Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 18, 1880, Image 4

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    On the Road.
it is Only by means of comparison that
one can definitely realise the great improve
ments in the methods of travelling that
have taken place within the last century.
The changes occur so gradually they make
but little impression upon us. For exam
ple now that the railroad time needed to
make the trip between New York and
Philadelphia has been reduced to less than
100 minutes, there are already those who
are predicting that in no more time than
five years trains will cover the distance
between these two cities in a single hour,
and no one is in the least surprised at the
assertion. In 1800 those who traveled in
this country did so at uo little personal
discomfiture, and with an expenditure of
time that would greatly interfere with busi
ness as it is now carried on. A man wish
ing to go from New York to Boston left
Monday forenoon and arrived at his destin
ation Friday Afternoon, stopping all uight
at New Haven, New London and Provi
dence. The fare for the trip varied from
sl6 to sls, and there was an additional
outlay required of from $5 to $6 for board
and lodging; that is, the trip took up four
days of time and called for an outlay of
from S2O to $24. After the war of 1812
there was an improvement, and the time
between the two places was cut down to
abont two days and the cost of the journey
to sl4. In 1817 the fare between New
York and Philadelphia was $lO, and be
tween New York and Albany by boat $7,
and the average time twenty-four hours.
A route was that year opened between
Philadelphia and Quebec; the distance 700
miles, fare $47, and time required to make
the journey 108 hours. In 1826 the Boston
newspapers recorded the circumstance as
one worthy of special comment, that New
York papers had been received in that city
24 hours after the date of their publication.
In 1828 the time required to make the
journey between these two cities had been
reduced to 21 hours, the route being from
New York city to Providence by steam
boat, and from thence to Boston by stage.
But in winter these trips were frequently
given up in consequence of stormy weatoer
and those who wished to avoid danger and
be certain in their movements still prefer
red the overland route. In 1832 there
were two regular stage routes between
New York and Bostou, but competition
bad greatly reduced the fare. The slow
line made the distance in about 52 hours,
and charged for passage $7,50, while the
fast, or mail line, took its passemrers threugh
in about 45 hours, and charged them 8.50
a trip. A snort time after this the railroads
came sufficiently into operation to make it
unnecessary to run through trips in stages,
and the latter were chiefly used to connect
the termini of the slow-building railroads.
Having made the progress that we have,
there is not the least like'illood that the
work of improvement will not go on. The
history of railroad accidents shows that,
when trains on some roads run at a slow
rate of speed may meet with mishaps, there
is relatively little danger in running at the
highest possible speed on a road that is
thoroughly constructed where the appoint
ments are as nearly perfect as possible and
the supervision constant. On this account
one does not have to be unduly sanguine to
think that long before the century is out we
shall be able to go from Jersey City to
Philadelphia in an hour's time, and from
the graDd central depot to Boston in a less
number of hours than the number of days
spent by our ancestors, in the year 1808, in
making the same trip.
A Canary Bird Story.
The story of the first introduction of
canary birds into California is thus told:
In 1844 or '45 Charles and Henry Reiche,
two young Germans, having little else than
the practical education that seems to be
natural to young Germans, were bird ped
dlers in New York. They went about
from street to street selling birds from
stands. Their trade was principally in
canaries, which they had sent over from
Germany where they were only ten or
twelve cents each. They did a pretty
fair business up to 1562, whea they made
a daring stroke that made them their for
tune and established the enormous business
Qiat they now control. At that time Cal
ifornia was in the flush of gold finding.
Gold was plentiful there, but luxuries few.
There was no transcontinental road, and
the Isthmus route was tedious and costly.
Yosng Reiche, knowing that canaries were
unknown there, and beiieviDg they would
become the rage when once seen, deter
mined to carry over a cargo. He, there
fore, got 3,000 of the yellow fellows, to
gether, and, packing them in little cages,
started fcr the Isthmus. Arriving at Car
tagena, he had his birds carried across to
Panama Bay, by natives, and caught a
ship there, and soon reached ban Francis
co. He was late in reaching the ship, and
the captain was about to sail without him,
but, seeing his boats filled with covered
boxes, thought it was belated mail matter.
When Reiche drew near, the captain hailed
him and asked him what he had.
"Canary birds," replied Reiche.
"Canary birds be hanged!" shouted the
captain. "If I'd known it was birds, I'd
ha' left you long ago. "
Rei> he's first idea of the flush tide he
was to ride was caught from a homesick
Englishman, who, hearing the whistle of
a bullfinch that had accidentally been put
in with the canaries, offered to pay the
expenses of the entire cargo for that finch.
As this amounted to $283, Reiche saw that
he had strnck a rich lead, aad he put
the price of the canaries at $25 each. They
did become the rage. Hotels, saloons,
private residences, all must have a canary.
The little yellow birds made a craze like
the tulip mania. The price soon went up to
SSO, and the cargo was soon sold. Reiche
returned to New York a rich man.
A Bridge la Cwhmere.
The bridge over the Jhelum is not two
hundred yards from the Fort of Oorie,
though considerably lower, and is not more
than from thirty to forty yards long. The
two pieces are of equal elevation (that is
to say, from the water), and are constructed
of wood and unhewn stone. The bridge
itself is entirely made of twigs, and the
bushes which are despoiled for this materi
al grow ciose to the bsnks of the river.
These twigs are twisted into ropes of an
inch and a half and two inches in diameter,
and three or four of these twig ropes form
each of the sides of the bridge. The
flooring of the construction is of twigs
formed into ropes, and placed lengthwise
from pier to pier, across the gulf. The
width of this footway is about six inches,
just enough for a passenger to walk across,
putting one foot before the other. The
side twig-ropes are about three feet high.
