Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 02, 1880, Image 4

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wide stall is a luxury, and ought to be
six or even ten feet wide, If the room
can be spared. Loose boxes are Impor
tant fori horses of great value; in
such stalls they can get perfect repose
by changing their position, recover
from the fatique of a hard day's drive
and then be ready for their task the
next day. The lood best adapted to
the horse is oats and hav of the best
quality, occasionally varied with a bran
uiash, with turnips or carrots as an al
terative. The growth and develop
ment of bone and muscle depends
greatly on the food they eat. It is im
portant to select such as contains all
ibe elements needed to form the bone
and muscle of the horse. It is self ev
ident that the nutritive matter supplied
by tho food must be equal to the ex
haustion or natural waste of the body
to keep up condition. The horse that
is about to be driven on a journey needs
hardening by exercise—preparing by
sweating out the body to puritly anil
Increase the circulation of the blood,
aud also by hand rubbing the legs to
make theui firm and elastic—a prepar
ation in some degree corresponding
with that attained by a horse that is
daily driven ou the road for ordinary
work. For one week from the start
they need daily exercise, commencing
with eight or ten miles, and gradually
lnereasing to twenty per day. This
exercise, with approptate food, will
harden their muscles, strengthen their
limbs, and prepare them to performed
their tasks without giving out on the
road, materially deelluing in flesh, or
seriously exhausting their physical
powers. If we perform long drives
with horses accustomed to short work
only, the sudden transition from indo
lence to great exertion will relax their
muscles, weaken their joints, depress
thf ir spirits, and break down con
stitution. They are not prepared for
such severe exertions. Qoudiiiou will
prepare them to do their work cheerful
ly last their lives out with sound limbs,
and preserve their constitutional vigor.
HERE are a couple or hints that may
be servlceADle in the management of
the calla lily and oleander. The tlrst
relate to the calla lily, which, bought
at a greenhouse, soou began to droop
and turn yellow, 1 procured u three
gallon glazed crock, tilled It two-thirds
full of rich earth, and than put in the
plant and filled nearly to the brim with
water, which I have kept at about that
level ever since, adding now and then
a few drops ot ammonia. To day, my
calla stands four feet high, with four
broad, dark green leaves; a stalk in the
water line is as large army wrist, and
t\o tiowtrst ms are appearing." The
second describes a better way with the
oleander than the usual one of allowing
it to grow without training, in the de
sire to procure blossoms at the earliest
possible momeut: "In starting trom
a cutting, my practice is to pinch oft' the
shoots above the second or third joint,
or more if desired, and the reward for
such practice is double, and sometimes
treble, the number of shoots which may
again be pinched, thus producing a com
pact,.bushy head, This is in itself an
ornament; besides, the plant is vigorous
and able to support a large numoer ot
clusters of flowers."
To MAKE new hair grow, use CARBT-
I.INK, a deodorized extract of petro
leum. This natural petroleum halr
renewer, as recently improved, is the
only thing that will really produce
new hair. It is a delightful dressing.
HKATKS IX HORSES.— Heavesis caused
by over-feeding on clover, hay or straw
and sometimes by other bulky and in
nutritious foods. The expansion oi
the stomach presses upon and inter
feres with the action of the lungs.
Dusty hay, smutty straw and other
impure bulky substances may give
trouble sometimes by Irritating the air
passages aDd cause heaves. Otten it is
constitutional, being inherited, with
narrow chests and lungs incapable of
Informing their true service during
violent exertion. It is doubtful if it
can be entirely cured, but relief may De
possible. Feed moistened cut feed,
meal mixed with it,* or steeped oats.
A horse witb the heaves should be fed
and watered at least two hours before
going out to work. . The trouble is lia
ble to return at any time, and no cer
tainty oi* relief from it need be enter
tained by the owner. It is quite a
care, when once a horse seems to be rid
of it, to keep him so. it is not common
with horses that have the best atten
tion gireu to the preparation of their
are lew animals kept on the farm which
when they are in their prime, pay as
well as sheep, and there are few, if any
others, upon whom old age has such a
damaging effect. As the sheep is much
shorter lived than any other ot our do
mestic animals, it is not strange that
many farmers attempt to keep mem too
long. At ten years of age the horse is
just in his prime, and the cow is as good
as ever, witli the prospect of remaining
so several years longer. But the sheep
is very old when it reaches the age of
ten, the natural limit of the term ot
life. After reaching this age sheep
are very likely to be injured by the
slight exposures which do younger
animals no harm. They are more lia
ble to be attacked by disease, and if
they live they will be likely to produce
less woool and smaller lambs than they
have done previously. We do not
think it pays, except perhaps in special
instances,* to keep sheep after they are
MX years old.
EGYPTIAN CORN —is attracting con
siderable attention in California.
The yield Is enormous; itacquires little
care and makes excellent food for man
and beast. It is not produced in ears
at all, but in a much more condensed
form. It does not grow as tall, but
branches more than Indian corn, and
each branch is tufted witli a large
head containing thousands of seeds.
The climate of portions of California is
similar to, that of Egypt, and it i 6
thought th'is grain will prove to be a
very valuable product. One grower
in that State claims to have harvested
a crop averaging eighty bushels to the
acre. The grain resembles hulled bar
ley, for which it is easily mistaken.
There are two varieties, white and
brown, differing in color and flavor.
The white has as fine as flavor as rice,
while the brown has an acrid taste
while green, and till is perfectly dry,
that makes it undesirable as an article
of food.
llouored and Blest.
