AGRICULTURE. THK MOST ENDURING FRNC*S. —Of all fences the most enduring and the most satisfying to the eye is the stone wall. If its foundation is well laid it may last as long as the world—which, indeed, it may slowly sink Into; or the accumulating layers of earth may in years cover it; but it will still be a wall —a grassy liuge with a core of stone. A wall soon gets rid of Its new look, ti is not propped up on the earth, but has its foundations in it; mosses and lichens take quickly and kindly to it. and grass auu weeds grow out of its lower crevices, mtfllein and brakes and the bulby stales of golden-rod spring up beside it. Black raspberry bushes loop along it, over it, and stretch out lroui it, clumps of sweet elders, shade its sides, and their broad cyuies of blos soms, and later, clusters of blackber ries, beloved of robins and school-boys, bend over it. >Y hen the stones ol which it Is built are gathered from the tields, as they generally are, they are oi iutiuite variety, brought from the lar .North by glaueiers, washed up by the waves ol aueient seas, and tumbled down te the lower lauds lroui the over hanging ledges. Lumps of gray granite and gneiss, aud dull-red blocks of sandstone, f agiuents ot blue lime.- stone, and only a geologist kuows how many others, mostly with smooth-worn sides and rounded corners and edges. All together, they make a line of beau tiful variegated color, and of light aud shade, Oue old wall that 1 know oi has been a rich mine for a brood ol cal low geologists, who have pecked it and overhauled it, and looked and talked mostly wisely over its stones, and called them names hard enough to break their stony hearts. SOME THINGS FARMERS SHOULD KNOW. —As a general thing the farmer is liable lor all the public injury his hired man may cause while actually employed by him. If he sends him into his lot to burn old brush, and he, for any purpose whatever leaves it and the lire ruus into his neighbor's, de stroying his fence and injuring his ciops the larmer is liable lor the dam ages caused by the wanton neglect ol his man. If he sends a hired man on the road with his team, and he, by negligence, runs into another vehicle and injures it, the - farmer is liable for the damages; but should the hired mau leave the road he was directed to go, and travel another road tor his own pleasure, then the farmer would not be liable for the damages should any aeei deut oeeur. It a lured man, in going to or from the lot with a scythe, and by ihe eareless, handling or carrying injures a pas-ftr-by, the liirmer is liable for damage. If in cutting wood the hired man cuts down a tree in another lot, the farmer is liable for trespass and damages, although lie dis tinctly showed him the boundary; and though the ma 1 may have cut ttie tree with mi li iousness,run i itoat am,even ii it blocx his way, yet the tanner inus pav the damage, though done contrary to his positive order. In all these eases the farmer ear. compel the hired man to pay him back if lie has any thing to nav it with; but this is rarely the case uiiless the farmer keeps back his wages and only settles when his time expires. VALUE OF COMPOST. —Farmers who kuow tne value of compost, and know iiow to make it, increase their manure pile. In this way hundreds of loads are made" annually, the material being gathered-on ihi premises, such as for est leaves, cornstalks, (including the roots,) weeds, \i les, loaui from lenee corners, muck from ponds and ditches, occasional sprinkling of lime through the mass, layers of barnyard manure, and thus build up oblong squares anu let them remain over winter. CULTIVATED WHEAT AND HESSIAN FLY. —It is now a well established ikct that the Hessian fly is much less troub lesome on wheat that is sown in drills, between which the cultivator is passed now and then during the early growth of the grain. Two fields of wheat growfng side by side, one of which is cultivated and the other not, but alike in all other respects, see n strong proof of the truth of the above statement. SOME of the best butter makers in England use for every twenty-four pounds of butter one teaspoonful of soda and alum nrngled together at the • time of churning, and put into the churn. This is for the purpose of ren dering the butter firm and solid during warm weather. An Arctic Noon. Ooe day Nordenskiold and I walked out to the end of the Ice, to enjoy near at hand a sight of the waves dancing in joyous motion and the ice blocks swim ming quiety above. Our way was over the ice and walking was exceedingly difficult. When we reached the far thest part of the archipelago, we threw ourselves down to rest and take a view of our surroundings. They were sur prisingly grand. The so'uth-wcstern part of the vault of beayen was lighted by the clrcum-polar moon. In the flood of light which streamed out from her there swam some few long drawn out clouds. Right to the south near the horizon there was visible a faint red dish glimmer, clearly and sharply distinguishable from the white moon light. Here the sun had gone down, when the long polar night had begun; it was the last glimpse of this light tnat we now saw. In the south-east some few rays of light changing every mo ment in strength, color and position— in fact, the aurora in the form it com monly takes here—raised themselves toward the horizofl. Above our heads glows the pole star, everywhere over the sky sparkle stars, darting stronger or weaker differently colored