Short ropes join the sides to that part of
the bridge where the passenger walks
across; but these twigs are two and three
feet apart, and the trembling wayfarer has
plenty of opportunity to gaze at his leisure
on the roaring flood a few yards enly be
neath his feet, dashing madly on! How
ever, there are many worse bridges of the
kind, and the one below Khokshur, in
Lahoul, is twice as long and twice as fright
ful. The longer the bridge is, the more
sickening is the swinging to and fro of the
frail construction.
SON and heir—"Ma, I wish you
wonldn't leave me alone with the baby,
'cause I have to eat all the jam, an'
oranges, and cakes and things to amuse
ber.' 7
cannot be screamed at and cursed with
out becoming less valuable in every
particular. To reach the highest de
gree of value the animal should be per
fectly gentle and always reliable, but
If it expects every moment that It Is
in the harness to be "jawed" at and
struck, it will be in a constant state of
nervousness, and in its excitement as
liable through fear t> do something
which is not expected as to go along
doing what you btarted it to do. It is
possible to train a horse to be governed
by a word, almost as completely as it is
to train a child, and in such training
the horse reaches its highest value.
When a horse is soothed by the gentle
words of his driver —and we have seen
him calmed down from great excite
ment by no other means—it may be
yery fairly concluded that he is a val
uable animal for all practical purposes
and it may be certainly concluded that
the mau who has such power over him,
is a humane man and a sensible one.
But all this simply means thatthe man
must secure the animal's confidence.
Only in exceptional iustances is a horse
stubborn or vicious. It he understands
his surroundings, and what is required
ot him, he gives no trouble. As almost
every must know,if tlie ani
mal when frightened can be brought
up to the object he will become calm.
Tne reason is that he understands thai
there is nothing to fear. So lie must
be taught to have confidence in the man
who handles him, and then this pow
erful animal, which usually no man
could handle, if it were*disposed to be
vicious, will give no trouble. The
*ery best rule, therefore, which we
would lay down for the management
of the horse, is geutleness and good
sense on the part of the driver. Bad
drivers make bul horses usually.
BUDDING. —Budding is a very simple
operation, which can be done at any
tune when the bar* "peels" readily
and the buds are sufficiently ripened—
say from the middle oi July to the last
ol September. Take a well-developed
single bud, cut oil' the leaf, leaving
enough of the stalk to take hold of wheu
inserting the bud. With a sharp knife
cut oil tlie bud, with a thin slice ot bark
and wood, commencing, say a third ol
ail inch above the bud and ending the
cut about as far below it, so that the
whole forms a straight, smooth cut.
Tneu make a cross-cut through the
Dark ot the staik in a smooth place,and
also a longitudinal on®, so that the
whole lias the shape of a Rtiman cross
about an inch long. Now raise the
bark on the stalk with a knife or with
ail ivory, and push down the bud un
der the bark uuiil the upper end iseven
with the cross cut of the stock. Now
wrap the whole firmly ami smoothly
with basswood bark or woolen thread,
leaving the bud out to prevent smoth
ering, Dut closing all the bark tightly
beiow and above. In about two weeks
ttie bandage may be taken off, and it
the bud is ireshaud green,it lias taken,
and tne stalk should he cut off an inch
above it next Spring and only the bud
allowed 10 grow.
way to break hens of egg-eating is to
break their necks, and restock with
birds that have not acquired the habit.
Fowls that are expert in egg eating
first attack the shell with their bill. If
it is a thin shell a tew stroke® will break
it, and the rest is an easy job. If, how
ever, the shell a thick one, they gen
erally tail to break it with their beaks;
they then begin to scratch in the nest,
and with their feet throw the egg
against the hard side of the box until
it is broken. First of all make hens
lay hard-sl elled eggs—so hard that
they can not be readily broken by a
neu's bill. This can be done by feed
ing freely with slacked lime, ground
or brokeu bones, oyster shells, etc. To
prevent breaking against tne sides ol
the box the nests should be high and
lined upon the sides with cushions
tilled with hay or other soft material.
1 heir only ctianee then is that they
may throw two eggs forcibly against
each other. To prevent this, lake the
nest egg away and gather the eggs
several times a day. it is a good plan
to leave n lew china eggs near the nest
Tor them to work at, which will make
their bills so sore that they will strike
the real eggs with less force.
is not made to your goat, but to the
unctuous substance obtained by churn
ing cream. A Cincinnati firm,the "Cin
cinnati Facing Company," is engaged
in mauuiacturing a powdered soapstone
which finds a ready sale in supplying
legitimate demands, but now the tarm
and butter-paekers are using it to adul
terate their butter. The soapstone is
white and perfectly tasteless, and is
sold at twenty dollars per ton. From
six to eight pounds can bo mixed in
every tub oi butter in such a manner
as to render detection immpossible.
This greately increases the weight, but
Goes not atteoc the bulk very mueh.
