Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 30, 1880, Image 3

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    • jlitllieim Jonrital.
THURSDAY, SEP. 30., 1880.
Editors and PropriefM*.
Local Department.
—The canning season is over and
next—sour-krout will be ripe,
—The second hay crop in Snyder
county is good.
—A gpod ten-plate stove for sale
cheap. at the Journal olflce.
—A man in Cambria county shot i 104
squirrels the other Saturday.
/ —Don'tftwerlook the'big Bee Hive
advertisement in another column.
—Had a most gracious rain on Mon
' day night- It settled the dust and re
plenished the wells.
—The boss place for cheap goods is
T. R. Stain's. Go and see for your
EVERYBODY is coming with "his
sisters cousins and his aunts.",
• —Cider is sellthg here at an average
price of about $2.50. Some have bought
for Jess while others have paid more.
—John Bame will offer his home and
lot on Penn street at public sale, Sat
urday October 16th next. Buy it.
: .*-W. F. Reeder, Esq., will please
kindly to accept our thanks for com
plimentaries to the county fair.
ENTRIES are"already being made and
the coming fair will be the best ever
li eld in Centre County.
—Goto Bellefonte next week and at
tend the County Fair if you want to
spend.afew pleefSSrHt da^b.
—Thomas Hosterman gives notice
- that he has taken out letters of admin
istration on the estate of Samuel H.
Moyer, deceased.
—We are right In the midst of a very
active apple-butter campaign. Gentle
men Vho are sure to go to the 'Semly
need nofcfctfe any. •
—Rey.. *C. t. Deitiinger was here
again last Veek to shake bands with
his friends, and see after bis lands and
—The officers are working .hard to
arejt eyery person to bring exhibits to
- the fair this year, and we may expect
: a grand success.
F .
Bauland & Newman, of the great
Combination Bee Hive Store, Bellefonte,
„are just now opening their immense
stdck of fall and winter goods.
* —Baltimore will celebrate her 150 th
Annivers&ry during the week begiu
' ning October 11th. The festivities
will be on a grand scale.
—Theofficers of the Agricultural
Society of this county are putting forth
their best efforts, to make this year's
. fair a success.
—Saturday will be the last day on
which you can pay your tax in order to
have a vote. Democrat don't miss
your votes for a few cents or of
SUICIDE.— The other Sunday Daniel
Tteish, ef White Deer township, Union
: county, committed suicide by cutting
hisobrcst from ear to ear with a pocket
—The celebrated Bate's Harvester,
manufactured by tbe Central Mfg.
Company, Lewisburg, was awarded the
first prize by tbe 'recent state fair at
, v—For anything in the Clock, Watch
or Jewelry line call on C. A. Sturgis,
who haaas fine an assortment as you
Will find most anywhere and Sells re
markably cheap.
•*. j *y ** \ •
: . —lf you go to Bellefonte by all means
go to the mammoth Bee Ilive store
where they are now opening a treflieua
ous stock of goods, most wonderfully
—The Centre County Fair next week
will be the best one ever held before.
Don't'neglect to attend It, if you can
possibly "get away from home.
—The Democrats of Centre Ilall
talk of haying a grand Hancock basket
picnic on the summit of Nittany moun
tain where the Granger picnic was
held, some time during (he 'caftp&ign.
—H. E. Duck, Esq., brought us a
- basket of potatoes such as would make
the heart of an Irishman leap for joy.
Don't say that you never saw any lar
ger but we .didn't. They are of the
new Staving kind.
. Mr. A* G. Heck man, of Seville, Ohio,
, was actually picking apples oA the
of the 25th, ult. That's just
what he wrote ui when he in his
i subscription for tbfe Journal.
"Only that and nothing more."
• "Don't you forget it " that the boss
merchants of the county are Bauland
& Newman, and the boss place for
goods of the first grade and at the low
test prices, is the celebrated Bee Hive
Of Beliefonte.
—That extensive and valuable prop
erty in Gregg township known as FAR
MERS' MILLS will be offered at public
sale on the premises by the executor
of the late Adam Fisher, deceased, on
Friday, October Bth next. Itcoasistss
• of a flouring mill, saw mill, dwellings,
out buildings and about forty acres of
land. Fine chance for ama with
Tylersburg, Clarion county, baa an
old lady, Mrs. Allen, who is one hun
dred and six years old.