lights and on the north or north-eastern hori zon rest the deep darkness of the polar night. I will not try to paint the rich charming play of color and the chiaro scuro full of effect. Add to this glo rious heaven a wide stretching sea glit tering in the moonlight, the white sur face of Mussel Bay with three vessels standing out against it, the dark, pre cipitous fell sides that surround it, and the little building on land from whose every window lamp-light streams and the main points of the panorama are enumerated. It is difficult to be lieve that noon is approaching; it might rather be taken for evening, a quiet winter evening in the country. A grave stillness and tranquility. Only now and then the deep silence is broken by a low grating sound. It is heard in the direction of the edge of the ice, and Is produced by the rubbing of the ice blocks against each other when they |;e moved by the swell. DOMESTIC. BREAD MAKING. —It Is sullioieiit, a> is done Europe, to thoroughly mold and kne id the dough In but once, j u in the pans, carefully watch Us rismg, aud, when at the right point, to bake it, securing sweet bread and not that from sour dough 'which can never be made sweet. This, of course implies no use of soda, since it is not needed when the dough is sweet, ami since no soda can restore the natural sweetness of the grain. Jf the dough becomes sour it is beeause the fermentative process has proceeded too far, approach ing the putri 1 icttve stage, a i actual waste of no iuconsiderabte per cent ol the nourishment. While some may question the pro priety of this fermentation, all will concede the fact that it should not be raised so much as to become even slightly acid, since sour br >ad is not only unpalatable but positively harm ful. And siuoe a large {Hiriof the food of the middle class must consist of bread (we might live quite well ou bread and fruits), it is importaut not only that it shall be agreeable to the taste, but contain as much as possible of the bone and muscle elements to promote the health, especially ol the young. THK SLEEPING ROLL. —The rolls which are oiten attached to ihe back of a rooking or easy chair to rest the head against, are sometimes made of silk patchwork or of euibroided, linen, as well as o* wool knitted or ehrochet ed. They may be eh roe he toil in strips, like an aighau, aud iu the same stitch; or they may be knitted in strips, or they may be knitted in oue piece or crocheted in lose chains, with some bright silk for a lining. Measuro the width of your chair-back and make a stout linen bag, drawn up at each end, of a length corresponding to that width. The diameter depends upon the mopnt of support you wish to give to the sleeper's head. Then stuft the bag with the best hair, mid after closing it, put 011 the cover, knitted and crochet ed to match the roll in si/8. Draw up the cover at the ends and Diit 011 tassels, and strings to fasten the roll to the chair. A SUPERIOR OMEI ET. —Beat six £gg* very light, the whiles to a stiff lroth that will stand alone, the yolks to a smooth thick batter, add to the yolks a small cuptul ol milk then the pepper and salt to season properly; lastly, stir In the whites lightly. Have ready in a hot frying-pan a go;>d lump of but ter. When it hisses pour in your mix ture gently and set over a clear lire. It should cook 111 eight or ten minutes at most. I)o not stir, but contrive, as the eggs "set," to slip a broad-bladed knife under the omelet to guard against burning at the bottom. When done lay a bot-dish, bottom upward, on the top of the pan, and upset it and bring the browned side up. Eat soon or it will not be so. light. A grand dish for breakfast. * Wortlil**s Stuff. Sot so fast my friend; if 3*oll could see the strong, healthy, blooming men, women and children, that have been raised from beds of sickness, suffering find almost death,, by the use of Hop Bitters, you would say " Glorious and invaluable remedy." Bee another col umn.—Philadelphia Presm. SUBSTITUTE FOR GRUEL. —A delicious substitute tor gruel is made as fol lows : One ounce of rice, one ounce of sago, one ounce of pearl barlev; put three pints of water and boil gently for three hours, when the liquid should lie reduced to a quart. Strain it in exactly the same manner as groat gruel, and flavor wilh wine, brandy, or anything el3e that may be suitable. If made a little thicker—say, with an ounce and a half of each ingredient to three pints of water —a jelly will be produced, which may be eaten cold with sugar, fruit, syrups or preserves. RHUBARB JEI.LY. —Take one rhubarb, wipp it with a clean wet cloth, peel it and cut it into pieces an inch long. To each pound of rhubarb add three-quar ters ot a pound of white sugar. Put it to boil for about ten minutes or until the juice is well drawn. Strain it into a preserving pan, let it boil quickly until it clings to the spoon, skim it and put it into jam pots or molds. The quickest way to know if it will set is to drop a little on a plate to cool. ONE Remedy for One Dollar—there is but one way to-cure baldness, and that bv using a deodorized extract ol petroleum, the natural petro leum hair renewer. It will positively do the work and it is the only artiele that will. A SERVICEABLE WHITEWASH. —Lime slacked with a solution ol salt in water and then properly thinned with skim milk, from which all the cream has been taken, makes a permanent white wash for out-door work, and it is said renders the wood incombustible. It is an excellent wash lor preserving shingles and lor all farm buildings. EXCELLENT BREAD CAKE.