Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 09, 1880, Image 3

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 0., 1880.
An noil neenient.
We are authorized to announce that 11. P.
HUNTER, of lien nor township, is a candidate for
Assembly, subject to tbe decision ot the Demo
cratic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce that CHES
TER MUNSON, Esq.. of Philipsbipß, will be a,
candidate for the Legislature, subieet to the
decision of the Democratic County Convention.
WE aiohuthorizod to anuounce that WM. M.
MUKHAY of Harris township, is a, candidate for
Legislature, subieet tot lie decision of the Dem
ocratic County Convention.
Weare authorized to announce that J. P.
Gephart, ot Bellefonte, is a candidate for Leg
islature, subject to tbe decision of the Democrat
ic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce that P. 8.
FISHKR of Zion. is a candidate for Legislature,
subject to the decision of the Democratic Coun
ty convention.
—A Bedford county man is six feet
eight and a half luehes tall.
—The potato crop is very plentiful
in these diggings.
—Fot good quality and low prieo of
clothing, the Philadelphia Branch
"beats 'em all."
—Mr. Cornelius Bower gives notice
that he will settle the accounts of John
II übbler deceased.
—The M. B. it L. Association meets
next Monday'.evening. See to it that
your dues are paid.
—Farmers We busy seeding, for
which the soil is in excellent condition
siucethe recent rains.
—The sale notes of the estate of Jon
athan Philips, deceased, are now due,
of which all concerned will please take
notice. tf
—The Centre County Veteran Club
will hold its annual picnic in McEl
yan's grove, near Unionville, Saturday
Sept. 18th, 1880.
PUBLIC SALES.— Sept 11th, farm of
106 acres 11 ear J Rebersburg,by S. Gram
]y and A. Smull, Executors of the es
tate of Henry Smull, deceased.
Yes you will always get tho full worth
of your money at Philadelphia
Branch Store, Bellefonte, Pa.
—The heirs of John Hubler,
Haines township, deceased, will have
sale of the personal property of deced
ents, Saturday Sept. 11th.
—The Philadelphia Branch Clothing
Store iu Bellefonte, manufactures its
own clothing \and is therefore able to
sell cheaper than the cheapest.
—Mr. C. W. Weiser anil lady, who
have spent some weeks in our ±i'c st
visitiag relatives and friends, have
again lett for their western home, Bur
bank, Ohio.
—You can not iind two more oblig
ing fellow* in a day's travel than Boss
Lewin and Salesman Sternberg, of the
Philadelphia Branch Store, Bellefonte,
—Mr. J. R. Brungard, one of Rebers
burg's merchants, is now in the 4 'city"
buying a stock of fall and winter goods.
Jasper seems to be a full success as
—Mrs. John Jacob Astor sets the other
women at Newport wild by wearing
SS(JO,UOO worth of diamonds when she
goes out with her knitting to spend the
—The books and accounts of J. W
Stam are teft in nay hands for settle
ment and collection of whicli all con
cerned will please lake notice.
3t T. It. STAM.
—Ex-Sheriff Conley died at his home
in Benner township hist Friday morn
ing. Mr. Conley was a most estimable
christian gentleman and had hosts of
friends throughout tho county.
—Harris, of the Standard Store, a
Lcwisbury, is now closing out his stock,
at greatly reduced prices preparatory to
purchasing early I fall goods. For bar
gains go to Haris.
—lt is required by law that the sup
ervisors in each township put up finger
boards at every cross road. Failing to
do this, they are liable to a fine of $lO
for each and every act of negligence.
—The thirteenth annual state con
vention of the Young Men's Christian
Association of Pennsylvania, will be
held at Wilkesbarre, fi on teeptember
23rd to the 26th, inclusive. It prom
ises to be a very pleasant gathering.
Many prominent speakers and workers
will be present.
—Our young old friend, Mr. N. E.
Otto, of Orbisonia, Huntingdon coun
ty, Pa., was here last week to visit his
aged parents and at the same time
shake hantfcs with his many friends.