—The amusement department will be
under the care of Dr. J. D. Geisinger
and D. Ray, Esq., and they promise to
make it "superb" at the fair this year.
—Mr. Cyrus Bowers and lady, of
Sandusky, Ohio, were here last week on
the sad errand of the burial of ttieir
daughter, Mrs. Charles W. Wolf. Mr.
Bowers was a 'Citfreh bf Millheim
some thirty years ago and is still re
membered by many people here.
—To-day our young friend George
S.Frauk, sou of Judge Frank, *of Ito
bersburg, goes to Philadelphia to attend
medical lectures. In course of time
D. V., he will be Dr. Frank. (Uueck
—Mr. Samuel WiJson, of Potter
township, died'fche bther Saturday at
the advanced age of 90 years. lie was
one of the jurors 'befbre whom James
Monks was tried and convicted of mur
der, about 65 years ago. Monks was
the first man ever hanged in Centre
—Next Saturday there is to be a big
Pole raising at Clintondale, Clinton
county at which occasion first-class ad
dresses will be Ex-Governor
Curtin and Hon.C. T. Alexander are
the speakers. Several bands will be
—J. It. VanOrmer did a nothe deed
when he presented us Ith that fine
Hancock Book. Just like him, though
—he does give expecting nothing in re
turn. But such the Lord has promised
to bless, and we trust Reese will come
in for his full share.
—iMtriiidl Gramley, Trustee will of
fer at public sale Tuesday October 26th,
next, one of the most valuable farms
in Brush iYalley. The farm contains
282 aetek, of which over 100 is well
timbered with oak, pine, hemlock and
chestnut. Here is a rare chance for a
profitable investment.
— DEININGKR & MUSSER have -;fuih
received a car load of marble direct
from the quarries at Sutherland Falls,
Vermont. This system of buying stock
quantities from tlrkt hands en
ables them to sell work cheaper than
other establishments that buy from
—The VeimSylvania State Sabbath
School Association will liold its six
teenth annual convention in Lancaster,
Pa , Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day, Octcber , 13th anfl 14th.
Rev. John Ilall, D. D., New York;
Rey. P. S. Henson, D. D., Rev. B. T
Vincent and John Wanamaker, Phil
adelphia; Rev. James 11. Dubbs, D. D.,
Lancaster; James McCorraic, Harris
burg; Rev. B. Young, Altoona,'Ji.Wi
other eminent Sunday JScbool workers
will be present. Hotel accommoda
tions will ce ample and cheap. 4t
DON'T. —Don't let your angry pas
sions rise when you 'discu&s politics.
Don't get mad and call the other fellow
a liar. It can do no good and may
much harm, if not to the "cause" then
certainly to yourself.. If you insist on
talking politics on street corners and
in stores don't forget that you &£ a
man, a neighbor, perhaps a friend to
the opfWftif& man. Conduct I yourself
so that when the campaign is over you
will have no pardons to ask for insults
given; no bitter feeling and heartburn
ings to heal up against such with and
about whom you must live day.
Don't do it.
WM. C. HEINLE, ESQ., deserves to
receive every Democratic vote in the
county. He is a young lawyer of,abil
ity and merit and has worked his way
up to his present social and profession
al standing from a poor boy. He will
make a capable aud faithful public of
ficer, in whose hands the common
wealth business of the county can be
safely trusted. He will not be ashamed
to speak Deutsch to his old neighbors
and frieDds when they will have occa
sion to visit him on business or pleas
ure, after his election, for eleeted he
will be, of course, and we ftope that
the yalleys where everybody knows
him, will give him their full vote.
"Tlie melancholy days have come
The saddest of the year."
There now—don't you say that we
are just trying to pe the first one this
year to remind you of the coming stern
season in the poets immortal lines. No;
it is not the frightened hare ' nor the rus
tling leaf that makes us sad; there
ia'nt poetry enough in our soul for
that; but ,the thought that soon—ah 1
very soon, we nete'd—yea must have
lots of coal, wood, applet,potatoes, for
those dependent on uses, to say nothing
of a new supply of shoes and other
clothing in which to appear decent
and keep warnd. These. and the
thoughts of a shrunken, shriveled 'and
mostly empty purse, are what make
our poor heart so tender. The trying
realities of life—not the poetry—yes,
| there's the rub.