This increase of six or eight pounds in
every package occurred,it was noticed,
only in Western butter, but the most
experienced buyers were unable to de
tect any foreign substance in this
"heavy weight" article, and relin
guished the problem as a mystery. Re
cently, however, a prominent dealer
discovered the fraud. In view oi the
above tacts it would be well for fami
lies to give their milkman a rest and
look alter their butler lor a while.
change ot a man who plants, two
or three weeks after the the crop is
planted, a new hill of corn every fif
teenth row each way. And this is the
reason : If the weather becomes dry
alter the filling time, the silk and tas
sels both become dry and dead. In
this condition, if it should become sea
sonable, the silk revives and renews
its growth, but the tassels do not re
cover. 'lheu for wuiit of pollen, the
new silk is unable to fill the office lor
which it was designed. The pollen
irom the replanted corn is then ready
to supply pollen, and the filling is com
pleted. He says nearly all tne abor
tive ears so common in corn crops, are
caused by the want of pollen, and, he
has known ears to double their size In
this filling.
IN plowing it I 3 never a good plan to
turn up a mass of crude earth of sev
eral incnes in depih, never before ex
posed to the sun-light and air. It will
unless heavy manuring is given as a
top dressing, result iu loss. In deep
ening a soli it is better to plow up an
additional inch each year.
THE BEST soil for wheat is a rich
limestoue clay loam well plowed and
harrowed and made fine. Wheat needs
lime to stiffen the straw and give the
berry a clear, clean, bright Jook, and
-the lime opens, lightens, and warms
the soil.
BLEEDING at the nose can be stopped
by vigorous action of the jaws, as 11 in
progress of mastication, in the case of
a child a wad of paper should he placed
in the mouth and the child instructed
to chew hard. It is the motion of the
jaw that stops the flow of blood.
is r-orn for great improvement. We
see on every hand handsome rustic
work falling to decay and becoming
distorted by age. It Is commonly made
of a kind of wood which does not last
long. Soak it thoroughly with crude
petroleum when new, and it will re
iijiin unchanged indefinitely. A rustic
summer-liouse on a shaded part ol our
grounds would have been unusually
exposed to dampness and decay had it
not been prevented, a dozen years ago,
by petroleum. The peculiar brown
color imparted by a mixture of the
heavy o I remains unchanged; and a
lattice- work of pine lath, a fourth of
an inch thick, fully exposed to damp
ness and weather, Is as sound and un
worn as ever. The oil is now so cheap
that there is 110 excuse for omitting its
application, and it may b i rapidly and
easily brushed over the surface and
sunk into the pores with a whlfewa>h
brush. Apply it heavily.
Take four pounds of rath*r fat brisket,
two finely-chopped onions, a table
spoonful of salt half a teaspoonful of
white pepper, a9 much cayenne pepptr
as you can take on tlie point of a pen
knife six cloves and a quart ot water;
have the water boiling before putting in
your beet and seasoning; let it come
to a boil after putting them in, then
set it back on the stove to simmer for
three hours, skimming occasionally;
keep your pot closely covered, and be
careful not to let it stop stewing;
string and split lengthwise cross the
seed two quarts of beans; put them in
with your beef, adding a tablespoonful
of sugar and a gill of vinegar, and let
them boil for half an hour.
plain mould with a lining with cur
rants and pistachio nuts, and fill the
outer part with jelly; when tlie jelly
is set remove the lining by putting a
11 tie warm water iu it; make a custard
with a pint of milk and four yolks of
eggs, flavor the milk with vanilla, add
half an ounce of isinglass, stir it into
the custard when hot: break up one or
two sponge cakes and macaroons, cut
up a few dried truits, put a layer of
each nntil the mould is full, pour in
the ci s ard,leave it in a cool place until
wanted, then dip the mould Into tepid
water a second, turn it out on a cold
dish, and serve.
Nut a ltcwrnj;*.
" fliey are uot a beverage, but a
medicine, with curative properties of
the highest degree, containing no poor
whiskey or poisonous drugs, I'hey do
not tear down an alreauy debiliuued
system, but build It up. One bottle
Contains more hops, that is, more real
strength, than a barrel oi ordinary
beer. Kverv druggist in K>ci#ester
sells them, anil the puysicans prescribe
them. Lvcniiiy Expn s* on 11 >p Hit crs.
substunees are known wliieh will ren
der even the thinnest wearing fabrics
uninflammable, chloride, sulphate and
phosphate of ammnium, alum, and
many others salts have been proposed,
but neutral tungstate of sodium mixed
with three per cent, of phosphate ef
sodium is better than anything else.
Those salts afford perfect protection to
the fabrics, and, unlike most others do
not render them harsh. They are in
expensive without action on colors,and
the solution keeps well. The solution
should contain twenty per cent, of the
mixed salts.
ohickens and try them nicely in butter.
Let them get cold, then trim into good
shape aud put them in a covered dish
with salt, pepper, oil aid vinegar as
for salad; add a few pieces of onion
and a little parsley. Let them stand
thus two or ihree hours. Then drain
the pieces of chicken,place them on the
lettuce in your salad dish, and spread a
nice mayonnaise dressing over all.
Some of the chicken when fried can be
saved for the tomato stufling.
ounces of freshly-roasted coffee in a
mortar, just enough to crush the ber
ries without reducing them to powder.
Put them into a pint of milk with six
ounces of losf-sugar, let it boil, then
leave it to get cold, strain it on the
yolks of six eggs in a double sauce-pan
and stir on the fire till the custard
thickens. When quite cold, work into
it a gill and a half of cream whipped
to a froth. Freeze the mixture in the
ice-pot, then fill a plain ice-mould
with it. and lay it in ice till the time
of serving.
USEFUL HINTS. —The white of an egg
a piece of alum atxu the size of a
walnut has been stewed until it forms
a jelly is a capital remedy for sprains.
