Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, October 07, 1880, Image 1
VOL. LIV. PROFESSIONSL CSRDS OF BELLEFONTK. C. T. Alexander. O. M. bower. A BOWER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BELLEFONTK, PA. Office in Oannau's new building. JOHN B. LINN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BKLLEFONTB, PA. Office on Allegheny Street. QLEMEXT DALE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTK, PA. Northwest corner of Diamond. y oct & & HA&ILNUS, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. BELLEBONTE, PA. High Street, opposite First National Bank. M. C. HEINLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BKLLKFONTS. PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county. Spec al attention to Collections. Consultations In German or English. ■YY ILBUR F. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BKLLEFONTB. PA. All business promptly attended to. Collection of claims & speciality. J. A. Beaver. J. W. Geptiart. a GEPHART, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BELLEFONTK, PA. Office on Alleghany Street, North of High. A. MORRISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTK, PA- Office on woodrlng's Block, Opposite Court Hou-e. S. KELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTK, PA, Consultations in English or German. Office In Lyon's Building, Allegheny Street. JOHN G. LOVE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTK, PA. Office In the rooms formerly occupied by the late w. p. Wilson. BUSINESS CARDS OF MILLHEIM, &. A. STURGIS, * DEALER IN Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silverware, Ac. Re pairing neatly and promptly don and war ranted. M iln Street, opposite Bank, M Uhetin, Pa. A O DEIXIXGER, * NOTARY PVBMV. SCKIBNER AND CONVEYANCER, MILLUEIM, PA. All business entrusted to him. su-ti as wr tlng and acknowledging Deeds, Morlgages, Keleafe's* Ac., win be executed with neatness and uis patch. Office on Main Stret. XT H.TOMLIXSON, # DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Groceries. Notions, Drugs. Tobaetos, Cigars, Fine Contectloueiies ai d in the line ot a first-class • •rocery st r.-. Countr.t Produce taken In exchange for goods. Main st.eet, opposite Bank, Ml lhelm Pa. | \ AVID I. BKOWX, MANL T FATU R E R AND DEALER IN TINWARE STOVEPIPES, Ae„ SPOUTING A SPECIALTY. Shop on Main Street, two h uses east of Bank, Millhelm, Penna. T EISEXJI U ill, * JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, MILLUEIM, PA. All business promptly attended to. < ollectlon of claims a specialty. Office opposite Eisenhutn's Drug store Yj USSER & SMI 1 11, DEALERS IN Hardware, Sieves, Oils, Paints, Glass, Wall p per , coach Trimmings, and saddieiy Ware, All grades of Patent Wheels. Corner of Main and I'enn Street-', Millhelm, Pe ana. ~| ACOB WOLF, t'ASHION"ABLE TAILOR, MILLUEIM, PA. Cutting a specialty. Shop next door to Journal Book Store. jyjiLLHEIM BANKING CO., WAIN STREET, MILLHEIM, PA. A. WALTER, Cashier. DAV. KRAPB, Pres. HARTER, AUCTIONEER, REBERSBURG, PA. fatltfactlon Guaranteed. GRANDPA'S BARN. Oh. a jolly oM pla *o ie barn, Wher. the doors Ht.aml open throughout the day. Ynd the cooin ; doves tlx' In and out. And the air is sweet with toe fra. rant hay. .Vt.ere the graiu lies over the si pperv floor, And the hens are buni v looking around. \nd the sunbeams tlioker. now here, now there Ami the breeze blows through with a merry sound. I'lie swallows twitter and chirp all day. With fluttering wiugs. in the old brown eaves, \nd the robms sing in the trees which lean To brush tie roof with their ru-tlmg leaves. i) for the glad vacation time. When grandpa's barn will ioho the she ut Of merry children, who romp and play lu the lit w-boru freedom of "school let out." Such soaring of doves from their cosy no ts. Such hunting for eggs in the lot so high, "1 ill the frightened hens, with a cackle shrill, From their hidden treasures are fain to fly. Oh, the d ar old barn, so cool so wide ! Its doors will open again ere long To the annum r sunshine, the new-mown hay, And the merry ring of vi cat.on song. For grandpa's tarn is the jo'liest place For frolic and fun on a summer'- day ; And e'en old Time, as the tears slip by, It's memory never can s'eal away. The Bitterville Mystery. "Wife, come here, quick ! and see if you can tell what's the matter with Naucv Per kins," exclaimed John Pousby who had been gazing curiously tor several seconds through a window that overlooked the front yard of his next neighbor. "Well, 1 never!" ejaculated Mrs. l'ous by. upon seeing the familiar figure of .Miss Nancy Perkins, a maiden of forty or there abouts, standing upon her own doorstep, dressed in an old gray ulster, which was partly concealed by a faded woolen shawl, and her well-known sun-bonnet drooping like a mask over her face. Site was sway ing around ami bending forward and back ward, as though convulsed by some power ful emotion. "Is she laughing or crying, or what in mercy is the matter with her ? I'd go right over ami sec, but she's such a queer, re served sort of a body, like as uot she'd tell me to mind my own