When a board of eminent physicians
and chemists announced the discovery
that by combining some well known
valuable remedies, the most wonderful
medicine was produced, which would
cure such a wide range of disease that
most all other remedies could be dis
pensed with, many were skeptical; but
proof of its merits by actual trial has
dispelled all doubt, and to day the dis
coverers of that great medicine, Hop
Hitters, are honored and blessed by all
as benefactors. — Democrat.
insects have a great repugnance to tal
low, and may be kept from woollens
and furs for and Indefinite period by
its use. The wife of one of our Ameri
can ministers who resided abroad tor
many years told us that she preserved
her flue carpets left in this country en
tirely from the ravages of moths by
wrapping up with them tallow candles.
When the carpet beetle has commenced
his work the carpet should be taken up,
sprinkled thoroughly with benzine aud
the floor painted over with melted tal
low, taking care to till up all the crev
ices in tbe floor, as iu these the larva*
seerete themselves. The carpet lining
will prevent any tallow getting upon
the carpet. Tho Builder and Wood
Worker gives an account of the man
ner in which a set of furniture that
seeuted to be alive with the larvie ol
the moths was made good again. It
was set into a room by itself and the
upholstery saturated through and
through with beuzlue, applied, by
means of & watering pot with a tine
rose sprinkler. Three gallons at thirty
cents a gallon were required. This
killed every moth,iar\af and egg. The
benzine dried out In a tew hours and
its entire odor disappeared in iliree or
four days. Not the slightest harm
happened to the varnish, or fabric or
wood or hair stuffing. Moths passed
and not a sign of a uioth was seen. The
carpets were spriukled all around the
sides of the room with equally good
effect. When woolens or tuts are in
fested with uioths, if they are put In a
box and sprinkled with benzine, and
;he box closed tightly, the moths will be
destroyed. Those who can procure
barrels from which alcohol has just
been emptied will find them goou to
store Woollens in. The atmosphere oi
such a barrel when closed tightly suf
focates the pests. A garment that Is
sealed up in flue brown paper is safe
trom the moth's, but it must be entire
ly free from them before being sealed
A fool once more- .
"For '-en years my wife was confined
to her bed with such a complication of
ailments that no doctor could toll what
was the matter or cure her, and I used
up a small fortuue in humbug stuff.
Six months ago 1 saw a U. S. flag with
Hop Bitters on it, and 1 thought I
would be a fool once more. I tried it,
bur my folly proved to be wisdom.
Two bottles cured her, she Is now as
well and strong as any man's wife, and
it cost me ouly two dollars. Such folly
pays."—H. W., Detroit, Mich.—Frets
PIONIO. —Six or eight pounds flank of
beef very fresh, out out the boue, la y
it in a shallow earthen-ware pan, and
rub well In the following mixture;
I tour tablespoonfuis of salt, two of
brown sugar, one tablespoon fill each of
powdered cloves, mace and ginger.
Turn the meat every day for a week,
and rub in the liquor found in the pan
(take eare to cover from the flies at
tracted by the sugar in the mixture,)
soak in cold water for twelve hours.
The best plan Is to put the meat into a
deep saucepan full of water, cover with
the lid, and let it stand all night, then
dry it in a cloth, roll it tightly, put one
iron skewer through, anil well bind it
round and over Intv a go>d shape.
Steam until done, take it out and lay it
on a board, put a plate turned over on
the top with a heavy weight upon it,
and when quite cold the binding may
be taken oft.
dessert is simple aud good. Take equal
parts of straw-berries or raspberries,
red and white currants, and vry ripe
cherries, and remove ali the stalks and
the stones from the cherries. .Sprinkle
a generous quantity of powdered lump
sugar over t ie fruit—it will be hard to
get it too sweet—and a wineglass of
the best pale French brandy or more,
according to the quantity of fruit, toss
lightly until the sugar is all dissolved,
and serve.
SCORCHED LINEN. —Feel and slice two
onions, extract the juice by pounding
and squeezing; cut up half an ounce ol
fine white soap, aud add to the juice;
two ounces of fuller's earth and hall" a
pint of vinegar. Boil all together.
Wher cool spread over the scorched
linen, and let it dry on ; then wash and
boil out the linen, and the spots will
disappear, unless burned so badly a- to
I break the threads.
THOUSANDS upon thousands of child
ren die anuually of those diseases in
cident to eirly childhood; whereas, if
Dr. Bull's Biby Syrup were used In
time, their lives would in all proba
bility be saved.
Y'KAST FROM PEAS. —To one large tea
cupful of split bruised pests put one
pint of boiling water; cover It closely
so as wholly to exclude the air, and set
it in a cool oven or by the side of the
flre for 24 hours, when it should have
a fine froth on the top; a tabic spoonful
of the water is the proportion (in a
warm climate) to one pound of flour;
yeast thus prepared is very generally
used in Persia, and the writer has em
ployed it in India for three years with
perfect success.
TAKE a barrel and slack a bushel of
fresh lime in it, by cove ing the lime
with boiling water. After it is slacked
add cold water enough to bring H to
rhe consistency of good whitewash,
then dissolve in water and add one
pound of white vitriol (sulphate ol
zinc) and one quart of tine salt. This
makes whitewash that will slick as
well as paint. 1c owes its durability
chiefly to the vitriol, which hardens
and Axes the wash.
False ReasonluK.
Suppose a machine should fall to per
form its work, and the owner, instead
of trying to ascertain the cause of lail
ure and remedy it, should conclude to
run right along, and argue that as the
machine had heretofore come around
all right it would soon be so again. If
a general and permanent break-down
ensued could anybody be blamed but
himsell ? Now, precisely this way do
people act and a:gue when the "human
machine" is out of order. When the
liver is "torpid" and bowels constipated
every one knows that Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Purgative Pellets afford
prompt and permanent relief. Y"et
some guess the "machine" will come
around all right, and do nothing.
