jfitt JjUlhtim Journal. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1880. iMMW & BIMILLtJk, •Editors andVrtftnetors. 3E fallal Department. Annonnroiufnt ASSEMBLY. -We are authorized to announce that B. F. lit"NT Kit. of Rentier township, la u canolUato for Assembly. subject to the decision of the Demo cratic Couuty Convention. We are authorized to announce that CHES TER MUNSON, Esq., of PhHipsburg, will be a candidate for the Legislature, suWeet to the decision of the DetnoeraUc County Convention. —For good and cheap clothing go to Lewin's Philadelphia Branch Store Bellefonte, Pa. tf. —The sale notes of the estate of Jon athan Philips, deceased, are now due, of which all cbncefcifeil will ph&sfe take notice. tf —Harris, of the | Staiula rd Store, u Lcrcisburg, is note closing ouJ his stock at greatly reduced griefs preparatory to pwchasinq early fall goods. For bar. gains go to Hdfis, —The old David Stover home&tad above MiUheimwwats t recently sold to Mr. Wm Spees ot I/hidh county 'flfr SIBOO, vhiicli we ctaitftr a very fair price as times are. PUBLIC SALES.— Sept. 11th, farm of ne£ Rebereburg, by S. Grain ly and A. Smull, Executors at the 'es tate of Henry Smull, deceased. August 27th, 11 acres of land in Foe Vhlley/by J. A. Rptfsri&der, hilmuiis tfatbroMfSUikb Imowl's estate. —One thousand brick-layers and ma sons are at work in Milton and more are wanted. A j limited nuniber of able "bodiedtewyers and doctor's, provided are industrious and t flairly intelligent, cku also 'find employment at carrying brick and mortar. —Over 400 "rigs" passed through town on Sunday to camp meeting, and it is thought that nearlyas many more came from the lower end of the valley and Union county. At a fair estimate there must have been upwards of 25J0 people on the ground. —Jnat before going to press we received a letter from George A. Runk, Esq., of Spring Mills to fhe effect that a dispatch had been t eceived from Col. Slifer of Lewisburg, stating that at least 25 car loads ot people intended coming up to the Harvest Home Picnic, and that passengers from Coburn &atn will be earried to the picnic at a reasonable fare. —IlTs With much pleasure that we pnbfish a very fine campaign *rng cdtapo&cd by our friend Carl SchreilSSr. Carl shows much good taste in suiting his boautif ul sonfr to the beautiful thus, "Die Wacht am liheln." We hope 'and firm iy'believe, *&at and predictions of the song will be fully vertified. —Charley Frankenberger offers Hft home, near town, at private sale. Any person desiring a property of this size would do well to look at this one for there is not a more complete property io this neighborhood. The bnildiugs are all new and very complete. Good water in abundance r.U the year round and choice fruit of i ?ery kind. tf. —The upper end of Penns Yalley had ■ ti. terrible thunder storm toe other Tednesday, 11th inst., during which t ebarn on Mr. Vantries' farm, oh w iiich commissioner Geo. Swab is the ' mailt was burned to the ground. The , . itire crop an d all the farming utensils *ere consumed. The live stock was all - iVed wi& the exception'd one calf. The bafrti was insured to the amount of .MOO. We havfc not learned whether ' Jr. Swab has any insurance &r hot. —"We cannot but says an "when a mau tells us he can not take his local paper because he - rants a'cityftkbtJi. He might'as well r -ay he cannot afford bread because he ; i ntends having sponge cake. Mean v hile he has to ask his iyeigbbor about * fae local news and notices, and the 10, , *1 paper goefc on building up his place and business ami conveniences without jic support. It is not manly and we 2 say without hesitation that there is \ something out of joint with a man who I does not support his local paper." *" PROLIFIC GRASS STALK.