— One cup butter, two cups brown sugar, one-half cup raisins stoned and chopped, one and one-half cups dough as raised for bread: mix thoroughly and let it rise in the pans before baking. .Spices of all sorts. OFFENSIVE SMELL IN THE FEET.— Bitlie them in a weak solution of per manganate ol' potassa; one scruple of salt to eight ounces ot water. HONEY SOAP. —White curd soap, 40 pounds; melted and mixed with white honey, 10 pounds; borax, 2 pounds; and powdered benzine, 1 pound. WHITE GRUBS —A half gill of soft soap and water, one part of soap to twelve of water, poured at the roots of cabbage plants, is recommended as sure death to white grubs. To CLEAN VARNISHED PAINT. —Boil a pound ot bran in one gallon of water an hour, and wash the paint with the bran water. DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discov ery, cures every kind of humor, from the tvorst scrofula to the common pim ple or eruption. Four to six bottles cure salt-rlieum or tetter. One to five bottles cure the worst kind of-pimples on the face. Two to lour bottles clear the system of boils, carbuncles, and sores. Four td six bottles cure the worst kind of erysipelas. Three to six bottles cure blotches among the hair. Six to ten bottles oure running at the ears. Five to eight bottles cure corrupt or running ulcers. Eight to twelve bottles the worst scro fula. Sold by druggists, and in half-dozen and dozen lots at great discount. WIT AND HUMOR. THK minister F topped at A house last week, and sought to improve the time by giving an 8-year-old boy an in structive lesson in morality. "My boy," said the minister, "I have lived forty-live years,and have never used tobacco in any form, nor told a lie, nor uttered an oath, or played truant, not —" "Gimminy crickets," Interrupted the lad, "yer ain't had any fun at all, have ye?" A CHARMING widow owns a nice boy and a man wants to be appointed deputy lather to the lad. It Is only last Sunday that, while the man was strolling with the lad, he asked : "Bub, does your mother bang her hair?" and the fool answered : "Oil, no; but 3'ou ought to sec her bang dad's head. Guess the minister didn't know everything when he told pap to prepare to die. Prepare, why he was Just aohlug to die." Ladles, you cannot make fair shin, :osy checks and sparkling eyes with all ;he cosmetics of franco, or beautltlers >f the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such good health, strength, buoyant spirits aud beauty is Hop Bitters. A trial Is certain proof. Bee another column. — Telegraph. A YOUTH having importuned his fa ther for a horse, the indulgent parent presented him with the ancient steed which lor yeais had carried hlw about the city streets. A lew days after wards the affectionate sin interviewed .his father and renewed his request, saying: "Father, can't you give me a horse a little nearer my own age that would be more of a companion for me?" / AN antbetic mid-lay meal —At the luncheon hour, Jellaby Postlethwalte enters a pastry cook's and calls for a glass of water, into which he puts a fresh cut lily, and loses himself in con templation thereof.—Waiter—Shall 1 bring you anything else, sir? Jellaby Postlethwalte—Thanks, no, I have all I require, and shall .*OOll hive done! "THIS ISH niee time of night for you to be coming in," said a mother to her daughter, who returned from a walk at 10 o'clock. "When 1 was like you,"' continued she, "my mother would not allow me out later than 7 o'clock." "Oh, you had a niee sort of a mother," murmured the girl. "I had, you young jade," said the mother, "a nicer mo ther than ever you had." V BGKTINK is now acknowledged bv our best physicians to he the only sure and sale remedy lor all diseases arising from impure blood, such as scrofula and scrofulous humors. HK took her by the hand and gallant ly led her up the rooky gorgeV<'autiou9- ly from stone to stone, avoiding the little pools and eddying currents in the brook. But in an unexpected mo ment her French heel played treacher ous and she vanished like a phantom, slipping into two feet ot water with grace and skill, and the sun umbrella lie so gracefully held above her head didn't prevent her getting wet. "Sorry, miss," said the gool soul, "but our minister is 011 a v -cation, and I hear tell lie's going to get married. 80 you won't have very mticn of a pas toral time; but you can pick huckle berries I guess Josh knows where they are thick," and the oldest boy suddenly remembered that lie hadn't changed his paper collar for two days. THE gentlemanly caterer at the camp meeting, who charges you sevehty-tive cents for a fifteen cent breakfast, is re quested to stirb for lower regions in t lom dst of h's awful sins. We n- t' e that the ministers think he is past p ay i ig for, . A STRANGER, pasing a churchyard seeing a hearse standing hard by, in quired who was dead. The sexton in iormed him. "What complaint?" ask ed the inquisitive one. Said the old man: "Tnere is no complaint; every body is satisfied." There is nothing 111 modern discovery so wonderful and meritorious, as that great labor-saver, Dobbins' Electric Soap, (made by Cragin A Co., Phila delphia.) It t.dis its story on the first trial. Ask your grocer for it. "AREN'T you real glad to see us. Farmer Robinson," queried the city beile as he helped her from the stage coach." We have come up to help you harvest