Noah didn't groAV a bit since '.we last
saw him, but what there is of him is of
strictly prime grade—A No. 1.
—That extensive and valuable prop
erty in Gregg township known as FAR
MERS' MtLLs will be offered at public
hale on tho premises by the executors
of the late Adam Fisher, deceased, on
Friday, October Bth next. It consists
of a flouring mill, saw mill, dwellings,
out uuildiugs and about forty acres of
land. Fine chance for a man with
Democratic Delegate Election.
The Democratic voters of Centre
county will meet at the regular place of
holdiug the general election for their
district, on
Saturday, September 18, 1880,
to elect delegates to tho Democratic
County Convention. Tho election will
open at 2 o'clock r, m., and close at
Gr. M.
The Delegates chosen at the abovo
time will meet in the Court House, at
Bellefonte, on TUESDAT, the 21st
day of SEPTEMBER, at 2 o'clock, p.
M., to nominate one candidate for Con
gress, subject to the decision of tho
Congressional Couferoos, two candi
dates for Assembly, and one candidate
for District Attorney, and transact
such other basiuess as may be regularly
brought before it.
The number of delegates to which
each district is entitled under the pres
ent apportionment, is as follows:
(N W. 2 Harris tow nship £
Bellefonte, < S. W. 2 Howard " "
( VV. \V. 1 {Huston " 1
Howard Borough 1 Llncrty " 2
Mik'sburg " I'Marlon " 2
Milllielm " SiMiles
Phlliiwburß " 3 Patton " 1
Cnionville " lJVnu " 4
Bonner Township 3 Potter " north 3
BORRS '* 3 Potter " south 4
Bumsido " 1 ltush " 2
Curtin ,4 1 snow " £
Colic RO " ■ 2,Sprtnß " 4
berßuson old 3 Taylor ' 1
Fei-Rusou " uew l Union " 1
Gregg " 5 Walker " 4
Half Moon " 1 Worth " 1
Haines " 4
The above apportionment was made
under the authority ,of the following
resolution, adopted August 14, 18CG.
Rcsolml, That hereafter the Dem
ocratic County Couventiou in Centre
county shall be composed of one Dele
gate from every fifty Democratic votes
polled at each and every Gubernatorial
election in said county, which said
Delegates shall be allotted to ttie
several boroughs aud townships by the
Standing Committee of the County in
proportion to the Democratic votes
polled in the several election districts
at the Gubernatorial election next
preceding the County Convention.
J. L. SPANGLKR, Chairman.
—Mr. Win. J. Alexander, of Spring
Mills, last week presented us with as
fine a lot of celery as perhaps ever grew
since the days that old mother eve
"raised" that delicious plant in the gar
den of Eden. Thames.
—The other d;\y we enjoyed one of
our old-fashionetl hearty laughing
spells. Just think of it—a New Tork
banking house sent us a circular offer
ing to invest our spare cash in stocks
and bonds. Why tho thing is just a
little too funny for anything; yes, ab
solutely and supremely ludicrous!
—lf you want a little exercise for
your health just go tc work and pull
up those nasty weeds alobg your front
one uf these days; or you can do it in
the cool of the evening if you prefer.
Flay krout, icildc kommillu and the
like are not just any too ornamental in
a borough. Now don't neglect, post
pone or forget. We mean business.
The closing exercises of Miss Kate
Shriner's school will take place on
Saturday Evening of this week in the
Town llall. Exercises to commence at
7.50 p. m. All are cordially invited to
be present.
—The Pennsylvania State Sabbath
School Association will Melt?. its six
teenth annual convention in Lancaster,
Pa., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day, October 12th, 13th and 14th.
Rev. John Hall, I>. I>., New \ork;
Rey. P. S. Ilenson, P. P., Rev. B. T.
