Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 22, 1880, Image 4

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TRAINING HEIFERS.— It is a very easy
matter to train a heifer to stand quietly
to be milked, but it is an easier matter
to train them to jump, kick and run.
The way to teach them to stand still is
to always require them to do so. If
there is naught to hinder a wild heifer
from running, and if her fear prompt
her to run, she can and will run. On
the contrary if she cannot run, in a
short time she loses her fear and
stands from habit, and habit is one of
the most powerful influences in this
world for either brute or man. If you
want to transform a wild heifer into a
well-behaved well-trained ccw you
must be patient and exhibit no temper.
Never strike or kick her. She must
first of all get acquainted with you,
and learn that you will not hurt her.
he must learn not to fear you. If, In
Winter, it is best to milk in the stable,
viake as little fuss and as few alarming
motions as possible; handle her very
gently. Be careful not to pinch the
teats. This is the great source of trou
ble. A cow naturally wishes to be rid
of her milk. She stands quietly until
some careless milker has given a
squeeze that hurts, when she kicks and
runs. By following such a course a
few times the habit will be confirmed.
The best way to manage, if you have
no stable, is to have a tall, well-fenced
yard, and teach your heifers to stand
for milking in that; or, next best, to
tie them, using them very quietly. No
man or boy is fit to handle animals un
less he can control them and control
himself. Neither is it right to chas
tise the ignorant.
DAIRY.— We have ou previous occa
sions, says the London Live-Stock Jour
nal, pointed out that we in England
were losing ground in the race, and
that America was gaining it, and that
the difference was owing to the im
proved methods and appliances in gen
eral use in the latter country. The
disparity is only less marked because
the soil, the herbage, and the climate
in this country are each and all better
than those in America tor cheese-mak
ingparposes. It is purely a question,
then, of practical ability, superior man
agement, and we say so advisedly. Ten
or a dozen years ago the quality of
American cheese sent to this country
was such as to cause our own cheese
makers to smile; but now the smile Is
on the other side of the face. At tiiat
time no one thought for a moment that
we had anything to fear from the qual
ity, whatever we had to do from the
volume, of American competition in
cheese; but now we are beaten all
along the line. And this is not so
much because the quality ot English
cheese on the average is lower than it
used to be, as that the quality of Amer
ican is so greatly improved. Careful
inquiry into scientific principles and
scrupulous attention to details of man
agement are the means by which our
American friends have so much bet
tered their dairy products. Increased
knowledge, quickened energies, and
incessant activity in adopting every
improvement in appliances and modes
of management, will alone enable us to
compete successluly.
Cows. —Treat them generously and
kindly, but do not keep them fat, un
less they are to be turned oft'into beef.
A cow is a machine, a laboratory for
converting raw materials into milk.
If little be given, little will be received.
All animals should have exercise, es
pecially those kept for breeding. Some
of them are naturally lazy, but they
will be better for stirring about in the
open air. It is cruel to keep animals
tied up or shut up for days at a time.
They need light too. Direct sunshine
exerts a powerful influence for good 011
animals as well as on plants. Do not
overlook a good supply of pure water
two or three times a day, or good vent
ilation and proper cleaning of stables.
When the ground is frozen and covered
with snow, it may be well enough, on
pleasant days, to scatter the fodder and
allow the stock plenty of room to pick,
it up; but when it is muddy, no one
but a sloven will fodder on the ground.
Good racks should be made for the sake
of convenience and economy.
should be remembered that the worst
spot in a piece of road, whether public
or private way, measures the capacity
of the team lor hauling loads over it,
or in other w r ords,a team can draw be
tween two given points only what it
can draw over the hardest spot, wheth
er that be a steep hill or a muddy
slough hole, no matter how perfect the
other portions of the way may be. Any
man would be considered a fool who
sbould keep a good pair of horses for
hauling loads and then persist in using
them on a one-horse wagon, drawing
but half load at a lime, and yet that is
just what we are all doing, who, year
after year, haul manure, farm products
and merchandise over roads that, by
the expenditure of a small amount ol
labor, would enable us to haul double
the weight we now draw. April is
oftentimes a good month for making
repairs in roads and paths.
The ordinary coloring matters used
in cements usually injure the setting
power more or less, and tail to produce
pure tints. According to experiments
made by a German chemist, however,
* this difficulty may be overcome, and
permanant color washes be produced,
by mixing equal volumes of the dry
pigment and burned and washed flint
with milk of lime, a little water glass
being advantageously added. The tint
thus produced is described as very
agreeable, and, if stable mineral colors
are used, as durable as the cement it
self; surfaces of great beauty are pro
duced by employing finely powdered
marble and flint, with the faintest tint
ot chrome green. The wash is applied
as soon as possible after the cement has
set, and, if practicable, in one coat
only, but if two are necessary the sec
ond is made with the addition of water
glass, in order to be effective,
In an essay on magnetic strains, a re
cent scientific writer describes a meth
od xhat may be resorted to lor defecting
the contact of micrometer screws, and
which is of value, as it is applicable in
very many physical and mechanical
experiments. Inatest of thigoperation,
the micrometer screw had sixty threads
to an inch, and its head was graduated
to 300 parts, so that the unit of mea
surement was "the one 18,000 th of an
inch. The iron bar, micrometer screw,
and a telephone were put in the circuit
ofaweakLelanchelcell. When the screw
was turned up to loose contact with the
bar, ihs familiar boiling sound ofa too
senstiive microphone was heard, which
ceased the instant firm contant was
made, the change to silence being ab
rupt and sharply deflued.