your huckleberries, and we arc just going to live a real nice pastoral life." _ A LITTLE boy has been drowned in a public bath. This comes of the fatal habit of going into the water before learning to swim. A NEW brand of cigars is called the "New York Girl." They display very bad taste. A M"AN"S slippers, are made for com fort, and a woman's to show her color ed stockings. IT is easier to hit the nail on the head now that hie price has been re duced to $3 10 per keg. WHEN a storekeeper announces arti cles at the "cost price" he olten means at the original price with a lie added. WHEN a married man sells real ESTATE Pennsylvania law enforces the unit rule. THESE arc the days when a fellow feels like doing nothing and keeping at it. IT is a strange thing ia art that an actress must learn to paint before she can draw. IT takes a live man to pull up strea n, although a dead one can ilrilt down. COULD not doctor's lees be justly called ill-gotten gains? THE man who lost his balance was out of his weigh. A MAN'S appetite is his best grip up on the stall* of life. IN Africa, people of the right stripe eat zebra steaks. OUGHT a suspender manufacturer ex pire on the gall >ws? . CRAMTA Co'lc, Cholera Morbus, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea and Dy.-eutery are speedily cured by Dr. Jayne's Carminative Balsam. It removes all soreness of the Bowels, quiets the Stomach, and restores Its natural a> tlon. As a family remedy for many Affections of the Bowels pre valent among children and adults during the mmrner months, it Is especially recommended, oelng prompt In Its operation, perfectly safe, and easily administered. DOCTOR'S Birrs.—'The ninn whose Blood tin i Liver Is In good condition is all right even in the mldstof epidemics. This lias been often noticed in the life of every one. If all would only avail themselves of the advantages of restor ing and maintaining the health of the body,there would be fewer doctor's bills and much less sorrow. '1 he one tiling needful, and the one recommended above all others, is found in Simmons' Liver Regulator. 'A he testimonials are counted by the thousands, and its merits are undoubted. "Having passed through the siege of YELLOW FEVER, In 1874, in Savan nah, and not having any physician to attend to my family, 1 resorted to tne Regulator, and found It to be a perfect cure and preventive If taken in time. I had two children down with the Fever, used nothing but Simmons' Liver Regulator, unci am happy to HIV It cured them. It will cure and keep ofl' Fever if taken In time. It. J. LEST KM, Macon, Oa lliiutlug Comfort. Utah cannot be considered as a coun try possessing Inducements to travelers in pursuit of eomfort. The veli'cles in which its passengers and mall are brought are the most diabolical instru ments of torture known to the present day, and would have been the crown ing glory of the days of the Spanish Inquisition. Tliev should be called nut - dyspeptics, lor they would cure the dis ease most effectually or kill the patient, probably both, it would only he a ques tion of time and distance, no matter whatcriine a man might be guilty of. At the end of a ride of fifty miles lie would throw up the spotigo and confess, and 100 miles would cause hun to confess all the crimes in the calendar, whether guilty or not, if there w is any propeet that lie would be speedily put out his misery by death. The mu i-wagons of California and Nevada are about as bad as can well be Imagined, but they are pleasure earriges compared to the Jakey of Utah. They all seem to hav * been In use lifty years—patched and tied up with old ropes, curtains torn and dilapidated, cushions originally stuffed with strsiv which has hero lie chatf and worked itself into hard lumps, the seat-irons running down the biol bine, with bolt-heads projecting and the square edges left untouched bv a file or hammer; the apology for a hack striking just at the weakest point of the victim who rides, the side-Irons, equally prominent, insuring black and blue hips, and the side bows of the top placed so as to hit one a whack til >ng side the head whenever the thing sTikes a boujder, which is every two minutes. It matters little what may he a man's character, a ride of 100 miles in oue of these instruments of torture will make him an upright citizen fur the next few days auil fully qualify him for service on a standing com mittee. —Santley, the great singer has joined the Roman Catholic Church. For the Campaign. The factory of W. Howard Drools A Steven son. No. 43 North Tbi.d street. Philadelphia. Pa. is the best place to buy Cape, Capes, latere etylco iu Euatueled Mnnl n. ami iu Blue and Wtiite Drill for the campaign for meet ings, processions, parades Ao. All t e goods are manufactured by the tirm. and s 1 1 at the low< st pricca See advertisement in another column. FRUIT EVAPORATORS. Illustrated Catalogue free. American Drier Co.. Chambers ,urg, Pa. THOUSANDS of lives aro des'royed by diseases of the kidue\s and liv jr. Kidney-Wort would save them. Tell the sck o it. "if you need a gentle cathartic to rel.eve the stub-in of ac cumulated d bris take Kidney-Wort It is efficient and sufficient— POST. A Great French Philosopher once defined a doctor to be "a person who pours drugs, about wbi h he knows little, into a body concerning which he knows less, in or der to cure dfaeascs of which he known noth ing, "and the empirical, barbarous, useless treatment of piles since the days of Hypo crates, when doctors burned the tumors off with red hot iron, down to the absurd wonder cures and nostrums of modern quacks would seem to bear testimony to the wit-d<>m of tbo Frenchman. 