—The gunning season is at hand,
and it is now in order to warn persons
against the careless handling of fire
arms. The skilled SportsmaH. never
risks his own life or that of others by
holding or carrying his gun in such a
position as to endanger any one by its
discharge. He appreciates the danger
ous character of his weapon, and is,
therefore, careful in handling it. Now
that breech-loading arms are so gener
ally used, there is no exciiSe for keep
ing them loaded, but whether loaded or
not, the muzzle should at all times be
kept away from the body. It is just as
easy to acquire careful habits in hand
ling guns as to get other habits that
place one in ccnstafat danger of Uelhg
Self-Wounded or perhaps killed;
—Mr. L. B. Frank, of Rebersburg
just dropped in a moment the other
morning to see us, on his way to the
city for goods. Lute can't get over his
big, Democratic heart to slight us—
he always calls. Has such a warm
feeling for the Journal, its editors and
—&rs. David Slfofdr of Brush Valley
brought us two cabbage heads the oth
er day weighing respectively 6 pouuds
6 ouuces and 6 pounds 44 ounces. It
is of the new and popular Hancock
kind, is thoroughly solid and has a
most delieious flavor. Now if any ram*
pant radical rapscallion can do better
let him or her step to the front or for
ever hereafter shut up on the krout
.I'll ■ CR&if* COI KTT FAIR. — The premium
list for the Centre County Fair was distribute*
lust week, and has no (lout* (riven satisfaction,
as the amount* to he award** are aore liberal
than usual. The Fair will opea on ths Sh or
October, and, from all that w* have been able
to learn, will be an entire sueeres. Much Inter
est teems to hare been awakened In all parts of
the county, which presupposes a larpt number
of entries and an enticing and beautiful dis
play. The ladles, we understand, Intend to be
fully represented by all the useful and beauti
ful articles that ladles manufacture, while the
farmers, the stock-raisers, the mechanics, ma
chinists, etc., etc., pro|x>se to contest for the
premiums In the liveliest manner. The Fair
will continue for three da>A and Thursday, the
7th, will >is usual be the "big day" of the exhi
bition. Entries will bo received ' untn and on
the first day, aiVd we hope every man, every
woman, every boy and every girl who has any
thing Interesting to show
tion, Whoever has the best, tfic biggest, the
{iretUest, the cleanest,—no matter what of,—or
he most tasteful and ingenious, will get pre
miums, and whoever gets a premium will of
course have a proud feather in his or her cap.
So let all yiako up 'tHelr minds to contribute
something to make the Fair generally attract
ive and interesting.
The Democratic meeting in Aarons
burg os Saturday evening was a large
and lively one, yet everything passed
off in best order. The Democrats of
Brush Valley had promised to turn out
in force and most nobly did they re
deem their promise. They came in
uniform, with music and torches, and
were joined here by the Millheim dele
gation, which was also headed by our
cornet band. The entire procession
that left here was large and presented
a beautiful, imposing appearance. The
people pre&fft at the nf&ting must
have numbered nearly one thousand,
and it was perhaps the largest night
meeting erer held In tbft end of the
The meeting was "organized by ap
pointing D. A/Musser, Esq., President,
assisted by a number of vicepresictahtk,
J. H. Reifsnyner and J. W. Runkle,
Secretaries. J. L. Spangler, Esq., and
Senator C. T. Alexander delivered
speeches. These were at once able,
eloquent, comprehensive, and as we
believe convincing. They were well
received by the vast crowd.
The valleys are thoroughly shaken
up and will give a good account of
themselves at the election.
The |lancock boom is still booming.
A meeting of the Giefg Hancock Club
at Decker's school house was addiessed
by W. C. Heinle* and Hon. F. Kurtz,
both making telling speeches. Mr.
Kurtz made the boss speech of the eve
ning. The club will have another
meeting in Brush Valley Thursday
evening Sep. 30th.
Mr. A. E. Miller hass;on.e to Tyrone
and is how firing an engine there. His
family will &oon follow.
Our community was painfully griev
ed on Saturday morning by the death
of Josey A. Jordan, who was taken ick
with putrid sore throat on Tuesday
previous. Our loss is his eternal gain.
The boss picnic was held in the Seven
Mountains on Saturday. Everybody
was snrprised and pleased. All present
enjoyed themselves very much. The
day will long be remembered with pleas
ure by all in attendance.
Mr. T. B. Jathison is abfe to get
around 'afcain with the use of a cane.