An engineer says, that from one-half to
three-fourths of a pound of borax, put
in the boiler, Is a good remedy for boi
ler-scale. After putting in the borax
he advised to run the engine a week
and then blow off, when the scale can
be scraped out from the bottom of the
boiler and fire-box.
new milk, ten eggs, one tablespoon
corn starch, beat the eggs, wet the
corn starch and cook it in the milk,
then stir in the eggs and cook, but do
not let them curdle, one and a half
pounds sugar. Cook the night before
so it will be thoroughly cool, add two
teaspoons vanilla, li you wish straw
berry tlavor to the cream, mash and
strain them, and add sugar, one
pint of berries, for ounces of sugar to
two quarts of cream. Tut the cream
into the freezer and set in a tub or pall,
till the pail with broken ice, strew
coarse salt in large quantities between
each layer of ice, taking care that it
dose not get into the cream. Break the
ice by putting it in an old grain sack
and pounding with an axe. As the
cream freezes scrape it from the bottom
and sides of the freezer with a knife or
spoon. A large size lard can or tin
pall may be used instead of a freezer,
but in that case the cream must be cftcn
scraped from the sides and well-beaten,
to make it tine-grained.
flour, one pint corn meal, half pint rye
tlour, three potatoes, one teaspoon!ul
salt, one tablespoonl'ul brown sugar,
two tablespoon l'u Is Baking Pow
der, half pint water. Sift tlour, corn
meal, rye Hour, sugar, salt and powder
together thoroughly; peel, wash and
well boil two mealy potatoes, rub them
through the sieve, diluting with the
water. When this is quite cold uso it
to mix the tlour, eto., into a batter like
cake; pour it into a well greased mould
having a cover. Place it in a sauce
pan half full of boiling water, where
the loaf will simmer one hour without
the water getting into it. Remove it
then, take oft" the cover, finish cooking
it by baking in a fairly hot oven thirty
The Greatest Sleuing.
A simple, pure, harmless remedy,
that cures every tune, and prevents dis
ease by keeping the blood pure, stomach
regular, kidneys and liver active, Is
the greatest blessing ever conferred
upon man. Hop Bitters is that remedy,
and its proprietors are being blessed
by thousands who have been saved
and cured by It. Will you try it? See
another column. — Eagle.
tlesh ot a lobster to the size of small
dice, season with pepper, salt, spices
and as much cayenne as will rest on
the point of a trussing needle. Melt a
piece of butter in a saucepan, mix with
it a tablespoouful of flour, then the
lobster and some chopped pirsley;
moisten with a little fish stock until
the mixture looks like minced veal;
then stir into it oft* the fire a couple of
yelks of eggs, and put it by to get cold.
Wfien nearly so shape it into the form
of corks, egg them, and roll them in
baked bread-crumbs. After the lapse
of an hour egg and bread-crumb them
again,taking care to preserve the shape.
After a little time fry them a nice
color in hot lard.
THE purest article is the cheapest in
the end. Dobbins' Electric Soap,
(made by Cragin & Co., Philadelphia),
is perfectly pure, snow-white, and pre
serves clothes washed with It. Be sure
and try it.
TEA BISCUITS.— One quart flour, one
teaspoonful salt, half teaspoonsful
Baking Powder, one tablespoon
ful lard, one pint milk. Sift together
flour, salt, sujjar and powder; rub in
the lard cold; add the milk and iorm
into a smooth, consistent dough. Flour
the board, turn out the dough, roll it
out fo the thickness of three-quarter
inch, cut with a small round cutter;
lay them close together on a greased
baking tin, wash oyer with milk, bake
in good hot oven twenty minutes.
MILK-YEAST BREAD. —Take one cup
ful of milk, add hot water to warm the
milk; mix sifted flour to make a thin
sponge; let stand over night in a warm
place; in the morning add one half
cupful of butter and flour to sufficient
ly stiffen for bread, kneading thor
oughly; fill pans half full, and in a
warm place allow the loaves to rise to
the top of the pans; bake in a steady
oven, not too hot, one hour.