It should be laid over the sprain on a
piece of lint, and be changed as often
as it becomes dry. A lump of fresh
quicklime the size of a walnutdropped
into a pint of water and allowed to si and
all night, the water being then pourtd
off from the sediment, and mixed with
a quarter of a pint of the best vinegar,
forms a good wash for scurf in the
head. It is to be applied to the roots
of the bair.
it takes but one triai tu snow the
purity and merit of Dobbins' Electric
Soap, (made by Cragtn & Co., Phila
delphia.) For your own interest give
it that one trial. All grocers keep it.
dressing of brea<l, scalded soft, and
mixed with plenty of butter and a lit
tle pepper and salt. Lay it upon one
side ot a round of steak, cover with the
other, and ba?te it down with needle
and thread, sale and pepper the out
side of the >-teak, and place In a drip
ping pan with half an inch of water.
When baked brown on one side turn
and bake the other.
brown sauce by frying a chopped onion
in a little butter, adding a large tea
spoonful of flour aud a tumbler of
stock. Simmer a little, strain,and put
in a teaspoon!ill of vinegar, one ol
vinegar, one of chopped cucumber
pickle and one of capers.
DISH FOR LUNCHEON. —Take pieces of
cold meats of any kind, chop fine; sea
son with pepper and salt. Just a iit'le
onion; break over the meat two or three
eggs; add a small piece of butter; stir
all together; pour it upon nicely but
tered toast; serve hot; garnish with
GUMBO. —Take a nice fat chicken,cut
up and put into a pan, and when tried
brown, put in two quarts of finely
sliced okra, lour large tomatoes and
two onions, peeled and chopped fine.
Keep covered with water, and have
the kettle tightly closed.
"Ah, how well do I remember—lt
was in the bleak November." when I
caught the Cold that was wearing me
surely and Bwlftly away; but I heard
of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup; took it,
and am as well as ever.
A DASHING young fellow was recent
ly very attentive to a young lady who
did not secretly favor his attentions,
and who is blessed with an observing
little brother of only a few summers
growth. The lady's admirer was visit
ing her a few days ago, when the little
chap broke Into their presence, and,
mounting the dashing young man's
knee, said: "Haven't you got a fine
room?" "Oil, yes," proudly replied
the dashing young fellow, whose van
ity was evidently touch ed by the re
mark. Seeing, as he thought, in the
circumstance an opportunity to make a
favorable impression on the sister, he
gaye his moustache an extra twist and
reiterated his reply with emphasis:
"Oh, yes, a very fine room." "I thought
so," ssid the young hopeful, musing
ly. "But what made you think so?"
said the young lady's admirer, his
curiosity by this time fully aroused,
"Beeauae," was the crushing reply,
"sister Mag said your room was belter
than your company."
"1 SAY, Cap'n," cried a keen-eyed
man, as he landed from a steamer at
Natchez, "1 say, Cap'n, these here
arn't all. 1 have left somethln' on
hoard, that's a fact."
"Them's all the plunder you brought
on board, anyhow," answered the
commanding otllcer.
"Wal, I see now; I grant It is all
O. K. aecordin' to the list; boxes,three
chests, two band-boxes and portinauty ;
two hams, one part out; three ropes of
inyena and a tea-kettle. But see,
Cap'n, I'm dubersorae; I feel there's
somelliiu* short tlio' i'ye counted 'ein
nine times over, and never took my
eyes olfum while on the craft; there's
soniethin' not right, somehow."
"Wal, stranger, time's up; them's
all I knows 011; so jest fetch your wife
and five children out of the cabin, 'cos
I'm goin' to put off."
"Tnem's urn I Darn it, them's am! I
know'd I'd forgot somethiu' I"
"It's growing i n right rapidly.
My head can now be seen
Like other heads, in silken looks,
Thanks to my CARBOMXK."
A BTRAKGILK In Bodle one day last
week, In eating a plate of hash at a
restaurant, being very hungry, un
guardedly neglected to chew It well,
and swallowed a large coat button.
They doctored him for the pneumonia
three days before he was able to ex
plain. Then, they fed him a big but
ton-hole tied to a string and fished it
out In no time. He screens all his bash
very carefully through a cane-bottom
ed chair now before he eats It.
"WELL, Father Brown, how did you
like the sermon yesterday ?" asked a
young preacher. "Ye see parson,"
was the reply, "I haven't a fair chance
at them sermons ot yours. I'm an old
man, now, and havotoset pretty well
back by the stove; and there's old Miss
Smithie, Widdor Taff 'n Rylan's
darter's in Xabby 'n all the rest setting
in front ot me with their mouths wide
open a swallerin down all the best of
the sermon, 'u what gets down to me
is putty poor stuff, parson, putty poor
A WOMAN employed about the house
by a lady recently brought her
mistress a letter from her husband
aud asked her to read it for her. She
did so, and at the bottom of the page,
below the signature, she saw a number
of little scratch marks resembling bird
tracks. "Why, Alice," asked she,
"whaton earth are these?" pointing
to the stars, or scratches, or crosses, of
which there were torty or fifty. Alice
answered, shyly; "Them's kisses."
A LITTLE boy, four years old, having
often been told that it was wrong to
ask for anything at the table, was
down atdessert. After waiting patient
ly for some time, without being noticed
he exclaimed : "Mamma, please, uiav
I have an orange if I don't ask for it?"
"Yes, dear," was the reply. But,
after a considerable interval, the little
fellow, not getting his orange, again
addressed his mother with: "Please,
mamma, I'm not asking for an orange."
This time he was duly rewarded.