Could any system of talse reasoning
be more pernicious? Suppose the
blood be oat ot order and there be pim
ples, ulcers, or running sores with
scrofulous tumors, swellings and gen
eral debility, and those thus affected
should refuse to use Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery, guessing that the
blood would purity itself, could any
body be blamed but themselves, if a
general and permanent break-down of
health ensued ? No remedy yet known
eq-uals the Discovery in curing all
scrofulous, throat, bronchial and luug
diseases.. Sold by druggists.
you can lien your sisters at lawn-ten
nU, can you? Well done, my boy ! but
beware of self-conceit, and never brag.
Why. I could lick everybody at lawn
tennis when 1 was your age—or could
have doue if there'd been any lawn
tennis to play ! I was the best cricketer,
tho best fencer, the best boxer, runner,
juniper, swimmer and diver 1 ever
came across, either at school, or col
lege, or after; and In classics and
mathematics I beat 'em all clean out
of Hie field! As for riding, no one
ever touched me, or dancing either;
let alone that 1 was the handsomest
man in the county, and tho best dress
ed, tor that matter; besides being the
wittiest and tho most popular. Ay,
and such a song as I could sing, loo!
And yet a more modest and unassum
ing demeanor than mine it's never
been ray good fortune to set eyes on,
rnuu or boy, these fourscore years and
ten—tor lam all that, my boy, and
more, though you'd never believe It to
look at me! Beware of self-conceit,
my boy, and never, never brag!"
Wf. know of many case* where
women have had their home duties
greatly lightened bv use of Dobbins
Kleotrlc Soap, (made by Cragln A Co.,
Philadelphia). We advise you to try
it and satisfy yourself of its merit.
HARVARD man wants to know how
to tell If strawberry shortcake is tnade
In regular style. If, utter eating It,
you goto bed aud dream that you are
pursued by a three-headed dog, which
can climb trees, and wake up to find
yourself feeling as though a threshing
machine was at work inside of you, it
U strong evidence that the cake was ot
the regulation sort.
ONE of the ladj' teachers In a Reno
public school, a few days since, was
laboring with an urchin on the science
of simple divison. This Is what came
of it: "Now, Johnny, If you had an
orange which you wished to divide
with your little sister, how much
would you give liet V" Joh any : "A
LITTLE four-year old Xed discovered
why uiice are created with tails. He
was permitted to buy one that had been
killed In the house. He returned lu a
few minutes with, "Well, papa, 1
buried mouale, and I left his tail stuck
out so you can tell where his grave is."
A NEW YORK engraver recently
made this mistake: "Mr. and Mrs.
respectfully request your pres
ents at a marriage of their daughter.
A GENTLEMAN being asked whether
he was seriously injured when a steam
boiler exploded, is said to have replied
that he was ao used to being blown up
by his wile that mere steam Irad no
effect on him.
Two gentlemen were lately examin
ing a portion of a plough in a market
place. "I'll bet a guinea," said one.
"you do not know what tliis is for?"
"Done," said the other; "it is for
sale." The bet was won. and the
wager paid.
A GOOD many musicians are to be
married this summer, lor we learn
from the watering place go-sip that all
the prominent military bauds have
been engaged.
IF the Presiient of the l.'nirel States
felt in proportion to iiis place, a big as
a policeman in his new uuilorui, he'd
grow round-shouldered trying to dodge
the clouds.
SLEEPLESS nigh s and cheerless days
will be prevented if you use Dr. Bull's
Baby Syrup to induce sleep *nd com
posure for the baby. Price 2-* cents.
A CELT WHO was induced, after much
persuasion to try some canned meat,
brought it back, showing the marks ol
his teeth on the tin. and indignantly
denying that it was good to eat.
"How sweet the moonlight sleeps
upon this bauk," as the burglar re
marked to his pal, while they g-i/.cd at
the institution they intended to rob the
first dark night.
1 Ik I have ever usui any unkind
words, Hannah," said .Mr. Huilly re
flectively, "I take them all hack."
"Yes, 1 <Mipfose you want to use them
over again," \\a.s the not very soothing
NIPPING the Bud—>ir. Budd ;sked
her, "K se wilt tliou be mine?"— Kite
answered, "1 am sorry, it cannot be—
a It >se cannot be turned into a Budd."
"HE seems to have been shot in the
diaplnagm," said the doctor. "Oh
no!" exclaimed ills weeping listener,
"he was shot right in the lower end ot
the saloon."
Echo Answers—"What to Eat and
llow to publish. "What to Eat and
Where to Get It," would, meet with a
livelier sale Just now.
VEGETIXR IS acknowlodged by all
classes of people to be the best and most
reliable blood purifier in the world.
"Now tell me candidly, are you
guilty ?" asked a lawyer of tils client.
"Why, do you suppose I'd be fool
enough to hire you if 1 was innocent?"
DAVID DAVIS IS not the sort of a man
to stay on the fence long.- That's so.
No fence can stand it over half an
h )ur.
SITTING on the refrigerator door is
now more popular and cooler titan
swinging on the gardeu gate.
SOME one says a man must he either
an anvil or a hammer; hut how
many are nothing but bellows.
THERE have been a great many fail
ures this year, ami the rush to Europe
is therefore correspondingly large.
WHY Is a young lawyer like the na
tional currency? Becau-e he Is a legal
tender and somewhat green.