IF you want your chickens to grow
fast feed them on oatmeal scalded with
sweet or sour milk. Don't make the
feed wet or sloppy, nor give more at
once than will be eaten up clean. Only
prepare as much at once as will be all
eaten before any fermentation takes
plaee in it. Where oatmeal can not be
iiad, tine cornmeal or cracked wheat
similarly treated and administered will
answer a very good purpose.
butter, three-fourths pound of flour,
eight eggs, one pint of water; stir the
butter into the water, which should be
warm ; set it on the fire in a pan and
let it boil, stirring it often; when it
boils, stir in the flour; let it cool; beat
the eggs light and stir into this cooled
paste; bake in small buttered pans ten
minutes, Hilling them half full. •
of scalded milk, half pint of Indian
meal, cup of molasses, spoonful of salt,
sweet apples. Mix these all together,
and cut the apples (pared) in small
pieces and stir in. Bake not less than
three hours in a moderate oven.
and water and remove stringy part;
put in cold water a few minutes, drop
in a cloth,dip in egg and breadcrumbs,
fry brown in butter; take out, pour in
the pan a cup of cream, a little chop
ped parsley, pepper, salt, and a little
flour; boil up and pour over the breads;
serve hot.
The poetry of Babyhood is turned
into the blankest kind of prose when
one has to walk the floor all night to the
ceaseless music of a colic-suffering
baby. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup prevents
all such scenes and troubles by its un
failing influences.
the cream you can spare, add new milk
enough to make the desired quantity,
sweeten and flavor to taste; both the
sweetening and flavoring seem to
"freeze out," If desired a little arrow
root or corn starch may be cooked in a
little milk and stirred in.
one pound of white sifted sugar in two
quarts of fresh pure cream, one table
spoon extract. When finished, drain
off the water, repack with lcc and salt,
cover with a woolen blanket and let
stand two or three hours.
GET RID OF ONE COLD before you contract an
other on top of It, or you may securely esi abllsh
the set ds of a serious Lung- Complaint, before
you are conscious of danger. Better prudently
resort t > Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, an effective
cure for Coughs and Co as, and helpful also ior
its healing influence on the Lungs and Bron
"I'M goln' right in this river," said
he, staggering toward the string pidce,
as the policeman clutched him by the
collar. "Lerame go. 1 tellyer. You
emtue go. 1 m just goln' right in tlus
river and I'm goin' fer to drown my
sorrers. I've busted around 'syer
country till I'm finished. Yer hear
me I Lemme go, will yer? Oh I just
lemmc get inter the swellu' tide. Let
go yer hold; lemmealone. I'm' goin'
to bust a hole in mortality."
But the policeman lugged him oil'.
"Say, oP man, yersavedm'life," aid
the would be suicide, as ho knocked
his hat over his eyes. "You'r a square
f'ler. Now lemme go to bed. Y'ear
uie? lemme gohome, Got two ten dol
lar bills ? Got 'em ?"
The policeman said he had a ten and
two fives, just to humor the man.
"Good'uuff. That'll do. Gimme the
ten," and he pulled out a twenty dol
lar bill. "Gimme the ten, y'ear y Goin'
to makeyer present ten dollars. Take
this and gimme ten. Yer saved m'llfe."
Once more to humor lilui the police
man gave him the ten and took the
twenty. He didn't want the money,
but the exhibition of gratitude showed
a dawning interest in a life that should
be encouraged. Then bidding him
good night tne police man walked oil.
It the druukeu man who was rescued
from death by a tall policeman will
send his address to headquarters, he
will receive back his counterfeit twenty
dollar note and hear something to his
IN one of the Western States a case
was tried, and at its termination the
Judge charged the jury, and they re
tired for com ultation. Hour after hour
passed and no verdict was brought in.
The Judge's dinner hour arrived, and
he became hungry and impatient. Up
on Inquiry he learned that one obstinate
juryman was holding out against
eleven. That he eould not stand, and
he ordered the twelve men to be
brought before him. He told them
that, in his charge to them, he had so
plainly stated the case and the law that
the verdict ought to be unanimous, and
the man who permitted his Individual
opinion to weigh against the judgment
of eleven men of wisdom was unfit and
disqualified ever agin to act in the cap
acity of juryman. At the end of this
excited harangue a little squeaky voice
came from one of the jurymen. He
said: "Judge, will youf honor allow
me to say a word?" Permission being
given, be added : "May it please your
Honor, lam the only man on your
Glveu up Djr Doctor*.
♦'ls it possible that Mr. Godfrey Is up
and at work, and cured by so simple a
"I assure you it Is true that he is en
tirely cured, and with nothing but Hop
Bitters; and only ten days ago his
doctors gave him up and said he must
"Well-a-day! That is remarkable!
I will go this day and get some for ray
poor George—l know hops are good."
—Salem Post.
THEY were sitting about the stove at
the grocery listening to the yarns of
an old sailor, and the ancient mariner
had just remarked: "The next we
tackled was a right whale, and he was
an ugly one and stove all three of our
boats and killed the second mate,"
when a sad-eyed man in the corner
timidly observed, "It seems to me that
instead of a right whale you tackled
the wrong one." And then they all
rose and marched out in single file, and
the ancient mariner was so mad that
he tried to kick a saw-horse and barked
his shin in nine places.