Vincent and John Wanamaker, Phil
adelphia; Rev. James 11. Pubbs, P. P.,
Lancaster; James McConuic, Ilavris
burg; Rev. B. Young, Altoona, and
other eminent Sunday School workers
will be present. Hotel accommoda
tions will be ample and cheap. 4t.
Head quarters for merchandise and
grain—l. J.
"Yoney" is about starting up Salt
river on a reconnoitre.
Rev. Akers, of the M. £. Church,
admitted 12 persons to firll member
ship the other Sunday.
Last Sunday while Mr. Krise was re
turning from Sunday School in a spring
wagon, he having Mrs. Woods along in
the rig, the wagon struck some old
timbers which had been takeu off life
bridge near the mill and Mrs. Woods
was thrown out. The debris |from the
old bridge was 30 much iu the way
that it was next to impossible tc pass.
Pike bosses should be more careful ;or
else a little ''returning'' might do them
some good.
Mr. W. A. Kerlin and daughter are
going to the sea shore next week. Hope
they will have a good time.
Mr..Allison's house is approaching
completion. It is about the queerest,
quaintest mixture .and combination of
styles in the county, and yet there is a
harmony and beauty in it all.
Death of the Ex-State Treas
urer at His Home in West
WILLIAMSPORT, September s.—Hon.
Amos C. Noyes, ex-state treasurer of
Pennsylvenia, was stricken with paraly
sis Friday night at his home at West
port, Clinton county, and died five
minutes before midnight. He retired
from the state treasurer's office on the
3d of May last and has since given
attention to his private business. Col.
Noyes was a man of large frame, stout
and vigorous, and had enjoyed good
health until within a few years, when
he began to show signs of decline.
—The Patrons of Husbandry of Con
tra county will hold their 7th luminal
Picnic on thesummit of Nittany moun
tain, above Centre Ilall, on Thursday
Sept. 10th inst. David Wilson, Esq.,
of Erie, C. S. McCormick, Esq., ot
Lock Haven, Hon. Setli 11. Yocuin,
M. C. and Hon. C. T. Alexander,
State Senator, are all expected to be
present and address the meeting. Great
preparations are being made by the
patrons for a grand day of entertain
ment. All are urgently invited to
By crdfcr of tho COMMITTEE.
Tho Itev. l)r. Moffat, Agent of
National Temp. Alliance, delivered a
very creditable lecture on "The Poet
Burns: the lesson of his life and the
inlluence of his song," In Humes
Hall on Thursday evening tho 2d inst.
£ome unprincipled wretch one night
last week entered Gov. Curt ins yard and
tore up some of the most precious plants
growing there. The motive which
would promp such a mean, cowardly
trick, is unworthy of a Bellefonter n aiul
if the scoundrel is found out, ho should
be given the full measure of punish
Our schools should .have opened on
Monday last, but owing to the lateness
of the season when the much needed
repairs were begun, the Jojiening was
necessarily deferred one week and
hence Monday 13th is set down as the
Mr. J. G. Kurtz, of Milton formerly
of this county who has been here some
weeks for hfs health left for home con
siderably better for his stay among the
Company B. Bellefonte Fencibles
numbering about fifty
young men left 011 Monday for a few
days encampment at the historic
Braddock's Station, known in military
parlance as Camp Alexander Hayes.
The well wishes of all accompanied
them and the hope is entertained that
tho occasion may prove an enjoyablo
one. B.
News Misccllnny.
A New Railroad in the West.
CHICAGO, August 31.— 1t is an
nounced that as a measure of relation
and self-protection tho Chicago, Bur
lington and Quincy Kail road will im
mediately commence the construction
of a branch line from Peoria, Illinois,
to Toledo, Ohio. This enterprise, the
managers assert, is made necessary by
the aggravating policy pursued by the
Wabash interest in the territory once
controlled by the Burlington Company,
and promises to result iu a vigorous
competition. An engineering corps is
already in the field. The company will
be styled "The Burlington, Peoria
and Toledo Railroad Company." The
incorporators, for the most part, are
heavy stockholders and officials in the
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rail
road, Stock to the amount of $12,000,-
000 is to be issued.