'lbe great modem b nefactor of the modern race is now admitted by every one to be Dr. Silsbee, the discoverer of an infa li ble remedy in ' 'Anakesis." This miraculous cure for ihe most j aiuful of all diseases .s re garded as the scientific tr umpji or the age, an l is prescribed and endorsed by physicians of all schools. It is not taken internally, but applied as a snppitory directly to the af fected part. It gives in-tant relief, soothes pain as a pon't.ce, presses u ibo tumors as an instrument and ultimately cures piles by its medication. "Anakesis," Dr. 8. Silsliee's Ex ternal Pile Remedy, is so d by all lirst-class druggists. Price <<l.oo per box. banqvts mailed tree to all sufferers on application to P. Neuataedter Co., Box 3946, New York. I That Acta at the Same Tfcne on || II The Liver, the Rowels and the Kidneys. , E3 These great organs are the natnral cleans- U M ers of the aysteai. If thoy work well, health fl will be perfect; If they become clogged, I I 1 dreadful diseases are sure to follow with y TERRIBLE SUFFERING. V Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jann- j H dice. Constipation and Plies, or Kid- ' Fl sey Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes, . II or Rhenmatlc Pains and Aches, Mm aro developed because the blo<id Is POISONED M with the humora that should have becu J y expelled naturally. - • * N HIDXEY-WORT fl wfll restore the healthy action If destroying evils will be banished ; neglect M them and you will live bnt to suffer. , ■I Tbouaands have been cured. Try Hand yon J Q will add one more to the number. Take It ■ and health wlllonce more gladden your heart. s n Why Mlrhmi ft— Dslwswl orta AtMaghaAl ! I I Wkj haar sackdtorcMfroaiCoaslipaUoaandldiot U' KIDHXT-WORT will cure you. Try a pack ■ age at once and be aatuilod. , Hit a dry vegetable compound and H One Package make* six quarts of Medicine & f 1 Tour Druggitt hat It, or trill get it fcr fl II VOu. Intitt upon having it. Price, 1.00. H WELLS, BICHA2D3OH * CO., Proprietor* J □ 1.0 (Will MCd pot j*!d.) Barllngtoa, Vt. LM 9 MM 9 ""9 A YEAR expens-s and ngts HK FIT Outfft Free. Arldremi ;to P. Vy f i f ' VIOKERY, Augusta, Blaine. AOENTH WANTED to sell the LIFE OF GEN. JAS. A. GARFIELD, by his comrade in arms and personal friend. Gen. JT. A. BBIMBIN. an author of wide celebrity. This work la rumple;,,, authentic, low-priced. Fully ll* luatrated. Positively the best and cheapest book. Noue oilier official, I-end 50c. at once for outfit. We give the beat terms. Act qu'ck and YOU can coin money. HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, VJA Uhestuut St., Philadelphia, Pa. * Send (tamp for Catalogue. Bides,Shot GUM, Revalvr*.eiit c. o.d- forexammatiou NATURE'S REMED^TV YEGETISEa Tnt DntAT 81000 Pußir.'EffV^ lUmfi WILL CURE Scrofula, Scrofulous Humor, Cancer, Cancorou Humor Krysiiclif, Caukeßait Rheum, I'liiiplcs or lliiinor tu i lie Facts, Cougui mil O'dij,, Ulcers, Bronchitis. Neu mlgia, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, I'.urn In the Side, constipa tion, t'ostlv iu-ss. Piles, Dlz/.lness, Headache, Nervousness, I'aius In Iho Back. Falntncss at the Stomach, Kidney Complaints, F uiaio Weak uess au<i General Debility. Thli preparation Is sclentincillY and chemi cally combined, an i so strongly ccceui rated fr nn roots, herbs and b irus. that, its good or- It'CLs arc realized iniiiiedi itcly afier toiuiueoc lhglotakon. Tln-ro Is no disease of the hu man system for which the Vegetluo cannot bo used with perfect sat ty, as It uo not cont iln any metallic compound. For (radiating the system or all Impurities of the bio id it has no equal. 11 has never failed to effect a c ire. giv ing tone and st ro gi h to the system dcblllt aed by disease. Its wondeiful effects upon the com plaints named urc surprising to all. Many have been cured by the Vegeiine thit have tnod many other remedies. It cau well be called The Great Blood Purifier. Remarkable Cure of Scrofulous Fac^. WesTuiNerria, CONN., June ltt, IST'J. Mk. 11. K. STKVKNS: Dear Sir—l cau testify to the good effect of your medicine My Utile boy had a Scrofula sore br.- k out on his head as large as a quarter of a dollar, and It went oowu his face from one ear to the other, under his ueck, and was oue solid in iss of sores. Two bottles of your valua ble Vegeiine completely cured him. Very respectfully, MRS. Q. R. THATCHER. Vegetine. PREPARED BY 11. It. NTKVKNN. liONtOB, Maw. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. INVESTMENT BONDS. ""T" Gold Bonds Out. FT. MADISON J NOBIBWESTEBN RAILWAY CO. I>ATEI> APRII, 4, ISSu. and DUE IN I#A. Bonds ui KTOOand 51000 -ach. I*rlnei|>:tl on,l I titer,-KI III> nble 111 Gold In Nt-tv Yurk. N TRUST CO | York, TRUSTEE. 1.-ngOiufH sd, 100 mil •; whole iet-ueof BoudH, STIHI.OOO. I" NK! ST.OOO JK-R MI J. I ... hI in of ron!—iioi.i City of tort MHdKon.lowa, on >1 iN-l—ipfi River, to City of Orc-tlooaa. lu*. 1 ut'-r-ii pnviil-l April let Mini U tuber Int. I'nr >Hlt- nl 5 i*n*l Hf'ruf'l Internal. Willi mi ll SoOO 1111.1 wlooo iienii llu-rr will be gli 'ii it* i 1101111, glut) nnil h'ZOO rejeot li I-I. In lull inld t-ii|>ilnl >l< k of (be t oiiipany. A, p phii ni for Bor. or for further information, Circiilarr, , Hliould be inaii'- !o JAMES M. IIKAKE & 10., Bankers, Ore*el Building. 