A FEW years ago the State s Attorney
of a northern county in Vermont, al
though a man of great legal ability,
was veiy fond of the bottle. On one
occassion an important crimiual case
was called on by the clerk, but the at
•torney, with owl-like gravity, kept his
chair. "Mr. Attorney, Is the State
ready to proceed?" said the Judge.
"Yes hie—no—your honor," stam
mered the lawyer; "the State is not—
in a state to try this case, to-day; the
State, your honor, is—drunk!"
SEE TO IT that your child meets with
no neglect; when sick, use for the dis
eases of babyhood l)r. Bull's Baby
Syrup;—it never disappoints. 25 cents.
A SCHOOL teacher who had just been
telling the story oi David ended with,
"And all this happened over three
thousand years ago." A little cherub,
its blue eyes opening wide with won
der, said, after a moment's thought,
"Oh dear, marm, what a memory you
have got!"
"Is Christianity a Failure?" It is
not, of course—especially to the man
who starts out on Sunday morning
with a fishing-rod disguised as a cane,
and to the woman who has a $35 new
bonnet and is driven to church in her
own carrirge, with a coachman rigged
out in livery.
VEGETINE has restored thousands to
health who had been long and painful
IT is estimated that the time wasted
by women of the United States in look
ing under beds for men at night if de
voted to work would result, in a year's
time, in making over 47,000 pairs of
suspenders for the heathen.
MARY BEANE deemed herself neglect
ed by her lover at Denver, and shot the
man with whom she found him play
ing cards when he ought to have been
visiting her. This shows the wicked
ness of playing cards.
ANY circus which puts more on the
wall than it can perform under canvas
will run a chance of being struck by
SOME day or other a man will jump
into the arena of life with a successful
flying-machine, and invite all wise old
heads to take a ride.
A SURE cure for corns— Kick your
corn through a window-glass and the
pane is gone forever.
CLAMS and bivalves —"Steam" valves
when cooking, and "safety" valves
when not eaten to excess.
The age of Miracles
is past, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cal Discovery will not raise the dead,
will not cure you if your lungs are half
wasted by consumption, or your sys
tem sinking under cancerous disease.
It is, however, unsurpassed both as a
pectoral and alterative, and will cure
obstinate and severe diseases of the
throat and lungs, coughs, and bron
chial affections. By virtue of its
wonderful alterative properties it
cleanses and enriches the blood, thus
curing pimples, blotches, and eruptions
and causing eyen great eating ulcers to
ieal Sold by druggist*,
CONSTIPATION lifts been culled the
father of diseases, therefore It should
not be regarded as a trifling ailment.
It is quite as necessary to remove im
pure accumulations from the bowls as
it is to eat or sleep, and no health can
be expected where a costive habit of
body prevails. Take a half-tablespoon
ful of Simmons' Liver Regulator after
each meal, the bowels will be gently
moved, as If no medicine had been
taken. Regularity in taking the medi
cine daily will efleet a permanent cure.
"II AVK used Simmons' Liver Regula
tor for Constipation of the Bowels,
caused by a temporary Derangement of
tho Liver, for the last three or four
years, and always when used according
to the directions, with decided benefit.
1 think it is a great medicine for the
Derangement of tho Liver; at least such
has been my personal experience in
the use of it.
Chief Justice of Georgia."
ROLL JKI.I.Y CAKK —Four eggs, one
cup of sugar, one cup of flour, one tea
spoonful of baking powder, a pinch of
salt. Mix all well together and roll
out on long tins. As soon as baked,
spread over any jelly and roll up Im
CKKAM. — Vanilla—One tablespoon of
extract. Lemon—One tablespoon
extract or juice of one. Straw
berry and other fruit —One pint
flnely strained juice and four ounces
sugar. Chocolate —three ounces Baker's
chocolate, four ounces sugar melted in
four ounees water and flnely strained.
THKRK is but one way to cure bald
ness, am) that is by using CAKBOLINK,
a deodorized extract of Petroleum, the
natural hair grower. As recently Im
proved, It is the only dressing for the
hair that cultured people will use.
"WHAT," asks a communistic paper
"are kings good for ?" A man never
appreciates ilia real value of kings'until
the other tellow holds a pair of queens.
"I GUK.SH you must have been kissed
by all the pretty girls In the country,"
somebody remarked recently to Com
modore Nutt. "I guesß I have," he
replied; but It Isn't such fun as you
flilnk. It gets awfully tiresome." So
it does.
IT is said that a baby will cry no
harder if a pin is stuck into him than
he will if the cat won't let him pull her
tail. Itls therefore cheaper to pin
From the Chase County "Leader.**
COTTONWOOD, Chase Co., Kauaas
"An&kesis" is the name of a Pile Remedy
introduced in this section of the State upon
the recommendation of those who have tried
it, by W. W. Jones. William Barton says he
tried every remedy reoommended. but '-Ana
kesis" was the only oue that effected a perma
nent cure.