A Clergyman's Sudden Death.
Rev. James C. Watson, 'seventy-five
years old, Presbyterian clergyman, of
Milton, Pa., came to Philadelphia on
Monday of last week to preach a fu
neral sermon oyer one of his Into par
ishioners. lie was accompanied by his
daughter. While walking along Chest
nut street, Dear the Washington Hotel,
wher he was staying, ho fell to the
sidewalk. Word was sent to his daugh
ter. Mi'. Watson died at 5 o'clock yes
terday morning, being the
malady which bad prostrated "him hi
the street. His residence was one of
the few in Milton whicr. escaped the
flames during the recent conflagration .
The remains were taken to Milton.
The Golden Elixir of Life. IVondcrfid
' Cures.
I If you have Consumption, and would
know that your cough can be made
loose and easy—Hectic Fever and
Night Sweats checked iu 24 hours; In
flammation taken out of tho lungs and
air passages at once; that you can be
Bade to gain 3 to 5 pounds of healthy
flesh per week; if you have any Chron
ic Disease, Bronchitis, Asthma Catarrh
Dyspepsia, Sick Ilesdache, Heart Pis
ease, Liver Complaint, Nervous Delul
; ity, Seminal Weakness or .Spermator
rhoea, loss of sexual power ,in either
sex from any canse; if .you have any
form of nervous weakness,, losing flesh
or wasting away, and would know of
an immediate relief and certain cure
for many of the severest cases in a
B :; t>rttime, a new method with new
agents to fatten every body, invigorate
and make strong and healthy the most
hopeless cases, cut this out and write
at once for particulars to B. S. DIS
PENSARY, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Among agents and families, the great de
mand now is for the new tight running Com
bination Sewing Machine, because it has stood
the test, and is better made, with>Miore im
i provements. will last longer, and Is much lower
! m price, (only $20,) than other machines, and
| having attained a merited popularity among
the people for reliability. It. Is welcomed wlicre
; ever It makes its appearance. It is built for
l strength and constant hard work, has inter
changeable working parts, manufactuied of
line polished steel, and will run for years with
out repairs; is simple to learn, easy to managu,
understood perfectly in an hour, and always
ready to do every description of heavy or flue
family work at less cost, more easily, smoothly,
and faster, and with less labor or trouble than
any other machine at any price , ever did, or
can do Tuckers, quiiters, rutliers, henimers
binder s, &e., free with each machine. No ad
vance payments. Machines .shipped to an
K. It. station for examination before paymcu
of bill. Agents make money rapidly, supply
ing the great demand for this the Cheapest Ma
chine in tne world. Territory free. *or illus
trated catalogue of prices, specimens of stitch,
&c., address, office of the Combination Sewing
Machine, 737 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
tained.—New laws, higher rates of pension
The slightest disability, from wound, injury o
disease of any kind entitles you to a pension
, Widows and heirs, fathers and mothers are
now entitled.
1 Land cases promptly settled, Patents obtain
ed. All.kinds of government claims prosecuted
Write ac once for new laws, blanks and in
structions, with two stamns. Address,
i J. W. FLENNFIt & CO.,
' Lock Box 314, Washington, d. C.
Mlllheiiu narkei.
CornTtcnl every Wotlnoscluy by Cophnrt
& Musser.
Wheat No. 1 W
Wheat No. h'>
Corn 43
Oats White 33
Outs, Black 30
Muck wheat..., 50
Flour 3 IK)
Bran A Short**, pel 4 011 20.00
Salt,per Hrl 2.00
IMaster, rountl lO.ot)
Conical, per BUHIIUI ..... <3 to 30
Barley 6
Cloverseeil .... 8.00
Butter * 13
l tams 10
Fjres 13
Lard 8
Soap 8
Dried Apples
Dried Peaches...,
Kkk Coal ts.fio
Store " ft.75
Chestnut " 11.40
Pea ' ."..Ho
Doors, Shut-a
cs Sash, S Yellow Pine
W i ii d o w Flooring con-
Frame s,|gH stantly kept
ings, made toßyl yl With thanks
order on PI for past fa
short notice vora he solic
and in the n its a contin
best ossible ** uencc of the
manner same
J- ( Most Ck'nlral Ilolcl in the City,)
Lock Haven, Pa.,
Oootl Sample Roof.s for Commercial Trailer
on first floor.