— Our friend Mr. John H. Musser, than whom there is rib more intelligent and practical bower in this section, undertook the other day to count the blades on a sin gle stalk of orchard grass, but found it a bigger job than he had bargained for. The stalk bad 1073 well developed blades of an average length of about 18 inches, and it is the'second growth of .ae season. Aoy Garfield man that dares to beat that is to step three paces to the front so that all concerned may have a full view of him. —Pref. P. M.Bickle, of Pennsylvania, 'allege Gettysburg, gave us a hearty hake of his warm, genial hand,one day rist wees while attending the session if the Northern Conference here. The i'rof. is off duty at College just now and has been rusticating in our delight ful valleys for some weeks. He delivered an address on the educational interests of the church on Tuesday eyening, vhich was a clear statement of the itatus of the Lutheran ehurchj on the question of higher education kh tvelt as a strong appeal for 't&e support of our colleges and seminaries. The Prof, has made friends for the cause and for himself personally. Hope he will call again. —The books and accounts of J. W. Stam are left in my hands for settle ment and collection all con cerned will please take notice. St T. it. STAM. —The Northern Conference of the Central Pennsylvania Synod met pur suant to notice Jin the U. B. Church, Milllieim.on evening the 10th inst. Tbo'folloWihg miiit!?terk and lay delegates were present, the attendance being a very good one considering the busy season: Rev. J. G. Anspach, Mifllinlmrg, no delegate. Rev. Charles Schnure, Laurelton, Mr. John Smith, delegate. Rev. John Tomlinson, Aaronsburg, Mr. Thomas Frank, del egate. Rev. W. R. Wieand, Rebers burg, Mr. Jacob Brungard, delegate. Rev. Wra. 11. Diven, Salona, Mr Pe ter Dorublaser, 'helegate. Ttdv. S. E. Furst, Bellefonte, no delegate. Rev. J. A. Koser, Pine &Grove, no delegate. Rev. Jacob Yutzy, Boalsburg, George Kline delegate. Rev. J. K. Miller, Centre Hall, Itey. M. L. Furst, Salona, Prof. P. M. llickle, of Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg. Able and interesting sermons on special subjects preached, on Tuesday evening by Rev, Wm H. Div en, Wednesday eveniug by Rev. J. A. Kosef/hntt ou Thursday evening by Rev. W. R. Wieand. An Wtffrfwas read by W. R. Wieand on " What is it to bear one. a)iother\s burdens by Rev. S. E. Furst on " Practical infidelity— hove best arrested,"and on "The duty' of the Chareh in relation to intemperance" also by Rev. S. E. Furst. These es says were all followed by free and in teresting discussions in which a major ity of the members of conference en gaged. Thursday afternoon a cliiidrens' m&ktng was heiti. NeKily all the chil dren of the several sabbath sclibeecti es were very "good"—pointed, practi cal and short. It was one of the best meetings of the kind we ever attended. Altogether this session ot the North ern Conference was a success through out. The ministers, delegates and vis itors were much pleased, the members of the congregation as well as tytb ple generally were highly entertained and feellves benefitted for hav ing hadconfenten'Ce in their midst, and the cause of education and religion no doubt received a good impetus in Mill heim. God speed the work• CENTRE CO. AGRICULTUR AL SOCIETY. Preside nt— E. W. Hale, Bellefonte. Vke-Presidtiti— John Rishel, Belle fonte, Geo M. Boal, Ceutre Hall, John A. Doley, Roland, W|o. 11. Pine Grove Mills. Secretary —Wilbur F. Itee der, Bellefonte. Librarian— James F. Weaver, Miles burg. Exeauice Committee —Clement ' Dale, Chairman, Bellefonte, Austin Curtiu, Roland, A. V. Miller, Pleasant Gap, J Wm. Thompson Jr., Lemont, Dorsey Green, Fillaiore, Isaac Frain, Walker.