A Y"ONKERS boy savs: "There is
two kinds ot chickens —roosters and
setters; and setters don't la)- when
they set."
PERSPIRATION never rains; It simply
GOES without saying—A deaf mute.
THE ties that bind —Advertise.
SETS things right—The lien.
* .
ASIATIC CUOLKRA, Cholera Morbus. Summer
Complaint, Colic, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and
all Affect ons of the Bowels, incident to either
children or adults, are cured at ouce by Dr.
Jayue's Carminative Balsam. It allays the Ir
ritation and c&ims the action ol the stomach,
an l being pleasant to the taste, is an accepta
ble remedy to the youngest In the family.
THE drunkard Is a burden to hlmseir
as well us his friends, and both he and
Ills ir lends will give much to be able
to see reform and sobriety induced
But since intoxication becomes a dls
ease it requires a remedy of no usual
activity to reach the diliiculty. Those
w no have taken Simmons' Liver Regula
tor declare that it sets the liver in action
and invigorates the system in such away
us to destroy the craving lor strong
drinks, and soon the desire for liquor
is entirely dissipated. While shaky
nervous and distressed, resort to Sim
mons' Liver Regulator as a Tonic, to
arouse the torpid liver to action, to
regulate tlie bowels and remove the
feeling of general depression and with
it the craving for liquor,
C'otapaxi, in 1733, threw its tlery
rockets 3000 feet above its crater, while
In 1734 tlie blazing mass, struggling
for an outlet, roared so that its awful
voice was heard at a distance of more
than #OO miles. In 1797 the crater ot
Tunguragua, one of the great peaks of
the Andes, flung out torrents of mud,
which dammed up tlie rivers, opened
new lakes, and, in valleys 1000 feet
wide, made deposits 600 feet ,
The stream fiom Vesuvius, which In
1537, passed through Torre del Greco,
contained 33,000,000 cubic feet of solid
matter, and in 1703, when Torre del
Greco was destroyed a second time, the
mass of lava amounted to 43,000,000
cubic fie:. In 1760 .Etna pou e 1 for h
a flood which covered *4 square miles
ot surface, ad measured neaily 1,000,-
000,000 cubic feet. On tills occasion
tlie sand and scoria formed the Monte
Rosini, near Xicholosa, a cone of two
miles in circumference, and 4000 feet
h'gh. The stream thrown out by -Etna
in 1810 was in motion at Lhq rate of a
yard a day for nine mouths after the
eruptlou; and It is on record that tlie
lava of tlie same mountain, after a ter
rible eruption, was not thoroughly cool
and consolidated for 10 years after tlie
event. In the eruption of Vesuvius,
A. L>. 70, the scorl and ashes vomi.ed
forth fir exceeded tlie entire bulk ol
the mountain; while in 1661) .Etna dis
gorged more than 20 times It own mass.
Vesuvius has sent its ashes as far a*
Constantinople, Syria and Egypt; it
hurled stones eight pounds in weight
to Pompeii, a distance ot ix uiiies,
w lie re riuular masses were tossed up
2000 leet above the summit. (Jotapaxi
has projected a block ol 100 cubic yards
iu volume a distance offline miles; and
Sumbawa, in 1815, during tlie rnos
terrible eruption on record; sent its
ashes as far as Java, a distance of 300
miles of surface, and, out of a popula
tion ol 12,000 souls, only 20 escaped.
All Euglish legal journal speaks ola
somewhat embarrassing legel question
which lias arisen at Washington. A
surgeon amputated botli legs ola pa
tient, claimed them "us his;>c>
placed tlieiti in spirits, and exhibited
tiieiu in a local museum in a jar with
the name of the original owner. The
latter, who objected to this publicity,
brought an action lor the recover}-of tlie
legs. No decision lias been arrived at.
but the authorities are anxious in the
matter, lor, if the plalntifl" succeeds,
thoy fear other limbless individuals
insy follow ids example, and so the
museum may in time be robbed of much
of its scientific value and personal in
terest. It has been suggested that the
museum authorities should take their
stand upon the principle that the legs,
when severed, become dead, ami that
at common law there is no property in
a dead human body.
Nature's Mlntee-way.
The kiduevs are nature's sluice-way to wash
out the debris of our eonstantly changing
bodies. If they du not work prop.rly the
trouble is felt evervwh re. Then be wise and
as soon an you see signs of disorder get a
package of Kidney- sVort.— Sun.
What Is more Terrible.
more painful, more exasperating. discourag
ing and persistent than I'ILEH, especially to
afflicted mortals who have ined lotion*, oint
ment*. pili*, electuaries and all manner of
nostrums and doctors' stuff. • internally and
externally, without relief ? What wonder is
it that half a million redeemed sufferer*
should about hosannas over the diecovery of
* Anakesis " an infallible cure for Pries? This
vmdical miracl •, so * mple a to excite wonder
that wine doc or* have not thought of it be
fore, HO pr mpt and certain iu its action as to
secure fcr itself the title of infallible, ao sei
uiitific and rational in its combination of | oul
i ce, instrument and medicine, as to rend >r
the iritima : e cure of 95 percent, of average
cases of piles sure, is not an accidental dis
ci .very, but the solution of a problem by the
studv and experitnoe of Dr. Bilsbee. an ac
complished and d'Hiiuguished phwoctan qf 40
yeam 1 standing. It has atood the test of 20
years'experience; ovir halt a million of suf
ferers have used it w tb a cc *ss. and dx'tors
of a 1 schools now pr scribe it in their pra<v
tice and it is pronoun ed to be the nearest
to an infallible cure for p les yet di-oovered.