Benj. F. Grafton. Stout B. Laud,
Hu bert E. Paiml
Late Commissioner of Patents.
Attorncys-at-Late and Solicitors of American
and Lbreiyn Patents.
412Fiftii Stukrt, Washington, D. C.
Practice patent law In all its branches in the
Patent Ofilcc and in tlie Supremo ami Circuit
Courts of the Unitod States. Pamphlet sent free
n receipt of stamp for postage.
■ ■hi Double Huller
Clover Machine
J LOO baAri a* w4
ium SaoA lor l>
Wfgy-JT| y fiihtJ w-jspi/w i Vn^ii'
X/q7.~ Ax W Y/y\P Ha. whim, uu;
Rcfiritoin, .\<i4,<dtnni InVcaeVl Co,
tMatiriVMU ijMrllkSKlL fl i ■ inn ■>
I>SPY ? Every Soldier disabled in
I L.LDLUIIDI disease, or Injury, IS entitled
to peusiou. Pensions date bark to time of dis
charge or death of soldier. Claims of all de
scription prosecuted. Copies of lost discharges
obtained. Claims filed by attorneys who have
since died, or from other causes HAVE ceased to
practice, finished without delay. Address, with
stamp, 11. S. BERLIN & CO., Attorneys,
YVashington, I>. C.
P. O. Boil 532. • 21-Jni
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Div.
On and after HCLTDAY, May Th. 188", the
trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Di
vision will run as follows :
ERIK MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p. in.
" " Harrisbuvg 425 a.m.
'• " Wiillainsport 8.15A. M.
44 " Jersey Shore. 907 a. in.
44 44 Luck Tlaven- 94"A.M.
44 44 Renovo 11 0" a .in
44 arr. at Eric 7 55 p. IN.
NIAGARA EXP. leaves Philadelphia 900 a.m.
44 44 Harrisburg 12 £* a. m.
44 * arr.afYVilHainsport FI 15 p. NI.
44 44 Lock Haven. 4 20 p. M.
FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia .11 50 a. m.
44 44 Harrishurg 355 p. m.
44 arr. at Wiillainsport 7 25 p. ni.
44 44 Lock Haven 840 p.m.
PACIFIC EXP. leaves Lock Haven.. F. 45N M.
44 44 Jersey Shore. . 715 a, in.
44 44 YVillianisport . 755a. M. ■
44 arr. at ilarmburg ...11 40 a. IN.
44 44 Philadelphia. 315 p. in.
DAY EXPRESS leaves Lo< K Haven. .11 10 a, m.
'• 44 Williamsport 12 30 p. NI.
44 arr. at Harrisburg .. 3 4" p. M.
44 44 Philadelphia 6 4.5 p.m.
ERIE MAIL leaves Renovo 8 4" p. NI.
44 Lock Haven 9 50 p. in.
44 44 williamsport 1110 p. in.
44 arr. at Harrisburg 2 45 a.m.
• 4 44 Philadelphia 740 a. in.
FAST LINE leaves Williamsport 12 35 a. in.
44 arr. at Harrisburg 3.50A. in.
4 44 Philadelphia . 740 a, UI.
Erie Mail West ami Day Express Fast make
close connections at Northumberland with L.
& B. R. R. trains from YV'ilkesbarre and Scrau
ton. •
Erie Mall West, Niagara Express YY R est and
Fast Line YVest make close connection at YVlL
liamspoit with N.C. R. W. trains north.