VKGKTINE —The gre;t success of the
Vegeiine as a cleanser and puriticr ol
the blood Is shown beyond a doubt by
the great numbers who have taken it
and received Immediate relief, with
such remarkable cures.
You may dress a bad habit In the
costlie.-t broadcloth and endow it with
all possible graces and fascinations, it
Is only a bad habit nevertheless. The
French have a proverb, "Wash a dog
comb a dog, still a dog is but a dog."
IT is a bad rule to blame your for
tune rather than yourself, when mat
ters go ill with you. "If your sword
Is too short," said the wise Roman,
"you can make it long enough by tak
ing a step forward." The Italians say
also, "A good knight is never at a loss
for a lance."
Ir you are determined to do a certain
thing the worst excuse seems better
than no excuse at all. In Madrid they
put this fact into the pithy sentence:
"If you want to flog your dog say he
ate the poker."
BISHOP (reproving his delinquent
Page) "Wretched boy! Why Is it that
sees and hears all we do aud before
whom even I am hut as a crushed
worm?" Page: "The missus, My
Lord '"
NOBODY knows better than he who
ha 3 tried it tnat from saying to doing is
a long stretch. If saying good things
Instead of do ng them were a saving
grace the worst of us would easily get
to heaven. ______
WE should have thought of this a
few days earlier, but a man can't eat a
peach without feeling down in the
.THB best church bells are those who
make no noise during the service.
AN undertaker gets his living where
another man dies.
"Made New Again."
R. Y. Pierce, M. D.:
I have used your Favorite Prescrip
tion, Golden Medical Discovery and
Pleasant Purgative Pellets, for the last
three months and find myself—(what
shall 1 say)—"made new again," are the
only words that express it. I was re
duced to a skeleton, could not walk
across the floor without fainting, could
keep nothing in the shape of food on
my stomach. Myself and friends had
given up all hope, my immediate death
seemed certain. I can never be too
thankful to those who recommended
your medicines, for I now live (to the
surp*us a of every body) and am able to
do my own work, i desire to make
this statement in order that those suff
ering may not despair until they have
given your remedies a trial.
Yours resp'y
Mrs. Wu. D. BTC*MAJT.
CLERGYMEN, Bankers, Book-keepers,
Editors ami oilier* thai lead sedentary
lives, will llnd much relief from Head
aches, nervousness and Constipation
engendered from want of exercise. by
taking Simmons' Liver Regulator it
Is a harmless vegetable compound, and
numbers who have trleJ it will confi
dently as-<erUhat it is the liest remedy
thati an be used. it< xpt 1- tie poisonous
humors of the blood, cleanses the liver,
restores the kidneys to healthy action
and drives out the despondency and
gloom of 111 hculih. The patient soon
leels as if he had taken a new lease of
life, and Is overjoyed lo lind the de
pressed feeling aisslpated, the costive
habits corrected and new streams of
health coursing through his veins.
"Simmons' Liver Regulator Is a very
valuable remedy for Dyspepsia, Sica
Headache, Torpid Liver, Constipa
tion, i'iles and such like diseases.
"W. S. Holt, i'resiUent of £>. W. li.
R. Co., ui Georgia."
"HXLLO, Billy," shouted a youngster
In clean linen Knickerbockers to his
friend ot the gutter. "Ain't you run
ning for plcnlt'H this year?" "Haven't
been nominated for any yet. But my
letter of acceptance Is ready." "Come
along with me then ; my ticket holds
two," and halt a tub extra of lemonade
had to be stirred up.
A YOUNG ragamufllu, on being askeu
what was meant by conscience, re
plied: "A thing a gentleman hain't
got who, when a boy finds his purse
and gives It back to him, doesn't give
the boy ten pence."
"LIZA JANE! Liza Jane!" said the
old lady; "you take In every stitch of
that washln' to-night for I se by the
paper that there's three delegates at
large in this parl-h."
"IF Jones undertakes to pull my
ears," said a loud-mouthed fellow on a
street comer, "he will just have his
hands full." The crowd looked at the
man's ears and smiled.
Pr'fHullf rullt'iiu.
The most wonder'lil ami marvelous
success in cases where persons are sick
or wasting away from a condition of
mlserableness, that no one knows what
ails them, (profitable patients for doc
tors,) is obtained by the use of Hop
Bitters. They begin to cure from the
first dose and keep it up until perfect
health and strength is restored. Who
ever is afllieted in this way need not
suffer, when they can get Hop Bitters.
—Cincinnati Star.
THE Loudon Spectator asks: "Can
anybody suggest a stifl' bit of work for
English capitalists to do?" O j*es. Let
them erahark in the laundry business.
Starching shirt bosoms and collars is
pretty stiff work.
"WOULD you like to wash your
hADds before dinner?" asked the host,
pointing to the conveniences.
"No, certainly not,'' responded the
guest. "Great bcott. man ! do you sup
pose I eat with my fingers?"
A LADY inquiring as to the I est way
of marking table-linen, the Chicago
Tribune replies: "Blackberry pie is
our choice, although a baby with a
gravy dish is highly esteemed by
JT is sad to think that so many well
meaning and naturally joyous spirits
are compelled to go through life with
out owning a steam yacht.
LOVE pleases more than marrlsge,
for the reason that romance it more in
teresting than history.
THE Princess Louis is said to be un
able to sleep. The poor lady must go
to church occasionally.
Tlll9 Is a world of strange contradic
tions; one woman is unhappy because
she isn't married, another because she
COULD not the doctor's fee be justly
called 111-gotten gains?