9 Wall Nt.. N. Y (OSKFTIIS BITTERS Bcfeiiwlve Ji t-uie.ti lon is n precan;l"n which nh u d n<*ver be neglected when I'snger s present, and there or. a course if the B Iters ait Is season is p.utieularty de sirable. especially tor t iie feeble and sickly. As I remedy tor biliousnes-, dyspe, sla, J ervous ncss. and b we there Is nothing •omparable to tllls wh desome For iftie uy ud Uiugg.sts and Dealers generally. If von arc * you an- a jfw ofLu-iiU'v.woak yjw man of l-b ■ cnod by the strain of y?W bra toiling aver liid- ■ I rour duties avoid MM rnielit work, to ;es I ■ stimulants nnd use V tore brain nerve and ■ I Hop Bitter*. B •*> Hop B. I If tou are voung and I suffering from an? in- Bfl I discretion i>r <lissi|o ■ tlon ; if you are mar- Kg ■ ried or single, old or ■ young, suffering f rom E ■ poor health or languish ■ ing on a bed of sick- ■ E nesa, rely on Hop! Bitter*. Wioevcr you are. Thousands lie an- ■ ■ whenever you ft ei || >H punUy I rom some ■ S3 that your svstein form of Kidney E ■ needs flennsini;. ton- that might ■ ■ lng or stimulating, fja i have been prevented I withoutn/or/ca/I J; 4 by * timely use of I g| ko Hop Hop Bitters I ihsoiute B gsaLimsi HDP llUr u^ot'opium! I You will be niTTrnn tobacco,or X) cured if you use 1 111 II I ill* narcotics. I Hop Bitter* | K [K\ fjl If vouare aim- IHi Sold hydrug- II ply weak and 1 ' ir\/rn Send for d low spirited, try fi 1" NLVtH Circular. |3 it ilt may i .. HOP B rrms save your S f-U .... 8 life. It ha* i lAIL W saved hun- j ! Serin- ter.H. T. 8 drecis. S - Si a v.. ■■■ i..,ont. MWBBWMBMtfßilin''''' **33 l 174 I KIDUEY DISEASES,- c ?SI T Stili? M are quickly and surely cured by ths uae of KUAN M X -WOB.T. Inls B* sad wondarful remedy which I* having auoh an Immenee aade In *ll parts of the oountey, works on natural principle* It r—tor— strength end tone to the dlairastd orgaxis, end through them oleeneea the system of accumulated end poladnous humors. Kidney diseases of thirty years standing have been cured, also Piles, Constipation, Rheumatism, go., which have distressed the vlcttms tor years. We have volumes of testimony of its wonderful curative power. No longer use Aleholio Bitters, which de mors hem than good, or drastic pill*, but use natures remedy, KED NET-WORT, end health will be quickly regained. Oct It of your Druggist, Price, 11. iwill send post paid.) WCUA, RICHARDSON A Q6., Prep's, Bartlagtea, Ti. © Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cnre9 all Humors, from the worst Scrofula to * common Biotrli, Pimple, or Eruption, Erysipelas, Aaltrbeuiu, Fever Sores, Scaly or Hough Bkin, in short, nil diseases caused by bad blood, are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medicine. Especially hns it manifested its potency in enring Tetter, Rose Rash, Rolls, Carbun cles, Sore Eyes, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, White Swellings, Goitre or Thick Keck, and Enlarged Glands. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sailow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent bendachc or dizziness, bad taste in mouth, internal beat or chilla alternated with hot flashes, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, yon arc suffering from Torpid Liver, or " Biliousness." As a remedy for all sucb cases Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has no equal, as it effects perfect and radical cures. In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Weak Lungs, and carlv stages of Con sumption, it hns astonished the medical faculty, and eminent physicians'pronounce it the greatest tncdicnl discovery of the age. Sold by druggists. iwsfc. No nse of taking the large, repulsive, nauseous pills. These Wisrv w* Pellets (Little Pills) are scarcely larger than mustard S heed,i - Hz* e. 1 ! Being entirely vegetable, no particular care is required sei r , 3llnL "it while using them. They operate without disturbance to the system, diet, or occupation. For Jaundice, Headache, TO D\\al A Constipation, Impure Blood, Pain In the Shoulders, t** 3 ww Tightness of C'Fiest, Dizziness, Hour Eructations from a Tho"AlttieOUnt" Cathartic. Stomach, Bad Taste In Month, Billons attacks. Pain In ¥ region of kidneys, Internal Fever, Bloated feeling about Stomach, Rush of Blood to Head, take Br. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets, Sold by druggists. wonf.p'V MKPFWKAKY CT.nirtf. ASSOCIATION. Pror'm. Rnffslo. If. ▼- CAMPAIGN CLUBS, Euy your Campaign CAPS and CAPES at first hands. The Latest Styles In ENAMELED MUSLIN, and In BLUE and WHITE DRILL. W. HOWARD BROOKS & STEVENSON, Manufacturers, 43 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, NEW MUSIC ROOKS! CURIOSITIES OP MUSIC, A enfeetion of jacli not y. rurally know ~ rryadin 1 tie Muiic ot Ancie nt a>ul tavoae notion!. ($1.00) By LOUIS V. ICL SOS. Here is Musical History in a most entertain ing tor n, the salient and Important facts being wrought into very rea lab e stories of what happened In china,.Jap in, lud a. Egypt, Ore ce and Ancli-nt Europe. There are also stori sof the Middle Ages, and of the ea ly d tysof opera EXAMINE OUR SPLENDID NEW BOOKS. For Schools - Sonif Belli. L. O. Emerson 50c For High Schools: Welcome t lioru*. W. 8. Tllden $t 00 For sundav schools: While Robes. Abbey and Mungcr to For Temperance: Temp. Jewel*. Tenney and Hoffman.. 85 I>NI|I LIKIII. Ilugg and bervoas 18 For singing schools: Voice of Worship. L. O. Emerson.... 1 00 temple. W. o. Ueiklns 100 Johnaon'i Method. A. N. Johusou...