Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, October 07, 1880, Image 3
jjjillittim Journal. THURSDAY, -OCT. 7., 1880. BEIMII6IB & mom, LEU, Editors and Proprietors. Local Department. —The best hand-made boots at I ouis Doll's, Bellefonte. —A good ten-plate stove for sale cheap. Inquiie at tho Journal ofiicc. —Don't overlook the big Bee Ilive advertisement in another column. —' The boss place for cheap goods is T. R. Stam's. Go and see for your self. —John Bame will offer his home and lot on Penn street at public sale, Sat urday October 16th next. Buy it. —You need suits for":7ic boys this fall, of course, the place of places to buy them is Lewin's Philadelphia Branch. —Thomas Ilosterman gives notice that he has taken out letters of admin istration on tho estate of Samuel 11. Moyer, deceased. —Jibfees Musser, son of our towns man J. G. Musser, has returned from the West, and looks hale and hearty. Here is our hand, Jim. —Bauland & Newman, of the great Combination Bee Hive Store, Bellefonte, are just now opening their immense stock of fall and winter goods. —Our friend Daniel E. Geutzel had the good luck to shoot two fine deer one day last week. Dan is a lucky hunter and a crack shot besides. You may go again, Daniel. —Are you shivering of cold'? There, buy one Of Smith Mussel 's splendid NEW JASPER heaters, get a good sup ply of coal, subscribe for the Journal and enjoy yourself. —The newly elected officers ofVill heim Lodge, I. O. O. F., for the ensu ing term are: R. A. Bumiller, N. G.; R. B. Hartman, V. G., A. O. Deining er, Sec. and John Long, Treasurer. —Forarything in the Clock, Watch or Je.velry line call on C. A. Sturgis, who has as Rue an assortment as you will find most anywhere and sells re markably cheap. —lf you goto Beilefonteby all means go to the mammoth Bee Hive store where they are now opening a tremend ous stock of goods, most wonderfully cheap. "Don't you forgot it" that the boss merchants of tlie county are Bauland & Newman, and the boss place for good 3 of the first grade and at the low est prices, is the celebrated Bee Hive of Bellefonte. —Next Saturday there will be two pole raisings, one at Madisonburg and cue at Rebersburg, Up they go, fine monuments of the enthusiastic and trusting feelings of the Democrats for their noble standard bearer and Presi dential Candidate. —House cleaning, apple-butter boil ing, corn husking, are all in order now. Well do your work leisurely and surely so that by November second you will have your fall work done and be ready to vote for the "Superb" Hancock. —The following we clip from the Lcwixbury Journal: There is a great deal of malarial fev er, or "dumb ague," in our borough at the present time. Indeed all through this section, oubbth sides of the river, the disease prevails. —That exteusive and valuable prop erty in Gregg township known as FAR MERS' MILLS will be offered at public sale on the premises by the executor of the late Adam Fisher, deceased, on Tridr.y, October Bth next. It consists of a flouring mill*saw mill, dwellings, out buildings and about forty acres of land. Fine chance for a ma with capital. —The editor and liis better half are absent on a journey to the "Vater land," ault Barricks, Yorrick, and other places. We fellows will run the shanty until the fat man returns. So come along with your job work, sub scriptions, or whatever else you wish us to do in our line of business. Will give you good work at moderate prices. —Big corn ears are now ripe and be ginning to come in. We have several "before us measuring fourteen inches in ength and thick in proportion, presen ted by Mrs. David Stover. Bring your great big ears along, friends, but re memberthat we can best judge your corn by seeing about half a bushel on a pile —Dont' skip the advertisement of the closing out sale of T. J. Troxell, Lock Haven. The goods will oe sold at prices so low that they can hardly be equaled anywhere. The stock is ver} full and the assortment anything you could possibly desire. Give Troxell a cad by all means. —The corner stone for the new Re formed church at Bellefonte will be laid next Sunday the 10th instant. Rev. E. Y. Gerhart, of the Theologi cal Seminary at Lancaster, will be present to preach the sermon. —On Saturday evening D. C. Wilt, Esq., received a telegram from Frank lin Pa., stating that his son Henry bad died that same morning. The parents left here to attend the funeral of their son. Henry U. Wilt was wel acquainted and had many