business. She is always more civil to you, John, won't you gof"^ "Not 1, indeed! Just look there! She has certainly gone crazy, for see, she is hitting her head against the front door. Has Peter spoken to her since he came home ?" ".Not that 1 know of; but, John, if he is your brother, he hasn't a spark of manhood if be doesn't marry .Miss Nancy yet." "But she is rather old now." "So is he —ten years the older." "Well, they would have married twenty years ago if it had not been for your sense less chatter, and that of a few others of your kind, telling her he weut twice a week to see 'Squire N'esbit's daughter, when he was only posting the old gentleman's books —doing night work to increase liis earn ings." "Now, John, don't go Hiking over the past! lam sorry enough, and told him about it last night; but you know 1 didn't find out the truth until he hail gone to Cal ifornia. Dear me! to think that's twenty years ago I and now he lias come back well off. But bless my soul! Johu, uow I know what's the matter with Nancy ; she's doing that to attract Peter's attention." '■Oh, no! It's only a little after six, and I don't think he's up yet." "I'll warrant he's up and watching her from his window." "Well, it doesn't seem to me that she would rig up in that kind of style and make such a fool of herself. I think a girl, no matter how old she is, will try to look re spectable and act decently if she wants to gain an honest man's heart." "But don't you see that she has the very old shawl on she used to go sleigh riding with him?" "Well, she is making a pretty show of herself to others, as well, for see the crowd of boys climbing on the fence, and yonder goes a crowd of women, sonic of them still in nightcaps." "Yes, there's Mrs. Frisbee, and Mrs. Snyder, and Sallie Yeomans, and Aunt Betsy Bly. I'll just run out and see what they think of such autics. And the uneasy but good-natured gossip was gone to join a crowd of her kindred spirits hurrying toward Miss Nancy's gate. In a few minutes nearly the entire popu lation of the village had gathered around the neatly-kept door yard where the odd looking figure was swaying, and gently, then vehemently, and again standing mo tionless, but never glancing around, and seemingly unconscious of the curious gaze of the villagers. Miss Nancy had lived long alone, taking no interest in the gossip and tea drinking of the neighborhood, devoting her leisure time to birds aud flowers, while she earned her living by fancy knitting, sewing and embroidery, which she did for a firm in Boston. Her well-known habits of seclusion made the fast swelling crowd at the gate dislike to intrude further upon her while she seemed convulsed with such paroxysms of grief, or mirth, which it was they could uot tell. Curiosity had reached a degree that was absolutelv painful, when Tom Jones, the bad boy of the village, rang out— "I'll bet a nickel I can go up and hug the old girl, and she won't slap my face, nuther?" Tom was a reckless, mischievous lad of sixteen, and he set astride the fence, hold ing a five cent piece between his soiled thumb and forefinger, eagerly scanning the faces of his companions, to see if any one of them was willing to cover his stake. "I dare you to do it," said one, produc ing a similar coin. "Here, Bill Kerr, you hold them. It's ail I've got or I'd make it dollars instead of cents," said Tom, as he relinquished Lis coin and vaulted over the fence. Sure enough, the audacious young rascal mounted the steps and placed one arm ten derly around the swaying figure. To the utter amazement of the giggling crowd, she did not repulse him, but stood motion less, with his arm encircling her lank shoul der. Now the old bachelor, Peter Ponsby ,had been watching the curious spectacle, as his MILLIILIM. PA.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1880. sister-in-law suspected, and when he saw the audacity of the young vagabond, Tom Jones, he dashed down stairs without his hat, elbowed his way through the expectant crowd, hts round face purple with rage, and his hare bald head sinning. With as much alacrity as Peter could boast he leaped the low fence, disdaining the little wicker gate, ami reached the interesting pair with three long strides. With his open palm he struck Toni a stinging blow on the car that sent the young rascal half way across the yant. At this critical moment who should open the door but Miss Nancy herself, in a neat morning w rapper, an ex pression of surprise on her still handsome face. The look of hon or with which the old bachelor regarded first her ami then her double was ludicrous in the extreme. "Go<ni morning, Mr. Ponsby!" she said, with dignity. Then, noticing the queer looking figure that confronted her, she raised both hands in surprise. "My sun lionuet!" she exclaimed. "Who lias dared to put it on the top of my oleander?" Ami with deft fingers she undid the fastenings of the three garments and threw them aside, disclosing to view a beautiful oleander tree exactly her own height. "Ah! Tom Jones this has been your work," she said, espy ing that crest-fallen individual slowly pick