- FAIK, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY aud FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 7TH AND BTH, 18*0. HANCOCK CLUB SONG. BY CARL SCHKIBEK. Air—"Die Wacht am Rhein 1. From North and South, from East and West A voice that cannnot be suppressed Comes Uke the murmur of ths sea — Who will our country's lerfW be? Chorus: Land of the Fine, let peace be thiue! Land of tlrt Palm, rest thou in calm! Land of the Palm and Pine, be glad and free, For Hancock]shall your trusty - lead?r be. 2: A thousand thousand liearts beat high; "Tlurrah fot Hancock!" is the cry; "He'll guide the good old ship of State And Veep the Union strong and great." 3. lie looks to heaven where ancestors Behold the hero tried in wars. And vows with patriotic pride "The Comtitution is my guide. 4. "No North, no South, no Eeast.no West Shall each by other be oppressed; The murmurs of the palm and pine In one grand anthem shall combine." 5. The vow resounds; from main to main Again shall truth and justice teign; Upheld shall be the people's cause, The Constitution and the laws. IZebcrsburg, Pa. (Published by request.) M. Aug. 4th, 1880. Mr. Soandso, Dear U. Pardon my liberty in writing to you, but hearing your name men tioned by a friend of mine I thought I'd write to you, mv Idea is not Matrimo ny it is to open a Correspondence witch I hope will meet with yodr ap 'proval. Pleas answer Immediately and let me know. Address Miss Lady, slipper M. Centre Co. Penna. P. S. if you can answer by next mail. REPLY. A. august oth. my dear, butifool Mis ladyslipper i am so werry bleesed wis your ledder, dat i anser the next male, (but kant rite mutch for if mj daddy wood ketch me writing ledders to you be wud gif me a good thrashing, but my deer little mis hunny, dont be discurriged, ifcusfc haf pashens fur about 10 or 12 Veers and den i will rite vou such sweet let ters.ven I haf better eddycashun. don't rite no more ledders, lather may git dem in de Post offis and reed dein and give me a licken in de bargen and make me kry so. and you too. yure frent, BILLY BUTTON. DEMOCRATIC. MASS MEBtflNGh A Democratic Mass Meeting will be held in the Court House, Bellefonte, next Tuesday evening. Eminent speak ers fro m abroad will be present tospeak. Our owu Gov. OtiHln will also address ! tlte meeting. It is hojped there will be j a full turn out from all paits of the oounty. HARVEST noM*.—There will be held at Spring Mills, Centre Co. Pa., on Thursday,. August; 26th 1880, a grand Harvest Home Picnic., An excursion is expected from tluion county by special train and it is hoped that the people of Centre county will (dm out in force and give them a hearty recepion, such as was extended to us by them on former occasions. Several bands of music will bo present. COMMITTEE. —The local executive committee for the Spring Mills Harvest Home Pienic have (uissed the following resolution: itisbbLVKD.—That no'publie speaking upon any subject shall be permitted upon the picnic grotind on the 26 th of August next. —THE MILLREIM RANOOCIV CLUB has ordered a lot of torch lights for its members and expect to ftbve them in time for the big meeting in Belletonte next Tuesday evening. Rev A. D. Rowe, late Lutheran missionary in India, will preach at Laurelton next Sunday morning, and in the afternoon and evening at Hart letoo. —Mr. D. C. Stilie, of Tyrone, and J. G v Kurt*, Esq., of Milton, were among 6m callers last week, They are of our old friends. OF THIS OANDlDtoflif. Messrs. Ilubba'rd Brothers, 732 ? Chestnut street, Philadelphia, are the publishers of Vlfe lives of Gen. Winfield S, Hancock ,by Col. John W. Forney, and Gen. James A. Garfield, by Gen # James S. Brisbin. Both these books are well and carefully written and may safely be accepted as antbentic, baying the sanction respectively of the candi dates themse Ives. They are finely il lustrated, gotten up to good style and sold to subscribers only for the small sum of S2.CO. Each subscriber will also be furm&bed gratis with a cam paign songs f&ro'f arty songs, adapted, for club and mass meetings. We recommend these books to the readers of the Journal Without hesitation. Our friend J. R. YaoOrmer, is the