Samples of 'Auakesis" are sent free to all
sufferers on appli ation to "Auakeeis" Depot,
Box 8946, New York. Also sold by druggists
everyw here. Price 11.00 per box.
is a dry, vegetable compound of wonderful
eftieaey* in all diseases of the liver and kid
neys. Oue package makes six quarts of med
icine wbicb coutains no poisonous liquors,
being prepared in pure water.— ECHO.
A C A RD —To all who are suffering from the srrors
Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness early
decay- lore of mashoed. etc., 1 will send a Recipe
that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. Thle greet
remedy was discovered by s. mlel<>nary In south
America. 8' id a eelf a<idrease<l envelope to the ltev.
JOSEPH I I.NMAE. Station D. New fork City.
A Valuable Gift Free.
A book on the Liver, its diseasea and tbeir
treatment sent free. Including treatises upon
Liver Complaints, Torpid Liver, Jaundice,
Biliousness, Hi ad ache. Constipation, Dyspep
sia. Malaria, etc. Address Da Sanford, 102
Broadway, New York oity, N. Y.
The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.
Will send their oelebra'ed Electro Vol tale
Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days'a trial.
Speedy cures guaranteed They mean what
they aay. Write to them without delay.
Purifies the Blood,'' Renovates
and Invigorates the
Whole System.
All Writers, and Their Names are
Legion, Say that to Have
Good Health
Reader, Have Too Got Scrofula, Scrofu
lous Humor, Cancerous Humor,
Cancer, or any Disease
of the Blood ?
Ton Can Positively be Cnred.
Thousands of Testimo
nials Prove It-
Druggists, Chemists, Speak, Indorse and
Keoommend it as the Best and
Only Reliable
MONTREAL, Jan. 29, is so.
H. R. STKVKNS, ESQ.— Dear Sir: I do not like
to write testimonials for advertised medicines,
but ibe great enent that s-o many or my cus
tomer have obtained from the use of Vegetlne
compels me to say that with an experience of
over 26 years, both In Great Britain and this
counirv, I have never known such a useful
remedy placed before the public.
Assistant of the Apothecaries Company, Lon
don, M"tnb r of the Pharmaceutical Soc.etyof
Great Britain. Llcetnlate in Pharmacy of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Corner Notre Dame and McGlll streets.
Sold by all Druggists.
Patent Brokers' and Inventors'
Patent Rights sold at private Sale and by Public
Auction, Patents obtained and Searches made on
the Lowest Terms. Cerr.*poiidence solicited. 01-
cular* bent on application'.
WW. CRAWS HAW. Manager,
639 Arch Street, PHIL ADEIdPHI A.
ABIIIII Morphine HnbltCared In 10
llrlllM totiOdsys No pay till Cured.
WL IWF VI Da. J. STJFL*HKNT>, Lebanon, Ohio.
suited with spectacles, apply or
correspond to
DR. N. C. GRAY, Optician,
28 N. TWELFTH Street.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Wantal —Stone Indian Relics ploughed up in
vv dliiea, fields. Send description and price.
" RELIC," Lock Box 629, Pittsburgh, Pa.
AmsTR Great International Bibliopole, Bronson,
£sxflftMich., for any book- !<*• Ramp.
□ Constipation and Piles.
Dr. R. H.Clark, Booth Hero, VL. say*. "Incases I
m Of IthM acted liU icWm. It I
U has cured many vsrv bed oaaes of Iti**, and has F
■ new failed to act efficiently." M
Nelson Palrcldtd, of St. Albans, W, says. "It Is ■
J of nrtealsss Talus. After sixteen years of great H
■ suffering from Piles and OostlTmsss It oom- U
H pletoly cured ma" M
H CL a Efogabon, of Berkshire, says, "One pack- JB
hJ age has dous wonder* for ma la completely our- f
■ lag a sewe Uw and Kidney OompklnL*
i w £S!SFJ£ UL will i I
POWER. ■■■■■■
BMMM it Icti oa flu LITIS, tku BCWILI tad
the XIDKXT3 at tks uas tias.
ISOSUM it olMntsa tho system OF I
■ the poioonouo humors that develops H
J In Kidney and Urinary dlaoaaaa. Bit- Kg
I Jaundloo, Constipation, ■
I "'so, or in Bheumetlem, Neuralgia I
n * n< * nervous disorder*.
DDNKT-WOBT lender reeeUMe asm. I
U Onepaekige will make six qte of medietas. U
J BTBf It at the Dreggtaka. Prtee, 81.00. P
■ VILLI, BX6HASOSOV 100., rroprteten,
I Ift (Will sd post pais.) Barttagtoa, Tt. H
Appetite, refreshing sleep, the acquisition of flash
and color, are blessings attendant upon the repara
tive processes which this pricel-ss invigoi ant speed
lly initiate* and sarrlss t a suocessfql conclusion.
Digestion is restored and sustenance afford*' 4 to
sncb Ufa-sustaining organ by the Bitters which Is
inoffensive even to the femii lne palate, vegetable in
composition and thoroughly safe,
for aale by all Druggists and Dealers generally.