ing himself up from a bed of tulips. The mingling of shrill laughter at the gate called Miss Nancy's attention to die fact that the villagers had called upon her in a body. Her thin check flushed a little, but she addressed them coolly: "Will you walk in, my friends, and as sure yourselves that it isl!" But, seeing them about to disperse, she added, as a parting thrust. "1 am sorry to have leeu the innocent cause, for even once, of you ladies neglecting your morning work. As for you, Mr, Ponsby," she added, without looking at him, 4 you arc welcome Lack to llitterville; but did you know the town as well as 1 do, you would not share its idle curiosity." "It was not curiosity that brought me here," stammered the old bachelor; it was —" But Tom Jones stepped forward, hold ing liis brimless hat with both bauds while he made his best bow. "Ix.x>k here, Miss Nancy, it was me that put that job up on yer. 1 did'nt mean no harm. 1 jest wanted a lark. 1 seen that funny lookiu' thing a swingiu' around every time the wind blowed. 1 kuowed what it was, f or I seen you a wrappiu' it up hut night, and comin', thinks 1 to myseif, 'all it needs is a bonnet to make a woman out'u it;' and as good or bad luck would have it, 1 spotted your'n a liangiu' on the back porch, fck) 1 jest hopped over about an liour ago, got it, and chucked it on top the shawl, jest for a lark. Then, seem' how well it took, tliinkin' i might make a little spec, 1 bet my last nickel that 1 could come up and hug yer, nieaniu' the bush, beggiu yer panlon. Sam Dunkin he took me up, and when 1 was here squeezin' it gentle likes, so's not to press it out o' shape, Mr Ponsby he come up, and knocked me down for my impudence, as a gentleman should." During this recital Miss Nancy's counte nance changed considerably, and at its conclusion a rare smile broke over her tbiu lips. "Well. Tom," said she, "1 am much obliged to you for your honesty, If for noth ing else. 1 know it must have looked very odd, hut it was dark when 1 covered it first with the cloak, then, fearing the top leaves might he exposed, I threw the shawl over as an extra protection. I thought if it was well wrapped up I could risk it outside, for it has grown too heavy for me to lift it in aud out alone." There was a plaintive dropping of her voice oh the last word, and she glanced up shyly at Peter Potuby, and held out one slim, labor-stained hand. "As for you, sir,'' she said, "1 thank you for your courtesy, aud wish you a very good moruing.'' But when Peter Ponsby held in his two big, strong ones the little hands tha'. he had coveted so many years, the hand that had repelled and yet held him, and was true to hiui by withholding itself from any other, he would not let it go. "Oh Nan!" he said in a broken voice. "Let me keep this now and forever. I will lift the oleander and all your other burdens. 1 know now our enstrangement was caused by idle gossip. Wc were not to blame. We have wasted twenty years of the better part of our lives; shall we throw away the balance?" Miss Nancy stood with dowr cast eyes and flushing checks, until a low whistle called her attention to the gaping mouth and quizzical eyes of Tom Jones. "Torn," she said, suddenly, "did you get your stakes?" "No, by thunder. That sneakin' Bill Kerr has gone off with both tickets." And taking the hint, Tom was out of sight in a few seconds. But, before hunting up the miscreant, he went from house to house in the village, announcing the fact that he had "left tilt old boy and gal in a confidential confab." The result of that confidence was made known four weeks from that day, when a bride and groom, no longer in the heyday of youth, stood up in the village church, and repeated the vows they had plighted and broken twenty years before. Luiiiiiiou* I'afiit in Railway Cars. The experiment of coating the interior of a railway carriage with Behnain's umin ous paint lias been tried in England with considerable success. The English Rail way News says that a first class carriage was chosen for the experiments, and in the daylight its appearance is very little, if any at all,different from ordinary paint, but du ring the time the carriage is exposed to the light the paint is rapidly absorbing the daylight, only to give forth the same the moment the carriage is traveling in the dark. At first the light emitted is only slight, not that the paint is any different in its illuminating powers, but the pupils in the eyes of the travelei have not been accus tomed to the light, for, as the journey pro ceeds, the carriage apppears to be com pletely lighted up, so much so that the passengers are enabled easily to recognize the features of their fellow travellers, while the time by a watch is clearly discerni ble. Itisthoughtthatfortrainsrunniug long journies, with tunnels occasionally interven ing, the paint will be very valuable, inas much as the oil and gas can be eutnely abandoned, and the great weight at present experienced avoided. How the paint illum ination would on dark, cloudy days does not appear. WHEN a storekeeper announces arti cles at the "cost price" lie olten means ut