ILLEGAL kissing on the high seas must
be muzzled by the strong arm of the
DR. R. V. PIERCE. Consulting Physi
cian to the World's Dispensary and In
valid's Hotel, of Buffalo, N. Y., has
-eslgned his seat in Congress, that he
may hereafter devote his whole time
and attention to those applying to the
World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion for the treatment of Chronic Dis
EVERTON TAFFY. —Put one pound of
powdered loaf sugar and one teacupful
of wxter into a brass pan ; beat one
quarter of a pound of butter to cream;
when the sugar is dissolved add the
butter, and keep stirring the mixture
over the the fire until it sets, when a
little is poured on the buttered dish.
Just before it is done, add six drops of
essence of lemon. Butter a tin, pour
on the mixture and when cool it will
easily separate from the dish.
LITER HASH. —This hash is delicate
and appetizing, and nice as a change
from the liver and bacon known to all <
cooks. Boil the liver until thoroughly
tender —there must not be even a sus
picion of hardness a' out Then
mince it finely with a chopping knife.
Heat the mince very hot in a sauce or
roux of butter and browned
flour. The seasoning is pepper,
salt, a dash of lemon or a little piquant
sauce, such as mushroom catsup.
To keep insects out of bird cages tie
up a little sulphur in a sila bag and
suspend it in the cage. For mocking
birds this is essential to their health,
and the sulphur will keep all the red
auts and other Insects from the cages
of all kinds of birds. Red ants will
never be found in a closet or drawer if
a small bag of sulphur be kept constant
ly in these places.
THE following remedy is said, on
good authority, to greatly alleviate
whooping cough, and if applied in the
eailier stage will modify it so that the
patient will suffer no more than an or
dinary cough. Evaporate slowly over
the gas or a spirit lamp a weak solution
ot carbolic acid in tne room (closed)
where the child who already lias the
cough, or who may have bee i exposed
to it, is at play or asleep, for half an
hour twice a day, while any symptoms
of whooping remain.
WHEN you drive a nail into a wall,
clothes press or closet, to hang things
on, drive it through a spool up 10 the
The LHxiui' 1 oid Me
to tak a blue pill, but I didn't, for I had al
ready been pt isoned twice Oy mercury. Ihe
druggist toid me to try Kaiuey-Wort. and t
did. It was just the H iug for my btJioußness
and oons ipi t on, and i now am as wen as
ever. — Advocate.
Those answering an advertisement will
oonfer a flavor noon the advertiser and the
publisher by stating that they saw the adver
nsement tn this! ommal (naming the paper
More to Mo than Gold.
i wish to inform you what Tegsttno has don
forme. I hive been troubled tilth Erytlpelai
Humor for more tb&n to year-t in my limbs aad
other p.irts or mr body, and bavs been a great
■unerer. I eommenced taking Vegetine on*
year ago last Augua> and caa truly aay it baa
dune more for me iban any other medicine. 1
seem to i>e perfectly tree from this humor aad
can recommend it to every one. Would not be
without this medicine— I 'tis more to me than
gold—and lfeel it will prove a bieselsg toother*
as li baa to me.
Yours, most respectfully,
J. BENTLEY, H.-D., layit
IS baa dome nor* wood Ibaa mil msodt*
eal troalanomL
w _ NswuaaEET. onL, Feb. S, ISM.
Mr. fl. R. STIVER*, boston, Mass.*
Hir— I have sold ourtug the past year a coa
alder.iLle quantity of your Vegetine, and I b
Heve, in all canes it ban given a >tUfacilon. in
one c.ise, a delicate young lady of about IT
y-ars wan much benefited by its use. Her pa
reins informed me that it had done her more
good ihunall the medical treatmsnt to which
aha had previously been subjected.
Yours, rebpocUully,
Loudly in its Fraiio.
Toaotrro, Ont., March , ltss.
H. R. STIVIN*. Boston:
Di-ar clr—Considering the short time that
Vegetine has been before the public bare. It
•elli wei; as a Mood purtoer, aod ror troubtvs
arising from a sluggish or torpid liver. It is a
first-class medicine. Our customers r—v
loudly in Its praise.
J. WRIGHT A 00.,
Cor. Queen and Elizabeth Streets.
rasrAaao *v
11. R. RTCYENS, Boston, Mows.
Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists.
The accumulated evidence of neurly thirty
years snow that th'- Hitters U a certain remedy
ror m&i&rlal disease, aa well AS Its surest pre
ventive ; that it eradicates dyspepsia, omstL
ration, liver complaint and nervousness, counts
erac's a tendency to gout, rheumatism, urinary
and uterine disorders, tnat U lm arts vigor to
the teehle. and cheers the mind whUe It Invigo
rates the body.
For sale by all Prugglstn and Dealers
(A medicine* not a Drink,)
nops, urcnc, SLANDSAKM,
All Dt***es of the Stomach, Bowel*. Blood,l
Liver. Kidney*, and Urt nary Organ*, Ner- I
vouanees, Sli'cnie*ne*Btnd espedalTy
Female Complaint*.
Wtll he paid for a ca*e they wtn not enre org
help, or for anything impure or lnjnrioo* B
found in thenw
A*k your drnpjrlkt for Hop Bitter* and tryß
them before you lerp. Take no OtherB
D.I. C. f* nn absolute and IrrwalatfW* enre forfl
Druhkeueaa, use of opium, tobacco and
All aIMT* told by dmgjrtft*.