Kidney and Liver Medicine,
CUKES all Diseases of the Kidneys,
Liver, Bladder, and Urinary Organ*;
Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright'*
Disease, Pains In the Back,
Loins, or Side; Retention or
Nonretention of Urine,
Nervous Diseases, Female
Weaknesses, Excesses, Jaun
dice, Biliousness, Headache, Sour
Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation k Piles.
FAIL, SB it acts directly and at once on tho
Kidneys, Liver, and llotrrli, restoring them
to a healthy action. HI NT'S REMEDY is a
safe, sure and speedy cure, and hundreds have
been cured by it when physicians and friends
had given them up to die. Do not delay, try at
Send for pamphlet to f-
WM. E. CLARKE, Providence, R. I.
Prices, 75 cents and BI.SA. Large site
the cheapest. Ask your druggist for HUNT'S
REMEDY. Take no other.
TkelPurestand Beat Medicine ever Made. Sj
Acohmbtnatlon of Hop*, Buchu, Man-B
drakae*nd Dandelion, vdth all tho best andß
mostclurative properties of all other Bitters,B
makes\the greatest Blood Purifier, Llverfl
Regulmator.andlifeand Health Restoring!
No dlnrssr possibly long exist where Hopl
Bitters are variod and perfect are thrlrfl
To all whoa* •%Payment* cause irregularl I
ty of the bowels prgans, pr who r-B
quire aa Appetlae Tonic and mild Stimulant ,B
Hop Bitters are without In to I-1
icating. BMHA I
No matter whatyqurfeWeJings ° r rympaomsM
are what the disease or tIIWMDt Is use Hop B:t I
ters. Don't wait until you am slok hut if youß
only feel bad or miserable! use them at once B
It may save your kasß saved hundreds.■
8900 will be paid for a oal they will not!
cure or help. Do not suffer E orletyuur friendsß
suffer,but use and urge l,O u ' HO Hop B B
Remember. Hop Bitters Is noVj l * B ' d f a OT**lß
drunken nostrum, but the no Bcstj
Medicine ever made; the raißlD I
and HOrr- and no person or
should be without them, ■BBBBBIR
O.LC. IS an atosointe and irreeMble curel
forbrunkenese, use of opium, tobaooo and lIRH
narcotics. All sold by druggists. Send B
for Circular. Hep Bitten kfg. Oa.,
Rochester,N.Y and Toronto, Out.
I for cisterns or veeß* of sny depth.—
> Platn. Iron, Porcrain, or Copntr lintd.
J Brands. XC.H, XIX, UU, 680 I,
B, 88. H No. L For sale by tb*
Hardware trade, Count'y Stores, P Dip makers, eto.
flea that the Pump yon buy is stenciled
|k awm mm mm a. YEAR and expenses to *gt
(k / / / Outfit Free. Address P. 0.
W EMM VICKEBY, Augusta, Maine.
It Gives Butter the gilt-edged color fcheresrround. The larnit Batter Borers recommend Ite use.
Thousand* of Dairymen say IT IH PERFECT. Used by all the beat Creameries. Awarded the Inter,
national Dlplomakt N. T. Dairy Fair. Ask your drugftlstor merchantforlt; or write to ask what It la, whet
It costs, who naealt. where to pot It. WtLLg, RICHARDSON A CO.. Proprietor*, Barlhttw, yt.
C|)r. Pierce'* Golden Medical Discovery eures all Mansers, frcr the worst Barafld* to a
common |la|h, Pimple, or Empties, Erysipelas, Salt-rheam, Fever Eorea, Scaly or
Roach Skin, in abort diseases eansed bj baTbloqa, are conquered bp this powerful,
Reek, and Ealarced Glands*
If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, bare sallow eoler of shin, or yellowish-brow* spots
en face or body, frequent headache or disxiness, bad taste in mouth, Internal heat or cm Ills
alternated with hot flushes, iiTegular appetite, and tongue ooated, you are suffering fro*
Torpid Liver, or •• Biliousness." Aa a remedy for all auch cases Dr. Fisroe's Golds®
Medical Discovery has no equal, as It effects perfect and radical cures.
In the cure of Broaehftlii, Severe Coach*, Weak Lane*, and oarly stays* of COB*
saaiptloa, it has astonished the medioal faculty, and eminent pbyslolans pronouno* it the
greatest medioal disoovery of the ace. Sold by druggists.
Mo use of taking the large, repulsive, nauseous pill*.c These
yE/%, a Pellete (Little nils) are scarcely larger than aularS
JMr/? Being entirely vegetable, no particular ear* Is required
j? ULrVO A1 flu" while using them. Tney operate without disturbance to the
■RLDJmffc UTft.hVWfl l system, diet, or occupation. Tor Jaandlee, Headache,.