*Atiak#sis" Dr. S Bilabeo's External Pile
Remedy, is sold bv druggists everywhere.
Price *lOO p?r box. Samples mule ; fbf.f. to
all suffer-rs on application to P. Neustaedter.
A Bjx 391(1, New York.
The Voltaic Belt Cc... Marshall, Mich.
Will send tbetr celebrated Electro Voltaic
Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days a trial.
cures guaranteed. They mean what
they aay. Write to them without delay.
A Medicine without a Rival..
Bladder, Urinary aad I.lver Diseases, Dropsy,
Gravel and Diabetes, are cured by
the Great Kidney and I.lver Medicine.
cures Bright'* Disease, Retention or Nonretcn
tion of Urine, Pain* in the Back, Loin*, or Side.
cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, General
Debility, Female Weakness and Excesses.
cures Biliousness, Headache, Jaundice, Sour
Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles.
ACTS AT ONCE on the Kidneys, Elver, and
Bowels, restoring them to a healthy action, and
CURES when all other medicines fall. Hun
dreds have been saved who have been given up
to die by friends and physicians.
Send for pamphlet to
WM. E. CLARKE, Providence, R. I.
Trial size, 75 cents. Ixr?e size cheapest.
Purifies the Blood, Renovates and
Invigorates the whole System.
Alterative* Tonic* Solvent
and Diuretic.
▼•getlne la mad* excluatTel* from the jnlcaa
t carefully-selected bark*, roots and kerb*. and
-4 strongly concentrated that tt will effectually
i radical o from the system every taint of Sere>
lula, Serofnleas Humor,Taraori,
Canrtron* Humor, Kryalpelna,
MALL K lienMjr|ibllllle UIIOOMO, Caa*
Iter, roliiteoM mi tlie kionacb. and all
uiara*ea tint ails* from Impure blood. Mcl
allrn, Inflammatory end (bronlr Rhae
ranltam, Neurnlgla, Uoul and Splaal
iouiplalnie, cab only be effeotualty cured
Ibreugh me blood.
For Vleers and Krnptl v Die—as of tbe
■ kin, I*llol ales, Pimple*, Blolebes,
Bolls, Toller. Mealdbrad and Rlng
worin, VKoICTINK na never failed to effect. a
permanent cure.
For Pains in tbe Back, Kidney Complaints,
Dropsy. Female weakness. Leucorrbcea, arising
*rom internal ulceration, a-d uterlue diseases
and General Deolllty. VBGKTINK acts directly
upon tn causes of Uieee complaints. It invigo
rates and strengthens the whole system, *cte
upon ihe a cretire or.ana. allays lnQaminaUoa
auras ulceration and regulates the trowels.
For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual Coctlveneea,
. alpitatlon of tlie Heart. Headache. Plica, Nerv
eoaucss and General Prostration of ibe Nervous
f'ystem. no medicine baa ever given such per
fect satisfaction as the VEuETINJL It puilflae
the blood, cleanses all of the organ*, and pos
sesses a controlling power over tbe nervous
Tbe remarkable on res effected by Veget'ne
have in tueed many physl>dans and apotheca
ries whom we know, to prescribe and use It la
their own famines.
In fact, Vegetlne is the best remedy yet dis
covered for the above diseases. and is the only
reliable ULOOD PURIFIER yet placed before
he puollc.
H. R. NTEVEIII. Bos I ob, Kmi.
Vegetine Is Sold by all Druggists.
□ Constipation and Piles. Q
IT. R. 11. CUrk, South Hro, YL. Mrrm, "lu cum H
M of ki<ln*7 Troubtw It tiM actod like a rlann. It |
IJ hM curtwJ many very bad etutm of PIW awl ha. Ej
■ ncrer failed to act eMcleuttf." M
M Nelaon Kalrchild, of St. Alhana, Tt, aaya, "It it I
J of pricekw valuta. After utxteen years of (Teat H
■ nfrcrinjr from Piles aad Coettrenses tt com- U
pletely cured me."
H C. S. H of Berkshire. says, "One pack- B
nJ has done wonders for me in couiplelelr cur- aj
g Uitf a sovure Liver aad Kidney Complaint.' l
Bs:aasoit Acti os the ZJ7XX, the BOVEL3 2&1
the HLNIY3 at the taae tin#.
Because It cleans** the system of H
■ the poisonous humors that develope R
H In Kidney and Urinary diseases, 81l- U
H lousnees. Jaundice, Constipation, ■
■Q Plies, or In Rheumatism, Neuralgia pi
and nervous disorders. □
H KIDNEY-WORT U a dry vegetable cam- I
H pound and can he Mat ky aaall prepaid. ■
Our parkajrn will raakraix qtaof mrdirlne. U
J lt at the Dr,t(<*ta Price, L
■ WILLS, BICHAMSOir* CO., Proprilton,
I 12 (Will wnj po.i paid.) Harllaytaa, TL I
Nerve an Injunction on Disease
By invigorating a reebie constlt,uUon. renovat
ing a debilitated physique, and enriching a thin
and Innutritions circulation with Uohtetter's
Mum a-h Biters, the finest, the. most highly
sanctioned, and the most pspulsr fontc and
preventive In existence. For s ile by all l>rug-
und Dealers generally.
ThelPurrst ami Bent Medicine ever Made.
Acolmblnation of Hops, Buchu, Man*
draKBe 111 " 1 Dandelion, with all uebe!>t and
inr*tc%urative properties of all other Bitter*,
>nak ci<\the frotoKt Blood Purifier, Liver
Pegu |X.a tor, arid Li fe f" 1 Health lUttorliqj
No disease an possibly long exirt where Tlop
Hitter, are uaWd,> varied iuid perfect art- their
oprrnt i' rf.' WB
Xhs; gir stvliV* alia the gei tad lism.