*.. Co For Reed Organs; F r rlor °! p ! fnn '"■trnHlon Book. nv A. N. Johnson i 60 Nudds' National Ncliooi My W F Sudds ' j M •F* Any book mailed for retail price. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. J. K DITSON A CO., Philadelphia. iBUY THE BLATCHLEY PUMP for el tCerns or wells of any depth.— Plain. Iron, Porre a is, or Copper It nod. Brand*. AC. U. XIX, 00, b No 1, B, Its. B No. 1. For *a)o f.y the Hardware trmle, Country More*. P tup maker*, eta. See thai I lie Pump you buy in •teiielW C. U HLtTCH LET, VI an u fiscta ror, 308 MABKIT Btrset, PHILADELPHIA. Pa ftMILLION Plant*! Will park to reach yos e*DO *r r r<*ieiy at ci.m per l/xw. ai VADUACE C'ltry at $2 A 1 pcrlOUO. Cata logue free. I, K. Tilliughaat, La Plume, Lacka wanna County, Pa. I ADIEM ANDMTOBE-KLFPEIM-Tuiea* J J S< t Choice Cioods cli ap by wruln( on a P.rata' for Pr.ce List, which enable* you to or der by mall the beat way, and *• • the many klud* of Mercbaud>*e we keep for *al* at *urprilugly low price*. We i*nd aample* ol Hamburg*. Lae*. Rib bon, Prinite*, Ac., if requested. We #ell Vt boleaal* and Retail f-r Cash down. A new combiuatioa ■yateui *nabla m to quote very < l.*e firlee*. Wa bar* sl. f J and 86 package* of notiou* which can not be bought for twice the money eleewhere, all wanted In every family. Mo-ie returned if uot aat- Uiae ory. H rOHT iN A BUTTON, S3 Trrmonl St., Itoalon, Ha**. inPOKTtNT TO AOF.NTK. TH*. Liric or GEN. JAMES A. GARFIELD. By lil* peraonnl frlerid. Major BUNLT, Ed'tor N V. A/of/,i* the only rdftfon to which Gen. On field hue given a leu. .on or fart*. Beautifully llluetrateo, print dad l ouni. Full le gin * eel p rt an by Hall.f'otn - pi.~tu--e felt • , e\- re**ly for tli.e w<dk Ac.Ur A gt-iita H Killed. Liberal term* hood t I.IKJ at oiicelor complete ouiflt. A. 8 BARNES A CO., 11l and 113 Wtill m 8 - re t. New York. DTinnn.<n 77,r " ,n ® _T T?r nory g ires h i TIT HILN ENTKRPHIhB CAHKIAUE CO., UUUUII3U Cinclunati, 0. Catalogu KRKE. A pent 8 Warit#yH Beet chance ever offered THREE NEW NOVELTIES. Tor*ter and B etle, price 25e ; T y Cat a id M ue, price iV.; Mouee Scar Pin, price lie. Sa:n --p es mailed to any addrena on rec 'ipt o! price. In . urrency or pontage * tamps A. A. DAVIS _ Naahua. N. H. m A N NN PWARD B B I I ■ I Bluid. Itching, or L'loerat<j LIE it ■ I immediate relief, cure* r _||| |l loo* standing to 1 week, ; W I U U Jciuffffil It. I ttrapper kar printed en it in blaeM m Pile of S onet a nd iV. Jr. Mitler't eipnatnre, rhila. BI a bottle. Sold by alldroggiata Sent by mall by J. P. Mn.LKk, M D.. Prop*.. S. w. oe*. Tenth asd Arch Su., PhiladjC.Pa. Bnpertu* celebrated FTnele Breeeh-loading Phot Gun at 4'4 up. Double-barrel Brooch loaders at #2O op. Munie and Breech-loading GODS, Rifle* and Pt*tol* df noit approved English and American make*. All kind* of ■ port in* implement* and erti clee required by sportsm-m and gun -maker*. COLT'S NEW BKEBCH LOADING DOUBLE GllfcS at #BO np—the best jrun* yet mad* for th* pric*. Send Stamp for Price List. JOS. C. GRUBB & CO., 712 Market Street. Phlla., Pa MAKE HENS LAY Aa En g 1 liiTet srmary Burgsoa and Chemist, new ■"rj 11 "! m tki* country, *aj* that most of tb* Horn* and Cattle Powders here are worthies* trash. H* W •"beridan'i Condition Powdtrt ibit luUly par# td TalnahU. Nothai jarth win make heu* lay lik* Sheridan's Condition Powders. I>o**, one teaepooa to on pint o< feed, sold everywhere, or sent bv mall for eight letter •♦aaape. 1.1. JOHNSON A CO., Bauger, Me SAPONIFIER la the Old Reliable Ooaeeatrated Lye for FAMILY BOAP MAKING. Direction* accnipany each can for making Hard, Uofl and Tailed ttoa* guiekly K 1* lull weight and strength. AHK FOR SAPONIFIER, AND TAKB NO OTHER. PIII'A HAJLT HAIUr# CO- PHILAB'A PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY.Che* ter, Pa., reopen* Jaiiunry 7. Civil engineer iug Chemistry- <'la*sica and FnslDh. Degree* i-on'errea • < olonel THRU HA I TY. Pr*. Those auewering an Auveru*eiueui ej confer a tavor upon the Advertiser and the Publisher byxtattng that they saw the adver tisement In thlstonrea Vnamlrc the Darter)- DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaprilliai msolnit, THE GREAT BLOOD rURIFIER, FUR THE CUBIC OF CHRONTO DISBAAK, SCROFULA OR SYPHILITIC, H SUED I TART OB CONTAGIOUS, B It SMtotf la Th l4fi r fttomneh. Skla o* BOOM, Kle.b or Nsrroa, CORRUPTING VITIATING Chronic Rheumatism, BcrofttU, OianduUr Swelling, Hacking Dry Cough, Canoeroue Affec tions, Syphilitic Complaints, Bleeding of the IXiMt Diseases. Mercurial Diseases, Female Oom plaints, Gout, Drop j. Bait Rheum, Bronchitis. Consumption, ' Liver Complaint. Not only does the Sareaparlllian Resolvent excel all remedial agents In the cure o( Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional and Skin Diseases, but it la the only positive cure tor KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and womb Diabases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, incontinence of Urine, BrtghUs Disease, Albuminuria, and In all eases where there are brick-dust depodte, or the water is thick, cloudr, mixed with sub stances like the wblte of an egg. or threads IKe white silk, or there la a morbid, dark, bilious appearance and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning s naatton when passing water, aid pain in tue small of the back ana a ong the loins. Bold by Drug glsta PRICK ONE DOLLAR. OVARI AN TUMOR OF TTCN YEARS' GROWTH CURED BY