9A\ QUaTR Constipation, laspare Blood, Pala la the ■koaldero,
1 h\\w V Tightness of Cheat, Business, hoar Eructation# frona
itunseh, Bad Taste la Heath, Billoas attacks. Mala
QThm-Utxim OUnt Osthwtm. , f Kidneys, late rani Fever, Bloated BaUifl
cheat tMßSsht Bail of Hoodie Head, take Dr.Moree's Pleasaat rargatlve MMh
HM tncfiML f mm —rnun miwim
Welcome Chorus.
l*rftec 91.00, or 99.00 per Boson.
A grand good book , of 250 pages, well filled with
the best Part-Songs, a large collection of bacred
Music for practice, and opeulng aud closing exer
cises, aleo the eleu.euts, on anew plan. Specimen
oopies mailed, post-free, for fl.Utf.
Take with jrou to the Seaebore or the Mountains,
one of Ditscn A Go's splendid volumes ol Bound
Muslo. More tuaii thirty a.e published. Home of
them are-
Arthur Mulllvaa's Vocal Album 91.00
UensefKagllsh Moag. 08 bongs S.M
Ciena* efVermas Hong. 79 Bongs 9.00
Nnnshlne ofkoag. 08 Bongs... S.OO
OsauefStrauM. 811 >Valtze,Ac 9.00
f 'laster of Beau. 43 Pieces 9.00
Circle. Vol. 1. 17g Pieces 0
Drcnilt. Uk ' k i , ? r Sum®" THE MUSICAL
Which bring new music ertry week.
92.W per year.
Oliver Dltson & Co., Boston.
1. E. DITHOK A GO. 1228 Cheat not St.. Phlla.
ffl a I
fjk 41 RON BOTH WAYiS ljj
Send stamp for Catalogue.
RlAsa, Shot Guns. R.TOlrsrs. ssnt a o. d. tor rraiainatwa
Is (he Old Reliable Consent rated Lye for FAMILY
SOAP MAh ING. Directions accompany each ean
for making Hard, mfl and Tsllrt leap galohly.
It is lull weight and strength.
Those answering an Adeerasemant wxl
confer o mror upon the Advertlssr.and the
Publisher bystanng that they sew the adrer-
Hsameat In this lonraa Vnamlnc the paowl
Stnrlmt's Great Catarrh Remeiy
Is ths safest, most agreeable and effectual remedy In
the world for the core of CATARRH. No matter
from what oanee, or how long standing, by girtag
a fair and Impartial trial, yon will be eenrlneedof
this fact. Tbia imdicins ts very pleasant andean
be taken by the moat delicate stomach. For sale by
all Druggists, and by HOLLOWAY A C0.,2 Arch
Stresd. Philadelphia.
I Blind. Itching, or Ulcerated
I immediate railed, omes eanae
E of long tending in 1 week,
■ and ordinary osnas hstdaya
jyjyLy ciuffoii £uL peuow
mmr Ktu wrvUtd it * Haw • PiU mSMfmti and
Ztrfr. MilUruZmm*™, l+Um. * Sold
Cultivate all ths Farm Crop* In the Boat Manner t
Breed, Feed and Care for ©took- Grow Fruit. St ft raps
Farm£i:s:aee, Make Happy Homes, and
How to Mmlte IHoney en the Ferns.
Reerv Farmer should have a copy. 86© Pages,
140 Illustrations. Bepd for circulars to
. C. McCI'KDY CO.. Pb-i'4.'i c> hi*. Ph.
pAT)V DA n RKOEIPE (with fml
LjV/1 JL I ALr directions to make
one equal to thoee lor 92 to ft, tor one-third
lh money), and Keceipea for 30 kiode of Ink, at
colors,, 30 c• nts, by r-turn mall. Address
Q. BLEDSOE, P. M„ Alvarado, Texas.
Bnpertos' otlitrtud Mngle Breech-loading Shot
GOB at $l4 up. Double-barrel Breech loader* at •JD
UD. Mgule and Breeeb-loading Gun*. Btflee and
Pistols of most approved English and American
makes. All kinds or sporting implements and arti
cles required by sportsmen and gnn-makers. COLT'S
up—the best guns yet made fer the price. Price 01.
712 Market Street. Phil. Paa.,
Sr. Raiway's Sarsaparilllu Rostral
Be It Bsotsd In The Loagi or Stomach, Skit
or tfonas, flssh or Ksrm,
Chronic Rheumatism. Scrofula, Qlanduku
• tweuiiig, Hacking Dry cough, Cancerous Affeo
r tiona, hin tic Complal nw, Bleeding of ths
Lungs, Dyspepsia, Water Brash, Tic Ixdoreux,
white Swellings, Tumors, Uloers, Sxln and Hip
i Diseases, Mercurial Diseases, Female Oom
, plaints, Gout, Dropsy, Salt Rheum, Bronchitis,
, Consumption,
Liver Complaint, Ac.
Not only does ths BarsapcrUllan Resolvent
excel all remedial agents la the cureofOhrenlc.