the original price with a lie added. Th Kiiliflit ofHhoppey. A famous Freel looter, in the reign of Queen Elizalicth, infested the island of Sheppey, and made frequent predatory 111- cursions into the interior of Kent. This daring marauder was represented to have been a nobleman under the sentence of outlawry, who entrenched himself in a stronghold which he possessed 011 the island, where he drsposiled all the con tributions which his successful levies on the purses of travelers tiad obtained. By adopting the often practiced stratagem of shoeing his horse's feet the contrary way, he frequently csca|M*d detection; ami even when hotly pursued, the tleetness and sagacity ot the noble animal he rode, pre served him front his enemies, and carried him into a place of safety. Thus the fame of the horse nearly rival led that of its rider, whose exploits at length became so bold and frequent that the country rose up against him; and (hid ing himself too closely lteset in his island to hope for extrication, he was compelled to surrender at discretion and to implore the mercy of Queen Elizabeth, then being on board the admiral's ship at the Nore. The Queen, it is said, not disinclined to show favor to a man whose personal valor, determined perseverenee, and fertility of resource were interesting, on account of the airot romance which characterised his mi vent ures.offered to grant his life upon terms in keeping with the wild tenor of his law less career. The conditions were, that he should swim 011 horseback three times round the flag-ship; and should lie escaie the perils incident to such a trial, his sen tence of outlawry should be reversed and a general pardon extended to all his offences. The Knight of Sheppey agreed to the terms. Armed at all points, he bestrode his fa vorite companion whose spirit he invigor ated by copious draughts of brandy, and plunging at once into the foaming tide, the steed and his master swam gallantly round the tlag-ship. The second extraordinary evolution was also performed with equal skill and brav ery. At the third, little more than the heads of the horse and ins rider could be per ceived, buffeting with the weltering waves, which seemed ut every instant to threaten their instant annihition. Straining every nerve and sinew to the utmost, the gallant animal ce ised not to struggle with the interninable billows until the painful task was completed, aud his wearied limbs rested 011 the shore. The place of landing was wild and deso late; a lofty cliff overhung the narrow beach, and concealed every human habi tation from view. Mo friend or relation hastened to meet the successful adventurer with congratula tions 011 his safety, and no sound could lie heard, save the harsh croak of the raven from his eyrie, answering the dull murmur of the sweeping waves below. But at the moment that the exhausted charger gained a firm footing on its parent earth, a withered and decrepid hag, whose tangled elf locks and tattered weeds, stream ing in the wind, ill-concealed the hideous deformity of her squalid form, started lroni a recumbent attitude, and raising the shriv eled liuger with which she hud traced un hallowed spells ujxm the sand, shrieked out an ill omened prophecy: "Beware of that horse! Although lie has now saved your life, he shall be the cause of your death." "Tis false, liend of mischief!" cried the brutal ami superstitious knight; "thus 1 falsify thy dark prediction;" and drawing his sword, plunged it into the body of the faithful animal, who fell dead upon the beach. Several years of uninterrupted prosperi ty passed away; but at length being acci dentally led to the scene of his most extra ordinary adventure, lie pointed out to a friend the skeleton of the slaughtered horse, which, bleached by successive winters, still lay extended 011 the saud. Repeating the prophecy of the witch, he laughed derisively,and turning the head with his foot, separated it iroin the body by the stroke. He did not peiceive, that in the act a small, sharp bone hail penetrated his bus kin; the wound was inconsiderable and un guarded; but, becoming more serious, it ended in mortification, which speedily car ried him to his grave. Berrying In Indiana. There are least thirty huckleberry marshes in St. Joseph county Indiana or close to its borders. The largest of these is the Great Schroeder marsh, which con tains over one hundred seres. It is three miles southeast of Walkerton, and lies in three dilferent counties. Near' it are the Haiti more and Ohio, and the ludiaiiapolis, Peru and Chicago roads, which make it a desirable shipping point. There are two men who buy all the berries picked here, and all through the season the number of pickers is estimated at 1200 to 1800, while on Sundays increase is made up partly of people who go to pick for their own use, but mostly of curiosity seekers, who, under the guise of pickers,manage to see more wickedness than can be crowded into one day elsewhere. In the centre of this immense marsh, which goes by the name of "Huckleberry Hell," there is an island dotted with a few trees where the regular pickers