spot. The engineer, Henry Mur phy, was terribly scalded and suffering from a broken collar-bone. John Swee ny, a fireman, was found insensible. Two-thirds of body was scalded and some portions were so parboiled that the flesh dropped from the bones. Patrick Maunman, a brakeman, was terribly scalded and bruised. Sweeny died this afternoon and Manaman is not expected to recover by the hospital physicians. The train consisted of the engine and two passenger cars, the ladies' car being nearest the locomotive. Sev eral of the passengers were also severe ly injured, but it is believed that none are dangerously hurt. The crowd that gathered at the scene of disaster with in a half hour must have numbered a thousand. The cries of the men who were enveloped in the seething statin made strong men quail and tears stood in eyes unaccustomed to weeping. The cry of help pie iced the very soul, but while the steam was escaping no wil ling hands could help the victims. A Train on the Texas Railroad Takes a Tumble and Nine teen Persons are Woun ded. GALVESTON, Texas, November In— A A'vTs Louisville special says: The construction train on the Dallas and Wichita railroad went through a tem porary bridge four miles north of here this evening. Nineteen laborers were wounded and three have since died and others will die. A DARING- GIRL. In the midst of a large forest, five or six miles back of Damascus, Wayne county, Pa., lives Henry Merrill, a well-known hunter and trapper. He has but oiie[cooipanion in his solitary abode—a daughter, agel about eigh teen rears. Lottie Merrill c. 11 row a boat, shoot a gun or trap a bear as well and skilfully as any man in the county of W'ayae. A day or two ago she star ted to cross a Urge inland lake, on the borders of which her home is located, in a light skiff. She carried, as was her custom, a small ritle slung across her shoulder by a leather strap. She was paddling along leisurely, and when nearly halt way across the poud covered an object moving in the wa ter, and. upon approach ring closer, found that it was ail immense five pronged buck, which had been driven into tlie water by dogs. She immedi ately drew her riilo and, after taking careful aim, fired. As she pulled the t; i r the buck made a sudden move ment and the ball, instead of reaching its mark, entered the animal's neck, making an ugly and painful wound. The buck, enraged by the pain, struck at the boat with 0110 of its forelegs, shattering the frail baik in pieces. The boat sank at once, leaving Miss Merrill in the water w iththe struggliug and infuriated animal. Hut she was plucky and couid swim. She grasped the Luck by tire horns and deliberately diawiug her hunting knife, which was as sharp as a razor, from her belt, she plunged it into the deer's neck, killing him almost instantly*. She then swam to shore, about an eighth of a mile, and hurried home, where she put on dry clothing, and after procuring a nother bout rowed out to where the dead buck was floating and towed the animal to shore. When dressed the buck weighed over k7o pounds and was the finest one killed in this section for years. This is the eighteenth deer Miss Merrill has killed and she proud of her last adventure, which is the most thrilling one she ha 3 ever had. fc'he intends having the buck's head stuffed, us a memento of her terrible struggle for life. Miss Merrill is un commonly good-looking, worth con siderable money and is well educated, and only keeps up feer Diana-like life because it pleases her. Her father wishes to move into a more civilized region, but she svi'l not hear of any such a proposal. Andrew IJrubaker, of ltohrersburg, Lancaster county, while attending to some business at Lancaster a few days ago, signed a blank