Scrofulous. Constitutional and Skin Diseases,
but it la the only posture cure tor
Urinary sad Womb Diseases, OrarcL Diabetes,
Dropsy, stoppage of Water, Incontinence of
Urine, Brtghtv Dlsea'te, Albuatoßrts, and la all
eases where there are brick-dust depodts, or
the wster Is thick, cloud r, mixed with sub
stances like the white of an egg, or threads like
white silk, or there is s morbid, dark, bilious
appearance and white bone-dust deposits, and
when there Is a pricking, burning sensation
when passing water, and pain in tne small of
ths back and a one the loins. Bold by Drug
One bottle contains more of the settee princi
ples of Medicines than any other Preparation
Taken in Teaspoonful doses, while others re
quire fire or six tlmei as much.
Cures the Wsrst False la trans
One to Tweaty Mlaites,
Net One flew.
Radway's Ready Relief
It wss the first and Is the ONLY Pain Bemedj
that instantly stops the most excruciating
pains, allays Inflammation and. cures Congas
lions, whether of the lungs, Btorn aeh. Bowels
or other glands or organs, by erne application,
no matter how violent or excruciating the pen
the Rheumatic bed-rid ten, Infirm, Crippled
Nerrous. Neuralgic, or prostrated with dues*
may suffer.
Radwaj'a Ready Relief will AJ
ford lastaat Ease.
IslsasiNl— of tke Kldaers. ImDmam
mat lorn of the Bladder, lsflsaaatlei
of the Bevels, tesceetlea of CM*
Laags, Bore Throat, DIMeeU Breath
lug Pal pi tot 100 of the Heart, Hretsr
lee. Cross, Diphtheria. CMarrLji
Ssessa, Headache, Teothacho. Mm
ralgia. Bhemaaatlsm, Cold Cailla, Ags<
Chills, Chllhlalos and Frost Jlltse.
The application of ths Ready Relief to tin
part or parts where the pain or difficulty exlsu
will afford ea-e and comfort,
Thirty to sixty drops in half a tumbler ot
water win In a few moments cure Craaop-i
Spasms, sour Stomach, Heartburn, Blck Bead
ache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind In MM
Bowels, and all internal Paurn.
Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rad
way's Ready Relief with them, A few drops la
water will prevent sickness or pains from
change of water. It Is better than Preach
Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant.
FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents.
There Is not s remedial agent In this world that
will cure Fever and Ague and all other Malari
ous, Bilious, tcailet, Typnold, Yellow and other
fevers (aided by RAD w A Y*B r |LLt>) so quickly
per bottle.
Radway's Regulating Pills.
Perfect Purgatives, Soothing Apartamta.
Act Without Pain. Always MoMsblo
end Natural la their Operation.
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with
fweeyrum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and
RADWAY'S PILLS, for the curs of all Disorder!
Of the MomaohLlver, Mpirels. Rldoeys, Blad
der. Nervous Diseases, Headache. Constipation,
Uostlveneaa, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Rltous
ness. Fever. Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles,
and gll derangements of the I eternal Viscera
Warranted to effect a perfect ourh Purely
vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals ot
deleterious drugs.
tsrobserve the following symptoms resulting
from Diseases of the D Restive Organs; Consti
pation, inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood is
Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heart
burn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in
the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut
tering at the Heart, Choking or suffering Sen
sations when In a lying posture, Dimness of
vision. Dots or Webs Before (be sight, Fever ai-d
Dull pain in Che Head, Deficiency of Perspira
tion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain in
the side. chest. Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of
Heat, Burning in the rle-h.
A few doses of RADWAT*B PILLS win free the
system from all the above-named disorders.
Prlee,MOeats perßex.
We repeat that the reader must oensult our
books and papers on the subject of diseases and
their cure, among.which may be named t
"False and Tvae
"Radwy es Irritable Urethra.**
"Badway mm Serefnla,"
and others relating to different claaseo of Dis
Send a letter stamp to BAD WAT A CO..
Ha. 99 Warren, Car. Chare* It, Maw
IwiiiformaUon worth thousands wUI be sent
to you.
Fbere can be no better guarantee of the value
of Da. RADWAY'S old established R. R. R. RXMS-
Dins than the base and worthless Imitations ot
them, as there are False Resolvents, Reliefs
and Pills. Be sure and ask tor Radway's, and
see that the name "Radway" Is on what you
Embracing fall and authentic aoeeusta of every
nation of ancient and mddern timed; and [deluding a
hiatory of the rlee and of the Greek and Bomao
Empires, the middle agee, the crasadeo. the feudal
■ystem. the reformation, the discovery aad settle
ment of the New World, etc., etc.
It contains 679 fine historical enirravlnss, and is
the most eomplet# Hist pry of the W.rM orwpnb:
liehed. Send for spedimen pages and OXfra terms to
Agents. Address '
NATION ALI PUBLISHING CO.. Pfrfladotfhfr. fa.
travolinc in thiscount^,sayi^tha'mo
JF'or 50 Cents,
An addressed envalopo and a S cent stamp. I will
•ond a have Cars for Jealdi end Darma.
20 ss^!ifflizaP{t^Y&s;'Yr