HOD liavtr, Co., KocbwWr, If. T..A Towu.Oell
I* th* Old Reliable Concentrated Lye fOr FAMILY
SOAP MAKING. Direction* acoompany eaoh can
for making Hard, HoA and ToUet Mnnp quickly
It la lull weight and em-ngth.
3 MONTHS ON TRIAL for S three-cent stamps:
Thb PKOTLZ'B JotjRWAL. Hngeintowp. Md
(> £T RICH nedtng onr Bobber Statnne and Mnaic.
T Sample* ire*. Cock A Biaaell. Cleveland. O.
n_„l_ | _,__i_ I Mall u*a Pu*Ul with your
Boot Apilslsss.
$T| "T Tl A * KAK anu expettee* to ageate
Iff Outfit Free. Addreaa
111. O. VICKERY. Augnata, Me.
a*a quickly and rawty oared h? tbs oas of KDCTY-WOBT. nk adw and wonderful remedy whlah to
having roohan Imw—As hs eU ports of Ike ooouSij, workoon aturul prtnciploa. St reetoree strength
and toaa to tha dlaaaaad wg—, and dmgk Itiaa alaaaaaa the ajiw of raanikted and poisosouo
kuasora. Kidnap itimiadttWy jwnlaiiWgkw bsua sorod, also POaa, Constipation. Rheumatism,
Which ban rtlsti —a ft i hill sis tor yaaaa TTi >ITI -rnmiaw irfmrrUiinny rrfirs -n-rmlnrfnl nnratlm
power. Ko loaf— aaa llahotls BtWw, wUIiA da —on karat than good, or drastic puis. bat aoanatursa
waady. JtXbinnr-WOBT. ondhtaHh wfltkeqatafcly regain I, Oet It of jrour Drugs I at, Prion, ft I.
_ emu wad peat paid.) Wtlu. RIPHAJMWOIf m CO., HarUagtaQf A
The remedial management of thse diseases peculiar to women has afforded a large experience at
the World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, in adapting remedies for tVn-lr eure. Many thousands of
cases have annually feen treated. I>r. Fleece's Favorite Prescription Is the resnlt of this extended
experience, and has become Justly celebrated for lis mtuiy and remarkable cures of all those chronic dis
eases and
Favorite Prescription Is a powerful Restorative Tonic to the entire system. It Is a nervine of un
surpassed efficacy, and while It qnlett nervous irritation, it strengthens the enfeebled nervous system,
thereby restoring It to healthful Vigor. The following diseases are among those in which the Favorite
Prescription has worked ceres as if by magic, and with a certainty never before attained, vlx; linear
rhoen; excessive BOWIRC! painful| unnatural suppressions; weuit bark | prolapsus, or
railing of the utrrna; antevrmton; rrtroveralon; bearing-down acnaalioa;chronic congestion. fnflam
mwtlon, and u lor rut Ion; Internal brat; aervoua depression: nervous and slrk hcoduebe; drbUlty
and barrenness, or sterility, when not caused by stricture of the neck of the wonib. \V hen the laltei
condition exists we can, by other means, readlfv remove the Impediment to the bearing or odaprlng
(see Invalids' Guide Book, simt for one stamp, or the Medical Adviser).
Favorite Prescription is sold under a ponitlve guarantee. For conditions, see wrapper around bottle.
"DO "LIKEWISE." Mrs. E. F. Morgan, of New Castle, Lincoln Cfu, Maine, says; "Five years ago I
was a dreadful sutlerer from uterine troubles. Having exhausted tle skill of three physicians, 1 was
completely discouraged, and so weak 1 could with difficulty cross the room alone. I began taking
your 'Favorite I'rescription' and using the local treatment recommended In your' Common Sens*}
Medical Adviser.' 1 commenced to Improve at once. In three months I was perfectly cured, ana
have had no trouble since. I wrote a letter to my family paper, briefly mentioning how my health had
been restored, and offering to send the full particulars to any one writing me for them and mclosina
a stamped envelope for reply. I have received over four hundred letters. In reply, I have described
my cae ami the treatment used, and earnestly advised tliem to 'do likewise. From a great many I
have received second letters of tlouiks, stating thnt they had enmmen red the nse of Favorite Prescrip
tion, sent for the ' Medical Adviser,' and applied the local treatm. Nt so fhlly and plainly laid dbwn
therein, and were much better already." DrTPierce's Favorite Prescription is sold by all druggists.
EVERT HTVaEJ© LAIY strrrtrid read " The PflWß't Common Sense Medical Adviser." in Which
•Ver flfty pages are dev rted tb the consideration of those diseases peculiar to Women. Sent, post-paid?
IV That lets at tk* Suae TIM <m H
■The lifer, Tie Bowels end The Kideeng
I Thie combined action givce it trondetful BR
power to curtail dieeafft. _
yWhy Are We Sick ?U
■"HsDcauw ire alUnc these great or gang to 6-ll
wWcome clogged or torpUL, and poiioncmi hu-WW
f\more are therefore forced Into the UoodUi
should be expelled naturally L B
HlUllootEMi*, Pile** Con*tip*tlWi, Kidneyß
II Complaint* and D Urate*, Weak- M
f V nease* and Herrooe Disorder*.
miby causing jrto action of theteorgans o*dß
mreetoring their power to throw of diteate. U
kM WhjWer Billon* pain* and ewshe* I ■
m Why tormented with Pile*. Constipation H
k J Why frightened owerdliordered Kidney* 111
MR Why endnnnerron* or*lek headaehMl ■
■ Why hare aleeplea* nlghta I
H KIDNEY WORT and rejoice inf ■
VI health. It lea dry, vegetable compound (WufFJ
rjOs* package win make six a of Medletaa.B
■ Oct It of your Drugqitt, he trill order iffw
for you. Price, SI.OO.
hf WlL**, SICSA2DSON k CO., Pwprfftort, M
| | (WJlw4 part paid.) Barllagtoa, Vt |
TM M Music Booh
3 WEt.COMK t'HOitl'K. (tI.CO). Bvw, .
Tit en. for nigh schuois. Just out. BONG
BELLS (50 CIS.) By L. O Kmerson. Jut
Out ; .or Common Scho-la. White Kobe*.