check, leaving the spaces blank: until lie would meet the mail in whose favor it was drawn. Not finding the person wanted lie started tor home and afterwards discovered that he had lost the check. He imme diately started back to the bank to stop payment, nut a man signing himself J. L. Land is had presented the check just twenty minutes before, endorsing it and receiving S3OO thereon. The man escaped. Mrs. Peterman, of Lancaster, who had a family consisting of her husband and nine children, has had eight funer als in as many months —losing her hus band and seven children. The last death took place on Tuesday afternoon last, when a boy four years old died of diptheria. A Ni?iW TREATMENT. The. Guillen Elixir Oj Lift. Wonderful ('arcs. If you liav Consumption, and would know Hint your cotiglt can Pe inado loose and easy—-Hectic hover and Niulit Sweats checked in -1 hours; In llainmation taken mil of tho lungs and air passages at once; that you can be made to gain ;{ to ' pounds of healthy liesh per week; if you have, any Chronic Disease, bronchitis, Astluna, Catarrh, Dyspepsia,. Sick Headache, Heart Dis ease, T.iver Corrtpl.iitit, Nervous Detiil ity. Seminal Weakness or Spehnator ilioea, loss of sexual power in either sex from any cause; if you have any form of nervous weakness, losing tlesli or waiting away, and would know of an innuediatu relief and certain cure for many of the f-eveiest cases in a short time, a new method with new agents to fatten every body, invigorate and make strong and healthy the most hopeless eases", cut t his out and write at once for particulars to H. S. DIS- I'KNSAHV, Herrieu Springs, Mich. y "VYOTUT.-A < <>mmKsirtu consisting of N.J. it Mitchell. John B. Linn & A. A. Dale, Es<js., ha* been'appointed to divide Haim s towosliip iuti two eU'ctioii prct'dic -s. I <*y will meet at Aomnslmrg, fuesdov Nov. isSfi at one o'clock, I*. -M., to atu iid to the duties of their aiiputiitiiieiit. CM mknt I>a l.E. Att<rut y lor Petition. 1880-1. 1880-1. I | The Patriot Daily and Weekly, for tho Ensuing Year. The subscription price of th< \Vi:kui.y Pvr- I MM* l' has been ivuui*n( to jdJO per copy pel" annum. To clubs of Fifty uud upwards the Weekly Patriot will be furnished at the extraordin arily cheap rate of 7 > cents per copy per nu llum. The Daily Patriot will be sent to any ad dress, during the cessions at and the LegUlutiiro at the rate ofbd cents per nioiitii. Under the xlct of congress the publtslu-r pre nays the poxtage and xubscrilr-'is aiv retirved from that exi-ense. Every subscription must be acennipanied by the cnsii. Now the tiui" to subscrib *. The approach ing sessions of congress and tl.o legislature will he of more than ordinary interest nut*, their proceedings will IK* fully reported for the Dai ly and a complete synopsis of ihein will he giv en iu the Weekly. 'Address I'ATBIOT PUBLIsniNL CO., tf 520 Market street, llanisbuig. GILMORE & CO., LAW & COLLECTION HOUSE. G29 P Street, "VVaGhinsftoii, D. O. ♦" • ♦ Make Collections. Negotiate Lonns and at tend to all business eondded to them. L\ni *('KH', Soldier s Additional Homestead Eights, and Land Warrants bought and sold. I THE BEST PAPER ! TRY IT 1 BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 361 :• YJ.AU. {! I|o Scicniific The Scientific American is a large First* CLlss Weekly Ne.wsoa|er <'f Sixteen Pagi *, printed in the most beautifii! style, j>ro/>:. ly illustrated wit'i stJrttdid vnprari' ys, represi ni. ing the newest I uveutious and ilw most rveeu i Aidvauoes to tlie Yrtsand Sciences; Includiiig N> u aitl Interesting 17,41 • in Ap(culture. Hor ticui.ure. the i!