To ail whose e%apk>ymrnta cause lrtvgtilari"
ty of the ho wcl or\ urinary orjratia.orwho re
quire an and mild Stimulant,
Hop Bitters are inval^^ l *^ 0 ' without Intox
icating. ' BBB^L
No matter what your femel'.ntrs or symptoma
are what the disease or allW n e nl * 9 uw ' Hop Bit
ters. Don't wail until you aW'* sick but It you
only feel had or miserable A®* them at once.
It may <ave your hasn" * v *d hundreds.
8800 Till be paid for a oagw they will not
cure or help. Do sot suffer K Ol h t your frlend,
•uffer.but use and unre them^" 0 Ul * Hop B
Kemember, Hop Bitters la drufTfed
drunken nostrum, but the u " Best
1 Medicine ever mode ; the IB * fBHW
and HOPE** and no person or AW
should be without them.
D 1.0.1* * n alewlute and tmvdstihle
forl>inkmn.*, use of opium, tobacco
nanytles. All sold by .IruuvMa Send
for circular. Uap Bitter, tlg> BJH
•re quickly and rarely oared by ths as® of KXDNBY-WOB.T. a&ls new sad wondarfol remedy which to
having auch an immense sale In ad part* of the oountry, workson nstural principles It reetoree strength
and tone to the rtlsessert organs, and through them oleanaee the system of aooomnlated and poisonous
humors. Kidney diseases or thirty years standing have been cured, also Piles, Constipation, Bheumattszn,
Jto., which have distressed the vlotlma for Tears. We has* volumes of testimony of its wonderful ouratlTS
power. Vo longer use Alcholle Bitters, which do more harm than good, or drastie pills, but nee natures
remedy, HXDWEY-WOKT, and health will be quickly regained. Oet It Of jrOur Druggist, Price. •I .
_ (Will send poet paid.) WELLS. RICHARDSON A CO., Prep's. Bmrllagtea. Tk
J Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery enres all Kumars, frcr* the worst ScrsfsU*o ■
common Blotch, Pimple, or Kraptlan, Erysipelas, Ball-rheum, Fever Bores, Bcaly or
Bough Bklu, la short, all diseases caosod by bad blood, are oonquered by this powerful,
PUrl E'j"ecially i ?fmani?e^e<l i( iu e poteiiCT In coring Tetter, Boae Bash, Bolls, (brtss.
rlos, Bore Byes, Scrofulous Soros and Swellings, Whits Swellings. Goitre or Thieh
you feel'dufi, drowsy, deblliuted, bars sallow eolor of skin, or yellowish-brown snots
on face or body, frequent headache or dirtiness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills
alternated with hot flushes, irregular appetite, and tonguo coated, yon are suffering fro
Torpid Liver, or " Biliousness.** As a remedy for ail such eases Dr. Pisroo's Golden
Medical Discovery has no equal, as it effects perfect and radical cures.
In the cure of Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Weak Lungs, and early stages of COB
sumption, it has astonished the medical faculty, and eminent physicians pronounce *t ths
greatest medical discovery of ths age. Bold by druggists. Q
- Ho use of taking the large, repulsive, nauseous pills. Theso
- g Pellets (Little Plllc) are scarcely larger than mustard
® "ißclng entirely vegetable, no particular care Is required
" Cl • ®lWw while using them. They operate without disturbance lo ths
•BtariSSß Mw 6a\ \AI O system, diet, or occupation, r For Jaundice, Headache,
t OT B Constipation, Impure Blood, Pain lu the Shoulders,
P*s. o\\" v® Tightness of Chest, Dlaziness, Boar Eructations from
® --vawi. ....... futn.rm Stomach, Bad Taste lu Mouth, Bilious attacks, flU
Vbm unim Bleat Oatbansa #f Sidneys, Internal Fever, Bloated fbctlag
■bout Btoa—B, Bask of Blood to Head, take Br. Ptaroo's Pleasant Purgative IbUsß
Lid bf druggist* . umtm mnum OBWU tBDOaHf frwn BdhlaLV
0. Ditson & Co. „. „„
United State* for tb* Mt*D*lve catalogue of
Novello's Musical Pnblieatioiis.
A moo* them aromore than * thoanaad Anthem* and***, Part-9ong and Gle* Book*, Cantata*, Ora
torio*, Opera*, Ao., Ao. Send for Catalogue.
We call *p"clal attention to the valuable eerie* of
Priinor* or Kney Instruction Book*, of which eery
popular one* are, THK RUDIMENTS OF MUSIC,
uw hy (humming*. TUB ABI OF PIANO
(fili.b Dr. Htaiuw SINGING,(®J). by Rand g
aer. MUSICAL FORMS, (1). by Pan-r HAR
MONT, (f 1), be Dr. Stalner. INSTRUMENTA
TION, (<|II. by Prout, and THE VIOLIN,(gi;, by
Bend for Oen. OarfleM'* Grand March, (40 ct*.l and
Hancock'* Campaign March, (U oU.I Fi* Mtuio
and elegant portrait* of tk* Preaaleutial Caudidate*.