Niagara Express West and Day Express East
make close connection at Lock Haven with B.
E. V. R. R. trains.
Kile Mail East and West connect at Erie
with trainson L. 8. & M. S. IB R.; atCorry with
O. c. & A. V. R- K : at Emporium with B. N. Y.
Si P. It. It., and at, Driftwood with A. V. It. R.
Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia
and Williamsport n Niagara Express West
and Day Express East. Sleeping cars on all
night trains.
WM. A. BALDWIN. General Sup't.
1. 3. 5.
Montandon 7 00 2 00 6 20
Lcwislnirg Arrive 715 210 |6 35
Lewisbtirg Leave 7 15 2 20]
Fair Ground 7 2) 2 30
Blchl 7 30 2 <0
Vicksburg • 7 .'A 2 48
51 illlinourg Arrive 750 3 05
Mifilinburg Leavo 7 50 315
MiUinont 810 3 35
Laurelton 8 20 3 50J
Coburn : .. 930
Arrive at Spring Mills 10 00
2.; 4. :G.
Spring Mills 10 20
Coburn 10 45
Laurelton 1155 4 05
Millmont • 12 06 4 20
Mifilinburg Arrive 1230 4 40
Mifilinburg Leavo 12 30 4 50
Vicksburg 12 45 5 05
Biehl 12 52 513
Fair Ground 1 02 5 23
Lcwisburg Arrive 110 5 30
Lewisburg Leavo 6 35 1 20 5 45
Arr. at Montandon G 50 1 30 6 00
Nos. LOT 2 connect at Montandon. with Erie
Mail west on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail
Nos. 3 & 4 with Day Express east and Niagara
Exoress west.
Nos. 5 & 6 with Fast Line west.
An Omnibus will RUN between Lewisburg and
Montandon, to convey passengers to ami from
Pacific Express east on the Philadelphia & Erie
The regular Railroad Tickets will bo honored
between these two poiuts.
18QO. IBIEEI HIVE 1 1880
To my Friends in Penns and Brush Valleys!
Store of Lock Haven.
Which is now Opening the Third Stock for (he SrrlngJ of 1880
which is simply Immense in all Us Departments.
30,000 Yards Bleached and Unbleached Muslins,
O "0 0■ -O 0 £ 3" O O 0 0 ■ ° Q o
o o O O O z .. —o o O O O O i
A large ttock of 10-4, 94, 0.4, 5 4 UTICA BLEACIf BD and UNBLE ACHED SHEETINGS and PILLOW CASINGS
3000 Yards flood Calico, Fat Colon. Rcaatlfal Styles, 6 Cents a Yard.
The Largest Stock of TABLE LIN E>JS ever shown in this City at old prices. 5'K) TOWELS at 25 Cents, worth 49
Cents. 35 dozen 3-4 Bleached all LINEN NAPKINS at *2.35, worth $3.40. 18 inch TWILLED HEAVY TOWELLING, 18
1000 Yards of Summer Pantings,
Bought early in January, since which time they have advanced 2C per cent., but will be sold at old prices of a year ago.
2,000 Yards All-Wool Gassimeres,
French Diagonals and Shirtings, 1,000 Yards Black all wool Cashmeres.
Cheaper than ever. 2000 yards Beautiful Spring Cashmeres at 15 cent 3, worth 20. French Momie Cloths, Full Line of
French all Wool Buntings in Plain and Lace Goods. Silk Grenadines, French Organdie and Linen Lawns, nice patterns.
At 50, 55 and 00 cents a yard. The Largest, Handsomest, Cheapest lot! of Plain and Brocade, Black and Colored Silks
ever shown. Large lot of Ladies' Coats at Half Price. The handsomest Stock of -
In Litis section of the State. Large lot of Window Shading and Fixtures. 1,500 lbs. Cotton and Wool Carpet Chain.
v*. - m
/NTrnTi(*yTnBTVTCi of Fen us and Brush Valleys should avail themselves of the advantages we are now of.