(3<j eta.) ror Sunday Schools.
(11.80). By A. N. Johr son. is out of sight ahead
or any others in teaching beginners on Reed
organ, bo h secular and sacred music. Sunday
School. Temperance. Gospel all I Hymn music.
All teachers tak olt at once.
3 will not forget our three superior books :
▼nice of Worship ($), by L. O Pmeraon;
Temple (Si), by WO. rkln-, and Method
for hinging Clnasea. (60 cents), by A.
N John on.
CHOIRS will And no better An thorn
Booh*lban on rnew
3 AMERICAN ANTRKM BOOK (1.25), by John
►on. Tennev and Abbey, or EM Kit- OS'S AN
TUKM B< OK (ft 25). by L. O. K uerson, or
. AN HEM HARP (Si *). oy w. o. Perkins.
to nse
3 TEMPERANCE JEWELS (38 ctft.). by Tenney
a Hoffman: or TEMPERANCE LIGHT ( Sc.).
by llugg A Servoss; or HULL'S TEMPE
Specimen copies of any book mailed for above
Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston
jr. k. Dmsow. a co.
•M* ChMtaM Street. Philadelphia.
w MlcTo*eopM. Thermometer*, Eye fHt**n*.
Spectacle*, Barometer* mi (rrtmilt Reduced Preset.
K. & J. BECK.
Manufacturing Optician*. Philadelphia. Send S
etampe for illnntrated Catalogue of 144 payee, and
mention tbl* paper.
*%> J
be examined. Write for Catalogue to
0., PKtahnrgh, Pa.
Selling oar now
Platform Family Scale
Weigh* accurately np to SS lha.
It* lindtom* appearance Ml it
at right iu b"U-e*eeper* Retail
prlc>- |3 Oih r fan Hy Scale*
weighiug 25 lbe. cannot he bought
f<>r lee than 95. A re* alar
Boom for Agenta. Exclnolve territory girt*.
Term* and r til nal*- *u> ir*e ol • agent . >end for
panfcnlare. DOMESTIC bCALECO.,IB7 With
Street, Cincinnati, Ouio.
A LLE.VS Brain Food rare* Nervone Debl'lty
rt and Wraaite* of tieueratire Organ*, gl—*ll
frugrlaie. Send tor Circular to Allen a Pberu-acy,
SIS fim Are., N. Y.
1881. FREE. 1881.
1881 is now ready. Th s elegant book contain*
about too fine engravings. A specimen copy
will oe sent free ro any one in the Unl ed St tie*
on receipt T three-cent stamn to prepay post
age on the b.ok. Agents wanted. Address
48 Summer Street, Boston, Haas.
A LL PERSONS Wasting Employment fs Mer-
Jr\ OHOtllo Huoee*. • otrb. Stores, once*, etc.,
aad Teacher* deetrtng School rn, ag*m* or
addroe* with (tamp, MANHATTAN AGENCY, ISM
Broadway, New York City.
WwCfherter, Cheater Coonty Pa ,
Baa alway* a full tin* of NUR>EKY 8T o*,en
band. Bpeclaltle f<r Tt'i* Palli Fin* (rabAp
Kle-s Apple. Peach aod Cherry Trees,
edge i'lanta in u.rg* and tmall quaLt tie*,
Oorreepoudeu. e solicited.
■riling onr two bplendidly Illuat ated Book*. Lif - ol
JOHNW.PORNEV (an anther .-f nation 1 f•),
h ghly end -net by Veneeal llaneot k, tne
party leaders *nd tue press. Al* •, t-ife ol
gjlN. uakfield,
friend, Gen. J. S. RltltißlN (an au'hnr of wd- ee
!ehrlt>), al* • strongly endorsed. Both ofllclaL
Aieni* maki g flO a May! Ootflu Me. e*ch
Tor be*t bO)>k*'i.u ITHK, ..idreee quick,
HL'BB \Kl> BROS, 723 St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Aa English Toternary Bsrgoos aad Chemist, asw
■ravoUaa ia thl*ooantry,sa)a that mo*tof th* HorM
aad Cattle Powder* here are worthless trash. Ma
■ar* that n her Idas'* Condition Powders are ahaw-
HiWly par* aad Immensely Talnai-le. Nothing on
earth will make hen* lay like Sheridan*■ Condition
Powdor*. Do**, one tea.noon to one plat sf feed.
at£-"T , iToSi'.a tos.'.'Lww. tr
Th s i* tbe ch pe*t and only compl-te and lelia
bl* work on Etiquette and Burnt en and Social
Forma It telle h<>w to perform all the tarion*du
ties of life, and how to appear to the best advantage
on *ll occasion*.
AGENTS W ANTED.—Send for clrcnlar* contain
ing a fall d* crif.don of i he work and extra terms to
pCladel jj ddr p 8 KATIOWAL PUBLISHING CD.,