Hope he may soon be able to lay it
aside. His bruised t&t- is yery much
better 1
Among agents and families, the great de
mand now m tor the uew light running Com
bination Sewing Machine, because it has stood
the test, and is better made, with more im
firovement*. will last longer, and is much Tower
n price, (only 120,) than other machines, ancl
haying attained a merited popularity among
the people for reliability,it Is welcomed where
ever it makes its appearance. It is built for
strength and constant hard work", .has inter
changeable working parts, mariufaotmed of
fine polished steel, and will run for years ,wlth-
QUt repairs; is simple to learn, easy to manage,
Understood pfrfectlyjn ,an hour, and always
ready to do.eyeiy description of - heavy- or fine
family work at less cost, more easily,"smoothly,
and faster, and with less labor or trouble than
any other machine at any price , ever did, v
can do Tucker?, quitters, rufflers, hemnicr.t
bindera,.s£p free with each machine. No *4
vance paynleut*. Machines shipped to ftn
K. K. station for examination before paymc-n
of bill. Agents make money rapidly, supply
ing the great demand for this the Cheapest Ma
chine in tue world. Territory free, tor illus
trated catalogue of prices, specimens of stitch,
Ac., address, office of the Combination Hewing
Machine, 737 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
News Miscellany.
, . * ■ ;
Caused by the Failure of the Wheat
DES MOINES, la., September 23
Levi Johnson, of Norton county, Kan
sas, is here soliciting aid for til© people
in Phillips, Sherman, Decatur, Sheri
dan, Rawlins and other counties. In
Norton county 1,800 people are in ab
solute want of food. The wheat crop
in all the above named counties failed
and in June was plowed up and planted
in corn, which has been destroyed by
the worms. A public riieetihg will be
I held here this efehing to prdciire sup-
I plies;
lleury Herbert Crane lived childless
at Grafton, Ohio, until he was 65,
then his young wife gave birth to twins.
The joyous father hired a band of
music and marched through the village
bearing a banner oo which was inscrib
ed the word, f 'victory."
John Sweet (Of Buena Vista, lowa,
grew tired of his old wife and gave her
half of his propertj for a release from
his matrimonial .bond, then lie eloped)
with a younger womah, wM6 speedily;
stoie his remaining money aild deser
ted him. < Disheartened land penniless,!
he returnedtohls wife, and she took
him in. < '•
It hi stated M the newspapers from
the vhrldtis counties that the potato
crop tn • Lancaster, Chester and Berks !
will be almost a total failure.
An elephant travelling in a car next
the locomotive onan Indiana railroad,
opened the tank, drank all tho water,
and so compelled the train to stop.
John Y. Smith and family aMvell in
Nerristown from Ellis county, Kansas,
a few days ago, having traveled the en
tire distance in a wagon drawn by two
mules and '(? Wo Texas pOnies. Ttft
family, which consisted of eight persons,
started July 7. The members of the
family slept ou a scaffold of boards on
the wagon, and cooked their food by
the wayside. Mr. Smitty.&AYa that he
wants no more of the M (Jo West" cry.
He reportsbusiness of all kinds is
mdch worse in Kansas thau in Pennsyl
The chestnuc crop throughout the
state promises to be vtlry large.
The Juniata county jail is without
an'inmate, save one insaue mau.
There are now five hundred men em
ployed at tHo Pittsbifrg locomotive
works, nearly all of whom work till
The wife of W. G. Kemp, a wealthy
farmer, of Berks county, on Sunday
afternoon drowned herself by jumping
into the Ontelaunce creek, near their
home. She w& Inbarte upon religious
matters. Two years ago she cut her
throat with a razor in the attic, but her
Bfe was saved. Lnper she severed an
artery with a razor whH© in the woods,
but timely medical aid prevented her
death. She was closely watched after
wards. On Sunday aYterndort she' Was
sitting on the veranda ot their country
home with her husband and children.
Mr. Kemp went to the barn a few mo
ments and as soon as he bad his back
turned the wife embraced her little
ones and then rushed to the river, took
off her shoes hurriedly and jumped in.