5 j 5 g R /|| Ti g f e, 'b)g, by buying their goods early at the BEE HIVE. Thanking my Patrons for
their liberal patronage in IH7H, we hope by continuing to keep only first-class goods,
with a full assortment of all the Novelties of the Season; by representing goods on
MERIT ONLY, and selling at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES to merit crfn a much larger share of the patronage in 18;0,
as we have decided advantages over every competitor on account of the immense quantities we buy. C??L.SPECIAL IN
JHJCEMENTS to Large Buyers and trade from a distance. fcyORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT
The Great Bee Hive Dry Goods House,
J. J. EVERETT, Proprietor.
WANTED.—SO,OOO pounds of Wool in exchange or for cash at the Bee Ilive Store.
Flour &
& Salt
Highest market price paid for all kinds of
Delivered either at ibo BRICK MILL or at. tlie
old MtisSElt MILL, iu MILLHEIM.
Always on hand and sold at prices that defy
A share of the public patronage respectfully
*•1 letted. 39-Iy
State Normal School
( EijhVi Normal School Districi.)
LOK It AY EX, 11M(A 0., P
A. N. RAUB, A. M., Principal.
This School as lit present constituted, offers
the very best facilities for Professional and
Classical learning.
Build in us spacious, inviting and commodious;
completely heated by steam, well ventilated,
ami furnished with a bountiful supply ol pure
water, soft spring water.
Location healthful and easy of access,
(kit-rounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, efficient, and allvo to
their work.
Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and tho
Exirenses moderate.
Fifty cents a week deduction to those pre
paring to tench.
Students admitted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by the State; I.
Model School. 11. Preparatory, 111. Element
ary. IV. Scientific.
I. Academic. JI. Commercial. 111. Music.
IV. Art.
The Elementary and Scientific eouvses are
Professional, and students gradu.itlug therein
receive Diplomas, conferring the following cor
responding degreos: Muster of the Elements,
and Master of the Sciences, Graduates in the
otner courses receive Normal certificates ol
tl'f ir attainments, signed by the Faculty.
1 The Professional courses are liberal, and are
in thoroughness not inferior to those of our
best colleges.
The State requires a higher order of citizen
ship. The times demand it. It is oue of the
prime objects of this school to help to secure it
by furnishing intelligent and efficient, teachers
for her schools. To this end it solicits young
persons of good abilities and good purposes—
those who desire to Improve their time and
their talents, as students. To all such it promis
es aid in developing their powers and abund
ant opportunities for well paid labor after leav
ing school.
For catalogue and terms address the Principal.
Stockholder's Trustees—,J. H. Barton, M. D.,
A. 11. Best, Jacob Brown, S. M. Bickford, Sam
uel Christ, A. N. Kaub, It. G. Cook, T. C. Hippie,
Esq., G. liiutzing, E. P. McConnick, Esq., YV.
YV. Rankin, YVm. 11. Brown.
State Trustees—Hon. A. G. Curtln, Hon. 11.
L. Dieffenbacn, Gen. Jesse Merrill, Hon. Win
Bigler, J. C. C. YVlialey, S. Millar McConnick.
Hon. WILLIAM BIGLER, President, Clear
field, Pa.
Gen. JESSE MERRILL, Vice President, Lock
Haven, Pa.
S. MILLAR McCOIiMICK, Secretaiy, Lock
Haven, Pa.
THOMAS YARDLEY, Treasurer, Lock Haven,
Rffia I have a very largo stock of
gO Slippers & Ladies gr
just opened tip for Spring and
Mjtmn; r My stock is
GKH as cheap as it v. as a \ car
K&+ ii ago, because I bought it
m for cash before tlie ad
vance. 1 Kin the only BCgg
shoe dealer in I ock
Hoveh that buys Fa
for cash & pays ■ ™
no rent where
t?cle for thesiitne •
"¥■ money titan any
Give me a call and LI
3®*iS you will te convinced
fl B that your place to buy is
AGENTS WANTED cheapest, iiest and tho
only authentic low priced book containing tho
lives of
A complete record of tho early and military
with a full and graphic account of the proceed
ings, speeches and incidents at the Cinchihati
Convention, alsr the platform, table of ballots
and letters of acceptance, with the life of \V, 11.