friends hero who will regret his early death. I —For honest dealings go to Louis Doll's Boot & Shoe store, Bellefonte. —lf you go to the fair don't fail to give the Branch Clothing Store a call. —Our schools will open tor the win • ter term on the 2-ltli instant. The teachers are D. L. Zerbv, for the (Irani mar °chool; L. C. ltunkle, Primary; M. I. Jamison, North Street. —LewiiPs Philadelphia Branch Store, in Bellefonto has the largest stock and tho 1 idlest assortment of clothing ever displayed in Centre county. —We call the attention of our read ers to the new advertisement of J. S. Fisher, Carriageniakcr, in another col umn and would saw thathe is certain ly a mechanic to be relied upon. His work gives satisfaction and is admired, whereever it is shown. In fact he ir about the best workman in his line that can be found in this county. —Samuel Gram ley, Trustee will of fer at public sale Tuesday October 26th, next, one of the most valuable farms in Brush .'Valley. Tne tann contains 252 acres, of which over 100 is well timbered with oak, pine, hemlock and chestnut. Here is a rare chance for a profitable investment. —Old Jack Frost lias come back again, and didn't forget to leave his bad temper behind, lie makes his ap pearance with as grim and frosty a face as ever, and causes a fellow to shiver as soon as one leaves the bed in the morning. This means good-bye to the shanties and a heaity welcome to the warm coal stoves in the houses. —A cordial invitation to all who [ visit the Fair to call at the Farmers' | Boot & Shoe Store of Louis Doll, Lelle fonte, and see his lame stock of Fall and Winter boots & shoes. You can not buy better or cheaper anywhere. Don't fail to try Doll. HOLD ON AND LISTEN!—J. Willis Musser is on the road again buying up Calves and Poultry, for which he pays the very highest market price and the solid cash. This is an announcement worth your attention. tf — A MUSSER have just received a car load of marble direct from the quarries at Sutherland Falls, Vermont. This system of buying stock in large quantities from li st hands en ables them to sell work cheaper than other establishments that buy from obbers. —On a trip to Itebersburg the other day, we happened to drop in at J. IL Brungart's store in that place, and were surprised to see the immense and well-selected stock of goods with which that enterprising merchant has his room li'lcd up. After pricing some of his goods, we came to the conclu sion, that he sells as cheap, if not cheap er, than any storekeeper in thesejvalleys, I besides being an obliging and thorough business man. Go and try him. —The Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Association will hold its six teenth annual con vention in Lancaster, Pa., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day, October 12th, 13th ano 14th. ltev. John llall, D. D., New York; Rev. P. S. Ilenson, D. D., ltev. B. T Vincent and John Wanamaker, Phil adelphia; Rev. James 11. Dubbs, I). D., Lancaster; James McCormic, Ilarris burg; Rev. B. Young, Altoona, and other eminent Sunday School workers will be present. Hotel accommoda tions wil 1 be ampe and cheap. 4t A Mystery Solved. T. R. Stam sells goods cheaper than any other store iu the valley. He buys forbash and the discount and aliows his customers the benefit of it. Here are some of his prices: White Sugar, 10 cts, you pay I*2; Essence Coffee 3, 44 44 5; Lamp Chimneyss, 14 41 14 10; Green Coffee 18, ,c 41 41 *22; Calicoes, 5, f>,& 7, "you pay 8, 9, & 10. : A large stock of Boots & Shoes sold at bottom prices. —A lively and well-attended Demo cratic meeing was held at Yeanck's school house, about two miles above Madisonburg on Thursday evening of last week, which was addressed by W. C. Ilei ile and Geo. Barrett, Esqs., in an able and interesting manner. The Madisonburg Legion Club turned out with their torches and uniforms, bead ed by a drum corps, also the Spring Mills Club accompanied by the.Farmers' Mills Cornet Band was present. And still the ball is rolling. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Grenoble gets new goods every day and sells them very low. Mr. R. 11. Duncan employs a gang of workmen erecting a stone "building near the tannery. Mrs. Barcroft, that noble generous lady, has again presented our Sunday School with a handsome and valuable library. Our schools for the winter term are assigned to the following teachers: Spring Mills Graded, Prof. D. M. Wolf; Penn Ilall Graded, Prof. 11. F. Bitner; Spring Mills Primary, F. F. Jamison; Penn Hall Primary, E. F. Smith; Cross Roads, J. A. Grenoble; Hoy's, L. K. Runkle; Murrays, W. A. Krise; Union, C. Stover; Pike, Miss Clara Guise; Beaver Dam, Miss Maggie Han na; Decker's, J. P. Ileckman; Polk Hill, 11. M. Cain; Mountain, J. B. Crawford. We claim to be the banner township in the county for good teachers. We have two A. M's, two with permanent and two with professional certificates. Which township can beat usV I. UNCLE TOM. —lii a local of last week's issue stating the weight of two cabbage heads, brought to our sanctum by Mrs. David Shafer of Brushvalloy, an error has occurred in the figures. It should have been 12 pds. each, instead of 6 pounds. —Last Friday evening the little vil lage in Brushvalley, called Sinoketown, had quite an enthusiastic meeting. The Democrats ot that place and the sur rounding neighborhood raised a Han cock pole of solid hickory 103 feet high, topped off with a clean-sweep broom and the stars and stripes' waving in the breeze. After the necessary work for the security of the pole had been completed the crowd was collected together to bo ably addressed by J. Kiscnhnth and A. Walter, Esqs., of Millticim. The Brushvalloy band was present, to furnish t'e music for the occasion. Republican County Ticket. The Republicans held their county convention the other Tuesday and nom inated the following ticket: For Legis lature -John P. Harris, of Bellefonto and W. J. Thompson, of Potter's Mills; for District Attorney—S. I). Ray, of Bellefonto; for County Pur veyor—Joseph Devling. Daniel lthoads, Superintendent of the Snow Shoe 11. 11., was nominated for Congress, and stands some chance to receive the dis trict nomination, although Mr. Murray of Clearfield, is more likely to be the man. It makes no real d{Terence however, whom our radical friends set up against Gov. ] Curt in. He will of course be elected by a 1 irge m ij irity. Personally the Republican ticket is a good one. The gentleman composing it are men of good repute and stand ing. The convention however subjects itself to the charge of inconsistency in professing such strong love for the laboring class in its resolutions, and then nominating all professional men. Not one of the gentlemen on the ticket practically knows what it is to eat his daily bread in the sweat of his brow. Has the Republican party in Centre county no man among its farmers, mechanics or laborer tit for office? JI'RO ): S FOR iffivKMBEK COIKT. (J KAN D.J URDUS. Fred. fluivr. H-niier, John Spa yd, V ivut;:,'l Hoi Pitt ton, W !t Metier, Spring, James .Martin, Walk *r, .1 T Jopuiou H'w'd tp. It. Dopp. Howard twp., George MiiU r. Gregg, John s. Noil, Spring, P Vu Horn, H'w'd tp. W. It. I lay lies, S. Shoe, tiro Cormau. regg. Henry Swab, Harris, 11 1 I.ucas Howard bor< Sam'l K. Motz, Haines.'Tlios Perdue. lieu net* Tiiomas Adams. Boggs,; W m Becluiol. Liberty, Joseph Smith, Gregg. jJ Hxrpstei, Worth, W. \V. Montgomery, George Dale, College, Bellefonte, j.\ Montgomery, How'd Win. MeClellan, ltush,! township, Tit AVERSE JURURS-EIUST Wr.KK. JII Breon, Milllieim, J G Meyers, Haines, George Behrer, l'atton, J Wagner Bellefonte .1 Jones l'liilipsburg, John W Couly Potter K D Noll, Spring, Daniel Kane Walker it C 'ampbell Ferguson G Blaek'ord Belicfonte Win Bdger Spring Geo Hubier Miles Win Hoover, Harris jt has C Adams Boggs .John Foreman, Potter jl'elerWiin Spring Isaac Lose. Bellefonte, <> t'iinerxvood Union Onirics Miller (Jreirg. J Heveily Howard boro L W Me.nson Ph'psburgdosepli Mora Spring John T Dunk.e. Walker Nathan Gorman Peon C I. Buftingtou Milesb'g William l.ohr Potter Kdas l.jinnach Walker, N S Bailey Bellefonte WR Hennev Milllieim H B Tate.Spring G W Long Liberty jJ Alexander, Uuionville M Guusau'.us > -hoe !Jani*s s Moyer Penu Ilehry Los- Miillieiin S Krumriuc Miles J 1) Murray Potter J Murray Milesburfc J W Krumrine Ferg'm.'aims Cannon Wor h if N Knani-r Millheiiu CO Taylor Spiing Peier H Bush. Union A A Kreamer Haines J B Lcitzei. Gregg W H Philips Haines J li Aid. Fergus. >n Law Mclntire Beuner TRAVERSE JURORS—SECOND WEEK'n Arnev Potter Zar.i Welsh Ourtin A J Swart z Spring O Arinbmster Gregg Wm liricklev Marion J;ie >b Bitner Gregg 1> 1' I leek man Gregg Albeit lLtner Liberty W H Derstino BclleFte J A Dorm in Walker Eni'l Noll Jr Hoggs C J Conk Bellefonte John Lord Walker Oren Vail U'.isli Job W Packer Ourtin Noah Stovei Penn Henrv Miller Hauls W A Alexander Union W H'Gardner Lilierty J Weaver