Her body was recovered ten minutes
The Golden Elixir rtf Life. Wonderful
If you have Consumption, and would
know that your cough can be made
loose and easy—Hectic Fever and
Night Sweats checked in 24 hours; In
flammation taken out' of ttie lttngs and
air passages at once; that ydft can be
made to gain 3to 5 pounds of healthy
flesh per week; If you have anV Chron
ic Disease, Bronchitis, Asthma Catarrh
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Heart Dis
ease, Liver Complaint, NerVous Debil
ity, Seminal Weakness or Spermator
rboea, loss of sexual power in either
sex from any canse; if you haVe any
form of nervous weakness, losing flesh
er wasting away. And would know of
an immediate relief and certain cure
for many of the severest cases in a
short time, a new method with new
agents to fatten ereir body, invigorate
and make strong ana healthy the most
hopeless cases, cut this out and write
at once for particulars to B. S. DIS
PENSARY, Berrien Springs, Mich.
On the 22nd ult., at Ue residence of H. D.
Loreland. Lamar. Pa., by Rct. A. R. Croneo
Mr. A. D. Walluer, of linbleriburg, and Miss
Jennie Buyer, of MlUheim. t
On the 6th, lost.. at the residence or Mr. Jas.
Steyenson, in Porter twp,, by Iter. W. 11. Diren,.
Mr. Lutber K. iwarts, of Hublersburg, Centre
Co., Pa., to Miss KUft K. Stevenson of Porter
township, Clinton county, fa.
On the 16th Inst., at Centre Hall, by Rev. S .
W. Koedor, Mr. John I>eclrer, of Potter town
ship, to Miss Louise Hockey, of Gregg twp.
On the 21st Inst, in Milton, by Iter. W. If.
Gotwald, D. W. Co*. Esq., and Mrs. Hannah
Wilkinson, both of Lowlsburg.
On the 2Mb Inst., near Spring Mills, Joseph
A.. fonofOeo. B. and JI., J. Jordan, aged 12
years, 8 months and 16 diys.
We will sen (lit to your De.
UMM pot to be examined before
you pay for it. If it is not as
sbJMB. represented it can be ret urn
f|r ill ed at our expense. Bend **
M| .postal card for illustrated
■LHR J Circular. C. A. WOOD ft CO.
N. Tenth St.. Philado.. PA.
TIM Eomka k aaparlor • say ilda-tnt stark laa I Mr aaad *
mrHvliw. •_ i!,i - HAKJUt LIVIX
rtMifcni •OT* Terk
Tka MU rik( tsm M fwjtklka Conks Mmr S mn
araa sod myld Uss aflat tk 4do*at WsdKsn.'. ' ■ (<
■CXORGK W. HOmtUt.. .
Frarfdatit FanarrV Clafc, RlmMa, K, Y.
Tk* Banks lfo*r U IWrity knl w# trr aaA-lban It
ss I4mI nswsrkksicss coaipsrtwtrtiitlijßi^j^nt.
list* Graaj, Wyiox, I!.
TV# MtM Is vklrk 11 Imtm Iks ml frsM, Inn sad Opt*
le Iks s and wisd rasdy for dryinc, pnu tka Knrtks far ahiaad
•fM7 scUs I snrsaad. B. U PORTS, A*M, Ft*
To my Friends in Penns and Bask Valleys!
Store of JLofck Haven.
Which is now ftpeMng Ae'thftil Stock for the Spring] of ÜBi
which is slihplf Immense in nil Its Departments.
30,00$ tar is Bleached and- Unbleached Muslins, "
Z> "o O- -O ——o c a-' o ■■■"() -o "O ■■■Q o
A large stock ot I<>4, 0-4, 6-4, 5-4 UTICA BLEACHED and UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS and PILLOW CASINGS
MOO Yards Good ralico, rant Colors. Beaatifel Styles, 0 Cents a Yard. - .
The LArgest Stock of TABLE LINENS ever shown in this City at old prices. sdo TOWELS at 25 Cents, worth 40
Cents. 35 dozen 4-4 Bleached all LINEN NAPKINS at $2.65, worth $3.40. 18 inch TWILLED. HEAVY TOWELLING, 18
1000 Yards of Slimmer Fastings,
Bought rt?rijr in January, since which time they haye advanced 20 per cent., but will be sold at old prices ofa year ago.
2,000 T&rds All-Wool Cassimeres,
French Diagonals and Shirtihgs, 1000 Yards Black all wool Cashmeres.
Cheaper than ever. 2000 yards Beautiful Spring Cashmeres at 15 cents, worth 2). French Momie Cloths, Full Line o
French all Wool Buntings in Plain and Lace Goods. Bilk Grenadines. French Qrgandie and Lines Lawns, nice patterns
At 50, 55 and 60 cents a yard. The Largest, Handsomest, Cheapest lot; of Plain and Brocade, Black Silks
eyer shown. Large lot of Ladies' Coat*, at Half Pride. The handsomest Stock of.