DR. RADWAY'S RKMKDIKS. One bottle contains more of the active p lncw plea of Medicines than any other Preparation Taken in Teaapoonful doses, whlls others re (uire ove or six tlmos as much. R. R. R. RADWAY'S Ready Relief, CURES AND PREVENTS DYSENTERY. DIARRHCEA CHOLERA MORBUS. FEVER AND AGUE, RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA, DIPHTHERIA, INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. DKwej.esa Dlanhoe i. Cholera Morbus or 1* u ful discharges from the b >wels Are stopped in is or *) mluutea b, talcing Kadway s ite-ady Uef. No congestion or tufl unmauon, no w ness or lassitude wLI follow the u-ic at the K. r. IT WA9 THE FIR>T AND 18 Tlio Only Pain Remedy th it instantly stops the most excruciating jalns, a lays InflamuiaUo 6, and cures Con? £ tlon-. whether of the Lungs, 8 omaeb, bowe's or other glands or organs, b/ on • uppl cation. In from one to twenty minute*, no mat ter liuw violent or excruciating the pain t,e theum Mc. Bed-ridden, InDrm Crippled. Nerv ous Neuralg c or prostrated with dl-ea* may suffer. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will afford Instant ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys. 1 (iflam.u>tion of the Bladder. Inflammation of the Bowels. *'ois est lon of the Lnari Sore Throat, l>lflienit Breathing. Palpitation of the llesrt. Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria _ . . „ i atarrh, Infloenia Headache. Toothache, Nervousness, Klecplessne A Neuralgia, Rhenioaitum Cold Chills, Arne Chills. Chilblains and Frost Bites. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists w.U afford eas* an t comfort. Thirty to sixty drops In a half tumbler of water will In * tew minutes curj Cramps, Sprains ScurS'omach, Heartburn, 81ck Head ache, Dfarrhcß i, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels and all internal pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of R d way's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of wa'er. It is better than French Braudy or Bitters as a stimulant. Prioe Fitly Cent- per mottle. Radway's Regulating Pills. Perfect Purgative#, Soothing Aperient*, Act Without Pmln. Always Reliable and Natural In their Operation. A VEGETABLE SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with aweet gum, purrs, regulate, purify, cieanae and strengthen. RADWAVS PIUS, for the cure of all Disorders 0 the stomach Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Blad der, Nervous Diseases. Headache, constipafJon, Costlvenesa, Jndlgestton, Dyspepsia, Btl.ous neßß Fever. Inflammation of the Bowels, Plies, and all derangements of the Internal viscera. Warranted to efleet a perfect cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deleterious druga W~Observe the following symptoms result ing from Diseases of the Digestive Organs: Consti pation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood In Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. ID art* burn. Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Bto nach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut ter ng st tue Heart, Choking or Sen sations when in a lying posture, Dimness or Vision. Dots or Webs Before the Sight, Fever a d Dull patn in the Head, D. flclcnc* or Pcrsplia tlon. Yellowness or the Skin and Eyes. Pain In tiie Side, chest. Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of Heat. Burn ng in the Fie -h. A few doses of RADWAT*S PIUS will free th* system from all the above-named disorders. Price, tS Cents per Bo*. we repeat that the reader: muht consult our books and papers on the subject of diseases and their cure, amo ig which may he named: "Folae and True "Hadw yoa Irritable Urethra, ' "Kadway no Scrofula," and others relating to different oi**aa of Dls cases. SOLD BY DRUGGISTST READ "FALSE AMD TRUE." Rend a letter stamp to HADWAY St co No. W Warren, Cor. Church SI., Xcw York. twinformatlon worth thousands will be sent to you. TO THE PUBLIC. f There can be no better guarantee of the value cf DR. RADWAT'S old established R. R. R. RUM DISS than the base and worthies imitations of them, as there are False Resolvents, Reliefs and Pills. Be sure and ask for Rad way's, and see that the name "Radway" Is oa what you buy. pHOIO COPYING AG NTS WANTED far fhs JL N (i.ranii-a ..i Yeivm Types. Metropoli tan Co vying Oftlee, 15 West 3d Street, N l7 SEND for our New Calendar of the New England Conservatory of Music. $15.00 to $20.00 for 20 lessons in classes. Students In the Conservatory-Course can pursue ALL ENGLISH BRANCHES FBEK. E. TOURJEE. Mosio HALL. BOSTON. #CAN MAKE $5 FEB DAY Platform Family Scale Weighs accurately np to 3B lbs. Its handsome appearance, u . ight to h>n -• eepers. Retail prlct- #0 Oh • 'atni'y Scalea weighing 26 lbs. cannot be bough, fur les than §5. A regular Boom for Agents Exclusive territory given. Terms aim r pa sal"- n irae ol i agent . -jand for particulars. DOMESTIC SCALE CO., I§7 W Sth stre t, Cincinnati, Otiio. STANDARD BIOORAPHIES OF THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES. 500 Page# Each, NEW, AUTHENTIC.COMPLETE. Able Authors, .The Fastest Selling Book# Fine Illustrations, of tlie Day" 1 iffl nf fipn HANCOCK, LIIO Ul ucn. GAKFIELD. Best Book*. */" Liberal Term*, AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. _ For full des riptiwns and terms, address at one#. I. C. MLOURDY A CO., Philadelphia, Pa.; Cincin nati, O.; Chicago. 111#.; St.LoUi , Mo. luciß
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