resort when not at work. It is covered with tents and shanties used for cooking, sleeping and sinful purposes. Besides these arc more imposing shanties of rough boards, filled with general merchan dise to exchange for berries or sell to the pickers, who, as long as the season hists, aie "flush of funds." Still larger shanties are stocked with liquors, others are filled with prostitutes, and when the pickers are idle, and at night, gambling, drinking and vice are carried on to a fearful extent. Chi cago has vomited its depraved of both sexes on the island—women from the vilest haunts, pieki>ockets, sneak thieves and burglars mingle among the pickers, intimi dating everybody and at tempting to pollute all. Decent people who go there to pick berries have to keep in a body, and no man is safe if be becomes isolated from Ins crowd. Fights are of such constant occur rence that unless accompanied by stabbing or shooting, they excite no comment. There is no redress for any crime,for there is no law on the island except that enforced ly a woman who is known as the "Huck leberry Queen." A few years ago thou sands saw this woman in Montgomery Queen's circus, and wondered at her mar velous beauty while they were astonished at her feats of strength. She combined in her l>ody the and beauty of Yeuus and the strength of Hercules, with the wickedness of Nana. She was known as "The Woman with the iron Jaw." She commanded a large salary, and was the principal attraction of every show with which she traveled. One day she took as sudden a freak as the wicked and volup tuous Nana, and refused to unpear any more in public. She settled down in the little town of Tyner, some eight or ten miles from lichwcder Huckleberry marsh, lived a decorous life, Joined church and married. She soon tired of the matrimo nial career, and four years ago, when she first made her apjiearance at the marsh, she became the wildest of the wild ones there, ller strength, dash and utter abandon won her by common consent the title of "Huckleberry Queen." A score of times her title has been disputed, and she has asserted her assumed rights by sheer farce of her individual strength. She has had more contests than any prize fighter, and has never been whipped. summer she drew two revolvers on two Chicago rowdies, who attempt ad undue liberties with one of her female friends. The men were quick enough to knock the revolvers from her hands, hut she knocked them both down and brought them to terms. Her couduct frightened her husband into running away last season, hut she did not mourn his absence. On the contrary, she picked up a green country youth named Falkenberg, proposed to him, and, against his feeble resistance, marched him out to Justice SchafTer's office to have the cere mony performed It was after midnight when they got there. The justice is a bachelor and sleeps in his office. She kick ed the door open and ordered the frighten ed justice out of bed. He attempted to put on his clothes before striking a light, hut she told him to "dash" that formality, lighted the lamp herself, and forced the juistice to marry her to Falkenberg, while he stood shivering in that siugle garment on which hotel clerks are wont to display their diamonds. This wedding took place last Novemlier, but this summer she found it a marriage of inconvenience, as it interfered with her wild life, and she bought this second hushands's absence with a suit of clothes. Despite her rough, wild life and immoderate drinking, the "Huckleberry Queen" is still a handsome woman. Sun day is always a gala day at this marib,and at the stamping-ground recently sjiecial at tractions were offered. There were a walking match, grcased-pole climbing, rifle targetshooting, a greased-pig chase aud the Huckleberry queen lifted by her teeth a chair with a man weighing 260 pounds seated in it. There was a dauemg platform, where all day long prostitutes and their associates danced to execrable music aud drank themselves into the wildest revelry. A Dok'eerel, As master Johnny Megill was walking down M street, the other day, with a dog in tow, he was hailed by master Tommy Gilpin as follows: "Hi there, Jack, what yer gom'ter do with that there dorg?" "i'se goiu' to take him down ter the river and drown him. 1 ' 4 4lol* on; less have some fun with him first. I've got two old oyster cans in the barn, ami we'll take liim into the house where he can't get away, ami hitch 'em on." This was speedily agreed to by Jack. Mrs. Gilpin was out calling, Lizzie was out too, and sc the boys iiad full swing. They hitched on one can to the narrative of the canine and then let him loose. The parlor door happened to stand ajar, and for this the dog made. Then there was havoc wrought. The scene that met the eyes of the iHjys as they looked in was unique and varied, for the air was filled with dog, plas ter bust of Shakespeare, oyster can, cus pidore, and finally the dog run his lore feet through the what-not and sowed the bric-a brac it contained in broadcast confusion 011 the flcxir. This was accompanied by vocal music from the dog. The boys cut oil the can. shut