In this section of the State. Large lot of Window Shading and Fixtures. 1,500 fcs. Cotton and Wool Carpet Chain.
1 I l l 1 of Penni arKl Brush Valleys should gvail themselves of the advantages we are now of
-1/1 El/i Hi Iw aw fering, by buying their goods early at the BEE JUVE. .Thanking my Patrons for
their liberal patronage 1Q 1878, we iippe hy continuing to keep only first-class goods,
with a full assolttnent.of all the Novelties of the Season ;, by representing goods on
MERIT ONLY, and selling at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES to merit even a much larger share of the patrormge in 18**0,
as we have decided advantages over every competitor on account of the immense quantities we buy. FECIAL IN
DUCEMENTS to Large Buyers and trade from a distance. fGTOBDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT
Great Bee Hive Dry Goods House,
i. J. EVERETT, Proprietor.
t -- , f f ~ ♦ *• t • . ~
WANTED.— 50,0W pounds of Wodl id exchange or for cash at the Bee Hive Store.
■lllfceua jlfcrkVt.
Corrected every Wednesday t>V depart
& Mu*r. ,
wh*t jo. i v..... M
Bran A Shorts, pel ton 20.50
gait,per Brl,.
rinster, ground. v ..... .. W.w
Cement, per Bushel. 45 to 50
Barley 50
Cloverseed. 5,00
Butter *2
Hams 10
Sides ........ 7
Beef tt
£*** 18
P0tat0e5....................... -f.'ttf
i"* 1 rjl M'ttiMMtt'tititiM:"''
Soap 5
Pried Apples v .. .#
Pried Pitches
Kg a C0a1'..'..... *5.60
stove ,?? 5.75
Flour &
Ffeed; K
Plaster t
ft Salt
Highest hiarket price paid for all kinds of
Delivered at the
AlWays on hii'hci and sold at prices that defy
A -sham of the public patbnage respectfuUy
solicited. 89-Iy
TBfm kotJSB,
A- (Most Central Hotel in the City,)
Lbcfc H&Vqp, Pa.,
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Traveler
on first floor.
talned.—New laws, higher, rates of pension
The slightest disability,.from wound, injury p
disease of any kind entitles ymi to a pension
Widows*nd heirs, fathers and mothers are
now entitled'. > . Viiu
Land cases promptly settled, Patents. obtain
ed. All kinds of government claimsprosecuted
Write at one© for new laws, -blanks, and in.
Lock Box 314, Washington, P. C.
6 !j |j|
• rjjfl r> ®
e i*©
J Zj I| H
s Sp If HI
®. fSa S3 pan
?*= M I*l I
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2© Hfia V •a a
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3 i g M 2
fe 1 ££ 55
H | | li 13
w n 1
S 3 I K |s A g
g |i jj||
rorr OlMDTM"' l *®®'M*.Vt articles
A nuU 'Ua"riiliU ever sold bvfcjrents to eve
ry one who answers thi&qr ittdn sixty days.
„ . , AmerireplMiaPiiVe,
215-3 m City Mills, Massachusetts.
Doors, Shni-i
es Sash, IPS yellow Pine
Win d 0 w Ipflf Flooring con-
F ram e s, ¥*S\ stantly kept
and Mould-on hah d.
ings, madetoCj jg With thinks
order onPi for past fa
short notice vors he solie
and in thelpj g its a contin
best uehce of the
m&nner same
Ec l*M!s PeSi*
■■ - B
" m TH T. L
54,853 Machines.
Xt la thi .Urhtwt-Beanlaet
lartft BtHlTif, aad
'ianuWiatM. Vtetetni, tUma
WRttt Sewing Machln* Co, *
Clstelakd, O.
•nd how to, obtain them. Pamphlet
free, upon receipt of Stamp for poet
age. Address—
SoHeUort •/ Patent*,
Ktar Patent Office, Washington. JX' a
Edwin J- Desliler, J Jordan Deshier
PntsfciANs it SURGEONS,
Aaronsburg, j^b
Calls promptly answered; da night.
JOHN a &&kt,
Fashionable Barber.
iwb Hoore west of Millheim Hotel,
mtttjieim; p^,
k|ain S j Millheim, Pa