• me, ihalUi. Medical I'rogios, Social Scieoee. N tnrai Hi-n-r v, Geology. A tronoiiiy. The m>*l v aluable practical jj* s. by eminent v. Nba - in nfi dl l-'ii inn i t * of St icnv a ill be found li) the Seie,t:; c Ann Dean. 1 erms, <CL2u per }ear, fla'a halt year, whi".: includes liostag u ills- .Mintsto Agents. Sm. !;• copies, (en reals. v fii by all Newsdealers. Remit by fins till ord .• to MvNN & oL, Publish- CI S. 37 Part l-'ow•, N-'W York. I) 4 In fottnertiou with 1 i JL O. IhetscleMlillr - meriean, Me**),-. Mcnn \ t-o. aresoln itois of Amerieali anil Poivign Patents, have had ' years vxperieiiee, ai d nov. have the largest es- I tafdlslimeiit in the world. Palrbts aie obtained on thela st terms. A .-peelnl noti-e 1- made in 1 the SeientUle Auierienn of ail inv, ntious paU'uied (Itraudi Utis Agency, with Ue nac e and residence >,f the Pal mee. ( v tlie iiuiuePse clnnlHtioi! tnus giv en. pi bile attention is d'- reefedto the merits of the new piteiit, audsales or iiit roduetioii ofb ti easily effeeted. Any person who has made a new discovery r ! invention, can ase rtaiii. e of charoc, vvli'elh- I ra patent can probably ohLiineil, In writing to | Mr\n A Co. \\ ("aiso sciid/rre our ll;ii;d Book | about Hie Patent Lav,*. Patents.Caveats. Tiw'e i Marks, their costs, and how procured, wuli ' hints lor procutlhg Kdvanves ou inventions, j Address Ifor the Taper, or concerning Patents, ' Mt>> A i ark Mow, New Vork. BiuekNßee,oof. 1 7ti> >ts. WisUagtM, D. . | J I ; | i '(NEW CUH£. RHEUMATISM, Which reudeif; Hfo ft bunion and fl- j , | nally destroys it, is permanently cured i | ' iv this remedy. Stiff and swollen ' joints are restored to their nalurul |, r condition, ' 81 NEURALGIA. \ 8 A single ftpplicjition gives relief. Cns- 1 ies of tlie tannest ntnudintf ure perum neutly cured by n single bottle. CURES GUARANTEED 3 in every ease. Money refunded to | anv one not relieved after n fair (rial, j For sale by nil first class druggists. 1 ] i J PRICE r,(> CENTS, pa RHEUMATIC REMEDY CO. |i PITTsnUIKJII, PA. II ftlJ-Send for statement of cures. hTHE BOOT & SHOE MAN y LOCK HAVEN. I have a very large stock of BOOTS, SHOES, g|| P| Slippers & Ladies WALIiLVO shoes, just opened up for Spring and jfigM Suinne r wear. My stock is fef&a as cheap as it was a year K| B . ago. because I bought t NtJsi lor cash before the ad- fiNis. vuncg, lam the only Jg .shoe dealer in 1 oek Hoveli that buys sr ~ff for cash & pays " " M no rent where vuu wRi fee convinced tliat your phtce to buy is Tk BROCKERHOFF HOUSE BELLEFONTE, PA First Class in all rcsj)ects. '/' his is the place for the business in au, the i'nriiici', the mcclranic. Omnibus to all trains. <7*s W. U.TELER, Proprietor. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia &. Brio R. R. Div. WINTER TntJ'J TA JILK. <>n and after Si NDAY, Nov 27th, isno, the truinsbn the Philadelphia & Kile Railroad 1 i --vlsion will run a* follows : Wh.sTWAltn. KRIF. MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 .v, p. m. " Hariisbiiig 425 H. m. " Willta in sport M4ba.m. '• .lei sey Shore. " Look Haven- t>4a. in. " Keiiovo II Ufa.til " NT.atlm 74A |>. ii,. NIAGARA KXr. leaves I'll lla<lul)>lii:t lino a. in. ** llatrisbuig 12 IS |>. ni. " an. at \\ Hiiainsport :115 p.m. " •• lek Itiiven. 420 p. HI. FA ST LI N K leaves Philadelphia .12 20 p. in. " Hairlsburg 4(H) p.m. an*, at Wllliamnport 7 f- r > p. in. " Lock Haven it 10 p. m. KAST WARD. PACIFIC EXl\ leaves I .nek Haven.. 7 05 u. in. " •• Jersey shore.. 737n m. " " Willininsport . H 2on. pi. . Hanisfmrir ...12<io p. In. " " Philadelphia. .'145 p. in. DAY FX I'll ESS leaves l-<>. k Haven..ll 2 r . a. in. " William sport 12 25 p. in. •' Harilsburg.. J4op.',n. •' " Philadelphia H35 p. ui. ERIK MAIL leaves Itenovo Up.m " lawk llaven Jo 10 p. m. I '• " w llliamsport 17:10 p. in. air. at llarrisbuig ft nun. ni " •• Philadelphia 7 05 a. in. FAST 1-INK leaves Willlamsport 12 15a. in. arr. at ILrrrisburg .7 15 a. m. •• Philadelphia 705 a, ni. Krle Mail West and Day Express Kast matte ' close connection* at Nortliuinoei land with L. 11. It. it. trains from Wilkesbarre and Scran ton. Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West and Fast Liue West make eiose connection at Wil liameport vvtlh N.r. It. W. trains north. Niagara I x|"*e*s West and Day Express Kast make eiose cou.iectioii at Lock Haven with u. K. V. It. It.traits. Erie Mail has' and Wd | connect at Erie with trainson L. t". A: M. S. K. li.: at Corry with 0. <". &A. V. It- h :ut Kinporiuin with B. N. Y. & P. It. It., and at 'riftwood with A. V. It. It. J'iir!r ears will -un le-tween Philadelphia and WilUamsport n Niagara Express West and Day Express East. Sleeping ears on all night trains. \VM. A. BALDWIN, Geittral Supt. L. C. & S. C. HAIL ROAD. WKBTWABD. f .7. 5. LEAVE A.M. R. 7*. p.* Montandon 7 OO 2(>o <3 20 I.ewishiirg Arrive 7 15 2 Lewisburg Leave 7 15 2 201 Fair Ground 7 20 2 70 I'.iehl 7. 2 40 \ leksburg 7.15 2 48 Miniinourg Arrive 7 50 .7 05 M irHin 11r*- Leuvo 7 50 .7 15 Miilmont 8 10 .1.75 La ure It oil h 7!o 3 50\ ('ohurii 0 :lu f Arrive at Spring Mills pi (in EASTWARD, i 2." 4. fi. i Li!AVK A.*' A. M. T. M Sprlirg MfKs 10 20 I < elmrn to +5 ■' Laurel ton 11 55 405 i MiUniont 12 06 4 2!) ! MiUlinLurg Arrive 1.2't0 4 io Mlltlinburg Leave 12 30 4 50 : V'ieksburg 12 45 5 nil Bielil 1252 513 | Fair Ground 1 5 23 Lew isburg Arrive 11" 5 30 Lewi;,burg Leave 0 55 1 20 5 45 Montandon 650 1 30 000 Nos. 1 & 2 connect at Montandon with Erie l .Mail west on lHe PhUadehdila & Eric ltaii K ad. No* .7 A 4 with l'>?Exfness east and Niagara Ex pies*, west. 7. 'is. 5 A 5 with Fast Line west An Omnibus w ill run between Lewisburp and Montandon, to convey iwHeami t<> and from [ j Lie Express east on t tie Philadelphia & Erie Eailroad. I'he regular Railroad Tickets w til be honored between these two poiuta. i I s£> % Xk Child CAB Sua nVy H i gso SIMPLES It Requires Jfo Care. .< i Hso strong! fl Efi It Sercr W<on OnJ, ' mi WOMESTIV JET ■ /V- £ Fashions Price, 35 CiaU. They are especially designed fo weef the requirements of thote who detfpo toTdresWelt. They are unsurpassed In Style, perfect in Fit, end o dimple that they are readily understood by tho iriost inexperienced. Send 50. for cat* alogue. Address, ".Domestic" Fashion, Co., NEW YORK. Drill riTfiXTCt irocured for all soldiers disabled IliilUlUrilJ ill the U. S. service from any cause, also for heirs of deceased soldiers. The slightest disability entitles to pension. PENSIONS ini anas ki>. The laws being more libera! now. t hotisands are entitled to higher rates. Bounty and new d iseharges piocured. Those who are in doubt as to whether entitled to anything should send two 3 cent stamps for our "circular of information." Address, with stamps. Stoddart ft Co. Solici tors of Claims and Pi tents. Kooni 8, St. Cloud Building, Washington, D. C. 28-:>ni STODDABT & CO. HAT. BFIST E. PAINE. Late Com m insurer of Patents, BENJ. F. GRAFTON. STOUT 11. LAPD PATENTS PAINE, G It A ETON & LAPP, Attorneys-at-Law and Solicitors of American and J<\n % ei(/n Patents. 412FiFTn STREET, WASHINGTON, D. C. Practice patent law in all its branches in the Patent Office and in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of t lie United tutes. Pamphlet sent free_ THIS PAPER E£' : r.i Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce KiS-HNEW YORK., BAULAND & NEWMAN, BELLEFONTE, PA. HEFLOPARTERSFORTARGAINS. AT THE BEE HIVE OISTIEL! PRICE STORE. We are now opening and displaying the largest, best and cheapest stock of goods ever offered in Centre county, comprising full lines of DRY GOODS, CARPETS, NOTIONS YARNS, BOOTS & SHOES, MEN T S~ FURNISHING GOODS. Clothing Made to Order a Speciality. .AH GrOUDS IMIARkED M FLAW FIGURES. The public are cordially invited to call and ex amine our stock. Remember the place, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. Respectfully Yours, j BAULAND & NEWMAN Oar Motto is: One price, ttio best pits, and HO misrepresentation. Great Peremtory £su3klELe3E2 OF BUY GOODS AT COST. JP. JT. TROXELXJ_ ILOCK HAVEN, PA. Agent for the closing out sale of a laige and desirable assortment of Ladles' ID mtGi-oods, notions, T ..'lilies' ;md Grouts' Furnishing Goods, Shawls, all wool square & long isliawis, ttroche, Paisley, and Black Cashmere Shawls, all wool & SKIRTS, CLOTHS, Cashmeres, Tweeds. Jeans, S'uiMnfi*, | lied, white and plaid Flannels Linsey. Bleached and Cn bleached as well as colored COTTON i'LAN N KLS, DOMESTIC OOODS. Muslins, Sheetings Table Liuens, Tow lings, &c. O CARPETS! CARPETS!- CARPETS! T;pe*Hry. all v 00l extra super Ingrain Caraots, iiNo a fine assortment and the most 1- autifil df-igor* in cheap carpet*, besides U;Ulanu stair Carpet to match. Floor and Table 'til Ciotli®, Window finding and (. urtln fixtures. Putter, Eggs. Lard, Bacon and Wool taken in exchange for goods, if you desire bargains don't forget tlm ilace, Corner of Maire ana vesper Streets, Lock Eaven. Pi una. ~ ? • > P I / A** i- • j - . lW oftpf 1 £§&. *>-G,'R 1 "No lady should l>e without it."— Shippcnsburj, (Pa.) (J.ronicle. "•"CHEAPEST AND BEST!-®" PETERSONS MAGAZINE — . j_ FULL-SIZE PAPER PATERNS! \ SRN'F.NMF NT irift l*c giren in every number for 1881. containing a full-site pattern for D lady'* or child'* dress. Every Subscriber trill receive, during the year, twelve of these patterns, veorth more alone, than the subscription price.'i^ PETERSON'S MAGAZINE IS the best and cheapest of the lady's books. It gives more for the money, ami combines greater merits, than any other, in short it has the BESTSTEEL ENGRAVINGS, BEST ORIGINAL STORIES, BEST COLORED FASHIONS, BEST WORK-TABLE PATTERNS* BEST DRESS PATTERNS, BEST MUSIC, Etc,, EtCt Its immense circulation and long established reputation enables its proprietor to distance all competition, in 1880 a New Feature was introduced, which will be improved on in 1881, being a scries of . _ Splendidly Illustrated Articles. The stories, novelets, &c. in "Peterson" are admitted to be the best published. All the moat vomtlar female icriters contribute to it. In 1881. about 100 original stories will be given, and in addition Six COFYIHGHT NOVELETS, by Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee Benedict, Jane G-. Austin, Mary V. Spencer, Sidney Trevor, and that inimitable humorist, the author or "Josiah Allen s wife." The • COLORED STEEL FASHION PLATES In "Peterson" are ahead of all others. These plates are engraved on steel, TWICE THE USUAL SIZE, and are unequalled for beauty. They will be superbly colored. Also Household andother receipts; articles in Art Embroidery, Flower Culture; in short everything Interesting to ladies. TERMS (Always in Advance) 82.00 A TEAR, *3-UXPARALLELED OFFERS TO GLUBS.* 2 Conies for $3.50 S With a costly steel engraving, "GRAN' FATHER TELLS OF YORKTOWN," <1 V 4., 50 ) (24 x 20) or an Illustrated Album, quarto, gilt, for getting up the Club. 4 Copies for SBSO J With an extra copy of the Magazine for 1881. as a premium, to the per -6 " " 9.00 ( son getting up the Club. • . .., . . 5 Coiiies for SB.OO S With both an extra eopy of the Magazine for 1831, and the picture, or 7 " " 10.00 ij Album, to the person getting up tlib Club. FOB LARGER CLUBS STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS! Address, post-paid, . UT CHARLES J. PETERSON, 1 306 Chestnut St., rbllndelphia, Pa, sent gratis, if written for, to get up dubs with.