the dog in the parlor and went off fishing, and neither of them got home till late at night; and Mrs. Gilpin tells the sympathising neighbors that she don't see how in the world that dog got into the room, foi every door and window was shut tight. Tommy and Johnny had the fun of drowning the dog the next day by Mrs. G.'s orders. A Major Joke. It is reported that the German Emperor, afUr inspecting the new barracks of the Second Guard Dragoousin the Pionterstasse, recently, contrived while chatting witli the ollicers in the mess room, to write a few words with a chalk pencil upon the tunic of the senior regimental captain, unper ceived by that officer. This done, llis Majesty left the room laughing heartily, accompanied by the Colonel of the regi ment, Prince llohenzollern, whereupon the senior stall' officer present, walked up to Captain Von S , and, to his utter con sternation, proceeded to unfasten and re move hie epaulettes. Unconscious of having committed any deriliction of duty, Von S remained motionless while this ominous operation was being performed; but his painful perplexity gave place to jubilant exultation, when the Lieutenant colonel produced a pair of major's epau lettes and dexterously buttoned them to his siioulders. The words hastily scribbled by the Emperor upon Captain Von 8 's uniform, were, "Zum-Major befoerdcrt!" (promoted to major) and the subsequent details of this general surprise, had been arranged by llis Majesty beforehand with their executant. It is said that ic his re joicing at bis unexpected advancement the newly-made major called upou the senior non-commissioned otlicer of the squadron, and said to him, "Sergeant-major, the squadron is relieved from duty for to day. Let the men have as much to drink as they please. 1 pay for all." Weerts. Prof. Prentiss reports the experiments performed by lus pupils to determine the number of seeds usually existing in culti vated soils. Small portions of the soil were measured in bulk,and the number of weeds obtained from these portions in pots coun ted. From these results, after a number of trials, it was determined that from eight million to forty million seeds usually exist iu cultivated soils—enough to supply any number found in farm crops without re sorting to the notion of transmutation. The only soils in which the seeds of weeds were not found, were peat from a bosr after the top was removed, and sand from an area receut'y graded. How to Make a C'Hinp Bed. Front four years'experience of actual life in camp, through summer heat aud winter cold, in fields, swamp and forest, I know there is no real latior accomplished, or enjoy ment had, without a good night's rest. I will, therefore, for the benefit of my fel low sportsmen, dcscrilie a bed that never failed me, one that nightly contributed to my physical strength and comfort, thereby strewing my pillow with pleasant dreams of peace, home and absent wife and child; a camp bed thut to this day holds a place in my memory that time can never erase. First, a full-width gum blanket; second, a mattress made after the pattern of a com fort; material —bed-ticking and cotton hat ting; length to suit the person; width, tweutv-six inches. The hatting to be spread over one half of the ticking to the thickness of two inches, then cover it with the other half of the ticking, sewing up sides and ends, and tucking through with twine in four inch squares. The mattress is to he laid on the right hand side of the gun blanket. Third, a gum pillow, that can he expanded or emptied at pleasure. Fourth, a heavy grey blanket army pattern. This is spread on the mattress, and the left half or the gum blanket. Now you may undress if you wish, lie down, covering first with the woolen, then with the gun blanket, tucking the latter under the mat tress. Let it cover your head if it rains, and my word for it, you will enioy a sweet, refreshing slumber. If you have no tent or shelter, and it threatens rain or snow, take your knife and cut a smal ditch two inches deep; V-shaped, rouudl the edges of the mattress, giviug it a free descent. With these precautions you have nothing to fear; yon will be warm and dry and the sleep wili he sweeter, lulled to rest by the pattering rain. When you rise, spread the blankets as they were while you slept, empty your pillow, and roll close and tight from the head, and at the foot >ou will find two leather straps read)' to hind the bundle, which will be compact, convenient for transportation under your arm or behind your saddle, ready for use on any kind of ground at the end of a day's march or sjiort. A Challenge. A crack shot at San Diego, California, issued recently the following challenge, and called the attention of shooters to the same. 1 will suspend two dollars by a ring from a second person's nose, so as to bring the coius within three-fourths of an inch from his face, and with a double-barrelled shot gun, at a distance of thirty feet, will blow dollars, nose and man, at least thirty feet further, four times out of five. I will add in explanation, that San Diego contains a lather intelligent community. 