sole'&gent for Centre county and is now engaged in canvassing Penus and Brush vail eys. When he comes around to'&le you give him a hearty shake of the hand, a good dinner if he is in season and subscribe for ooe of his books. . - : SPRING MILLS tfISMS. Bingpman & Grenoble, tinners, have a good run of business. Phil % Shook purchased a building lot frodi John Minnich and intends to ereet a bouse thereou at once. Come tf!6ng— ke&t. Rev. Jas. D. Wilson and family from New York, are visiting here. Mr. , Wilson will deliver a lecture in Gren oble's nail next Saturday evening. Subject: "Wheat." The Spring Mills School will hold its annual Pic-nic on Saturday. The Harvest Home Basket Pic-nto for the season will be held oa the 2Gth at Spring Mills. The people from ad joining counties are exp ecteA to partic ipate. • Wbitmer Bros, and Jttcop McCool have bought a tract of timber land from Col. J. P. Coburn for SIBOO. They expect tC 'dffeit a steam saw i&ilt, bouse and barn on it by New Year. UNCLE TOM. l&BWS FROM BRUSH. Black-berries are plenty in eastern Brush Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Jared IlarpW- of Belle fonte are in tdton at present enjoying the hospitalities of friends. Our select school is well patronized- Upwards of forty are in attendance. Students from many parts of Ofetre as well as from several places in Clinton are here,. The "superb" soldier is all right with us, and —Ob, excuse raw for al luding to politics under t fie head of lo cals. • Mr. John Bressler is our champion snake killer so far. It was a Mack one and measured over Six. [The writing is so indistinct just here that we can not say whether it is six inches, six feet or six yards, and so we leave the choice of size entirely to the reader. Ed-] Of course we all attended camp-meet* ing on Sunday and enjoyed it very much. The crowd was very great and the inquiry arose with me just how ma ny came for the purpose of worshiping God... I don't believe that one out of ten came for any such purpose. Qeo. A Frank and L. H. Leitzeli, .Will soon leave for Philadelphia, the former to attend lectures at' Jefferson Medical College, the latter to attend at some. Dental scboo l , Both are estima ble young men and we wish thera much SUCC6BB. Col. Henry Boyer, who is over four score, lost the sight of one of his eyes. It was caused by a stubblebeing thrust into it some time ago. It has affected his general health so much.that his friends doubted Aisrecovery for a time, but he is recruiting and his family is again very hopeful. May he yet live long. Quis? Nefs Mbceilatfy. •. A Painter's TerttWe Fall Special Dispatch to THFTIMW. • X'LTONA; August ft.- A frighful ac cident occured hejre about. eight thin morpiog. .-A 'man named James P. Wills* who was painting the spouting at the Otobj? sixty feet from the ground, had Jumped twice across the I 'ojWitig the roofs of the two wings of the building, be neath which a court. ,Not heed ing the warnings of a fellow-workman on the third attempt to lump over his feet slipped and fell into A be low, his head Striking the pavement, llis skull was fractured and he died af ter a few convulsive gasps, lie was a married man and was about thirty four years old. llis brotSHer met'fefc al most similar death by a fall from one of the Philadelphia Centennial build ings in 1676 while painting. EXAWIMTIONS OF TBAOH ERS FOR 1880. Tlie Examinations of Teachers for the Schools of Centre Conty will be lield as specified in this announcement.: Bellefonte, Tuesday* Aygpst 24. L'lulipsbiirg and PhiUpsburg, Wednesday, Aug. 2A Taylor, Hannah Furnace, Thursday, August 26. Worth, Port Matilda, Friday, August 27. " y.y\ Huston. Julian Saturday,' Alfgifit 28. " ' " ' Snow Shoe and Burnside, Snow Shoe, Tuesday Afefe. 31. . Unionville * and Utiion, Unionville, Wednesday, Sept. 1. Milesburg and . Hoggs, Milesburg, Thursday, Sept. 2. Liberty, Eagleville, Friday Sept 3. Walker, Huolertburg, Monday, Sept. 6. Howard and Curtin,lloward, Tuesday, September 7. v.