ENGLISH. Richly embellished with numerous
artistic illustrations and flue, handsome en
graved Portraits of each Candidate. Sure suc
cess to all who take hold, will positively outsell
all books, bend for circulars add extra terms.
Address, IL W. Kellcy A Co.,
BIIPTIJ 3 E MperSi° Truss
Ha WB IS xw ua n® j8 hat you w;mt
The greatest invention of the age! See our
pamphlet. Sent free, Prof J. Y. EGAN, Og
deusburg, N. Y. 29-ly
m pa Km pa m book of nearly 100 large
fJI Be &S octavo pages for the sick.
Snk B S 2 STh, xsm 'till of valuable notes, by
■" Dr. E. B. FOOTB, on Scro
fula, Diseases of the breathing organs; Dise'is
es of men; Diseases of Women; aches and
pains: Heart Troubles; and a great variety of
chronic diseases, with evidence that in most
cases these diseases are curable. Send a three
Cent Stamp. Address, MUK- . _ _
KAY 111LC PUB. CO., No. RH
129 East 2Sth Street, New
York City. 23-3 m V# HNstl
feS s gRJ Ifa les time and at le; s cost
than by any other means.
No suffering or inconvenience. Treatment
shipped to any part of the. U. S. or Cunadas.
Full particulars free. Address," - *.
(Established 1833) B: S. DISPENSARY,-
Berrien Springs, Mich
Edwin J Jordan Dcslilor
& SON,
Aaronsburg, Ta
Calls promptly answered da night.
Fashionable Barber.
Two doors west of Millheim Hotel,
Main Street, Millheim, Pa
First Class in all respects.
This is the place for the business
man, the fanner, the mechanic.
Jf®"* Omnibus o all trains,
W. R. TELER, Proprietor.
Beautiful Campaign Badges of the Republican
and lHnnocim^^andidates.
Containing life-like Photographs of the Can
didates; encased in pretty Miniature Gilt
Frames, with pin for attaching to coat or vest.
Active agents can make $lO a dav selling them
and city and country merchants can make a
handsome profit. Price 10 cents each; 2 for 15
cents; 10 for 50 cents, or 100 for $3.50. Photo
graphs same price as Badges. CRAYON POX.
TRAITS on tinted plate paper. Heroic size 22 by
28, for 25 cents. FLAGS ALL SJZKS, KINDS VNI>
PRICKS. Now is tiie Harvest time for agents
and dealers. Send for samples and lull parti'
culars to
28-3tn 116 Sraithtield Street, Pittsburg! Pa.
PP N Witt CT procured for ieiVd isaVlt- d
rLrfOlUrlO in the U. S. service from any
cause, also for heirs of deceased soldiers. The
slightest disability entitles to pension. PENSIONS
INCREASED. The"laws being more liberal now,
thousands are entitled to higher rates. Bounty
and new discharges procured. Those who are
in doubt as to whether entitled to anything
should send two 3 cent stamps for our "circular
of information."
Address, with stamps, Stoddart & Co. Solici
tors of Claims and Patents. Room 8, St. Cloud
Building, Washington, D. C.
tFcr ibis Style SlHger.
We will send It to your De
pot to be examined before
you pay for It. Ii it is not as
represented it can be return
ed at our expense. Send a
[postal card for illustrated
Circular. C. A. WOOD & Co.
|I7N. Tenth St. Philada., Pa.
28 3tn
Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Sprucq
Street),"where adver- *■■■■■■
tising contracts may ftfifciji? wfSlf §£
bo wado ton it ia l™Baaf 8 USlomi