1 can find, at present, no one here willing or ready to have his nose blown in this manner; but 1 have no manner of doubt 1 could obtain such a person from St. Louis, by express in due season. 1 will hit a dollar, or anything else that has l>eeu tossed in the air (of the same size), on a wheel, on a pole or axletree or on the ground, every time out of five. At the word, I will place five balls on the blade of a penknife, and split them all. I will hit three men out of five, sprung from obscure parentage, and stand within ten feet of a steel trap (properly set) while shooting. 1 will break at the word a whole box of clay pipes, with a single brick, at a dis tance of thirty feet. i engage to prove by a fair trial that no pistol shot (or other person) can lie pro duced, who will throw more apples at a man's head than I can. Moreover I can produce in this town more than sixty per sons willing and ready to hold an apple on their head lor me, provided they are allowed to eat the apple subsequently. 1 will wager, lastly, that no oue in the United States can be produced, who, with a double-barrelled shot gun. while throwing a back-handed somerset, can hit ofteuer a dollar and a half, on the perimeter of a revolving wheel, in a rapid motion than 1 can. P. S.—Satisfactory references given and required. A bet from a steady, industrious jHirson, who will be apt to pay if he loses, will meet with prompt attention. A Kew Fashion. It is fashionable now to stoop. This is not a metaphor, meaning that women are a little more than evei stooping to frivolity, but the literal truth. The midsummer freak of metropolitan belles is nothing less than to curve their spines and droop their shoulders, until they look like hopeless consumptives. A girl with a naturally fiat breast is considered mighty lucky, ard she no longer supplies an artificial round ness, but is proud of her lack of womanly development. There is no use in remind ing her that her deficiency is not charming to masculine eyes; she will follow the fashion, no matter how foolish it is. The idea is that a hollow chest is indicative of maidenhood. Women who are by nature more amply endowed flatten themselves as much as possible with uncommonly high, narrow corsets, and hold their shoulders as far forward as they possibly can, thus rendering null and void oue of the best of their beauties. Ah, well, what fools my sex sometimes make of themselves! Some of our formerly buxom belles have degen erated into humpbacks in a single week. Their dresses have been altered to suit the changed shapes, though I imagine they were turned hind-side before. The sim pletons remind me of the pictures in the old reading hooks, illustrating the good and had posture at a desk —a boy with pro truded chest and erect head which is like the belle as she was, and another boy humped over his book, which is like as she is. It is to be hoped that this idiocy will be ol short duration. The Origin of Champagne. A monk of more taste than honesty, hav ing abstracted from a cask in the monesterial cellars of his convent, some still champagne, which he bottled for his own private drink ing, was alarmed one night by a series of explosions. Corks bad been blown into the air, and the stolen wine which he had vainly endeavored to keep in confinement was running in froth and foam over the sides of the bottles. The terrified monk concluded that the devil must have got in to the wiue; but the prior of the monastery knew better. He tasted the wine, found at once that it was good, shrewdly deter mined to bottle some for bimself, and en ded by going through a series of ex peri - meuts which bad for result the discovery of the true art of making champague. Hie American Horse Parole. Mr. Pierre Lorillard's famous gelding Pa role and lier stable companions. Falsetto, Pupooae (a full sister of Parole), Sly Dance and Wyandotte, were safely landed in New York recently from England. They were taken immediately to the l>onded stables of Roliert Stoddart, where they were stailed until William Bishop, who had charge of them during the voyage, could pass the necessary entries in the Custom House. The announcement of their arrival caused a number of people to visit the stables to look at the 1 "little brown geld ing'' who had upheld the honor of the Am erican turf so well on British soil. The story of his triumphs was retold a score of times by admirers as they stood by his stall in front of the stable, and Parole seemed to know tliat he was among friends, for atone time he turned from his feed-box and put his head over the door into the middle of a group ot gentlemen who were discussing his good points and allowed them to stroke his head and mane. The voyage across the Atlantic has evidently done the little horse good. One of the grooms said the horse was tired of racing when he got on lioard the ilelvitia, and his hair was dull and dry. But all traces of this are gone and Parole is fat and looks as sleek and beautiful as he ever did. 44 We had a splendid trip across," said Draper, one of the men who came with the horse in the steamer, "and never used the