* >tpOM. Ilarri—Henry Potter. G. B. Jack, D. Keller. Phillpsburg—C T Fryberger, O G Pottsgrove, J N Otsnanova. Marion—S Henderson. Bellefonte—R M'Knlght, J Kllngor, G W Jack son. W I. .Steele. MUca—S M Spangler. Lllierty—J A Rtov-r. i College—R Kendal. Haines—T Edmonds, B F Bunt. | Snow Shoe—W Stowart, Jr. i Walker—Wm Zerby. Benner—H SampseL Ferguson—R Craig. Potter— Dr. Jacobs. Milesburg—a Gray. | Curtin—J no M'Ciosky. ...- Boggs—A Fetxer. TRAVBRSK WEEK. Unlonrllle—A T ' * Bellefonte—Wra Ildrptr, J Irrht, Jr., J AM > in. Jl' Harris. ?*-, C,r- j • , Spring-*! F Burtlx, Geo GarbHck, G W Lone karger. Thomas T hearer. Miles—Wm Balr, I>aniel Museer, H Srauli, Mich Bierly, Emanuel liarter. Harris —G W Campbell, C Durst, H Meyers, Jr. Marlon—.fas Martin. Walker—l> A Diet rick. Snow shoe—R GiMland, W F llolt, J A Thorn p son. Haloes—Mich Plodler, f 'tfUotz. Half Moon—A Stine, Is Beck. Howard boro —(J Wis tar. Howard—f W Gardner. Ferguson—Dsn DrelbelhJs, J I, Musser, C B Hess, I) W Miller. C Dantey. Penn—D Krtle, Benj Kerstetter. Patton—o C Beck. Union—B Shipley, A Calhoun. Benner—A Y Wngnet;, Wm Close, Jas Carson. Milesburg—C D Jones. Philipeburg—Josh Keek.*, Hoggs—D P Shope, J Coflejje— Wra M'Glrk. . . TRAVERSE JURORS—SECOND WEEK. Rush—B Coyle, W J Jackson. Fergusoh—F Hottorf.Jae Keller, D Deunis, 8 J Gates, G Kichllne, c ,, . Haines—.Jonathan Krape, T G Ehrhart. MMesburg—A T Boggs. ' ' ' Hnstoti—J P Turner, G W Woodring. Penn—J H Frank. Dan Hosterman. Bellefonte—J Bracliblil, L';JU Brown, F P Green. Boggs—G Noll, J, Walters. Gregg—Jac F Human, H A Krumrine, I J Grenoble, •• , ' < Unionyille—lf Iddings, Walker— W H Yearlck, John Zimmerman. Spring—Ed Woods. 1 Liberty—W N Bltner. . Union—J ID-ederick. ' Howard—M Fletcher, IC Leathers. Phillpslmrg—A 8 Graham. Potter—las M*Cornilck, Joe Wagner, Jr. Hiilfmoon—W 8 Gray. Benner—D llouser. . MARRIED On "SurMAy evening the 15th inst., at the Re> formed parsonage, Aaronsburg, by Rev. C. W. E. Siegel, Mr. Abner H. Acker of Anronsburg, to Miss.-adte J, Wagner of Hartleton, Union Co., Pa.. ■ On tlie 15th inst., at Logansrille, Clinton Co., *by Bev. John ToiuUnson, Mr. B. F. Klepper of Booiievilie, and Mrs. Paulina Held, of Logans vlll6. i —~~ On tlie Bth inst., Mills, Delia Jane Fetterdlf, daughter of JElias. FetteroU, aged 13 years, 3 months and. 23 days..... On the .12th inst.. In Hninee township, John Hdttler, aged 76 years, 11 ntbh'ths atSi 2 days. PENSIONS! 800 STY, PAY FOR RATIONS, NEW AND HONORA RLE DISCHARGES, A0 INCRKASRU PENSIONS Ob ithy kind entities jrou to a pension • Widows and heirs, - fathers and mothers are now entitled. ,• T> ? Write at once for new laws, blaaks aud iu i strnctlons, with two stamps. Address. T Lock Box 314, W aslilugton, b. C. i IQBO. BEOS3I±iVR3I -1880. To friends in Poins and Brash Valleys! THE LARGEST DRY GOODS HOUSE IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA IS THE GREAT BEE iiil BEE mvE mm, HIVE; Store of Lock Haven. Which is nob Opening thrVhtni Stock for!' 6>e Spring of ItSO which is simply Immense in all its Departments. 30,505 tards Bleached and Uablexchei Muslins, t , • % '• j •, C ■ 0--~" 6 ■ % * 0' 3 o O ■ 1 O 1 Q- ~6" "0 o o A ; CALICOS; I ;SHIRTINGS O _-o_o 16^—-O O--O ——-O ~ 6—O 0 6 A larse stock of 10-4, 0-4, 6-4, 5 4 UTICA BLE ACHEB aud SHEETINGS •.mid PILLOW CASINGS 300t Tards Wood Calleo 1 Fast Colore. Beautiful Styles, • Cents a Yard. . Tlie Largest Stock of TABLE LINENS ever showu iti this City at old price*. 500 TO WELB at 25 Cents, worth Cents. 35 Bleached all LINEN NAPKINS at $2.05, worth $3.40. 