T*aher* will pot faH to *xanilne. daring tb* *un
tanr, the IxHik* need'd for their winter 1 * work. We
TKM PLE. (fii j, and THE VOICB OF
WOBSllie.igi) for Hliiglu* School* and Choir*:
*od f;; r the U*er. THK AMERICAN ANTHEM
For U.Kt. school*. THK W ELCUM E CHO
HLS.(gI>; for Common Sohoo a, SONG BELLS,
'.s° rente), nearly ready; for Sunday School*. WHITE
LIGHT,(.tc-iitel All are flrat-ola** book*. Doa't
fail to examine.
Oliver Dltton & Co., Boston.
J. . DITSOK A 00. IMS Cheat not St.. Phlla.
Aa Engll* i Teteraary Sergeon aad Chemist, mow
in<eUo( m tki*country ,*a>* that aaoet of the tioree
•ad Cattle Poader. here ere wcrthleee traah. He
eer* tbat r-hnridau'e Condition Poudare are abso
lutely pure and Immensely Talnaiie Nothing aa
earth will make hen* lay Ilka Sheridan* Cuudftloa
Powder* Doe*, on.- tea.aooa to oa < plat ef toed.
Said everywhere, or ten: by mat l for eight letter
•lamp*. 1. 8. JOHNSON A CO., Baafsr.lto.
u tk* Old ReJfaSl* Ooaeentrated Lye for FAMILY
SOAP MAhING Direction* accompany eaek a*
Sr maklnc Hard, hefl aad T*Utleap galekiy
1* lull weight and atr ngth.
aaiiad with epactaalea. apply
sorraapoAd M
DR. H. <X RRAT, Opttelaa,
Philadalp.ila. ra.
Hfi 0 .. 00 " o * rn,n F horee or mule but what will find In
tat* line of gwode. something of greet value, and es
pecially adapted to their want*. COVTRT MTG CO..
WaaT Tuo*rN. Y., Sole Manufacturer*.
mjtnflfl REWARD kksz
I 111 BB I Blind. Itch trig, or UloaratW
I 111 II I I'M en that Deßtag'a File
|a|||||l Remedy fail* tocora. Giew
■ ■ immediate relief, core* OUM
I I I I I I I laa> * * 1 Weak
oramr kai m it im black m Pila mf Sumac end
Dr Jr. Millar'* aignotmca, rhila. 11 a bottla. Bold
hyalldmggiata. Bent by mall by J. P. MILLS*. M. D..
Tropr., a!w. ooe. Tenth aad Arch Sia.. Phiiad*. ,fa
by hi* comrade in arm* and persoual friend. Gem.
J. B. HltlMBI M. an author of wide celebrity. This
work 1* complete, authentic,low-priced. Fully 11-111
111 at ruled, foaltively the beet and cbeapau bo. k
None other official. Send &Oe. at ouce for outfit.
We give th- bewt term a. A.t quick and you can
coin money. UCBKAKD BROS., PublUhcr*.
<29 Cbeatuut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
MOKQCITO CATCHER— Pat. June 2. 180~3
■fA VI ill clear your ro.-ni in a few minute* without
dtnoke. soil or grease. Pnoe ao cent* Send postal
lor Mluatrat.-d circular. Agents Wanted. Good
terms. L. T. JONES 166 Light St., Baltimore, Md.
Theee goodi are far superior to any Linen Goods
ret placed before the public, and In recommending
them, wa would call attention to eome of their re
markable feature, which will commend their use to
all who atody ECONOMY, NEATNESS and
Ist. The fnterler is fine Linen.
2d. The exterior Is Celluloid.
3d. Tlie un BOD of above comb'nee the strength of
Linen with the wa-erpr -of qualities of Celluloid.
4th. The expena* of washing is saved. If the
goods are soiled, simply ch-anse tliem with soap and
6th The goods never wilt or fray on edgee, and
are perep ranbu proof.
APIS A -MOCK RIDGE, Sole Agent* for Penns.,
18 North FOURTH St, Piiila.
for ehtems or wells of eny depth.—
Pl*tn. Irnn, Force a*. or Copper-lmed.
Brands. XIX, GG. G Ke 1*
B, MB. M No. 1. For sale by the
Hardware trade, C.-unt>y Mores, P mp makers, etc.
See that the Pump yon buy 1* stenciled
•" i
Those smmering an MvertiMment wil f
confer a favor upon the advertiser and the
publisher by stating that they aaw the advor
Garment la thla lonmal (naming the paper.'
Bead stamp for Catalogue.
Rifle*.SikolGuef. Revolvers.mot e.o.d. for rxamiaaUoa
"ffi A TEAR and ex pen *ee to agent*
ffff Outfit Free. Address
f f f P. O. VICKERT. Aogueta.Me.
Send *tamn for 24 page lilue
niy ILV fra ed fatal vgue. J. H.
AfMIIII Morphine Hakltfure* Im IS
Ullllli teMdaya No pay Mil Care*.
11l IUITI Da. J. bTXPuxNt, Lebanon. Ohio
FKKK! A Musical Journal. Ad'* F. Brehm. Bile, I'a
* ter. Pa., re-open* Jannarv7. Civil engineering.
Chemistry, Claeeice and English. Degree* conferred.
Col THAU. HYATT. Pre#.
Sirsanarlai Resolrait,
Be It Seated In The Lung* or Stomafh, Skin
or Mono*. Fleah or Nerves,
Chrontfc Rheumatism. Scrofula, niandular
Swelling, Hacking Dry Cough, Cancerous A free
lions, iYpbiUtic Complaints, Bleeding of tha
1 ungs. Dyspepsia. Water Brash, Tie Dotoreu*.
winte Swellings. Tumors. Ulcers. Satin and Hip
Diseases. Mercurial Diseases, Female Com
plaints, Gout, Drop j, Salt Rheum, Bronchitis,
Liver Complaint. &c.