slings once. Parole seemed to enjoy the voyage, and the improvement in his looks was daily perceptible. He will go to his old home at Itancocas in a day or two, wheu he will be well looked after." A gentleman among the visitors said: "When Parole left for England there was not much enthusiasm, for racing men here doubted his ability to compete with the Eugiish stables. They were rather sur prised when the news of his winning the first race in which he started—the New nnirkel handicap—flashed across the wires, telling of the defeat of Mr. Gratton's crack Isouomy. This success was only apprecia ted by followers of the sport; but when at Epsom, a week or two later, he beat s field of seventeen, including such horses as ltosy Cross, liidotto, Cradle and othera for the city and suburban, the interest spread among the American public. But it lie came a national question when on the next day he defeated Mr. Batts* Castlereagh for the great Metropolitan stakes after twenty seven subscribers left the race rather than risk defeat. These races were only the fore-runners of other victories in which English turfmen learned to their cost how good a horse he is. In fact the majority of Eugiish critics admitted that his perform ances last year were only second best to the four year old lsonomy. You say I seeui enthusiastic. Well, I am, and so is every man who has watched the work of the hon est little fellow ever since he made his de but on the turf. 1 have backed him in every race he has run, and will continue to do so. If Mr. Pierre Ixrillard decides to start him at the Jerome Park fall meeting his return to the American turf will take the torm of an ovation, and 1 am sure that Jerome Park will hardly hold the jieople who will go to applaud him." A Novel Picture Frame. We have all noticed in our walks through the woods, in the fall of the year or winter months, how many shades of green dif ferent patches of moss display. Some a light velvety corn color, others an apple green, and then again nearer the water's edge we find the rich green patches still more like velvet. The time to collect it is tfhen the earth is dry; select the most vel vet like varieties you can find, and pull the flbres apart, separating each suade into bundles, just as you would sort colored silks before working into a pattern. Take a flat sheet of thick card board, and cut an oval piece from the centre, leaving a hole the exact size of the picture. Next turn the sheet on the wrong side, lay a glass over the hole and draw a line around it with a pencil, then cut four strips of card-board the length of these lines, and after piercing them with an awl fasten firmly with cords to the frame. Place the glass in the square formed by these strips, and on that lay your picture; if this proves to be a perfect fit, cut a piece of card-lioard to cover the picture, place it over the back of it, and fix it securely in place by means of small tacks driven into the strips that form the case at the back of the picture. After seeing that each part of your frame is an exact fit, take two short hair pins, and pierce the board on the under side some distance from the top with the hair pins, one on either side of the picture. The heads of the hair pins should be left sufti eiently above the s nrface to pass a cord through, and the points that pieice the up per side should be pressed flatly to the face of the board. The dilferent parts of the frame being fitted and ready for use, ydu can put them all by but the large square piece. After looking carefully to be cer tain that yo J begin on the right side, which is indicated by the points of the hair-pins, sew a regular row of the darkest moss around the oval centre of your frame; the second row should be the next darkest shade, and so on until the Ugliest shade conies next the edge that rests against the wall. Iu sewing the moss on care should be taken to let the velvety portion of each low cover the stem of the one above. When this is finished, till all the parts of your frame together, and hang where it will catch the evening light. You will have a cheap, and I think, a pretty frame. A Prudent Frlncd. The Prussian Grown Prince is a wise and thrifty gentleman. It is related that the officers of a regiment which is annually inspected by him have been in the habit of inviting him to luncheon after parade. Last year the entertainment was of the mo 8; elaborate and costly kind. The Prince would touch nothing, and even re fused the wine offered to him, observing that "he only drank champague on extra ordinary occasions." The reproof told and this year wheu the Prince entered the guardsmen's mess-room, after the inspec tion, he found only a modest repast of sandwiches, light claret and beer awaitiug him. He at once sat down, partook heartily of the frugal fare, and, with the observation "This is as it should be among comrades," produced his meerschaum, lit it, and remained for more than an hour, smoking and chatting with his entertainers in the most friendly and unceremonious manner imaginable. —ln 1837, 10,000 people in England paid tax on hair powder. NO. 40.