Jr. Harris l>a\ id Belong Ourtin 1> B Bauirgarducr L'ty Jacob Yarnell lloggS John Davis Harris H Armstrong Beuner jJ J M< ('!ure Bellefonte John Wlrtli Miles |0 O Whippo Worth T S Will-slow Liberty* jW II Bartnolomexx G'gg John Bailey Ferguson |Win Goodliart College KsDcrworth Bellefte John Met toy J r Potter William Butler Boggs T J l)uiik!e Rush Among agents and farm Pes, the great de mand now is for the new 'ight running Com bination Sewing Machine, because ii has stood tlietest, and is better made, with more im provements. will last longer, and is much lower in price, (only fcio.) than other machines, and having attained a merited popularity among tJie people for reliability, it is welcomed where eyer it makes its appearance. It is built for strength ami constant hard work, has inter changeable working parts, munufactuied of fine polished steel, and will run for years with out repairs; is simple to learn, easy to manage, understood perfectly in an hour, and always ready to do every description of heavy or tine family work at less cost, more easily, smoothly, and faster, and with less labor or trouble than any other machine at any price , ever did, or con do Tuckers, quilters, ru'tlers, liemmcrs binders, &c., free yvitli each machine. No ad vance payments. Machines shipped to an R. li. station for examination before paynien of bill. Agents make money rapidly, supply ing tlie great demand for this the Cheapest Ma chine in toe yvorld. Territory free, tor illus trated catalogue of prices, specimens of stitch, &c., address, office of the Combination Sewing Machine, 737 Broadway, Neyv York, N. Y. News Miscellany. NOSE BITTEN.—David Dressier, of Union township, Clearfield, Co., recently had the greater portion of his nose bit ten off by a vicious horse. The Snyder county fair is to be he'd at Selinsgrove on the 14th, loth and lGtli of October. THE EPIZOOTIC. It Makes its Appearance in Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA, October 4.—The epizootic lias made its appearance ir. this city. Within the past ;forty-eight houis the wave has swept over the city and taken firm hold on the horses. One of the most prominent veterinary sur geons, who represents a number of the horse car companies, states that ten per cent, of the horses are already affec ted by the incipient stages of the dis ease, and he feared the rain spell which set in to-day would increase it to twen ty-five per cent, within the next forty eight Ihours. But few horses are in capacitated for' duty. The Disease at Pouglikee psie. POUGIIKEEPSIE, N. Y., October 4 The epizootic has broken out along the river. In this city in one stable twen ty-three horses are sick. Public and private stables are alike affected, but the disease is of a mild form. ACCIDENT TO A LUMUEUMAN.— Geo. McCullutn of Watsonlown was seriously injured on tho 151 li inst., on Win. Mitchell's lumber job near Drift wood. lie was chopping down a tree and the butt struck him and threw him up eight or ton feet. When he came down the butt was going up and they met, ami he was knocked into the air again. AN OUTKAUKIN KLK Co.—On the night of the ISth inst., a Mrs. Hill was assaulted in her home in Centreville, by a man named Woods. Some years ago Mrs. llill was a witness against Woods, and upon hir testimony he was sent to the Penitentiary. Woods escaped from that institution, sought the woman who had testified against him, and knocked her down, bit o'V one of her ears, bit bar In the thigh, and kicked her under the bed, leaving her for dead. Woods Was arrested ami taiien to ltidgway jail where he awaits trial. A NEW TREATMENT. The Golden Elixir oj Life. W'oiulcrful (hires. If you have Consumption, and would know that your cough can bo mad** loose and easy—Hectic 1 ever and Night Sweats checked in 24 hours, lu tl animation taken out of the lungs and air passages at once: that you can be made to gain 3 to f> pounds of healthy llesh per week; if you have any Chron ie Disease, Bronchitis, Asthma Catarrh Dyspepsia, Sick llesdaehe, Heart Dis ease. Liver Complaint, rvous Debil ity, Seminal Weakness or Spermutor rhoea, loss of sexual power in either sex from any cause; if you have any form of nervous weakness, losing flesh or wasting away, and would know of an immediate relief and certain cure for many of the severest cases in a short time, a new method with new agents to fatten every body, invigorate and make strong and healthy the most hopeless cases, cut this out and write at once for particulars to ]. S. DIS PENSARY, Berrien Springs, Mich. DIED. Oil the 2">ih nit., in Centre Hall. Mr*. Eli/a belli liarkins, aged 63 years, months and 0 days. .Ilfllltelm .Inrket. Corrected every Wednesday by Cophart & Musser. Wheat No. 1 Wheat No. 2 M Com Kye A~ Oats White Oats. RlucU Buckwheat ft" Flour ft Mi Pran A Shorts, pel ton 2o.U'> Suit, per Rrl . 