1$ inch TWILLKD HMAVT* TOWELLING, 1000 Tards of Summer Pan tings, Botigtft early in January, since which time they have advanced 2C per cent., but will be sold at old prices oRi year ago. 2,000 Yards All-Wodl Cassimeres, CJEIE^IOT.BUTITITTCa-S. French Wagonals and Shirtings, 1,000 Y&rdfe BKtck all wool Cashmeres. Cheaper than ever. 2000 yards Beautiful Spring Cashmeres at 15 cents, worth 20. French Momle Cloths, Full Line of French ail Wool Buntings in Plain and Lace Goods. Sillc Grenadines, French Organdie and Linen Lawns, nice patterns. 500 YARDS BEAUTIFUL SUMMER SILKS At 50 55 and 00 cents a yard. Tlie Largest, Handsomest, Cheapest lot! of Plain and Brocade, Black and Coloted|Silkß ever shown. Large lot of Ladies' Coats at Half Price. The handsomest Stock of BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS In this section of the State. Large lot of Window Shading and Fixtures. 1,500 tts. Cotton and Wool Carpet Chain. #MBIHBIf 1.1 IkTfl of Penns and Brush VaUdVf Should avail themselves of the advantages we are now 6f ■j I I I Mj J\| ferinjr, by buving their goods early at the BEE HIVE. Thanking my Patrons for ii ■ ■ ■ ■li w liberal patronage in 1878, we hope by continuing to keep only first-class goods, with a full assoitment of all the Novelties of the Season ; by representing goods on MERIT ONLY, and seHing at LOWEST POSSIBLE Pit ICES to nprtt even a much larger ikare of the patronage in 1880, ■ as we have decided advantages over ever? competitor On account of The immense quantities we*buy. IQuBPECIAL IN DUCEMENTS to Large Buyers and trade from a distance. jQrOBDEBS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. THE PL ACE. The Ghfeat Bee Hive Dry Goods House* IaOCK HAVEN, PA . J. I SVEREtT, Proprietor. WAXTKB.—SO,OOO pounds of Wool ih exchange or for cash at the Bee Hiye Store. Mill helm Market. Corwrtoil every WednesUtxy by Gephart & Muster. Wheat Ko.l 22 • Wheat No. ... :.. JM Corn M Rye Bats White 3* Ht. lUnck Biickwlieut , yj Flour W0 Bran A Short,pei ton Salt, per Brl , *'fr i'lanler, xratitid Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50 Barley 50 Tvinothyseed Flaxseed . Butter tiaras '® .Hides 4 Veal Pork feil.v::;::::::::::::::;:::::::::::: " Potatoes. . Lard Tallow e 1 Soay*. 5 Pried Apples Dried Teaches Dried Cherries COAL MARKET. , Egg C0a1...... stove " .Chestnut" Pea * 3-8o R. GJSPHAKT D. A. XUBSEB aEfSAET i xussts DEALERS IN Flour & Feed. Cos), Piaster & Salt MILLHEIM, P A Highest market pflce paid for all kinds of ea-iR-Ainsr Delivered either at the BRICK MILL or at the old MUSSRR MILL, in MILLHEIM. COAL, PLASTER & SALT Always on hand and sold at prices that defy competition. A share of the pnblie patronage respectfully solicited. 3s*-ly FOR THE! CAMPAIGN. HE "PATRIOT" DURING THE PRESIDEX ' TIAL CANVASS. TN order that everybody, no matter how Af*H>r In puree, may read tiw news dutlng the great political struggle of 1810, the Daily PATRIOT (Sunday edition Included) will be sent by mall to any address, postage iree, from tlie present time until the fifteenth of November Next, for 53.00; to clubs of five or more, (and One copy tret to the sender of the clnb,) $2.00 Pjroopy. Without Sunday edition, tlie DAILY ATRIOT Will be seut by mail to any address, postage free, for same period for $2.00: to clubs of five or more (with one copy free to sender 61 dub) $2.00 per copy. THE WEEKLY PATRIOT from the present time until the week after the Presidential election will be sent to any ad dress, postage free, for FOKTT CuNTSitd clubs of five or upwards f6r THIRTY-FITS CKHTS per ' copy, with one copy free to sender of elubfr. Democratic local organisations cannot circu late cheaper and more affective campaign literature than newspapers furnished at rheso extraordinarily low rates. Send in yonr or ders addressed to PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO.* Ii A KhlSßt KU, l a. ! KAMP! i THE BOOT k SHOE lAB U P| I.OCK HAVEN. P| u I I have a very large stock of J SOOTS, SHOES, ig E| Slippers A Ijrties WALKIX6 SHOES, . . J 1 I Just opened up for Spring and Summer wear. My stodc is as c,h*p as it waa a year mm .tgo. because I bought it lor cash before the ad vance. I am the only shoe dealer in l ock Hoveh that buys for cash A pays ' ■ m M no rent where- • fore lean sell L you a better ar tfcle for tbesame money than any wt dealer in the city. Give nie a eall and you will he convinced * that your place to buy is W KAHPS HirMfQ wivvrn to en the oret, fiUitnlu WfiH IDU Cheapest, best and the only authentic low priced book containing tlie lives of GEN'L W, S. HANCOCK AND W. H. ENGLISH, A complete record of the early and military life of MAJ. (IENKKAL WINRIKLP 8. HANCOCK. •with a full and graphic account of the proceed ings, speeches and incidents at tlie Cinclnliati Convention, alsr tlie platform, table of ballots and letters of aeoeptanoe, with the life of W, H. ENGLISH. Kichlv embellished with nirCAerohs artistic Illustrations aud fine, handsome en graved Portraits ol'ench Candidate. Sure suc cess to all who take hold, will positively outsell ail books. Seud for circulars and extra terms. Address, H. W. Mel ley St Co., 711 SANSOM STKEKT, PHILADELPHIA, PA. RUPTURE The greatest Invention of the age! See our pamiihlet. Sent free. Prof J. Y. EUAN, Og dehsburg, N. Y. 29-ly A niVi*>book of nearly 100 large M |s HPI m octavo pages for the sick. * ■ IICE fula, Diseases of tlie breatiiin* organs: Diseas es of men; Diseases of Women; acnes and pains: Heart Troubles; and a great variety o. chronic diseases, with evidence that in inos: cases these diseases are cuwble. Send a threl Cent Stamp. Address, MUR- _ _ _ e HAY HILL PUB. CO., No. Pflfftl# 129 East 23th Street, New KIHII York City. 23-3 m ftlvUlll HP| II IfiHABiT S3&KS! ,°£ | I IT I loss time and at less cost than by any other means. No suffering or inconvenience. Treatment shipped to any part of the U. S. or uanadas. Full particulars free. Address, (Established 18(53) B.S. DISPENSARY, Berrien Springs, Mich | Edwin J. Deshier. J Jordan Deshlcr PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS, Aaronsburg, Pa" CalLi promptly answered da night. JOHN H. GRAY, Fashionable Barber. Two doors west of Millheim Hotel, MTLLHMM. PA. ' -QR. D H. MINGLE, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Main Street, Millheim, PR BRQCKERHOFF HOUSE BELLEPONTS, PA First Class in all respects. CENTRALLY TIOCATED. • / the place for the business man, the farmer, the mechanic. 4®°" Omnibus to all trains, j&g W. R.TELER, Proprietor. _____ • c A * P A I a I Ff.iss,"s.. Beautiful Campaign Badge* of the Republican and Democratic Candidates. GARFIELD HANCOCK ART HUR, UJL t KNGUSH, Containing Ufe.like Pliotographs of the Can didates; encased in pretty Miniature Gilt Frames, with pin for attaching to coat or vest Active agents can make *lO a day Mehing then' and city and country merchants can make a handsome profit. Price 10 cents each : 2 for it cents; 10 for cents, or 100 for #3.fto. Photo graphs same price as Bad ges. CKAYON io£ TKAITd dri tirtted plate pap er. Heroic size 22 bv 28, for 2ft cents. FLAGS ALL SUSS, KOTO AND PRICES. Now is the llarrest time for agents and dealers. Send for samples and full nartt' cijlars to U. 8 MANUFACTURING CA. PENSIONS tttttetSiSPiS d v INCREASED. Thelawa being more liberal now. thousands are entitled to higher rates. Bounty and new procured. Those who arc in doubt as to whether entitled to anything should send two S cent stamps for our '•CM-MAF of information." Address, with stamps, StodtfAirt * Co_ Collet tors of Claims and Patents, Room 8. Sr Cloud Building, Washington, D. C. 2&-3W StfODDABT & CO. tFor ibis StyiTkger. We will send it to your lie pot to be examined before you pay for it. II It is not as represented It ean be return ed at our expense. Send a postal card*lor illustrated Circular. C. A. WOOD & CO. 17 N. Tenth St.. Philada., Pa. THIS PAPER Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Sprnoe Street!, where adver. fan If AVIIf tising contracts may Ufa Mf W IHfR bo awrdu for it in II tif 1 Ultimo