Not only does the SarsaparllUan Resolvent
excel all remedial agents in the cure of Chronic.
Scrofulous. Constitutional and Skin Diseases,
but It la the only positive cure for
Urtuary find Womb Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes.
Dropsy. Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of
Urine, Brtptfitls Disease, Albuminuria, and In *ll
cases where there are brick-dust depo Its, or
the water is thick, cloudv, mixed with sub
stances like the white of an egg, or threads 11 *
white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious
appearance and white bone-dust deposits, and
when there la a pricking, burning s nsatiou
when passing water, sod pain in tue small or
the back and song the loins. Sold by Drug
One bottle con fat as more of the active princi
ples of Medicines than ny other Prepatatlou
Taken In Teaspoon ful doses, while othara ifi
gure five or six Ume* aa much.
Rr R. 3t
Ready Relief,
Looseness Dlarrhce v. Cholera Morbus orpairi
tul discharge* from the bowels are stopped in
16 or so ml mates by taking Railway's Ready Re
lief. No congestion or inflammation, no weak
ness or las utude wIJ follow the use of the R ft.
The Only Pain Remedy
•h t Instantly stops the most excruciating
allays inflammations, and cures Coneys
tlom, whether of the Lungs. Stomach, bowels
or orher glands or organs, by on< nppliratlon
In from one to twenty minate*. notual
ter now violent or excruciating the pain, tns
aneum <t!C. Bed-ridden, laflrm. Crippled. Nerv
ous. Neuralgic or prostrated with dl-tease may
suffer. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF wHI afford
instant ease.
Inflammation of the Kldaeya
liiflaramntion of the Bladder,
Inflammation of the Bowel*
Gencestlon or the Laagi
Bore Throat, Dlfllenlt Breathing.
Palpitation of the Heart
Croup, Diphtheria
„ . Catarrh, lnfluensa.
HendMhe. Toothache,
Morvouaneaa, Mleeploasno**.
Neuralgia, Rheumatism
told Chills. Arue Chill*.
Chilblains and Frost Bltoe.
The application of the Ready Relief to the part
or parts where the pain or dlfllcalty exists w.ll
afford easx and comfort.
Thirty to sixty drops In a half tumbler of
vau-r will in a few minute* cur. *ramps.
bpratns. sour Stomach. Heartburn, Rick liead
achx, Dlarrhtea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind la the
Bowels and all internal pains:
Travelers should always carry a of R td
way's Ready Relief w:th tueua. A few drops In
water will prevent sickness or pains from
change of wa er. It is better than French
Rrandy or Bb tens aa a stimulant. Price Fifty
Cent - p-r Lottie.
Railway's Regulating Pills.
Perfect Purgative*, Soothing Aperient*.
Act Without Pain. Always KeUabla
and Natural in their Operation.
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with
; nreet gum, purge, regulate, puiify, cieaase and
> ttrengthea.
RADWAT*3 PILLS, for the cure of all Disorders
, o r the toinacb. Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Blad
der. Nenous Diseases. Headache, Con*Upa ion,
oostlvenesa, Indigestion, Djspepsla, Bli ous
nem Ft-ver. Inflammation of the Bowels. Pllea,
and all derangements of the Internal Viscera.
Warranted to effect a perfect curei Purely
vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or
deleterious drugs.
twonserve the following symptoms resulting
from Diseases of the D gestlve urgnns
pation, Inw ird Piles, Fullness of the Blood in
llead. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heart
bum, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in
the Sto oach. Sour Eructations, tanking or Fiut-
I ter ng at ttie Beart, Choking or Suffer ng Sen
: Rations when In a lying posture. Dimness of
>l-Jon, Dots or webs Before the Sight. Ferer a d
Duli pain m the Head, D'flclenc of Perspira
tlon, Teliowneas or the Bkfh and Eyes. Pain In
the Side, chest. Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of
lie&t. Burn ng in the Fle-h.
A few doses or RADWAT*S PILLS will free tha
system from all the above-named disorders.
Price, 83 CcMts per Box.
We repeat that the reader must consult our
books and papers on the subject of diseases an<*
their cure, amo ig which mny be named :
"Paine and Trite
"Radw y aa Irritable Urethra,'*
"Bad way on Kcrofnla,"
and others reiating to different classes of Dlv
Send a letter stamp to RADWAY * CO,
No. 8 Warren, Cor. Church fit, Mow
IT"lnformation worth thousands will be sent
to you.
There can be no better guarantee of the vajuo
of DR. HADWAT'R old established R. R. R. KBXB-
DtKB than the base and worthies Imitations of
them, as there are False Resolvents, Reliefs
ana Pill* Be sure and ask for RadwaVs, and
see that the name "Radway" la on what yov
Rupert ua celebrated Bfugle Preech-loading Shot,
Gun at $U up. Double-barrel Breech loaders at S2U
up. Mqasle and Breecb-loadiiig Gnns, Rifles and
Pistols of most approved English and American
makes. All kinds of sporting Implements and arti
cles required by sportsmen and gun -makers, COLTiS
St>— the best gnns yet made for the prlca. Send
tamp for Price List.
712 Market Street. Phlla.. Pa.
Cultivate all the Farm Crops in the Beet Manner;
Breed.Feed and Care for Stock jOrow Fruit; Manage
Farm Business; Make Happy Homes, and
How to Make Money on t<ie Farm,
Farmer should bave n copy. 800 Pages.
1 dOnHluatratlona. Send for circulars to
J. C. MtCL'KiiV Jtt CO.. PI. Pa*