2.00 Plaster, ground •_ to.<K Cement, per Bushel 4C> to To liar ley ft" Tvmotlivseed Flaxseed Cloverseed •V r > Gutter ilanis 10 Sides 7 Veal Folk li-ej Eggs Potatoes Lard 7 Tallow Soap ft Dried Apples Dried Peaches Dried Cherries COAL MARKET. Fgg Coal > stove " ft.7. r > Chestnut" ft.4o Pea ' i'. UKIIIART D. A. AILSSEK GEPHART & MUSSER DEALERSIN Grain. Cloverseed, Flour & Feed. Coal, Plaster & Salt MILLIIEIM, PA Highest market price paid for all kinds of GKR,-A.HST Delivered "t 4 or at the lIHICK MILL or at. the Old MUSSEK MILL, in MILLIIEIM. COAL, PLASTER & SALT Always on hand and sold at prices that defy competition. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. 3i)-Iy TRVIN HOUSE, J- ( Most Central Hotel in the City,) COIL MAIN AND JAY ST., Lock Haven, Pa., S.WOODS CALDWELL,PROPRIETOR Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Traveler on first floor. a* Outfit sent free to thore who wish to 1L reengage in the most pleasant and prolit m fable business known. Kvcrytiiing new. Capital not required. Wo will furnish you everything, fclo a day and upward is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new work ers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young bovs and girls make great pay. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will tind a short road to .fortune. Ad dress il. HALLET & Co., Portland, Maine. PENSIONS i COUNTY, TAT FOK RATIONS, NEW AND noxoiu ELK DISCHARGES, AND INCREASED TENSIONS ob tailied.—New laws, higher rates of pension The slightest disability, from wound, injury o disease of any kind entitles you to a pension Widows and heirs, fathers and mothers are now entitled. Land cases promptly settled. Patents obtain ed. All kinds of government claims prosecuted Write at once for new laws, blanks and in structions, with two stamps. Address, J. W. FLENNFR & CO., Lock Box ;tl4, Washington, D. C. tFor Ibis Style Slier. We will send it to your De- Pot to be examined before you pay for it. If it is not as represented it can he return (postal card for illustrated Circular. C. A. WOOD & co. |l7 N. Tenth St.. Philada., Pa. t 28-3 m low at the SikCKIFICE OF I 7 fou will find that Prices are Low, Lower, Lowest at lie win's Philadelphia Branch UNPARALLELED SUCCESS I '^l OJTTIIE WMteSevingHacMne IN THE THIRD YEAR OF ITS EXISTENCE, ITS SALES AMOUNT TO 54,853 Machines. NO OTHER MACHINE EVER HAD SUCH A RECORD OF POPULARITY. Zt is the Lightcat-Enaning, Easiest Selling, and Best Satisfris# Zfiachiae IN THE WORLD. Agents wanted. For terms, address White Sewing Machine Co., 1 CLEVELAND. O. '"*l® Dcshler. J Jordan Dealiler JJESHLER & SOh, PHYSICIANS & SUEGKONS, Aaronsbur*, Pat Calls promptly answered da night. JOHN H. GRAY, Fashionable Barber. Two doors west of Milllieim Hotel, MILLHEIM, PA. /ta-g /VOut fit furnished five, with full tit B £ Ist ructions lor conducting the most Tj M Iff profitable business that any one can engage in. The business is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make great profit- from the very start. No one can fail who's willing to work. Women are as success inl as men. Hovs and girls can earn large sums. Many have made at the business over one hun dred dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. Ail who engage are sur prised at the ease nji<t rapidity with which they are able to make money. Yen can engage iii this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take al! the risk. Those who real ready money, Should write to us at once. All furnish ed free. Address TKUK £ Co., Au'-jusr.i, Maine. ss |""-j 5 2 B | mm| ?| 1 |;p 5 "| gs > ~ j>- H Sites! 6 I H g* a P w fi It Gu y?v-T-rrvfe\ • 2,5 FRTT of twoof the bcst articles 1 lIJuD OnlUi Liliw ever sohl bv agents to eve ry one who answers this within sixty days. American .VanuPg Co., 25-3 m City Mills, Massachusetts. EEMB LOBE* Doors, Shut-J cs Sash, EPS | Yellow Pine W indo w I Flooring con- Frain es, fc-8 I stantly kept and Mould-ion han d. ings, made to |l__ pf J With thanks ! order for past fa short notice 1 vors he solic and in the Ips si its a con tin best ossible | uence of the manner 3 same MIEiLMEIMi,